TransFrameNet:Processing materials
dye.v 🔎
- Brix Smith certainly means to keep up the progress:Iminä've considereddyeingvärjäämistämy hairhiustenibrownruskeaksito avoid being seen as another of today's toy blonde singers.
- His hairHänen hiuksensawasdyedvärjättiinorangeoransseiksiand his white face made ghostly by his dyed russet beard.
- Grey and brown are obtained either by using undyed wool or bydyeingvärjäämälläthe yarnslangatwith extracts from nutshells and oak barkpähkinänkuorista ja tammenkaarnasta saaduilla uutteilla.
- Coffee grainsKahvijauhewill<empty>dyevärjääeggshellsmunankuoretbrownruskeiksi.
- Her hairHänen hiuksensawasolidyedvärjättyan incredible brutal reduskomattoman räikeänpunaisiksi.
- As a general rule, rugs employing bolder, more overtly geometric compositions should be judged by the same criteria as nomadic rugs, particularly iftheyneare alsoon myösdyedvärjättyin a limited palette of austere or primary shadesvaatimattomista väreistä tai pääväreistä koostuvalla rajoitetulla väripaletilla.
- ItSencan be bought undyed, bleached ordyedvärjättynäin a variety of colourseri väreillä.
- Withher hairhiuksineendyedvärjättyineredPunaiseksiand body hunched over the monitors, Lesley looks like a Cronenbergian Miki Berenyi, her face contorted and spewing out `hips, tits, lips, power and generous quantities of beer with alacrity.
- Those were the days beforepeopleihmisetdyedvärjäsivättheir hairhiuksensabright colourskirkkailla väreillä, the days of henna.
- Haveyour eyelashessilmäripsesidyedVärjäytäat a local beauty salonpaikallisessa kauneussalongissaand then you can simply forget about them all summer.
- IminädyedVärjäsinmy hairhiuksenievery colour under the sunkaikilla mahdollisilla väreillä, and I was in this all-women band, we wore lots and lots of make-up and these really baggy dresses in wild colours, which covered our whole bodies -- we all dressed the same.
- ItSewas hand woven of sheep's wool anddyedvärjättythe same deep indigo colour as her masksamalla syvällä indigonsinisellä kuin hänen naamionsa.
- The granitegraniitinwas gradually beingasteittaindyedvärjäsicarminekarmiininpunaiseksiby the progress of the dying sunLaskeva aurinko.
- I also recall that at least on one or two occasions,hehän'dolidyedvärjännythis hairhiuksensawhich was almost unheard of in the early 60's.
enrichment.n 🔎
- On the basis of these findings, Shattil et al (1975) postulated thatcholesterolkolesterolinenrichmentrikastaminenof the platelet membraneverihiutaleen kalvonmight affect the membrane fluidity and consequently the sensitivity to aggregating agonists.
- This supernatant was used for measurement ofisotopicisotooppinenenrichmentrikastaminenof free leucinevapaan leusiinin.
- Dr Safa Al-Habobi -- a director of Matrix Churchill -- was actively involved in the attempt to acquire gas centrifuge technology for theenrichmentrikastamistaof uraniumuraanin.
- Follow-up MRP investigations in the Benglog area of North Wales, near Dolgellau, showedbariumbariuminenrichmentrikastamistain Ordovician sediments associated with subaerial to submarine bimodal volcanismordovikikauden kerrostumissa, jotka liitettiin sekä maanpäälliseen että merenalaiseen bimodaaliseen vulkaanisuuteen(MRP 63).
- They will also run the plant providingenrichmentrikastamistafor defence purposespuolustustarkoituksiinuntil the end of the contract with the Ministry of Defence next year.
- Clearly thetrace-elementhivenaineidenenrichmentrikastamis-process responsible for the offsets in Pb isotopic composition in Fig. 2 c is largely independent of the exact precursor material and the longer-term heterogeneity of the mantle.
- A suggestion by the IAEA that China had provided Iraq with equipment foruraniumuraaninenrichmentrikastamiseenhad been denied by the government on Oct. 8.
- First, Gare has set up customer and market groups for electricity transmission and distribution; power generation;nuclear fuelydinpolttoaineenenrichmentrikastamistaand reprocessing; and pharmaceutical research.
- A second technique developed utilises thenaturalluonnollistaenrichmentrikastamistaof the rare-earth elements in fluoritefluoriitin harvinaisten maametalliosien.
galvanize.v 🔎
- And, byzincsinkki-galvanizinggalvanoimallaall the bare metalkaikki paljaat metalliosat,AudiAudiis able to offer a 10 year guarantee against rusting, which should see you nicely into the next millennium.
- The complete range of Dorman Long lintelsDorman Longin päällyslautojen valikoimaare<empty>galvanisedgalvanoidaanafter fabricationvalmistuksen jälkeen(especially at the danger points of edges, welds, and internal surfaceserityisesti vaara-alueilta, kuten reunoista, saumoista ja sisäpinnoilta), this provides better protection against corrosion and staining.
- Every inch of its exterior metalSen metallikuoren jokainen senttiisongalvanisedgalvanoituagainst corrosionruostetta vastaan.
- The table is ideal for circular sawing, jig sawing and shaping, andthe top and framepinta ja kehikkoarehot-dipkuumaupotuksellagalvanisedgalvanoitufor long lifekäyttöiän pidentämiseksi.
- All exterior wrought iron workKaikki ulkokäyttöön tarkoitettu takorautais sent awayto be<empty>galvanisedgalvanoitavaksi.
- TheyNeneededgalvanisinggalvanoitava.
reprocess.v 🔎
- A project to revive its Eurochemic plant forreprocessinguudelleenkäsittelyänuclear fuelydinpolttoaineen, at Mol in the northeast of the country, has just obtained the senate's approval.
- Nuclear fuel from JapanJapanista tuleva ydinpolttoaineisto bemääräreprocessedjälleenkäsitelläat Sellafield in CumbriaCumbrian Sellafieldissäas a result of a £170 million contract announced by British Nuclear Fuels yesterdayBritish Nuclear Fuelsin eilen julkistaman 170 miljoonan punnan sopimuksen mukaisesti.
- France has been paying US$20 million a year to havenuclear wasteydinjätteidenreprocessedjälleenkäsittelystäin RussiaVenäjällä,reportedly at the Tomsk plantsaatujen tietojen mukaan Tomskin tehtaassa.
- Methane from the sewage treatment plant in Amsterdam East may be used similarly andthe biological residueorgaaninen ylijäämäwill be<empty>reprocessedjälleenkäsitellääninto compostmullaksifor farms and gardensmaatilojen ja puutarhojen käyttöön.
- Growing environmental opposition to nuclear power in these countries is likely to find a new focus ifwastejätteethas to be stored andreprocessedjälleenkäsiteltäväon their own soilmaiden sisällä.
- The dumps will not, however, take the highly radioactive waste produced whenthe fuel rods themselvesitse polttoainesauvatare<empty>reprocessedjälleenkäsitelläänto reclaim uranium and plutoniumuraanin ja plutoniumin talteenottoa varten.
- There were the open-air vats alongside A12 where acid burned out the plutonium beforethe sludgelietecould bevoitaisiinreprocessedjälleenkäsitellä.
reprocessing.n 🔎
- What happened to it then would depend on the prevailing attraction ofreprocessingjälleenkäsittelynat SellafieldSellafieldissä, especially the cost.
- India can now boast nuclear capability throughout the full cycle from uranium mining towastejätteidenreprocessingjälleenkäsittelyyn.
- This can provide an opportunity for testing opinion on controversial proposals such as thereprocessingjälleenkäsittelystäof nuclear fuelsydinpolttoaineidenat WindscaleWindscalessaand the designation of Stansted as the site of the third London airport.
- The Board has taken no decisions about the timing of thereprocessingjälleenkäsittelynof subsequent arisings of AGR fuel or of PWR fuelAGR- ja PWR-polttoaineiden myöhemmän ilmaantumisen.
- This will involvereprocessingjälleenkäsittelyof the materialmateriaalinto separate out the impuritiesepäpuhtauksien erottamiseksiand then diluting the uranium to a suitable specification for civil use.
stain.v 🔎
- A new chair ofstainedpetsatunglasslasinstudies has been created at York University to which Richard Marks, formerly Director of the Brighton Pavilion and Brighton Museums, has just been appointed.
- Ifyousinäaccidentallystainpetsaatwallsseiniäwith woodworm fluidpuuntuholaismyrkyllä, leave it for a week or two, and if it still shows, coat it with an aluminium primer before redecorating.
- `I even hada piece of the same woodpala samaa puuta,speciallystainedpetsattufor yousinua varten.
- The woodPuuwas<empty>stainedpetsattiinand waxed.
- On either side of this,the woodpuuwas<empty>stainedpetsattiinwith a dark varnishtummalla vernissalla.
- One sectionYksi osuuswas<empty>stainedpetsattiinwith haematoxylin and eosinhematoksyliini-eosiinillafor histological evaluationhistologista tutkimusta varten.
treat.v 🔎
- CellsSolujawere<empty>treatedkäsiteltiinwith chemicalskemikaaleillafor 30 min30 minuutin ajanat 37 ?C or as stated and then incubated for the indicated times before isolation of total RNA.
- All timberKaikki puutavaraMUST beTÄYTYYtreatedkäsitelläwith preservativesuoja-aineella.
- TreatKäsitteletimberpuutavarawith a wood preservativepuunsuoja-aineella-- one that is safe to use near plants
- If fruiting bodies are present,thesenämäshould betuleetreatedkäsitelläwith fungicidesienimyrkylläto prevent the spread of air-borne sporesilman mukana kulkeutuvien itiöiden leviämisen estämiseksi.
- When the boots are dry,treatkäsittelethemnewith a proprietary waxmerkkivahalla, such as Nikwax or Granger's G-Wax -- both of these are recommended by the major boot manufacturers.
- Traditionally tanned leathersPerinteisesti parkitut nahatwill needto be<empty>treatedkäsitelläwith a good wax proofing agenthyvällä vahansuoja-aineella,to make them water resistantjotta niistä tulee vedenpitäviä, although some leathers are now treated at the tanneries with special waterproof finishes.
- The copalKopaaliwasheatlämpö-treatedkäsiteltiin,to make it soluble in oils and solventsjotta se liukenisi öljyihin ja liuottimiin.
- Products thatTuotteet, jotkahad beenheatlämpö-treatedkäsiteltyto inactivate HIVHIV:n inaktivointia vartenwere introduced in July 1985 and all untreated products were recalled.
- Since 1986all bloodkaikki verihas beenonheatlämpö-treatedkäsitelty,and there have been no cases since then.