TransFrameNet:People by vocation
attendant.n 🔎
- But Mrs. Jewkes, to assure you that my good girl here has no malice, she choosesyousinutto be<empty>herhänenattendantavustajakseenat the ceremonyseremoniaantomorrow.
- A few weeks later, in April,hehänwas nominated navy commissioner andmastersatamamestariksiattendant<empty>at PortsmouthPortsmouthiin, with charge of a dockyard that was rapidly growing in importance.
- `The toughest test is staying the course during our own Duns Summer Festival, ``saidJohnJohn,whojoka's acraftaluksenattendanthoitajanaat TornessTornessissa.
- Darren, a national indoor long jump champion and decathlon athleteDarren, sisäpituushypyn kansallinen mestari ja kymmenottelija,is now atyöskentelee nytpetroltankkaajanaattendant<empty>at the garagehuoltoasemalla.
- Perhapsitsewas a lesser figure, possibly alocker roompukuhuoneenattendanthoitajafor a minor league team, such as the Opeleika, Alabama, Hog Throttlerspienen liigajoukkueen, kuten Opeleikan, Alabaman tai Hog Throttlersin.
- Each slung a tin collecting box over his shoulder and anattendantavustajaof the Companyyrityksencarried a receptacle for larger discoveries.
- Theattendantspalvelijoillaof Naga RoyaltyNagan kuninkaallistenalso possess only one head.
- His mind was racing now, beads of sweat standing out on his forehead, as he desperately tried to think of some way of alerting thepumppumpunattendanthoitajalleto his predicament without endangering them both.
- Next came a leg of Szechuan duck, whichourmeidänattendanttarjoilijammeshredded at the table with all the panache of a French waiter filleting a sole.
- ThecareHoitajatattendants<empty>are carefully chosen and trained, and are able to help a large cross section of people tied to their homes looking after someone else.
- It depicts the sad tale of alavatorykäymälänhoitajaattendant<empty>,JimJimin, who reads newspapers to seek a new career.
- Cornelius looked up from his reading to view the spiffingly claddining-carravintolavaununattendanthoitajaa.
- It would be a marvellous feat if the 22-year-oldswimming pooluima-altaanattendanthoitajafrom Wakefield was to supercede Hare at the first attempt.
- An East End family of birdseed dealers, the Lovelaces, were next to them--old Grandma Lovelace--vanha muori Lovelacewas aolitoiletkäymälänhoitajaattendant<empty>in the Library Gardenskirjaston puutarhassa.
- The chief disposedhis<empty>attendantspalvelijansain a circle, and sat down on a hide spread for him.
- For as long as she could remember she had herself been in love with the man who led the greyhounds andtheirniidenattendantshoitajaton a dignified procession round the track before the race began.
- Various dockyard salvage ships and lighters also arrived, one of which carriedJames ParkeJames Parke, theMastersatamamestariattendant<empty>on Portsmouth dockyardPortsmouthin telakan.
- At five o'clock threeCorporationyhtiönattendantsavustajaawith a policeman would turn everyone off the market; and they had to take the cattle they hadn't sold with them.
- If the pilots,flightmatkustamohenkilökuntaattendants<empty>and management can not agree a new buyout, Coniston said it would force a restructuring of UAL which could include selling off the company's planes and its air routes.
- The comments come as American negotiates a new contract with the union representingitssen21,600flighthengen matkustamohenkilökuntaaattendants<empty>.
- FLIGHTmatkustamohenkilökuntaattendants<empty>on some US passenger aircraftEräiden yhdysvaltalaisten matkustajakoneidenwill be sitting pretty this summer -- on new lightweight seats supplied by Courtaulds and McDonnell Douglas.
- AgarageHuoltoasemanattendanthoitajahad noted him, came forward at a leisurely pace.
- My<empty>medicalLääkäriniattendant<empty>decided it to be altogether nervous, and that it originates either in severe application, or excessive anxiety.
- Laterhehänserved in the Crimea, officially asmedicallääkärinäattendant<empty>to Lord Wardlordi Wardinbut enlisting as a volunteer surgeon with Florence Nightingale.
- In such cases it would be reasonable to expect positive responses from themedicallääkäriltäattendant<empty>after 8 weeks.
- HeHänwas aoliparkpuistonhoitajaattendant<empty>,employed by the local councilaluevaltuuston palkkaama.
- He bought that because he once had a tiff with aBBCBBC:ncar parkpysäköintialueenattendanthoitajanwho wouldn't let him in.
- She gets some help from their son who lives with them and works night shifts and from acarehoitajaltaattendant<empty>once a week for a three-hour session who makes lunch and supervises James' toilet care.
clerk.n 🔎
- ArthurArthurwas thetyöskenteliticketlippumyyjänäclerk<empty>at Portsmouth railway stationPortsmouthin rautatieasemallaand the heat and been getting to him before the man arrived.
- His parents --his fatherhänen isänsäwas atyöskenteliclerktoimistovirkailijanaat the dockssatamassaand his mother a schoolmistress -- were never rich but they were very literate and they encouraged their son to read, observe and learn.
- Asortinglajittelusta vastaavanaclerkvirkailijanaat the GPOGPO:lla,heHäncame from a less settled and respectable background, being the illegitimate son of a domestic servant.
- Both had begun the war as conscientious objectors, Vaughan ending it as anOrderly Roomhallintohuoneenclerkvirkailijanafor the Armyarmeijanin a prisoner-of-war camp in Yorkshireyorkshirelaisella sotavankileirillä.
- No doubt those shiny-elbowedclerksvirkailijatin the Home OfficeHome Officenprefer it so.
- His signature was duly witnessed by two of theclerkstoimistovirkailijaain the firmfirman.
- After elementary education at the village school in Cottisfordshehänbecame, at the age of fourteen, an unofficialalkoi neljäntoista vuoden ikäisenä työskennellä epävirallisenapost-officepostitoimistoncounterasiakaspalvelijanaclerk<empty>in the Oxfordshire village of Fringfordoxfordshireläisessä Fringfordin kylässä.
- A femaleclerktoimistovirkailijain the advertising departmentmarkkinointiosastonowned up to a cream skirt; Tavett to cream trousers; and Linley to a cream shirt.
- My name is Hugh Corbett,Iminäamolenseniorvanhempiclerkvirkailijain the King's Chancerykuninkaan kansliassaand his special emissary.
- HeHänwas then 46, aclerkmyyjäto a manufacturing jewellerkoruja valmistavan jalokivikauppiaan, while Elizabeth was only thirty-eight.
- Theclerknotaarito the magistratesKäräjäoikeuksienadvises lay magistrates on points of law, practice and evidence.
- Clerkvirkailijaof the courseKilparadanRodger FarrantRodger Farrantdescribed the turnout for the race as a `disaster ``and hit out at racehorse owners.
- Only Jean de Grilly (seneschal 1266-8) andThomas de IppegraveThomas de Ippegrave,clerkkirjuriof Edward's householdEdwardin ruokakunnan(1268-9), seem to have been the results of Edward's own personal choice.
- From 1892, until racing stopped there in 1898, he acted asclerkvirkailijanaof the coursekilparadanat StockbridgeStockbridgessä.
- I was appointed as anAssistantapulaisvirkailijaksiClerk<empty>of Nottinghamshire County CouncilNottinghamshiren kunnanvaltuustonin 1974 with about 15 staff, covering the work of the Planning, Highway, Police and Public Protection Committees.
- In the modern construction industry, however, quality control has become a more integral part of the building process, andour<empty>clerkstyönjohtajammeof works<empty>were spending more of their time acting as assistant project managers.
- One benefit deriving from advancing years is thatmyminunclerkkonttoristinidiverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest.
- The grouping demonstratesHenry'sHenrynclerkskonttoristien' clear conception of the administrative geography of the county.
- In 1877 she marriedFrederick Alfred FordFrederick Alfred Fordin, astockbroker'spörssivälittäjänclerkkonttoristin; the son of Frederick Alfred Ford, publisher.
- All parties given notice of the appointment must attend unless the court orjustices'tuomioistuimenclerknotaaridirects otherwise (FPCR, r16(1); FPR, r4.16(1)).
- ButWopsleWopsleisn'tei oleourmeidänchurchkirkkommeclerklukkariany longer!
- And further, Master Hussey, it would be helpful if you would bring with youyoursinunmanorkartanosiclerkkirjurin, to speak to the value of your own holdings and this inheritance.
- Lazaris. compares the situation to afilearkistonhoitajaanclerk<empty>who is suddenly promoted to managing director, without having a clue of how the business operates.
- Not only archbishoprics but episcopal sees were filled by royal appointment from among the pool ofpalacepalatsinclerksvirkailijoiden.
- Most new jobs are in the `service sector ``:storemyymäläapulaisiaclerks<empty>, fast-food take-out workers, office workers.
- He was replaced byJoseph CarterJoseph Carter, a retiredparliamentaryparlamentinclerkvirkailija.
- He rose, crossed to theclerkvirkailijanfrom RecordsTallenteidento ask him for another file.
- The hero of Kipling's storyKiplingin tarinan sankariis aonLondonlontoolainenbankpankkivirkailija,clerk<empty>who is also an ambitious poet.
- Walter Johnson (Derby) in his role aschiefjohtavanabookingkirjanpitovirkailijanaclerk<empty>, wanted to know why the Serpell ticket cost £600 000 before additions.
- ThedeskReseptionisticlerk<empty>saw nothing unusual about Kragan; he was just another businessman in a dark suit with a Liberty's all-wool overcoat draped over his shoulders.
- More than 12,000 people, from company directors tofilingarkistonhoitajiinclerks<empty>, had been streaming into the share sorting centre with last-minute applications since the doors opened at 7.45am.
- Payments are probably dealt with by somejuniornuorempiclerkvirkailijawho applies his or her own interpretation of what the company wants.
- However, the legend that he therefore picked, almost at random, the name of one ofhis<empty>officetoimistovirkailijansaclerks<empty>, is far from the truth.
- Crawford, as apost officepostitoimistonclerkvirkailijallefurther down the cast, was paid just 350 for five weeks' work.
- Along the corridor from my room, which is spartan but clean, is a formerrailwayrautatievirkailijaclerk<empty>, who lives on £30 invalidity pension.
- Thereceptionvastaanottovirkailijaclerk<empty>consulted a colleague.
- One minute I was in Holland working as aclerkvirkailijanain a police station and the next I was zooming all around the world.
- In Star Chamber itwas the<empty>clerknotaariof the courtoikeusistuimen,William MillWilliam Mill, not the judges, who was accused of injustice.
- Theclerknotaariof the courtoikeusistuimenwas standing by the doorway and calling for Mrs Balanchine.
consultant.n 🔎
- According toDr John BancroftTohtori John Bancroftin,clinical<empty>consultantkonsultoiva lääkäriat the Medical Research Council's reproductive Biology Unit in LeicesterLeicesterin lääketutkimusneuvoston lisääntymisbiologian yksikössä, maximum sexual activity does seem to match maximum testosterone levels throughout the year.
- The Pittsburgh team tested the machine on 43 complex diseases against clinicians andconsultantskonsultoivia lääkäreitäat Massachusetts General HospitalMassachusettsin yleissairaalassa.
- Before we start fund raising, we usually have discussions withDr Trubytohtori Trubyn, aconsultantkonsultoiva lääkäriat the hospitalsairaalassa.
- THE idea of a computer whizz-kid gaining access to classified data by accidentally brushing against the right button is the stuff of fantasy, according to asecurityturvallisuusasiantuntijaconsultant<empty>at the National Computing Centre in ManchesterManchesterin National Computing Centren.
- IanIanis aonconsultantasiantuntijafor a computer companytietokoneyrityksenand Paula is in the accounts department of another computer company.
- These culminated in a major review undertaken byconsultantskonsulttienfor the Department of the Environmentympäristöministeriön(JURUE, 1986a).
- His elder son IanHänen vanhempi poikansa Ianis atyöskenteleeconsultantkonsulttinain AberdeenAberdeenissä.
- Now forty-five GPs andconsultantskonsulttiain Oxfordshire and BuckinghamshireOxfordshiressä ja Buckinghamshiressäare backing Dr Keeley's protest to the Roads Minister.
- HeHänis currently alsoon tällä hetkellä myösSeniorvanhempiConsultantkonsulttiof Information Agents LimitedInformation Agents Limitedin, a new company established to help those who own major information assets to trade in electronic information markets through licensing deals, joint ventures or strategic acquisitions.
- SheHäntaught many microwave cookery schools andwastoimiconsultantkonsulttinaon food, appliance and product developmentsruoka-, kodinkone- ja tuotekehityksen.
- When he was quizzed Righton -- aleadingjohtavaaconsultantkonsulttiaon children's homeslastenkotien-said he had them for his `personal gratification.
- Wesley will be telling England rugby star Will Carling today that after he's done his PhDhehänestä's goingto be atuleetopjohtavaconsultantkonsulttion ecological waste disposalekologisen jätteidenkäsittelyn.
- Ray HallettRay HallettisonDesignsuunnittelukonsulttiConsultant<empty>to National Trust EnterprisesNational Trust Enterprisesin.
- HeHänwas alsooli myösconsultantneuvonantajato the Presidential Task Forcepresidentinon Human Rightsihmisoikeustyöryhmän.
- Rev Stanley M NyahwaPastori Stanley M. Nyahwais the newonTraininguusi koulutuskonsulttiConsultant<empty>with the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation in WindhoekWindhoekin Namibian Broadcasting Corporationin.
- HelenHelenwas formerlysupport servicestukipalvelujenconsultantkonsulttiwith the International Hospital GroupInternational Hospital Groupissaand has also had 23 years service with the National Health service in domestic services management.
- During a `mirroring ``session, the customer sits next to theClarins'Clarinsinconsultantneuvonantajan, in front of all the make-up testers and a huge mirror.
- The consultation period ends on 31 December and only then willthe Secretary of State'svaltiosihteerinconsultantneuvonantajastart to prepare his final report.
- The County Council'sKunnanvaltuustonconsultantsasiantuntijatand myself both recommend route A on grounds of traffic benefit, engineering assessment and economic practice.
- `Everyone wants cigarette pants with the little side split, ``saysthe store'sliikkeenfashionmuotiasiantuntijaconsultant<empty>Vanessa de LisleVanessa de Lisle.
- For reservations call yourtravelmatkatoimistosiconsultantedustajalleor Hilton Reservation Service.
- There are sound reasons for usingconsultantskonsulttien.
- Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said theconsultantkonsultoiva lääkäriin charge of PringlePringleä hoitavahad told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
- Fellow member Mr Clive Owen said the committee was impressed by the efforts made by doctors andconsultantskonsulttienin getting waiting times downodotusaikojen lyhentämiseksi.
- I regularly receive visits from overseas librarians, fromcomputertietokoneasiantuntijoitaconsultants<empty>, and other people with whom an exchange of business cards is normal practice.
- During the 1960sIminäwas aolinmechanical engineeringkonetekniikanconsultantkonsulttinain what was then a very embryonic consultancy in Cambridgesiihen aikaan hyvin pienessä cambridgelaisessa konsulttitoimistossa.
- IndependentRiippumattomatengineeringteknisetconsultantsasiantuntijathave identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump at Sellafield, which may lead to a build up, and possible explosion, of inflammable gas.
- What regulations, rules or guidelines doenvironmentalympäristökonsulttienconsultants<empty>have to abide by?
- The County Council'sKunnanvaltuustonenvironmentalympäristökonsultitconsultants<empty>reported that western routes pass through some of the most attractive countryside around Harrogate.
- THE business dealings of a£40,000-a-year40 000 puntaa vuodessa ansainneenfinancialtaloudellisenconsultantneuvonantajan, who was lured to a bogus appointment in a wealthy Home Counties village before being battered to death with a claw hammer, were being studied by police yesterday.
- David Tagg of Grand Metropolitan saw the rise of headhunting as part of a growing trend of employingoutsideulkopuolisiaconsultantskonsulttejafor specific problems.
- ThesearchRekrytointikonsultti,consultant<empty>who comes nearest to the Board's idea of the chief executive they wish to hire may well be successful in winning the assignment.
- He and fiveseniorvanhempaaconsultantsneuvonantajaawill seek through judicial review a declaration that Mr Kenneth Clarke, the Health Secretary, used taxpayers' money unlawfully in implementing white paper directives.
- It employs an international group of 20seniorvanhempaaconsultantskonsulttia,specialising in architecture, databases, applications development, project management and networking for multi- and parallel-processor systemsjotka ovat erikoistuneet arkkitehtuuriin, tietokantoihin, sovelluskehitykseen, projektinhallintaan sekä moni- ja rinnakkaisprosessointijärjestelmien verkkokytkentöihin..
- Contrary to earlier government reassurances, some 90,000 cubic metres of nuclear waste from foreign sources are to be stored in Britain, according toDavid LowryDavid Lowry, aseniorvanhempipolicypolitiikanconsultantasiantuntijawith Casella EnvironmentalCasella Environmentalin.
- The anti-smoking campaigner -- who played JR -- wrote to the former premier to say many Americans were dismayed that shemight become asaattaisi ryhtyäconsultantkonsultiksi.
gardener.n 🔎
- Mr KingdomHerra Kingdomis aongardenerpuutarhuriat a local schoolpaikallisen koulun, so he and John have a common interest and work a lot together.
- On page 223 of The National Trust: A Book of Gardening by Penelope Hobhouse,Peter CartlidgePeter Cartlidge,HeadpääpuutarhuriGardener<empty>at Wightwick Manor in the West MidlandsWest Midlandsin Wightwick Manorin, describes the use of dazomet in his rose garden.
- Agardenerpuutarhurifor 62 years,Mr. WakefordHerra Wakefordon this occasion turned his enthusiasm to wild flowers.
- GrandadIsoisähad been aoli ollutgardenerpuutarhurinafor the local Big Housepaikallisen vankilan.
- In 1985hehänetwas madeHeadpääpuutarhuriksiGardener<empty>of Killerton, an arboretum famous for its rare trees and shrubsKillertoniin, joka on harvinaisista puistaan ja pensaistaan tunnettu kasvitieteellinen puisto.
- These are the words ofMr R Doeherra R Doen,gardenerpuutarhurito the Right Hon Lord Savilearvoisalle lordi Savilelle, on the introduction of a new onion by Suttons in 1892.
- From 1853 to 1855hehänwasoligardenerpuutarhurito the Earl of SouthamptonSouthamptonin jaarlinat Whittlebury Lodge, TowcesterWhittlebury Lodgessa, Towcesterissä.
- Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards wrote the 1968 classic after years of watchinghishänengardenerpuutarhuriaanJack DyerJack Dyeria-- a man so quiet he was terrified of leaving the country estate in Sussex where he worked.
- Certainly it would not have been a respectable person, such asHilbert'sHilbertingardenerpuutarhurior cleaner, but most likely some unemployed derelict Adam had met in a pub.
- MyMinungardenerpuutarhuriniis too soft-hearted.
- Mayor Chirac's environmental attachée, Jacqueline Nebout, has devised a scheme forcitykaupungingardenerspuutarhureilleto create flower beds at the Rond Point after original cartoons by Botero.
- Civilized people, in her view, did not include her aunt Evelina or cousin Tina or the idealisticvegetablevihannestarhuritgardeners<empty>.
- Plant selection, therefore, goes a long way to help theorganicluomutarhuriagardener<empty>.
- Gardenerspuutarhuritfrom the National Trust at Petworth Park, SussexSussexin Petworth Parkin luonnonsuojeluyhdistyksen, have used Capability Brown's original designs to plant a four-acre plot for which Brown had sketched out a plan in 1750 but never carried out.
- I work the same as the rest of them; I'm very much a workingmitä suurimmassa määrin työtätekeväHeadpääpuutarhuriGardener<empty>as opposed to a white-collar Head Gardener.
- `They had a special route round the garden which was just about a mile, and they put one stone down every time they passed it ``, theassistantapulaispuutarhurigardener<empty>Fred DruryFred Druryobserved.
- She had been appalled by Caro's first job, lowlyassistantapulaispuutarhurigardener<empty>in Limetree ParkLimetree Parkin, riding across the lawns on a great smelly mower, digging out dead bedding plants and dragging pruned branches to bonfires.
- Although the programme finishes at the end of the month,headpääpuutarhurigardener<empty>CaroleCaroleis still thinking ahead and planning for future displays.
- In Victorian timesheadpääpuutarhuritgardeners<empty>were expected to provide vegetables from New Year to Christmas.
- I was born in 1902 in Windsor, wheremy fatherisäniwastoimiheadpääpuutarhurinagardener<empty>on a small estate named Abbey Housepienellä tilalla nimeltä Abbey House, and where my mother had been cook.
- Donwell Abbey remains her ideal of an English country house, but Emma's view of it recalls thelandscapemaisemapuutarhuringardener<empty>'s perspective.
- He visited the vegetable markets, renowned in Europe, where he obtained seeds of celeriac a vegetable new to England, and not readily accepted byLondon'sLontoonmarketkauppapuutarhuritgardeners<empty>.
- Once home, Brian got a job as amarketkauppapuutarhurinagardener<empty>and asked Jean to marry him.
- MarketKauppapuutarhuritgardeners<empty>often use artificial light and dark cloths to adjust the length of the night and so persuade plants to flower at unnatural times of the year.
lawyer.n 🔎
- I consulted alawyerjuristiltaat the Citizens Advice Bureaukansalaisten neuvontavirastonwhen I was in Norwich last Friday.
- Anthony SmithAnthony Smith, alawyerlakimiesat the Consumers' AssociationKuluttajien liiton, says it would be `incredibly simple ``to amend copyright law to allow in CDs from countries with copyright protection comparable to Britain's.
- All this was highly secret; and North said it not merely to Allen but toBernard MakowkaBernard Makowkalle, alawyerlakimiesfor the CIA general counselCIA:n yleisneuvoston's office.
- Alawyerjuristifor Mr O'Reillyherra O'Reillynsaid the chemist had believed that by diluting the cream it removed the necessity for a prescription.
- A partner in the Washington DC and Century City (CA) offices, hehas been theon toiminutprincipalpääasiallisenacorporate and litigationyrityslakimiehenä ja oikeudenkäyntienlawyerasianajajanafor Princess CruisesPrincess Cruisesinfor the past five years.
- It was this democratic claim that shocked the conservativelawyersjuristejaof the Council of CastileKastilian neuvoston, and the judges of the Audiencias.
- Lawyersasianajajatof some of the women affected by the deviceJoidenkin laitteen haitoista kärsineiden naistencontended that the settlement in a trust fund established by the manufacturer, A. H. Robins Co., wrongly barred future suits against the company.
- The analysis will also acquaintmaritimemerioikeudenlawyersjuristitwith banking-bill of lading law.
- Keith RichardsKeith Richards, aseniorvanhempilawyerjuristiwith the Consumers' AssociationKuluttajien liiton, believes personal recommendation is the best way to guarantee good value.
- HisHänenlawyerjuristinsacould argue that, while she was a loving and competent mother, other circumstances should be considered.
- If I wanted to make it rich I'd beryhtyisinPrivate Eye'sPrivate Eyenlibelpainokanteidenlawyerasianajajaksi.
- Mr Chaskalson has long been known as ahuman-rightsihmisoikeusjuristina,lawyer<empty>defending people charged under South Africa's apartheid and terrorism laws.
- The whole board, apart fromlibelpainokanteidenlawyerasianajajaaJonathan CrystalJonathan Crystalia, is against Venables and wants him to go, if only to end the disastrous deadlock which is keeping the club in a state of commercial limbo.
- Marje returned to the Daily Mirror in 1954 and began her long affair withMirrorMirrorinlawyerlakimiehenPhillip LevyPhillip Levynin the early 1960s.
- The initial legal advice had come fromForeign Officeulkoministeriönlawyersjuristeiltabut the contrary advice came from Sir Nicholas.
- ThepolicePoliisinlawyerlakimiesstood up again.
- Mr Tsongas announced his second withdrawal from the race in Boston, wherehehänis atoimiicorporateyritysjuristinalawyer<empty>.
- IMinäam aolenlawyerjuristi.
- Lawyersjuristitfrom the Crown Prosecution ServiceValtakunnansyyttäjän virastondecided the evidence was insufficient -- and Commander Roy Penrose at New Scotland Yard later agreed.
- If you've got a good case, then they'll puttheirheidänlawyersjuristinsaon to it.
- Federal Judge Kimba Wood disregarded an appeal byMilken'sMilkeninlawyerjuristinfor a sentence composed entirely of community service.
- Lavelle then accusedthe agency'svirastontopjohtavaalawyerjuristiaof being too tough on polluting companies.
- TheirHeidändefencepuolustusasianajajansalawyers<empty>stayed away in protest at the toughening of Algeria's tough anti-terrorist law.
- ThechiefJohtavadefencepuolustusasianajajalawyer<empty>,Bruce CutlerBruce Cutler, denounced the prosecution as a further episode in an unwarranted vendetta against his client by the US government.
- When Kate miserably visited adivorceavioerojuristialawyer<empty>and told him the whole embarrassing story, she was told, to her astonishment, that she'd be unlikely to get a divorce on the obvious grounds.
- Because family law has remained stuck in its empiricist mode the limitations of this approach have not been appreciated by academicfamilyperheoikeudenlawyersjuristit.
- ThefamilyPerheoikeudenlawyersjuristitcontacted him in the USA.
- A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and, asseniorvanhempanaGovernmentvaltionhallinnonlawyerjuristina, it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service.
- Branson was not present, buthishänenpersonalhenkilökohtainenlawyerlakimiehensä,Colin HowesColin Howes, sat through the hearing with a sinking heart.
- But theprosecutionsyyttäjälawyer<empty>,Christopher Clark QCChristopher Clark QC, insisted, You deliberately killed that cat, in order to see whether the mechanism worked.
- Opening the case for the prosecution,the Council'sneuvostonlawyerlakimies, Mr Neil Calver told magistrates that by trading on that day, B & Q had contravened the Shops Act.
- Police yesterday disarmed a parcel bomb at a black human rights office in Florida, the latest in a rash of mail bombings in the South that have killed a judge and acivil rightskansalaisoikeusjuristinlawyer<empty>.
- Interviews with senior officials, police officers, politicians andhuman rightsihmisoikeusjuristienlawyers<empty>is the main research technique, complemented by a documentary analysis (newspaper reports; government reports; academic papers etc.).
magistrate.n 🔎
- AfederalLiittovaltionmagistratetuomariinformed Pickett of the charges against him --assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon, which carries a maximum 10 years in prison.
maid.n 🔎
- SheHänwas thetoimimaidkotiapulaisenaat Drew's Maidstone lodgingsDrew'n Maidstonen asunnolla, who had witnessed the actor spending half an hour in the garden of the premises trying desperately to clean a navy blue jacket.
- Buckingham Palace chef Richard Blunden, 33, wed28-year-old Julie Puttock28-vuotiaan Julie Puttockin, amaidsisäkönat Windsor Castle.Windsorin linnan
- The othermaidspalvelustytötin the block all angry when guilty Kate gives Lek a rise.
- `My motherÄitiniwas atoimimaidkotiapulaisenain Crystal Springs HouseCrystal Springs Housenfor many years, and I used to come here sometimes as a child.
- A formermaidkotiapulainenof the Princess RoyalPrincess Royalinhas won the right to sue a national newspaper.
- With the assistance ofMarthaMarthan,herhänenmaidkotiapulaisensa, she removed her day-gown and donned déshabillé.
- She turned her head, clicking her fingers impatiently asherhänenmaidkotiapulaisensa,Fidelma O' BrienFidelma O' Brien, came into the room.
- `YourSinunmaidkotiapulaisesidoes all this? ``he inquired incredulously.
- `Instead I find myself acting also in the capacity oflady'srouvanmaidkotiapulaisenaand sick-nurse, for neither of which occupations have I the least experience.
- I slept throughour<empty>floorKerrospalvelijattaremmemaid<empty>'s call that evening.
- FamilyPerheenmaidkotiapulainenPaula Rojas said last night: `I never saw them argue.
- Thus when a Lancashire miner died, his widowed wife went into service as aliving-insamassa talossa asuvaksimaidapulaiseksiwith a doctor and `put us in with me grandma ``.
- In the evening she sentherhänenmaidkotiapulaisensafor me.
- Linda Townley, formerlyLinda JoyceLinda Joycealady'shenkilökohtainenmaidpalvelijato Princess Anneprinsessa Annencame to the Labour party conference in Blackpool to make a desperate plea on behalf of those unfairly attacked in the press,
- So where were you doing the working as akitchenkeittiöapulaisenamaid<empty>?
- TheroomHuonepalvelijamaid<empty>can enter maintenance requests into the system via the telephone, saving time in tracking down members of staff.
- RoomHuonepalvelijatmaids<empty>told us guests were asking for lighter duvets, and suggested we improve signs as guests were constantly asking for directions.
- A little of that modesty and humility thatmy mother'säitiniwaitinghenkilökohtainenmaidpalvelijatarused to show will become thee better.
- SheHänbecame aryhtyiwardosastoapulaiseksimaid<empty>in a hospitalsairaalan.
- His wife and the kitchen maid (every middle class Filipino household has amaidkotiapulainen) would bring us food.
- Most of the ladies here havetheir ownomatmaidskotiapulaisensa.
- It brought back sad memories of when I worked as akennelkennelapulaisenamaid<empty>.
- They have gone to Rio to work asmaidskotiapulaisiksi.
manager.n 🔎
- Managersjohtajatat the giant MetroCentre in GatesheadGatesheadin valtavan MetroCentrenhave reported a lull in the recession as takings continue to soar.
- Formanagersjohtajilleat any levelMinkä tahansa tasonwho need to communicate effectively in English with clients and associates at all work levels.
- Chris LumbChris Lumb,data processingtietojenkäsittelyjohtajamanager<empty>at Courtaulds AerospaceCourtaulds Aerospacellain ShildonShildonin, suffered from motor neurone disease, which causes progressive deterioration of the nervous system.
- And that'sMick WeebleMick Weebletheracingkilpailujohtajamanager<empty>at the Oxford StadiumOxfordin stadionilla.
- Hacking was much liked by the professional engineers andmanagersjohtajatin the industryTeollisuudenalanand faced less initial distrust than his colleagues Citrine and Self, though he was no less committed to a policy of centralisation.
- AFTER completing 33 years at Chapelcross Ken Johnston -- whoisonofficetoimistonmanageresimiesin the Accounts Departmentkirjanpito-osastolla-- decided to close his own working account and retire.
- Police are stepping up their hunt for two armed raiders who've kidnapped and threatenedshopkaupanjohtajiamanagers<empty>in a spate of robberies.
- This begins to faceeducationkoulutusjohtajillemanagers<empty>with a fundamental dilemma -- are they inside the cage with the teaching profession or are they to be on the outside exercising a more explicit control function than ever before?
- After the caseTrevor LeeTrevor Lee,advertisementmainosjohtajamanager<empty>with The Northern EchoThe Northern Echonsaid: `We were asked by officers of Darlington Trading Standards to produce evidence of a mistake or otherwise.
- Simon PhillipsSimon Phillips,trialskoejohtajamanager<empty>for Lincs-based New Farm Cropslincolnshireläisen New Farm Corpsin, has noticed some blind grain sites in his barleys, but no varietal differences.
- `DOS 6 is the biggest upgrade we've made since DOS 2, ``saysDavid SmithDavid Smith,systems marketingjärjestelmämarkkinoinninmanagerjohtajafor Microsoft in the UKBritannian Microsoftin.
- Benne JohannsenBenne Johannsen,managermanageriof the Danish championstanskalaisten mestarien, travelled to Georgia with Linfield for the first leg and he's not too keen on going back.
- Lewis'sLewisinmanagermanageriFrank MaloneyFrank Maloneyclaims that 5,000 tickets have already gone with 7,000 still to be shifted.
- Hehänetwas invited by the directors of the Blackpool Electric Tramways Companyto become<empty>their<empty>TrafficliikennejohtajakseenManager<empty>, and arrived three weeks before the tramway was opened.
- FloorKerroksenManagerhoitaja,Jeremy Van BunnensJeremy Van Bunnens, stands the studio by for a take.
- It is the former image which the courts have tended to have before them when reviewing the decisions ofcorporateyritysjohtajienmanagers<empty>.
- Group servicesryhmäpalveluidenmanagerjohtajafor North East Essex social servicesKoillis-Essexin sosiaalipalveluiden,Robin RennieRobin Rennie, told carers that the £14 million Government grant to fund the Act would lead to shortfalls in the system.
- Last night,BarnetBarnetinassistantapulaisjohtajamanager<empty>Eddie SteinEddie Steinrejected Flashman's offer of Fry's job on a full-time basis, although he will do it until the New Year, when the offer might be repeated.
- Thegeneraltoimitusjohtajamanager<empty>of the companyYrityksenIan McCallIan McCallsaid; `We have had a tremendous response already and we expect parents who wore them in the fifties and sixties to buy them for their children.
- `The market is indeed very fragmented, ``admitsHealthcrafts'Healthcraftsinmarketingmarkkinointijohtajamanager<empty>Paul LatimerPaul Latimer, whose company in many ways pioneered the market through health food shops in the sixties.
- Napier now offers a unique qualification, designed to bridge a gap in the training of supervisors andmiddlekeskijohdonmanagers<empty>in the manufacturing sectorvalmistavassa teollisuudessa.
- Among financial andpersonnelhenkilöstöjohtajistamanagers<empty>generally, one in four admitted they would not choose the same career again, 60% were satisfied with their choice, and 15% were unsure.
- ThelocalPaikallinenprojectprojektipäällikkömanager<empty>had warned of the danger because the partially completed new barriers would not be able to cope with the increased flow.
- RegionalAluejohtajaManager<empty>Malcolm McDowellMalcolm McDowellpresented the award to Loughborough Manager Paul Whittaker who thanked his 13 staff for their support.
- Liz WattsLiz Wattsisonregionalaluejohtajamanager<empty>of Group 4 Retail SecurityGroup 4 Retail Securityn.
- In the same way thesalesmyyntijohtajamanager<empty>can optimize his launch date to ensure earliest returns on the new product by accepting a small risk that he will not be able to deliver on the promised date.
- He is talking aboutseniorkorkea-arvoisistamanagersjohtajistaat Thames WaterThames Waterin.
- Disney comes to Bordon -- fancy dress prizewinners Nichola Mace, Sarah-Jane Hartley and Andrew Harris with Somerfieldstoremyymälänjohtajamanager<empty>David WaringDavid Waring.
- It is also good news that Naisbitt's consultants are tellingtopkorkea-arvoisillemanagersjohtajillein some American firmsmuutamien amerikkalaisten yritystenin no uncertain terms about the importance of participatory democracy.
- Topkorkea-arvoisetmanagersjohtajatin large organizationsSuurten organisaatioidendo not manage organizational activity; they manage decision structures.
- The concentration of power in the hands of themanagersjohtajienof the largest companiessuurimpien yritystencould not be seen as a necessary bulwark against the power of the state.
- Managersjohtajatin excellent companiesErinomaisten yritystenhave a strong preference for doing things rather than analysing situations.
- A person who manages or is part of the same group as theinvestmentinvestointijohtajamanager<empty>of an investment trust companyinvestointirahastoyhtiönwill not normally be regarded as an appropriate person to give independent advice in relation to that company.
- HeHänis theonworkstyönjohtajamanager<empty>at the chemical factory owned by LiveseyLiveseyn omistamalla kemikaalitehtaalla.
- TherestaurantRavintolapäällikkömanager<empty>has the responsibility for the organisation and administration of the restaurants, bars and other food and beverage service areas.
- For example, ajunioralatasonmanagerjohtajamight find the organisation so large that he has relatively little influence.
- Its executive committee includes teachers, advisers, elected members of the City Council, andmanagersjohtajiaand directorsof all the professional theatres in the citykaupungin kaikkien ammattilaisteatterien.
officer.n 🔎
- AnofficerPoliisikonstaapelitold me that we couldn't drive any farther, although pedestrians were allowed in the area, and I was free to walk home.
- Thelaw enforcementPoliisikonstaapelitofficers<empty>induced the person to commit the crime.
- But just before the tower collapsed, a team ofNYPDNYPD:nESUhätäpelastusyksikönofficerspoliisienencountered a stream of civilians descending an unidentified stairwell in the 20s.
- The three plainclothesNYPDNYPD:nofficerskonstaapeliawho had made it up to the 54th floor of the NorthTower felt the building shake violently at 9:59 as the SouthTower collapsed (though they did not know the cause).
- Representatives of one group told us that their members' ability to properly gather and protect computer-related evidence had facilitated law enforcement investigations, thus limiting the time and resources that the victim and thelaw enforcementpoliisitofficers<empty>needed to carry out an investigation.
- For 40,000officerspoliisin, see NYPD information provided to the Commission, July 9, 2004.
- Furthermore, says the NYT, early on the morning of the test explosions, ``one lonely analyst saw a photo of fences being removed, but it took four or five hours beforemore experiencedkokeneemmatofficerspoliisikonstaapelitarrived to review the evidence.
- The piece goes on to point out that in the past three years,CIACIA:nofficersvirkailijathave been caught spying in, and kicked out of, at least four other countries: Germany, France, Italy and India.
- CIACIA:nofficersvirkailijattold the tribals that the plan to capture Bin Ladin, which had been ``turned off ``three months earlier, was back on.
- A few of theseofficerspoliiseillefrom outside commandsulkopuolisten komentojoukkojenwere given WTC Command radios.
- Similarly, Berger recalled that to go to war, a president needs to be able to say thathishänenseniorvanhemmatintelligence and law enforcementtiedustelu- ja lainvalvontavirkailijansaofficers<empty>have concluded who is responsible.
- All civilians who reached the lobby were directed byNYPD and PAPDNYPD:n ja PAPD:nofficerspoliisitinto the concourse, where other police officers guided them to exit the concourse and complex to the north and east so that they might avoid falling debris and victims.
- The CIA appears to have briefed President Clinton on its ``Next Steps and New Initiatives in February 2000, noting the need to hire and train therightoikeatofficersvirkailijatwith the necessary skills and deploy them to the right places, as well as to work with foreign liaison.
- The key elements are, says the author, that China doesn't normally pay an agent for information, request the provision of classified documents, useintelligencetiedusteluvirkailijoitaofficers<empty>to elicit information, or engage in clandestine activity in the United States.
- It is establishing a program for certifying agents asintelligencetiedusteluvirkailijoiksiofficers<empty>, a certification that will be a prerequisite for promotion to the senior ranks of the Bureau.
- Among other innovations, Corbett has teamedlocalpaikallisiaprobationkoeaikavalvojiaofficers<empty>with local police officers.
- PakistaniPakistanilaisetintelligencetiedusteluvirkailijatofficers<empty>reportedly introduced Bin Ladin to Taliban leaders in Kandahar, their main base of power, to aid his reassertion of control over camps near
- Contact Floyd's<empty>paroleehdonalaisuudesta vastaavaltaofficervirkailijaltafor details.
- , who had been investigated by the Secret Service for making threats against President Clinton in 1996, marched past a weapons detector and began firing, killing one police officer and mortally wounding a secondofficerpoliisiawhose own shots brought the gunman down.
- [Saddam], being a parolee, is not in a position to determinewhokukahisparoleehdonalaisuudesta vastaavaofficervirkailijansawill be.
professor.n 🔎
- RamseyRamseyhad been aoli ollutprofessorprofessorinaat CambridgeCambridgessäfor exactly twenty months.
- Alicia WilliamsAlicia Williams, anassistantapulaisprofessoriprofessor<empty>at Memphis State University, TennesseeTennesseen Memphis State Universityn, said many of the mothers and their children found the experience of being separated `negative and traumatic ``.
- `I think this is partly a reaction against the artificial nature of our media system, ``saysSut JhallySut Jhally, acommunicationsviestinnänprofessorprofessoriat Amherst UniversityArmherstin yliopiston.
- The vote deprivedMax HessMax Hessiltä, animmunopathologyimmunopatologianprofessorprofessoriat the University of BerneBernin yliopiston, of a promised position on the Biomed programme advisory commission.
- It was given by aprofessorprofessorifrom CambridgeCambridgen,Christopher RicksChristopher Ricks, and it was a very shiny performance.
- He seldom moves away from the viewpoint of aprofessorprofessorinin a well-established universitytunnustetun yliopiston, whose vocation is not only its own reward but also deserves public support for its ultimate benefits to humanity.
- More importantly, count out many of thescience, engineering and medicalluonnontieteiden, tekniikan ja lääketieteenprofessorsprofessoritin Scottish universities.
- The herbals describe the medicinal uses of plants, and indeed most of the early Professors of Botanywere alsoolivat myösmedicallääketieteenprofessorsprofessoreitain the Universityyliopiston.
- As it happened my brother knew the leadingprofessorprofessorinin testicular cancerkivessyövänthere,Dr Janet Husbandtohtori Janet Husbandin.
- The man behind the scheme isJohn DurantJohn Durant,Professorprofessoriof Public Understanding of Sciencetieteen popularisoinninat Imperial College, LondonLontoon Imperial Collegessa, and an assistant director of the museum.
- The doctor has been sent on leave from her post as anassistantapulaisprofessorinprofessor<empty>of psychiatrypsykiatrianat HarvardHarvardin.
- Anthony KingAnthony KingisonProfessorprofessoriof Governmentvaltionhallinnonat Essex UniversityEssexin yliopistossa.
- Sir George Porter, of the Royal Institution in London, andGeorge PimentelGeorge Pimentel, thenassociateapulaisprofessoriprofessor<empty>of chemistrykemianat the University of California at BerkeleyBerkeleyn Kalifornian yliopistossa, began work on exploiting matrix isolation in 1954.
- He left after a dispute with thedeputyapulaisprofessoriprofessor<empty>,Charles SpoonerCharles Spoonerin, who may have been jealous of Mayhew's popularity with the students.
- AnEstonian historyVirolainen historianprofessorprofessori,Arnold PalmArnold Palm, said Balts regarded their status within the Soviet Union as `political, not juridical ``, and `by no means definitely established.
- The Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), led by a 36-year-oldphilosophyfilosofianprofessorprofessoriAhmed DoganAhmed Dogan, did better than expected.
- `We all get our just deserts, ``retiredphysicsfysiikanprofessorprofessoriEdward HallEdward Hallsaid.
- On your left at 3/80 is the Academy of Applied Arts of 1884, which was organized by Gustave Schmoranz, and whereKotěraKotěrawastoimiprofessorprofessorinauntil 1910.
- PaulosPaulosis aonprofessorprofessoriof mathematicsmatematiikan; his book, he owns, was born of indignation and he writes with passion, tempered however by good humour.
- A Catholic priest and Canon of Digne, hewas alsotoimi myösProfessorprofessorinaof Philosophy at Aix, and of Mathematics at the College Royale in Paris.
- She called it his Washington Square becausehehänwastoimiprofessorprofessorinaof Englishenglannin kielenin the universityyliopistossathere.
- It was she who, when the manuscript was ready, had given him an introduction toAlistair MacFeeAlistair MacFeelle, aprofessorprofessorilleof Englishenglannin kielenat the universityyliopiston.
- I have very great pleasure in introducing our lecturer, my friend and colleagueProfessor Learnerprofessori Learner,whojokaistoimiiprofessorprofessorinaof Englishenglannin kielenin this universitytässä yliopistossa.
- A survey asked 1,245 randomly selectedcollegeyliopistonprofessorsprofessoriltahow much they gave to charity each year.
- The oldest patient in the studywas a 92-year-old retired92-vuotias eläköitynytcollegeyliopistonprofessorprofessoriwho was admitted from the emergency department with a 3-day history of productive cough, dyspnoea, and fever.
- Dr Antonio d'Oliveira SalazarTohtori Antonio d'Oliveira Salazar, aneconomicstaloustieteenprofessorprofessorifrom Coimbra, was appointed Finance Minister.
- One dissenting voice is that ofMr Alfred Chandlerherra Alfred Chandler,emeritusemeritusprofessorprofessoriof business historyliiketalouden historianat Harvard Business SchoolHarvard Business Schoolin.
- It was lucky thatProfessor St John Gothprofessori St John Gothiin,Nottingham University'sNottinghamin yliopistonemeritusemeritukseenmedieval historykeskiajan historianprofessorprofessori, could always be relied on.
- PROFESSOR George Lightbody MontgomeryPROFESSORI George Lightbody Montgomery,emeritusemeritusprofessorprofessoriof pathologypatologianin the University of EdinburghEdinburghin yliopiston, died in Edinburgh on 5 February, aged 87.
- It will take the format of a forum with a panel including Ice-T and moderated byHarvard UniversityHarvardin yliopistonlawoikeustieteenprofessorprofessoriCharles OgletreeCharles Ogletree.
- His successoris aonlawoikeustieteenprofessorprofessorifrom Australia.
- But if Greenblatt recognises that he believes `literaturekirjallisuustieteenprofessorsprofessoritare salaried, middle-class shamans ``, he is reluctant to confront his position as shaman.
- HeHänwas atoimiuniversityyliopistonprofessorprofessorina, ran his own engineering company, revived shipbuilding in British Columbia, was Adjutant-General of the Canadian Army, and served as secretary to the Governor-General of Canada.
- Robert BremelRobert Bremel, aUniversity of WisconsinWisconsinin yliopistonprofessorprofessori, milks mice in his laboratory.
- For example, in 1984, fewer than 3 per cent ofuniversityyliopistojenprofessorsprofessoreistawere women.
- The extra funds will be used to appoint aprofessorprofessoriof advanced materialsyventävän aineistonat the centre which has gained international acclaim for its applied research.
- Leon Duguit worked as aProfessorprofessorinaof Lawoikeustieteenat the University of Bordeaux between 1886 and 1928.
- Only theprofessorprofessorillain a hospital departmentsairaalaosastonis allowed to do private practice and this must be done on the hospital premises.
receptionist.n 🔎
- Thereceptionistvastaanottovirkailijaat the hotelHotellinhad given him a key to the front door and his mind was a chaotic mixture of emotions and thoughts as he walked past it towards the shore.
- Mrs Sweeting saidher daughterhänen tyttärensä, areceptionistvastaanottovirkailijaat County Hallläänintalon, in Chelmsford,Chelmsfordinhas never complained about her illness and always adopted a positive approach to life.
- Her name was Elisabeth, a German girl working as areceptionistvastaanottovirkailijanaat one of the Hilton hotels in Londonyhdessä Lontoon Hilton-hotelleista, she had told him over the telephone.
- AS asaleskassamyyjänäreceptionist<empty>at Radio Rentals in DarlingtonDarlingtonin Radio Rentalsissamy job entails a variety of different aspects.
- IMinä'm aolenreceptionistvastaanottovirkailijafor a firm of estate agents in Berkeley Squareeräässä kiinteistönvälittäjäfirmassa Berkeley Squarella.
- Wendy managed to get a job as areceptionistvastaanottovirkailijanain a dental surgeryhammaslääkärinto begin with and will keep applying for one of the hygienist training courses.
- In the average-size or small hotel these tasks could be centralised and dealt with by the brigade ofreceptionistsvastaanottovirkailijoidenin one officeyhdessä toimistossa.
- The printing works was a fairly modern concrete building with all the external charm of an army blockhouse, but thereceptionistvastaanottovirkailijain the outer officeulommassa toimistossawas briskly efficient.
- All bookings are made through thereceptionistvastaanottovirkailijanof the hotelhotellin.
- In addition, these user histories point to the fact that thereceptionistsvastaanottovirkailijoitaof some surgeriesjoidenkin vastaanottojenwere instructed to turn away `addicts ``or, at least, segregate them from the rest of the patients.
- Quincx Roirbak was preparing for an evening out whenhishänenreceptionistvastaanottovirkailijansasummoned him.
- “ I'm sorry ”, said theChristie'sChristiesinreceptionistvastaanottovirkailija, “ but the Sackler sale has been cancelled for the time being …
- Harriet got a job as adentist'shammaslääkärinreceptionistvastaanottovirkailijanaand lived on lentils and poached eggs in a hostel until the dentist asked her to marry him.
- Scottish Tourist BoardSkotlannin turistilautakunnanreceptionistvastaanottovirkailijaAngela CrollaAngela Crolla(above left) is offered a Taste of Scotland by CCg Catering Manager Eleanor Hunt.
- MaxineMaxine, thereceptionistVastaanottovirkailija, runs a small shop and tries to keep the sand at bay as our sailors trudge it into the bar in exchange for that badly needed cool drink.
- TheHeadPäävastaanottovirkailijaReceptionist<empty>has recently been showing signs of some disquiet, however: he has invested in a home computer and has been rather tentatively advocating the advantages of word processing and computerized accounting.
- Youare aOletheadpäävastaanottovirkailijareceptionist<empty>at a medium-sized hotelkeskikokoisessa hotellissa, instructing a new trainee receptionist.
- The head porter orheadpäävastaanottovirkailijareceptionist<empty>is usually authorised to sign for registered mail.
- No one -- not even thehotelhotellinreceptionistvastaanottovirkailija-- can explain why they are there.
- This chapter provides an outline of the law as it relates to the work of ahotelhotellinreceptionistvastaanottovirkailijan.
- This module will enablehotelhotellinreceptionistsvastaanottovirkailijoidenand front office staff to apply the law when dealing with guests and travellers.
salesman.n 🔎
- Asalesmanmyyntimiesat one licensed dealerErään valtuutetun jälleenmyyjänused to read his clients' horoscopes for them.
- I was found wandering byMr Ozzy Dunkherra Ozzy Dunk, asalesmanmyyntimiesfor Golden Touch Sunbed CentresGolden Touch Sunbed Centresin.
- My fatherIsäniwas aolisalesmanmyyntimiesfor an engineering firm selling pit motorsmoottoreita myyvässä insinööriliikkeessä.
- AudubonAudubonwas anolieffectivetehokassalesmanmyyntimiesfor his book among the wealthy, to whom he himself seemed an exotic.
- SuccessfulMenestyvätsalesmenmyyntimiehetin bucket shopshalpamatkatoimistojenscorn weak or moralising colleagues, just as they do all the clients.
- Porter International is staging a series of two-day training sessions forits<empty>salesmenmyyntimiehilleenin six cities across Americakuudessa amerikkalaiskaupungissa, starting mid-January.
- VICTIMS of last week's floods are being warned to be on their guard againstunscrupuloushäikäilemättömiädoorstepovikaupustelijoitasalesmen<empty>, who may try to take advantage of their situations.
- ThekitchenKeittiömyyjäsalesman<empty>who offers you a ridiculously large discount is probably not doing you any favours.
- I sent off my $5 and I got back a list of occupations: TV repairman,shoekenkäkauppiassalesman<empty>, musician, fireman, axe murderer.
- It had been four months altogether before he returned to the Works, by which time Andrew Jones had been installed in the showrooms asassistantmyyntiavustajaksisalesman<empty>.
- Thedried fishkuivattua kalaasalesmanMies, joka myion a nearby stallläheisellä kojulla,watched this madman with interest.
- The P.G.A. bannedgolfgolfmyyjätsalesmen<empty>from club professional events unless a minimum of ý5,000 a year was spent by their firms on sponsorship.
- Peter AustinPeter Austin, formerMiddle EastLähi-Idänsalesmanmyyntimiesfor GEC MarconiGEC Marconin, heads a group of private investors that has raised £12 million for the project.
- Buthehänis alreadyon jotopparassalesmanmyyjäin his companyyrityksessäänand dreams of being able to give it all up to start his own small business.
- He entered the profession after an apprenticeship at the Jesuit college he attended in Sheffield, wherehis fatherhänen isänsä, asalesmanmyyntimiesin steelteräksen, had moved from London with his young son.
- Despite the elderly couple repeatedly tellingsalesmenmyyntimiesEric StewartEric Stewartillethat they didn't want any windows he continued his talk and demonstration until 11pm.
- ANottinghamNottinghamilainencarautomyyjäsalesman<empty>who went with two prostitutes aged fourteen and fifteen has been jailed for three years.
- JohnJohnis aoncarautomyyjäsalesman<empty>.
- InsuranceVakuutusmyyjätsalesmen<empty>shall be banned.
- Jennifer andinsurancevakuutusmyyjäsalesman<empty>Dennis CrawfordDennis Crawfordsplit up when the model was a teenager.
- ThetravellingKiertäväsalesmanmyyntimiesclimbed from his car, rolling up his sleeves as he did so.
- He worked as asportsurheilumyyjänäsalesman<empty>, a bingo hall caller and a fruit seller before joining the Royal Navy.
- He was a very much larger than life character who it is understood, although it may not be strictly true, was sacked three times by his company for which he worked as asalesmanmyyntimiehenä.
scientist.n 🔎
- There was growing concern yesterday for the fate of 11USyhdysvaltalaisenscientiststiedemiehenfrom the Tropical Research InstituteTropical Research Institutenwho were taken from their island laboratories on Wednesday.
- Scientiststiedemiehetfrom the NEC corporation in JapanJapanilaisen NEC-yhtiönhave developed a Virtual Reality ski slope that is so realistic users experience exactly the same stress as if they were really hurtling down a mountain.
- The report says that the methods used byscientiststiedemiestenat the Department of the Environmentympäristöministeriönto calculate future acid rain damage are ``flawed.
- Thescientiststiedemiehetat WallingfordWallingfordinknow they'll never be able to tame the sea but they hope their new wave basin will help them find ways of making its effects less destructive.
- At one point he even cheerfully admitted that hemight not be aettei hän ehkä olerealoikeascientisttiedemiesat all.
- ThaiThaimaalaisetscientiststiedemiehetat Mahidol UniversityMahidolin yliopistossafound pollen and `fungal elements ``on most of the 22 spots analysed.
- The report's author, Sir Ieuan Maddock, a formerchiefjohtavascientisttiedemiesat the Department of Industryteollisuusministeriössä, says the Ministry of Defence is partly to blame for this stagnation in `technology transfer ``.
- Jean Thullier, aFrenchranskalainenscientisttiedemiesat the Institut National de HygieneInstitut National de Hygienestä, injected various auxins (regulators of plant growth) into animals to see whether they had any effects.
- Britishbrittitiedemiehetscientists<empty>at the UK Atomic Energy Authority's Harwell laboratoriesBritannian atomienergiaviranomaisen Harwellin laboratorionare sceptical about all this.
- Cray Research Inc. in Minnesota, which has traditionally askeduniversityyliopistojenscientiststiedemiehiltäin the United Statesyhdysvaltalaistento help it to develop software, hopes to work with European scientists to develop specific software.
- By twelve o'clock the meeting ofseniorvanhempienscientiststiedemiestenin the Director's office to discuss the furniture and equipment for the new Laboratory was over, and Howarth rang for his secretary to clear the conference table.
- The second aspect of popularization was informingactiveaktiivisillescientiststiedemiehillein other disciplinesmuiden tieteenalojenabout what was going on.
- Professor Costall says it is very difficult to be accepted as aresearchtutkijaksiscientist<empty>in JapanJapanissaparticularly as a woman.
- And the Union made the expected noises about not appointing aforensicoikeuslääketieteellistäscientisttutkijaa.
- Some 20distinguishedarvostettuascientiststiedemiestägive their views on the involvement of scientists with war in general and the arms race in particular.
- ForensicOikeuslääketieteellinenscientisttutkijaAndrew HuntAndrew Hunttold Teesside Crown Court he did extensive tests on blood on Mrs Chandler's clothes, behind her nails and on nearby rocks.
- There's only one way you can cripple abadhuononscientisttiedemiehen, and that's to demonstrate how bad his science is.
- YouSinäare ascientisttiedemies. ”
servant.n 🔎
- Theservantspalvelijatat the housetalonwere mostly foreigners who didn't know their arse from their elbow, as Morgan put it to himself.
- The number ofservantspalvelijoidenat Lartington HallLartington Hallindwindled, although Dorothy Siswick stayed with Olive until the end.
- Theservantspalvelijatfrom the houseTalonmoved unobtrusively among them, removing dirty plates, offering more glasses of the delicious cup, tinkling with ice and decorated with cherries and cucumber and sprigs of borage.
- The bailiff of TeighTeighin tilanhoitaja,servantpalvelijato Thomas Sherrard, Esq.herra Thomas Sherrardin, was styled husbandman despite owning personal estate to the tune of £30, while a retainer of Sir John Digby worked as a barber in Oakham.
- An extra man, says Boswell, had joined their little party, `Evan CampbellEvan Campbell,servantpalvelijato Mr Murchisonherra Murchisonin, factor to the Laird of Macleod in Glenelg ran along with us today.
- WHEN I WAS a child, I was always at Wuthering Heights, becausemy motheräitiniwas atoimiservantpalvelijanawith the Earnshaw familyEarnshawin perheen.
- This, in fact, referred to the sequestration of a clerk's benefice by the bishop rather than to excommunication, but its principle was all-embracing and even included theservantspalvelijatof royal servantskuninkaallisten palvelijoiden.
- Well may I forget thatIminäamolenyourteidänservantpalvelijannewhen you forget what belongs to a master.
- For example a semi-feudal landlord in a developing country today may employ a large number of retainers orfamilyperheenservantspalvelijoitawho will work for cash rent, labour rent or a proportion of the harvest on his land.
- Later my father again applied for leave of absence, which Your Grace refused to grant, though you permittedmeminun,whojokaam in any case only ahalf-timeosa-aikainenservantpalvelija, to travel alone.
- Sufficient meat was to be dressed every day for the staff, and first sent into the matron, house surgeon and pupil, thence to thehousetalonservantspalvelijoille.
- `She would be in the room and he would dismiss her with a flick of the hand as thoughshehänwere aolisiservantpalvelija.
- Pilkington, the brother of Gloucester's retainer JohnPilkington, Gloucesterin pitkäaikaisen palvelijan Johnin veli,had been aoli toiminutroyalkuninkaallisenaservantpalvelijanasince the early 1460s and had been rewarded with land in the north midlands, bringing him within the duchy connection.
- The late Mrs Clerk-Douglas of Holmill relates that her great-grandfather was the last inhabitant, with the exception ofan old womanvanhaa naista, aservantpalvelijaaof the familyperheen.
- I don't questionmyminunservantspalvelijoiltaniabout their private lives.
- Until March he was assumedto be a reliable, if conservative,luotettavana, joskin konservatiivisenaservantpalvelijanaof the presidentpresidentin.
- Theservantspalvelijatof BoazBoazinwould be hers.
- Lord Dacre kept twenty-eightindoorsisäpalvelijaaservants<empty>at Hurstmonceux who, with a constant stream of visitors, needed prodigious quantities of food both from the estates and from farther-flung markets.
- The likes of Dr James Halden wouldn't take more than a passing interest in a commondomestickotiapulaiseenservant<empty>.
- The majority offarmmaatilojenservantstyöntekijöistästayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring, but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair.
- Here, however, it was above all the labour of unmarried young women asliving-injotka asuivat talossafarmmaatilanservantstyöntekijöinäwhich was sought.
- This in turn creates one of the most difficult problems of all, a personal one which manygovernmenthallituksenservantsvirkamiehet, and agents or consultants must feel.
- He couldn't imagine agovernmenthallituksenservantvirkamiestäworking abroad who did not feel that tug of pleasure when he walked up the steps of his embassy in a foreign capital.
- She was also deeply concerned for the spiritual needs of her relatives andhouseholdkotitaloutensaservantspalvelijoiden.
- As the reports of the proceedings of the People's Court showed, anotherpalacepalatsinservantpalvelijanhad been instructed to wrap up the Tsar's icon and pack it with the Grand Duke's belongings.
- There was also a retinue ofPalacePalatsinservantspalvelijoistawho had already prepared the place for their entertainment.
- Mary LeaporMary Leaporat some point in her adolescencebecame aryhtyidomestickotiapulaiseksiservant<empty>.
- In 1858hehänestäbecametulithe queen'skuningattarenpersonalhenkilökohtainenservantpalvelijain Scotland.
- In fact, rich Laputans employ aservantpalvelijaawhose job is to follow his master everywhere.
- Huy had the impression that abodyhenkilökohtainenservantpalvelijawas lurking somewhere within earshot, to report any indiscretions back to Reni, and that everybody knew this.
- One of his assistants in this task was Christopher Saxton [q.v.], who came from Dunningley near Dewsbury, and who was working ashishänenservantpalvelijanaanin 1570.
- He worked as aservantpalvelijanato a Brahminbrahmaaninbut wrote plays in his spare time and believed firmly in land reform.
- He'd lived in thestreet for thirty two years … and worked as a scout orcollegeoppilaitoksenservantpalvelijanaat Trinity College.
- Ann Kussmaul, an historian, observes that evidence pertaining to discipline and resentment between masters andservants<empty>in husbandrymaatalousapulaistencomes almost entirely from masters.
- Finally came men who did not own freehold land: husbandmen,servants<empty>in husbandrymaatalousapulaisetand the servants of artificers — anyone whose estate in goods and chattels did not exceed £10.