Siirry sisältöön

Hungarian Historical Phonology tojik


tojik 'lay eggs'

First attestation/Old Hungarian data


Important dialectal forms


Uralic/Ugric/Pre-Hungarian reconstruction


UEW: *toγe- ‘bring, carry, give; bringen, holen, geben‘

Loan etymology

Hu ← West Old Turkic WOT *tuγ-, toγ-, cf. East Old Turkic tug-, tog- ‘to be born’ (WOT: 911–914)

Cognates suggested in earlier research

See YSuS too-


The competing Uralic and Turkic etymologies are presented in most sources (see WOT for research history of the Turkic etymology, first suggested by Vambéry in 1870). Hungarian tojik could be explained as a West Old Turkic loan without any phonological or semantic problems. WOT notes that semantically the Uralic etymology is difficult, whereas the meanings 'give birth' and 'lay eggs' are attested among the reflexes of the suggested Turkic source *tuγ-, toγ-. MSzFE notes that v (rather than j) is usually the hiatus-filler in Hungarian after the loss of Uralic γ.


The Turkic loan etymology is more convincing.


EWUng: 1524–61525, s.v. tojik: PFU or ← Turkic

Honti 2017: 67–69

MSzFE: 635–636: PFU or ← Turkic

UEW s.v. toγe-: ? PFU Uralonet

Róna-Tas 2017: 57

WOT: 911–914