Parents would not see their children for most of the day, and when they finished
they would be too tired for much except rest.
When we began
on the secondary stages
toisen asteen parissa we considered whether to add a fourth profile component, knowledge about language, but we rejected this plan for two reasons.
These were the prevailing attitudes towards teaching Art in colleges and most schools at the time Basil, and later Rosemary Rocke, commenced
in the West Riding of Yorkshire
Yorkshiren West Ridingissa .
We worked on gut feeling and it was very difficult to control and manage all the
because of the technology involved.
gone to waste!
They require some
but are generally easier than the cube, though some have many more positions.
This is due to many factors, one of the more obvious of which is that the cumulative physical demands of
may well affect the worker's health.
He has all but given up
But at that time, too, women who reached their mid-forties were frequently exhausted by constant child-bearing and
Jean Stanier (Mrs Velecky) gave up
when her son was born in 1966.
Economic growth is created by
, ingenuity, thrift and willingness to take risks.
, ample food and a neat change of clothes into the bargain.
Both are based on
on Kayak Control coaching
kajakin ohjauksen valmennuksessa .
Elected local government enables `ordinary ``people to participate in the
without the disruption to their careers and domestic life that national office usually involves.
Exacting specifications were then provided for firms who offered to tender for the
of dismantling and rebuilding
purku- ja uudelleenrakennus- .
termodynaamista to make lipids
lipidien valmistamiseksi , which spontaneously form a low-energy structure, the membrane.
While this work generally does not involve assessing specific ongoing programs, it may use data from
for comparative or baseline purposes.
One day during a university English class, a very discomfited student, after
huomiota herättävän , handed a colleague of mine a scrap of paper.
to Restore the Divine Order
jumalaisen järjestyksen palauttamiseksi
have done some
However, significant integration and
remains to be done in this area of the state.
Zoning Enforcement Officer Ron Discher reported that
has stopped
on the paddock, an enclosed area where horses can graze and be mounted
aitauksessa, joka on suljettu alue hevosten laiduntamista ja ratsastamista varten .
Walker thought the goal of this recommendation was to de-emphasize
and to emphasize pursuing work using available interventions.
Walker thought the goal of this recommendation was to de-emphasize fine-grained, developmental work and to emphasize pursuing
using available interventions
käytössä olevien interventioiden avulla .
The life-changing experiences that are made possible because of
YMCA International
YMCA Internationalin will remain with the youth and adults who participate for a lifetime!
The 1835 white clapboard lighthouse here has been restored with a jolly red-and-white striped dome, while
a less-attractive modern concrete tower
vähemmän viehättävä nykyaikainen betonitorni does all the
The AG thanked Mr. (formerly Colonel) Oliver South for
in apprehending ``this white-hating, cop-maiming monster.
tämän "valkoisia vihaavan, poliiseja vammauttavan hirviön" pidättämisessä
In a real biosphere, the linking of exergonic to endergonic reactions by which
termodynaamista is done
to build up complex organization
monimutkaisen organisaation rakentamiseksi {{{1}}}
This is essentially a make-work scheme:
do the
of putting the address on each piece
laittamalla osoitteen jokaiseen kappaleeseen and the Postal Service does the extra work of arranging these pieces in delivery order.
GAO's congressional policies and protocols apply to all
tutkimuksiin liittyvään conducted
by the Office of Special Investigations
Office of Special Investigations unless an exception is specified herein or noted in advance.
Figure 2 shows a
flow schematic for this study.
It sometimes takes
to construct constraints
rajoitteiden rakentamiseksi , and it takes constraints to get work.
For additional information on
concerning corporate governance
yrityksen hallintotavan parissa , the accounting profession, financial reporting, and related regulatory matters, please contact Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, Managing Director, Financial Management and Assurance, on (202) 512-2600 or at SteinhoffJ @ gao .gov.
on the project
projektin parissa in January 1971
tammikuussa 1971 ; in May 1972 the proposal was sent to the CNAA; it was approved after a one-day visit in November 1972 and the first intake arrived in the autumn of 1973.
on the theory that heat and digestive enzymes are necessary for the production of the substances which are active in promoting health
teoriaa lämmön ja ruuansulatusentsyymien tarpeellisuudesta sellaisten aineiden syntyyn, jotka edistävät aktiivisesti terveyttä .
As the teachers all had full-time commitments outside the project, they were only able to meet when
on the project
projektin parissa .
tiedemiehet, jotka at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford
John Radcliffen sairaalassa Oxfordissa, believe they've made a significant discovery in how asthma is passed down the family tree.
By the mid-1980s
tiedemiehet, jotka on the problem
ongelman parissa were sufficiently sure about the amount of helium in the universe to say that there were probably only three types of neutrino, and thus only three generations.
on a new Poizone range
uuden Poizonen alueen parissa .
You went into the 6th form or to college and
to complete the team
tiimin täydentämiseksi , ``said Louis yesterday.
All the young medics
Kaikki nuoret lääketieteen opiskelijat in the blister bunker
kuplabunkkerissa .
At the moment I never feel
I did it, though I vowed
Unix System Laboratories Inc
Unix System Laboratories Inc towards a schedule that will have its distributed system management scheme out before the Open Software Foundation's rival Distributed Management Environment
sellaisella aikataululla, että se saa jakelujärjestelmien johtokaavion ulos ennen kuin Open Software Foundationin kilpailija Distributed Management Environment .
towards a degree or diploma
tutkinnon tai todistuksen saamiseksi over a period of years
useamman vuoden ajan -- or choose single courses lasting a few weeks or months, from an enormous list of topics ranging from childcare to computer science.
and planned
towards this dual-presidency
tämän kaksoisjohtajuuden vuoksi .
Microsoft said that
with the European manufacturers
to combine its operating system with the existing hardware architecture of each
yhdistääkseen käyttöjärjestelmät olemassa oleviin laitteistoarkkitehtuureihin .
I find myself alone with
the steward who
stuertin kanssa, joka tells me
on this line
tällä reitillä for the past twenty-five years
yli kahdenkymmenen vuoden ajan .
had plenty of space
at his drawing
piirustuksensa parissa and to study.
on the gantry
nosturitelineellä when it fell from beneath the Severn Bridge in September 1990
, kun se putosi Severnin sillan alla syyskuussa 1990 .
, hardly ever looking up.
I made a new distinction between measurements the demon might make that reveal features of nonequilibrium systems that can be used to extract work, and measurements he might make of the nonequilibrium system that can not be used to extract
Summation of the individual student assessments, according to groups with different motivation as, for example,
on an undergraduate research project
alinta tutkintoa edeltävässä tutkimusprojektissa , enabled the effect of motivation on performance to be studied.