- The package also uses another program from Fifth Generation Systems, Fastback,to<empty>archivearkistointiinthe fontskirjasintenonto tape cartridgeskasettinauhoillefor distribution.
- As long ago as the late 1970s, the US Library of Congress was implementing a pilot planto<empty>archivearkistoidakseenmany thousands of historic documentsuseita tuhansia historiallisia asiakirjojawithin a networked databaseverkotettuun tietokantaanusing analogue videodiscs to store the document imageskäyttämällä analogisia videolevykkeitä asiakirjakuvien tallentamiseen.
- The tape should also be marked with `1 of x ``, where x represents the final number of tapes usedto<empty>archivearkistointiinthe tabletaulukon.
- Without botheringto<empty>bagpussittaaitsitä,hehänstuffed the jib down into the sail-locker and lashed the main to the boom.
- The itemsesineetare thenSen jälkeenbaggedpussittaaby the Scenes of Crime Officerrikospaikan tutkija, and a date is agreed with the Police for a statement to be taken.
- It is now time to ask forthe fishkalato be<empty>baggedlaitetaan pussiin, but don't let the dealer seal the bag and assume your purchase.
- His jumpers, unused through the past three months of the hot season,Hänen neulepuseronsa, joita ei oltu käytetty lämpimän vuodenajan johdosta viimeiseen kolmeen kuukauteen,were folded round humidity-absorbent packs andbaggedpussitettuin strong plasticvahvaan muoviin.
- Lines were drawn round the bodies, thenthe cadaversruumiitwere<empty>baggedsäkitettiinand removed to the city morgue, where the forensic pathologist went to work.
- The Darlington Council survey into the `bin it andbagpussitusit<empty>``scheme was carried out last December over several days at various times to determine future action over the project.
- If you want a printed sleeve for your record, you need them before the discs are being made so thattheynecan be delivered to the pressing plant andbaggedpussittaaup.
- Then check dirty laundry and getitsebaggedpussitaup.
- Some examples: part way through the process,the PTFE `cake ``PTFE-"kakkua"is nowollaan nytbaggedpussittamassaup to stop contamination getting in.
- Wemespent two or three hoursbaggingpussittamallaupclothes to take to the charity shopshyväntekeväisyysjärjestöjen kirpputoreille vietäviä vaatteita.
- The sugar consumed in the islandSaarella kulutettu sokeriis now imported in bulk from mainland Portugal andbaggedpussitetaanheretäällä.
- My three-piece was wringing wet, but eventually I dried it out, andthe restloputI<empty>justbaggedpussitintogetheryhteen.
- `We haveother morselsmuita murujato<empty>bagpussitettavanatonighttänä iltana!
- They parted laughing, andPaulPaulwent back to his room,bestowedasettithe chamber-potyöastianin its placepaikoilleen, and went out to his morning lecture on moral philosophy.
- In October 1940Lokakuussa 1940the armyarmeijabilletedmajoittian officerupseerinin one of the numerous spare roomsyhteen lukuisista varahuoneista.
- TheyHebilletedmajoittivatthe menmiehetall over the villagekaikkialle kyläänand even in our outbuildings here.
- It was the old sea captain,in whose housejonka taloonNilsNilshadolibilletedmajoittanutusmeidät, who told us.
- At the reception centreschildrenlapsetwere<empty>billetedmajoitettiinby haphazard allotment or by `cattle market ``selectionumpimähkäisesti tai "karjamarkkinoiden" valinnalla.
- The TaiwaneseTaiwanilaisetwill be<empty>billetedmajoitetaanat the Porirua Peace CollegePorirua Peace Collegeenfrom August 20th to September 6thelokuun 20. päivästä syyskuun 6. päiväänwhere they will have intensive training sessions all day and watch videos of the All Blacks all night.
- Crash runways were built nearby for the bombers returning from missions in Europe, andFree French forcesVapaan Ranskan joukotwere<empty>billetedmajoitettiinin the villagekylään.
- A little girl called JeannePieni tyttö nimeltä Jeannewas<empty>billetedmajoitettiinwith usmeidän kanssamme.
- The Dragoons hammered their sword hilts against doors and window shutters, demanding to know whetherany British or Prussian soldiersbrittiläisiä tai preussilaisia sotilaitawere<empty>billetedmajoitettuwithinsisäpuolelle.
- I wasn't even on that deck;wemeidänwere<empty>billetedmajoitettiintwo up from therekaksi kantta ylemmäs… ”
- The adjutantAdjutanttibilletedmajoittithemheidätseparately, each sharing a hut with an experienced pilot.
- I had once found two names scratched on one of the window-panes, “ perhapstwo soldierskaksi sotilasta, jotkabilletedmajoitettiinheretännefor a time at the beginning of the 1914 War … ” (or perhaps soldiers in hiding at the time of the Reformation?)
- The German occupying force on Møn had consisted ofa single unityhdestä yksiköstä,billetedmajoitetustaat GullshavenGullshaveniin.
- The boyspojatwere evacuatedby the Rothschild FamilyRothschildin perheandbilletedmajoitti heidätin BritainBritanniaan.
- There wasa company of ATS girlsATS-tyttöjen seurue olibilletedmajoitettunain the same streetsamalle kadulle.
- UndergraduatesOpiskelijatcould soon find themselvesbilletedmajoitettunawithin the walls of a Victorian jailviktoriaanisen putkan seinien sisälle.
- Formerly organised andbilletedmajoitettuto defend China against a massive Soviet attack from the north,parts of the armyosia armeijastaare now being reorganised to form rapid-deployment forces.
- As he stood thereone of the Circle longhouses whereeräs piirin taloista, johonBragad's `WaresBragadin tavarathad beenolibilletedsijoitettubegan to blossom with flame.
- White splashes of paint on the bottles indicated which way uptheyneshould betuleebinnedheittää menemäänafter delivery from the wine merchant.
- Unfortunately for the antediluvian bowl-heads, a right-thinking retailer phoned the RSPCA on the grounds that it was cruel to goldfish and sothe whole ideakoko ideahadto be<empty>binnedheitettävä romukoppaan.
- ThisTämähad already beenoli jobinnedheitetty romukoppaanbut I binned the offer as well, just in case I ever came close to considering it seriously.
- Binningheittivät roskikseentheir Two Tone pork-pie hatsTwo Tone -kinkkupiirashattunsa,the kidsLapsetwent wild for The Cult With No Name, aka Peacock Punk aka -- New Romance!
- Interestingly, the word `Riserva ``(spelt thus) is also applied to Italian Chianti -- but in that case it meansthe winesviinitare three years old beforebeing<empty>bottledpullotusta.
- Her the second fermentation takes place in sealed vats andthe wineviiniis<empty>thensen jälkeenbottledpullotetaanunder pressurepaineessa.
- The wineViini, transported in cask andbottledpullotettuin London in the superior verre anglaisLontoossa erinomaiseen verre anglaisiin, would remain dormant until the warmth of the following spring or, maybe, the warmth of a local tavern.
- Aficionados of the finest wines tend to invest in en primeur purchases -- buying by the case beforethe wineviiniis evenon edesbottledpullotettu.
- Myminunmain task wasto<empty>bottlepullottaawineviini-- Red Biddy it was called, at 1/10d a quart bottle -- and Guinness it 7d a bottle.
- The breweryPanimoalso produces a number of soft drinks, andbottlespullottaaotherstoisiaunder licence, as well as being involved in the importation of other drinks.
- The Brewking bags retail at £11.49 — that's 20 pints at about 57p a pint — and there is no boiling, adding sugar, letting buckets stand orbottlingpullotustathe beeroluen.
- Don't let the water run out --weme'll<empty>bottlepullotammeitsen.
- You'd thinktheyhe'd<empty>bottlepullottaisivatitsitä, make it last over the weeks or months, but they're simple people, and there's no holding them back.
- `I<empty>need help withbottlingsäilöntäänthe plumsluumujen.
- United Distillers' 80 different blends of Scotch whiskyUnited Distillersin 80 erilaista skottiviskin sekoitusta, each using up to 40 malt and grain whiskies,are<empty>bottledpullotetaanat facilities located in Scotland's central beltSkotlannin Central Beltin alueella sijaitsevissa laitoksissa.
- The seeds and skins of the peppers are removed fromthe sauce whichkastikkeesta, jokais<empty>thensittenbottledpullotetaan.
- Itsitäis oftenUseinbottledpullotetaanand sold as mineral water.
- Watchhoneyhunajaabeing produced andbottledsäilötään.
- The whiskyViskiis<empty>bottledpullotetaantheretäälläand dispatched abroad, earning a great deal of money for the coffers of the Chancellor.
- 30ml of your own perfume30 ml omaa parfyymiasiare prepared andbottledpullotetaanin an elegant glass bottletyylikkääseen lasipulloonwith its own cream silk and maroon case.
- The vinegaretikkais<empty>thenSen jälkeenbottledpullotetaanin the traditional flaskperinteiseen pulloonand sealed with a cork to preserve its high quality.
- Natural water from two 300ft boreholes beneath Huddersfield, West Yorkshire,Huddersfieldissä, Länsi-Yorkshiressa kahdesta 90 metrin porausreiästä saatavaa pohjavettäis for the first timeto be<empty>bottledpullottaa, and sold to France.
- However so far, all attemptsto<empty>bottlepullottaathis `smell ``tätä hajuasatisfactorily have failed, and how to use this aspect of sexual attraction still remains largely a mystery.
- Davies Brook whichDavies Brook, jokabottlespullottaathe watervettä,is basedin HerefordHerefordissa.
- Pimm'sPimm'sis produced to the original unique recipe andbottledsäilötäänat LaindonLaindonissa.
- Brightly coloured andbottledsäilötäänin pretty jarssieviin purkkeihin, not only dotheynetaste good but they look good too!
- NATURE 'S HEATNATURE 'S HEATbottledpullottamaby OakOakin
- Second, it is virtually impossible to determine exactly how much Grampian produced whisky is exported becausemuch of itsuuri osa siitäis blended and/orbottledpullotettuelsewheremuualla.
- But French TV pioneered the national exit poll, and the `results ``were revealed a few seconds afterthe last ballot slipviimeinen äänestyslippuwasoliboxedpudotettu laatikkoon.
- There are600 thousand pieces600 tuhatta kappalettato be carefully packed andboxedpakata laatikoihinfor the journey.
- Items like tea bags and cigarettesTeepussien ja savukkeiden kaltaiset tuotteetare<empty>boxedpakataan laatikoihin, then wrapped in cellophane.
- FoodRuokamust be bagged andboxedpakattava laatikoihin, and taken to the patient, for nothing nutritious will be otherwise provided.
- This was immediately whipped off by a waiting attendant who then passed it along a table forit<empty>to be<empty>boxedpakattavaksi laatikkoonup and returned to me in the ante room.
- They become relics, likethe dismembered remains of Catholic saints thatkatolisten pyhimysten silvotut jäännökset,arejotkaboxedpakataan laatikoihinup and dispersed around Christendom to provide individual churches with the Church's authority.
- Itsewas thenSittenboxedpakattiin laatikkoonup and taken to meet its new owner, an elderly woman living alone.
- `Just a few of the chaps and chapesses, darling, ``over the phone in the late afternoon whenshehänhad purged wine stains and ashtrays,boxedpakannut laatikoihinupthe emptiestyhjät pullot, made the kitchen immaculate yet again.
- BromleyBromley(1981) has shown how abundant biogenic and inorganic sedimentary textures can be revealed bylightlykevyestibrushingsivelemälläthin mineral oilohutta mineraaliöljyäon a dry chalk surfacekuivalle kalkkipinnalleand allowing it to `develop ``over about 30 minutes.
- BrushSivelesolvent-weld cementputkikittiäliberallyrunsaastion the pipeputkelleandsparinglysäästeliäästion the fittinghelaan.
- One attractive alternative tobrushingsivelyllebronzing powderruskettavan puuterinon your cheeksposkiinis cream blusher: blend it in well with your fingertips over a base of tinted moisturiser, then dust any areas prone to shine with powder.
- Bituminous waterproofers areblack liquids whichmustia nesteitä, jotkaare<empty>simplyyksinkertaisestibrushedsivelläänonpinnalleand left to dry, and form a waterproof coating that will cure pinhole leaks in surfaces such as flat or corrugated roofs.
- This involves cleaning the ends of the pipe with solvent cleaner andbrushingsivelemälläonpinnallesolvent-weld cementputkikittiä.
- Before you replace it, clean the two pipe ends thoroughly with wire wool, thenbrushsiveleonpinnallefluxsulatetta.
- HeHänbrushedsivelioniholleenfresh lathertuoretta vaahtoa.
- BrushSiveleliberallyrunsaastion to the exposed woodpaljastuneelle puupinnalle,until the soft wood fibres are saturatedkunnes pehmeät puukuidut on kyllästetty.
- Damping the back of the hardboard is also a good idea, but don't overdo it;a pint of waterpuoli litraa vettäbrushedsiveltynäover a 2.44 x 1.2m (8 x 4ft) sheet2,44 x 1,2 metrin kokoiselle arkilleis ample.
- HeHänwould never try tocagevangitaMarkMarkia.
- Eventually the law caught up with him andhehänwas heavily fined forcagingvangitsemisestaprotected speciessuojeltujen lajien.
- Buthehän'll bejoutuucaged<empty>behind barstelkien taakselike everyone else ``.
- Her husband Paul, a 33-year-old catering manager,Hänen aviomiehensä Paul, 33-vuotias ateriapalvelun johtaja,was<empty>cagedvangittiinin one of Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein's jailsyhteen Irakin hirmuhallitsija Saddam Husseinin vankiloistalast week.
- This story is really made up of two stories: A HowRimaRimacaught andcagedvangitsithe cassowarykasuaarinB How the Bower-bird tricked the Cassowary.
- David, aged nine, empties our bin in the yard to pick out the salvageable items beforehehäncramstunkeethe restloputinto a sacksäkkiinto take to the dump.
- BrionyBrionycrammedvetithe caplakinlow over her browalas kulmilleenas if to express solid determination, then swung round and left the room.
- Clicking the heels of his glossy boots once more,hehäncrammedvetithe cap with its oversized peakylisuurella lipalla varustetun lakinhastilykiireestion his headpäähänsäand made for the door.
- Sons of louts grappled with the coffin in vain;theyhecould neithereivät pystyneetcramahtamaanitsitäinsisäännor twist it out.
- TheyHewill tryto<empty>cramahtaaas many Minis as possibleniin monta Miniä kuin mahdollistaon to the Lake Windermere ferryWindermere-järven lauttaanand see how many consecutive journeys they can make.
- There was one witha monkeyapinain too,crammedahdettunain this little shell with the side cut awaypieneen panssariin, jonka sivu oli leikattu auki,so you could see in.
- The contents of the saddle-bagsSatulalaukkujen sisällönhehäncrammedsurvoiinto his walletlompakkoonsabut there was more food than he could find room for.
- And have a tiny back yard because otherwisetheyhecouldn'teivät pystyisicramahtamaanso many boxesniin monta laatikkoaonto the sitepaikkaan.
- Most of its products blend Microsoft's software skills withtext, pictures, music and speech, alltekstiin, kuviin, musiikkiin ja puheeseen, jotka oncolourfullyvärikkäästicrammedahdettuon to a `multimedia ``CD-ROMmultimedia-CD-levylle.
- Crocheted white socks, crunch at heel and toe,black patent strap shoesmustat patenttiremmein varustetut kengätcrammedvedettyinäonover themniiden päälle, and Lýie and Thýse were ready.
- The Tri-PacerTri-Pacerwas disassembled andcratedpakattiin laatikoihinfor shipment to London, but ten days before the rally started the container couldn't be found.
- Many's the time Mary has seenlitters of Yorkshire Terriers and Bichon Friseyorkshirenterrierin ja bichon frisén pentueitacratedpakattuina laatikoihinup at Plymouth railway station -- puppies from farms being shipped to France, and an uncertain fate.
- A huge contribution to Britain's export driveValtava panosta Britannian viennilleis aboutto be<empty>cratedpakkaamassa laatikoihinup and shipped to America.
- ``The piecesOsiaare beingollaancratedpakkaamassa laatikoihinand trucked to Tulsa for shipment by barge to the Gulf of Mexico to be loaded on ships for the China voyage.
- On Friday,itsecratedpakkasi laatikoihin10 bikeskymmenen pyörääto send to Tokyolähetettäväksi Tokioon.
- As soon as he came in I made him let me look at his head, andIminädabbedsivelinsome Dettolhieman Dettoliaon itsiihen.
- Nevertheless, asIminädabsivelencalaminekalamiiniaon my spare tyresvararenkaisiini, I can't deny that this isn't my finest hour.
- DabLevitäroyal icingkuninkaallista kuorrutettaonto the base of each petalkunkin terälehden tyveenand stick together.
- Iminämix some sap green with Prussian blue and burnt umber still left in the palette anddabsivelenitsitäonto the previously dampened, shaded areas of the greeneryviherkasvien aiemmin vaimennetuille, varjostetuille alueille.
- `If you must add more colour,dabsiveleitsitäa little lower down, on a line with your ear lobeshieman alemmas korvanipukoidesi tasolle.
- SheHänhadolidabbedlevittänytpowderpuuteriaover her lipstickhuulipunansa päälleto rob it of its bright crimson lustre, and she had forgotten the little pink patches of rouge that gave her cheeks their rosy healthy glow.
- Pulling out the oval gold Cartier compactshehändabbedlevittion<empty>a layer of powderpuuterikerroksenand dashed the scarlet lipstick across her trembling mouth.
- Never spray ordablevitäon<empty>perfumeparfyymiabefore going in sunlight.
- DianaDianadaubedsiveliluminous painthohtavaa maaliaon the eyes of her cuddly green hipposöpön vihreän virtaheponsa silmiin,so that at night it seemed as though he was keeping watch and looking after her.
- Beside him on the counter were large dirty bottles of gilt glass from whichhehänwould take out the stoppers anddaubtöhrithemniilläon the sleeves of passers-byohikulkijoiden hihoja.
- In all of these instancesthe animal's bloodeläimen veriwas<empty>daubedlevitettiinon the altaralttarille, the fat burned, and the meat of the carcass divided between the sacrificing priest and the offerer for consumption.
- I suppose it's because people don't put canvas withpaintmaalilladaubedtöhrittyäon it<empty>very high up on their list of personal needs, especially when there are bills to pay and food to buy …
- A tall and lean right-hander, he favoured the pull anda sliced drive-cum-cut whichterävää potkua, jokadepositedsijoittaathe ballpallonanywhere between extra cover and third manmihin tahansa ylimääräisen sijaisen ja kolmannen miehen väliin.
- Orcravenlypelkurimaisestidepositheitäitsein a binroskakoriin?
- HeHänremoved her hands from his person anddepositedasettithemnein her lapsyliinsä.
- At low tide,the sewage outfall at Porthleven harbourPorthlevenin sataman jäteputken suuncan be seendepositinglaskevanthick sludgepaksua lietettäinto the seamereen.
- SheHänclosed the door softly, then advanced cautiously across the roomtojadepositasettithe boxlaatikonon the countertiskille.
- TheyNedepositerittävätscent from the tip of their abdomenhajua takaruumiinsa päästäalong the route from the food to the nestruoan sijaintipaikan ja pesän väliselle reitille, and this trail is followed and added to by other ants as they return with food.
- The practice of `warping ``, wherebytidal watersvuorovesiwere made to flow back anddepositjättämääntheir rich siltsravinnepitoisen lietteensäover the landmaalle, was popular.
- Assuming adequate water supplies and reliable vehicles, it was quite feasibleto<empty>depositsijoittaaa five-man raiding teamviisihenkinen hyökkäysjoukkuewithin easy walking distance of their targethelpon kävelynmatkan päähän kohteestaand recover them afterwards.
- Punching the elevator button furiously he waited for it to descend, then, stiff with anger, he stood at attention untilitsedepositedjättihimhänet, alone,at his floorkerrokseensa.
- PollutantsSaasteetcan also be activelyvoivat myös aktiivisestidepositedlevitäby local weather effects such as mistpaikallisten sääilmiöiden, esimerkiksi sumun johdosta.
- Shehänetwas eventuallyLopultadepositedsijoitettiin, within a new coffin,beneath the altar-slab in her husband's chantry chapel in the Abbeyalttarilaatan alle hänen miehensä kappeliin luostarikirkkoonin 1878.
- A biting November windPureva marraskuun tuuliwhipped through the canyon of the street and caught at Katherine's coat,depositingheitellenan array of candy wrappers and subway ticketsmakeiskääröjä ja metrolippujaat her feethänen jalkoihinsa.
- She turned slowly to look at him, ashehändepositedasettia bag of fragrant croissants and the Financial Timespussillisen tuoksuvia voisarvia ja Financial Timesincarelesslyhuolettomastion the hall tablesalin pöydälleand came to lean in the doorway of the guest room.
- DonaldDonaldwould choke and spit anddepositsylkäisithe whole mouthfulkoko suuntäytensäback on to the platetakaisin lautaselle.
- The iodine-131jodi-131depositedlaskettuon the groundMaahanwould decay in a few weeks.
- An average crophas<empty>between 100 and 400kg per hectare of nitrogen100–400 kg typpeä hehtaaria kohdendepositedlisätäänon it<empty>every year, and between 70 and 150kg per hectare is leached into the ground and filters through to the water systems.
- By lowering the nitrogen content, the company said it could cutthe amount of nitrogentypen määräädepositedlaskemanon the landmaahanby pigssikojenby 23 per cent.
- The minimum investment is £2,500 andyousinämayvoitdeposittallettaaup to £25,000enintään 25 000 puntaa.
- Round about Grace herselfGracen itsensä ympärillethe great riversuuri jokidepositedei tuonutlittle but mounds of plastic containersjuuri muuta kuin röykkiöittäin muoviastioita.
- Each successive tideKukin perättäinen vuorovesidissolves the salt anddepositstuomoresitä lisää, forming pools of highly concentrated saline.
- The quantity of soilmaa-aineksen määrädepositedHeidän jäljiltään jääneensuggests they had walked some distance, perhaps from the lay-by on the other side of Walbury Hill.
- SchneiderSchneiderdrapedlevittia sheetlakananabout his shouldersharteilleenand reached for a pair of scissors.
- SheHänstopped half a dozen yards off and pushed her wet hair behind her ears anddrapedasettiher armskätensäprotectivelysuojaavastiacross her undisguised bumppaljaan kyhmynsä päälle.
- They lay together for a while, half asleep, kissing now and again; thenshehändrapedasettione legtoisen jalkansaacross his hipsmiehen lanteiden yliand they began to make love languorously, without speaking.
- So she didn't sit down for a last five-minute chat, but letRonRonindrapekietoaher coattakkinsaaround herympärilleen.
- Still tied together with the strands of woolwememoved towards the fence intendingto<empty>drapekietoaitseon the wirelankaan.
- At the base of a steep crackwemedrapekiedommeour possessionstavaramme,on theseniihinto save them a wettingjotta ne eivät kastuisi,and balance out of and into different footwear.
- ``HeHäntook off his coat anddrapedkietoiitsenover HarryHarryn ylle.
- ButCalibanCalibanwould<empty>drapekietoisia tarpaulinsuojapeitteenround itsen ympärille.
- HeHändrapedkietoitinselhopealankaaround the pink lampshades on the tablepöydän vaaleanpunaisten lampunvarjostinten ympärille.
- The otherstoisetalsodrapedripustivattheir underclothesalusvaatteensaamong the branchesoksille.
- When they'd finished washing Mina andKāliKalidrapedripustivattheir clean wet clothespuhtaat, märät vaatteensaamong the hundreds of others stretched between the scraggy thorn treessatojen muiden kapeiden piikkipuiden väliin pingotettujen vaatteiden joukkoon.
- SheHändrapedkietoiitsenat my neckkaulaaniand sprayed it with her perfume: it still smells faintly of Chanel.
- Schools and most offices closed; taxis flew black flags;shopskaupatdrapedroikuttivatblack bannersmustia lippujafrom their windowsikkunoistaan; convoys of lorries clogged roads towards the Chinese border.
- Was Margaret Mead (1935) right to see woman as `an infinitely malleable clay figure upon whichloputtomasti muokattavana savihahmona, johonmankindihmiskuntahasondrapedripustanutever varying period-costumesalituisesti vaihtuvia periodivaatteita``?
- The doctor left the nurse to cover him witha kind of improvised wooden tenteräänlaisella improvisoidulla puuteltalla,,over whichjonka päälleshehändrapedlevittia sheetlakanan.
- WHENthe famous Green Jacketkuuluisa vihreä takkiwas<empty>drapedlevitettiinaround the shoulders of Fred CouplesFred Couplesin harteillelast April, the American might well have shuddered.
- CurtainsVerhotcan also be elegantlyvoidaan myös tyylikkäästidrapedkietoabackkiinniover specially designed curtain-holderserityisillä verhonpidikkeillä.
- Your bike acts as the tent's main support pole --the open bellendavoin pääis<empty>drapedkiedotaanover the crossbartankoonand pegged to the ground using four pegs.
- I was spellbound by the brass bedstead and all the knick-knacks, but what held my attention most werethe knitted bedspreads thatneulotut sängynpeitteetwere on the bed anddrapedlevitettyover the chairstuoleille.
- When I showed her she lentmeminullea silk shawlsilkkisaalin,tojonka saatoindrapelevittääround my shoulders and over my breastshartioilleni ja rinnoilleni.
- Penry returned quickly witha warm, dry towellämpimän, kuivan pyyhkeen,whichjonkahehändrapedlevittiround her shouldersnaisen harteilleas he took her wrist in his.
- `If you want, I could probably get Mum to meet you, ``saidJoshJosh,drizzlingkaataenketchupketsuppiaover his grilled chickengrillatun kanansa päälle.
- DrizzleValutacaramelkaramellikastikettafrom the end of a fork into irregular shapeshaarukan päästä epäsäännöllisiksi muodoiksionto lightly oiled foilkevyesti öljytyn folion päälle.
- Crush a sugar lump and add it to the brandy in which the raisins were soaked; warm the mixture, set it alight anddrizzlevalutaitseover the puddingvanukkaan päällejust before bringing to table.
- Just before serving,drizzlevalutathe soy saucesoijakastikeon top of the chicken and ricekanan ja riisin päälleand garnish with the spring onions.
- 4 Meanwhile, toast the bread and, while still warm, rub with the halved clove of garlic anddrizzlevalutaoverpäällea little olive oilhieman oliiviöljyä.
- DrizzleValutaover the petits fourspikkuleipien päällefrom a fork or a small piping baghaarukalla tai pienellä pursottimella.
- Melt the jelly, leave to cool anddrizzlevalutaover the creamkerman päälle.
- We continued our work untilthe fingerprint mansormenjälkimiesarrivedto<empty>dustripottelemaanthat dreadful black powdersitä kammottavaa mustaa jauhettaeverywherekaikkialle.
- Sadly,unscrupulous ski resortshäikäilemättömät hiihtokohteetmight misuse the new polymer, surreptitiouslydustingripotellaitsitäon the slopes of their rivalskilpailijoidensa rinteisiin.
- `My wife loves the man's poems, ``saidCrumpCrump,dustingtomuttaenthe dead creaturekuollutta olentoaonto the groundmaassa olevaa.
- Another orange powderToista oranssia jauhettawas<empty>dustedripoteltiinover the upper part of the bodykehon yläosaan.
- A blue powderSinistä jauhettawas<empty>dustedripoteltiininside the jodhpur-like underwearratsastushousujen tapaisten alusvaatteiden sisään.
- With the last of his strengthAenarionAenarioncrawled to the altar and drove the blade back into its resting place,embeddingupottaenitsenso deep that none could ever draw it forth againniin syvään, ettei kukaan voisi enää nostaa sitä.
- A micro-second after he saw the first flash,the bullet which had come from itsiitä tullut luotiwasoliembeddinguppoamassaitself<empty>in his skullhänen kalloonsa.
- Although concernedtokuinkaembedjuurrutetaanhis ideashänen ideansain practiceskäytäntöön,BourdieuBourdieuis not himself especially concerned with defining the role of the artefact, but it is clear how his work contributes to such a task.
- Multi media gives us the ability to be ableto<empty>embedupottaapictureskuviain texttekstin joukkoon.
- Previouslytheyheidänhad to remove embers from the long fire-pit to lay on corrugated metal sheets, thenembedupotettavathe breadpansleipävuoatin the cinderstuhkaanand replace the hot sheets over the hole.
- Alexei loosed, and thearrownuolileapt from the bow andembeddedupposiitself<empty>in the wooden spike which rose from the dome of a house two streets awaypuiseen vaarnaan, joka kohosi kahden kadun päässä olevan talon kupolikatosta.
- It roots very easily, and propagation is done by taking the cuttings and planting them,embeddingupotetaanthe stalkvarsiup to the first nodeensimmäiseen niveleen asti, that is the point where the next set of leaves grow.
- But, in a more explicit and forceful way, he objects tothe particular account of such knowledge in whichsitä nimenomaista tällaisen tiedon kuvausta, jossa muodossathis general ideatämän yleisen ajatuksenwas<empty>embeddedjuurruttivatby Aristotle and his scholastic followersAristoteles ja hänen skolastiset seuraajansa.
- ItSecan be planted in a pot, andembeddedupottaain the gravelsoraan.
- KL Group Inc, Toronto, Ontario, has released the latest version of XRT/graph 2.2, a graph widget and development tool enablinguserskäyttäjätto<empty>embedupottaadynamic graphs and chartsdynaamisia käyriä ja taulukoitain X Window applicationsX Window -sovelluksiin.
- Considerembeddingupottamistathe names of programmers or the company nameohjelmoijien nimien tai yrityksen nimenwithin the program codeohjelmakoodiin; this can be extremely useful evidentially if a software pirate denies copying.
- We end by looking at howyou<empty>embedupottaaother people's wordsmuiden ihmisten sanojainto your own writingomaan kirjoitukseesi, in the form of paraphrase and quotation.
- Simple codesyksinkertaiset kooditembeddedupotetutinto the text filesTekstitiedostoihindefine the format that the article will adopt when printed; for example, a bold heading set across two columns, with the text in single columns below.
- He bent over and prised outthe daggertikarin, joka oliembeddeduponnutdeep between Oswald's shoulder bladessyvälle Oswaldin lapaluiden väliin.
- Problematic employees are givenletters of counselling whichkirjallisia varoituksia, jotkaare<empty>filedarkistoidaanin an unfavourable information folderepäedulliseen tietokansioon.
- These cardsNämä kortitI<empty>filedolen arkistoinutin alphabetical orderaakkosjärjestykseen, and I noted on each one details of new purchases and quantities.
- First,Iminätraced the wound using a clean, clear polythene bag andfiledarkistoinitsenin Mrs Allen's notesrouva Allenin muistiinpanoihinto allow regular reassessment of healing.
- These formsNämä lomakkeetareonfiledarkistoitualphabeticallyaakkosjärjestykseen, the expiry date carefully noted and systematically cleared out after the expiry date has elapsed.
- It is importantto<empty>filearkistoidaawayyour classwork notesopintomuistiinpanosicarefullyhuolellisestiso that you are able to find them again when you need them.
- AMONG THE MANY letters we receive each week there are some that clearly merit publication, and nota fewmelkoinen joukkothat clearly meritfilingtulla arkistoiduiksiin the waste paper basketpaperikoriin.
- `You don't win wars by sitting on your rear end behind cosy wooden desks andfilingarkistoimalladamn paperjotain hiton papereitaall day.
- When an Information memorandum is released the form is passed toMirian Sedlan whoMirian Sedlanille, jokarecords it as an introduction on the INTRODUCE database andfilesarkistoithe paperspaperit.
- It is worth photocopying the more useful reading lists, andfilingarkistoidathemnein classified orderluokiteltuun järjestykseenin a pamphlet bibliography collectionpamflettien bibliografiseen kokoelmaan.
- After lunchIminäreread andfiledarkistointhe summaryyhteenvedon.
- Each lexical itemKullekin leksikaaliselle nimikkeelleis given its own card andis<empty>filedarkistoidaanalphabeticallyaakkosjärjestykseen.
- This evidenceNämä todisteetshould then betulee sittenfiledarkistoidaso that if it is challenged or its validity is questioned, the company can show that it has acted not only in good faith but with due care and prudence.
- I<empty>filedArkistoinitsenaway<empty>in my walletlompakkooni.
- BurtonBurtonfiledarkistoonitlaittoi senaway<empty>.
- `Oh, I keep everything at home --Iminäfilearkistointhemnethere,on my own systemomaan järjestelmääni, ``said Mr Kronweiser eagerly.
- These cardsNämä kortitare sometimes prepared back-to-back with the room history card (Fig. 3.33) andfiledarkistoidaanin room order numberhuonenumeron mukaiseen järjestykseen.
- `Recordstietueisiinwere made concerning the mycoplasma's potential and its location, andfiledarkistoitiinaway<empty>.
- Yes, it was an embarrassment that he hadn't known about this document earlier, butitsewas one of simply thousands of documents prepared andfiledarkistoitiinaway<empty>in the labyrinths of official Bonnvirallisen Bonnin sokkeloihin.
- Welsh Office Minister Gwilym Jones acted after claims thatphotographs of a badly-beaten childvakavasti pahoinpidellyn lapsen valokuvatwereolifiledarkistoituaway<empty>for at least six years without being passed to police by social service workers.
- His report to WashingtonHänen Washingtonille laadittu raporttinsawas<empty>filedarkistoitiinaway<empty>.
- He's not that intolerant that he doesn't recognize the need forpersonnel records, legal contracts and key reportshenkilöstötietueet, oikeudelliset sopimukset ja keskeiset raportitto be<empty>filedarkistoidaaway<empty>.
- The easiest way to rectify this isto<empty>carefullyhuolellisestifileviilataanawaypois,any excess metalkaikki ylimääräinen metalliuntil a closer fit is achievedkunnes kappaleen mitat sopivat.
- Itwasn't forthEi kannattanutgaragingajaa autoa talliinthe car<empty>for a couple of hours, which was all the time he could allow himself.
- HeHänwas too cold, tired and shakyto<empty>garageajaakseen talliinthe SuzukiSuzukin.
- The carAutohad hadto beajaagaragedtalliin.
- `This way, ``he stated, and, barely giving her time to make her goodbyes to Lubor Ondrus, he was guiding her over towhereminnehis carhänen autonsawasoligaragedjätetty autotalliin.
- But subconsciously her mind was at work, and by the timeshehänhadoligaragedajanut auton talliinthe car<empty>she was beginning to comprehend the appalling enormity of her mistake.
- `Oh, I expect all the others are out, ``Merrill said idly, `andI<empty>garagetalliinmy carvien autonifurther down the avenuekauempana kadun varrella olevaan.
- Every man, woman, and child in the country would own about 100 of them, butgaragingsäilyttäminen tallissathemniidenwould be no problem as each car would be little bigger than a matchbox.
- The TriumphTriumphwas soonvietiin piangaragedtalliin, with its-nose almost touching the back of his chair.
- HeHänhungroikuttihis biggest cagesuurinta häkkiäänabove the library entrancekirjaston sisäänkäynnin yläpuolellabut it kept falling down, capturing the Headmaster.
- Sir Nicholas GoodisonSir Nicholas Goodison, the former chairman of the International Stock Exchange, once appeared on television's Jim'll Fix itto<empty>hangripustaakseena badgeansiomerkinaround a small child's neckpienen lapsen kaulaan.
- In JulyKesäkuussathe Galerie BerlinGalerie Berlinin,in its bright rooms overlooking Friedrichstrassevaloisissa Friedrichstrasselle avautuvissa huoneissa,will<empty>hangon näytteilläworks by artists represented by the gallery, Werner Libuda, Gerd Sonntag and Siegfried Klotzmaalauksia gallerian edustamilta taiteilijoilta: Werner Libudalta, Gerd Sonntagilta ja Siegfried Klotzilta.
- There were only shelves and drawers in the Nannie cupboard, soshehänenwas obligedto<empty>hangripustettavaitseby the loops of its sashfrom a hook on the back of the dooroven takana olevaan koukkuun.
- It was almost warm, andRivenRivenhungoli ripustanuthis cloakviittansaby the saddle bowsatulan nokkaan.
- One very simple but effective idea isto<empty>hangripustaathe picturekuvafrom a picture railripustuskiskoon, or higher point, from a length of cord, rather than wire.
- And if you add cup hooks to the edgesyousinäcanvoithangripustaathingstavaroitafrom themniihinas well.
- IMinähangripustanmy clothesvaatteeniin the wardrobevaatekomeroonand put on the plastic gown.
- GabrielGabrielput them all into a canvas bag andhungripustithemneon a nailnaulaaninside the cottage door.
- After some thought,shehänpulled a chair in front of the hole andhungripustiher coattakkinsaover the backselkänojalle, so that the hole was blocked up.
- A counsellor commented: `They always assumed I'd do disability counselling;theyhewere<empty>hangingripustivata labeltällaisen nimilapunround my neckkaulaani.
- Riley alleged that because of certain happeningshehänhungripustihis jackettakkinsabehind a dooroven taakseand fitted an electrical device and wires to a wallet in his pocket, connecting it with lights in his bedroom.
- You can create many different patterns, such ashangingripustamallaan oval pictureovaalinmuotoisen kuvanbetween two rectangular pictureskahden suorakaiteen muotoisen kuvan väliin.
- Quicklyhehänhungroikuttithe offending legkipeää jalkaansaout of the windowulos ikkunasta.
- TheyHehungripustivathimhänetto the hookkoukkuunanyway and moved away.
- HangRipustathe dooroviwithin the aluminium frame using only the two outer screws in each hinge.
- HangRipustathe curtainsverhotby inserting one curtain hook into each glider on track or poleasettamalla yksi verhokoukku kiskon tai tangon jokaiseen liukujaanand draw the curtains back into an open position.
- The staff room should have a locker and/ora placepaikka,tojohonhangripustaaclothesvaatteet, and nearby there may be staff toilets.
- There were statues in niches set in the walls, andhere and theresinne tännefaded but interesting tapestrieshaalistuneita mutta mielenkiintoisia seinävaatteitahad beenolihungripustettu.
- SheHänhungripustia bird feederlintujen ruokintalaitteen.
- At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag,hangingripustaenthesenein an airy placeilmavaan paikkaanfor a few days until the seeds are quite drymuutamaksi päiväksi, kunnes siemenet ovat melko kuivia.
- Clive spilled some of the powder ashehänheapedkukkuroilleenitotti sitäin the spoonlusikan, and could not hold it steady over his lighter flame, but finally he got it liquefied.
- The same flood tide that had brought such a good harvest of tilesSama nousuvesi, joka oli tuonut mukanaan niin runsaasti tiiliä,heapedkasasia mass of driftwoodjoukoittain ajopuitaonto the ReachReachille.
- Iminäsmiled at them,heapedladoinmore foodlisää ruokaaon to their platesheidän lautasilleen, poured more mint tea or coffee into their cups.
- The drinksJuomatwereoliheapedkasattuin Amanda's chairAmandan tuolille.
- Cholera victims who had hardly ceased to breatheKoleran uhrit, jotka olivat hädin tuskin lakanneet hengittämästä,were<empty>heapedkasattiinprecipitatelyhätiköideninto mass gravesjoukkohautoihin.
- The larvaToukkaheapskasaasand or soilhiekkaa tai maa-ainestaonto its head and jawspäänsä ja leukojensa päälleand then flicks it with some force up and behind it, working in a circle to produce a conical pit.
- SheHänheapedlaittoia teaspoonful of instant coffeeteelusikallisen pikakahviainto a couple of beakerskahteen juomalasiinand poured a steaming jet of water on to it.
- When he left, withhis green and tomato boxeshänen viher- ja tomaattilaatikkonsaheapedkasattunaon his Selected Ashhänen valitsemalleen saarnelle, they nodded affably from behind the issue desk.
- There was no sign of anything untoward: grass and a few bushes flattened by the weight ofwoodpuunrecentlyhiljattainheapedkasatunon themniille; some traces of sawdust lying on the ground; nothing more.
- What, for that matter, would he have done, when confronted withthe pile of chips and mass of Brussels sproutsranskalais- ja ruusukaalivuoren,heapedjoka oli kasattuonto a plate containing an alleged sole meunièreväitetysti paistettua merianturaa sisältävälle lautaselle, in a restaurant where they ought to know better?
- We wait for the ambulance, window open so they can identify us,doilieskakkupaperitneatlysiististiheapedpinottuinaon yellowing copies of the local paperkellastuvien paikallisen sanomalehtien päälle, the cat perturbed by my frantic resuscitation efforts.
- Willie stared in amazement at the fields,his thin woollen socksohuet villasukatheapedkäärittyinäaround his anklesnilkkojensa ympäri.
- BlancheBlanchein turn was happyto<empty>immersevoidessaan uppoutuaherself<empty>in country lifemaalaiselämäänfor a few daysmuutamaksi päiväksiand play endless games with her two nephews.
- QuicklyNopeastihehänimmersessaa meidät syventymäänus<empty>in the euphoria of the Israelites and the terror and bravado of their enemiesisraelilaisten euforiaan sekä heidän vihollistensa terroriin ja uhmailuun.
- I found that ifI<empty>immerseduppoudunmyself<empty>in what I was doingsiihen, mitä olen tekemässä,, the people respected my work and usually kept quiet, aware of my concentration.
- Common sense told her that byimmersinguppoutumallaherself<empty>in worktyöhönthe memory of the last months would recede, and with it would go her bitterness and sense of loss.
- When I go,Iminähold my breath and completelyimmerseupotanmyselfitseniunder the waterveden alle, trying to keep as relaxed as possible, and I stay under the water for a few seconds.
- A gurgling burn looms before you andin its cool streamssen viileisiin virtoihinyousinäimmerseupotatyour weary feetväsyneet jalkasi.
- The specimensNäytteetwere<empty>immersedupotettiinin buffered formalinpuskuroituun formaliiniinfor a minimum of four days.
- A spoonful of yellow mustard was added and -- oh joy of joys -- asthe feetjalatwere<empty>immersedupotettiina feeling of transcendent pleasure stole over you.
- Butactor Simon Dormandynäyttelijä Simon Dormandyahas been banned formimmersingkastamastahis headpäätäänfollowing a delicate eye operation.
- A cuticle cream is then applied andthe fingerssormetimmersedupotetaanin a bowl of warm waterkulhoon, jossa on lämmintä vettä.
- ThisTämäntheyheimmersedupottivatin a solution containing pyrole (a five membered organic ring molecule containing one nitrogen atom)liuokseen, joka sisälsi pyrrolia (viisiatomista orgaanista rengasmolekyyliä, joka sisältää yhden typpiatomin).
- SectionsOsiotwere dewaxed in toluene, dehydrated in ethanol, washed in PBS, andimmersedupotettiinin a solution of 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS0,3 % vetyperoksidia sisältävään fosfaattipuskuriliuokseento eliminate endogenous peroxidase activityendogeenisen peroksidaasitoiminnan estämiseksi.
- Filters: Brush off loose debris,immerseupotain very hot alkali degreaser solutionerittäin kuumaan emäksiseen rasvanpoistoliuokseenand leave for some hours.
- “ When the … time … comes …the Doctortohtori…will be …<empty>immersedupotetaanin … boiling mercury... kiehuvaan elohopeaan… ” he threatened with relish.
- The studentOppilaanshould be `tulisicompletelytäysinimmerseduppoutua``in the languagekieleenfrom day one.
- To<empty>implantjuurruttaminenmulti-party democracyMonipuoluedemokratianin ancient nations like Poland and HungaryPuolan ja Unkarin kaltaisiin vanhoihin valtioihinmakes historical sense.
- Science can now achieve extraordinary results,implantinginjektoidaembryossikiöitäinto a wombkohtuun, filming the progress of the foetus, and providing details of its sex and genetic make-up.
- Iminäwould then investigate the cell structure of this conception, predict the individual, andimplantistuttaisinthe fertilized cellhedelmöitetyn munasoluninto the uteruskohtuunto develop to a full-term infant.
- `Why, Mother! ``shehänexclaimed, embracing the stout shoulders andimplantingantoia kisssuukonon her mother's cheekäitinsä poskelle.
- An account ofan ancient intra-uterine devicemuinaisesta ehkäisykierukasta,implantedjoka oli asetettutwenty years before and never since then disturbed, made them all laugh once more.
- HeHänimplantsjuurruttaaideasideoita, gives clues, prompts proposals, and avoids committing himself publicly until the last moment.
- The method involves taking sperm directly from the man's sperm duct, mixing it with the woman's egg andimplantingistuttamallaitmunasolu.
- OneYksiwas<empty>implantedistutettiinsuccessfully, but the pregnancy miscarried after eight weeks.
- The electrodes thatelektrodithad been<empty>implantedistutetutin its brainSen aivoihinhad been removed; the scars from the surgery had healed and grown over with fur.
- The transpondersTransponderitcan sound an alarm if the animal is killed andcan also bene voidaan myösimplantedistuttaain the rhino's hornsarvikuonon sarveen, allowing it, and the poachers, to be tracked if it is cut off.
- The word `milkmaid ``brings to my minda picturekuvan, joka onimplantedjuurtunuttheresinneperhapsby a song we used to sing at schoollaulusta, jota lauloimme aikoinaan koulussa:
- The dogs would havechips coded with their owners' names and addressessiru, johon on koodattu omistajan nimi ja osoiteimplantedistutetaanbelow the furturkkien alle.
- Zimbabwe has begun an experimental scheme to track its remaining rhino by the use oftransponderstranspondereitaimplantedistutettujain the animals' skineläinten nahkaan.
- This led some to speak ofa `natural religion ``"luonnollisesta uskonnosta",implantedjonka juuret ovatin the human heartihmisen sydämessäand necessary to human well-being.
- As J. K. Galbraith (1979) has pointed outthe admanmainosmiesactually creates markets andimplantsluo`needstarpeita``in peopleihmisille; he is not merely responding to consumer demand.
- Animals that are venomousMyrkylliset eläimetsecrete toxic matter andinjectruiskuttavatitsitäby biting or stinging or by some other meanspuremalla tai pistämällä tai muulla tavoin.
- Moreover,snakeskäärmeetneverinjectruiskutaall their venomkaikkea myrkkyäänin a single strike, so that they are always ready to bite their prey or attacker again.
- Professor Edward HitchcockProfessori Edward Hitchcocktook cells from an aborted foetus and heinjectedinjektoithemneinside Mr Davies's brainherra Daviesin aivoihin.
- For liquids a hypodermic syringe is usedto<empty>injectinjektoimaanthe liquidnestethrough a rubber capkumisuojuksen läpiinto a gas syringe heated so as to vaporise the liquidkaasuruiskuun, joka on kuumennettu nesteen höyrystämiseksi.
- Mr Mackie claimed he had later progressed to heroin and thatMurrayMurrayhad againoli jälleeninjectedinjektoinutthe drughuumettato himhäneen.
- The best hope is to keep the patient quiet andinjectantaa injektionathe appropriate anti-veninsopivaa vastamyrkkyä.
- The Macmillan government applied to join, the Heath government signed the treaty as it was, but at that stage basically the nation states retainedthe veto process whichveto-prosessin, jonkahad beenoliinjectedujuttanutby de Gaullede Gaulleinto the original treatyalkuperäiseen sopimukseen.
- Whenitsitäis<empty>injectedruiskutetaaninto the human bodyihmiskehoon, it disperses throughout the living tissue, until it is removed by normal functions.
- The cooling effect is due tolarge amounts of materialsuuri määrä ainettabeing<empty>injectedtunkeutuuinto the stratospherestratosfääriin, preventing the sun's heat reaching the ground.
- HeHäncampaigned vigorously against the use of drugs andinjectedtoinew life and efficiencyuutta elämää ja tehokkuuttainto sports administrationurheiluhallintoon.
- InjectedKun niitä injektoidaaninto the brainaivoihinin high enough doses,such antibioticställaiset antibiootitwill also stop most of the brain's RNA or protein synthesis for a period of some hours.
- The vaccine is administered by aerosol,itsitä's noteiinjectedinjektoidainkehoon, so it's just a matter of really spraying the vaccine in.
- Whendieseldieseliäis<empty>injectedruiskutetaanin to the enginemoottoriinvia the injectorruiskutusventtiilin läpiat about 2800 p.s.i. there is a shock wave in the pipe, it's this shock wave or pulse which triggers the timing light.
- The trees are anchored by 20 metre polyurethane roots, formed byinjectingruiskuttamallaliquid chemicalsnestemäisiä kemikaalejadown a steel tubeteräsputkeen.
- It would take him away to a nice, warm mental hospital, wherenice menmukavat miehetwould<empty>injectinjektoisivatlarge quantities of Largactilrunsaasti Largactiliäup his bumhänen pyllyynsä.
- In intact experimental animalsprostacyclinprostasykliinillähas a vasodepressor effect and this was observed to an equal degree wheninjectedinjektoidaanintravenouslysuonensisäisestiorintra-arteriallyvaltimonsisäisesti(Armstrong et al, 1978).
- Ifyousinäinsertlisäätthree blank rowskolme tyhjää riviäat the top of the spreadsheetlaskentataulukon yläreunaanyou can use B2 to record the average inflation per year that you expect for the life of the savings plan.
- EadmerEadmerinsertedlisäsithemneat this pointtässä vaiheessainto his Historia NovorumHistoria Novorumiinsa.
- Wheninsertinglisätäänan attenuatorvaimenninbetween a source and loadlähteen ja kuormituksen väliinin order to implement attenuationvaimennuksen käyttöönottoa varten, it is often highly convenient if the loading of the source is unaltered by the insertion.
- EmilyEmilypicked up the knife from the desk andinsertedtyönsiitsenbetween the top of the drawer and the desklaatikon yläreunan ja työpöydän väliinand after a struggle, the drawer burst open.
- Loosen the skin from the flesh of the chicken bygentlyvarovastiinsertingasettamallaa fingersormibetween themniiden väliin.
- It must be possible to write sections of text to external files without change to the original andto<empty>insertlisätätext from external sourcestekstiä ulkoisista lähteistäat any desired positionmihin tahansa kohtaan.
- InsertAsetaneedleneulafrom rightoikealtato leftvasemmalleunder both loops of stitch belowalla olevan tikin molempien silmukoiden altaand draw the thread through.
- Not content with this,a successful malemenestyksellinen urosinsertsasettaaa chemical plugkemiallisen tulpanin the femalenaaraaseenwhich prevents other males mating with her and causes any male which sniffs it to become impotent for days.
- His hand shook a little ashehäninsertedasettithe keyavaimenin the locklukkoon.
- QuicklynopeastiRobertRobertinsertedasettithe needleneulaninto the thigh musclereisilihakseen, and in about a minute, the small body went limp.
- BurneyBurneyinsertedasettithe probekoettimeninto the woundhaavaanand poked about.
- In one, Ackroyd interviews himself about his own book, dispensing the sort of reflections an author normally puts in the preface: onlyAckroyd, the teasing narrative juggler,Ackroydin kaltainen härnäävä narratiivinen jonglööriwould<empty>insertlisääthemneon page 892sivulle 892.
- A technique used in some Chinese rugs which involvesinsertingasetetaanthe pilepinkkathrough a canvas or duck backingkankaan tai vuoren läpiwith the aid of a ``tufting gun"tuftauspyssyn" kanssa.
- We felt this was an improvement over the rival system ofinsertingkäytetääna tommy barT-kahvaathrough the colletpuristimen kanssaand using one spanner.
- InsertAsetapulling cordvetoköysithrough the cord holderköysipidikkeen läpiand screw it to the centre of the lath on the wrong side.
- HeHäninsertedtyönsiitsenthrough the side of his skullsivulta kallon läpiand, finding that he was still alive though in some pain, drove to a nearby hospital, where he later died.
- Andhehäntook a poisonous viper and forced its mouth open, andinsertedasettia glasslasinunder its fangssen myrkkyhampaiden alleand drew out a couple of drops of deadly poison.
- It is not a difficult job; it merely involves removing airbricks in one side of the house andinsertingasentaminena pipeputkenunder the floorlattian alleand a small fan unit on the outside.
- The basis of the linking isto<empty>insertlisätäpointersosoittimiawithin searchable text fieldshakukelpoisiin tekstikenttiinwhich effect the image retrieval once the text field retrieval has taken place.
- AdamAdamfolded up the pieces of paper, walked quickly over to the bookcase andinsertedasettithemnealongside the original letter in the Biblealkuperäisen kirjeen vierelle Raamattuunseconds before Lawrence put his head round the door.
- `Insertingasettaminenthe deviceLaitteeninside the brainaivojen sisälle, actually placing it in the lateral ventricle ensures that the chemical is evenly spread around the brain.
- The other thing to remember is thatyousinäcan damage your discs byinsertingasettamallathemnebefore switching the computer on, or for that matter by leaving them in while you switch it off.
- The answer here is to cut out the offending piece of pipe andto<empty>insertasentaaa new pieceuusi kappale.
- Afterlaparotomy cannulaevatsaontelon kanyylitwere<empty>insertedasetettiinproximallyproksimaalisestiby duodenotomypohjukaissuolen tähystyksessäand distally by terminal ileotomy as described previously.
- Clause 11 of Precedent 1 is a very short form of confidentiality clause, which is mutually binding, whilecl 11.1 of Precedent 2ennakkopäätöksen 2 klausuulin 11.1is<empty>insertedlisääby the buyerostajaonly to bind the seller.
- Floppy discs from the design computerSuunnittelutietokoneen levykkeetcan bevoidaaninsertedasettaadirectlysuoraaninto the machinekoneeseenenabling a sample to be made within hours instead of days.
- On an acupuncture ward I watcheda doctorlääkäriinsertasettilong copper needlespitkiä kuparineulojainto the scalp of a one year oldyksivuotiaan päänahkaanand saw the baby howl when every ten minutes the needles were twisted to stimulate the body energy.
- The stewardsToimitsijatare also preoccupied stacking books,insertingasettamiseenleafletslehtistenand handing them out.
- A control account is merelyan extra accountylimääräinen tiliinsertedlisättyat the back of a ledgertilikirjan loppuunor kept separately to make the ledger self-balancing.
- The constitutional authorities see a transmission of orders from the many to the controlling few in the government wherebyvotesäänetinsertedannetutat one end of the systemjärjestelmän toisessa päässäbecome popular public policies and laws at the other.
- The tip of the syringeRuiskun pääis thensitteninsertedasetetaanfrom the side of the mouthsuupielestä, and the plunger gently depressed so as not to cause the medication to run out of the mouth.
- The terms and conditionskäyttöehtojeninsertedlisättyjenin this layoutTähän asetteluunwill also need to be uniform for each type of bill or related electronic message.
- From the machining room the sails go through to the packaging department wheretheyneare folded,insertedasetetaanin sail bagspurjepusseihinand sent either to the despatch department or put into stock.
- The constable hadfive stitchesviisi tikkiäinsertedommeltiinin a wound in his left wristvasemman ranteen haavaan.
- Whenthe chipsiruis incorporated into a smart card andinsertedasetetaaninto a mock up cash machinepankkiautomaatin malliin, the user only has to speak into a microphone to be recognized and given the cash.
- In all insects with normally developed antennae there is a pair ofmuscleslihaspariarising in the scape andinsertedasetetaanon the base of the pedicelvarren tyveen.
- The stomach, exposed by a midline laparotomy, was prepared for continuous perfusion by an inflow cannula inserted through the oesophagus andan outflow cannulaulkokanyyli, jokainsertedasetettiinthrough the pylorusmahanportin kautta.
- Pacemakers are basicallyelectronic pulse generatorssähköisiä pulssigeneraattoreita, surgicallyinsertedasetetaanunder your long-sleeved T-shirtpitkähihaisen paitasi alleto make your heart beat when it's feeling a bit dicky.
- Terms whichEhtoja,are not expressly agreed between the parties butinsertedkoskevatby lawlaillisestiinto the contractsopimustaare called implied terms.
- During 1484 he and his fellow goldsmith Thomas Wood paid for theinsertionlisäyksestäof a bay window bearing their armsheidän vaakunansa sisältävän erkkerinin the eastern wall of the Hallsalin itäseinälle.
- The important point in the drawing is that the direction of the broken arrow has been permanently altered through the temporaryinsertionlisäyksenof a blockesteen.
- The character on stage, for reasons which may possibly be explained by theinsertionlisäämälläof a line or twopari riviäinto the scriptkäsikirjoitukseen, wears a deaf-aid … ”
- Beacon fires are a particularly vivid parallel with the technique of moxibustion, whereneedlesneulojaare heated by small fires beforeinsertionpistetäänin the bodykehoon.
- Pectoral decks emphasise the outer part of the pecs near theinsertionkiinnityskohtaainto the humerus (upper arm)olkaluun (käsivarren yläosan).
- There isa single tendonyksittäisen jänteeninsertionkiinnittämineninto the radius bone of the forearmkyynärvarren värttinäluuhun.
- A review ofgrommetkorvaputkieninsertionasettamisestainto 1568 ears1 568 korvaan(2266 intubations in total) found permanent perforations in only 28 ears.
- The plaintiff's solicitor has these alternatives to personal service, which no longer requires production of the original writ: (1) By ordinary first class post to the defendant's address (not by recorded delivery which would destroy the presumption of service), (2) ByinsertionPudottaminenthrough the defendant's letter boxvastaajan postilaatikkoon.
- The median time fromendoprosthesistekoniveleninsertionasettamisestato surgery was two months (range 0.25-6).
- The advantage of this approach is that, whatever the impedance of the source, the signal fed to the input of the attenuator followingitsseninsertionasettamisenis the same as that fed to the load prior to insertion.
- The group hasa single tendonyksittäisen jänteeninsertionkiinnittäminenbelow the elbowinto the forearmkyynärvarteen.
- Indeed the importance of the correct citing of an author's spelling is regularly marked by theinsertionlisäämälläof sic'sic',into a citationlainaukseenby a second author who wishes to disclaim responsibility for an aberrant spellingkun toinen kirjoittaja haluaa kiistää vastuunsa epänormaalista kirjoitusasusta.
- RecordTallenteeninsertionlisäys, deletion and update may involve high costs.
- Overcome with rage and frustration,DoraDorajammedtunkia fistnyrkkiäänagainst her mouthsuutaan vastenand gnawed at her knuckles.
- SheHändried the udder and pulled the three-legged stool across,jammingsulloenthe first bucketensimmäisen ämpärinbetween her kneespolviensa väliinas she sat down, so that Florence could not kick it over.
- IMinäjammedtyönsinone fingersormenin my earkorvaaniagainst the fourth circle of hell that had just broken loose.
- Outrage turned to agitation when she saw thathehänwas<empty>jammingtyönsithe keyavaintain the locklukkoonwith such force that the flesh on his fingers was turning whitesellaisella voimalla, että hänen sormensa muuttuivat valkoisiksi.
- HeHänstopped,jammedpuristihis handskädeton his hipslanteilleenand leaned forward from the waist in a belligerent posture.
- HeHänjammedlaittoithe one-eyed spectaclesyksilinssiset silmälasitonto his facekasvoilleenand fled.
- The tyres screamed ashehänjammedtyönsihis footjalkansato the floorlattiaanand the car shot into traffic.
- HeHänjammedkiinnittithe pointkärjenfirmlytukevastiunder the great fish's jaw bonesuuren kalan leukaluun alleand used the other curve of S as a carrying handle.
- HeHänslid the ramrod out,jammedsulloiitsendown the long barrelpitkään piippuun, then pulled it free.
- The younger of the trio looked at McCann and Morton and decided he would be better advised not to try and reachthe .3838-kaliiperista asettaan, jonkahehänhadolijammedtunkenutinto his beltvyölleen.
- The table was strewn with books and papers andcandle-endskynttilänpätkiäjammedahdettujainto empty bottlestyhjiin pulloihin, and the floor was similarly littered, but with boots and boxes.
- The estate-car reeled drunkenly, shot sideways across the road and oncoming traffic, and came to rest withits bonnetkonepeltijammedjuuttuneenain the sloping grass bank edging the road on the other sidetien toisella puolella olevaan kaltevaan ruohopenkereeseen.
- Trent almost laughed with relief as he imagined the six-foot-four Customs officer at the wheel,empty pipetyhjä piippujammedtyönnettynäbetween his teethhampaidensa väliin.
- A BLIND manSOKEA miesfought off a bull terrier that attacked his guide dog -- byjammingtyöntämällähis fistnyrkkinsädown its throatsen kurkkuunand smacking it between the eyes.
- MarkbyMarkbyhastilyripeästijammedtyönsidolly's armnuken käsivarrenbackinto its sockettakaisin kuoppaansa.
- SheHänleaned closer to him andlaylaskiher headpäänsäagainst his shoulderhänen olalleen.
- Set each item against a contrasting background so that it shows up clearly andlayasetaa rulerviivotinalongside itsen rinnalleto give a guide to its size.
- To double the numberyou<empty>justlayasetaanother cabletoinen kaapelialongside the firstensimmäisen vierelle.
- He hat talked about his brother's death, and for the first time eversomeonejokuhad notei ollutlaid<empty>the blamesyyttänytat his doorhäntä siitä.
- The Princess of WalesWalesin prinsessalatermyöhemminlaidlaskia wreathseppeleenat the Welsh Guards memorial in LondonWelsh Guardsin muistomerkille Lontooseento honour members of the regiment who died in the world wars and other conflictskunnioittakseen niitä rykmentin jäseniä, jotka kuolivat maailmansodissa ja muissa konflikteissa.
- `Why, thank you! ``she exclaimed ashemieslaidasettithe platelautasenbefore herhänen eteensä.
- HeHäntook out his cigarette case,laidasettiitsenbeside himvierelleen.
- SheHänlaidasettieverythingkaikenin an untidy heapepäsiistiin kasaanin the leather boxnahkapäällysteiseen laatikkoon.
- His tip is to lift some mint roots now andlaylaittaathemnein boxes of garden soil or the contents of old Gro-bagspuutarhamultaa sisältäviin laatikoihin tai vanhojen Gro-bagien sisällön joukkoon.
- The only moment of danger was asshehänlaidlaittoihimpojanin his cotvauvansänkyynsäagain.
- She didn't want to talk or exclaim on the beauty of the view, and as though Matthew was also aware of their silent communication,hehänlaidlaittoihis handkätensägentlyhellästion her shouldernaisen olalle.
- Mrs LowyerRouva Lowyerfound an ashtray andlaidlaittoiitsenon the tablepöydälle.
- Jobs apart, looking young and sexy may still seem important and desirable to many of those who have grown up ina society whichyhteiskunnassa, jokalaysantaasuch emphasisniin paljon painoarvoaon youth and sexnuoruudelle ja seksille.
- I founda canvas bag in his wardrobe in whichhänen vaatekaapistaan kangaskassin, johonIminälaidasetinthe pagessivut, handling them as though they were living and in pain.
- Ceramic floor tilesKeraamiset lattiakaakelitare generallyyleensälaidkiinnitetäänin special adhesiveerikoisliimallarather than in a mortar screed.
- CaraCaraput her hand over his on the steering wheel,leanedpainoiher headpäänsäagainst his shouldermiehen olkapäätä vasten.
- HeHänleantasettihis bikepyöränsäagainst the gateporttia vastenand shook the sign.
- Leaningasettithe broomstickluudanagainst the signpostopastetta vasten, she grasped the handle and climbed carefully on to the top of the twigs and raised her head towards the words on the signpost arm.
- SheHänleanedkallistiher headpäänsäin her handskäsiensä varaan.
- HeHänpushed the empty plate away from him andleanednojasihis armskäsivarsillaanon the tablepöytään.
- HeHänleantnojasihis armkädelläänalong the top of the car doorauton oven yläreunaan, letting his eyes rest on her face for one moment that felt like half a lifetime to her.
- HeHänleanednojautuithe chairtuolillabacktaaksepäinon two legskahden jalan varassaand put the sole of one shoe against the bedrails, then pulled on the rope of nylon until his biceps began to crack.
- `You'd better helpBettyBettyäloadpakkaamaanthe stufftavaratin the carautoon.
- Miss Bradley, of Crowthorne, Berks, was stabbed repeatedly in the back with an eight-inch carving or butcher's knife asshehänloadedpakkasishoppingkauppatavaroitainto her carautoonsain Acton Town, west London.
- Communication will have failed if the listener does not discover which platform the train leaves from or howto<empty>loadladataanthe programohjelmainto the computertietokoneeseen.
- It's practically impossible to say no tosomeone whohenkilölle, joka's actuallyon ehtinytloadedheittäätheir rucksackselkäreppunsainto your bootjalkoihisiand clipped on their seatbelt.
- By the time I arrivedhehänhadoliloadedlastannutthe doorovenon his truckkuorma-autoonsa, and I drove up with him.
- Taking the boats out of the water andloadinglastausthemniidenon the carsautoihinis a chore.
- Theretheyhesold half their animals, bought goods with the proceeds,loadedlastasivatthemneonto the remaining animalsjäljellä olevien eläinten selkäänand returned to Kufra, resuming the annual north-south movement.
- A hydraulic grabHydraulinen kouraloadslastaasand from a ground dumphiekkaa hiekkakuopaltainto the 13-ton wagons of an East Lancashire Railway goods trainEast Lanchashiren rautatien 13-tonnisiin tavaravaunuihinon July 23.
- Measuring 14.5 cubic feet, the boot in the Mercedes is very wide (up to 58 inches) but considerably shorter and the sill height of around 31 inches could make it awkwardto<empty>loadlastaamisestaheavy casesraskaiden laukkujen.
- A cannon requires a full crew to work properly -- to carry cannon balls,loadlataamiseengunpowderruudin, push the machine round to bear on its target, and so on.
- The containerkonttiwill then be sealed andloadedlastataanonto one of the trucksyhteen rekoistain the morning.
- Early the following morningwemeloadedlastasimmeour equipmentvarusteemmeaboardlaivaan, and left that ghostly cluster of space arcs embracing the reddened circle of standing stones.
- With the fully charged battery in place,yousinäare now readyto<empty>loadlataamaana tape cassettekasetin, following the instructions.
- The DeaconessDiakonissahadolilodgedpainanuther cupkupinagainst her bosompoveaan vastenand was keeping her sword arm free for the cucumber sandwiches.
- MathersMatherslodgedlaittoithe cigarettesavukkeenin his mouthsuuhunsaand closed one eye against the smoke.
- His climbing achievements are many, but it ishis attempts on Everest whichhänen yrityksensä Everestillehaveovatlodgedpainaneethimhänetfirmlyvahvastiin the public consciousnessihmisten mieliin.
- `Presumably,an earlier train coming into the stationaiempi asemalle saapuva junahad hit the bird andlodgedjoka oli tarttunutit<empty>on its bumperssen puskureihin.
- PackPakkaaeverythingkaikkiin a boxlaatikkoon, and keep it somewhere accessible -- ideally near the fusebox.
- He left John Fox, 25, screaming in pain ashis mum and horrified regularshänen äitinsä ja kauhistuneet vakioasiakkaatpackedpaketoivathis severed earhänen irronneen korvansain icejäähän.
- At most colleges GCSEcandidatestenttijätpacksisällyttävättwo subjectskaksi oppiainettainto a weekyhteen viikkoon; A level students take one at a time.
- SheHänbegan gathering plates and cutlery, thenpackedpakkasithemneinto their hampersomiin koreihinsawhile the two guides dismantled the barbecue.
- The following companies are featured ina short season thatlyhyessä sesongissa, jonka aikanapacksjärjestetäänsixteen eventskuusitoista tapahtumaainto three dayskolmen päivän aikana.
- Although laser discs are used today mainly for music,yousinäcouldvoitpacktallentaathe whole Encyclopaedia Britannicakoko Encyclopaedia Britannicanonto one of themyhdelle levylle, and read it out using the same laser technique.
- Nearly all the red-tiled-roof homes along the ridge line, high above Sarajevo, were deserted, withthe last remaining peopleviimeiset jäljellä olevat ihmisethurriedlykiireisestipackingpakkasivattheir belongingstavaroitaanon to cars and wagonsautoihin ja vaunuihin.
- It is made from the liver, lungs and heart of a sheep with the addition of oatmeal and spices,all of whichjotka kaikkiisonpackedlaitettuinto the sheep's stomachlampaan vatsaan.
- SheHänhad finished andpackedpakkamassaher thingstavaroitaanwhen Lucy Grindal came in with a young woman.
- Go andpackpakkaamaanyour thingstavarasiright now.
- Trimming costs even further is easy ifyou<empty>'re willingto<empty>packolemaan kuin sillit purkissayourselves<empty>in<empty>like sardines as the French normally do.
- Parin nodded, and he signed to his assistants to roll up the books so thattheynecould bevoitaisiinpackedpakataaway<empty>in the boxes and chests in which they were stored.
- A vapour barrier is formed bypackagingpakkaamallathe saltsuolain foil lined boxesfoliolla vuorattuihin laatikoihin.
- THE EAST Kilbride-based Robert Wiseman DairiesItä-Kilbridessä toimiva Robert Wiseman Dairieswill bealkaapackagingtoimittaaEnglish milk from a greenfield site in Manchesterenglantilaista maitoa manchesterilaiselta laiduntilaltaearly next yearensi vuoden alussa, the firm's managing director told farmers at Dumfries.
- Recycled plastic can be used, quite hygienically,to<empty>packagepakkaamiseeneggs, tomatoes, apples and all manner of skinned food and vegetablesmunien, tomaattien, omenoiden sekä erilaisten liharuokien ja vihannesten.
- A £25 excess applies andbrittle itemshauraat esineetmust beonpackagedpaketoitaviksiby professional packersannettava ammattipakkaajien.
- Is the Minister aware thatthe cracker he pulls this Christmaspaukkukaramellin, jonka hän laukaisee tänä jouluna,will probably have beenon luultavastipackagedpakannutby a home workerkotityöntekijä, as will the Christmas cards and gift tags?
- Places have becomecommoditieshyödykkeitä,to bejoitapackagedpaketoidaan, marketed and sold.
- A number of productsUseita tuotteitaare nownytpackagedpaketoidaanin recyclable materialskierrätysmateriaaleihin.
- The tree produces its nuts ingroups thatryhmissä, jotkafit neatly together like the segments of an orange andare<empty>packagedjotka paketoidaanin a boxlaatikkoon.
- It was mid-afternoon whenhehänparkedpysäköihis carautonsaat the Hotel Garibaldihotelli Garibaldiin.
- HeHänparkedpysäköithe carautonin the shade of a nearby treeläheisen puun varjoon, then cut the engine.
- ConnieConnieparkedasettuiherself<empty>on a white divanvalkoiselle divaanilleand poured out some black steaming liquid.
- Cars speed up and down the twisty road at all hours and residents andvisitorsvierailijatfrequentlyparkpysäköivätvehiclesautonsaon the roadtiellerestricting access.
- Stephen and CoventryStephen ja Coventrydrove around the darker streets of Portsea and thenparkedpysäköivätthe carautonunder a gaslightkaasulampun alle.
- SilasSilasparkedpysäköithe minibusminibussinnear a gap where a path led into the gloomlähelle aukkoa, josta polku johti pimeyteen, and as they trod the leaf-mould their steps made no sound.
- The farmers who own the land around Pot Scar are getting increasingly agitated over the wayclimberskiipeilijätusing the cragare<empty>parkingpysäköivättheir carsautonsa.
- `For God's sake, Bernie,parkistuyour arseperseellesisomewherejonnekin.
- Once we had arrived at my placeIminäparkedpysäköinthe carautonand led Amanda through my front gate and up to the flat.
- ParkingPysäköinthe pramlastenvaunutI gave chase to the poor beast who, alarmed by my savage roar of maternal fury, had bolted.
- Ifyousinä're<empty>parkingpysäköitat homekotiin, use a garage if you have one and lock it.
- WeMecan notemme voiparkpysäköidäat the weekend and people are already parking on the grass verge.
- HeHänparkedpysäköiby the entrancesisäänkäynnin luokseas a steward came up to them, signalling them to park elsewhere.
- Tryto<empty>parkpysäköidäin a well-lit, preferably busy areahyvinvalaistulle, mieluiten vilkkaalle alueelle.
- He overseesa water tankvesitankkiaparkedpaikoitettuain the roadtielle.
- Usuallyhehänparkedpysäköion the roadtielle, but to work on the car he ran it into the factory yard and into an unfrequented spot in a corner.
- She founda cykepyöränparkedpysäköidynout of range of the explosionräjähdysalueen ulkopuolelle, and straddled it.
- `IMinäparkedpysäköindown the roadkadunvarteen
- HeHänenmust haveoli epäilemättäparkedpysäköinytaround the front of the motelmotellin eteen.
- He called for tougher action by police onmotorists whoniitä autoilijoita kohtaan, jotkaillegallylaittomastiparkpysäköivätin and around existing bus stopsbussipysäkeille ja niiden läheisyyteen.
- I'll bet he drivesthat Mercedessitä Mercedestä, joka onparkedpysäköityup<empty>in the lotpaikoitusalueelle.
- His subtle military strategy -- sending Scuds to Tel Aviv, opening the land battle by attacking the US forces,parkingsijoittamallaup<empty>the air forceilmavoimatin IranIraniinfor future use -- cold still transform the war.
- OliveOliveparkedpysäköibadlykehnostiand swore.
- He appealed todriversajajiin,tojotta nämäparkpysäköisivätsensiblyjärkevästiand avoid the inconvenience and expense of recovering vehicles from the car pound.
- SheHänpulled the strings of her apron until the bow at the back was just right, andperchedasettiher white capvalkoisen lakkinsaat the correct angleoikeassa kulmassaon her headpäähän,to make it sit pertly on her dark curlsjotta se istui näpsäkästi hänen tummilla kiharoillaan.
- Still using the flashlight,hehänperchedasettithe caserasianon his desktyöpöydälleen, took out his key ring, used the two keys which unlocked the specially reinforced bottom right-hand drawer.
- The DoctorTohtorireversed his hat, flipped it back along the length of his arm andperchedasettiitsennonchalantlyhuolettomastion his headpäähänsä.
- Iminätook the fedora from the hat peg andperchedasetinitsenover my browotsalleni.
- `What's up, Poll? ``she asked, taking her large handbag fromthe end of the trolley whereostoskärryjen päästä, johonshehänalwaysperchedasettiitsen,and plonking it on the table.
- HeHäntook off his pince-nez,perchedasettithemnehigher up his noseylemmäs nenälleen, looked down the table.
- To reinforce the point,hehänpiledpinosicoalhiiliäagainst the doorovea vasten.
- When they'd goneMaggieMaggiegathered up the rest of the dishes andpiledpinosithemnein the sinktiskialtaaseen.
- MichaelMichaelfollowed him out and helpedpilepinoamaanthe waste branchesjäteoksatinto heapskekoihinfor burning and then they stacked the scattered lengths of the firewood.
- PileAsetathe fruitshedelmätinto itsiihen kerroksiksi, scattering the butter and sugar between layers.
- My mumÄitiniwas<empty>pilingpinositinned raviolipurkitettua ravioliainto the trolleyostoskärryihin.
- `It all sounds highly organised, ``saidMelissaMelissa,pilingkasatenwhipped creamkermavaahtoaon her fromage blanctuorejuustonsa päälleand pretending not to hear Iris's scathing comments about cholesterol.
- Whileshehänpiledkasasiall the grocerieskaikki ruokaostokseton the countertiskilleand the girl began to check them out Stuart sat by the door and looked round.
- And nowshehänwas goingto<empty>pilelihoait<empty>on<empty>thick and heavyoikein kunnolla..
- SheHänflittered in the kitchen,pilingpinotencrockerytalousastioitaonto the tablepöydälle.
- SheHänforced the sad and crushed skull below the snow andpiledkasasithe icejäätäabove itsen päälle.
- Luke said savagely, turning to glare atCallumCallumia,whojokacontinuedto<empty>pilelatomistafoodruuanon to a platelautaselle.
- The woodPuutis<empty>piledpinotaaninto the kilnpoltto- ja kuivatusuuniin, which is then lit at the bottom.
- The bodies of 6 ewes and a ramKuuden uuhen ja yhden pässin ruumiitwereolipiledpinottuonto a tractor trailertraktorin perävaunuunnear where they drowned in the Stretford Brook.
- Whisk the egg whites to stiff snowy peaks, gradually beating in 4 oz sugar, thenpilelevitäthe meringue mixturemarenkisekoitusover the puddingvanukkaan päälle.
- Crossing to her,hehänplacedasettia palmkämmenensäagainst her brownaisen otsalle.
- `Because I need the work, Lady Merchiston, ``Theda said, her eyes twinkling asshehängently raised the old lady a little andplacedasettian extra pillowylimääräisen tyynynat her backhänen selkänsä taakse.
- Once again, start with the largest flowers andplaceasetaoneyksiat the topyläreunaanand one at the bottom of the design, and then two staggered in the middle.
- It is only byplacingsijoittamallathe new stationuusi asemabeneath the existing oneolemassaolevan allethat all the required rail connections can be made.
- 1PlaceAsetathe lamblammasin a dishlautaselleand sprinkle over half of the rosemary and thyme and one tablespoon of the oil.
- Which is whyIminä'm<empty>placingasetanMarshal Tolonenmarsalkka Tolosenin chargevastuuseen.
- JohnJohntook the empty cups down below andplacedsijoittithemnequietlyäänettömästiin the small sinkpieneen tiskialtaaseen.
- DavidDavidplacedasettihis briefcasesalkkunsaon the floorlattialledelicatelytahdikkaastiand sat at his desk with his back to the window.
- Hehänthen wrapped a piece of red flannel around it andplacedasettiitsenunder his armkainaloonsa.
- This developmentTämä kehitysplacesasettaaextra demandsylimääräisiä vaatimuksiaupon the infant's powers of attentionlapsen keskittymiskyvylleand requires that she co-ordinate her behaviour with respect to both the object and the other person.
- PlaceAsetayour handskätesiabove your kneespolvien ylleso you can feel and see the muscle contractions.
- Thenshehänbent, casually, unhurriedly, and removed her boots,placedasettithemnecarefullyvarovastiby the dooroven viereenand straightened up.
- Molly Pagett sat on the edge of the bed, her hands clasped together in her lap, andDelgardDelgardtook the chair from its position by the wall,placingasettaenitsennear to herhänen lähelleen.
- `Welcome to France, ``Colonel Hamiltonkenraali Hamiltonbegan,placingasettaena monoclemonokkelinover his left eyevasempaan silmäänsä.
- To minimise damage, always handle fish with wet hands andplaceasetathemne,either on a wet towel or (better) upon what carp anglers call an `unhooking mat ``joko märälle pyyhkeelle tai (mieluummin) alustalle, jota karpinonkijat nimittävät "koukunirrotusmatoksi".
- The fact thatWestern cultureslänsimaiset kulttuuritwereovatplacedasettaneetby the anthropologistsantropologiton the uppermost rungsylimmille tasoillereflects their ethnocentric perspective!
- The othertoisenwas<empty>placedsijoittiby PtolemyPtolemaiosnear the Wash in the territory of the Catuvellaunicatuvellaunien alueelle lähelle Washia.
- Unfortunatelyshehänethad beenoliplacedsijoitettunext to Dorothy, Fred's daughter,Fredin tyttären Dorothyn viereenin one routine.
- In additionthe churchkirkkomight considerplacingsijoittamistapaid advertisementsmaksettujen mainostenfrom time to time, highlighting forthcoming events which could be made especially attractive to the outsider.
- ByplacingSijoittamallaa disc of hard-wearing `Ceran ``lujan Ceran-levynabove the burnerpolttimen yläpuolelle,wemehave created a gas hotplate with the streamlined looks and the easy-clean surfaces that you have demanded.
- HeHänplacedasettithe mugs of cocoakaakaomukiton the tablepöydälle, and they sat near to each other, Juliet sure she was still in bed and dreaming.
- On slaughtering days all the gates were carefully locked anda long wooden ramppitkä puuramppiplacedasetettiinagainst the cellar stepskellarin portaita vasten.
- The pin is inserted into the device,its facing platepäällyslevyplacedasetettunaagainst the wallseinää vasten, and a couple of taps with a hammer on the plunger drive the pin into the wall.
- In this situation,the bombpommiplacedasettamaby Oberst Claus Graf Schenk von StauffenbergOberst Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberginexploded in the Führer Headquarters near Rastenburg in East Prussia at 12.45 p.m. on 20 July 1944.
- Shape the dough andplaceaseta sein the tinpurkkiin.
- Samples of natural grassNäytteitä luonnonmukaisesta ruohostawere collected from the author's garden, merely subjected to various conditions andplacedasetettiinon blackened baking traysmustuneille uunipelleille.
- Jack's only complaint was that the pittance he was paid hardly reflectedthe responsibilitysitä vastuuta,placedjoka oli asetettuupon himhänen harteilleen.
- But the greaterthe demandkysyntäplacedkohdistuuupon this systemtähän järjestelmään, especially in the competitive environment, the greater the risk of cover-loading.
- Sarella swallowed the delicious concoctionherkullisen keitoksenplacedasetetunbefore herhänen eteensäwithout tasting it.
- The first people in each teamKunkin joukkueen ensimmäiset henkilötplacepudottavatthe keysavaimetdown their neck and out through the bottom of their trouser legs or slackssisään kaula-aukostaan ja ulos housunlahkeestaan.
- When at lasthehänplacedlaskithe phonepuhelimendownalashe turned and gazed at Joe, saying in a bewildered tone, “ It's Harry; they … they want me to go at once. ”
- Prayers were said andthe noosehirttosilmukkaplacedasetettiinaround the neck of the victim who was then blindfoldeduhrin kaulalle ja silmät peitettiin.
- A master builder from Grantham was called in and created this beautiful and extremely unusual combination of local style and Italian Pallazzo architecture, with its forthright piano nobile andits<empty>placement<empty>of vases and finialsmaljakoineen ja ornamentteineen.
- A good exampleis theonplacementsijoittaminenof bright-yellow bricks and matching shapeskirkkaankeltaisten tiilien ja vastaavien kuvioidenon a table covered with a dark cloth or piece of materialpöydälle, joka on peitetty tummalla liinalla tai materiaalilla.
- Many other examples could be given on such issues as theplacementssijoittaminenof childrenlastenin carehuostaan, behaviour problems and the family links experienced by children.
- Accordingly, the battle over the excisemen of Inverkeithing was intensified, for the rival Haldane party had no intention of giving way, and they too had friends able to influence theplacementsijoittamiseenof excise officersveronkantajien.
- The appearance of clear cerebrospinal fluid in the needle hub confirmedcorrectoikeanplacementsijoituksenof the needleneulanin the lateral cerebral ventriclelateraaliseen aivokammioon.
- However, one particular aspect of stress could be regarded as part of intonation: thisis theonplacementsijaintiof the tonic stressäänteen painonwithin the tone-unitäänneyksikössä.
- In recent years the provision of alternatives to residential care, such as independent living under supervision,placementsijoittaminenat home and day-care centreskotiin ja päivähoitokeskuksiin, has increased.
- Placementssijoittamistain parishesSeurakuntiinare complemented by one or two three-week residential community placements in which life in a non-church institution, like a hospital, is observed.
- The following summary of ideas onstresspainotuksenplacementpaikastain nouns, verbs and adjectivessubstantiivien, verbien ja adjektiivienis an attempt to present a few rules in the simplest possible form.
- As we have seen earlier, when a child's existing links to a birth parent or relative are severed onplacementsijoituksenwith a new familyuuteen perheeseen, the feelings involved are not eradicated but driven `underground ``.
- B.'sB:nplacementsijoituswith the foster motherkasvattiäidin luokseended in November 1990; P.'s in May 1991.
- The revolutionary proposition was that all patients could live in community units outside the asylums, and thattheirheidänplacementssijoittamisensacould be funded from the revenue sunk into the big hospitals.
- While acknowledging his argument for theboltpultinplacementpaikasta, I advised that he had done the route; if others thought a bolt should be placed, let someone else go ahead and place it.
- I remember digging for what seemed like hours to lift those bulbs, so make sureyousinäplantistutatthemnewhere they will not need to be movedpaikkaan, josta niitä ei tarvitse siirtääand allow ample room for their growth.
- I do not know of any known way of preventingevil menpahoja ihmisiäfromplantingpiilottamastaa little piece of plastic explosivepientä muoviräjähdettäin a vast complex like the Musgrave Park hospitalvaltavaan kompleksiin, kuten Musgrave Parkin sairaalaan.
- She was forced to face him ashehänplantedsijoittihimselfitsensäright across her pathsuoraan hänen tielleen.
- But just as the removal of trees from the lowlands has created considerable opposition from environmentalists so has the policy ofplantingistuttaminenthemniidenacross the hillsidesmäenrinteille.
- He insisted it was simple -- go in that direction andplantsijoitathe flagsliputat regular intervalssäännöllisin välein.
- Community wildlife officer Dave Muir and Ann Lolley of the Tidy Britain Group joinlocal peoplepaikallisten joukkoonto<empty>plantistuttaakseenBritish wildflowersbrittiläisiä luonnonkasvejaat the Children's Forest in Pennywell, Sunderland,Lasten metsään Pennywelliin, Sunderlandiinon Wednesdaykeskiviikkona.
- An offending treehaittaa tuottavan puunmay have beenon voinutplantedistuttaamany years agovuosia sittenby a previous ownerEdellinen omistaja.
- ThisTämäplantedjättithe seedkipinänin his mindhänen mieleensäthat perhaps the work of a record producer could be interesting.
- So I urge anyone with a garden to visit Sainsbury's, keep back a few potatoes at the end of the season, before Christmas store them carefully andplantistuttamaanthemnein the spring.
- With City struggling to defend at set pieces,StrachanStrachanagainplantedsijoittia free kickvapaapotkuninto the penalty arearangaistusalueelle,where David Wetherall released Gary Speed whose left foot shot gave Tony Coton no chance.
- The gigantic manJättiläismäinen miesturned him slowly, against the tide of people pressing to the epicentre, andplantedlaskihimhänetsquarely on his feetsuoraan jaloilleen.
- He led Claudia away, looked back to wave to Ted and saw in astonishment thatKatherineKatherinewasoliplantingantamassaa kisssuudelmaavery firmlyhyvin tiiviistion his lipshänen huulilleen.
- In certain fertility rites in Burma,a woman desirous of offspringjälkeläisiä haluava nainenis required not only to approach the King Cobra butto<empty>plant<empty>a kisssuutelemaanon its mouthsitä suulle.
- You<empty>actually take the peoples' photographs first, cut them out andplantsijoitetaanthemneon the originalalkuperäisen päälle.
- TheyHeidänhave to heave and sweat their great stone to the top of the mountain, andplantsijoitettavaitsefirmlytukevastion the summithuipulle.
- The reforestation programme, targetingto<empty>plantistuttaa7.5 million trees7,5 miljoonaa puutaover a seven year periodseitsemän vuoden aikana, is on its way.
- As he was doing that,hehänsaw the paragraph about himself in The Stage andplantedasettihis shoekenkänsäover itsen päälle.
- IMinä'veolenplantedistuttanuta selectionmuutamiaround one the little paved areasyhden pienen kivetyn alueen ympärille.
- He had heard stories ofsecurity forcesturvallisuusjoukoista, jotkaplantingsijoittivat salaaillegal objectslaittomia esineitäduring searches of houses and hoped that his presence might help to safeguard against it.
- Steve Walsh glanced a header across toJoachim whoJoachimille, jokaplantedsijoittithe ballpallonpast Mike SalmonMike Salmonin ohiwith such force he stood no chance.
- Make rows 23cm/9in apart with a stick or hoe andplantistutathemneabout 10cm/4in apartnoin 10 cm etäisyydelle toisistaanwith the tips just out of the soil.
- Trim any broken or damaged roots cleanly and, ifyousinäareoletplantingistuttamassaa bushpensasta, hold it up and look at it carefully.
- Their aim was to start from the bottom up and to growa church thatkirkko, jokawould be able in the endto<empty>plantkasvattamaanother churchesmuita kirkkoja.
- The fact thatthe rumourhuhuhad probably beenoli todennäköisestiplantedlähtöisinby Tosh himselfToshilta itseltäändid nothing to diminish his fearful aspect.
- Most of the vinesSuurin osa köynnöksistäare<empty>plantedistutetaanat a height of between 160 and 200 metres160–200 metrin korkeudelleand provide wines of excellent, if differing, character.
- ItSecan bevoidaanplantedistuttaain a potruukkuun, and embedded in the gravel.
- Its vinesSen köynnöksetare<empty>plantedistutetaanon north and north-east-facing slopes at an altitude of between 130 and 180 metrespohjoiseen ja koilliseen avautuville rinteille 130–180 metrin korkeudelle.
- Aircraft have again been probing Falklands airspace and recentlyan Argentinian flagArgentiinan lippuwasoliplantedsijoitettuon Southern ThuleSouthern Thulen alueelle.
- Police believethe bombpommimay have beenoli saatettuplantedkätkeäunder the Nissan DatsunNissan Datsunin alleoutside a pub where he met his girlfriend, Jenny Hill, a Catholic.
- HeHänplantedistuttia hundred `Zambra ``rosessata Zambra-ruusua,when that variety was first introduced by Wheatcroftskun Wheatcrofts ensi kertaa esitteli tämän lajikkeen-- the brilliant orange flowers against the bronze-green foliage were a show-stopper at Chelsea.
- ``Devraux told me today he is going to Canton again soon, he said in an excited whisper whenhis wifehänen vaimonsacameto<empty>plungeupottamaanher armskätensäin the suds beside himhänen vieressään olevaan saippuaveteen.
- Plungingtyöntäminenyour handKädeninto a pile of assorted implementssekalaiseen työkaluröykkiööncan be hazardous.
- DelaneyDelaneydropped down beside him, ignoring the still running shower,to<empty>plungelaittaakseenhis handkätensäover Forster's heartForsterin sydämelle.
- IMinäplungedupotinmy handskäteniwrist deepranteita myötenin the fragrant herbstuoksuviin yrtteihin, and rubbed the dry fragments between the fingertips.
- For the first time in her married life she saw pain in her husband's eyes, as thoughshehänhadolisiplungedtyöntänyta knifeveitseninto his bodymiehensä ruumiiseen.
- The accused, who pleaded guilty, said, `I felt the devil and his horns on my head whenI<empty>plungedtyönsinthe knifeveitsenthrough his hearthänen sydämeensä.
- The Mail reports that `Furious left wingersraivostuneet vasemmistolaisetplungediskivättheir knivesveitsensäinto Neil KinnockNeil Kinnockiiinlast nightviime yönä.
- Surprise doesn't register, instead,DevitoDevitoplungesiskeean eight-inch carving knife20-senttisen lihaveitsenpurposefully and repeatedlymäärätietoisesti ja toistuvastiinto the victim's stomachuhrin vatsaan.
- ButDowning StreetDowning Streethit back immediately with a stinging rebuke,plungingmikä syöksiAnglo-French relationsBritannian ja Ranskan väliset suhteetto a new lowennätyksellisen huonolle tasolle.
- A TEENAGER whoTEINI, jokaplungediskia screwdriverruuvitaltaninto a frail 85-year-old womanheiveröiseen 85-vuotiaan naiseenas accomplices ransacked her home,samalla, kun rikoskumppanit rosvosivat naisen kodin,has been sentenced to eight years ``detention.
- Another suffererToinen kärsijäplungedupottiher facekasvonsainto cold waterkylmään veteenfor reliefsaadakseen helpotusta.
- William claimed thatRichardRichardcheated byplungingupottamallahis swordmiekkansainto William's horseWilliamin hevoseen,when he found that he could not win by fair meanskun hän huomasi, ettei voisi voittaa reilulla pelillä.
- THE Conservatives sought last night to force the election debate back on to Mr Kinnock's fitness to govern and the economy, with a warning thatLabourtyöväenpuoluewould<empty>plungesyöksisiBritainBritannianfrom recessiontaantumastainto a full-blown slumptäydelliseen lamaan.
- Sow them all in pots of good compost thenplungeupotathemnein a cinders bedtuhkapenkkiin-- or sand --in the coldest part of the gardenpuutarhan viileimpään osaan.
- HeHänwas also a brave warrior and killed the evil Great Fish that menaced his people byplungingtyöntämälläa barb of icejääkoukundown its throat and into its heartsen kurkusta aina sydämeen asti.
- `You really must see this, ``Jeremy explains ashehänpocketslaittaa taskuunsathe ignition keyvirta-avaimen, `it's the heart of the nightlife area.
- She tries the front door, tugging at the knob until it almost comes away in her hand, before she remembers thatAnyaAnyahasonpocketedlaittanut taskuunsathe keyavaimen; the door by the sink proves equally unyielding.
- Wycliffe opened the door, waited for her to switch out the lights and pass through, thenhehänlocked the door andpocketedlaittoi taskuunsathe keysavaimet.
- `What was that all about? ``hehänasked curiously,pocketingtaskuunsathe notelaittaen muistiinpanonwithout hesitationempimättä.
- The RCM seemed to be prepared to go along with this, until they discovered that Willy was also in trouble with his employer, a Jeweller who caughtthe boypojanpocketingkun hän oli laittamassa taskuunsaa silver cigarette casehopeista savukerasiaa.
- With the note finished,ChantChantpocketedtaskuunsaitlaittoi sen, and headed out into the darkness.
- `As naughty as most five-year-olds I guess, ``hehänreplied,pocketingtaskuunsathe walletlaittaen lompakon.
- Switching off the torch,hehänpocketedtaskuunsaitlaittoi sento leave his hands clear for handling his gunjättääkseen kätensä vapaiksi aseen käyttöä varten.
- PositionSijoitacakekakkuagainst the green parcelvihreää pakettia vasten.
- The artistTaiteilijacalmly took a small mechanical device andpositionedasettiitsenagainst the side of her finger which wore a glittering pair of rings in emerald and diamondvasten sormeaan, jossa kimalteli kaksi smaragdi- ja timanttisormusta.
- PositionSijoitathe rectangular cakesuorakaiteen muotoinen kakkuat the back of the boardruokapöydän takaosaan.
- During a horse showhehänpositionedasettuihimself<empty>at the edge of the arenaareenan reunalle.
- A key objective since Tencel was launched has beento<empty>positionsijoittaaitseat the top end of the marketmarkkinoiden laadukkaimpien tuotteiden joukkoon, working with the best mills, converters and manufacturers and attracting a premium price for the fibre.
- HeHänhadolipositionedasettunuthimself<empty>in a narrow doorwaykapeaan sisäänkäyntiin, in the vain hope it would provide him with some shelter from the biting cold.
- SheHänfolded napkins to look like coronets and gave the crystal glasses a final polish beforepositioningsijoittithemnein groupsryhmissäto the right of each placekunkin paikan oikealle puolelle.
- PositionAsettelethe folds in the fabric which form below each pleatkankaan taitteet, jotka muodostuvat kunkin laskoksen alle,by running your fingers down the length of the curtainsivelemällä sormillasi verhon pituudelta.
- Research can helpa companyyritystäto<empty>positionsijoittamaanits producttuotteensain the marketmarkkinoille.
- Remember our earlier advice aboutpositioningsijoittamisestathe tanksäiliönin your housekotiisi(PFK March).
- OnceI<empty>evenpositionedasettauduinmyself<empty>on a nearby wallläheiselle seinänvierustallein order to study his features more carefully.
- PositionAsetathe hathattuon the robot's headrobotin päähänand make decorative markings with the back of a knife.
- Mr AttleeHerra Attleewas carefulto<empty>positionmyötäilihimself<empty>with the majority view in Cabinetkabinetin enemmistön mielipidettä.
- I<empty>have purposelyOlen tarkoituksellapositionedsijoittanutthis photographtämän valokuvanaway from the conference photographserilleen konferenssin valokuvistato avoid readers confusing it with views of the Institute Officers.
- McGowanMcGowanpositionedasettautuihimself<empty>between Jed and CreedJedin ja Creedin väliin.
- It was importantto<empty>positionasettautuaherself<empty>within easy reach of the doorsriittävän lähelle oviabefore letting him see her, in case she had to bolt.
- This dowel can rotate freely, which helps inpositioningsijoittelussathe blockspalikoiden.
- TheyHepushed the trolley through, andpositionedsijoittivatitsen, as the patient had requested,by an open windowavoimen ikkunan alle.
- HeHänpositionedasemoithe arbalestarbalestin, leaned over the wall and released the catch.
- The linesLinjatare<empty>positionedasemoidaanby referring to the CE or balance point of the rigCE:n tai laitteiston tasapainopisteen mukaisesti.
- After the name has been enteredthe cursorkohdistinwill be<empty>positionedasemoidaanat column 20 on the same linesaman rivin sarakkeeseen 20and Age? will be printed.
- These graphicsNämä grafiikatcan then be enlarged or reduced andpositionedasemoidaanywhere on the pagemihin tahansa kohtaan sivua.
- Leaving two of the men in the bows to receive the cargo,hehänpositionedasemoitwo morekaksi muutaalong the windward side decktuulenpuoleiselle kannelle.
- As an inmate you are shut away in a jail without a name and escape is an option rarely considered witharmed guardsaseistettuja vartijoitacarefullypositionedsijoitettuat the perimeter fence of some of the prisonsjoidenkin vankiloiden ulommaiselle aidalle.
- Their summer holidays are spent inthe caravanasuntovaunussa, jonkatheyhehaveovatpositionedsijoittaneetin the yardpihalle
- Thomas went out, came back a moment later withan object draped in blue velvet whichsiniseen samettiin verhottu esine, jonkahehänpositionedsijoitticarefullyvarovastion a low tablematalalle pöydälle.
- As we have already seen, if speech is to be recorded clearly it is best picked up byan extension microphonemikrofoni, jokapositionedon sijoitettuclose to the speakerlähelle puhujaa.
- You can achieve much softer and more interesting effects by usingdifferent types of lighteri tyyppisiä valoja, jotka oncarefullypositionedsijoitettuaround a roomympäri huonetta.
- For attractive flowering and fruiting plants, it's worthpottingistuttaaa few rooted strawberry runnersmuutama juurrutettu mansikan rönsythis summer.
- Individual plantsYksittäisiä kasvejacan eventually bevoidaan ennen pitkääpottedistuttaasinglyerikseenin small potspieniin ruukkuihin.
- PotIstutaonyoung plants of winter cherry (Solanum capsicastrum)nuoret huonekoison (Solanum capsicastrum) taimetinto 4in potskymmenen senttimetrin ruukkuihin, using a John Innes No 2 or similar free-draining compost.
- I<empty>potIstutanmy plantskasvini ruukkuun, which works, but I don't know if this is actually necessary.
- PotSiirrä ruukkuunupone or two strawberry plantsyksi tai kaksi mansikantaimeafor a special treat: bring them into a cool greenhouse or conservatory, watering sparingly.
- You may replant in the old containers orpotsiirtää taimetupin individual potserillisiin ruukkuihinfor replanting later.
- PotSiirräupthe seedlingstaimetinto 3in potskahdeksan senttimetrin ruukkuihinand keep them in a warm place.
- TheyNeare prepared andpottedistutetaanin the same way as soft cuttingssamaan tapaan kuin pehmeät pistokkaat, but occasionally a variant is used if the plant is less easy to root.
- White clinched a quarter-final place whenhehänpottedistuttithe last redviimeisen punaisenand colours to the pink in the deciding frame.
- Soft cuttings may root after only a few weeks, sopotistutaindividual cuttingsyksittäiset pistokkaatas soon as you see new young leaves or white roots at the base of containers.
- Puttingasettia handkädento her sidekupeelleen,sheHänstaggered.
- Iminäsnatched Radish back andputlaitoinmy handkätenigentlyhellästiover her earshänen korvilleen.
- There was no one around soIminäwent up andputpainoinmy nosenenänipracticallyagainst the glasslasia vasten.
- As a gesture,FionaFionahad removed the chair andputasettanutitsenagainst the wallseinää vasten.
- IMinäliketo<empty>putlaitana pale colourvaalean värinbehind a darkish onetumman taakse,to make the dark colour stand out morejotta tumma väri nousee paremmin esilleand a dark colour dropped in just at one point behind a light colour to make the paleness improve.
- ZaharaZaharahelped her step back to the mattress andputasetticushionstyynyjäbehind herhänen taakseenso that she was sitting up, while Rabia held the baby, still attached to Jane by the cord.
- `Sounds reasonable, ``saidPaulPaul,puttingasettaenhis thumbspeukalonsabehind his wide red bracesleveiden punaisten henkseleidensä taakse, `but of course that wouldn't work.
- I<empty>couldSaatoinputjättääall that fearkaiken sen pelonbehind metaakseninownytand get going again.
- WeMeputlaitoimmehimhänetin a tenttelttaanbut he found the sensation of being, as he put it, sealed up so distressing that the idea had to be abandoned.
- The patientPotilaspulls the sweater over his head and thenputsasettaathe unaffected armterveen kädeninto its sleevesen hihaan.
- It would have been quite possibleto<empty>putlaittaasomethingjotakininto the pockets of my dressing gownaamutakkini taskuihinand then put it back into my clothes when I took the dressing gown off.
- Grass, which is sown with clover, provides rich pasture for cattle in summer andthe clover is another plant whichapila on toinen kasvi, jokaputssitoonitrogentyppeäinto the soilmaaperään.
- Hehänhad been scouring a pan, butnowNytputlaittoiitsenon another jerry-cantoisen jerrykannun päälleto drainkuivumaan, alongside two clean plates.
- Colin must win because he is the physical buffoon;hehänfalls into traps andputspuskeehis headpäänsäthrough wallsseinien läpi, falls downstairs and all those things.
- PREMIER John Major sat squirming in the Commons yesterday asthe man he dismissed as Chancellormies, jonka hän irtisanoi valtiovarainministerin virasta,putasettia bombpomminunder himhänen alleenand lit the fuse.
- Iminäleaned forward,putlaitoinmy thumbpeukalonunder my liphuulen alleand jerked it up to give him a close-up view of the long gash and the trailing blood-stained ends of the stitches.
- SheHänputlaittoitwo pieceskaksi palaaunder the grillgrillin alleto toastpaahtumaan.
- HeHännever even glanced at it, andputlaittoiitsenunder the horse's nosehevosen nenän alleat oncesaman tien.
- At this pointan Englishman, Henry Bradbury (1831-60)englantilainen Henry Bradbury (1831–60)putlaskia catkissanamong the pigeonskyyhkysten joukkoon.
- SheHänwantedto<empty>putlaittaaan armkädenaround hernaisen ympärilleand steer her away.
- Small touches like presenting objects wrapped up, orputtinglaittaminenthemniideninside a ``feel bag"tunnustelupussiin"and asking pupils to guess what they are can add spice to the exercise.
- Mr MalikHerra Malikputlaittoihis armkätensäround RobertRobertin ympärilleand continued to watch this display with apparent unconcern.
- Carrie remembered with a smile how Fred had reacted when she suggested renovating the back store room andputtinglaittamistaa few tablesmuutaman pöydänin theresinne.
- TheyHeidänshouldpitäisiputlaittaasome waterhiukan vettäonkiehumaanat least.
- `There's someone snooping about there, night after night, and sincePollittsPollittsputasensiall those locks and chainskaikki ne lukot ja ketjutover itpaikoilleenI don't see how anyone could get in.
- He's luckythe other mantoista miestäwasn'tetteiputlaitettuagainst a wallseinää vastenand shot.
- The family of murdered heiress Janie Shepherd are celebrating tonight after waiting 13 years to seeher killerhänen tappajansaputlaitettaisiinbehind barstelkien taakse.
- Toad tadpolesSammakonpoikaset,putjotka laitetaaninto acid waterhappoveteendevelop severe leg abnormalities.
- Around 3,500 of Britain's industrial processes will have to be justified to the inspectorate forthe pollutionsaasteista, joitatheyneputlaskevatinto the environment on land, into the air and into watermaaympäristöön, ilmaan ja veteen.
- PutLaitainto a deep frying pan with about 3 in watersyvään paistinpannuun, jossa on noin 7,5 cm vettäand bring to the boil.
- Your glasses and keysSilmälasisi ja avaimesi, jotkayousinäputlaitoitthrough a small slotpienestä aukosta.
- PutPaistaunder a hot grillkuuman grillin allafor a few moments until goldenhetken aikaa, kunnes pinta on kullanruskea.
- They resembledthe pot eggspesämunia, joitayou<empty>usedto<empty>putlaitettiinunder henskanojen alleto encourage them to laymunimisen kannustamiseksi.
- The idea shocked many people who were convinced that the only cause must be genetic, or chemical, or a virus,somethingjokin, jonkatheyhecouldvoisivatputlaittaaunder a microscopemikroskoopin alle.
- Nobody asked her what was inthe wicker basketkorissa, jonkashehänhadoliputlaittanutunder the seatistuimen alle.
- He had spoken jokingly, but as he fell silent, the happiness left his face andhehänrestednojasihis cheekposkensaagainst Cassie's bright hairCassien kirkkaita hiuksia vastenand was suddenly very still.
- `Later, ``hehänsaid,restingasettaenhis cigarsikarinsacarefullyhuolellisestiin an ashtraytuhkakuppiin.
- SheHänput her elbows on the desk andrestedlaskiher headpäänsäin her handskäsiensä varaan.
- BrassardBrassardrestednojasihis elbowskyynärpäilläon the tablepöytäänand leant forward.
- StokStokpulled a small chair close, andrestednostihis big shiny jackbooted feetsuuriin, kiiltäviin sotilassaappaisiin puetut jalkansaupon itsen päälle, then he lit a cigar and threw a cigar and matches to me.
- `SoIminäjust went a-front there with my milk and vinegar;rubbedhieroinitsitäin my palm and fingerskämmeneeni ja sormiini; and then I rubbed it inside the horses ``nose and then round their nostrils.
- I've been asleep, lulled bycompetent handspätevät kädet, jotkarubbinghierovataromatic oilsaromaattisia öljyjäinto my aching shoulderbladeskipeisiin hartioihini.
- Pamela surveyed him from under her sunshade ashehänrubbedhieroithe lotionvoidettalovinglyhellästiinto the bad-tempered girl's backpahantuulisen tytön selkään.
- HeHänspat, andrubbedhieroiitseninto the cobblesmukulakiviinwith his boot.
- Iminäcrushed some of the flowers andrubbedhierointhemniitäon my foreheadotsaanias I'm told it has an invigorating effect on cabbages and thought it might do the same for me.
- While waiting to go on, they would seethe womennaistenrubhierovanlipstickhuulipunaaonto their fingerssormiinsafrom their lipshuulistaanand transfer it onto their navels and nipples.
- ItSitäis<empty>rubbedhierotaaninto the hair and scalphiuksiin ja päänahkaanand then left to dry naturally, because using a hair dryer can destroy its effectiveness.
- Girls, caught by the arm, havesnowluntarubbedhierottunainto their hairhiuksiinsalike salt into a herring.
- 13:33) which causes the whole mixture to rise, or likesaltsuola, jotarubbedhierotaaninto the meatlihaanto preserve and flavour itsäilömisen ja maustamisen tähden(Luke 14:34).
- Tempera is the normal alternative to oil for overpainting gold, but you may be able to use a thin layer of tempera or evensalivasylkeärubbedhierottuainto the surfacepintaanas a preparation for acrylics.
- “A smudge of make-upMeikkitahranrubbedhierominenon the back of the handkämmenselkään, a lot of agonising … it's like buying a hat by trying it on your foot ”
- `I'll send a serf with somevinegar, oil and sulphuretikkaa, öljyä ja rikkiäto<empty>rubhierottavaksion your toothhampaaseesi.
- Peppermint -- aids digestion;cooled teabagsjäähdytetyt teepussit, joitasqueezed andrubbedhierotaanonto skiniholle,make a good antiseptic tonic.
- There arecreamsvoiteitato<empty>rubhieroaon offending areasOngelma-alueille, potato diets, banana and milk diets, grapefruit and egg diets, and very low calorie diets.
- CoventryCoventryput the kettle on the stove, put the teapot and the tea caddy and sugar on the table, and then took off his own perfectly dry shoes, andsetasettithemneagainst the stoveuunia vasten.
- `Try that, ``hehänrecommended,settingasettaenitsenbeneath her armkainaloonsa.
- HeHänbaited his baskets andsetlaittoithemnein the waterveteen, he was so cunning!
- Buthehänsetasettihernaisensidewayssivuttainon the broad saddleleveään satulaan, swung himself up behind her, settled his hands around her waist.
- The KeeperVartijawaited while the other Man closed the door behind him and thensetlaskithe cagehäkinon the groundmaahanand let Minch free.
- DurocDurocpicked up his broad-brimmed black hat, andsetlaittoiitsenupon his headpäähänsä.
- HeHänreached into his gaming box and brought forth a piece,settingja asettiitsendown<empty>on the boardlaudallewith a satisfied airtyytyväisin ilmein.
- HeHändid noteisetasettanutthe lamplamppuatheresinnethat waytuolla tavalla.
- To his annoyance he found that the Treasurer's office was now completely empty except forthe four telephonesneljää puhelinta, jotka olisetasetettudown<empty>in a rowriviinon the bare boards of the floorpaljaille lattialaudoille.
- Mrs StychRouva Stychhadolijustjuurisetlaskenutdownalasthe last of her bags of groceriesviimeisen ruokakassinsaon the kitchen counterkeittiön työtasolleand begun to unpack them, when there was the sound of a heavy truck drawing up outside her house.
- HeHänsetlaskidownalashis sacksäkkinsäand straightened his aching shoulders.
- AsIminäshakilykädet täristensetlaskindownalasmy glasslasini, with a new attack of the clammy sweats seeping into my shirt, things grew more terrifying.
- SheHänsetlaskidownalashis drinkjuomansaso hard that it sloshed out of the glassniin kovaotteisesti, että se läikkyi lasista.
- AlixAlixbrought a chrome bowl out of an open cupboard,setlaskiitsendownalasajangle with instruments of torturekidutusvälineiden kalistessa sisälläand turned on the generator for her machines.
- HennessyHennessybrought a chair of his own andsetasettiitsendownalassome distance away.
- BlondelBlondel, meanwhile, had jumped down from the table,sheathedpannut tuppeenhis swordmiekkansa, picked up the mace and clobbered two halberdiers with it.
- HeHänsheathedpani tuppeenthe hologram bladehologrammimiekkansa, then, with a hand pressed against the bunched shoulder muscles, swung his left arm in a wide overhead circle.
- I<empty>sheatheLaitanthe gunpistoolin koteloonand walk over to Darius, and place my fist gently on his chest.
- Edward shook his head andde Warennede Warennesheathedpani tuppeenhis knifeveitsensä.
- `YouSinunmust learnto<empty>sheathepiilottamaanyour clawskyntesi, gattina.
- Readers PacksLukijapaketitcome in an easy-to-store form andcan bevoidaanshelvedhyllyttääjust like a bookkirjojen tavoin.
- Problems identified by the librarian and other members of the library committee included: (1) inappropriate and inflexible shelving, making it difficultto<empty>shelvehyllyttäminenbookskirjojenin Dewey orderDewey-järjestykseen;
- In consideration of this, not onlywould<empty>theyheshelvehyllyttäisithe files in questionkyseisiä mappeja, but pay him a monthly stipend into the bargain.
- Such a formidable enlargement of business and records entailed a corresponding increase not only in the responsible officers listed above but also amongthe common clerks whoniiden tavallisten virkailijoiden keskuudessa, jotkawrote andshelvedhyllyttivätthe recordstietueita.
- Alan Bond's last projectAlan Bondin viimeisen projektinwas<empty>shelvedhyllyttiby the GovernmentHallitusfive years agoviisi vuotta sitten.
- The IS coordinator would have likedthemneshelvedhyllytetäänseparatelyerikseen, whereas other colleagues and the previous librarian had insisted on their integration into the book stock, as in a ``real library.
- I<empty>said I'd see her after the weekend andshoulderedheitinmy bagkassin selkääni.
- Crossbills and red squirrelsKäpylinnut ja punaoravatshoweredheittelivätstripped pineconeskaluttuja männynkäpyjäaround meympärilleni, and I saw my first crested tits, trapezing in the canopy.
- As the English were forced back,their archersheidän jousiampujansabelatedly came into action, butshoweredsyytivätmore arrowsenemmän nuoliainto the backs of their own troopsheidän omien joukkojensa selkäänthan into Bruce's.
- His comradeshänen toverinsa, meanwhile, get to work with power drills and grinders,showeringsyytäensparkskipinöitäinto the front roweturiviinand creating an industrial cacophony that mixes mysteriously with the piped classical backing track they've picked to accompany their hellish instrumental.
- PeopleIhmisetshoweredhukuttivatunsought librettosepämieluisiin ylistyslauluihinon himhänetall his life and he ignored them.
- Where would the poor girls be withouttheir pimpsparittajiaan,whojotkashowersyytävätmoneyrahaaon themheilleand ask for nothing in return?
- All Giles had wanted in return forthe small giftspienistä lahjoistahe<empty>showeredsyytämistäänon hernaisellewas affection.
- RoyRoynhadolisatlaittanutJanineJaninen istumaanat the kitchen tablekeittiön pöydän ääreenand was standing beside her.
- She tells me the ambulance is on its way, thenshehänfetches Ma downstairs andsitslaittaa hänet istumaanher<empty>by the RayburnRayburnin viereen.
- AsAlanAlansatoli laittanut hänet istumaanhim<empty>in his cotvauvansänkyynand left the room, Christopher began to howl in earnest again, interrupted by spasms of coughing which left him breathless.
- His face set grimly,hehänwrapped her in a warm, dry bathsheet, thensatlaittoi hänet istumaanher<empty>on a stooljakkaralleand sponged her face, smoothing the tangled curls from her pallid face.
- In a few days timeMuutamassa päivän päästäwe<empty>'ll be<empty>sittinglaitamme hänet istumaanhim<empty>on top of a bonfirerovion huipulleand standing around in the cold night while we light up the sky with loads of colour.
- `Your goons want to know whether you want them to take us, ``Zimmerman said, eyeingthe table around whichpöytää, jonka ympärilleSly's menSly'n miehetwereolivatsatistuutuneet.
- You wouldn't want, for example,the heads of our elderly people's homesettä vanhustentalojen johtajatto belaitetaansatistumaanin their officestoimistoissaanpushing paper when they should be managing the home.
- Nervous controls are not the same as behavioural responses of the kind we have seen in the case ofreptilesmatelijoilla,whichjotkasituateasettavatthemselvesitsensäat anglestiettyihin kulmiinto gain the maximum benefit from, or to avoid the worst excesses of, solar radiationhyötyäkseen auringon säteilystä mahdollisimman paljon tai välttääkseen sen liiallista saantia..
- The aim of the symposium is ratherto<empty>situatesijoittaaPanofskyPanofskyin historyhistoriaan; that is to say, we are not asking whether his methods are still applicable and relevant.
- finally they allowusmeidänto<empty>situatesijoittaathe different thresholdseri kynnyksetin their respective placeomiin paikkoihinsa: for nothing proves in advance … that their chronology is the same for all types of discourse …
- Rather, the purpose here is to build on that recent research in orderto<empty>situatesijoittaathe debates on sexuality and diseaseseksuaalisuutta ja sairauksia koskevat väittelytin the light of the longer-term history of medico-moral regulation.
- For example, in I want to go, it has been argued that because the wanting is conceived as preceding the going, to is requiredto<empty>situatesijoittaathe latter eventviimeksimainittu tapahtumabeyond the formeredellisen jälkeen.
- To imagine or write otherwise,to<empty>situatesijoittaminenblack peoplemustienthroughout the pages and scenes of a bookkirjan sivulle ja kohtauksiinlike some government quotajonkin hallituksen kiintiön tapaan, would be ludicrous and dishonest.
- First, he assumes a theoretical need for a concept of profession, yet does not indicatethe body of theory whichteoriakokoelmaa, jokarequires andsituatessijoittaathis concepttämän käsitteen asiayhteyteensä.
- In orderto<empty>situatesijoittaathose viewsnämä näkemykset asiayhteyteensä,wemeidänmust begin with Oakeshott's account of the nature of human conduct.
- HeHänsmearedhieroithe mudmutaaacross his facekasvoihinsa, and then across his scalp so that it matted in his close-cut hair.
- Don't worry folks, I knew what to do --smearhierosome buttervähän voitaaround the head and neckpään ja kaulan ympärille.
- HargreaveHargreaveremoved the sheet from the file and held it close to his face,smearinghieroensaucekastikettaon itsiihen.
- SmearHieroitsitäon your four bedposts every nightjoka yö neljään sängynpylvääseesi.
- HeHäntold her to shut her eyes, andsmearedhieroithe pastetahnaaover her facehänen kasvoihinsa, leaving breathing holes over her nostrils.
- SmearHierofluxsulatettalightlykevyestiover the ends of the pipe and the inside of the fittingputken päihin ja helan sisäpuolelle.
- SmearHierothis mixturetätä seostaall over the lambjoka puolelle lammasta, cover with cling film and leave the meat in a cool place to marinate overnight.
- AnotherToinendigs the cream from the centre of a pink fancy andsmearshierooitsitäin his hairhiuksiinsa.
- On site, this section is then set intoa fresh layer of mortar whichtuoreelle laastikerrokselle, jokahas beenonsmearedlevitettyacross a hardened mortar layerkovettuneen laastikerroksen päälle.
- Makassar PoisonMakassarien myrkky,whichjotawas<empty>smearedsiveltiinon dagger bladestikarien teriinto make them instantly fatal, exerted a certain fascination over Europeans.
- Bright Eyes:yousinäcan keep shampoo out of babies' eyes bysmearingsivelemälläa line of Vaselinevaseliiniraidanjust above their eyebrowskulmakarvojen yläpuolelle.
- He stared at his sister whose pale face was made even paler bythe sun-block ointmentaurinkorasva, jotashehänhadoliliberallyrunsaastismearedhieronuton her skiniholleen.
- Simplysmearhieroon<empty>a generous amountrunsaastiover your skiniholleafter cleansing to make a revitalising face mask.
- Corbett agreed, telling Ranulf to accompany her whilsthehänstabledtalliintheir horsesvei heidän hevosensaat The BullThe Bullin.
- TheyHestabledtalliintheir horsesveivät hevosensaat the Holy Lamb of GodJumalan pyhän karitsanand threaded their way across the noisy market place.
- Her father, a greengrocer,Hänen isänsä, vihanneskauppias,hadolistabledtalliinthe ponyvienyt poninbehind the shop in the middle of townkaupungin keskustassa olevan kaupan taakse, fed it on sprouts and boiled potatoes and encouraged Nutty to turn it into a show-jumper.
- His father, a builder and carrier, wasone of the first cartersyksi ensimmäisistä ajureista, jotkato<empty>stabletalliinhis horsesveivät hevosensain favour of steam traction lorries.
- TheyHestabledtalliintheir horsesveivät hevosensaround the backtakapuolelleand bedded amongst dry hay with their cloaks wrapped round them.
- We<empty>arrived in Torvizcon, starving, but resigned to unsaddling andstablingtalliinthe animalsviedä eläimetbefore looking to ourselves.
- They reached Catte Street and Corbett decided they should stayin the tavern wheretavernaan, jonkatheyhehadolivat vieneetstabledtalliintheir horseshevosensa.
- Ifyou<empty>couldvoisitstabletalliinour horsesviedä hevosemme, give them some hay?
- They stopped at the Three Tuns tavern to ensuretheir horsesheidän hevosensahad been welloli asetettu hyvinstabledtalliin.
- I<empty>stabledVein talliinmy own horseoman hevoseniand was in the buttery when I heard screams, the crashing of hooves and Vulcan's neighs.
- I don't wantthemheidänstablingtalliintheir mountstuovan ratsujaanheretänne, it'd be too conspicuous.
- It was empty now, and so was the echoing hall of the old,its oxensen härätsafelyturvallisestistabledoli viety talliin.
- TheyHepushed it into the classroom andstoodasettivat sen pystyynit<empty>against a wallseinää vasten.
- We<empty>stoodLaitoimme ihmisiä seisomaanpeople<empty>at various locations over the distanceeri sijainteihin matkan varrelleto establish a scale reference.
- HeHänstoodnosti sen pystyynit<empty>beneath the skylightkattoikkunan allejust as he heard footsteps pounding up the stairs.
- HeHänstoodasettithe pencilkynänuprightpystyasentoonin the centrekeskustaan.
- To achieve his dream,hehänenhasto<empty>standkäännettävälogiclooginen ajatteluon its headpäälaelleen.
- WhenI<empty>prised her off and triedto<empty>standnostaa hänet seisomaanher<empty>on the floorlattialleshe kept rocking back and sitting on her tail, then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot.
- StandLaita se seisomaanit<empty>on two blocks of woodkahden puupalikan päälle, fill it with compost, then transfer some of your cuttings to their new home.
- SheHänstoodasettia colanderlävikönunder a saucepankattilan alleand poured sprouts into it.
- StandAsetathe tin of syrupsiirappiastiain hot waterkuumaan veteenjust long enough to make the syrup thin, runny and warm -- not hot.
- To be on the safe side why don'twe<empty>standotathe zinc bathsinkkiammettaout the rearulos takaosastaand let that fill up with rainwater?
- I'd appreciate it very much ifyousinä'd<empty>stashlaittaisitthe gearvarusteetin the boxlaatikkoonand get the boat started up.
- If she tellsyousinuato<empty>stashkätkemäänsilverhopeaaunder Jenny Crawley's bedJenny Crawleyn sängyn alle, you do it, no questions.
- YouSinunhaveto<empty>stashkätkettäväitsesomewhere out of sightjonnekin pois näkyvistä.
- HeHänstashedkätkithe NikonNikoninback inside his coatjälleen takkinsa sisäänand rose to his feet, brushing damp mud from his jeans as he did so.
- StashJemmaaold plastic or paper shopping bagsvanhoja muovisia tai paperisia kauppakassejanear the rubbish or garbage binroska-astian lähelleand then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.
- This enablesthemheto<empty>stashpiilottamaanfive-figure sums of undisclosed gate receiptssalaisten porttitositteiden viisinumeroisia summiainto a `slush fund ``"lahjusrahastoon".
- Think again, Ashley told herself as, having checked thatthe purchasesostoksetstashedasetetutin the buggy's basketlastenvaunujen koriinwere secure, she started the return climb up the lane.
- But as he made his getaway, shoppers wrestled him to the ground forcing him to drop the stolen loot — along with£200200 puntaa, jotkahehänhadolistashedkätkenytin a pockettaskuunsa— and he fled empty-handed.
- What the hell, people in Africa were gasping for a beer, and hehadolia whole casekokonainen laatikkostashedpiilossaheretäällä.
- Susie Terhune scrabbled under her seat forthe handgunkäsiasettastashedpiilotettuatheresinne.
- It was likestickingtökkimistäpinsneulojeninto little wax modelspieniin vahamalleihin.
- ThenSittenhehänstuckasettithe cigarsikarinbetween his teethhampaidensa väliinand slowly sucked the life back into it.
- HeHänsticksasettaaoneyhdenbetween his teethhampaidensa väliinbut doesn't light it -- just holds it there like a storeman's pencil.
- REAL firemen freed Joe Grey, four, afterhehänstucktyönsähis headpäänsäbetween railingskaiteiden väliinat Scunthorpe, Humberside,Scunthorpessa, Humbersidessa,because he wanted to be rescued by TV's Fireman Samkoska hän halusi tulla TV:n palomies Samin pelastamaksi.
- He was sitting at his desk on the second morning whenNikosNikosstucktyönsihis headpäänsäthrough the doorovesta.
- MarieMariestickstyöntääher jeansfarkkunsainsisääntoo -- she's going to wear the dress under her coat.
- ThenSittenshehänreclosed the book,stucklaittoiitsenback into the wastebintakaisin roskakoriin, stood the wastebin on his desk, and withdrew.
- To assemble the flowers, secure several white petals together andstickliimaaa tiny ball of yellow coloured fondantpieni keltaiseksi värjätty kuorrutepalloon topniiden päälle.
- MollyMollystucktyönsiher headpäänsäoutulosthrough the kitchen windowkeittiön ikkunasta, and looked around.
- SheHänfolded his discarded jeans and shirt andstowedlaittoithemnein a lockerkaappiin, then turned his sleeping-bag inside out and shook it.
- HeHänemptied his bag, putting the instruments for sterilization to one side andstowingasettithe unused itemskäyttämättömät esineeton the shelveshyllyille.
- When he hears Tina's key in the lockhehänslaps the latest book shut andstowsasettaathe pilepinonunder the bedsängyn alle, his head aching with the notion that he was about to stumble on the message.
- HeHänhadn'tei ollutstowedasettanuthis chainswordsahamiekkaansaacross his backselkänsä taakse, and Ace watched aghast as he swung himself too far, reached out with his left hand, and failed to grasp the side of the girder.
- TheyHestowedlaittoivatTalTalinbehind their seatsistuintensa taakse, with her bag and all the other stuff that had accumulated there.
- Stowingasettiher baglaukkunsaby her feetjalkojensa viereen,LorettaLorettasettled down for an hour's read.
- Thenhehänwent backto<empty>stowinglastaamistathe suitcasesmatkalaukkujeninto the carautoon.
- SheHänfound a seat,stowedlastasiher luggagematkatavaransa, and was almost at once joined by a pleasant-faced woman who settled herself across the table in the seat opposite.
- As he groped his way under his seat, seekingsomewherepaikkaa, johonto<empty>stowasettaathe paperpaperin, his fingers met something cold and hard and sharp.
- Here,GoodisonGoodisonlifted four large mantle-boxes from the coach andstowedlastasithemne, as best he could,under the seat of Elizabeth's trapElizabethin kiesien istuimen alle.
- The doctor had fixed it in place in the car, as we waited forthe luggagematkatavaroidento be<empty>stowedlastausta.
- A considerable swell was breaking on the beach, socameraskameratwere<empty>stowedpakattiinin plastic bagsmuovikasseihinand we surfed ashore in an inflatable in what is known as a `wet landing ``.
- They did not seeanythingmitäänbeing<empty>stowedlastattavanon the wagonvaunuihinfor Ramsey.
- Water bottles and coffee dellasVesipulloja ja kahvikannujawereolistowedlastattuon the back seattakapenkille.
- I opened my eyes eventually and took the compass out ofmy jeans pocket, wherefarkkujeni taskusta, johonIminä'dolinstowedlaittanutitsen,to have hands free for standing upjotta käteni olisivat vapaina noustessani seisomaan.
- Sleep-drugged figuresUniset hahmotstumble quietly around their bivouacs, feeling forthe last few items of rain-sodden kitsateessa likomäräksi kastuneen pakkauksen viimeisiä esineitä,tojoitastowasettaain their bergenssäkkeihin.
- The car and the trucks accelerated into the night, the same night that concealed the sergeant ashehänstuffedsulloithe moneyrahatin his pockettaskuunsa, telling himself that Rommel knew best.
- HeHänpicked up a cockerel by its feet,stuffingsulloenitsenunder his armkainaloonsa.
- If an official representative of the Museum approaches,stufftungeyour lunchlounaasiunder your jumperpuserosi alle!
- Iminäheard Bernice coming just in time to fold the photocopies andstuffsulloathemneinside my jackettakkini sisälle.
- Iminäsmiled cheerfully, wished everyone a good morning and beganto<empty>stuffsulloathe foodruokaainto my mouthsuuhuni.
- Here wasa manhole down whichluukku, jostatovoisistuffahtaathe bodiesruumiit.
- Chemical apparatus tends to be broken, or reused in new arrangements; but the historian may hope that even here laboratories may have hadcapacious cupboards into whichtilavia kaappeja, joihinunused pieceskäyttämättömät kappaleethave beenon voitustuffedsulloaand thus preserved.
- SheHäncollected up the letters andstuffedsulloithemnebacktakaisin,higgledy-piggledysikin sokin,into their brown paper and cardboard nestruskeasta paperista ja pahvista muodostuvaan soppeensa.
- In the event Mazzin was afterthe notebooksmuistikirjoja, jotkaweme'dolimmestuffedsulloneetdown the front of our pyjamasyöpukujemme kaula-aukosta.
- SallySallytook the strip of paper andstuffedsulloiitsendown the front of her skirthameensa sisään.
- Inwardly seething,shehändid as she was told, carefullytuckingkietoenher dressing-gownaamutakkinsaabout her legsjalkojensa ympärille.
- GloriaGloriatuckedkietoithe blankethuovanaround DotDotin ympärilleand kissed the tip of her nose.
- It always banged on the desk top, each morning, beforehehänrememberedto<empty>tuckvetääitsenbelow his tiesolmionsa alle.
- HeHänchose four different coloured capsules andtuckedtyönsithemnediscreetlyhienovaraisestibeneath his platelautasensa alle.
- Reaching for a napkin,AshleyAshleytuckedlaittoiitsenbeneath Thomas's chinThomaksen leuan alle.
- HeHäntuckedasettithe phonepuhelimenbetween chin and shoulderleuan ja olkapään väliinand gave me a friendly salute, but didn't pause in his recitation of copy.
- FredFredtuckedtyönsihis togatoogansabetween his legsjalkojensa väliinlike a baby's nappykuin vauvanvaipanand picked his friend up.
- SheHänwiped her lips on the paper and crumpling it up,tuckedtyönsiitsendemurelyhillitystibetween the seat and the wallistuimen ja seinän väliin.
- CraigCraigtuckedtyönsithe bookskirjatinside his coattakkinsa sisäänand as the door was flung open, he strode past his open-mouthed brother and down towards the drawing-room.
- SheHäntuckedkietoia towelpyyhkeenround his neckkaulansa ympärille, not quite managing to meet his knowing look.
- JoshJoshtuckedtyönsihis armkäsivartensacompanionablytoverillisestithrough hershänen käsikynkkäänsä.
- Thread the folded end through the hold andtuckpujotathe two endsmolemmat päätthrough the loopsilmukasta.
- LéonieLéoniesat up straight,tuckedvetiher feetjalkateränsäto one sideyhteen, put her hands round her knees.
- HeHänalways usedto<empty>tuckasettaaitseunderneath the water buttvesitynnyrin alle.
- The old lady let it go, and watchedThedaThedahastilytuckasettiitsenout of sightpois näkyvistä.
- Later on, younger guests stayed on for disco dancing whilewe<empty>walked back to our apartmentto<empty>tucklaitoimmeour happy, tired childrenonnelliset, väsyneet lapsemmeinto bednukkumaan.
- Leftover carpetJäljelle jääneen maton(for when you reposition it)can bevoituckedtyöntääunder the stair landingporrastasanteen alle.
- StokStokreached for his riding breeches, buttoned himself into them,tuckedtyönsihis shirtpaidaninhousuihinsa, then walked across to where I was sitting.
- The wolves yelped uncontrollably, throwing their riders into the mess before scampering off back to the hillstheir tailshännättucked<empty>firmlytukevastibetween their legskoipien välissä.
- Take off scarves, too, while your child is playing andtucktyönnäinvaatteiden sisäänthe dangling toggles on anoraks and jacketsanorakkien ja takkien roikkuvat nyörinapit.
- She looked at the back ofJessica's headJessican päätä,tuckedjoka lepäsisidewayssivuttainonto Rory's shoulderRoryn olkapäälläas he drove, and she smiled.
- Taking small sections of hair at a time, pull your hair over the Flexi Comb andtucktyönnäunder the edgereunan alle.
- SomethingJotakin, jonkaI<empty>canvointucktyöntääunderneath my armkainalooniand use to get about with.
- Grégoire was sitting withhis legsjalattuckedvedettyinäfirmlyvisustibacktaakse, his elbows pressed against his sides.
- The dishwasherAstianpesukonehas beenontuckedsijoitettuaway in the central islandpois keskisaarekkeeseenand is opposite the main sink, so dishes can be quickly rinsed and put out of sight.
- She's still got her hat on, andher hairhänen kaikki hiuksensais allontuckedasetettuupseninside.
- Trim the edges andtuckkiedoaround the bodykehon ympärillelike a skirtkuin hame.
- `The perils of drink, ``he murmured to Juliet, ashehänentuckedlaittaessaanawaypoishis stethoscopestetoskooppinsa.
- RuthRuthtuckedkietoiupylösher skirtshameenhelmansaand clenched her teeth, and as Alfred called out the beat she pushed hard against the slippery wall, and was relieved and delighted to feel the barge moving.
- While I can't condone this sort of cheating Mr Unce, I have found two very good methodsareontuckingtyöntääthemnedown your socksukkaanor writing them on your shirt cuff.
- The white men took away our land, ``shehänsaidtuckingtyöntäenthe coinkolikondown the front of her dirty dresshameensa sisään, `And now there is nowhere left to grow maize.
- He wore a silk shirt witha cravatkravattituckedsolmittunain<empty>round his thin neck, and elegantly uncrumpled linen trousers.
- WeMecanvoimmewarehousevarastoidayour merchandisekauppatavarasi, repack and consolidate it, deliver it to retailers.
- Perishable goodsPilaantuvat tuotteetwould perish or would haveto be<empty>warehousedvarastoitavaat an additional cost.
- `TheyNewere<empty>warehousedvarastoitiinthe following day, ``explained Philip.
- A French visitor to Birmingham in 1790 observed: Until the middle of the century there was not one Birmingham trader who had direct relations with foreign countries:London merchantsLontoon kauppiaatwarehousedvarastoivatand exportedBirmingham goodsBirminghamin tuotteita.
- DepressionMasennusnowwrappedkietoutuiitself<empty>about herhänen ympärilleen, making concentration difficult, while the thought of Silas holding Doreen in his arms brought a sudden flare of honesty that caused her to admit she was jealous.
- Pulling on a sweater andwrappingkietoenmy long kiltpitkän kilttiniaround meympärilleni,Iminämade my way towards Sheikha Grandmother's house.
- It also enabledhimhänto<empty>wrapkiertämäänhis handkätensäround the glasslasin ympäri, even if it had a handle, in a manner peculiarly his own.
- WrapKiedoinsulating tapeeristysteippiäround the transmitterlähettimen ympärille, covering the entire device to prevent water penetration.
- BruceBrucestirred andwrappedkäärihis cloakviittansafirmlytiiviistiabout himympärilleen.
- That magnate looks quite diminished as he crouches in the forward seat withhis cloakviittawrappedkäärittynäawkwardlykömpelöstiabout himhänen ympärilleen; but how gloriously his underling has been transformed.
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