couldn't afford
, ``he said, `so I put up my own, with bamboo.
can actually repair or
feathers, at least primary and secondary ones (the larger wing and tail feathers
ainakin ensisijaiset ja toissijaiset höyhenet (suuret siipi- ja pyrstösulat) ),
by some very ingenious methods
eräillä nokkelilla tavoilla .
in all
after that disaster
tämän onnettomuuden jälkeen .
The WS286 was a nice machine that served me until September last year when, sadly,
to make more room on my desk
saadakseni lisää tilaa työpöydälleni .
At his two shops in Reigate, Surrey, and Beckenham, Kent
Kahdessa liikkeessään, jotka sijaitsivat Surreyn Reigatessa ja Kentin Beckenhamissa ,
has had
full-time staff
kokopäiväiset työntekijät with part-timers
osa-aikaisilla and made a manageress redundant last year.
Let's have
social workers
sosiaalityöntekijät and solve the problem once an for all.
A report as long ago as 1975 found that
more than two-thirds of Yorkshire's water mains
yli kaksi kolmasosaa Yorkshiren päävesijohdoista needed
mainly because of corrosion
pääosin ruosteen takia .
every day.
This means
the damaged areas
vahingoittuneet alueet with new skin
uudella iholla , and the burned-but-browned skin flakes off faster.
After the Suez Canal affair, Sir Anthony Eden felt obliged to resign as Prime Minister in 1957, and
with Harold Macmillan
Harold Macmillan .
with cheap and plentiful oil
halvalla öljyllä, josta oli runsas tarjonta , and new production methods were introduced.
Maxwell's broad grin
Maxwellin leveä virne with a dark scowl
synkäksi, vihaiseksi katseeksi as he barked: `Things have changed around here since your days!
hänen ärjyessään: "Asiat ovat muuttuneet täällä sinun jälkeesi!"
The wires of the fence
Aidan metallilangat , and Halima having tried once, and finding that her leg did not go through, ceased to paw at the fence for oats.
Tämän seurauksena ,
the concept of sovereignty
suvereniteetin käsite with that of `public service ``
"julkisen palvelun" käsitteellä ; the state exists merely to perform certain tasks which are necessary for the preservation and promotion of social solidarity.
This is because the servicing of televisions has now become a relatively simple matter, in that televisions are now constructed similarly and
standard units
standardin mukaiset yksiköt when repairs are needed
kun on korjaukselle on tarvetta .
For many Conservative MPs the message seemed all too clear:
Mrs Thatcher
rouva Thatcher was now an electoral liability and had
before the next election
ennen seuraavia vaaleja .
In July 1830
Heinäkuussa 1830 overthrew the main line of the Bourbon dynasty and
with a cadet branch represented by King Louis Philippe
kadettiosastolla, jota edusti kuningas Ludvig Filip .
Insiders at Westminster reported that
was poised to scrap the poll tax and
with a property tax
omaisuusverolla .
got rid of Percy Rimmer and
with Robert Clarke, who did Tiller's stage effects
Robert Clarkella, joka toteutti Tillerin näyttämötehosteet .
When Lufthansa pulled out of sponsoring the Women's European Open
Kun Lufthansa vetäytyi Euroopan avoimen naisten turnauksen sponsoroinnista ,
with The European newspaper
The European -lehdellä .
Only when
vastahakoisesti the ineffective David Hillier
tehottoman David Hillierin with substitute Anders Limpar
vaihtopelaaja Anders Limparilla in the 67th minute
67. minuutilla was there a hint that Arsenal might create something.
He also unconvincingly defends some of the gormless changes and omissions in the '84 Tables; a question of
with anomalies
anomalioilla .
When he diagnoses a crisis in this structure --
paternal authority
isällinen auktoriteetti with external role-models and peer-group norms
ulkoisilla roolimalleilla ja vertaisryhmien normeilla -- this is inevitably interpreted as a crisis in the process of socialization itself.
The potential
Mahdollisuudet of
with a healthier product of similar taste and texture
terveellisemmällä tuotteella, jolla on samankaltainen maku ja rakenne, has not been lost on industry.
Late last year
Myöhään viime vuonna , it published a consultative document that could pave
the way for legislation
tietä lainsäädännölle, the leasehold system
vuokrajärjestelmän with an alternative called Commonhold
vaihtoehdolla, jota kutsutaan nimellä Commonhold .
the child may need help with -ed: on
both occasions
molemmissa tapauksissa he
(cf. fatet).
with Peter O'Toole
Peter O'Tooleen .
But the benefit is realised only if
a spending tax
kulutusvero other existing taxes and the tax burden
muut olemassaolevat verot ja verorasitus is either unchanged or reduced.
Earlier this year
Aiemmin tänä vuonna this system
tämän järjestelmän with Micro Control
mikrohallintaan in a lightning changeover
salamannopeassa siirtymässä : `The mainframe was inflexible, so the bank already had a PC database set up for all its rules.
This computerised index
Tämä tietokoneistettu rekisteri a card index system
korttipohjaisen rekisterijärjestelmän that used to have to be updated by hand by bureaux staff.
Open Desktop server system
Open Desktop -palvelinjärjestelmän as Santa Cruz's high-end offering
Santa Cruzin lippulaivatuotteena and costs from £1,850 for a 16 user licence on CD-ROM to £2,875 for a 512 user licence on 3.5 ``disks.
During a tricky period in the late '70s
Vaikealla kaudella 70-luvun lopulla ,
Manager Bernie Rhodes
manageri Bernie Rhodes tried
with Steve Jones from The Sex Pistols
The Sex Pistolsin Steve Jonesiin .
Last December
Viime joulukuussa were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and
with one of those industrialists
eräällä teollisuusjohtajalla .
And, by the way,
the House of Lords
ylähuoneen with something which will `act as a senate
jollakin senaatin tavoin toimivalla elimellä ``
to protect our rights
suojellakseen meidän oikeuksiamme .
These were constructed on standard BR underframes and mounted on
BR2 bogies
BR2-kääntöteleihin ,
by B5 bogies
B5-kääntöteleillä ; the body contour was as the two 1941 saloons and power car.
the sealed beam units in my 1971 IIA
vuoden 1971 IIA:ni suljetut valot with halogen quad optic lamps
halogeenivaloilla .
The Children Act
Children Act with parents' responsibilities
vanhempien vastuilla .
In the Halls of Residence at Edinburgh University
Edinburghin yliopiston asuinrakennuksissa ,
750 conventional 100 watt light bulbs
750 tavallista 100 watin hehkulamppua with compact fluorescent lamps
kompakteihin loistevalaisimiin ; after one year the University had saved £17,000.
In theory, it is a simple matter to overthrow
a wilting strongman
väsähtänyt voimamies and
with a civilian president conveniently waiting in the wings
siviilipresidenttiin, joka on kätevästi odottamassa sivussa .
? ``asked Barker innocently.
with new fitting
uusi hela , heat and add solder.
It would appear that either
by the supplier
toimittaja (
without warning
varoittamatta ) or the capacitors had been mistaken for components having an identical capacitance value but with a much reduced voltage rating.
Your photographs
valokuvasi toisiin by our experts
Asiantuntijamme .
Two main conditions can be suggested, that governments should be removable by electoral decisions and that
some alternative
jokin vaihtoehto by electoral decision
valitsijoiden päätöksellä .
Commentary: as in other References,
the final sentence
viimeinen tuomio by the Court
oikeusistuimen incorporates an unspecified discount to compensate the offender for the stress and anxiety necessarily involved in being the subject of a reference.
Perhaps this opens up the idea of
depreciation accounting
arvonvähennysten kirjaamista in place of principal repayments of loans
lainojen ensisijaisten takaisinmaksujen sijasta but imposing the same control over the depreciation charge that it imposes on the minimum revenue provision.
Tämän seurauksena Rasbora Ltd., a company incorporated in Jersey
Rasbora Ltd., Jerseyhin rekisteröity yritys ,
in place of Mr. Atkinson
herra Atkinsonin tilalle .
A matched pair of front fog lamps
yhdenmukaisilla etusumuvaloilla in conditions of fog or falling snow
sumussa tai lumisateessa .
Synthetic fuels or `synfuels ``are
liquids or gases which
nesteitä tai kaasuja, joilla for oil products or natural gas
öljytuotteita tai maakaasua .
Traditional perspective was abandoned but
no new system
uutta järjestelmää .
Emotionally, he was imprisoned in his boyhood, the only difference being that
the whiskey bottle
pullollinen viskiä for cream buns and lemon pop
kermapullien ja sitruunalimonadin as the greatest imaginable treat
paras kuviteltavissa oleva ilo .
Therefore, the babies' body mass curve was calculated in the same manner as for adults, from birth length and birth weight, and
this measure
tämä mittasuhde for birth weight
syntymäpainon in the regression equation
regressioyhtälössä .
a graphic character
graafinen merkki, substituted
tilalle vaihdetaan for each word
kunkin sanan to give a better idea of sentence complexity
mikä antaa paremman käsitysten virkkeen monimutkaisuudesta .
After verification of the effect of the typesetting code combinations
Sen jälkeen, kun ladonnan koodiyhdistelmien vaikutus oli vahvistettu, for more computer-recognisable codes
tietokoneella helpommin käsiteltävillä koodeilla to simplify further processing
myöhemmän käsittelyn yksinkertaistamiseksi .
These are my preferences, but
many other professional art materials
monia muita ammattilaiskäyttöön tarkoitettuja taidemateriaaleja substituted
käyttää niiden sijasta with similar results.
because of a toe injury
varvasvamman vuoksi .
`I have seen
countries where
maita, joissa a white oppressor
valkoinen sortaja .
Customs officers
Tullivirkailijat with another substance
toiseen aineeseen as the consignment arrived
lähetyksen saapuessa and it continued to Scott's house where he was arrested.
On a typical day, Macci's students go to classes from 7.30 am to 1.15 pm (
their physical education classes
liikuntatuntinsa ).
Also a line which went something like this: `
Frank Strandli
Frank Strandlin with David R.
David R.:llä, with 8 minutes remaining
kun 8 minuuttia oli jäljellä .
As an alternative to the fan strike
Viuhkaiskun sijasta (right),
can retaliate by
korvaamalla sen a palm heel strike
kämmenen tyven iskulla .
walked towards her office, plenty to do there which might take her mind off these worries by
avoid renewing the housing by
to prevent further leakage
estääkseni lisävuotoja ?
Feminists have accused
political sociologists
poliittisia sosiologeja of
their own views of what should be the case
omilla näkemyksillään siitä, kuinka asioiden pitäisi olla in the place of evidence
todisteet .
for its European satellites.
is also trying
floating rate
kelluvaan korkoon for fixed rate mortgages
kiinteäkorkoiset lainat .
But if we have men who are not straight themselves,
one crooked man
yhden epärehellisen miehen , regardless of colour.
Urine advertised as free of detectable drugs is on offer by mail-order to
anxious test takers
huolestuneille testattaville ,
could try
a care order
hoitomääräykseen for a supervision order
valvontamääräystä on an application for discharge
kotiuttamishakemuksen yhteydessä .
elokuvantekijät attempted
frenetic drama
kiihkeällä draamalla for intense conflict
rajut konfliktit .
Later, when people got squeamish about that sort of thing
Myöhemmin, kun ihmiset muuttuivat yliherkiksi sellaisille asioille ,
-- a dozen or so live cats tied up in a sack.
But if
instead of the terminals
päätteiden tilalle a network of personal computers or other intelligent workstations
henkilökohtaisten tietokoneiden tai muiden älykkäiden työasemien verkon , you gain several advantages.
A control sentence which
Kontrollilause, joka the unambiguous conjunction `while ``
yksiselitteisellä konjuktiolla "sillä välin" for `before
sanan "aiemmin" provoked no pause at the word `entered ``.
had a quiet game against Celtic at the weekend and
In the 1830's
1830-luvulla this moderate liberal
tämä maltillinen liberaali for the omnicompetent Council of Castille
kaikkia asioita tuomitsemaan kykenevän Kastilian neuvoston a `modern ``Ministry of the Interior and a Supreme Court
nykyaikaisella sisäministeriöllä ja korkeimmalla oikeudella .
attempts to end the dominance of the Hungarian county assemblies by the local gentry, and
as the language of administration
hallinnon kielenä , provoked deep and passionate national resentment.
Ally Mauchlen
Ally Mauchlen ,
with a groin strain
nivusrevähdyksen vuoksi , is also struggling to make it.
wrote down the surname `Hughes ``but then crossed it out and
vaihtoi sen tilalle `