The questions, listed for today in the Commons order paper, ask whether the fraud squad had the copy, if any
had been taken against any officer and whether criminal inquiries are being pursued.
Rail staff face
as Clapham report criticises BR.
The New Statesman Society was concerned about the `relative leniency of the GMC's
Any internal
to contain such an account is much less likely to become of public concern in the way that the Clive Ponting or the Cathy Massiter prosecutions became notorious causes célèbres.
Kelly will be banned for either one or two Anglo-Italian matches, but there will be no
Another somewhat later group involved the clergy: penalties or
to which the clergy were subjected had to be preceded by notice and a hearing.
for a little while
vähän aikaa as they thought best
niin kuin he parhaaksi katsoivat ; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.
Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but
for our good
omaksi parhaaksemme ,
that we may share in his holiness
jotta voimme jakaa hänen pyhyytensä .
Horrified by the obstructionism of his superiors and unable to make progress, Schiller leaked information to the press and helped fortify the outside criticism, though
his superiors
hänen esimiehensä decided not
In W. L. Warren's words, ``
had adopted the tactic of trying
by keeping him in uncertainty
pitämällä hänet epävarmuudessa and had then become caught in the toils of his own deviousness.
Grace had been brought up in a very religious household and
maintained strict standards for herself but, she says, `was not allowed to check or
in any way
millään tavalla ``.
are entitled to
in respect of conduct while out of school, such as on a school trip or bullying out of school where a pupil's conduct `impinges on the school ``
heidän koulun ulkopuolisen käytöksensä perusteella, esimerkiksi kouluretkellä tai jos oppilas kiusaa toista koulun ulkopuolella siten, että oppilaan käytös "vaikuttaa haitallisesti kouluun" .
But if and when a bid comes
are likelier to use it as a stimulus to change or
the incumbent management
istuvaa johtoa rather than selling out.
And it adds to the sanctions the Council may take — positioning of judgements in offending papers; a privacy hot line; and, more controversially, hauling in
It is
the policies of successive governments
peräkkäisten hallitusten politiikasta, .
Disobedient dogs
Tottelemattomia koiria consistently
johdonmukaisesti by voice command and direct stare
puhekäskyillä ja suoralla katseella .
During the course of their upbringing
Kotikasvatuksensa aikana ,
by parents or child-minders
vanhemmat tai lastenhoitajat when they play with their penis
jos he leikkivät peniksellään .
Sergeant Long
kersantti Longia by chief officers
Ylemmät upseerit .
by Howard Kendall
Howard Kendall following his outburst against both manager and team-mates
kun hän oli raivostunut sekä joukkueenjohtajalle että joukkuetovereilleen , reported in Saturday's Daily Post.
The inquiry recommended
10 officials
kymmentä virkamiestä .
for using racialist language
rasistisesta kielenkäytöstä ?
by his father
hänen isänsä ?
Yet this is how crying in infants is sometimes interpreted: the child is being naughty; naughtiness is punished; smacking is
; so I smack my baby.
WHAT a ridiculous idea
to be fined or
for the bad behaviour of their children
lastensa huonosta käytöksestä .
led Linkworth to the hanging-shed
for his crime
hänen rikoksestaan .
Nor let
with loss of rhyme
riimien menettämisellä ,
As God's ultimate judgement
the evil forces
pahoja voimia by annihilating them
hävittämällä ne .
It had been Dalrymple's idea to require the clan chiefs to take the oath of allegiance and it became obvious that
had hoped for an opportunity
as an example to the others
esimerkkinä muille .
The Queen Galadriel of Lothlorien gives Sam seeds for the remaking of the Shire and
the tree creatures the Ents
enteiksi kutsutut puuolennot because of the destruction he has caused
hänen aiheuttamansa hävityksen johdosta .
Some parents
Jotkut vanhemmat set about
undesirable behaviour
ei-toivottua käytöstä without paying attention to the needs and `messages ``that lie behind it
kiinnittämättä huomiota tarpeisiin ja "viesteihin" sen takana .
Do not attempt
for not making adequate progress
ettet ole edistynyt tarpeeksi .
But here too there may well be a democracy bonus, as politicians of all the big parties try to make the system work, knowing that
will be quick
was caught and
several times,
once being imprisoned beneath the earth's surface where he shook so violently that the world trembled
kun hänet oli vangittu maanpinnan alapuolelle, missä hän tärisi niin voimakkaasti, että maailma tärähteli .
It was different from the Christian story in being about
a race which
rodusta, jota by death, rather by weariness of life (see especially Letters, p. 236)
kuolemalla vaan elämän ikävystyttävyydellä (katso erityisesti Kirjeet, s. 236) .
by his father
Hänen isänsä for sitting quietly watching television
siitä, että hän istuu hiljaa katsomassa televisiota .
Other people had it,
could be blamed and
with impunity
ilman, että tästä seurasi rangaistusta .
I love those who love me, and I hate
epäoikeudenmukaisesti .
I want you to know that
those who do evil
pahantekijöitä .
I would rather be here at Wuthering Heights with her, even if
by Joseph and that wicked Hindley
Joseph ja se ilkeä Hindley , than at Thrushcross Grange with those two fools!
is saved from his sin by his own earlier repeated acts of forgiveness to Gollum, but in a sense
by the loss of his finger
menettämällä sormensa .
Many locals admit that justice in this society is often handled on a summary basis, with
by traditional methods, including beatings and mutilation
perinteisin keinoin, esimerkiksi pahoinpitelyillä ja silpomisella .
tämän seurauksena for this action
tästä teosta .
for disobedience
tottelemattomuudesta .
Yet in most of the cases they present,
the hoaxer
huijauksen tekijä was found out within a few years and
with significant disgrace
huomattavalla häpeällä .
a barren woman
hedelmätön nainen is a potential witch and
with low status and harsh treatment
alhaisella statuksella ja karulla kohtelulla .
There were no champions to fight their cause, so Celie, her friends and family could not show their anger openly in case
for speaking out
suoraan puhumisesta .
Thus was
for wanting to go to these places, which I knew to be prisons for God
siitä, että halusin mennä näihin paikkoihin, joiden tiesin olevan Jumalan vankiloita .
All in all,
on twenty-seven occasions
27 kertaa , an average of once for each year he had spent in the force.
`The public wants to see
those who have committed crimes
että niitä, jotka ovat syyllistyneet rikoksiin, in a visible way
näkyvällä tavalla .
`Well, how
the Caliph of Egypt
Egyptin kalifi in such a way
sellaisella tavalla anybody who transgressed his command
henkilöä, joka rikkoo hänen komentoaan vastaan .
by behaving this way
käyttäytymällä tällä tavoin ?
Charles the Bald
Charles Kalju could warn or
by leaving a trail of havoc along his line of march
jättämällä hävitystä joukkojensa jäljille .
Clean up first,
Some parents
Jotkut vanhemmat separate the children and
when they do not know what has happened
kun he eivät tiedä, mitä on tapahtunut .
Sadly, so many dogs seem to end up in classes run by loud, aggressive people, where
are yanked cruelly on choke chains and
if they don't do as they're told
jos ne eivät tee niin kuin käsketään .
's willing
for property crime
omaisuusrikoksesta was
rangaistuksensa for escaping
pakenemisesta was light.
We have judges to decide
rangaistuksista , and we have a large army, which can not be defeated by any other in the world.
The judge postponed sentencing for pyschiatric reports but warned the normal
for attempted robbery
ryöstön yrityksestä was
at least 7 years in prison
oli vähintään seitsemän vuotta vankilaa .
There was, then, famine in 805 itself; surely
AI now opposes
house demolition
edustajainhuoneen hajottamista as a
rankaisukeinona of political opponents
poliittisten vastustajien .
To abuse it, by sending false information
Sen väärinkäyttö virheellisiä tietoja lähettämällä , is usually regarded as wrong, and can, in certain circumstances, incur the
of imprisonment or a fine
vankeutta tai sakko .
rangaistuksemme for attempting to paddle on a Sunday
siitä, että yritimme meloa sunnuntaina ?
The joyless cynicism, vicious cruelty, and ugly surroundings of his new life
Hänen uuden elämänsä iloton kyynisyys, häikäilemätön julmuus ja ruma ympäristö punishment
rangaistuksensa for living so long in foolish illusion
siitä, että hän oli elänyt niin kauan typerän harhan vallassa .
I remember he sentenced Julie (Burchill)
to review Gilbert O'Sullivan in Croydon
arvostelemaan Gilbert O'Sullivanin Croydonissa as a
for taking amphetamines in the office
amfetamiinin ottamisesta työpaikalla .
for killing the king's deer
kuninkaan hirvien tappamisesta were severe.
after their managing director, Ken Wheldon, allegedly sold tickets before the trouble-torn match at Blackpool
kun sen toimitusjohtaja Ken Wheldon väitetysti myi lippuja ennen vaikeuksien täyteistä ottelua Blackpoolissa .
Of course, to a limited extent it already
has -- via the Education (No. 2) Act 1986, which has banned
on – vuoden 1986 koulutuslaki nro 2:n mukaan, joka on kieltänyt in state schools.
In three days Reldresal will be sent to explain
to you.
Only those advocating acts of violent sedition
Vain ne, jotka kannattavat väkivaltaista kansankiihotusta would be liable for
under the criminal code.
Her time in custody was the equivalent of a one-month prison sentence and
had also had the
of spending three weeks at the probation hostel
viettää kolme viikkoa koeaika-asuntolassa , he added.
should not receive
for not being overjoyed at being told off
siitä, ettei ollut pakahtua riemusta nuhteet saatuaan .
District courts
Piirioikeuksilla had the power to inflict
rangaistukseksi of up to one year in prison, fifty lashes, a fine of one hundred pounds, or any two of the above
enintään vuosi vankeutta, viisikymmentä raipaniskua, sadan punnan sakko tai kaksi edellä mainituista .
To the mediaeval mind,
was a direct result of, and
for, unacknowledged or unrepented sin
synnistä, jota ihminen ei tiedostanut tai katunut .
, and reduction in,
exactly parallels the internal punitive and self-depreciating tendencies found in clinical depression and, to a much lesser extent, in normal mourning.
non-receipt of the medals and a disrepute charge
mitalien epääminen ja maineen menetys .
We shall, therefore, focus on the question of the credibility of the threat that
the non-deviating firms
ei-poikkeavat firmat will actually carry out the
Edwards, who ran despite a knee ligament injury during his successful record attempt, admits he does not like to dwell on the
rangaistusta, jota is inflicting
This perfect plant habitat will further be strong enough to withstand the
by the weather and by the animals and machines that harvest the crops it bears
sään, eläinten ja sen satoja korjaavien koneiden .
It was forbidden to punish children by confinement during the night, and
was not inflicted except
for boys under the age of fourteen
alle 14-vuotiaille pojille (and then at least two officers were to be present).
may be considered
for neglect of certain taboos
tiettyjen tabujen rikkomisesta .
A general point is that
is inflicted
for breaches of the law
lain rikkomisesta .
She took the
meted out
without a murmur.
is, in the Genesis text, the
on Ensimmäisen Mooseksen kirjan tekstissä meted out
Don't worry, Robyn;
, of a certain kind, meted out
in a special way
erityisellä tavalla , can be
quite enjoyable
varsin nautinnollinen ; I promise it won't be painful.
took the
meted out to her
without a murmur
hiiskumatta .
any positive changes
kaikki positiiviset muutokset by expressing satisfaction and by indicating their potential long-term benefits
ilmaisemalla tyytyväisyyttä ja osoittamalla niiden mahdolliset pitkäaikaiset hyödyt .
I know how it amuses
by handfuls; how he likes to make a test of friends.
Many experts advocate
for good behaviour
hyvästä käytöksestä , but Deborah Jackson has a dim view of this.
The idea of
for his prowess
kyvykkyydestään with a real lunch somewhere
oikealla lounaalla jossakin acted as a spur to Jasper, but he did not really need a spur.
with a cool smile
viileällä hymyllä, as they entered the pub
kun he astuivat pubiin , and gestured towards a table.
Ordinary citizens tolerated corruption when times were good and when
with cheap food, services and petrol
halvalla ruualla, palveluilla ja bensiinillä .
Still, it's no way
by nicking her collar
vohkimalla hänen kauluksensa .
Traditionally, frequent Cabinet reshuffles provided the means through which
LDP faction leaders
LDP:n siiven johtajat the loyalty of their members
jäsentensä uskollisuuden by securing periods in office for them
varmistamalla heille virkakausia .
And, lastly, the definition of rules for housework establishes a mechanism whereby the
for doing it
sen tekemisestä .
For example,
for staying with you in the supermarket
siitä, että hän pysyy mukanasi supermarketissa, by buying a small treat as you leave
ostamalla pienen yllätyksen lähtiessänne .
for your success
menestyksestäsi ?
We can help you devise the scheme you need to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way,
your employees
työntekijöidesi without overstraining your cashflow or profits
ilman, että se kuormittaa liikaa kassavirtaasi tai voittojasi , and our specialists will come and explain everything to your employees.
Variations on this theme may be acceptable provided that
for not waiting or wetting
siitä, että hän ei odota tai on kastelematta .
A NEW awards ceremony in Middlesbrough
UUSI palkintojenjakoseremonia Middlesbroughissa gardeners, allotment holders and businesses who brighten up the town
puutarhureita, puutarhapalstojen vuokraajia ja liikeyrityksiä, jotka elävöittävät kaupunkia .
influence the behaviour of their team members by
Nicholas said, `
For what you are doing
siitä, mitä teet , I hope
God or Allah
Jumala tai Allah .
Dear brother, let me out of this awful place and
the blessed Virgin
Pyhä Neitsyt .
by achieving these objectives
näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta and motivation is enhanced.
As a result,
ammattilaiset .
the same Syrian regime
sama Syyrian hallinto with millions of dollars worth of arms credits and a go-ahead from the White House to pursue its colonial aims in Lebanon
miljoonien dollarien asekrediiteillä, ja Valkoinen talo näytti vihreää valoa sen siirtomaatavoitteiden ajamiselle Libanonissa .
It is also very important for
when you have had some success
kun olet saavuttanut menestystä .
for their business skills
with attention and praise
huomiolla ja kehuilla all instances of the child's complying with requests
aina, kun hän noudattaa pyyntöjä .
The point is this: such
petomaiset henget were sent on mischievous and often malicious errands by the witch and
with drops of the witch's own blood
noidan omilla veripisaroilla .
No undue force was necessary, and
with TLC and a tit-bit
rakkaudella, huolenpidolla ja herkkupalalla .
are encouraged to use it,
and disapproved of as `unfeminine ``if they fail to use it.
These kind of skills
Tällaisia tietoja in school, where memory is more important, or at the lower levels of organisation
koulussa, jossa muisti on tärkeämpää, tai organisaation alemmilla tasolla .
Such talent as Kim had should be harnessed,
, or destroyed, lest they destroy you.