Therefore, it
that open market systems are developed, subsidy is abolished and there is a proper market economy in all parts of southern Africa
että avoimia markkinajärjestelmiä kehitetään, valtionapua lakkautetaan ja kaikissa eteläisen Afrikan osissa on oikea markkinatalous .
Whether this is the case or not, it
to obtain copy planning permissions from the seller's solicitors prior to exchange of contracts
saada kopio suunnitteluluvista myyjän asianajajilta ennen sopimusten vaihtamista .
for harvest varies
sadonkorjuulle vaihtelee from year to year and from one plant to the next.
News of its loss disjointed German overall plans on the Left Bank at a most
The cost of online services is not considered to be a
in their use
niiden käytölle .
Notwithstanding the spread size, the
for any borrower
kaikille lainanottajille is fluctuations in LIBOR which determines most of a loan's interest cost.
in determining the growth in the present study
Määriteltäessä kasvua äskettäisessä tutkimuksessa are all external; none are intrinsic to the science itself.
Confidence has been the
in England's success
Englannin menestyksessä these past two years.
What happens in the next few days
Se, mitä seuraavien päivien aikana tapahtuu, to our success
onnistumisemme kannalta .
success factor
menestystekijä was the establishment of a close relationship with Geco-Prakla, ``he says.
are becoming
to aircraft maintenance operations
lentokoneiden huoltotoimenpiteiden kannalta, due to the shortfalls in trained and skilled staff experienced by the aviation world
koska koulutetun ja pätevän henkilöstön arvostus on heikentynyt ilmailualalla .
to the power which trade unions exercise in our society
ammattiliittojen voimalle yhteiskunnassamme is
their standing at law
niiden asema laissa .
to the final outcome of the painting
maalauksen lopputulokselle , watercolourists generally prefer high quality papers that will not yellow over time and minimise the original brilliance of the washes.
In frontier areas
to our ability to win access
kyvyllemme päästä sisään .
The first 24 hours
Ensimmäiset 24 tuntia . ”
He also challenged the central premise of the service chiefs' and Bevin's argument: the belief that
the Mediterranean
Välimeren alue to Britain s international position
Britannian kansainvälisen aseman kannalta .
It's important in small conferences where there are limited numbers moving slowly, but
for bigger events
suuremmissa tapahtumissa .
to the lives of the small creatures
Pienten olioiden elämän kannalta that the rock is returned precisely where it was found
että kivi palautetaan tarkalleen siihen, mistä se löytyi .
factor to have emerged from the recent research into language learning
tekijä, joka on ilmennyt viimeaikaisista kielen oppimista koskevista tutkimuksista, is not what language the learners are exposed to but what the learner does with the language.
That seemed the
When thinking about the bereaved, this is the sort of network of family and friends it
to identify and contact
tunnistaa ja ottaa siihen yhteyttä .
in the reproduction of poetry
runouden jäljittelyssä .
Job satisfaction is commonly a
in a decision not to aim high
päätöksessä olla pyrkimättä korkealle .
There's no use in running out of money at the
The royal colleges have a
in ensuring the maintenance of standards through these procedures.
So it
to insure your belongings from the outset
vakuuttaa matkatavarat heti .
that the police maintain `operational independence
että poliisi säilytti 'toiminnallisen itsenäisyyden ``.
that they don't feel drowsy
etteivät he tunne oloaan uneliaaksi -- it could cost them a fortune.
But I did know
such visits by hot directors
tällaiset suosittujen ohjaajien vierailut were
to actors, who worried constantly about their next job
näyttelijöille, jotka olivat jatkuvasti huolissaan seuraavasta työstään .
Acts I and III were found in 1984 but the
was missing until 1988 when it was discovered amongst some rubbish in the basement in a packet labelled `Ballet -- no use ``.
they build on a series of heart-warming displays since the Christmas break
että luodaan sarja sydäntä lämmittäviä esityksiä joulutaukoon mennessä .
when it comes to choosing your venue
kun kyseessä on tapahtumapaikan valinta .
the defendant's motive
vastaajan motiivin in cases where the act is not obviously indecent, in the sense that `right-minded persons ``would not unhesitatingly classify it as such
tapauksissa, joissa teko ei ole selvästi sopimaton siinä mielessä, että 'oikeamieliset henkilöt' eivät epäröimättä luokittelisi sitä sellaiseksi ?
The problem of the observer
Havainnoijan ongelma as it is in physics
kuin fysiikassakin .
In Chapter 3 the focus will be directed instead on
those contacts between the guberniia centres of Saratov and Samara and Moscow which
niihin sopimuksiin Saratovin, Samaran ja Moskovan kuvernementtien välillä, jotka for the alleviation of the famine conditions
nälänhädän lievittämisessä .
The resolution of these issues
Näiden ongelmien ratkaiseminen for the future of the Japanese car industry investment in Britain
Japanin autoteollisuuden Britanniaan tekemien investointien kannalta .
Access to computing and to the various archives and library facilities
Tietokoneen käyttö ja pääsy eri arkistoihin ja kirjaston palveluihin for researchers
tutkijoille .
for us to secure this contract
että varmistimme sopimuksen .
to those Britons who had now resolved to take up arms against Rome if necessary
niille brittiläisille, jotka olivat päättäneet tarttua aseisiin Roomaa vastaan tarvittaessa , but for the Druids it was now simply a matter of life or death.
Clearly the interrogator saw
Mr Graham's walking habits
herra Grahamin kävelytavan as
to the case
tapauksen kannalta .
the governors' role
kuvernöörin rooli because of their responsibility for the overall conduct and ethos of the school
koska hänellä on vastuu koulujen yleisestä hoidosta ja henkisestä ilmapiiristä .
After 1977 its brief was extended to include industrial, environmental and recreational projects -- a reflection of the white paper's suggestion that
economic decline
talouden heikentyminen to understanding the urban problem
kaupunkien ongelman ymmärtämiseksi .
Once the first and
has been taken of recognising that everyone needs help to handle what are very distressing events, the next step is to request and take advantage of all the support available.
The introductory sentences
Johdantolauseet , too,
in that they can mould and determine the reader's reception of an answer
koska ne voivat muovata ja määrittää lukijan suhtautumisen vastaukseen .
Despite its success, even
has suffered lots of setbacks.
To my mind,
the position of the local authority as relator
paikallisen viranomaisen asema ilmoituksen tekijänä of the present case
kyseisen tapauksen kannalta .
He took four of six rounds and yet without ever making his supporters believe that a
was on the cards.
In several towns and cities, indeed,
the attitude of the police
poliisin asenne proved
in tilting the issue one way or another
ihmisten kallistuessa asiassa jompaan kumpaan suuntaan .
The British government
Britannian hallitus took
to disrupt any threat from Sweden
estääkseen Ruotsista tulevia uhkia .
In the final and
Jan. 6 attack
6. tammikuuta tehdyssä hyökkäyksessä , 60 highly trained security troops abandoned the President, who then fled from the back of the building.
In 1800 Napoleon returned, winning the
battle of Marengo
Marengon taistelun to overthrow the Austrians yet again
kukistaakseen itävaltalaiset jälleen kerran .
OUTSIDERS Gothenburg hammered Dutch champions PSV to set up a
with favourites AC Milan
suosikkijoukkue AC Milanin kanssa for a place in the final
paikasta loppuottelussa .
Rumpf and Hepburn (1977) view the activity of the church during this period as
in limiting the appeal of socialism for the Irish subordinate classes until the 1950s
rajoitettaessa sosialismin vetovoimaa Irlannin alemmissa väestöluokissa 1950-luvulle saakka .
Even in a country such as Ivory Coast, generally regarded as in the capitalist camp, government has been the
not only as policymaker but also as holder of equity capital.
, their teenage stand-off, set up the
as Hull came from 7-4 behind in the closing minutes.
It is necessary, therefore, to point out that there does not seem to be any
todistusaineistoa in favour of the assertion
väitteen puolesta .
In an election for the leadership of the provincial Progressive Conservative Party (PCP) in Alberta on Dec. 5,
won a
second ballot victory
toisen äänestyksen with almost 60 per cent of the vote
saaden lähes 60 prosenttia äänistä .
Although Dibich failed to enter the Polish capital and the tsar became increasingly dissatisfied with him, three months after
Grochów Russian troops
Grochówin venäläiset joukot established a
at the battle of Ostroleka on the River Narew
Ostrolekan taistelussa Narew-joen varrella .
Rather than make a
, he played a double game.
The most important interview was with the 2ème Bureau, the Military branch of French Intelligence; it was
their opinion which
heidän mielipiteensä .
However, when music is written for a specific text, the maximum musical climax must be kept back for the
point in the words
sanojen olennaista merkitystä varten .
It is in this context that the dramatic growth of cooperation assumes
`That's right, ``the Corporal growled, not understanding the words but knowing very well
, `keep your face shut.
Having grasped the
koulutuksellisen of the manyattas
manyattojen , Windley cast around for ways in which they might be adapted for administrative purposes.
My hon. Friend, in his usual perceptive way, has put his finger precisely on the
of such proposals
kyseisten ehdotusten .
Hence, the leaden delivery of some Euro-platitudes, by a woman who really ought to be able to do a better job of reading other people's speeches after 40 years of doing little else, carries
than anything else that has been said about Europe since the election
kuin millään muulla, mitä Euroopasta on sanottu vaalien jälkeen .
Thus, Irish nationalism is conceived by most members in an abstract way, but
for key groups
tärkeimmille ryhmille .
In short, such propositions are not susceptible to a kind of analysis that might be applied, for example, to
universal propositions which
yleisiin väitteisiin, joilla have no
eksistentiaalista .
are still of
, with men deriding those in another division or section, bragging that their villains are the toughest or their section tasks more numerous and arduous.
the vast experience, stability and guidance to young colleagues that Hastings can impart
Hastingsin nuorille kollegoille tarjoamalla kattavalla kokemuksella, vakaudella ja opastuksella has to be of particular
to Scotland's 1993 efforts
Skotlannin vuoden 1993 pyrkimyksille .
Cases where the non-disclosure to the proper authority is illegal, as amounting to compounding a felony or a misdemeanour of
, or where the publication would constitute a public libel, are a fortiori.
was omnipotent and
in the fertilisation of the earth
maan hedelmöityksessä ,
having divinely bestowed the first rain
suotuaan jumalallisesti ensimmäisen sateen .
in a signal deliverance for his country
merkityksen tuottamisessa maalleen .
to that type of growth
Sentyypisen kasvun is
the company's penetration of the AS/400 and Unix markets
yrityksen vallatessa AS/400- ja Unix-markkinoita .
Piers Gaveston and his Gascon allies
Piers Gaveston ja hänen gascognelaiset liittolaisensa in arousing Albret's hostility
Albertin vihamielisyyden herättämisessä and the Despensers did little to achieve a reconciliation.
Välineellinen is the best known and most `orthodox ``Marxist interpretation (Gold et al.,
Purposive-rational or
välineellistä is governed by technical rules based on empirical knowledge that implies conditional predictions about observable events, physical or social.
These are his charm, his
välineellinen towards his own goodness, and his fundamental opacity of mind -- all characteristics which he shared with Gandhi to some degree.
The informant
tiedonantaja in the arrest of Carlos in August 1994
Carloksen pidätykseen elokuussa 1994 had participated in two bombings in the 1980s that wounded Americans in western Europe, the Times said.
in the salvage operation
pelastusoperaatioon was
Peter Frizzell, a B-24 operations expert from Gainesville, Florida
Peter Frizzell, B-24-toiminnan asantuntija Floridan Gainsvillestä, .
Among those filing were
outfielder Luis Polonia
takakenttäpelaaja Luis Polonia, ,
in Atlanta's drive to the World Series title
Atlantaa pyrkimään kohti maailmansarjan titteliä .
Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin, during a meeting Thursday, approved the resignation of another Cabinet member,
Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Shakhrai
varapääministeri Sergei Shakrain ,
was considered
olleen osallisena in Moscow's decision to launch the war in Chechnya
Moskovan päätökseen aloittaa sota Tsetseniassa .
Officials said Chiluba was expected to ward off a challenge from
former vice president Levy Mwanawasa, a lawyer
entisen varapresidentin Levy Mwanawasan, lakimiehen, joka instrumental
oli osallisena in Chiluba's 1991 victory, in Thursday's leadership vote
Chiluban voittoon vuonna 1991, torstain johtajuusäänestyksessä .
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) ---
A Cambodian journalist who
Kambodzalainen toimittaja, joka proved
in the government's decision to exile one of its most prominent critics
hallituksen päätökseen karkottaa yksi kuuluisimmista kriitikoistaan was fired Friday as leader of a journalists' organization.
His turnaround
Hänen muutoksensa to Inter's climb through the standings under English coach Roy Hodgson
Interin nousussa kohti pistetilaston kärkeä englantilaisen valmentajan Roy Hodgsonin alaisuudessa .
was a signatory to the American-brokered accord in Dayton, Ohio, and
to the peace process
rauhanprosessissa .
erittäin merkittävä in the success of the Yankess
Yankeesin menestykseen
during that time
sinä aikana .
Zabriskie, 57, the former chief of Upjohn
Zabriskie, 57, Upjohnin entinen johtaja ,
in the merger and has been based in London at company headquarters since then
fuusiossa ja on työskennellyt siitä lähtien Lontoossa yrityksen pääkonttorissa .
The failure of AZT is `disappointing ``, he says, but it reinforces `the
that AIDS can be prevented with the right precautions.
The reporting of environmental performance is, I believe, an
in the future development of the chemical industry
kemianteollisuuden tulevan kehityksen kannalta .
The researcher begins to build relationships with people, and certain individuals emerge as `
for the research
tutkimuksen .
By-products from the manufacturing processes of KP Foods and British Steel are
of a project pioneering environmental awareness in the north-east
projektissa, joka edistää ympäristötietoisuutta koillisessa .
for several reasons
monista syistä .
New products and increased marketing activity
Uudet tuotteet ja lisääntynyt markkinointiaktiivisuus to Waterford Crystal gaining market share at profitable margins
Waterford Crystalin pyrkiessä saamaan markkinaosuutta tuottavalla marginaalilla .
Management buy-outs in particular may lead to increases in efficiency by reducing the layers of administration and enabling
to be made by managers with industry-specific experience.
For example, it would be possible to simulate the effects of differing volumes of sales on
in a corporate plan
yrityssuunnitelman , such as production capacity, purchasing targets and manpower forecasts.
THE ability of St Mirren's young players to cope with pressure could be a
in their drive for promotion from the First Division
heidän pyrkiessään etenemään ensimmäiseen divisioonaan , according to manager Jimmy Bone.
Peer pressure was a
in understanding the problem
ongelman ymmärtämiseksi , he said.
during the campaign
kampanjan aikana was taxation.
Insignia Solutions Ltd, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, is poised to become a
in the evolving new power structure in the industry
alan kehittyvän energiarakenteen .
Only by explicitly modelling such differences can we treat the state in
of a mechanism by which conflicting interests are resolved in collective decisions
mekanismilla, jossa eturistiriidat ratkaistaan ryhmäpäätöksillä .
The men are now looking forward to Saturday when the first Challenger tanks arrive; it's these that'll play a
in any ground battles
mahdollisissa maataisteluissa, should war become unavoidable.
At the end of the
, the teacher assessment will be matched to the test results and the pupils awarded a level of attainment.
We have already seen the role that these organizations played at
As we know, exercise plays an important part in any diet/exercise routine, but the
is that all exercise is not the same.
Ribonucleotide reductase, a
in DNA synthesis
DNA-synteesin , catalyses the de novo production of deoxyribonucleotide precursors.
The annual Belfast Antiquarian and Second-hand Book Fair is now established as the
for book collectors from all over Ireland
koko Irlannin kirjankeräilijöille .
Most Peloponnesians probably welcomed the excuse for not sending
; they had never wanted to.
`You didn't drive down Mouncy Street from the
On Nov. 27 James Chin, head of WHO's AIDS forecasting unit, had warned that
would be the
cause of death among young women
kuolinsyy nuorten naisten keskuudessa in western Europe
Länsi-Euroopassa within a few years
muutaman vuoden kuluttua .
During office hours the
door of Moorlake House
Moorlake Housen pääovi was always left on the latch.
SMOKING has become the
health concern
terveysongelma , with a sharp rise in the number introducing policies to control smoking at work, a conference on the issue was told yesterday.
There are three
used in rainwater systems: round, square and `ogee ``.
However, he mistook certain war-time conditions in the
as being irreversible changes.
Agriculture was the backbone of the economy, employing over 80 per cent of the resident labour force; pastoral husbandry was the
, with wool and mohair the principal exports.
Family privacy was also increased by the provision of back stairs, so that the master of the house on
might not meet his `last night's faeces coming down them ``.
Shafts were dug along the line to depths calculated by the engineer and the
dug from the bottom of each shaft in the direction of the next one.
of Britain's exports -- it has become a
in world trade and international power-broking
maailmankaupassa ja kansainvälisessä vaikutusvallassa .
If price is not the
in the buyer's analysis
ostajan analyysissä , then marginal extra quality and delivery terms may prove the more attractive.
Since the commitment to a particular pathway occurs long before clear changes in shape emerge this can be a
to studying differentiation
tutkittaessa erottautumista .
Some of the sacked workers were delighted at news of the departure, saying it removed a
to settling the bitter five-month row
katkeran viiden kuukauden jonon selvittämisestä .
Exactly 12 months ago, local hero Doherty caused a
by edging the six-times world champion 5-4 to earn a semi-final place.
Probably a
for their intolerance
heidän suvaitsemattomuuteensa was that both, but especially Tolkien, had some idea of what genuine old paganism was like.
Indeed, it would be seen as a
of avoidable and illegal human suffering
ihmisten vältettävissä olevien ja laittomien kärsimysten .
Houphouët-Boigny carried out a
hallitusuudistuksen on Oct. 16, 1989
16. lokakuuta 1989 , reducing the size of the Cabinet from 39 to 29.
While they still have a special mission to serve the poor, they are the preferred setting for
medical care
terveydenhoitopalveluksi for the whole population
koko väestön .
could face
uudistuksia, after a 30-month investigation by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found the company guilty of distinctly unsporting behaviour
kun USA:n valtiollinen kauppakomissio (FTC) totesi 30 kuukauden tutkinnan jälkeen yrityksen syyllistyneen selvästi epäreiluun käytökseen .
of the development of the Campos Basin
Campos Basinin kehityksessä has made Brazil the third largest oil producer in South America at some 25 million tonnes.
The Eastern Area was a
with contracting losses and supply problems at Greenwich
Greenwichin sopimushäviöiden ja toimitusongelmien kannalta due to the new plant (now fully operational)
uuden tehtaan vuoksi (joka on nyt täysin toiminnassa) .
There were also queries over the battle-worthiness of aircraft and other
due to maintenance backlogs and shortages of spares.
The study reveals a fragmentary history of complex deposition and supports the hypothesis that there is
deposition on the shelf edge and slope
kerrostumista kallionkielekkeiden reunoissa ja rinteissä only during periods of maximum glacial advance across the shelf.
Twiggy was a
and women went around trying to look flat as boards.
Inspection has come in for much discussion today as a
part of the Bill
osana laskua .
Details of the proposals will be contained in a brochure, A Change for the Better, which Prof Anderson said would form part of a
consultation process
konsultointiprosessia with the public throughout the region
koko alueen yleisölle .
The Tribunal noted that Ulster Bank has committed itself to remaining the
for development of Information Technology
tietotekniikan kehityksen and notes the Bank's assurance that it will expand and improve the facilities.
Ancient sedimentary deposits which can not be readily disaggregated present
to the potential size-analyst
potentiaaliselle koon analysoijalle .
The success or failure of the England team
Englannin joukkueen menestyksestä tai epäonnistumisesta has become
to the financial health or sickness of the county clubs
paikallisten kerhojen taloudelliselle terveydelle tai epäterveydelle .
GPs occupy a
in relation to mental health
mielenterveyden kannalta .
He batted at the
position of number three
kolmannessa paikassa and fully justified the captain's faith in him.
Because of its
in sustaining the apartheid system
apartheid-järjestelmän ylläpitämisessä , education has always been a central political issue, and is perceived by all parties to the conflict as a terrain over which political struggle occurs.
And for many women, a
is the role of the phone.
Pierre Marie-Joseph Nizan was undoubtedly the
in Paul-Yves's formative years
Paul-Yvesin kehitysvuosiin .
Cardiotocography records
Kardiotokografiset tallenteet are carefully scrutinised and sometimes
in expensive legal actions
kalliissa oikeustoimenpiteissä .
In no field is this more obvious than in community care of frail elderly people, for
the coordination of services, some from different agencies,
palveluiden koordinointi, joskus eri toimistojen kautta, to their well-being
heidän hyvinvointinsa kannalta .
As well as failing to reward its rural working-class supporters, the Azaña coalition proved to have little to offer the large and
class of small tenant farmers
pienten maanvuokraajien luokalle .
In the latest twist in the
emulator market
emulaattorimarkkinoiden , SoftPC house Insignia Solutions Inc, Mountain View, California, has taken a 10% minority piece of Bristol Technology Inc.
There is no doubt that some
and remarkable
have been devoted to Modigliani.
It must be understood that engagement in those days was a
which involved a written contract of intent to marry and needed legal consent if the engagement was to be broken off.
that an area of tropical rainforest the size of 6 football pitches is destroyed every minute of the day.
If so, chances are
have a
drinking problem
alkoholiongelma , or may have one in the future.
Small cracks can be repaired with a leak sealant put into the feed-and-expansion cistern or with epoxy resin filler after draining down, but if
the radiator will have to be replaced (page 150).
Neither, at first, did the incoming administration foresee
the impact of rising unemployment
lisääntyvän työttömyyden vaikutusta ,
among the urban young
kaupungissa asuville nuorille .
In a large park, however, well away from any paths and children's play areas,
if your dog relieves itself.
There is little doubt that use of a full harness prevented
if not fatal
to the pilot.
This qualification
Tällä tutkinnolla has no
for present purposes
nykytarkoitusten kannalta .
of computers
Tietokoneiden is only one of a fascinating range of issues, technical and philosophical, that Al raises.
He has expressed scepticism about the
merkityksestä of linguistics
kielitieteen for language teaching
kieltenopetuksessa .
It now remains to ask whether there is any
in this hitherto unknown fact
tällä tähän saakka tuntemattomalla asialla .
I had hoped that there was some
in holding the debate in Advent
väittelyn järjestämisellä adventtina .
Fortunately, major contemporary building styles have been subject to detailed analysis in terms of
It is not easy to exaggerate
The recreation park application
Virkistyspuiston käytöllä is unlikely to have any
strategic planning
strategiselle suunnittelulle and therefore the Regional Council will not have any involvement in its consideration which will be a matter for the District Council.
Two quite directly opposing views on
merkityksestä prevail.
The layout of roads was a technical matter for surveyors and engineers, though
new highways
uusilla moottoriteillä had
kaupungin suunnittelussa .
If this was a genetic accident, then
in regard to unintentional evolution to homeothermy and great species longevity
tasalämpöisyyden tahattomalle evoluutiolle ja suurten lajien kestävyydelle .
As a profession we have undervalued the importance of nursing care both politically and clinically, and we should be more analytical and confident regarding
within the multidisciplinary team
monitieteellisessä tiimissä and its impact on patient care outcomes.
The main
here is that, even if a low percentage of records is hit in a run, blocking them together will increase this figure.
In this book Linda Sireling writes about
merkityksestä in Judaism
juutalaisuuteen , and in her life.
for human living
Ihmiselämän is that meaning is given to our lives through object relations.
He claimed that the
for the USSR
Neuvostoliiton had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States.
Meanwhile, his literary reputation continued to grow as later generations came to appreciate and reassess the
of his contribution to English literature
englantilaiselle kirjallisuudelle .
This has
for the authorities' ability to control the money supply
viranomaisten kyvylle hallita rahatoimituksia , as we shall see in section 9.1.
Now it is for real and, though the race will be staged on a parkland road rather than a track, Foster believes
for the rest of Cram's summer
Cramin loppukesään .
I'm not really sure why;
doesn't have any
`In some cultures
did not appear to hold any
because he merely said, `The name is Silas, Lucy.
She had a place in the scheme of things;
, even importance.
During the 1980's, a series of superb Peter King Quartets and Quintets emerged of
`It is ``, he said, `recognition of the
of the immense course of perestroika
perestroikan valtavien tapahtumien .
The fact that in many societies all three are illegal does not mean that
have a similar
social or historical
yhteiskunnallinen tai historiallinen .
is a matter of controversy.
with regard to some areas of sexual law which may need to be taken into account by social workers
joillakin sukupuolilain osa-alueilla, jotka sosiaalityöntekijöiden on ehkä otettava huomioon .
Ancillary consents
Liitännäisluvat are those which technically require formal consent but which the purchaser does not consider as
to the business
liiketoiminnan kannalta .
The new MOT exhaust emissions test, which was introduced only a few months ago, will also play a
in cleaning up the air.
These were the only elements on the council between which there is any contemporary suggestion of hostility and it
how evenly they were balanced on the commissions
miten tasapuolisesti niitä kohdeltiin komissiossa .
`When I estimate prices I look at how important the costume or prop was in the film, and
We feel
as we have not as yet really `advertised ``the Centre because we felt we had no real permanence of venue.
This argument suggests that
support between siblings
sisarusten välisestä tuesta for the ethnic minority British population
Britannian väestön etniselle vähemmistölle in the future.
for that reason
siitä syystä : the Council's resolve to condemn mass destruction in modern war is shown to be all the more strong.
These movements
Nämä suuntaukset for an understanding of Sisley's work
Sisleyn työn ymmärtämiseksi .
Thus book is an attempt to look at some of the things that go on when people face a loss of
someone or something
jonkun tai jotakin .
It is difficult now to imagine this square without the powerful bronze of Jan Hus gazing upon his church with his followers holding
the chalice which
ehtoollismaljaa, joka in his religious arguments
hänen uskonnollisissa perusteluissaan (see p. 6).
More generally,
family businesses
perheyritykset still
in the British economy
Britannian taloudelle than is often supposed
kuin usein oletetaan (Scott, 1986) although participation in a family firm does not necessarily imply pooling living expenses.
The differences between c, o, and e are subtle, but
Whether or not there has been any history of violence,
the association between the past and the present
menneisyyttä ja tulevaisuutta koskevien yhteyksien is bound
in understanding present abuse within the family
jotta ymmärretään perheessä tapahtuvaa pahoinpitelyä .
Should voters behave in this fashion,
the contents of the Opposition's election manifesto
opposition vaalimanifestin sisällöstä in deciding the result
tuloksia päätettäessä .
The subject of the degree
Tutkinnon aihe in securing a job
työn varmistamisen kannalta as you might think
kuin ehkä ajattelet .
I would urge Reed to think again as wholesalers are a
for effective modern bookselling
nykyistä tehokasta kirjojen myyntiä .
For over five million passengers, Aurigny has become part of their holiday memories or a
with the outside world
ulkopuoliseen maailmaan .
The rate of heart contractions increases in an attempt to preserve blood flow to the
In stressing the importance of the norm, Foucault is pinpointing a
of social regulation
yhteiskunnallisen säätelyn , though his comments are not new.
Like the town hall, the central library, the cathedral, the station is one of the nodal points of the community, a
in its public consciousness
sen julkisessa tietoisuudessa .
Once marriage had been entered into, the home became an even more
in the desired way of life
halutussa elämäntyylissä .
At seven, this was a
Defence is a major user of scarce resources, involving
to our survival
selviytymisemme kannalta -- and yet it is a relatively under-researched field.
However, it
that the importance of a disciplined approach to management information and the necessary action which follows, is instilled and regularly reinforced from the top
että kurinalaisen lähestymistavan tärkeys tietojenhallinnassa ja sitä seuraavat tarvittavat toimenpiteet juurrutetaan ja niitä vahvistetaan säännöllisesti ylhäältä päin .
The guide, which costs £5, plus 50 p postage, describes in detail how to set up and run a successful after-school and holiday care scheme, plus
information such as basic legal requirements
tietoja, kuten lain perusvaatimukset .
The concepts involved
Kyseisiä konsepteja than to those areas where girls do relatively well
kuin alueita, joilla tytöt pärjäävät suhteellisen hyvin .
`It was a
on a day when we needed all 13 players
päivänä, jolloin tarvitsimme kaikkia 13 pelaajaamme .
Project Engineering play a
in £4m investment
4 miljoonan punnan investoinnissa
For difficult but
, a disposable $1m Tomahawk is a cheap alternative to a bomber and its crew.