- One Midlands wine wholesalerEräs keskienglantilainen viinitukkuriwas orderedto<empty>clearsiivoamaandustpölytfrom a warehouse floor used only for cased goodssellaisen varaston lattialta, jota käytettiin vain laatikoihin pakattujen tavaroiden säilytykseen, the association said.
- HeHäntriedto<empty>clearpuhtaaksithe gritrykiäfrom his voiceäänensäand swallowed his words along with it.
- The UK government has announced a ban on the non-agricultural use of the pesticides atrazine and simizine, commonly usedto<empty>clearpoistamiseenweedsrikkaruohojenfrom roadside verges, railway lines and footpathstienpientareilta, rautatiekiskoilta ja poluilta.
- Myself and another Englishman called RonnyMinulle ja toiselle englantilaiselle nimeltä Ronnywere given rakes and toldto<empty>clearsiivoamaanthe leaveslehdetoff a huge area of gravelvaltavalta sora-alueelta.
- SheHänclearedraivasithese thingsneto one sideyhdelle puolelleand laid the cigar down in the middle of the dressing-table.
- Sometimestheyheclearedraivasivatall the furniturekaikki huonekalutback against the wallsseinien viereenso that they could practise their special dance routines, or held rowdy parties in each other's rooms.
- Its three walls were built out ofstoneskivistä,clearedjotka on raivattufrom the surrounding cultivated fieldsympäröiviltä viljelysmailta.
- The oesophagus also receivesmucuslimaaclearedirrottamaafrom the lungskeuhkoistaby the ciliary mechanismsiliaarisen mekanisminor by coughing which is also swallowed.
- She and the other staff take a break -- chef usually prepares them something -- thentheyhework through,clearingsiivotenaway and washing up until 11.00-11.30pm.
- He had confiscated the journal, buthehäncould notei pystynytconfiscatetakavarikoimaan sitä,what was in Ben's headmikä oli Benin mielessä.
- Their action inconfiscatingpidättivätcertain lordshipstietyt kunnia-arvotfrom herhäneltäwas not only in unjust, wrote the pope, but contrary to the customs of the court of Býarn.
- MORE than 600 illegal netsYLI 600 laitonta verkkoahave beenonconfiscatedtakavarikoituthis yearfrom poachers who are stealing thousands of pounds worth of salmon from the River Foylesalakalastajilta, jotka varastavat lohta Foyle-joesta tuhansien kilojen edestä.
- TheyHe're liableto<empty>confiscatetakavarikoivatitsenfor the further entertainment of customs officers.
- In July 1989 an Interior Ministry official said thathis directoratehänen osastonsahad exposed 400,000 economic crimes since January 1988 andhad<empty>confiscatedtakavarikoinutassets worth 100,000,000 roublesomaisuutta 100 000 000 ruplan edestä.
- According to the law,neglected landlaiminlyödyn maancould bevoiconfiscatedtakavarikoidaby the statevaltio.
- ItSewas<empty>confiscatedtakavarikoitiinagain in 1302, but eventually, after a long struggle, he succeeded in maintaining his palatine rights.
- Large well-run estatessuuret, hyvin hoidetut tilatconfiscatedtakavarikoimatby PaulusPauluksencould well have passed into imperial hands and continued to be managed for profit, but it depends on whether the Emperor needed capital more than income.
- Lots more werenetsverkkojaconfiscatedtakavarikoitiinfrom poacherssalakalastajiltaat various times, nets of all colours, lengths and mesh sizes.
- In 1295EdwardEdwardhadoliconfiscatedtakavarikoinutfor war purposesthe apport (or fixed due)kiinteän maksunwhich religious houses and estates in England dependent on mother houses abroad, particularly in Normandy, paid annually to those mother houses.
- Landsmaatthusconfiscatedtakavarikoidutwere Henry's to do what he liked with.
- Nikos also brought insome leaflets whicheräitä lehtisiä, joitahis agentshänen agenttinsahadolivatconfiscatedtakavarikoineet.
- Despite the disturbing nature ofthe weaponsaseidenconfiscatedtakavarikoitujen, the French youths won't face charges.
- There is only one solution to bad knots --cutleikkaathemneoutpoisand start from scratch with proper brushing.
- If you have a heart-shaped biscuit cutterJos sinulla on sydämenmuotoinen keksileikkuri,cutleikkaaoutirtiheartssydämiäfrom the brioche slicesbriossiviipaleista; otherwise, make six circles.
- Most local peopleSuurin osa paikallisistacutsiirtäätheir own turfoman nurmikkonsafrom family sites on the hillsidesmäenrinteiltä suvun omistamilta alueilta.
- Their aim was to subdue security guards andcutleikatapaintingsmaalauksetfrom their frameskehyksistään.
- BroderickBroderickhadto beolicutleikattava irtifrom the wreckageromun joukosta.
- The userKäyttäjäcan alsovoi myöscutleikataout<empty>piecespalojafrom the graphicsgrafiikastaand add to the graphics in any form.
- On the village green stoodblack life-size silhouette figures of fiddle and accordion playersmustia luonnollisen kokoisia siluetteja huilun- ja haitarinsoittajista, apparentlycutleikattuout<empty>from thin sheets of ironohuista rautalevyistä.
- CutLeikkaaoutpoisthe dead woodkuollut puu,so that the young new wood can grow and developjotta nuori, uusi puu pääsee kasvamaan ja kehittymään.
- Women always say that whentheyhe're<empty>cuttingrepivätyour heartsinulta sydämenout<empty>.
- Step-by-step writing allows you to do this, and commits you to making progress, even if lateryou<empty>discardhylkäisitwhat you have donesen, mitä olet saanut aikaan.
- SmithSmithlit a cigarette anddiscardedheittithe matchtulitikunamongst the debrisjätteiden joukkoon.
- JenkinsJenkinssaid, deftly taking the coaster from Laidlaw's hand anddiscardingheittäenitsenunobtrusivelyhuomaamattomastiin the bin under the countertiskin alla olevaan roskakoriin.
- TheyHediscardedheittivätthe broken sparrikkoutuneen puominover the side where it was picked up by the Nippon tendersyrjään, josta Nippon tender poimi sen.
- DiscardIrrotathe bad peelhuono kuoriafter it has dried, then repolish and etch the face.
- The explorerLöytöretkeilijänwas obliged graduallyto<empty>discardhylätäall his unnecessary belongingskaikki tarpeettomat tavaransa.
- A Berlin research institute is developing a scheme by which micro-organisms will feed onabandoned Trabant carshylättyjä Trabant-autoja,large numbers of whichsuurin joukoinhave beenovatdiscardedluopuneetby their former East German ownersniiden entiset itäsaksalaiset omistajatin favour of more modern Western models.
- If the potato is green throughoutitseshould betuleediscardedheittää pois.
- LEFTDo notÄlädiscardheitäfood or food wrappingsruokaa tai ruokakääreitäin waste binsroskakoreihin, because your dog is unlikely to be able to resist the temptation of scavenging, tipping the bin out in the process.
- Each daythe world's merchant shipping fleetmaailman kauppalaivasto, by one reliable estimate made in 1982,discardsheittää639,000 plastic containers639 000 muovirasiaainto the seamereen.
- HeHänwould pick you up and squeeze you dry anddiscardhylkäsiyousinutwhen you began to bore him.
- British troops in the Falklands found muchhardwarevarustustadiscardedhylkäämääby Argentinian troopsargentiinalaisjoukkojen.
- Hordes of children scramble every day in the gutters forfoodruokaa,discardedjota on heitetty poisfrom the street stallskatukojuista``.
- He recovered but at the age of 22 was left almost completely bald and had to wear a wig,a fashionjostahehändiscardedluopuiin the heat of India.
- The thin padOhut pehmustecan be rolled up anddiscardedheittää poiswith its coat of mulm, saving you a great deal of maintenance in the main filter.
- Stockings and petticoatsSukkia ja alushameita,discardedjotka oli jätettyfor the wash, lounged about in here, flung over the back of a carved armchair.
- And then there areall those empty packetskaikki ne tyhjät paketit,discardedjotka on heitettyout of the windowulos ikkunastaonto Britain's already polluted streetsBritannian valmiiksi saastuneille kaduille.
- It lay asleep ona piece of sackingsäkkikankaalla, jonkathe gardenerpuutarhurihadolidiscardedpoistanutfrom around the rose-bush he was plantingistuttamansa ruusupensaan ympäriltä.
- Having gingerlyvarovastidiscardedHeitettyäniover a hedgepensasaidan ylibits of rotted fruit and suspect cheesemädäntyneitä hedelmiä ja epäilyttävää juustoa,I<empty>lunched on olives and mineral water in the shade of a great oak wood.
- SomeOsanshehändiscardedhylkäsiand threw into the fire, others she kept.
- He summoned up from the pastthe accentkorostuksen, jotahehänhad spent yearsdiscardingpääsemään eroonand bowed to the two men.
- Their ability to demand high wages was by 1790 causingsome employersjotkut työnantajatto<empty>dislodgeirtisanomaantheir holdtyöväkeäänby introducing machineryja ottamaan käyttöön koneita: ``we are determined to destroy all sorts of Masheens for printing in the Kingdom, runs one of the milder sentences in an anonymous letter from the journeymen received by one employer.
- HeHänreached out anddislodgedirrottiitsenfrom the ladder rungtikapuiden puolasta, so that Izzie slipped downwards into his arms.
- Helpdislodgekukistamaanblackheadsmustapäätby mixing a handful of finely ground almonds with enough honey and rosewater to make a pastesekoittamalla kourallinen hienoksi jauhettuja manteleita sellaiseen määrään hunajaa ja ruusuvettä, että niistä muodostuu tahna.
- Ben ClarkeBen Clarkella, of Bath, has the awesome task ofdislodgingsyrjäyttääDean RichardsDean Richardsat No 8numerolla 8if he is to make his England debut on Saturday.
- The wiry psychologist shookJäykkä psykologi ravistelihis head, almostdislodgingsiirtäen paikaltaanhis embroidered skullcapkirjaillun kalottinsain the process.
- • First, trydislodgingirrottaathe objectesinewith slaps on the backläimäytyksillä selkään.
- They work by creatinga powerful alkaline solution whichvahvan emäksisen liuoksen, jokadislodgesirrottaafatsrasvoja.
- Last year, asdeputieskansanedustajattriedto<empty>dislodgesyrjäyttäähimhänet, he counter-attacked by forcing through elections to the new post of President.
- For that reason alone, I remain totally unpersuaded that the enterprise Michael Heseltine has embarked upon symbolises any effort to displace ordislodgesyrjäyttääMrs Thatcherrouva Thatcheria.
- It was to be five emperors, ten governors, and about 40 years on beforethe hill-top occupants of Eildon Hill NorthEildon Hill Northin kukkulan asukkaatwere<empty>rudelytöykeästidislodgedsiirsivät paikoiltaanby the Romansroomalaisetand Newstead fort established.
- Torrents of debrisValtavasti jätettäwere<empty>dislodgedirtosi paikaltaan.
- And the expert witness thinksitsewas<empty>dislodgedirrotettiindeliberatelytahallaan.
- His hand closed over grass which was instantly torn from the soft earth andhis bootshänen saappaansawere<empty>dislodgedirtosivatfrom their precarious footholdsepävakailta jalansijoiltaan.
- SusanSusanfelt something pull her tail, andwas rudelykarkeastidislodgedhänet irrotettiinfrom the creatureolennon otteesta.
- Eggs attached to an immovable surfaceLiikkumattomalle pinnalle kiinnitetyt munatcan bevoidaandislodgedirrottaawith a large feathersuurella höyhenelläand collected in a fine net.
- Sneezing is a reflex actionto<empty>dislodgeirrottaaforeign particles or irritating materialvieraita hitusia tai ärsyttävää ainestafrom inside the nasal passagesnenäkäytävistä.
- Doing thisTämädislodgedirrottithe words stuck in her throathänen kurkkuunsa tarttuneet sanat.
- Any debrisMikä tahansa jäte, jonkadislodgedirrottaafrom themniistä,by hydraulic actionhydraulinen toimintasinks to the depths and can not be used by the waves to attack the cliffs.
- Sometimes insects are disinclined to collect pollen, preferring nectar, or will pack it away inplaces from whichpaikkoihin, joistaitsitäis not easilyei ole helppodislodgedirrottaa.
- ReliefHelpotusdrainshälventääthe tensionjännityksenfrom her facehänen kasvoiltaan.
- Something changed in his face then,some fleeting spectre thatjokin ohikiitävä varjo, jokadrainedveithe lifeeloisuudenfrom his eyeshänen silmistäänand left them cold and hard.
- Great care should be taken before attemptingto<empty>drainvaluttaa poisthe watervesiout of this type of systemtämän tyyppisestä järjestelmästä-- the boiler must be let out first.
- ItSewould<empty>drainnäännyttäisithe energyvoimatout of yousinulta.
- Spenser approves this becauseitsedoes noteidrainrasitaEnglish resourcesEnglannin resurssejathrough having to keep a large standing army in Ireland.
- As yet there is no information on whether stores regulated by RYRs can induce capacitative entry iftheir calciumniiden kalsiuminis<empty>drainedkuluttavatby agents such as caffeineesimerkiksi kahvin kaltaiset aineet.
- It was as ifthe bloodverihad beenolisidrainedimettyfrom herhänestä, leaving no strength, but it wasn't a peaceful emptiness.
- It was appalling and ridiculous, andthis inner battletämä sisäinen taisteluwas<empty>drainingnäännyttiaway<empty>what little strength she had leftniitäkin vähäisiä voimia, joita hänellä oli jäljellä.
- The Adventurers were also to ensure that all levels were driven with only a slight gradient … ``just sufficientto<empty>drainvaluttamaanoutpoisthe waterveden.
- Fry the pork in the pan until well browned, thendrainvalutaoffany excess fatkaikki ylimääräinen rasva.
- In terms of short-term economic measures, the main thrust of government policy wasto<empty>drainpoistaaofffrom the economytaloudestaexcess money which was fuelling inflation, contributing to constant shortages and frustrating efforts at economic controlylimääräinen raha, joka kiihdytti inflaatiota ja myötävaikutti jatkuviin vajauksiin sekä turhauttaviin ponnistuksiin talouden säätelemiseksi.
- `I might be prepared to do that, ``concededZeinabZeinab,dustingpudistaenthe powderjauheenfrom her fingerssormistaan.
- SheHänglanced down,dustingpudistithe dirt from the pebblepikkukivestä jääneen lianoff her handskäsistään, wondering how to answer such an unanswerable question.
- HeHänrose,dustingpudistaenthe crumbsmurutfrom his habitkaavustaan.
- TheyHetriedto<empty>ejectpoistaahimhänetfrom the podiumjalustalta.
- Knowing of that applicationthe plaintiffasianomistajaobtained a warrant of possession but, before it was executed,forciblyväkisinejectedpoistithe defendantvastaajanfrom the premisesalueelta.
- `I think that the picture ofa member of staffhenkilökunnan jäsenestähaving to forciblyejectpoistettavagirlstytötvia the emergency exithätäuloskäynnin kauttain order that they could catch the school transport home speaks for itself!
- FinchFinchejectedotti ulosthe cassettekasetin, peered at it, replaced it and tried again.
- Specifically,the printertulostinwould not accept the next sheet of paper, issuing a form feed instead, andejectingsylki ulosthe new sheetuuden arkin.
- Inside,about 12 demonstrators, believed to be National Front members,noin 12 mielenosoittajaa, joiden uskotaan olevan Kansallisen rintaman jäseniä,were<empty>ejectedpoistettiinby policepoliisin toimestaafter attempting to disrupt the meeting.
- It would seem that egg mimicry in cuckoos has evolved to its present level of sophistication becausepoorly matching eggshuonosti yhteensopivat munatare<empty>ejectedpoistaaby the hostisäntälintu.
- JeremyJeremywas swiftlysai nopeastiejectedpotkutfrom his first jobensimmäisestä työstään, at the Rotherham Advertiser and for a time he made Paddington Bears for a living.
- For the past 100 yearsitsehasonejectedpäästänytmore than 1,000 tonnes of chlorineyli 1 000 tonnia klooriainto the atmosphereilmakehäänevery day.
- However,electronselektronitejectedirrotetutfrom solidsKappaleistaare likely to be captured by the surrounding matter, unless the distance to the surface is very small.
- Towards the end of the war, the much-expanded rocket group was named the Jet Propulsion Laboratory -- `jet ``, in this case, referring to theejectionulos syöksemiseenof materialmateriaalin, and so covering rockets.
- The European cuckoo's strange behaviour was noted as long ago as 300 BC by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who also recordedthe young cuckoo'skuinka nuori käkiejectionheitti ulosof the host bird's eggsisäntälinnun munatfrom the nestpesästä.
- Their spirits are high after Liberal victories in three provincial elections this spring, including theejectionkarkottamisenof the Torieskonservatiivienfrom officevirastain Nova Scotia after 15 years.
- The brutalejectionpoistaminenof GandhiGandhinon to a station platformasemalaiturillein South Africa has been made famous by Sir Richard Attenborough's film.
- It is likely that Li Peng, the prime minister, still tastes the personal gall of 1m people in Hong Kong taking to the streets after Tiananmen to call forhishänenejectionerottamistaanfrom officevirasta.
- Such a collapse is accompanied by sudden mass-loss, giving the system a velocity impulse which could result inejectionsyöksymiseen ulosfrom the cluster coreklusterin ytimestä.
- Despite a failure of the airbag system that should have damped-out much of the impact of White's capsule, White survived theejectionheittoistuimen käytöstä, suffering terrible injuries to his arm in the clamshell mechanism.
- It is not yet possible to expectany therapymikään hoitoto<empty>eliminatepoistaisiHIVHIV:nfrom the bodyelimistöstäand anti-viral therapies will have to be taken for long periods, maybe for life.
- We have found that, often, whenpatientspotilaateliminatejättävät poisthese foodsnämä ruuatfrom their dietruokavaliostaan, they feel well again and find it easier to lose weight.
- The single marketYhteismarkkinoidenis, of course, designedto lower and eventuallyvähentää esteitä ja ennen pitkääeliminatepoistaa nebarriers to the movement of goods, services and peopletavaroiden, palveluiden ja ihmisten liikkeiden tieltä.
- Ifan intrudertunkeilijaeliminatedtappaisihimhänetwith a weapon and managed to get inside this place you'd be in trouble.
- Workstation back-ups by portable tape drive will be possible from late 1992, andthistämänshouldpitäisieliminatepoistaathe need for large numbers of floppies to be kept for hard-disk back-upstarve suurelle joukolle levykkeitä, joita on säilytettävä kiintolevyjen varmuuskopioina.
- The reverse phenomenon, forcing a language on people, can be a different meansto<empty>eliminateeliminoidacompetitionkilpailuaby establishing linguistic inequalityluomalla kielellistä epätasa-arvoa.
- Shouldwemeidänsuppose that Ulpian has adopted the broad use of the verb legare, and thereforeeliminatepoistaathe difficultytämä ongelmaby translating merely `left ``(instead of `left a legacy)kääntämällä yksinkertaisesti "jätti" (sen sijaan, että sanoisimme "jätti perinnön")?
- The organisation has been streamlinedto<empty>eliminatehävittämäänbureaucratic barriers to getting things donebyrokraattisia esteitä asioiden tekemiselle.
- HisHänenaim wasto<empty>eliminatelopettaathe importation of distilled spiritstislattujen viinojen maahantuonti, for which his main rationale was the damage they did to health.
- Financial shenaniganstaloudellisia metkujaclearlywill not beeiväteliminatedpoistaby new, even tougher legislation to protect investorsUudet, yhä ankarammat lait sijoittajien suojelemiseksi.
- Other writers, more pessimistically, have argued that asone household taskjokin kotityöis reduced oreliminatedpoistuuby advances in technologyteknologian edistyksen myötä, then others are added to the list and standards are raised.
- A possible third -- over-exposure to specialised and/or volatile fundsMahdollinen kolmas – liiallinen altistuminen erityis- tai volatiileille rahastoille,can bevoidaaneliminatedpoistaasimply by being cautiousyksinkertaisesti olemalla varovainen.
- In all,some 700 000 out of a population of three millionnoin 700 000 henkeä kolmen miljoonan väestöstäwere<empty>thuställä tavoineliminatedhävitettiin.
- TheseNäitäcan not beei voidaeliminatedhävittääwithout putting something in its place.
- Andits innovative user interface featuressen käyttöliittymän innovatiiviset ominaisuudetreduce oreliminatepoistavatthe number of steps needed to perform standard spreadsheet operationstyypillisiin taulukkolaskentaoperaatioihin tarvittavat vaiheet.
- Meanwhile, police last night hit back at a lawyer's claim that they had mishandled the arrest ofa 12-year-old boy who12-vuotiaan pojanwas released andeliminatedpoistettiinfrom the inquiryepäilyksenalaisten joukostalast Wednesday.
- Dieters often feel that high-fat, high-sugar foods are so bad thattheyneshould be totallypitäisi kokonaaneliminatedpoistaafrom a healthy eating planterveellisestä ruokavaliosta.
- The first option involved simplyeliminatingpoistaminenthrough trafficliikenteen kautta, principally through the use of one-way systems.
- Improved public health and hygiene measures -- the ``sanitary revolution from the mid-years of the century --Parantuneet hygienia- ja julkisen terveydenhuollon säädökset – vuosisadan puolivälin "hygieniavallankumous" –were also important andeliminatedvähensivätup to one-quarter of deathskuolemia jopa neljäsosallabetween then and 197l.
- Fortunately the technology of the food processing industry is now so sophisticated thatinfection from this sourcetartunnat tästä lähteestähas beenonvirtuallykäytännössäeliminatedpoistettu.
- Foods such as sugar, salt, spices, fat and alcohol can therefore aggravate a cellulite condition by cluttering up the system withadditional waste matter thatylimääräisellä jäteaineella, jokais<empty>poorlyhuonostieliminatedpoistuu elimistöstä.
- Any discrepancies between the two data sources were investigated anderrorsvirheeteliminatedkorjattiin.
- Fourth, the relief andeliminationpoistaminenof povertyköyhyydenrather than the pursuit of economic equality should be a Christian concern.
- This strategy involved proposals for formal arrangements for jointGreat Powersuurvaltojen toteuttamastaeliminationhävittämisestäof basestukikohtienand the encouragement of neutralist and non-aligned sentiment in the Third World against Western bases.
- His celebration after Ronnie Whelan had scored a simple equaliser was the perfect demonstration of how close his Liverpool team had come toeliminationkarsiutumistafrom the FA CupFA Cupista.
- GRAEME SOUNESS knows full well whatLiverpool'sLiverpoolineliminationkarsiutuminenfrom the European Cup Winners' CupEuroopan cup-voittajien cupistathis week could mean for him.
- One obvious aspect of thiswas theolieliminationpoistuminenfrom naval warfaremerisodastaof the galleykaleerien.
- There fungal decay is found, this expert should specify the cause and suggest measures foritsseneliminationpoistamiseksi.
- GilesGilesreached for the wine andemptiedkaatoithe rest of itlopuninto their glassesheidän laseihinsa.
- The material was deemed faulty andMr Martinsonherra Martinsonwasoliemptyingpurkamassaitsitäfrom his truckkuorma-autostaanwhen it splashed over him, causing severe burns.
- Some boys were bringing battered wooden buckets up from the well andthe occasional housewifejoku satunnainen kotirouvaemptiedtyhjensithe slops from the night jarslikavesiä laskiämpäristäout into the middle of the streetkeskelle katua.
- The childrenLapsetimmediately seized on this, and with permissionemptiedtyhjensivätthe contentssisällönon the floorlattialle.
- HeHäntook the tin of sardines through to the lean-to, opened it andemptiedtyhjensithe contentssisällönonto the cat's dishkissan vadille.
- EmmieEmmiewent to the bathroom andemptiedtyhjensithe brushesharjatout of the tooth mughammasmukistaand filled it with water.
- Mum furious that day when, aged seven,I<empty>emptiedtyhjensinout<empty>the contents of her baghänen laukkunsa sisällönand arranged them on the table in descending order of size.
- RobynRobynclimbed into the jeep, picked up her handbag from the passenger seat and tipped it upside-down,emptyingtyhjentäenout<empty>the disgraceful collection of junkhäpeällisen krääsäkokoelmaninto her lapsyliinsä.
- This is the queen who was greeted, on a visit to a Scottish university, by the sight ofa studentopiskelijan,emptyingjoka tyhjensidown his throatkurkustaan, at top speed,the contents of a bottle of alcoholpullollista alkoholia.
- She added: `Policepoliisillahad just a few minutesto<empty>evacuateevakuoidathousands of peopletuhansia ihmisiä.
- At the same time, United Nations sources in Sarajevo said it was hoped to use helicoptersto<empty>evacuateevakuoidakseenmore refugeesuseampia pakolaisiafrom the besieged Muslim town of Srebrenicapiiritetystä muslimikaupungista Srebrenicasta, but final approval was still awaited.
- Concern for the safety of young children resulted in a massive schemetojonka tavoitteena olievacuateevakuoidachildrenlapsiafrom the vulnerable citiesvaarassa olevista kaupungeistato safe homes in more isolated country areasturvallisiin koteihin eristyneemmille maaseutualueille.
- TheyHe're probably going to buy up all our land andevacuateevakuoivatusmeidätto the southetelään, or let us stay and employ us all as beaters.
- BRITISH troopsBRITTIJOUKOTwere last night preparingto<empty>evacuateevakuoimaanup to 2,000 war refugees trapped in a Bosnian villagejopa 2000 sotapakolaista, jotka olivat loukussa bosnialaiskylässä.
- The consequences of fire in hospitals and other health care premises can be especially serious because of the difficulties and dangers associated with theemergencyhätä-evacuationevakuointiinof patientspotilaiden, many of whom may be highly dependent.
- On 3 September, Conrad was obliged to order theevacuationevakuointikäskyäof LembergLembergin.
- Theevacuationevakuointiof childrenLastencalled for the development of special services, foreshadowing developments in child care practice after the war.
- Feb. 22 After second meeting with Gorbachev Aziz announces Iraqi acceptance of Soviet plan; but Bush ultimatum demands that Iraq begintroopjoukkojenevacuationvetämisenof KuwaitKuwaitistaby midday on Feb. 23.
- Since thehumanihmisetevacuationevakuoitiinof the Chernobyl areaTšernobylin alueelta, Pripyat Marsh, on the flightpaths of varieties of waterfowl that winter in southern Europe, has become a sanctuary for vast numbers of migrant birds.
- He's asked John Major to order a massive Dunkirk-styleevacuationevakuoinninof refugeespakolaistenby aircraft carrierslentotukialuksilla.
- Bosnian Serbs had insisted on the evacuation of Serbs from Tuzla as a condition for allowing aid convoys into Bosnian Muslim towns and theevacuationevakuoinninof Muslimsmuslimienfrom SrebrenicaSrebrenicasta.
- For it was from a network of tunnels beneath the castle, dating from Napoleonic times, that Admiral Ramsay master-minded theevacuationevakuointiafrom DunkirkDunkirkista.
- It was Jo's memories ofherhänetwar-timeevacuationevakuoitiinfrom LondonLontoostato foster homes in the country which stimulated her first work in phototherapy.
- AFHQ's response came at 1857 hrs that afternoon [KP 228]: ``Agree all Yugoslav nationals in Eighth Army Area to be returned unless involves use of force, otherwiseevacuationevakuointito DistoneDistoneen(Italy) in accordance with FX 77268 of 17 May.
- Once it was clear that the room could not be held, he would orderitssenevacuationevakuoinnin, men leaving two at a time by the far window.
- It is likely that this will elicit further complaints from the remaining villagers and may result intheirheidäneventualevacuationevakuointinsa.
- The war came nearer and my family went with the last train out of Maymyo, with hundreds of Anglo-Burman mothers and children proceeding northwards to Shwebo or Myitkyina forairilmateitseevacuationevakuointiato AssamAssamiin.
- INFORMATION needed on the following American aircraft serving with the RAF in the Burma campaign, for air observation, communication andcasualtyuhrienevacuationevakuointi-purposes.
- ThehelicopterhelikopterillaevacuationEvakuointiis the only possibility of getting anywhere near it.
- Even during theevacuationevakuoinnin-- more than 180,000 people were moved -- most of them were not told what had happened.
- One of the key determinants of US policy towards Iraq last August was that it believed it has the military forces sufficientto<empty>evictajaaIraqIrak poisfrom KuwaitKuwaitista.
- HeHänevictsajaathe childrenlapset ulosfrom the housetalosta, and gives it to the goyim.
- `I<empty>FINALLYevictedhäädinherhänetin April last year for non-payment of rent.
- Indeed, it could be a non-lethal weapon --one thatsellainen, jokaevictskarkottaathe enemyvihollisenwithout killing him.
- Sinceshehänetwas goingto be<empty>evictedhäätämäänany moment, she hadn't seen much point in unpacking anything else.
- The horror of the Strathnaver clearances was eventually exposed byDonald MacleodDonald Macleod,whojonkaas a young boyhad beenolievictedhäätänytby SellerSellerfrom the village of RossalRossalin kylästä.
- The travellers had vowed to stay put, despite a warningtheyheidät'd be forciblypakkokeinoinevictedhäätäisiby the policepoliisi.
- The whole Palestinian resistanceKoko Palestiinan vastarintaliikewas<empty>evictedhäädettiinfrom JordanJordanistawithin a year, amid widespread bloodshed in which perhaps as many as 3,000 refugees perished.
- In Paris there was widespread panic, as officials awaited a newOperation ResurrectionOperaatio Henkiinherättämistä,tojonka tarkoitusevictoli syrjäyttääfrom powervallastathe man whom the original operation had aimed to installse mies, jonka valtaan nostaminen oli ollut alkuperäisen operaation päämäärä.
- If the warren and burrow systems are first cleared in the autumn, subsequent work in the area on other systems is likely to lead torabbitskanitevictedhäädetytfrom one set of burrowsyhdestä pesien joukostagoing to ground elsewhere.
- When asked ``Weretheyheidätforciblyväkisinevictedhäädettiinkö, or did they go of their own free will? he answered ``Some left voluntarily owing to the poor markets.
- (c) The ruined huts are all that remain of the old crofting settlement of Borreraig, an extreme example of theevictionhäädöistäof crofting communitiespientilayhteisöjenin the 19th century.
- In 1986, there were initially small-scale disturbances caused by theforciblepakkokeinoin toteutettuevictionhäätöof a professor employed by the Teaching CollegeTeaching Collegen professorinfrom his accommodation on the Hunan University campusasuinpaikastaan Hunanin yliopiston kapuksella.
- In May 1920, there was a gun battle between miners and company guards in Mingo County, caused by theevictionhäätöof workerstyöläistenfrom company housestyösuhdeasunnoistaan.
- Both the Jerusalem District Court and the Israeli Attorney General ordered theevictionhäädettäviksiof the settlersuudisasukkaat, but police made no effort to remove them.
- Fearing that any investigation into this anti-communist network might be a prelude tohis ownhänen omalleevictionhäädölleenfrom the presidential palacepresidentinpalatsista, Mr Cossiga has tried to fight off all attempts to question him about Gladio.
- A Government minister has agreed to investigate the case of RAF wives who faceevictionhäätöfrom their homeskodeistaan,because their marriages have broken down.
- Deep in debt the Harris family are facingevictionhäätöover mortgage arrears.
- Faced with this scenario, the plaintiff gave evidence that she was too frightened to sleep at the premises and had not done so sinceher<empty>initialevictionhäätönsä.
- In the middle decades of the nineteenth century a disastrous crop failure destroyed the economic base of the Scottish highlands, which led to mass emigration and encouraged a new series ofpeasanttalonpoikienevictionshäätöjä.
- They were close, even though there were times when Edward found it hard going, whenhehäncouldn'tei pystynytexcisepääsemään eroonhis hatred of NancyNancya kohtaan tuntemastaan vihastafrom his mindmielessään.
- After successfullyexcisingPoistettuaana branchial cyst in the right neckkidustaskun kystan kaulan oikealta puoleltathe surgeonkirurgiwas faced with a deeper non-pulsatile cyst under considerable tension, with fine nerves and blood vessels traversing its wall.
- Whyhadolluthehännoteiexcisedpoistanutthis passagetätä tiehyttä?
- First,unnecessary detailtarpeettomat yksityiskohdatshould betulisiexcisedpoistaa, leaving member countries to negotiate implementation of the charter's broad principles at a later stage.
- A portion of the tail of the pancreasOsa haiman häntääwas thensittenquicklynopeastiexcisedpoistettiin, trimmed of adipose and connective tissue and used immediately.
- Short segments of DNALyhyitä DNA-segmenttejäcan now bevoidaan nytexcisedpoistaafrom the cells of one organismyhden organismin soluistaand transferred in various ways to those of another.
- They are distributed around the body at, for example, the groin, the armpit and the abdomen, Noyan's work shows thatlymph nodesimusolmukkeitaexcisedpoistettujafrom calves and goatsvasikoilta ja vuohiltaexhibit regular spontaneous movements.
- Thus the lesions that dermatologists see -- the authors' control lesions -- are perhaps different fromthosene, joitaexcisedpoistavatby general practitionersyleislääkärit.
- Yet Lord Pugh despises sensual gratification so much, I hear, he hadhis taste budsmakusilmunsaexcisedpoistatti.
- The SpanishEspanjalaisetexpelledkarkottivatt he Muslimsmuslimitfrom the islandsaarelta, but were not able to bring it under their full control, or defend its inhabitants from Muslim raiders, until nearly the end of the nineteenth century.
- By diffusing gas in or out of the bladder orexpellingpoistamallaitsitädirectly through the connecting tubesuoraan liitosputken kautta, a fish could accurately control its level in the water.
- In this recessFrancaFrancasat breathing quietly, taking the air in by her nostrils andexpellinghengittämälläitsitäby her mouthulos suun kautta.
- If he is defeated and forces a byelection,the partypuolueenwould probably be obligedto<empty>expelerottaahimhänet.
- Simultaneously,Turkish forcesTurkin joukotseized the port of Batum, butwere subsequentlymyöhemminexpelledajoivat heidät poisby Red Army detachmentspuna-armeijan erillisosastot.
- Equally,a partneryhtä yhtiökumppaniacan not beeivät voiexpellederottaaby the other partnerstoiset yhtiökumppanitunless there is an express agreement to this effect in the partnership contract.
- A SICILIAN accused of forming a Mafia cell in the Alpine city of GrenobleGrenoblen alppikaupungissa mafiasolun muodostamisesta syytetty sisilialainenhas beenonexpelledkarkotettuto ItalyItaliaan.
- HeHäninhaled deeply,expelledpuhalsithe smokesavun ulosand threw the cigarette in the fire.
- Their surfaces are covered with tiny pores through whichwatervesiis drawn into the body by flagella, and thenexpelledpoistetaanthrough larger ventssuurempien ilmareikien kautta.
- Only the canny Mr Genscher, who knew the East Germans' minds, could have thought of lettingthe regimehallinnonsave face by `expellingkarkottamalla``their own peopleoma väkensäacross their own territoryoman maa-alueensa läpi.
- THE National Front leader, Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen, yesterday called for themasslaajamittaistaexpulsionmaastakarkotustaof coloured immigrantsvärillisten maahanmuuttajienas the government announced emergency integration measures.
- Core fields show three basic changes: drifting of flux, change in strength of patches of flux, and growth of pairs of positive and negative flux throughexpulsionekspulsionof toroidal fieldtoroidaalisen kentänthrough the surfacepinnan kautta.
- The war which Edward thus inaugurated was to endure, with many intervals of truce and several attempts at a final peace, until theexpulsionkarkotettiinof the Englishenglantilaisetfrom GasconyGasconystain 1453.
- At necropsy, diagnosis is generally based on the lesions since the worm burden may be negligible following theexpulsionpoistuminenof wormsmatojenin the faeces.
- HisHänenexpulsionmaastakarkotuksensaby American authoritiesYhdysvaltain viranomaisten toimestacontrasted strikingly with the reception he received from Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Elijah Muhammad and other black leaders (Edwards, 1970, p. 107).
- Expulsionkarkotusby IraqIrakistaof Iranian dissidentsIranilaisten toisinajattelijoiden
- Healy's last years were blighted by the humiliation ofexpulsionerottaminenfrom the WRPWRP:stäfor using his position to seduce young female members.
- Vincent waded into his father with such anger thathishänenexpulsionkarkotuksensafrom the housetalostainevitably followed: such grossness was an offence to the fragile truce they were only just sustaining.
- Backed now by his own paramilitary group, he advocates theexpulsionkarkottamistafrom SerbiaSerbiastaof ethnic minorities and `politically suspect ``Serbs (his phrase)etnisten vähemmistöjen ja (hänen omien sanojensa mukaan) "poliittisesti epäilyttävien" serbien.
- This was in apparent retaliation for theSwissSveitsistäexpulsionkarkotustaon March 22of the Iranian consul-general in GenevaIranin Genevan-pääkonsuli, Manouchar Tale Massouleh.
- One can imagine theexpulsionkarkotustato EarthMaahan(of MelkorMelkorin) and the expulsion to Middle-earth (of Galadriel) coming, in a mind like Éomer's, to seem much the same thing.
- HisHänenexpulsionmaastakarkotuksensais probably more justified in terms of his considerable long-term potential as a spy than in terms of his current status and responsibilities.
- The latest incident came to light when pupils were overheard discussing theexpulsionserottamisistaat the Rising Sun pub in nearby Newbury.
- By encouraging people to vote against the complex at elections it is expected that legislature will then be able to pass laws and regulations and makeinstitutional changes whichinstitutionaalisia muutoksia, jotkawill<empty>expungepoistavatthis cancerous growthtämän syöpäkasvaimenfrom American societyamerikkalaisesta yhteiskunnasta.
- Obviously he wasthe kind of man whosellainen mies, jokacouldpystyisiexpungepyyhkimäänan unsatisfactory incidentepätyydyttävän tapauksenfrom his memorymielestäänas if it had never happened, and get on with living in the present.
- Being upright Victorians with a strong sense of family pride,theyheexpungedpoistivata certain amount of the more salacious materialtietyn määrän riettaampaa aineistoafrom the record of Francis Place seniorFrancis Place vanhemman asiakirjasta.
- Evena change of namenimenmuutos-- from the Windscale that had witnessed the 1957 fire to the brave new world of Sellafield -- has failedto<empty>expungepoistamaanpublic hostilityyleisön vihamielisyyttä.
- The Sufis say thatthe stains of the soulsielun tahratwill be<empty>expungedpyyhkiytyvätonlyby the water of the eyessilmien vedellä.
- That moment and placeSe hetki ja paikkacan never beeivät koskaan voiexpungedpyyhkiytyäfrom his memoryhänen mielestään.
- President Reagan lifted the ban two years ago, but the Barnwell consortium says this is not enoughto<empty>expungepoistamaanthe injury caused by Carter to its plansCarterin aiheuttamaa vahinkoa sen suunnitelmille.
- Waugh might have agreed even with the complaint aboutsurface faultspinnallisista heikkouksista,whichjotkahehänwas shortly to concede in a new preface andexpungepoistaaby revision.
- Letus<empty>expurgatePoistakaammefrom the immaturity of our environmental thoughtympäristöajattelumme kypsymättömyydestä,that essence of crepuscular darkness which our sciolism leads us to extrapolate into quotidian existencese hämäryyden perusolemus, jonka kopea tietämättömyytemme saa meidät yleistämään jokapäiväiseen olemassaoloon.
- Research has developed new techniques to help Jehovah's Witnesses including the Cell Saver,a machine whichlaite, jokaextractsottaabloodvertafrom patientspotilaista, washes the red cells, and returns them to the body.
- Special ad hoc arrangements should then be made to compensate those partners whose age has preventedthemheitäfromextractingsaamastathe maximum benefittäyttä hyötyäfrom the changes in fiscal legislationverolain muutoksista.
- But, as in most places, shortages were eased by ingenious home-made car parts and machinery, by pooling transport where possible and, for instance, easing the salt shortage byextractingerottamallaitsitäfrom the seamerivedestä.
- To begin with, the general pollution picture was complicated by the presence ofan American company, Milchem Ltdyhdysvaltalaisen Milchem Ltd -yhtiön,whichSefor ten yearshadoliextractederottanutbarytesbaryyttejafrom Tynagh's wasteTynaghin jätteistäfor export.
- The sensitivity can be improved and interference from other ions diminished byextractinguuttamallathe red colourpunainen väriwith a solventliuottimella.
- Holding the mussel with both forefeet, it begins pounding it on the rock until it is sufficiently broken to allowthe ottersaukkoto<empty>extracterottamaanthe fleshlihanwith its teethhampaillaan.
- The brewerOluenpanijanmust nowon nytextractuutettavathese sugarsnämä sokeritby adding more hot waterlisäämällä vielä kuumaa vettäand so transfers the mash to a mash-tun.
- Alec and I realized thatwe<empty>would only endanger our lives by tryingto<empty>extractkiskoaFatherIsänfrom where he layylös sieltä, missä hän makasi,and make a night climb with him.
- Thenhehänextractedotti ulosthe cassettekasetin, hauling out the length of tape which had been recording and stuffed both items in his jacket pocket.
- As a constituent of water, resources of hydrogen are virtually inexhaustible; the problem howeverisonextractingerottaminenitsen.
- The iron oreRautamalmiis<empty>easilyhelpostiextractedlouhitaanby quarrying with giant excavatorsjättimäisten kaivinkoneiden avulla.
- These are obtained from leaves, flowers, bark, seeds and roots; usuallythe liquidnesteis<empty>extracteduutetaanby distillationtislaamalla.
- At the same time the market price of tin fell sharply becauseitsitäwas being<empty>extractederotettiinmuch more cheaplyfrom river gravels in MalayaMalayan jokisorasta.
- I won't be held bya promise thatlupaus, jokawasonunfairlyepäreilustiextractedpuristettufrom meminustabefore I legally became an adult.
- An agreement by whichpeatturvettawill continueto be<empty>extractederotetaanfrom a site of special scientific interest (SSSI)paikasta, johon kohdistuu erityinen tieteellinen kiinnostus (SSSI),has been strongly criticized by environmentalists.
- They had invested millions of dollars and lives in this war, and this meant thattheyhecould noteivät pystyneetextractirrottamaanthemselvesitseään siitäeasilyhelposti.
- Next yearwe<empty>will<empty>extractlouhimmeover 2.5 million tonnes of coalyli 2,5 miljoonaa tonnia hiiltäand could well be British Coal's largest contract supplier by 1994, ``claims John Chance, `but there is no room for complacency in an industry which is very much at a watershed.
- The monsters are cloned fromgenetic materialgeneettisestä materiaalista,extractederottavatby scientistsjota tiedemiehetfrom insects trapped millions of years agomiljoonia vuosia sitten vangiksi jääneistä hyönteisistä.
- Nowadays, in any case, only a small proportion ofthe china clayposliinisavestaextractedkaivettavastain Cornwall is used in pottery.
- Unextracted samples were stored at -40°C andsamplesnäytteetextracteduutetutinto methanolmetanoliinwere stoed at -20°C.
- I want him found, I wanta confessiontunnustusextractedettä hänestä puristetaan, and I want him executed!
- The brainAivojenmustonextractpoimittava,from a novel view of a faceuusista kasvoista,the information necessary to achieve a match with a representation stored in memorytarvittava tieto ja etsittävä sen vastineita representaatioista, jotka on tallennettu muistiin.
- RainRainoustedsysäsiZak SmytheZak Smythenfrom her chairpois tuoliltaanand asked what was going on.
- He hosted the meetings wherethe rebellionkapinaan,was fomentedwhichjokaoustedsavustiMrs Thatcherrouva Thatcherinfrom powervallasta.
- ItSewas renamed to the more familiar hydrogen in 1790 andoustedsyrjäyttihot airkuuman ilmanas the preferred lifting agent for the next thirty years.
- HobbesHobbesoustedsyrjäyttiWarnerWarnerinas a Cavendish client, by writing to the earl and belittling his abilities.
- Stalin died in March 1953 and was succeeded bythe moderate Malenkovmaltillinen Malenkov,whojonkawasto be<empty>oustedsyrjäyttiby the raucous Khrushchevremuisa Hruštšovin February 1955.
- Unfortunately,today's reasonable governmenttämän päivän järjellisen hallituksenmay well bevoivat aivan hyvinoustedsyrjäyttääby crazed fanaticshullut fanaatikot-- 50 years ago in Germany, for example.
- Now when a mealtime approaches, all I have to dois<empty>pluckpoimiaa menu cardateriakorttifrom the appropriate sectionasiaankuuluvasta osiostaand, hey presto, an instant meal suggestion!
- SheHänlurched, reached out a hand andpluckedpoimithe walletlompakonclean from the bearded man's graspsuoraan parrakkaan miehen otteesta.
- Blanche watched the girl's cheek muscles tighten and howshehänpluckednyppifluffnukkaafrom her dressmekostaanwith an over-deliberate calmliioitellun verkkaisesti.
- HeHänpluckedkiskaisihis hathatunfrom his headpäästäänand extracted a key from the hatband.
- When the Guardian arrived half an hour later,shehänpluckedpoimiitsenfrom the letter-boxkirjelaatikostawith impatient handskärsimättömin ottein.
- Thenthe windtuulirose again andpluckedkiskaisihis top hatsilinterihatunoff his headhänen päästäänand sent it bowling among the stones.
- A LIFEBOAT crewPELASTUSVENEEN miehistöpluckedkiskaisia young mannuoren miehento safetyturvaanfrom the freezing North Seajäätävästä Pohjanmerestä.
- JackJackpluckedpoimithe flowerkukanout of his morning coataamutakistaanand closed his fist slowly over it, crushing it into a pulp.
- SheHänuttered a muted cry of despair, andpluckedkiskaisiherselfitsensäfuriously backwardrajusti taaksepäinout of his grasppois hänen otteestaan.
- By pressing Russia's claims,MenshikovMenshikovpluckedpoimidefeattappionout of victoryvoitosta.
- Bertha CohenBertha Cohennodded briskly from the scullery sink where she was cleaning the blood from the dead hen's neck beforepluckingkynimistäits featherssen höyhenten.
- She was making hard work ofpluckingkynimisestäthe goosehanhen.
- It is a trick that might just save the life of the bird ifa catkissahas caught it and then placed it on the ground for a moment before startingto<empty>pluckkyniäitsitä.
- They won't even realise thatyou<empty>'re<empty>pluckingnyhdätthemheiltäof their savingsheidän säästönsä.
- He clung shivering to the comfortless bed that seemed now the only tenuous security he had, buthehänetwas<empty>pluckedkiskaistiinaway from itpois siitäand hustled through the doorway, still bemused with cold and sleep.
- Bogdan UrsuBogdan Ursunwas<empty>pluckedpelastifrom a grim Romanian orphanagekolkosta romanialaisesta orpokodistaby an aid organisationAvustusjärjestöand brought to Middlesbrough.
- At Frampton Cotterell near Bristol, Avon,a canoeistmelojawas<empty>pluckedpelastettiinto safety<empty>after being swept away in the fast-flowing River Frome.
- She had a longish, plain face with a straight nose and almost no eyebrows;shehänenmust haveoli täytynytpluckednyppiäthemneawaypoisin order to repaint them in higher up.
- She looked likea gypsy princessmustalaisprinsessalta, jokapluckedoli poimittufrom the pages of a storybooksatukirjan sivuilta.
- We left the chateau early the following morning, each of us resplendent inwhatever fineryniissä hepenissä, joitawe<empty>couldolimmepluckvalinneetfrom our wardrobesvaatekaapeistamme.
- Presumably Mira issuch a `spurious plant ``petollinen soluttautuja, unwelcome, and bestpluckedpoistaaoutjoukosta.
- As the roller is drawn over the skin,hairskarvatare trapped in the slits andpluckednypitäänoutpois.
- Downstairs, inside the house,KalchuKalchuwas preparing the cockerel by plunging it into a pan of boiling water, thenpluckingkynimälläout<empty>its featherssen höyhenetby the handfultupoittain.
- HeHänpluckedottioutesiinhis daggertikarinsaand hurled himself with all the weight and skill he had upon his enemy.
- A gasp of pain forced her to pay attention ashemiesprisedväänsiher handshänen kätensälooseirti.
- I<empty>gentlyvarovastiprisedVäänsinmy wristranteenifreevapaaksi.
- SheHänknelt andprisedpakottiitsenfrom its bedpois vuoteeltaan.
- Use the crowbarto<empty>prisekankeamaanthe framekehysfrom the wallirti seinästä.
- TottenhamTottenhamhave failedto<empty>prisekankeamaanSheringhamSheringhamiaaway from the City groundpois kaupungin kentältäand are still looking for a replacement for Gary Lineker.
- SheHänprisedkampesiitsenout of its little graveulos pienestä haudastaanand wiped it clean.
- AlexandraAlexandraprisedkampesiherselfitsensäreluctantlyvastahakoisestiout of the chairylös tuolistaand stood looking down at her Great Aunt.
- His date had a Finnish boy friend but he knewhetämäwasoliprisingkampeamassahertyttöäloosepois luotaan.
- A doorOvihad beenoliprisedkangettuopenauki.
- Corals which are collected by taking a reasonable amount of rock with them have a much better chance of being undamaged thanthose whichne, jotkaare<empty>prisedväännetäänoff the substrateirti kasvualustasta.
- In the corners of the kitchen, where it fitted badly,itsecould bevoitaisiinprisedkangetaupylös, peeled backwards, waggled to and fro until a piece cracked, broke off.
- The girl's rigid fingersTytön jäykät sormethad beenoliprisedväännettyfrom her handbagirti hänen käsilaukustaanand Doyle's hands, gloved, were spreading out its few contents on a plastic sheet laid on the bonnet of the car.
- TheseNämäshould instead bepitäisi sen sijaanprisedvääntääaparterilleenwith your fingerssormilla.
- Butherhänenattemptsto<empty>prisekammetahimmiestäawaypoiswere met by violence and verbal aggression.
- And his club is adamant it will take more than 1mto<empty>prisekangetahimhänetawaypois.
- FiremenPalomiestenhad to twice use power jacksto<empty>prisevääntämäänaparterilleenthe bars of a roundabout on a council recreation ground on the Roseworth estate at Stocktonkarusellin tangot kunnan virkistysalueella Roseworthin alueella Stocktonissa, to free two children who became trapped.
- Then take the matter of the car jack which, according to Bourke, he smuggled in toBlake whoBlakelle, jokaused itto<empty>prisevääntämäänawayirtithe window barsikkunan kalteritin order to make his escape from D block.
- TheyNecan be very difficultto<empty>prisevääntääaway from the hairs to which they are attachedirti hiuksista, joihin ne ovat kiinnittyneet.
- HeHänprisedväänsiawaypoisthe handkäden, which still gripped his shoulder.
- I could still read the name of the English toffee manufacturer onthe lid whichkannessa, jonkashehänprisedväänsioffirtiwith a knifeveitsellä.
- CarefullyvarovastipriseVäännäoffirtithe end battenspäätylistat.
- A barricade offlagstoneskivilaattojaprisedkangettujaupylösfrom the floorlattiastahad been erected for a final stand and the Collector, snatching a moment to look back towards it, was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it, thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank.
- More chaos awaits the Soviet Union unless it ditches perestroika for aThatcheritethatchermaistapurgepuhdistustaof its economytalouden
- Nijaz and Sead Hukanovic had feared they might never see each other again after being parted in thesavageraa'assapurgepuhdistuksessaof Bosniansbosnialaisten toteuttamassacallously dubbed `ethnic cleansing ``by the Serbs.
- However, when Cromwell fell from power in 1540, a conservative backlash ensued; severalpurgespuhdistuksetof hereticsvääräuskoistenfollowed and little further progress towards religious reform was made until after Henry's death.
- Following the disasters of 1915, pressure from above (principally from Gallieni, the gifted but ailing Minister of War) had forced apurgepuhdistamisenof the G.Q.G.G.Q.G.:nupon Joffre.
- He succeeded his father as a JP for Cheshire in 1619 and served on the bench until his removal, as part of apurgepuhdistustaby George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham [q.v.]ensimmäisen Buckinghamin herttuan George Villiersin toteuttamaa, on 26 October 1626.
- The paper had called earlier in 1990 for apurgepuhdistamistafrom the FLN's ranksFLN:n rivienof members who had established links with the FISjäsenistä, olivat muodostaneet yhteyksiä FIS:ään.
- As he recited familiar words, Jaq puzzled why he had really been detailed to be present on Stalinvast duringitssenpurgepuhdistuksen.
- There was also apartypuolueen sisälläpurgepuhdistus.
- About 80 per cent of officials in these ministries survived theUSYhdysvaltain toteuttamastapurgepuhdistuksestaand went on to cooperate with the Occupation in containing the labour movement into `sound ``de-politicized unions.
- Meanwhile, in the manager's office at Darlington Brian Little had responded to the club'sfall from grace with apurgepuhdistukselladuring the summer.
- There was no shortage of evidence fromherhänen toteuttamistaanCabinetKabinetinpurgespuhdistuksistaabout the disagreeable qualities of life in the Thatcher Cabinet Room.
- For centuries, the two religions co-existed uneasily though there were intermittentpurgespuhdistuksia,on witches and people who insisted on celebrating their pagan heritagejotka kohdistuivat noitiin ja ihmisiin, jotka itsepäisesti juhlivat pakanallista perintöään.
- THE Queen has put one of her footmen on permanent `light ``duties in a bid to beatthe taxman'sverottajanpurgepuhdistustoimet,on perks for royal staffjotka kohdistuvat kuninkaallisen henkilökunnan luontoisetuihin.
- According to Kelly, Fang's speech, `displayed all the features which were to lead tohishänenpurgepuhdistamiseensain 1987 ``(Kelly 1987: 133).
- The French and Greek socialists' electoral victories in 1981 saw de factoadministrativehallinnollisiapurgespuhdistuksiaand the attempted integration of party policy specialists within the new ministries.
- The exodus appeared to reflect Croat effortstojoiden määränä onpurgepoistaaMuslimsmuslimitfrom Croat-controlled districtskroaattien hallitsemilta alueiltaahead of a possible agreement to divide the Bosnia into Croat, Serb and Muslim ministates.
- WeVoimmecan<empty>purgepoistaathis diseasetämän sairaudenfrom the countrysidemaaseudulta!
- The Pill was as much about men's sexual liberation as it ever was about women's, becauseitsepurgedpoistitheir fear of paternityheidän pelkonsa isyydestä.
- The sin of the worldmaailman synnitwas<empty>purgedhuuhtoivatby the waters of the floodTulvavedet.
- It was as ifLucie's prideLuciehad beenolisipurgedpäässytawayeroon ylpeydestäänby standing in that vat of swirling morning mist.
- It was strange, buthis hatredhänwas<empty>purgedpääsi eroon vihastaan.
- ModernismModernismimay well have beenoli hyvinkin saatettupurgedpuhdistaafrom public viewvallitsevasta näkymästä, but to the determined specialist it was still covertly available.
- The permanent staffPysyvä henkilöstöwas graduallyasteittainpurgedpoistettiinto other campsmuille leireilleuntil there were none of the original `old people ``left.
- Theremovalhakkuuof treesPuidenconstitutes the removal of both biomass and nutrients so it is important for sustainable yield that logging rotations are sufficiently long to allow replenishment.
- I have deliberately kept consideration of the death or prolonged absence(s) of a parent apart from that ofparentalvanhemmanremovalpoistumisestaby separation or divorceasumus- tai avioeron kautta, since one would not wish to confound the two in their consideration.
- It was conceded thattheirheidänremovalpoistamisensaby the motheräidin toimestawas wrongful within the terms of article 3 and accordingly the court had to consider the terms of article 12 which provides:
- The father says that theremovalpoistaminenby heräidin toimestaof the childlapsenon 3 July was wrongful and, accordingly, that the Convention applies.
- The most controversial of these responsibilities involves the compulsoryremovalpoistamistafrom homekodistaanof an elderly personiäkkään ihmisenunder Section 47 of that same Act.
- Measurements commenced soon afterremovaloli siirrettyfrom the growth cupboardkasvustosta kärsivä kaappito the same room as described aboveedellä kuvattuun huoneeseen.
- HisHänenremovalerottamisensafrom officevirastacame as the climax of a mounting campaign against his leadership from within his own Vanua'aku Pati (VP).
- By 1988, people were often given only six hours' notice -- sometimes less -- of the imminence oftheirheidät oltiinremovalsiirtämässäto new homesuusiin koteihinand the destruction of their old ones.
- That part of the collection's rotation has worked surprisingly well but it has necessitated the temporaryremovalsiirtämistäto storage, or to its branch in Liverpool,varastoon tai Liverpoolin haaraanof masterpieces which visitors expect to find on permanent viewniiden mestariteosten, joita vierailijat olettavat näkevänsä pysyvässä kokoelmassa,.
- He had been interrogated at the Comando di Legione in Parma before being locked up in the Citadella to awaitremovalsiirtoato GermanySaksaan.
- The appendix does not have any function in man (i.e. it is a vestigial organ) and thereforeitssenremovalpoistamisellawould make no difference to Julie's normal activities once she had recovered from the operation itself.
- This is the only permanent method ofhairkarvojen-removalpoistoon, and even electrolysis does not necessarily work in one go.
- There is also a particularly useful section onstaintahran-removalpoistosta.
- Kebin and Kaiguo also report that grazing andwoodpuidenremovalhakkuufor firewood are prohibited near oases and villages and that these measures, plus tree planting and irrigation, have been effective in reclaiming parts of Gansu Province.
- The decreased activated pepsinogen activity in association with normal pepsinogen content observed in the antrum of H pylori positive gastritis patients indicate local pepsin inactivation or alternately enhancedremovalpoistumistainto the gastric lumenvatsaonteloonor backflow into the circulation.
- Dissection of the gallbladder was concluded uneventfully, but duringremovaloltiin poistamassathrough the umbilical incisionumbilikaalisen insision kauttathe specimen ruptured.
- Some caution must be exercised, however, in these patients and the advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy may markedly increase the proportion of such patients considered fit forgall bladdersappirakonremovalpoistoon.
- Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes, thenremoveotapanpannufrom heatliedeltäand stir in the eggs.
- Almost absent-mindedlyhehänremovedottithe BibleRaamatunfrom the bookshelfkirjahyllystäand extracted the letter he had read the night before.
- Re-inflation is achieved byremovingpoistamallathe airilmathrough an underwater seal drain (chest drain)vedenalaisen tiivisteputken (pleuradreenin) kautta.
- TheyHeillähave a legal duty to investigate such complaints and legal powers, if necessary,to<empty>removesiirtääa childlapsito a place of safetyturvalliseen paikkaanand apply to a court for a `care order ``.
- It is occasionally necessaryto<empty>removeviedäthe elderly personiäkäs ihminento hospitalsairaalaan, temporarily or permanently, and in certain circumstances this is the only possible action.
- In Bateman itselfthe accusedsyytettytook part of the victim's uterus away during childbirth anddid noteikäremovevienytherhäntäto hospitalsairaalaanfor five days.
- TheyHemanagedto<empty>removesiirtämäänthe tureenliemikulhonalmost to the doormelkein ovelle asti: until, that is, they discovered the flex was plugged into the wall through a hole in the bar.
- RemovePoimithe dumplingsmykytwith a slotted spoonreikäkauhallaand serve them the same way as the fried dumplings.
- He smiled slowly and held her prisoner with his eyes whilehehänremovedriisuihis jackettakkinsawith an almost leisurely airmiltei verkkaisen oloisesti.
- Surgeons in the US, Europe and JapanYhdysvaltalaiset, eurooppalaiset ja japanilaiset kirurgithave beenovatremovingpoistaneettumourskasvaimiawith powerful carbon dioxide lasersvoimakkailla hiilidioksidilasereillasince the early 1970s.
- The clear eggs can be found by searching through the mop, strand by strand andremovingpoistamallathemneby handkäsin.
- I<empty>removePoistanthe frysammakonpoikasetjust before this stage; gently syphoning them from their leaf, and then treating them as for fry hatched artificially.
- Some people like to remove all the petals to `clear the decks ``,otherstoisetwill<empty>removepoistavatjust enoughvain sen verran,from the centrekeskustastato give enough space to work.
- A great deal of bomb debris still remains to be cleared, but valiant efforts have been madeto<empty>removesiivoamiseksirefusejätteiden.
- In the modern coal-fired power station,dust and gritpöly ja hiekkaare<empty>removedpoistetaanby filtering devices called ``arresterssuodatuslaitteilla, joita kutsutaan "pidättimiksi".
- Existing employers and partners can also have a lot to say on this point and do not take kindly tolarge chunks of their worksuuren osan heidän työstäänbeing<empty>removedpoistaaby an exiting employeelähtevä työntekijä.
- This materials is made from a newly developed synthetic fibre which resists stains and allowsmarksjälkiento be<empty>removedpoistonsimply by using soap, water and a clean clothyksinkertaisesti käyttämällä saippuaa, vettä ja puhdasta liinaa.
- Move the cursor ontothe charactermerkinto be<empty>removedpoistettavan.
- Mr M asked for a receipt forall the items thatkaikista esineistä, jotkawere being<empty>removedvietiinfrom his homehänen kotoaan.
- WorkmenTyömiehethave startedremovingpoistamaanthe courthouse's Georgian porticooikeustalon Yrjöjen aikaista pylväikköästone by stonekivi kiveltä.
- `The occupantsAsukkaatwere latermyöhemminremovedsiirrettiinto the Isle of ManMansaarelleand the site was made into a transit camp for our men, ``she writes.
- RemovePoimito a platelautaselleusing a slotted spoonreikäkauhalla.
- The original loft had been taken down andthe balustradereunakaideremovedon poistettuto the west endlänsipäädystäto form a gallery.
- RemovePoimiwith a slotted spoonreikäkauhallaand set mushrooms aside.
- In one area of Germany a quarry was being excavated for paving slabs andthe fossilsfossiilitremovedpoistetutfrom theresieltäwould otherwise have been destroyed.
- He may need to havethe lumpkyhmyremovedpoistattaa.
- When they reached the kitchen Lucy collected the cups and saucers whileJeanJeanrinsedhuuhtelithe crumbsmurutoff themniistäand stacked them in the dishwasher.
- Donna got to her feet and padded across to the bathroom whereshehänshowered quickly,rinsinghuuhtoenawaypoisthe dirt of the journeyliat matkan jäljiltä.
- LortonLortonrinsedhuuhtoithe lathervaahdonfrom his skiniholtaanand frowned at his clean-shaven face.
- This unique product is applied beforethe permpermanenttiis<empty>rinsedhuuhdotaanoffpoisand looks set to change the face of perming.
- He took a mouthful of beer and swilled it round his mouth several timesto<empty>rinsehuuhtoakseenthe remains of his mealateriansa jäänteetfrom his teethhampaistaan.
- Alwaysrinsehuuhdooff<empty>all salt and chlorinated waterkaikki suola- ja kloorivesiafter swimming, as these have a drying effect on the skin.
- Oh, crumbs!shehänthought as,quicklynopeastirinsinghuuhtoia smear of olive oiloliiviöljytahratfrom her handskäsistään, she heard the bell ring again.
- The hookKoukkuhadolirippedrepäissyta great tuft of fleshison lihatukonfrom his throathänen kurkustaan.
- The hornets' nestHerhiläisten pesäwas<empty>rippedrepeytyifrom the branchoksalta,as the strip passed bykun liuska kulki sen ohi.
- HeHänrippedrepäisia pagesivunfrom one of themyhdestä.
- THE IRAIRAplannedto<empty>riprepivänsäthe heartsydämenout of the West EndWest Endistälast nightviime yönäwith a 1,000 lb bomb450 kilon pommilla.
- No wonderhis precioushänen kultansahadolirippedraadelluthis throathänen kurkkunsaoutauki.
- During one fiery boutErään tulisen kohtauksen aikanashehänrippedrepithe telephonepuhelimenout of the wallseinältäand smashed it over his head.
- I nod again, feeling likemy gutssisuskalunihave beenonrippedrevittyoutulos.
- `You mess with me, Breakspear, ``he said in a deceptively mild voice, `andIminä'll<empty>riprevinyour spineselkärankasiout of your assholeulos perseesi kautta.
- Without considerationAsiaa harkitsemattahehänrippedrepäisithe tapeteipinfrom her skinnaisen iholtaso that she winced with the searing painniin, että hän vavahti kirpaisevasta tuskasta.
- The brotherVeliseized a table-lamp,rippingja repithe plugpistokkeenout of its socketrasiasta.
- In April 2000,the airport surveillance radar at Boston's Logan AirportBostonin Loganin lentokentän valvontatutkawas<empty>rippedrepeytyifrom it s mounting pedestaljalustaltaanduring severe weather conditionsankarissa sääolosuhteissa, severely reducing the number of flights in and out of Logan Airport.
- um-hum yeah when we moved into our house i just hated the bushes they had and ii<empty>rippedrevinmost of themsuurimman osan niistäoutpoisand put them somewhere in the back and put new ones out front but that was a lot of work took me a long time
- KAETHEKAETHE(rippingrepienoffpoisher masknaamionsa): Not so fast!
- SinatraSinatrathenreportedlykertomusten mukaanrippedrepithe phonepuhelimenout of the wallseinältäand threw it across the room.
- and he paid his monthly bills and he just you know wrote all the checks on the screen and hit print and it printed out like ten checks and he just you know they're perforated andhehänjustrippedrepäisithemneoffirtithey go through just a continuous thing on the printer and
- um my roommate was attacked and she got away unharmed but scared to pieces and had hadall of her clothingkaikki hänen vaatteensarippedoli revittyoff of herhänen yltäänum
- hehänrippedrepäisithemneoffirtiand stuck them in the envelopes and there they went you know and he said you know i can balance my checkbook in seconds you know because it's all in the computer you know so
- rippedirti revittyinäfrom his bodyhänen ruumiistaanand hang [ing] from chains. ``
- my momäitiniwould've probablyolisi luultavastirippedrepäissytthe radioradionoff thepois
- It depicts the giant Tityus, whose punishment for raping the goddess Leto was to havehis liverhänen maksansarippedraatelioutirtieach dayjoka päiväby a vulturekorppikotka, only to have it grow back each night.
- The paper adds that one of these witnesses also described a womanhavingjonkaher clothesvaatteetrippedrevittiinoff herhänen päältään,while she was ``crowd-surfing ``over the mosh pitkun hän surffasi yleisön käsien varassa "mosh pitin" yllä.
- During the 1980s, Cornwell worked in a coroner's office, and now she specializes in clinical descriptions of autopsies, explaining in graphic detail how to analyze the vaginal swab of a raped corpse or how to testskinihoa,rippedjoka on repeytynytoff a tortured child's buttockkidutetun lapsen pakarasta.
- andi<empty>haveolensince thensen jälkeenprobablyluultavastirippedaivanoutpihalla
- The courses for it s 23 studentsSen 23 opiskelijalle tarkoitetut kurssitcould have beenolisi voiturippedrepäistäout of a Modern Language Association catalogModern Language Associationin katalogista, circa 1995: There are classes on feminism, ``new spiritualities, ``environmentalism, postcolonialism, gender, race, media, dissidence, and, of course, pop culture.
- As soon as you gotheyhe'll<empty>roustpatistavatusmeidät liikkeelle
- I<empty>roustedPatistinThessyThessynout of his bedylös sängystäwith a cup of teateekupillisella, then went to my own bed as he took over the wheel.
- `Besides,my friend Wotherspoonystäväni Wotherspoondidn't mindbeinghänetroustedpatistettiinout of bedylös sängystäan hour ago.
- My boss returned along the passage at a furious gallop and I steeled myself for some unpleasantness asthe young mannuori mieswas<empty>roustedpatistettiinfrom his bedylös sängystään.
- The transformation followsa 15-minute laser operation which15-minuuttista lasertoimenpidettä, jokashaveshöyläämicroscopic amounts of tissuemikroskooppisia määriä kudostafrom the front of the eyesilmän etuosasta.
- TheyHeshavedajelivatoff<empty>my hairhiukseniand sewed up my head.
- The photo shows Healthcare's branch manager at Bristolhavingjoltahis moustacheviiksetshavedajelivatoff<empty>by three of his sales consultants, Allyson Glover, Angela Rowlands and Lea Collinskolme hänen myyntikonsulttiaan, Allyson Glover, Angela Rowlands ja Lea Collins,.
- Remove the vanilla pod,skimkuorithe jamhillo, and let it cool for a few minutes before turning it into small jars.
- `Al, ``he asked, `do you see any record often perkymmenen pro-centbeing<empty>skimmedolisi pihistetty?
- The sand sunk; the wheat floated: andImoImocould thenpystyi sittenskimkuorimaana clean meal of wheatpuhtaan vehnäaterianoff the surfacepinnalta.
- ``We<empty>will dam the area andskimkuorimmeor pumpthe oilöljynoutpois, he said, adding that much of the recovered oil would be sent to refineries.
- Judge Renfren Paisano, in the northeastern province of Gracias a Dios, last November sentencedSalazarSalazarforskimmingvarastamisesta11 pounds (five kilos) of cocaineviiden kokaiinikilonfrom a July 1994 drug bustheinäkuun 1994 huumetakavarikon yhteydessä.
- Under the existing system,millions of dollarsmiljoonia dollareitaallegedlyhave beenonskimmedvarastettuoff<empty>through corruptionkorruption kautta.
- Sgt Steve Atkinson saidthievesvarkaidenwalk in through unlocked back doors andsnatchvarastavanwhatever they canmitä pystyivät.
- SheHänsnatchednappasiitseneagerlyhalukkaastifrom his handmiehen kädestäand began to eat with great relish.
- She looked up into his face and resisted the urgeto<empty>snatchnapatathe folderkansiofrom his handhänen kädestäänand strew its contents defiantly across the carpet.
- SheHänsnatchednappasiBusterBusterinfrom his playleikeistäänand we went back into the house where she held him close to her face, laughing as the big cat purred and arched himself ecstatically against her cheek.
- ItSefastened on Mala like a grasping hand andsnatchedtempaisiherhänetinto the airilmaan.
- `The attackerHyökkääjädragged her to the floor andsnatchedsieppasithe baglaukunoff her armhänen kädestään.
- KeithKeithtriedto<empty>snatchnapatathe penkynänaway from herhäneltäand she slapped his hand so that he did not jog her.
- JoyceJoyceraced down the road despite the crowds andsnatchedtempaisithe childlapsenaway from the would-be thiefpois varkautta yrittävältä.
- There was no need to barge in, in such a dramatic manner, andsnatchnapataitsitäright out of my handsuoraan kädestäni!
- Tell me Mojo, whenyour kidlapsesigotsnatchedsieppasivatby the aliensavaruusolennot, was he wearing any brand-name designer-label clothing?
- It is only with your help thatthe Czechoslovak Socialist RepublicTsekkoslovakian sosialistinen tasavaltacan bevoidaansnatchedpelastaaaway from the looming danger of counter-revolutionvastavallankumouksen uhkaavalta vaaralta.
- At the last momenthis jewelhänen jalokivensähad beenolisnatchedryöstettyawayhäneltä.
- ItSenwas<empty>snatchedryöstifrom herhäneltäby a woman without heart or conscience, a woman driven by greednainen, jolla ei ole sydäntä tai omatuntoa, nainen ahneuden pauloissa.
- Jim and Pauline McGregor fearedthey<empty>would die afterbeingheidätsnatchedsiepattiinwhile holidaying in France.
- Magistrates used the in loco parentis provision of the Criminal Justice Act to impel the authority to compensate the 78-year-old woman who hadher baglaukunsnatchedvarastanutby the youthnuori mies.
- Dealers have been alerted to look out for250 items250 esinettä,snatchedjotka varastettiinfrom an exclusive house in London's Belgraviahienosta talosta Lontoon Belgraviassa.
- Irritated,shehänsnatchedtempaisioutpoisthe earpiecekuulokkeenand let the set dangle round her neck.
- With thathehänsnatchedtempaisiupthe bottlepullonand flung it through the open window into the yard.
- The WarSotahad emptied him;strippedriisunuthimhänetof all illusionskaikista harhakuvitelmista.
- President Yeltsin was also facing trouble from Russia's supreme legislature, which was reported to be tablinga motion thataloitetta, jokawould<empty>strippoistaisihimhäneltäof his emergency powershänen hätätilavaltuutensa.
- Nowshehänregrettedstrippingsitä, että oli riisunutthe clothesvaatteetfrom his bodymiehen yltä.
- TheyHecut andstrippedpoistivatthe turfnurmikonaway<empty>in small neat squares and then after measuring the ground they slowly and laboriously began to dig.
- HeHänreached his hand inside each birdto<empty>strippoistaakseenits innardssen sisälmyksetaway<empty>before tossing the empty carcass on to a pile on the ground.
- ThievesVarkaat, having stolen a car, take it for a joy ride and thenstrippurkavat senitosiinbefore setting it alight to destroy the evidence.
- It was littered with ladders, pails and other decorators' paraphernalia and the air was permeated with the odour of the chemical the workmen were usingto<empty>stripmaalinpoistoonthe woodworkpuurakenteiden.
- This was asset-stripping on a grand scale, onlythe assetsomaisuudenwere<empty>strippedpurki osiinby the company's managing directoryrityksen toimitusjohtajaand then thrown away.
- A chunk of the workpiece is either knocked off as a result of fracture along a weak fault, ora layer of atomsatomien kerrosis<empty>strippedpoistetaanaway from its surfacesen pinnasta.
- TheyHeiltäwere carefullyhuolellisestistrippedvietiinof powerskaikki valta(for example, over housing and education) and cash.
- The reason is that fruit juices are simplyfruithedelmää,strippedjosta on poistettuof its natural fibre contentluonnollinen kuitusisältö.
- For some time,the millmyllystood idle and decaying, butwas eventuallylopultastrippedsiitä poistettiinof its machinerykoneistoand converted to two cottages.
- Instead I foundthe fieldpelloltastrippedoli vietyof strawberriesmansikat
- Executive powerstoimeenpanovalta,strippedvietyfrom EyademaEyademalta, were transferred to the new Prime Minister, Koukou Koffigoh.
- I hadthe blindsVerhotstrippedvedettiinfrom my eyessilmiltäni.
- It should be stressed thatlarge wooden articles such as doorssuurista puuesineistä, kuten ovista,are usually far betterkannattaa poistaastrippedmaaliby removing them and dipping in a caustic tankirrottamalla ne ja upottamalla ne sitten emäksistä nestettä sisältävään säiliöön.
- They had this very unhealthy large majority and they put before the Housea Bill whichlakiehdotuksen,offered total deregulation of shopping hours and to all intents and purposesstrippedpoistiout<empty>nearly all the employment protection which has been a hallmark of Sunday trading legislationmelkein kaiken työntekijöiden suojan, joka on ollut sunnuntaikauppaa koskevan lainsäädännön tunnusmerkki, certainly for the past century.
- Cranes, ware, offices -- allNosturit, tavarat, toimistot – kaikkihad beenolistrippedpurettuaway<empty>, leaving just a small site office and an abandoned bulldozer outlined against the damp glow on the far bank.
- There was no more ugly brown wallpaper;itsehad all beenkaikki olistrippedirrotettuoff<empty>, and the walls were white-washed.
- Or do away with wallcovering altogether:stripirrotaaway<empty>the plasterrappauslaastito expose the bare brick underneath.
- StripIrrotaoff<empty>the old varnishvanha vernissawith a chemical stripper and wire woolkemiallisella irrotinaineella ja teräsvillalla.
- HeHänstrippedkiskoithemheidätoff the mattresspois patjaltaand carried Willie down to the living room.
- FoxbatFoxbatcouldpystyiswipepyyhkäisemäänsatellitessatelliittejafrom the skiestaivaaltalike irritant flies; take the Russians leap-frogging ahead of the planned space shuttle programme.
- There was a big owd fly settled on the smithy door; andthis owd boytämä kaveritook off his hat and was just a-goin'to<empty>swipehuitaisemassathis flytämän kärpäsenoff the doorpois ovesta.
- `I told you, she -- ``But, before she could finish,hehänswipedveithe wordssanatout of her mouthnaisen suustawith the flat of his handkämmenellään.
- IMinullahad no intention ofswipingnäpistääthe lottätä kaikkea.
- What is the point of only taking what you need and looking after your resources for the future, iftheyneare simply goingto be<empty>swipedpihistääby somebody elsejoku muu?
- Within seconds of house-lights-on,all five set-listskaikki viisi settilistaahave beenonswipedpihistetty.
- But it was too late; large tears rolled down her cheeks and, no matter how swiftlyshehänswipedpyyhkithemniitäawaypoisand pretended they weren't there, they just kept on coming.
- So we'd wait up all night, follow the delivery van around and survive onthe bread and milkleivällä ja maidolla, joitawe<empty>couldonnistuimmeswipenäpistämään.
- HeHänwas charmed by the tune andtookottithe whole boxkoko laatikonfrom herhäneltäwhile he listened; his face reflected an almost childlike absorption.
- She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture, and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis whenhehänwent andtookottiitsenfrom its hangervaateripustimesta.
- Welcome back: In a few minuteswe<empty>takeriisummethe wrapssalamyhkäisyyden verhonoff one the great secrets in the world of wildlifeerään luonnon suuren salaisuuden ympäriltä.
- The former schoolteacher said: `I don't take the mickey out of the contestants any more thanI<empty>take<empty>it<empty>out of myselfitseänikään.
- ``Shehänetwas<empty>takenveivätby ApachesApassit, Mrs. Favor said.
- HeHänsat up andtookottia piece of mud-coloured ragmudanvärisen rätinout of his pockettaskustaanand wiped his face.
- Once they had cooled completelywe<empty>tookveimmethemneoutuloscarefullyvarovastiso we didn't disturb the curls too much.
- Amongthe itemsesineidentakenvietyjenfrom his Darlington homehänen Darlingtonin-kodistaanwere electric blankets, souvenirs and a treasured portrait of Winston Churchill given by a grateful constituent.
- The Walkman was lying in the road beside the vehicles, and Spicer later returnedfour cassettesneljä kasettia,takenjotka oli vietyfrom the PeugeotPeugeotista.
- On their way out of the church,HarryHarrytookottifrom the rack of postcardspostikorttitelineestäone reproducing Sedley's inscriptionyhden, johon oli jäljennetty Sedleyn kaiverrus.
- Today they give us a meagre amount ofthe cash whichrahoista, jotkatheyhehad previouslyovat aiemmintakenvieneetoff usmeiltäin the form of grant cutbacks, ``he said.
- The same social worker wantedDonnaDonnatakenviedäänoff usmeiltäat birth.
- His fantasies had been anaesthetised,all the unpleasant detailskaikki epämiellyttävät yksityiskohdattakenolioutpoistettu, there were no odours of cheap cologne in his dreams.
- He believes it important to be seen to be a good community person and to put back insome of whatosa siitä, mitäwe<empty>takesaammeoutitsellemme.
- A survey would establish once and for all whetherthe coalhiili, jotatheyheare<empty>takinglouhivat,out<empty>is paying its way and whether the pit has a future.
- Using this, make a box 375mm square and 375mm high, witha lid thatkannella, jokacan bevoidaantakenirrottaa,off<empty>in the spring so that the box can be cleaned.
- BooksKirjojaare<empty>takenotetaanouthyllystä, and if they're put back at all it's never in the same place.
- Thenyou<empty>takeotatoutesiinthe little plastic boxpienen muovirasianfrom your jackettakintaskustasiand show him the syringe needle.
- HeHäntookottioutesiinhis handkerchiefnenäliinansaand blew his nose loudly.
- There's this white blazer with these thick purple stripes, andI<empty>takeotanitsenoff the hangervaateripustimesta.
- Haveeverythingkaikkibrought in andtakenviedäändown to the cellaralas kellariin.
- I<empty>tookOtindown<empty>from the bookshelf above the bedsängyn yläpuolella olevasta kirjahyllystäa hardback edition of Hugh Brogan's History of the United Stateskovakantisen painoksen Hugh Broganin Yhdysvaltain historiasta.
- Eventually I managed to finda pagesivun,tornrevitynfrom a local bus timetablepaikallisesta bussiaikataulustawhich showed the Province of Parmajossa näky Parman maakunta.
- With a sobNyyhkäistenshehäntorerepiher mouthsuunsafrom hismiehen huulilta.
- HeHän'd probablyluultavastitearrepisithemneoutulosanyway.
- The wholeKokonaisuusmust beontornrevittäväout<empty>by the rootsjuurineen.
- As they watchedHeidän seuratessaan,itsetorerepioutaukiHugo Baskerville's throatHugo Baskervillen kurkun.
- HeHäntorerepifleshlihaafrom his grandmotherisoäidistään, but tossed it aside.
- The dogKoiratorerepihis leadtalutushihnanout of her handhänen kädestäänand raced along the bank, barking.
- GoodsTavaratcan bevoidaanunloadedpurkaaand dealt with as soon as they arrive from the manufacturer.
- Everything was grey, wet and colourless as we stood by the rail watchingthe luggagematkatavaroitabeing<empty>unloadedpurettiininto the custom shedstullin suojaan.
- According to the teletype, `the handwritten duty sheet indicates only thatthe luggagematkatavaratwas<empty>unloadedpurettiinfrom Air Malta 180Air Maltan lennolta 180.
- When we left Baghdad, there was no further news of what had happened to those on board, except thatthe shiplaivahad been forcedto<empty>unloadpurkamaanits cargolastinsain the port of Kabbous, OmanKabbouksen satamassa Omanissa.
- LauraLauraunloadedpurkiher cargolastinsaon to the sofasohvalle.
- Christina approacheda young ladnuorta kaveria,unloadingjoka oli purkamassacrates of Cockspur golden rumvaaleaa Cockspur-rommia sisältäviä laatikoitaon to the veranda of a tiny barpienen baarin kuistille.
- Three youths armed with Armalite pen-knives waited forthe bandyhtyetooliunloadpurkanuttheir gearvarusteensabefore threatening them and attempting to drive away with their van.
- Both raw materials and finished products were all in bags --we<empty>unloadedpurimmethe raw materialsraakamateriaalitup until midnight then re-loaded the lorries from midnight onwards for the drivers to deliver the next day.
- It took only a few minutes to reach her cottage and Maltravers completed his story whileshehänunloadedpurkithe shoppingostoksetin the kitchen.
- No one spoke;theyhebeganto<empty>unloadpurkaathe caseslaatikoitafrom the lorrykuorma-autosta.
- Theretheyheunloadedlastasivattheir lootryöstösaaliinsainto waiting landrovers and lorriesvalmiiksi odottaviin jeeppeihin ja kuorma-autoihin.
- Asthe loose barleyleikattu ohrawas<empty>unloadedlastattiinon to the goafsteadalustalle, a boy rode a quiet old farmhorse round and round on the corn, trampling it down.
- We<empty>were soon splashing about in the surfwashinghuuhtoenoffitsestämmeweeks of dirt accumulated in the slit trencheslikaa, joka oli kertynyt viikkojen kuluessa kapeissa taisteluhaudoissa.
- Re-immerse in the detergent solutionto<empty>washhuuhdellaksesioffpoisloosened dirtirronneen lian.
- Only then wouldthe bridemorsianwashhuuhtoioffpoisher many powders and oilserilaiset puuterinsa ja öljynsäwith the help of her mother.
- She cavorted about in its depths for a while before gliding to the side to retrieve the soap andwashpestäkseenthe collected grimepiintyneen lianfrom her skin and hairiholtaan ja hiuksistaan.
- When they arrived at the house, they saw a man whom they had good reason to suppose to bethe assailanthyökkääjäksiwashingpeseväksibloodvertafrom himselfitsestään.
- If we were lucky, there were a few minutes in the evening when the wind dropped, the dust storm subsided, andwe<empty>could brave the mosquitoes andwashhuuhtomaanthe corrosive dustsyövyttävän pölynfrom our bodiesruumiistamme.
- Manmohan Singh, the Indian Finance Minister, partially restoredthe subsidy on fertilizerslannoitetuen,withdrawnjoka oli lakkautettu,when he presented his budget on July 24 [see p. 38337].
- Sheffield City Council simply refused to implement the Act and employed two officers to persuadetenantsasukkaitato<empty>withdrawvetämään poisapplications to purchaseostohakemuksensa.
- This, it was suggested, led to considerable pressure oncomplainantsasianomistajilleto<empty>withdrawvetää poiscomplaintsvalituksensato avoid the time and effort involved in a full investigation.
- These synapse with six motor cells, whose axons causethe muscles whichlihaksetwithdrawsisäänpäin vetävätthe gillkidustato contract.
- `I mean I've done it, I've arranged everything, and because some of the bills have to be paid in advanceI<empty>withdrewnostinthe moneyrahatto cover them.
- For although executions before English crowds ended in 1868, it was not until 1939 thatFranceRanskadecided to follow suit andwithdrawlakkauttaathe scaffoldmestauslavanbehind prison wallsvankilan muurien takana.
- Canadian decisionto<empty>withdrawvetäätroopsjoukotfrom EuropeEuroopasta
- Yet, as she said it,shehänwithdrewvetiher handskädetfrom her pocketstaskuistaanand folded them firmly over her chest.
- HeHänfound himself being introduced to Agnes, and managedto<empty>withdrawvetämäänhis gazekatseensafrom one sisteryhdestä siskostato the othertoiseenand to make some rather incoherent answers to the Countess's greetings.
- HarperCollinsHarperCollinshas agreedto<empty>withdrawvetämään poisits objection to the import into Australia of Blinky Bill titles published by Twin Books UKvastalauseensa, joka koskee Twin Books UK:n julkaisemien Blinky Bill -nimikkeiden tuontia Australiaan.
- Mark the pipe with a pencil andwithdrawvedäitsitä ulosabout 10mmnoin 10 mm
- The court held that the accused represented that the bank owed him the money and thathehänelläwas entitledto<empty>withdrawnostaaitsitä.
- Cashkäteistäis deposited andwithdrawnnostavatby bank customersPankin asiakkaat.
- All American forcesKaikki Yhdysvaltain joukotwould be<empty>withdrawnvedettäisiin poisby 30 June 1949.
- ItSewas<empty>withdrawnpoistettiinfrom servicekäytöstäand probably scrapped.
- There is no needto<empty>withdrawvetää poisyour blocking armtorjuvaa käsivarttasifullykokonaanas you reverse punch; you probably won't have enough time to anyway!
- Ash privies were an improvement, as they were built above ground level and cemented at the bottom; ash was thrown in at the front andthe contentssisältöwithdrawnpoistettiinthrough a door at the backtakana olevan oviaukon kautta.
- Once rural bus services are subsidized they become vulnerable towithdrawallakkauttamisille,by councils dominated by car-owners wishing to limit increases in the ratesjoita tekevät autonomistajien hallitsemat neuvostot, kun ne haluavat rajoittaa taksojen nostoa, while those who need the service are often without a voice at County Hall.
- At present 5 library systems successfully notify accessions andwithdrawalsottojaby tape; it is hoped that this number will increase in the future.
- Again, a substantialwithdrawalväheneminenof allegiancekuuliaisuudenfrom AethelredAethelrediä kohtaanmust have occurred.
- He said the biggest element in the rise from last year's £309wasolithe Government'shallituksenwithdrawalpäätös lakkauttaaof the “ safety net ”"turvaverkko", which adds £14.87 to each bill.
- The inevitable slowing down in drilling which will stem from thewithdrawallakkauttamisestaof the concessionhelpotuksenis bound to hit jobs at Scottish supply bases sooner rather than later.
- Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result initssenwithdrawallakkauttaminen, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
- Secondly, banks must maintain an adequate degree of liquidity, i.e. cash, to meet customers'cashkäteis-withdrawalsnostoihin.
- Rising inflation, fuelled in part by uncertainty followingVietnam'sVietnamintroopjoukkojenwithdrawalvetäytymistä, had the effect of increasing prices.
- There are no American or British diplomats in Kabul to answer the allegations because both countries pulled out their embassy staffs before theSovietneuvosto-troopjoukkojenwithdrawalvetäytymistälast February.
- The independent review of the project was launched by the World Bank last June, following local and international protests and thewithdrawallopettaminenof fundingrahoituksenby the Japanese governmentJapanin hallituksen myöntämän.
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