Luokka:Possible Turkic loans
In preparation
This class will include discussions on tentative Proto-Ugric etymologies for which Turkic loan etymologies have been suggested. Also Hungarian words with competing Turkic and Ugric etymologies will be included here. At the present point this is not meant to be a complete list of all early Turkic loans of Hungarian but only those etymologies that have relevance for the questions of Ugric etymological problems will be discussed here.
Sivut, jotka ovat luokassa ”Possible Turkic loans”
Seuraavat 16 sivua kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Sivujen kokonaismäärä luokassa on 16.
- Hungarian Historical Phonology gyermek
- Hungarian Historical Phonology hattyú
- Hungarian Historical Phonology herjó
- Hungarian Historical Phonology hód
- Hungarian Historical Phonology jár
- Hungarian Historical Phonology orvos
- Hungarian Historical Phonology sajt
- Hungarian Historical Phonology sok
- Hungarian Historical Phonology szűz
- Hungarian Historical Phonology süly
- Hungarian Historical Phonology tojik
- Hungarian Historical Phonology táltos
- Hungarian Historical Phonology ég
- Hungarian Historical Phonology ék
- Hungarian Historical Phonology ír
- Hungarian Historical Phonology óv