TransFrameNet:Making faces
frown.v 🔎
- SheHänfrownedkurtisti kulmiaanat BethBethillewhen an awful thought suddenly occurred to her.
- SheHänjumped up,frowningrypistäen otsaansain dismaykauhusta.
- As he turned and handed the binoculars to his elder brotherhehänfrownedkurtisti kulmiaanin what he hoped was a manly, intent mannertavalla, jonka hän toivoi olevan miehinen ja keskittynyt,and tried to make his voice sound casual.
- HeHänstopped andfrownedkurtisti kulmiaanto himselfitselleen.
- She couldn't see without her glasses, which madeherhänetfrownkurtistamaan kulmiaanwith frustrationturhautuneena.
- SheHänfrownedkurtisti kulmiaanwith irritationärsyyntyneenäbut spoke with her usual friendliness as, walking round the side of the house, she found Constance propping up her bike against the porch.
- SheHänfrownedkurtisti kulmiaana littlehiukan.
- GeorgeGeorgefrownedkurtisti kulmiaansharplyterävästi, irritated at being stopped just as he was getting well into his stride.
- HeHänpeered through the lens,frowningkurtistaen kulmiaanslightlykevyesti.
- HeHänscanned the empty horizon andfrownedkurtisti kulmiaan, and she quivered, suddenly afraid at the savage look in his eyes.
grimace.v 🔎
- With her back still turned to him,shehänengrimacedirvistäessäänwrylypisteliäästiat her own fancifulnessomalle epärealistisuudelleen.
- She went out andNinaNinagrimacedirvistiat JoeJoelle.
- Back in bedshehänsipped morosely at the whisky,grimacingirvistäenslightlykevyestiat its tastesen maulle, then giggling wryly at her own reaction.
- MüllerMüllergrimacedirvistiat the thought of herajatukselle hänestä.
- HeHänlaunched himself out of the chair to rescue a rapidly cooling cup of coffee,grimacingirvistäenslightlykevyestiin disgustinhostaas he indicated the pot.
- The<empty>creature writhed andgrimacedirvistiin the most horrible mannerkamalimmalla tavalla, malignance imprinted in its every contour.
- So why washehänrolling around like that,grimacingirvistäenin paintuskasta?
- SheHängrimacedirvistito herselfitselleenwhile thinking of how that fellow irritated her.
- HeHängrimacedirvistislightlykevyestias a traditional Korean band in multi-coloured silk costumes played a welcome fanfare on conch shells.
- Cool capable Kate the British Committee librarianRauhallisen pystyvä Kate, Britannian hallituksen kirjastonhoitaja,confronts Kate the embryonic hysteric, catches her eye for a moment andgrimacesirvistääwith a bitter self-directed humourkatkeran humoristisesti itseään kohtaan.
- ZukovZukovgrimacedirvistirudelytöykeästibehind the Tarvarian noncom's back, and Rostov grinned.
- SheHänwas stilledelleengrimacingirvistifrom the shock of itsiitä järkytyksestäas Guido swept from the room, announcing over his shoulder, `So, you'd better deliver the goods -- or else I will!
- The last step but one creaked protestingly andshehängrimacedirvistiapprehensivelyhuolestuneesti, her body almost turning to stone as she waited for Dane to suddenly appear and demand to know what she was doing.
- KarenKarengrimacedirvistithen looked at her wrist watch.
- The screaming would not stop, andhehängrimacedirvisti.
grin.v 🔎
- `Afternoon, all, ``saidJackie TiptoeJackie Tiptoe, leaning up against the cotton bale andgrinninghymyillenhis sunniest grinaurinkoisinta virnettään.
- HeHängrinnedvirnistihis vulpine grinkettumaista virnettäänat herhänelle, and she smiled dutifully at his self-mockery.
- JamieJamiegrinsvirnistäähis tired grinväsynyttä hymyään.
- HeHängrinnedvirnistiat hernaiselleimpishlyilkikurisesti.
- SheHänwas<empty>grinninghymyilifrom ear to earkorvasta korvaan, her eyes sparkling in excited anticipation, like a child watching magicians at a carnival.
- The facesKasvotgrinningvirnistivätfrom the tatty punk regalia looked so depraved and hollow-eyed that I could not bear to think of my American blues friends calling them `sir ``.
- DunbarDunbarwas<empty>grinningvirnisteliin high contenterittäin tyytyväisenäas he wheeled his horse to trot back to his own division.
- In the picture Stuart held,his fatherhänen isänsäwas<empty>grinningvirnistiself-consciouslyitsetietoisestiin his formal dress, at least a head taller than his wife who hung on his arm, looking up and laughing at her husband.
- HarryHarrygrinnedvirnistiin reliefhelpotuksestaand buried his head in the pillow to wipe off the sweat trickling from his brow.
- As Michael looked at the man sitting opposite,his fat ugly facehänen lihavien, rumien kasvojensagrinningvirnistäessälike a Cheshire cat'skuin irvikissa, he felt an impulse to smash his fist into his teeth.
- HeHängrinnedvirnistilike a crocodilekuin krokotiili.
- Sooty turned toYantoYantoon päin,whojokawas alreadygrinningvirnistiwith anticipationodotuksesta.
- HeHängrinnedvirnistiwith triumphvoitonriemuisena.
- First, Chris sweet-talksa uniformed reception guard, whounivormuun pukeutuneelle vartijalle, jokagrinshymyileebashfullyujostiunder the peak of his cap.
- SheHängrinnedvirnistibackslylyovelasti.
- PollyPollygrinnedvirnistibackconfidentlyitsevarmastiat himhänelleand thumped her tail.
- RossRossgrinnedvirnistibackat hernaiselleas he leaned forward, helping himself to another slice of chocolate cake.
- Her milky eyesHänen maidonvalkoiset silmänsägrinnedvirnistivätslylyovelastiupat AthelstanAthelstanille.
- JorgeJorgegrinnedvirnistiupat MitchMitchillewith some reliefhiukan helpottuneena.
- He yelped as she bit him, butLeonoraLeonoragrinnedvirnistiupat himhänelle,unrepentantkatumatta.
- Bernard Walton's faceBernard Waltonin kasvotgrinnedvirnistivätpatronizinglyalentuvastidownfrom the wallseinältä.
- MilesMilesgrinnedvirnistirather foolishlymelko hölmösti.
- Lucenzo muttered something tothe manmiehelle,whojokagrinnedvirnistiunderstandinglyymmärtäväisenä.
- HeHängrinnedvirnistiand nodded.
pout.v 🔎
- SmallfrySmallfrycontinued to pose before the mirror, smiling andpoutingmutristaenher lipshuuliaanin film-star kissesto the man in the yardpihalla olevalle miehellewhile Buddie picked out an intricate melody on his guitar.
- `And I've reached the grim forties, ``saidMashaMasha,poutingmutristaenher lush red lipsseksikkään punaisia huuliaan.
- Thenshehän'll<empty>poutmutristaaher lipshuuliaanand look cross, and you can still see her thinking: `No, I'm getting nowhere with that.
- `We have company for the day, ``he added, andCandaceCandacepoutedmutristicoylyujosti.
- Her mouthHänen suunsapoutedmutristuifurther, if that were possible.
- As Shannon looked up she caught a coldly calculating glint in the actress's green eyes, but it was gone before Marianne turned to Dane,her beautifully shaped mouthhänen kauniinmuotoisen suunsapoutingmutristuessaprettilynätisti.
- The boyPoikapoutedmutristislightlykevyesti, but nodded his head.
- Anna's mouthAnnan suuwas<empty>poutingmutristuislightlykevyesti, her left cheek was flushed by resting against the pillow, her hair was a stream of auburn fire.
- They wink,theyhepoutmutristavat suutaan, they gobble down the complimentary potato salad.
- Her faceHänen kasvonsapoutedmutristuivatat themheitä kohtaanresentfullykatkerastiwhen Blanche asked if she was Sharon Philips.
- He slept with his mouth open,lipshuulienpoutingmutristuessalike a pig's snout.
scowl.v 🔎
- SheHänscowledmulkaisidarklysynkästi, realising he'd deftly avoided answering her implicit question.
- LisaLisascowledmulkaisiat his backhänen selkäänsäas he disappeared through the doorway, hating the ambivalence of the feelings that churned inside her.
- The manMiesscowledkatsoi vihaisestiat hernaista.
- Lissa jumped, shocked to the core, andhehänscowledmulkaisiat hernaistadarklysynkästi.
- As he pulled open the passenger door for her,shehänscowledmulkaisiat himhäntädefiantlyuhmakkaasti.
- McEnroeMcEnroe, with his widely-publicised marital problems, looked anything but happy to be here, refusing to answer questions andscowlingmulkoillenat photographersvalokuvaajia.
- NuttyNuttysat on the edge with her legs in the water,scowlingmulkoillenin deep concentrationerittäin keskittynestiafter NailsNailsia.
- HegHegscowledmulkaisiin the darkness.
- SheHänscowledmulkaisiin disgust at the sight of her drooping mouth and reddened eyesinhoten riippuvaa suutaan ja punaisia silmiään.
- It would leaveBritainBritannian`scowlingmulkoilemaanin frustrationturhautuneena``on the sidelines of the Community.
- ShionaShionascowledmulkaisiinto his face with its arrogant high cheekbones, self-satisfied mouth and eyes as hard as sapphireshänen kasvojaan, ylimielisen korkeita poskipäitä, itsetietoista suuta ja safiirinkovia silmiä.
- ScowlingMulkoillenwith concentrationkeskittyneestihehänbegan to load the six chambers of his Colt Patent Repeating Pistol with the lead which dragged down one pocket of his scarecrow's morning coat.
- HeHänscowledmulkaisiwith squinting ferocitysiristäen silmiään julmasti, like a balked Siamese cat.
- MarcelMarcelscowledmulkaisithen ran after him.
smile.v 🔎
- As they were leavingthe producertuottajapaused andsmiledhymyiliat herhänelle.
- The two telephones were removed from the table andJoJosmiledhymyiliat LiliLilille.
- Some showedneatly dressed Annamese familiessiististi pukeutuneita vietnamilaisia perheitä, jotkasmilinghymyilivätfrom the doorways of houses set in small gardens beside groves of rubber treeskumipuumetsien vieressä olevissa pienissä puutarhoissa sijaitsevien talojen sisäänkäynneistä.
- I sat in a corner looking atthe Dutchmen whohollantilaisia, jotkasmiledhymyilivätsurreptitiouslysalamyhkäisestifrom the platformkorokkeelta.
- A small black ladyPieni musta nainensmiledhymyiliindulgentlykurittomastifrom the opposite seatvastapäiseltä istuimelta.
- Tamar's eyes met George's andtheyhesmiledhymyilivätin mutual affectionmolemminpuolista hellyyttä.
- IMinäsmiledhymyilinin assenthyväksyvästi.
- HeHänsmiledhymyiliin a benevolent sort of wayhyvää tarkoittavalla tavallawhen he said this.
- A schoolboy thought crossed Richard's mind andhehänsmiledhymyilito himselfitselleen.
- HeHänsmiledhymyiliwith reliefhelpottuneenathat she had changed the subject away from Richard Sharpe.
- HeHänwas<empty>smilinghymyililike a happy demonkuin onnellinen piru, almost tenderly.
- HeHänheard the surprise in her voice, andsmiledhymyilia littlehiukanat having so nearly caught her out.
- His eyes flickered past her andhehänsmiledhymyilifaintlykevyestibefore turning back to her and loudly questioning the validity of the original invoice.
- The senior partnerVanhempi osakassmiledhymyilifrom behind his deskpöytänsä takaa.
- JeanJeansmiledhymyiliweaklyheikostiback.
- But he foundthe Americanamerikkalaisenrocking on his heels andsmilinghymyilevänbackat himhänelleengaginglyviehättävästi, and the slow drawl of his address continued without pause.
- HeHänstood behind her chair andsmiledhymyilidownalasinto her upturned facehänen ylöspäin käännetyille kasvoilleen.
- HeHänsmiledhymyilidownalasat herhänellecoldlykylmästi.
- Like a nun, or his sister,shehänsat holding his hand,smilinghymyillengentlyhellästidown<empty>at himhänelle.
- CorbettCorbettwalked over, arms folded, andsmiledhymyiliicilyjäisestidown<empty>at his inveterate enemypiintyneelle viholliselleen.
- SheHänsmiledhymyiliup<empty>at himmiehellewickedlyhäijysti.
- JuliaJuliapushed the lank, greasy hair off her forehead andsmiledhymyiliup<empty>at himmiehelle.
- Her eyes smiled up at him,her mouthhänen suunsasmiledhymyiliup<empty>at himmiehelle.
- YOUNG Michael Portillo's cherubic faceNUOREN Michael Portillon kerubinkasvotsmiledhymyilivätout<empty>sweetlykauniistifrom the television settelevisiovastaanottimesta.
- His inability to explain makeshimhänetsmilehymyilemäänagain.
- The lipless mouthHuuleton suusmiledhymyiliagain.
- LutherLutherlooked deep into the boy's eyes andsmiledhymyiliwickedlyhäijystiwhen he saw the truth lurking there.
- In spite of herself,LisaLisasmiledhymyilia wry smileovelaa hymyä.
- Caroline forced her attention tothe middle-aged couplekeski-ikäiseen pariskuntaan,whojokasmiledhymyiliand greeted her in almost flawless English.
smirk.v 🔎
- WolseyWolseyplayed with the gold pendant around his neck andsmirkedvirnistipatronisinglyalentuvastiat AgrippaAgrippalle,as if he was a favourite sonaivan kuin hän olisi suosikkipoika.
- HeHänturned andsmirkedvirnistiat ElinorElinorille.
- SarahSarahsmirkedvirnistiat himhänellenastilytuhmasti.
- AndreyevAndrejevsmirkedvirnistiat the old man's passionvanhan miehen innokkuudelle.
- As with Ben Johnsonmost South Africansuseimmat eteläafrikkalaisetsmirkedvirnistelivätopenlyavoimestiat these revelationsnäille paljastuksille.
- Dr AliTri Alismirkedvirnisteliin triumphvoitokkaasti.
- The headmasterRehtorismirkedvirnistito himselfitselleen, chuckled, and drew the edge of his right hand carefully along his moustache.
- She always smiled and chatted with them and they were overcome with wonder, whileIminäwould stand by,smirkingvirnistellenwith prideylpeästibecause I shared her glory.
- BensonBensonwas<empty>smirkingvirnistislightlykevyesti.
- SheHänsmirkedvirnistiand dismissed Athelstan with a flicker of her eyes.