TransFrameNet:Make noise
babble.v 🔎
- It was very noisy; every other table was full andmusicmusiikkibabbledkaikuifrom the wallsseinistä.
bark.v 🔎
- CasparCasparwas<empty>barkinghaukkuinon-stoptauotta.
- When we hearddogskoirienbarkinghaukkuvanthe Corporal's nerve cracked too.
- Somewhere in the distancea dogkoirabarkedhaukkuimournfullysurullisesti.
- As he hurried downstairs he heard Buddie leave the house andLady the bulldogLady-bulldogbarkinghaukkuiexcitedlyinnostuneestiin the yard.
- BarkingHaukkuenferociouslyraivokkaasti, the big Great Dane rushed from the rear of the house, skidded around the corner and hurled herself at the gate with such force that it creaked under the impact.
- Philip willedhimhäntänotto<empty>barkhaukkumastaagain.
- MenziesMenziesbarkedhaukkuifiercelyraivokkaastiat his butlerhovimestarille.
- But I left in a hurry because the piglets' mother didn't approve of a stranger wandering among her brood andshesecame at me open-mouthed,barkinghaukkuenexplosivelykiivaasti.
- (12) So then the farmer asked his cat (13) to scratch the dog (14) sothe dogkoirawould<empty>barkhaukkuisiloudlyäänekkäästi(15) and thereby frighten the donkey into the shed …
- Occasionallyone dogyksi koirawould<empty>barkhaukkuiin isolationeristettynä: sometimes two or three more would join it.
- DogsKoiratbarkedhaukkuivatin the cold, thin air.
- IMinäbarkhaukunwith laughternauraen, arousing rest of family, including Adam who comes down for cornflakes.
- She saystheyniidenbarkhaukkuvanat all times of day and night.
- Magnus and the Alsatian, attracted by the noiseMelun houkuttelemina Magnus ja saksanpaimenkoira, came running over and began leaping up at them andbarkinghaukkuenin wild excitementvillisti jännityksestä, their panting mouths leaving clouds in the chill air.
- But, when he gets too close to any doghesegrowls andbarkshaukkuu.
beep.v 🔎
- Within minutesMinuuttien sisällä,the machineskoneetwere<empty>beepingpiippasivatand the tills humming.
- KlaxonsTorvetbeepedtuuttasivatin rhythmic unisonyksiäänisestiand a man's voice chanted over a megaphone the initials of the President's Party and the name of Belpan's Minister of Tourism and Transport: `VOTE PP.
- {{{1}}}WindowsWindowswill<empty>beeppiippaaevery time there's an error.
- The doctor had opened the door suddenly, was walking in with two nurses, directing them to either side of the bed asthe heart machinesydänkoneflashed andbeepedpiippasialarminglyhälyttävästi.
- ItSehas beenonbeepingpiipannutall overkoko ajan.
- ItSehas beenonbeepingpiipannutall over.
- Metal detectorsMetallinilmaisimiawere used in the search,beepingpiippasivatwhen they passed over a suspicious itemohittaessaan epäilyttävän kohteen.
bellow.v 🔎
- `When they heardour bullshärkiemmebellowmylvivänthe Skroelings ran away!'
- Then listen tothe guitar of Ruth MorrisRuth Morrisin kitaraa, joka,bellowingmylviover in the corner like a love-lorn brontosaurus.
- To lie in a tent withstagshirvienbellowingmylviessäround the hills is to touch the marvellous.
- BellowingMylvähdellenand rearing on its hind legs,the massive bullvaltava härkälifted him bodily off the ground and shook him repeatedly like a rag-doll.
- As Henry turned away and walked down the roomReginaldReginaldbellowedmylviwith laughternaurusta; and when his brother reached the door he shouted, `Happy Christmas!
- GorbadGorbadbellowedmylviin agonytuskissaanand swung Morgor wildly, catching Adolphus a glancing blow across the temple.
- With Mario, you felt that if you were walking through the wilds anda bearkarhucamebellowingmylvienfrom behind a tree, Mario would seize its paw, shake it vigorously and tell it a good story.
- Those closest to her snatched for their swords; those in the rear shouted encouragement;the fallen mankaatunut miesrolled and clasped his wounded arm,bellowingmylvienin outrage.
- HeHänstartedto<empty>bellowmylviäwith mirthilosta.
- BellowingMylvähdellenwith paintuskastaand leaving a bright trail of blood on the grass,the crazed animalvilliintynyt eläingalloped frantically towards its dead calf, over which Joseph and his mother were bending.
- He became sadder and sadder; presentlyhehänbegan to cry and wail, then to scream andbellowmylviäwith griefsurusta.
- No longer flailing with hideously encrusted, burnt and sinewed arms; no longerbellowingmylvienin furyraivostawith the steel trap jaws of some gigantic insect or machine.
- CranstonCranston, despite his befuddled wits, heard him out thenbellowedmylvivänin righteous indignationoikeamielisen tuohtuneena.
- Asher companionshänen toverinsabellowedmylvivätwith laughternaurusta, she tossed me aside.
- Some way ahead in the bushesa horsehevonenbellowedmylvi, and Cynan's angry voice roared defiance.
blare.v 🔎
- She walked up the path and rang the bell, and while she stood waiting she could hearthe televisiontelevisionblaringpauhaavaninsidesisällä.
- Withsirenssireenienblaringulvoessaand amber lights flashing, the squad cars slewed to a halt at the rear of a war-torn Cadillac.
- In early April, in fine spring weather, the miners went back to work, `their heads held high ``, withbrass bandstorvisoittokunnanblaringpauhatessaand ancient banners on display.
- He wasn't sure whetherthe klaxontorviblaredtoitottifirst or the perimeter floodlights snapped on, saturating the clearing with harsh blinding light.
- Scramble klaxonsEpävireisten torvienmust beonblaringpauhattavaon nearby Luftwaffe fieldsläheisillä ilmavoimien kentillä: Barton had no doubt of that.
- He was also asleep whena gramophonegramofoniblaredpauhasifrom the open window of a flat in the block across the waytien toisella puolella olevan asunnon avoimesta ikkunasta.
- SirensSireenitblaredulvoivatacross the chambersalin toisella puolella.
- The mist still limited visibility to less than a hundred yards andthe fog-hornsumutorvicontinuedto<empty>blareulvontaansaat regular intervals.
- THE TVTVwas<empty>blaringpauhasiin the cornernurkassa, displaying EastEnders in black and white.
- Somewhere behind hera horntorviblaredtoitotti.
- More trucks were arriving, many of them withsirenssireenienblaringulvoessa.
- Through open windows or balcony doors came the mingled sounds of pots clattering andtelevisionstelevisioidenblaringpauhu, an indication that most families were having their evening meal.
blast.v 🔎
- Clothes, newspapers and nameless rubbish littered the floor and over everythinga radioradioblastedpauhasiawayat fall strengthäänekkäästi.
- As keyboard player for the prolific Joey Negro, Andrew `Dog ``Livingstone often finds himself woken up bythe radio alarm clockradion herätyskello, jokablastingpauhasiouthis latest piano riffhänen viimeisintä pianoriffiään.
- The internal light came on andthe radioradioturned itself on andblastedpauhasioutheavy rock musicraskasta rockmusiikkiaat full volumetäydellä äänenvoimakkuudella.
- EverythingKaikkicame at you like a meteor,blastingpauhatenoutsoundääntäand colour and light.
- The driver of the traffic car I'd zipped past at 110 m.p.h. had clearly been convinced he'd been hallucinating since he didn't get on my tail withsirenssireenienblastingulvoessa.
bleat.v 🔎
- The goatVuohimayvoibleatmääkiäloudly and persistentlyäänekkäästi ja sinnikkäästiand may go off her food; she may jump other goats or be jumped by them.
- The `poor thingSe raukka``raised its tiny naked head and turned its blind eyes towards the only comfort it knew, which was the austere flank of Stour, andbleatedmääkionce more.
- The pupPentubleatedmääkiweaklyheikosti, and Privet dared at last to look at it.
- A very loud hooterErittäin äänekäs sireenistartedbleatingmääkiäfranticallyraivokkaasti, and made Robyn jump.
- The fog-hornSumutorvi, its sound now muffled by the houses, continuedto<empty>bleatmääkimistäat regular intervalssäännöllisin välein.
- It rarely speaks, though if frighteneditsemayvoibleatmääkiälike a goatkuin vuohi. some occasionally have goats' shanks and hooves as well.
- `If I see another slice of lambIminäshall<empty>bleatmääin.
- He was lifting up the lamb's head, pulling on its muzzle to makeitsenbleatmääkimään.
- OneYksiis alert andquietlyhiljaableatingmääkii: the others are lying crumpled in a heap of fluffy whiteness in the sunshine.
bray.v 🔎
- Corbett let it drop asthe trumpetstrumpetitbrayedulvoivatagain and royal serjeants-at-arms, staves in their hands, moved into the hall and began to impose order.
- I have never known the Scherzo sound so like a dashing tarantella, and the headlong pace for the finale inspired exuberant playing from the LPO players, withthe hornstorvienbrayingulvoessamagnificentlyupeasti.
- NathanNathanboomed andbrayedkiljuiso enthusiastically that his mother had to mop up a dribble of saliva that trickled out of the corner of his mouthniin innostuneesti, että hänen äitinsä täytyi pyyhkiä hänen suupielestään valunut sylki.
- Buta trumpettrumpettibrayedkiljuiout<empty>and Corbett, turning to look, felt the dagger whip by his cheek and clash against the pillar.
- But nowa donkeyaasibrayedkiljuiand the faint chant of women drifted with wood smoke from the town.
- Like a tortured donkey,the klaxontorvibrayedkiljuiits amplified signalvahvistettua signaaliaan.
- BillyBillybrayedkiljuiwith laughter at something Sooty had saidnaurusta jollekin, mitä Sooty oli sanonutas Yanto joined them.
- BalorBalorwas<empty>brayingulvoiin anger and painkiukusta ja tuskasta.
- `My old man always reckoned I was a blockhead, ``hehänexplained, andbrayedkiljuiwith laughter at his own jokenaurusta omalle vitsilleen.
- A muleMuulibeganto<empty>braykiljuain alarm and a Myrcan struck it at once with his staff until it fell silent, blood oozing from its nose.
- The nursesSairaanhoitajatbarking like hyenas,brayingulvoivatlike donkeyskuin aasit.
- They're a familiar sound -- police, ambulance, fire engine;electronic donkeyssähköaasienbrayingulvonta.
- The war drums throbbed, a muffled, far-carrying, never-ceasing sound that thrilled me to the core;the five-foot trumpetsviisijalkaiset trumpetitbrayedulvoivat.
- On shore, dogs marked andassesaasitbrayedkiljuivat: Sara could see the people outside their tumbledown houses and could hear the voices of women bargaining with traders.
- Benstede and Corbett then sat at the edge of a table directly beneath the great dais just asa chorus of trumpetstrumpettien kertosäebrayedulvahti.
- Barabb — babba-baaBarabb — babba-baathe buglestorvetbrayedtoitotttivat…
burble.v 🔎
- I enjoy my Stag most when it is loafing along in overdrive (the DIY box has longer legs than the automatic),exhaustpakokaasutburblingpulisevatas only a twin-pipe V8 can burblekuin vain kaksiputkinen V8 voi pulista.
- His infected lungsHänen tulehtuneet keuhkonsabeganto<empty>burblepulputtaaand froth with yellow fluid that choked his words of protest as they lowered him into the stone bath outside.
- The windTuuliburbledpulputtiat his ear like frantic drumming.
- Gaggia machinesGaggia-koneetburbledpulputtivaton marble barsmarmoritankoihin, new secretaries clicked across polished floors, uniformed valets twirled glass doors.
- The hotel runs a mini-bus and a jeep; the only other possible trafficareovatburblingpulputtavat70cc motorcycles70cc-moottoripyörät.
cackle.v 🔎
- WeMethen hit him over the head with the punt-pole and paddled off out of range of his piteously outstretched hands,cacklingkäkättäendemonicallyhurjastias he went down for the third time.
- Henry saw himself in the air, high above the sea and the shingle, spread out like a starfish,ElinorElinorinabove him,cacklingkäkättäenwildlyvillisti.
- SheHänfell back and pulled the blanket over her face,cacklingkäkättäenand wheezingwith delightilosta.
- Witch ElvesNoitahaltijatcackledkaakattivatand gibberedmaniacallymaanisesti.
- HeHäncackledkäkättias he told me of his plan.
- `You get wife now! ``interjected Jan andhehäncackledkäkättiwith laughternaurusta.
- But now, propped in his high-backed chair,hehäncackledkäkättiwith a malicious gleepahansuopaa riemua.
- In telling it,hehäncackledkäkättilike a corncrakekuin ruisrääkkäand waved his arms about.
- Two of the three remaining customers in the roomKaksi huoneen jäljellä olevista kolmesta asiakkaastacackledkäkättiwith delightilosta.
- The hensKanatclambered in,cacklingkäkättäenwith delight and greedilosta ja ahneudesta.
- While purists purse their lips in disgust,publishersjulkaisijatcacklekäkättävätwith gleeriemukkaasti.
- SheHänwiped her dripping, hooked nose, clasped her hands together andcackledkäkätti.
- With wide open beaksNokat aivan avoiminaboth birdsmolemmat linnutcackledkaakattivat--`Kek-kek-kek-kek-kek-kek ``'kaa-kaa-kaa-kaa-kaa-kaa'-- voices rising to an explosive crescendo.
- It was indeed amazing thatthe geesehanhetdid noteivätcacklekaakattaneet; that so many young people held their peace and denied themselves the self-importance of being known to possess a supreme secret.
caterwaul.v 🔎
- Two spayed females disputing a territorial boundaryKaksi steriloitua naarasta, jotka kiistelevät alueen rajoista,canvoivatcaterwaulmoukuaas dramatically as any `rutting tomsyhtä dramaattisesti kuin kiimainen kolli``.
- And I, it wasn't until afterwards I realized it wascatskissat, jotkacaterwaulingmoukuivat.
caw.v 🔎
- And that whentheynecawraakkuvatso stridentlyniin äänekkäästi, it's always a sign of impending death.
- He paused, letting the crowd dwell on the proverb (hearingthe rooksmustavaristencawraakkuvanabove his head).
- MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) --- Coincidence or commentary, songbirds warbled sweetly when Martina Hingis served, then quieted and letthe crowsvaristencawraakkuacrazilyhullustiwhen it was Lisa Raymond's turn.
- MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ---The crows on the roofKatolla olevat variksetcawedraakkuivatlike crazed duckskuin hullut ankat, the blowflies made a nuisance of themselves, and the searing sun turned the Australian Open courts into green griddles.
- CrowsVariksetcawedraakkuivatand circled; cicadas sang.
chatter.v 🔎
- A secretary on the newsdesk was typing,the wire room machinessähkehuoneen koneetchatterednakuttivatunattended, a few people sat with heads bent over telephones or newspapers.
- Wood-pigeonsSepelkyyhkytcrowd to the oaks at sundown,chatteringkurluttaenloudlyäänekkäästi``.
- Oshkosh reverberated with the sound of18 Wright Cyclone radial engines18 Wright Cyclone -radiaalimoottoreidenchatteringpapattaessaaway.
- The 5 speed Rover gearbox5-nopeuksinen Rover-vaihteistotends tochatterkalistawhen running light, but without hearing yours it is difficult to say if it is louder than normal.
- The early morning was cool andbirdslinnutstillchatteredräkättivätin the long grasses along the line.
cheep.v 🔎
- Five minutes later,the alarmhälytyswakes him again,cheepingpiipittäeninsistently like a mechanical birditsepintaisesti kuin mekaaninen lintu.
- Three tiny fluffy moor hen chicksKolme pientä, pörröistä liejukananpoikaa, `a sooty brood ``,cheepedpiipittiloudlyäänekkäästiand paddled for shelter beneath a pile of brush wood.
- Outside at the back a curlew piped, a lonely single sound, and among the weeds of the gardensparrowsvarpusetcheepedvisersivätand quarrelled in shrill bursts of noise.
chirp.v 🔎
- The road behind the tall wall was still quiet, but the birds were making up for it, their incessant repeated sounds rising to sudden random crescendos asthey allne kaikkichirpedvisersivätfiercely togetherrajusti yhdessä.
- A late puny lamb was tethered by a washing line andsparrowsvarpusetchirpedvisersivätpeevishlyäkäisesti.
- In through the open door cameMarco's parrotMarcon papukaijan,chirpingsirkuttavanmerrilyiloisesti.
- One time I was in the classroom, andmy sparrowvarpuseni, which had been sleeping in my pocket, suddenly woke up and beganchirpingsirkuttaaloudlyäänekkäästi.
- He went and fondledthe birdlinnun,whichjokachirpedvisersiand squeaked and nibbled his finger.
- Gail was calculating bills in the office behind the reception desk,her pocket calculatorhänen taskulaskimensachirpingsirittäessäeach time she touched its keys.
- The cricketsSirkatchirpedsirittivät, the stars pulsed, the experience was wiped clean.
- Althoughhehänonlychirpedvisersi, peedled and burped, he had the best lines in the film.
- At leastthe stereophonic crickets to provide atmospherestereofoniset sirkat toivat tunnelmaachirpedsirittämälläto orderkuin tilaustyönä.
chuckle.v 🔎
- DoyleDoylechuckledhykertelithen left her to serve a customer.
- HeHänchuckledhykerteliquietlyhiljaaand set off towards the feeding animals.
- Cassie hissed, andJohnnyJohnnychuckledhykerteliappreciativelyarvostavasti.
- HeHänchuckledhykerteliinwardly, thinking that maybe the boy was not altogether lost to him.
- ChucklingHykerrellenwickedlyvillisti,hehänthrust them into his waistcoat pocket, collected the lamp from the desk top, and quietly departed the room.
- NancyNancychuckledhykerteliand, now that he was outside in the daylight, in the open air, it seemed almost ridiculous to himself.
- IMinächuckledhykertelinwith pleasuremielihyvästä.
- The handsome old manKomea vanha mieschuckledhykerteliin childish vanitylapsellisen turhamaisena.
- HeHänchuckledhykerteliat the recollectionmuistikuvalle.
- HeHänbeamed andchuckledhykerteli.
- SheHänwhisked out,chucklinghykerrellen.
- But even asshehänchuckledhykerteli, Phoebe knew now that this was not fair.
clack.v 🔎
- A typewriterKirjoituskoneclackedkolisiaway as an aide took a lawyer's statement about a land dispute, one of dozens the police station has handled.
- By afternoontheir Geiger counterheidän Geiger-mittarinsaclackedkolisioff the scaleasteikon ulkopuolelleas a 100-by-30-mile (160-by-48 kilometer) blanket of radioactivity arrived.
- Theclackingkolinain the next room had stopped.
- As one,the six typewriterskuusi konekirjoittajaabeganclackingnakutellaagain, not perhaps quite so loudly as their operators strained to hear the rest of the conversation.
clang.v 🔎
- ItSeclangedkalahtiurgentlykiireisesti, like a fire-engine dashing towards a disaster, like the ambulance thundering along behind to retrieve the bodies.
- The bellKelloswung round,clanginghelkähtäenand reverberating.
- Thunderous knocks hit the door downstairs,the bellkelloclangedhelkähtiand clanged.
- A handbell in the Bishop's fistPiispan nyrkissä oleva käsikelloclangedhelkähtilike a ship's bellkuin laivan kello.
- She lay down, and he drifted off, and five minutes laterthe central heatingkeskuslämmityswas hissing andclangingkolisilike a forgekuin takomo.
- The car shifted, andsomethingjokinclangedkolahti.
clash.v 🔎
- The letterboxPostiluukkuclashedkalahtiand no letters came.
- Brings the wolves running -- bringsthe steel trapsteräsansatclashingkalahtamaanand slavering,
clatter.v 🔎
- Outsidethe craneskurjetclatteredkolistelivaton.
- FootstepsAskeleetclatteredkopisivatand a shadow came from the right of me.
- Wherever she wasthe telexesteleksitwould<empty>clatterkolisivatwith instructions for Moira based on either what she had seen or read.
- A massive, antiquated fanValtava, vanhanaikainen tuuletinwhirred andclatteredkolisiin the corner of the office, turning on its metal stem, examining them one by one.
- Two of the men flung themselves down on a bench,scabbardsmiekan tuppienclatteringkalistessa, while the third strode forward, kicking Isabel's abandoned bucket out of his path.
click.v 🔎
- The camerasKameratstartedclickingnapsahdellathe second they stepped out of the helicopter, and their progress to the main airfield building was comparable to running the gauntlet.
- She stared down at the crumpled bed asthe dooroviclickednaksahtiquietlyhiljaabehind him, and then buried her face miserably into the pillow.
- Carey's reelCareyn rullaclickednapsahtislowlyhitaasti, then stopped.
- His kneesHänen polvensaclickednaksuivatwhen he went up and down stairs.
- The telephonePuhelinkept onclickingnapsahteluaanas they took recordings.
- He turned the key and heardthe locklukonclicknaksahtavanbefore pulling out the stiff drawer to discover it was full of papers.
coo.v 🔎
- How deeply she'd slept she didn't appreciate until she woke to the remote hoot of river traffic, and the sound ofa pigeonkyyhkysencooingkujerruksenrhythmicallyrytmikkäänjust outside the window.
- He had rejoiced in its glossy purplish midsummer beauty which had shelteredthe gentle ring-doves thatherkkiä naurukyyhkyjä, jotkacooedkujersivatamong its branches.
- The taffeta rustled as it received the pricking needle, hissed as she pulled the thread through; out of sightpigeonskyyhkysetchortled andcooedkujersivaton the roof.
- And, according to the radio,doveskyyhkysetwere<empty>cooingkujersivatin the Kremlin.
- Immediatelythe pigeonskyyhkysetbegan to strut and flutter out, billing andcooingkujertaawith pleasuremielihyvästä.
- After recovering from an attack of shallow breathing he recovered and one nurse saidhehänenwas smiling andcooingjokeltavanin his cot.
cough.v 🔎
- SheHäncoughedyskäisia littlehiukan,with paintuskasta.
- The orchestraOrkesteriwere coming back to their places,coughingyskienloudlyäänekkäästito display their discretion.
- HeHäninsinuated himself between the shells of his captors andcoughedyskiloudlyäänekkäästi.
- HeHänstopped andcoughedyskäisideliberatelytarkoituksella, then took a breath.
- Oryousinäcan simply sabotage the thing bycoughingyskimälläloudlyäänekkäästiand exploding all over the place and then of course they simply can't use it.
- HeHäncoughedyskibadlyrajusti, he trembled and his eyes were bloodshot.
- SheHänsmoked her cigarette very slowly, trying notto<empty>coughyskimättäand thinking of all the things she was going to do.
- A young constableNuori konstaapelicoughedyskäisiwith embarrassmentnolostuneena.
- The steam gets to my throat andIminäcoughyskin.
- A sob caught his throat andhehäncoughedyskäisito mask it.
- HeHäncoughedyskäisito clear his throat of the taste of the smoke.
creak.v 🔎
- Leaning back so thatthe chairtuolicreakednarahtialarminglyhälyttävästi, he held her watch up, dangling it to and fro by the strap, his expression neutral.
- `Yes, we're consulting quite closely, ``Dr Greene nodded,his swivel chairhänen työtuolinsacreakingnarahtaenimportantlytärkeästias he rocked his rather bulky body slowly back and forthhänen keinuttaessa kookasta vartaloaan hitaasti eteen ja taakse.
- The chairTuolicreakednarahtialarminglyhälyttävästiunder his weighthänen painostaan.
- It wasa rather rickety affair thatmelko hutera kapistus, jokacreakednarahtiembarrassinglynolostiwhen I sat down in it and ever after when I movedistuessani siihen ja myös liikkuessani.
- The chairTuolicreakednarahtislightlykevyesti.
- TheyHecreaknatisevatonly slightlyvain vähänas they openkun ne avautuvat.
- We went slowly through them in low gear, rolling like a ship in a heavy sea,our rigging of ropesköysitakilamme, which lashed all the bags in place,creakingnatisiloudlyäänekkäästi.
- Loose boardsIrralliset lattialaudatwill<empty>creaknatisevatannoyinglyärsyttävästias you walk over themkävellessäsi niiden päällä, and raised edges or pronounced warping may show as lines through your new floorcovering.
- It smelled of age rather than leather when he lowered himself on to it, rising dust spoiling the air,the material itselfitse materiaalincreakingnatistessadrylykuivasti.
- His mother would sit with him, knitting, occupyinga rocking chair whichkeinutuolin, jokacreakednitisiregularlysäännöllisestias she moved ithänen liikuttaessaan sitä.
- The pewPenkkicreakednarahtiwhen Keith sat downKeithin istuessa alas, and Stella looked across the aisle.
- His shellHänen kuorensabeganto<empty>creakmurtuaand shake.
- No-one was certain if any hanging had really taken place but on cold, windy nightsthe treepuuwould<empty>creaknatisiand moan, startling those who happened to be passing by.
- Roadsare congested,ruuhkaisia,bridgessillatcreaknatisevatand sewers seep.
- The great wooden chaletSuuri puinen mökkicreakednatisiand resonatedlike a galleon in full sailkuin kaljuuna täysissä purjeissa.
- The treesPuutcreaknatisevatand sigh.
- Around him,sleepersnukkujatcreakednatisivatand girders groaned as they took the weight of the approaching train.
- I sat down on Frank's bed anditsecreakednarahtiand sagged.
- `We keep a welcome for all, ``said Francie inhis voice whichäänellään, jokacreakednarisithrough lack of usekäytön puutteesta.
- He started to come up the stairs,the boardslautojencreakingnatistessaunder his weighthänen painonsa alla, and Danielle braced herself, determined not to do anything that could annoy or upset him.
- A loose sheet of metal on the roof of a shed down the railway lineRautatien luona olevan vajan katolla oleva irrallinen metallilevyflapped andcreakednarisiin a puff of pre-dawn windaamunkoitteen tuulenpuuskassa.
- In the field a bit clinked in a horse's mouth,a saddlesatulacreakednarisiunder the rider's weightratsastajan painon alla.
- Above me,the gaily painted signs of the taverns and food shopstavernojen ja ruokakauppojen kirkkaasti maalatut kyltitcreakednarisivatin the windtuulessaand mocked my hunger.
- Stairs of dark wood curved up from the hall, andthe old treadsvanhat askeleetcreakednarisivatunder their combined weightniiden yhteisen painon alla.
- IvanIvantoppled towards me,creakingnaristenlike a rusty hingekuin ruosteinen sarana.
- The old houseVanha talocreakednatisiin its jointsliitoksissaanlike an old dog settling down for the nightkuin vanha koira, joka asettautui yöpuulle.
- Dexter watched the shadows of the trees play over the panels of the door of the kiosk asitsecreakednarahtishut behind Blanche.
croak.v 🔎
- The frogsSammakotsettled in the shade,croakingkurnuttaenhappilyonnellisina, and gulping flies.
- As it disappeared into the overhanging sessile oak wood,a large and heavy corvinesuuri ja painava varislintuflew across,croakingraakkuenfruitilymatalasti.
- `Are you -- ``she began, but before she could finish,the little frogpieni sammakkowas leaping up and down, nodding its head andcroakingkurnuttiso loudly that the girls were afraid someone would hearniin äänekkäästi, että tytöt pelkäsivät jonkun kuulevan.
- IMinä'm<empty>croakingkurnutanlike a frogkuin sammakko.
- One frogYksi sammakkocroakedkurnutti, and then another, and then they couldn't hear each other speak.
- Nobody would hear them fucking withall those frogskaikkien niiden sammakoidencroakingkurnuttaessa, that was the idea.
- The ducks began quacking andthe frogssammakotcroakingkurnuttaa.
croon.v 🔎
- People began to dance asthe female vocalistnaislaulajacroonedhyräilismoky bluessavuista bluesiainto the microphone, almost kissing it.
- Somewhere in a room above them,a womannainengentlyhiljaacroonedhyräilithe tune of a lullabytuutulaulua.
- On the jukebox,the Ink SpotsInk Spotswere<empty>crooninghyräili`Don't Get Around Much Any More.laulua Don't Get Around Much Any More.'
crunch.v 🔎
- The air was cold andthe snowlumicrunchednarskuias we walkedkävellessämme.
- GravelSoracrunchednarskuiand a large coniferous variety of evergreen-layered tree waved the path forward as clear.
- We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep, andthe snowlumicrunchesnarskuuin that beautiful cold waysillä kaunilla kylmällä tavalla.
- Sugar grainsSokerirakeetcrunchedrouskuivatand grittedon the tablepöydälläbeneath itsen alla.
- The frosty groundHuurteinen maacrunchednarskuiunder his bootshänen saappaidensa alla.
- As she stepped,slivers of glasslasinsirpaleetcracked andcrunchedrouskuivatbeneath her feethänen jalkojensa alla.
- More glass covered the road; she hearditsencrunchingrouskuvanbeneath the tyresrenkaiden alla.
drone.v 🔎
- I failed to play a tape throughout the weekend of adrillporanrelentlesslyjatkuvastidroninghuristessaaway in some shelfless room out of sight.
- Somewhere high up in the cloudless sky, hidden by the leafy canopy,an aeroplanelentokonedronedhurisilazilylaiskasti, the sound mirrored closer at hand by the drowsy noise of insects.
- There had never been much of a garden, only the rhododendrons flowering red and pink and lilac, wherebeesmehiläisetdronedsurisivathappilyonnellisina.
- They were all playing a singing game when they became aware ofan aeroplanelentokoneendroninghurinastaoverhead.
- The organToimielindronedjaarittelion.
- He worked up a cabal againstpoor old Professor Litmus, who taught statistics and never did anyone any harmvanhaa professori Litmus-raukkaa, joka opetti tilastotieteitä eikä koskaan tehnyt kenellekään pahaa, butdronedjaarittelion, and on, and at least never minded when his students slept.
- Yet theconversationskeskustelutdronedjaarittelivaton, undiminished.
- DeirdreDeirdrewas plainly upset andwould haveolisidronedjaaritelluton indefinitely if Fred hadn't shut her up.
- The insectsHyönteisetbuzzed, whined, hummed, stridulated anddronedsurisivatas the air grew warmer in the sunset.
fizzle.v 🔎
- Certainly, the illness would have given me plenty of opportunities to makestrings of fireworksilotulitussarjojafizzlesihisemäänand explode in bright, whirling wheels of sulphurous pain in and behind Miller's word-jellied eyeballs.
- The rocketRakettifizzledsihisi, and shot through him, exploding against the gallows on the other side of the square.
gasp.v 🔎
- Iminäcame up into the airgaspinghenkäistendeeplysyvään, panting, aching lungs swelling, feeling a rush of suppressed terror, clinging onto the curtain in a shaky state.
- Twigs hindered him ashehängaspedhuohottiand struggled backward out of the thicket, which felt all at once like a trap.
- SheHängaspedhenkäisias he yanked her closer.
- HeHänfrowned as the waiter hesitated, thengaspedhenkäisiwith shockshokistaas the man, his nerve gone, fled away from the room.
- ThessyThessygaspedhenkäisiat such blasphemysellaiselle rienaukselle, while I scowled at Ellen's blackmail.
- SheHängaspedhenkäisiin amazementhämmästyksestä.
- SheHänlooked at the baby andgaspedhenkäisiwith surpriseyllättyneenä.
- At summer temperatures the major water quality problem is due to a lack of dissolved oxygen which results in thefishkalatgaspinghaukkovat henkeäat the water surface, showing rapid gill movements and, in severe cases, dying.
- He let out a deep, hungry growl asshehänbucked andgaspedhenkäisifrom the shocking sensationshokeeraavasta tunteesta, her eyes like a frightened doe's.
- The icy stream took her breath away andshehängaspedhenkäisias the water poured through her hair and ran down her face.
- The Villa Faalifu was set on the edge of Tala-Tala, and the sight of its opulent exterior almost leftmeminutgaspinghaukkomaan henkeä.
- He took her by the shoulders suddenly, his expression so fierce thatRobynRobyngaspedhaukkoi henkeään.
giggle.v 🔎
- His laconic comment was `Nearly got that one, ``whilethe petrified Kingtonjähmettynyt Kingtongiggledkikattinervouslyhermostuneesti.
- SheHängiggledkikattiand then began to laugh.
- The twitching grew, a bubble of laughter burgeoning inside her, andshehänbegan togigglekikattaa, trying desperately to hide her mouth with her hand.
- He burst into a loud peal of laughter, the Irishman grinned sheepishly andIminägiggledtirskuin.
- The voiceÄänigiggledhihitti, the phone went dead.
gobble.v 🔎
- But when Nick said, coaxingly, `They're all for you, Mister Johnny, ``hehäncame forward slowly, smiling his lop-sided smile andgobblingkaakattaensoftly with pleasurepehmeästi mielihyvästä.
- SheHängobbledkaakattiand gabbled in the mornings -- that was to do with her teeth, not very pretty either.
- His interest is in pricking Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin into bristling at each other with wattles glowing scarlet andthroatskurkkujengobblingkaakattaessarageraivoa.
growl.v 🔎
- ItSeopened its mouth,growlingmuristendeep in its throatsyvällä kurkussaanin a display of wickedly sharp teeth.
- The LabradorLabradorinnoutajagrowledmurisisoftlypehmeästiin his throatkurkussaanand she put a restraining hand on his collar, glad of his company.
- He pokedthe little dogpientä koiraa,whojokagrowledärähtishrillykimakasti.
- Outside,the stormmyrskywas<empty>growlingjylisiand whistlingas loudly as everäänekkäämmin kuin koskaan.
- But, when he gets too close to any doghehängrowlsmuriseeand barks.
- The new puppy is very timid with strangers but now she is old enough to go out for walks, we have foundsheseis<empty>growlingmuriseeat other dogsmuille koirille.
- GrowlingMuriseminenlike a mother catemokissan laillamay make a cat owner feel ridiculous, but if it helps to restrain a cat from tearing at a valuable chair, it is well worth a try.
- Hector the dogHector-koiragrowledmurisiunder his breathhengityksensä alta, shifting a little and eyeing her.
- Then the train went into reverse,motorsmoottoriengrowlingärjyessä, occupants groaning, and trundled slowly back through the squalls of rain, passing Maryhill and looping down through Anniesland and over Great Western Road.
- He flinched nervously asBuddieBuddiegrowledmurisito gather phlegm into his throat, lifted the lid off the stove and spat on to the hot coals.
- Other fishMuut kalatthump, drum or evengrowlmurisevatto warn off intruders.
grunt.v 🔎
- ZambiaZambiagruntedmurahtiuncomfortablyepämukavastiand sat down on one of the couches.
- His eyes were squeezed tight in agony, andhe and the other three men locked in the shaftshän ja kolme muuta kuiluun lukittua miestägruntedmurahtelivatloudlyäänekkäästiwith exertionponnistuksestaas they strove to get the heavy carts rolling again.
- Iminägave it all I had and,gruntingmuristenloudly enough to raise the deadtarpeeksi äänekkääksi, jotta kuolleetkin heräisivät, I achieved 3 metres 25cm.
- HeHängruntsmurahteleeand groanswith the effortponnistuksesta.
- This animalTämä eläinhad begunto<empty>gruntmuristaand go off her milk two days ago and when I had seen her yesterday I had flirted from one possibility to the other.
- And even the most hardened cynic must agree that lying down with your eyes closed listening to music is a lot more appealing thangruntingmurinaand straining over a set of weights in your local sports centre.
- Occasionallyhehängruntedmurahtelior coughed.
- After staring around andgruntingmurahdeltuaana lotpaljon,SpunkSpunkreflexively saved a drunken girl from being roughed up in a sidewalk fracas outside a singles' bar.
- The bowlerKeilaajaapproached andgruntedmurahtiwith effortponnistuksestaas he released the ball.
- HeHängruntedmurahtiwith annoyanceärtymyksestäand sat down in the sparse grass with his back to the worn stone and let the meagre sun warm him.
- Swarms of bats appeared over our camp at sunset, andhipposvirtahevotgruntedröhkäisivätlike pigskuin porsaatat intervals throughout the night.
- GeorgeGeorgeignored the sly threat and justgruntedmurahti.
guffaw.v 🔎
- HeHänguffawedhohottiloudlyäänekkäästi, displaying good teeth and a tongue that had remained healthy in spite of poor diet.
- Offtheynewent raspberrying,guffawinghekotellenand swearing in between snatches of song, just like the IXth Legion but drier.
- They allHe kaikkiguffawedhekottivatat thatsille, with the exception of Maggie who nevertheless found it funny.
- SlaterSlaterlaughed, pointing andguffawinghekotellenat what Graham had writtensille, mitä Graham oli kirjoittanut.
- The signalmanViestittäjäguffawedhekotteliat his own punchlineomalle vitsilleenthen disappeared from view, closing the window after him.
- I regarded with distastea group of sleek young yuppies in city suitsryhmän sliipattuja nuoria juppeja kaupunkipuvuissa,guffawinghekotellen.
- How often we have witnessed such hubris, andhow loudlymiten äänekkäästiwemehaveolemmeguffawedhekotelleet.
- For the first time in what seemed an age to him,hehänwanted not only to laugh butto<empty>guffawhirnua,like he used to do when Harry or Martin came out with something funnyniin kuin hän teki, kun Harry tai Martin keksivät jotakin hauskaa.
- To her amazementhehänguffawedhohotti.
gurgle.v 🔎
- HeHängurgledkurisiunpleasantlyepämiellyttävästi, and then knelt awkwardly on the planking.
- He made funny faces to amuse her, and when she smiled at his antics he would go on to tickle her toes untilshehängurgledjokelsihappilyonnellisena.
- Painted in sunburst yellow, it hasa huge enginevaltava moottori, jokagurglingpulputtaainsidesisäpuolella.
- CisternsSäiliötwere belching andgurglingpulputtivatnear by and a tap on the wall dripped into a bucket with a deep musical note.
- The babeVauvalay to his other side,gurglingjokellellensoftlypehmeästiin a simple cotyksinkertaisessa kehdossa, its fat arms raised as if to pluck the music from the air with its tiny hands.
- The babyVauvagurgledjokelsiand smiled and Ruth's heart tore in two.
- `That's the bathroom, ``he said, vaguely indicating a door to the right behind which, we were to discover,an array of ancient pipeworkjoukko ikivanhoja putkiagurgledpulputtiand glugged.
- Outside,the rainsadegurgledlorisiin shining gutterskiiltävissä ränneissä.
- Beyond the perimeter wall ran a vein of the Bradford Beck,its filthy waterssen likaiset vedetgurglingpulputtavatbelow groundmaan allabefore breaking free for some distance to pass Old Ashfield's wooded hillside.
- Blood drummed in her ears,bloodverigurgledpulputtilike vomitkuin oksennusin her throathänen kurkussaan, blood splashed in bright globules against the retinas of her closed eyes.
- HeHänflopped on to his back,gurgledjokeltaenlike a sleeping infantkuin nukkuva vauva, then opened his eyes.
- To her ears the pattering and shshing ofthe watervedengurglingpulputtaessain drainsviemäreissäsounded like a sort of singing every now and then, an aural counterpart to her inward calling his name, calling him to her.
- Ana's sweet, clear voiceAnan kaunis, selkeä äänigurgledsolisiwith laughternauraen.
hawk.v 🔎
- HeHänrested one foot on the fence and leant forward,hawkingkakistellenloudlyäänekkäästi, sending a projectile of sputum into the river below.
- TheyHewere smoking cigars,hawkingkakistelivatand spitting and shaking hands with friends or associates.
- HeHänhawkedrykiphlegm, and started again.
hiss.v 🔎
- Takeaway business was brisk andthe espresso machineespressokonehowled andhissedsihisialmost constantlylähes jatkuvastifor a steady traffic of hard-looking, fast-talking men with tattoos and torn jeans.
- The airIlmahissedsihisislightlykevyestias the Tuthanach whirled slings.
- At every third strokehehänran the brush over the teeth of the curry comb with a shimmering, rasping sound,hissingsähistengentlyhiljaathrough his teethhampaidensa välistäall the time.
- Black steam-pipesMustat höyryputketcriss-cross the 1,000 acres as they always have done,hissingpihistenhere and there through open valvessiellä täällä avointen venttiilien kautta.
- The faceless ones knew the villain had been introduced andtheyhewanted tohisssihistäand boo.
- The rockKalliohissedsihahteliand cracked; here and there a stone flew up, and the steam rose like smoke.
- Oncethe machinekonewas<empty>hissingpihisiand the aroma of coffee was spreading through the flat Rain tossed her bag on the couch, kicked off her sandals and opened the doors to the garden.
- He raged at the futility of it, and shouted for help ashis bladehänen teränsähissedsihahteliand crunched, but his arms were tiring and he could feel blood running down inside his tunic.
- The steakPihviwas<empty>hissingsihisiin the frying panpaistinpannullaand he was slicing Chinese leaf on the kitchen table when the doorbell rang.
- Markby sat glowering atthe gas firekaasuliekkiä,which had dulled its bright flames andhissedsihahteliin a soft insistent waypehmeän itsepintaisella tavalla.
- Butshehändid not answer him, only bent and lowered herself into the water,hissingpuhistenas the coldness burned into the wound, a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash.
- ItSehissessihiseelike a snakekuin käärme, growls like a carnivore and snaps out at its tormenter.
- He reached for the door control andthe locklukkohissedpihisiwith the release of compressed air.
- HeHänscrambled to his feet, throwing his cloak aside andhissingpuhistenat the stiff pain of his collarbonesolisluunsa kovalle kivulle.
- GesellGesellhissedsihisithrough his teethhampaidensa välistä.
hoot.v 🔎
- `There is an old saying that every timean owlpöllöhootshuhuileea woman has been unfaithful, ``she added, lifting the candlestick and looking round.
- The first time Wexford noticed this -- she was then about six --hehänalmosthootednauroialoudääneen, so grotesque was the likeness between this exquisite piece of doll's flesh and her gross progenitor.
- VicVichootshuhuileeimpatiently at the barrier; the security man's face appears at the window and flashes an ingratiating smile.
- An owlPöllöhootedhuhuilisomewherejossakin.
- Beyond,the post vanpostiautohootedtööttäsiindignantlynärkästyneenä.
- The other homeward traffic rushed past them;one or two carsyksi tai kaksi autoahootedtööttäsi,because Kev had stopped in a very awkward spot for anyone to pass.
- The owlsPöllöthootedhuhuilivatin Highgate, in Wimbledon, in DulwichHighgatessa, Wimbledonissa, Dulwichissä.
- Lee and LeslieLee ja Lesliebeganhootingnauraawith gleeriemukkaasti.
- A carAutohootedtööttäsibehind themheidän takanaan.
- DelegatesValtuutetuthootedhuusivatin disgustinhostaor yanked up their ties to imitate nooses.
- Half out of her dress,shehänhootednauroiwith amusementhuvittuneena.
- The Doctor looked around from under the stairwell whenthe alarmhälytysbeganhootingulvoa, but saw nothing.
- His drinking buddiesHänen ryyppykaverinsacheered andhootednauroivat.
- Then we realised the mistake was ours: we were heading down one of Madeira's ordinary roads, withcarsautojenhootingtöötätessäto overtake on both sides.
howl.v 🔎
- The windTuulihowledulvoilouderäänekkäämminas she climbed.
- A familiar but still timid stray catTuttu mutta silti pelokas kulkukissapeered at him from beneath a blackcurrant bush andhowledulisipiteouslysurkeasti.
- The dog got over-excited and took exception to one of the chefs and had to be shut in the barn wherehesehowledulisimournfully enough to wake the deadtarpeeksi surumielisesti, jotta kuolleetkin heräisivät.
- The younger onesNuoremmat, especially, sat in the church hallhowlingulistenmiserablysurkeasti, waiting to be claimed.
- But he is not master ofthe weather thatsäätä, jokahowlsulvoooutside.
- Before the two note ding-dong had faded,a babyvauvahad started tohowlulvoainside.
- She looked at Mairi, who happened to glance over and catch her eye; andthe womannainenhowledulvoiand started to moan at the very sight of the wee lass.
- SomewhereJossakina dogkoirahowledulvoiand Corbett shuddered.
- The dogsKoirathowlulisivatand whine at first, then realize that they have finished for the day.
- The speaker behind my left earVasemman korvani takana oleva kaiutinstarts tohowlulistaand barklike a dogkuin koira, and the room shakes with the vibration of rock rhythms.
- They walked on all fours, preferred a diet of raw meat,theynehowledulvoivatlike wolveskuin sudetand lacked any form of speech.
- HeHänwantedto<empty>howlulistalike a dogkuin koiraand hear the echoes all around him.
- SheHänhowledulvoiin simulated anguishteeskenneltyä tuskaa, and groaned her lament.
- Outside,the stormmyrskyhowledulvoiabout the houseas though a pack of wild wolves were trying to get inkuin lauma villejä susia, jotka yrittivät päästä sisään.
- Grom, having overcome his initial surprise,Grom, päästyään alkuhämmästyksensä yli,howledulvoiwith pain and angerkivusta ja kiukustabefore he was overcome by the fumes.
- HeHänhowledulvoiin paintuskissaan, the sound lost as the train hurtled into a tunnel.
- Thenhehänwas running down the office,howlingulistenlike a bereaved dogkuin sureva koira.
- The dogsKoirathowledulvoivatin the villagekylässäall that night, and Dai Huang's daughter could not sleep.
- The soldierSotilashowledulvoiin agonytuskissaanand staggered back, dropping his own weapon to clutch at the gaping cut that had opened his arm to the bone.
- In the distance,predatorspedothowledulvoivat, wolf to coyote, mutant to mongrel.
- We were side-slipping, starboard wing down, falling to earth withour enginesmoottoreidemmehowlingulvoessa.
- Somewherea babyvauvahowledulvoi.
- Occasionally, they hearda pack of jackalssakaalilaumanhowlingulvovan, and the dog guarding the sheep outside would growl and bark a warning to them.
- Gustave washed his face in a canvas pail;a jackalsakaalihowledulvoi; he smoked a pipe.
hum.v 🔎
- HeHänstartedto<empty>humhyräilläthrough his nosenenänsä kautta.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>humhyräilläa tunesäveltä, dissociating himself, rolling a cigarette with easy movements.
- NobodyKukaan eiwas allowedto<empty>humhyräillä, or whistle or listen to music, either, because the merchant thought that people should save their breath the way they saved their money.
- She sighs, and sometimesshehänhumshyräileea littlehiukan, and then she is silent because she is standing by the window looking out on the yard and turning the rings on her finger round and round.
- To begin with she heard nothing to justify her fright, and got as far as the staircase between floors beforethe lifthissibeganto<empty>humsurista.
- One of thethree khthonskolmesta ktoonisesta jumalastabeganto<empty>humhymistäa sorrowful melodysurullista melodiaa.
keen.v 🔎
- It was a Balkan wake, withblack-scarved womenmusta-arpisen naisenkeeninglaulaessa itkuvirttäand strapping soldiers in uniform weeping openly.
- OthersMuutwailed andkeenedlauloivat itkuvirttä, as friends and relatives propped them up.
mew.v 🔎
- A girl emerged from the dairy with a pan of milk and was instantly surrounded bythe stable catstallikissat jotka,mewingnaukuivatpleadinglyanelevastias though they had not caught a single mouse for days.
- Behind him, pathetically,TibblesTibblesmewednaukuiin the halleteisessä.
- Ecstatic,the boypoikatried on one mask after another, roaring like a lion ormewingmaukuenlike a catkuin kissa.
- Ruthven cradled his cat and stroked the back of its head, his hand moving faster and faster across the animal's fur untilitsestirred restlessly andmewednaukuiin protestvastalauseena.
- The catKissamewednaukui, not soundlessly this time.
mewl.v 🔎
- The truck-sized stone Ars Gratia Artis lion on the roofRekankokoinen kivi Ars Gratia Artis leijona katollamewledmaukuiand leaped for a safer perch.
moan.v 🔎
- HeHänwas still conscious andwas<empty>moaningvoihkiloudlyäänekkäästi, his head moving from side to side.
- And then, just after I'd fallen asleep, as I thought, there wasthe damned organne pirun urutmoaningvaikersivataway and it was 6 a.m. again.
- HeHänmoanedvaikersialoudääneenand rolled his eyes to the ceiling.
- Emilia's face was white almost as the snow, butshehänwas conscious andmoaningvoihkinow.
- HeHäncupped her face in his hands,moaningvaikertaensoftlypehmeästias he drew her resisting body towards him.
- They boundthe restaurant ownerravintolan omistajan,whojotkamoanedvaikersifeeblyvaimeastiand thrashed about a bit; then with Lambert's aid they hoisted him to the high seat.
- The blood raced through her, she heardherselfitsensämoanvaikertavanhoarselykäheästi, shaking, her mouth opening hungrily, and then she felt the fear whirl up inside her like a typhoon.
- He stared at the ice-covered ground and half listened tothe cold windkylmän tuulenmoaningvaikertavangentlyhiljaaamongst the treespuissa.
- Witha bitter windPurevan tuulenmoaningvaikertaessaat her backhänen selkäänsä, and the candles flickering smokily about her, she prayed for her husband's divine deliverance.
- A ship's sirenLaivan sireenimoanedulvoifrom down riverjoen alajuoksulta.
- We found a solitary gasolene pump and got the owner of it up from his couch of rags in akennel-like shelter of tin and packing cases thattönömäiseen suojaan tina- ja pakkauslaatikoita, jotkarattled andmoanedvaikersivatin the fitful windpuuskittaisessa tuulessa.
- CattleKarjamoanedvaikersiin the stallstalleissa.
- Ruth tried not to show her terror whenthe timbershirretcreaked andmoanedvaikersivatlike tormented spiritskuin piinatut hengetand she could hear the waves breaking on the deck above them.
- Then with a renewed effort I managed to getitsento<empty>moanvaikertamaanlike a person in painkuin ihmisen tuskissaan.
- After missing in a flat calm against the French, it was typical of Hastings that he succeeded in a gale which madethe Murrayfield goal-postsMurrayfieldin maalintolpatmoanvaikertamaanlike a didgeridookuin didgeridoo.
moo.v 🔎
- Butthe cowslehmät, packed closely side-by-side across the narrow lane, moved towards her,mooingammuivatand shaking their horned heads.
- One of the cowsYksi lehmistämooedammuias she passed their field.
- `It said --, Sacco took a deep breath, his eyes bulged, and he attemptedthe foghornsumutorvenmooingammuntaathat was human sound: ``Bbbllllooooooooddddyyyee kkiiiddddddssss! ``
- In the dark officethe humanihminenawoke,mooedammuifor a while, and tried to jerk free of the cobweb of wires that held it down.
- For them, it must be almost a relief to walk around listening to the cocks crowing orthe cowslehmienmooingammuntaa-- it must help to keep them sane.
neigh.v 🔎
- NeighingHirnahtaenindignantlynärkästyneenäat having his feast interruptedherkkuhetkensä keskeyttämisestä, Joe was led out of the orchard and mounted by Cheryl, whose turn it was to ride.
- HeHänneighedhirnahtiseveral timesin a very intelligent, gentle wayerittäin älykkäällä ja hellällä tavalla, and I almost wondered if he was speaking in his own language.
- The sailors all laughed at me becauseIminäwalked andneighedhirnuinlike a horsekuin hevonen.
- As we pulled through a grove of bedraggled trees,the horsehevonenshied violently and stood up on its hind legs,neighinghirnuen, between the shafts, so that we were tipped backwards.
- The piping stopped abruptly anda horsehevonenneighedhirnui.
patter.v 🔎
- A small fountainPieni suihkulähdepatteredsolisigentlyhiljaain the big reception hall.
peal.v 🔎
- Julia was about to descend to the kitchen whenthe bellkellopealedsoiagain.
- The doorbellOvikellopealedsoiand Julia shot upstairs from the basement, flung herself through the green baize door and then walked slowly and decorously across the black and white tiled hall.
- KatherineKatherinepealedremahti nauruunin delightilosta.
- And in answer,the main bellpääkellohigh on the kitchen wall beganto<empty>pealkilistä.
plash.v 🔎
- There was only the sound ofthe fountainsuihkulähteenplashingloiskahtelevaaway.
- Lounging putti watchfountainssuihkulähteidenplashloiskuvanin the parterre, and there is a huge leafy pillbox through whose massive walls you fight to come upon a hushed round pond with lilies and a boat.
plop.v 🔎
- One after the other, thebubbleskuplatploppoksahtavatand the rough edges sizzle back just like they're being eaten away by invisible acid.
purr.v 🔎
- The enginesMoottoreistabecame quieter,purringkehräsivätquite ordinarilymelko tavallisestias they approached these resting places.
- The engineMoottoripurredkehräsithroatilykäheästi, doors clunked with glamorous solidity, the car felt luxurious and astronomically expensive.
- PurringKehrätenloudlyäänekkäästi,CasCaspadded towards her, tail erect, bright green eyes unblinking.
- The MercedesMercedesbeganto<empty>purrkehrätäsoftlypehmeästiand then swept powerfully away into the streets of Amsterdam.
- Juliet followed her into the house, andthe catkissapurredkehräsiloudlyäänekkäästi, rubbing against her legs.
- HeHänstepped on to my lap and began to tread my crotch,purringkehrätenloudlyäänekkäästi.
- `It probably is a sign of contentment, but we also know thatcatskissatpurrkehräävätwhen they're under stress, ``says one expert.
- A kittenKissanpentu, deprived of its own mother and reared by people, may fail to learn topurrkehräämäänor miaow.
- She snatched Buster from his play and we went back into the house where she held him close to her face, laughing asthe big catiso kissapurredkehräsiand arched himself ecstatically against her cheek.
- AttilaAttilapurredkehräsiand cooed, placed my naked son upon my breast and went out to make, `A nice cup of hot, sweet tea!
- The engineMoottoriwas<empty>purringkehräsilike a tigerkuin tiikeri.
- No wonderyousinä're<empty>purringkehräätwith delightilosta.
- The kitten was cradled in her arms and she ran her fingers gently up and down its stomach so thatitsepurredkehräsiwith delightilosta.
- The voiceÄänipurredkehräsiwith a fury that made it no less memorableraivolla, joka ei tehnyt siitä yhtään vähemmän muistettavaa.
- As the cat put its head down to rub against her, she reached up with her arm, and to her surprisethe catkissaquite readily padded on to her shoulder and nestled there,purringkehräten.
quack.v 🔎
- Loudäänekäsquackkaakatusthe ducksAnkkojen, the sea fowl cry.
- QuackingKaakattaenand complaining,the ducksankathopped back into the water and swam away.
- TheyHegather at his feet, not wanting toquackkaakattaaand alert the others, but almost desperate to shout from the waiting.
- TheyHedid not waste a moment, but startedquackingkaakattaaat herhänelle.
- Iminä'm trying to flap my arms like a duck andquackkaakattaaat the same time.
- He died early one morning with our arms around him, and withthe ducksankkojenquackingkaakattaessaon the beach outsideulkona olevalla rannallaand his dogs lying at the foot of his bed.
rasp.v 🔎
- Her breathHänen hengityksensäraspedrohisiharshlyrajusti.
- At last,her breathinghänen hengityksensästillraspingrohistessaa littlehiukan, she was lowered gently against her pillows.
- Their lungsHeidän keuhkonsaraspedrohisivatfrom the effort, the rain trickled down their foreheads to mix with the sweat, their energy gone.
- Up herehis lungshänen keuhkonsarasprohisivatwith the altitude.
rattle.v 🔎
- The windowpanesIkkunalasitrattledhelisivätfuriouslyrajusti, and spidery fingers of crepitating electricity twitched and danced over the glass once more; again creating the illusion that the entire office block was somehow enmeshed in some monstrous spider's web.
- An infant's skull tied by a thongNahkahihnalla sidottu vauvan kallorattledkolisiround his loins.
- TheyNerattlekolisevatand bash into each other, a whole long string of them.
- Now both dogs were fastened to the pipes byheavy chains thatpaksuilla ketjuilla, jotkarattledhelisiväteach time they moved.
- Next day whenthe locklukkorattledrapisishe stiffened in fear and defiance, but it was neither of her parents.
- As I stood there clutching my `Janet and John ``, I could hearthe typewriterkirjoituskoneenclanking andrattlingnaksuvanin the distance.
roar.v 🔎
- Here in the basement and behind Mr Pegg was Bill Joyner andhis wrapping counterhänen käärintätiskinsä,beyond whichjonka takanaroaredpauhasithe mighty Goss Printing Press which poured out 300 copies of the 16-page daily every minutemahtava Goss-painokone, joka sylki ulos 300 kopiota 16-sivuisesta lehdestä päivässä joka minuutti.
- The gunAseroaredjyrisiangrilyvihaisestiagain and the inoffensive family man slumped sideways against the treacherous door, minus the top of his skull, which had been blasted out through the open side window.
- The shotgunHaulikkobucked in his hands androaredjyrähtideafeninglykorviahuumaavastiin the echoing space of the big entrance hall.
- TheyHeshouted androaredkarjuivatas those whom they saw as traitors sped by.
- HeHänroaredkarjuiand struggled, but, she thought, much less.
- At nightthe boilerboileritook over,roaringjyristenand trembling until dawn.
- There were waves of red faces, smiling and shiny in the lamplight, their mouths open asthe menmiehetroaredkarjuivatand sang.
- HeHänroaredulvoiwith laughternaurusta.
- A log fireNuotioroaredroihusiin the open hearth, spitting out sparks.
- HeHänroaredkarjuilike a wounded bullkuin haavoittunut härkä.
- HeHänwrenched at the stout panelling,roaringkarjuenwith furyraivosta.
rustle.v 🔎
- There it was -- complete withthe taffeta underskirt thattaftialushameineen, jokahad once (once only)oli kerran (vain kerran)rustledkahissutso satisfyinglyniin mukavasti.
- LeavesLehdetrustledkahisivatbehind, and he could not stop the smile when Madra sat down beside him.
- The street, the shadows,the branchesoksatrustlingrapisevataboveyläpuolella, the cars accelerating up the hill, became menacing and alien.
- The curtainsVerhotrustledkahisivatsoftlypehmeästi, but it was too dark to see unnatural shapes and shadows; instead, they crowded her mind.
- He giggled girlishly, as if he were contemplating some impromptu lobotomies, andthe beard, which flowed down over the steering wheelparta, joka valui alas ratin päälle,rustledkahisisuggestivelyvihjailevastiin the hollow socket of the speedometer.
- Roosting birdsOrrella istuvat linnutrustledkahisuttelivatoverheadylhäällä; the night breeze stirred the leaves; here and there a dead twig fell.
- The wings of the vultureKorppikotkan siivetrustledkahisivatover our headspäidemme yllä.
- `I wanta dress whichmekon, jokarustleskahiseewhen I walk.
- Mum kept out of sight until he had left, then down the stairs she came, all dressed up ina long black taffeta dresspitkään mustaan taftimekkoon,whichjokarustledkahisiwhen she moved.
- Suddenly,the grass around the denruoho pesän ympärilläbeganto<empty>rustlekahistaand clumps of it fell down the bank.
- The yew trees grew densely, some of them covered withivy thatmurattiin, jokarustledkahisiand rattled.
- Over her orange-blossom headdress she had a long flowing veil which flowed down her back;her dress of white satinhänen valkoinen satiinimekkonsarustledkahisiand crinkled as she walked.
- He had settled himself comfortably on the floor, to the astonished glances of some guests,her beautiful skirtshänen kauniiden helmojensarustlingkahistessaas he leant against them.
- A flurry of tissue paper used by the market traders to wrap orangesKasa talouspaperia, jota markkinamyyjät olivat käyttäneet appelsiinien käärimiseen,rustledrapisiat her feethänen jaloissaan.
- Presently, he heardthe foliagelehtienrustlingkahisevanbehind himhänen takanaan, and turned to see Walterkin coming over the edge of the roof.
- They darted about on the front of the group,their silver-leaf hairniiden hopeankiiltoiset hiuksetrustlingkahisivatlike raw silkkuin raakasilkki.
- They heard and then stopped heading the wind breathing in the trees overhead andthe streamvirtarustlingrapisiin the valleylaaksossa.
- The brown teapot with a slightly broken spout sat like a cold little sentinel on the hob,jackdawsnaakatrustledrapistelivatabove it in the chimneysen yläpuolella savupiipussa.
- Fran jumped as though she had been burnt,the paperspaperitrustlingrapisivaton the deskpöydällä.
- Outside a nightingale trilled in the casuarina trees, andtheir leavesniiden lehdetrustledkahisivatin the night airyöilmassa, a sweet overture to love.
- There was the sound ofthe forest treesmetsän puidenrustlingkahinan.
- Ithadolian underskirt thatalushame, jokarustledkahisi.
scrape.v 🔎
- The speakerPuhujascrapedraapaisiand clicked a few more times, but after half a minute of no reply the phone was rehooked.
scream.v 🔎
- I'm a virgin!shehänscreamedkirkuisilentlyhiljaa.
- Part of her wanted to stop and stare, entranced by the sight:the rest of herloppuosa hänestäscreamedkirkuisilentlyhiljaain the darkness.
- She felt, abruptly, as ifshehänwere<empty>screamingkirkuisisilentlyhiljaainsidesisällään.
- At the same timeSamaan aikaanAntoinetteAntoinettewill<empty>screamkirkuuloudlyäänekkäästiagain and againuudelleen ja uudelleen.
- SheHänscreamedkirkuiloudlyäänekkäästi, but it was a bellow of rage not helplessness.
- The bald manKalju miesscreamedhuusiloudlyäänekkäästiat IvanIvanille.
- Despair shook herEpätoivo ravisteli häntä,her bodyhänen vartaloonsascreamingkirkuisilentlyhiljaaat the pain of leaving himmiehen jättämisen tuskasta, choosing not to think of the risk he had taken to be with her.
- David LawrenceDavid Lawrencencould be heardscreaminghuutavanfrom 80 yards80 jaardin päästäaway.
- That wasJaneJane,screamingkirkuenfrom the supper room's entranceruokasalin ovelta.
- It was raining hard now, andthe windtuuliwas<empty>screamingulvoifrom the back of the shiplaivan takaosasta.
- It wasan Arctic blastarktinen tuulenpuuska, jokascreamingulvoifrom the eastidästä, picking up extra degrees of cold as it drove over the frozen white surface.
- It was situated beyond a winding dirt track on top of a hill, and the car repeatedly slid across the road,its enginesen moottorinscreamingulvoessain protestvastalauseena.
- Its enginesSen moottoritscreamulvovatin declinelaskussa.
- First, flashing through the gathering dark,a fire-enginepaloautoscreamedujelsipast the window of the SpinnersSpinnersin ikkunan ohi'.
- Jack saw the ambulance tearing down the factory service road,sirensireeniscreamingulvoi, lights blazing.
- Now there was another noise --a police sirenpoliisisireeniscreamedulvoiinto the car parkpysäköintitaloonand in a minute there were people everywhere, rushing out of the shop and crowding round the crumpled car.
- Here the River Neva is at its incredible widest, andthe cold windkylmä tuuliscreamsujeltaaacross the ice to the Peter and Paul fortressjään yli Peterin ja Paulin linnoitukseen.
- The rain crashed against the windows, andthe windtuuliscreamedulvoilike an animalkuin eläinin the night.
- Whentheir childrenheidän lapsensascreamkiljuvathungrilynälkäisinäfrom inside the damp, overcrowded, concrete houseskosteissa, ylikansoitetuissa betonitaloissa,is it money or mayhem that the apple conjures?
- But as Christine was leaving the orphanage to take the blood sample to Bucharest, she hearda childlapsenscreamingkirkuvan.
- In one case a woman waited three quarters of an hour withher childhänen lapsensascreamingkirkuessawith an open woundavointa haavaa.
- A childlapsiscreamingHuutavais expressing itself, or like those artists who daub things in the West -- they say they are expressing themselves.
- The event had just started whena womannainenscreamedkirkaisi.
- There would be policemen, the local reporter,tearful Aboriginal womenitkevä aboriginaalinainenscreaminghuusiabuseat herhänelleat the bus stopbussipysäkillä.
- ThenSittena womannainenscreamedkirkaisi, and all the lights came on again.
- The womanNainenscreamedkirkaisi,when a man got in beside herkun mies tuli sisään hänen vierellään.
- ThenSittento her righthänen oikealla puolellaan,a womannainenscreamedkirkaisi.
- A womanNainenscreamedkirkaisiover to his righthänen oikealla puolellaan.
- A womanNainenscreamedkirkaisi,high and loudkorkealta ja kovaa.
- The tall manPitkä miesscreamedhuusiwith paintuskasta,slumping forwardlysähtäen eteenpäin, Newman's hand came down, nails jabbing into the back of the half-withdrawn hand.
- It is very flattering to havethe girlstytötscreamingkiljumaanfor yousinun vuoksesi, ``he says.
- GirlsTytötscreamedkiljuivatover Rock Hudson and Jimmy DeanRock Hudsonille ja Jimmy Deanillewhile they were out cruising Boystownheidän ajellessaan Boystownissa.
- One of the radio control room operators heardherhänenscreamingkiljuvanin uncontrollable agonyhallitsemattomissa tuskissaover the airwaveskanavilla.
- I have learned to keep going, wrote Harsnet (typed Goldberg), even whenthe voicesäänetscreamhuutavatat meminuato stop, to lie down, to turn to something elsepysähtymään, käymään makaamaan, siirtymään johonkin muuhun.
- I was shocked, I felt sick,Iminäscreamedkiljuin.
- SheHänscreamedkirkui,more in rage than painenemmän raivosta kuin tuskasta, but she was tiring, and her father managed to control her struggles.
- She closed the door and dragged herself wearily up the stairs; as she pushed open her bedroom doorshehänscreamedkirkuiin frightpelostawhen a dark figure materialised out of the gloom.
- JesusJesusscreamedhuusiwith paintuskastaand surprise.
- HeHänscreamedhuusias loudly as his horse that was now blocking the high road with its failing death throesyhtä kovaa kuin hänen hevosensa, joka tukki nyt tien kuolintuskissaan.
- TallisTallisscreamedhuusiat ScathachScathachiato hurrykiirehtimään.
- HeHänscreamedhuusiand almost lost his footing as he made for the stairs.
- MyMinunscreamshuutoni-of terrorkauhunawoke my parents and brought them rushing in panic to my room.
- Somewhere behind herJossakin hänen takanaan,AtrimonidesAtrimonideswas<empty>screamingkirkuiin paintuskastaabove a babble of voicesääntensorinan yläpuolella.
- Often they would not kill quickly, but leavethe would-be escapermahdollisen pakenijanscreaminghuutamaanthrough the night until the guards came after sunrise, with guides, to retrieve the bodyyön yli, kunnes vartijat tulivat auringonnousun jälkeen oppaiden kanssa hakemaan ruumiin.
- Asthe helpersauttajatscreamedulvoivatwith laughternaurusta, the kids, half asleep and baffled, were not amused!
- Please -- go away! ``hehänscreamedhuusi,so loudly that neighbours came to the window to investigateniin äänekkäästi, että naapurit tulivat ikkunaan katsomaan.
- Amazingly, Penkovsky hadn't screamed, butmany of those watchingmonet katselijathadolivatscreamedhuutaneetin their dreamsunissaanevery night for months afterwardsjoka yö kuukausien ajan sen jälkeen.
- IMinäscreamedhuusinagainuudelleen.
- IsabelIsabelscreamedkirkuiagainuudelleen,twisting her head from side to sidekäännellen päätään puolelta toiselle, catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria.
- Blood burst from the shattered digit andBentonBentonscreamedhuusiagain.
- ScreamingKirkuenunder his breathhengityksensä alta, Bowring hacked it in half, then went on chopping, chopping, chopping.
- When I'm watching rugby on the TV and thechildrenlapsetarerunning about like savagesjuoksevat ympäriinsä kuin pedot,screamingkiljuenfor attentionhuomiota.
- Apart from all the weird letters I get from Scotsman readers, there are continuous phone calls to my house,maniacal voicesraivoisat äänet,whoscreamhuutavathoarselykäheästiabout deadlines and copyaikatauluista ja painoksista.
screech.v 🔎
- CicadasCicadasscreechkirkaisiunseenhuomaamattomastifrom withinsisältä.
- ClytemnestraKlytaimestraagreed vociferously, leaping on to a stool andscreechingkirkuenhystericallyhysteerisestiat sight of her lead.
- Mad machinesHullut koneetgibbered, cackled,screechedujelsivatinsanelymielettömästiand blasted each other with sudden bursts of machine gun fire.
- By now Smallfry was using her other voice,the one thatsitä, jokascreechedulisishrillykimeänäand somehow managed to transform her from a beautiful movie-star into something savage and frightening.
- Hanging about on the other side of the open door,yousinäwantedto<empty>screechkirkuathen run.
- And theneveryonekaikkibeganscreechingkirkuaat once.
- She sometimes pointed out, though not aggressively, thatJed's hawk Abelardjedin haukka Abelardon its perch in the bicycle shedscreechedulisiincessantlylakkaamattaduring the hours of daylight.
- The squallsTuulenpuuskatwere<empty>screechingulvoivatnowover their headsheidän päällään, rain curtains hurtling after each other seaward across the low swampland.
- The only other course of action fora tree-nesterpuuhun pesänsä tekevälleis to hop about in the tree, squawking andscreechingulistennoisilyäänekäästiin an attempt to break the attacker's concentration.
- And tomorrow, you could put a drop of oil on that loft door, and the stable one an' all;theyhescreechkirkuivatlike barn owlskuin tornipöllöt.
- A gullLokkiscreechedkirkuiin the distance, dived over the lake-calm deep purple of the North Sea stretching away to a hard straight line, the horizon.
- The man swore at her before turning away,the seagullslokkienscreechingkirkuessaabove his battered hathänen kuluneen hattunsa yläpuolella.
- Screechingkirkuilike a bansheekuin banshee,sheHänwas.
- The windTuuliscreechedulvoilike a herd of pigs at slaughterkuin teurastettavat porsaat.
- HeHänscreechedkirkui, and she let him go.
- SwiftsTervapääskytrode high above the roof tops,screechingkirkuen, swooping after summer gnats.
- A rat thatRotta, jokagoes onscreechingkirkumista,
- Suddenly, however, he heard a lot of confused noises --the brakesjarrutscreechedulvoivat, steam hissed, and people were screaming and shouting.
scrunch.v 🔎
- Crisp yellow leavesKuivat keltaiset lehdetscrunchednarskuivatsatisfyinglymiellyttävästiunderfootjalkojen alla, giving off a sweet sad scent.
sizzle.v 🔎
- There was also electrical power, thoughsome loose cablesjotkut irtonaiset kaapelitsizzledsihisivätas they whipped about in the rain.
- Chicken with hot sauceKana ja tulinen kastikesizzledtirisiväton grillsgrilleissä.
snarl.v 🔎
- The dogKoirawas<empty>snarlingmurisilow in its throatsyvällä kurkussaan.
- What on earth is to be done to stopthese unpleasant, bad-tempered peoplenämä vastenmieliset ja pahantuuliset ihmiset, jotkashouting andsnarlingmurisivatso muchniin kovasti?
- The dogsKoiratsnarledmurisivatand cowered about his ankles.
- A child was screaming in one of the flats, whiletwo dogskaksi koiraawere<empty>snarlingmurisias they fought in the wasteland beyond the apartment house.
- But like the tale of the three little pigs,a wolfsusistandssnarlingmuristenat the door.
- Meanwhile, on the wall at its foot, were three cracked glass cases containing stuffed creatures; an owl, a fish anda vicious-looking animalilkeännäköinen eläin, jokasnarlingmurisithrough sharp yellow teethterävien keltaisten hampaiden välistä.
snicker.v 🔎
- She threw her arms round the horse's neck and in return,itseflicked its ears andsnickeredhirnahtiwith pleasure.
- HatchHatchsnickeredtirskahti, a touch of humour, responding well to Cowley's cool cynicism.
- Smiling,snickeringhihittäen,hehänsays `If you like girls come down front! ``referring to some `tasty `bird ``already there.
snigger.v 🔎
- He pushed again quite hard and as I turned away I heardhimhänensniggertirskuvanand say, `You have to kick 'em, you know.
- TheyHewere all too kind tosniggerkikattaakseenbut Suzi distinctly saw fat Luiza shrug her shoulders in a gesture of fatalistic despair.
- By the time I was thirteen I already had a 36-inch bust, and during games lessonsother girlsmuut tytötwould<empty>sniggerhihittelivät, make remarks, and generally treat me like an abnormality.
- He made a stately, somewhat forbidding exit, his displeasure plainly visible to all around, his mien daringunkind soulsepäystävällisten sielujentosniggertirskua.
- And, from what he remembered of the funeral (his grandmother's), the ushers looked likemen whomiehiltä, joitawere trying hard not tosniggertirskua.
- The malesMiehetsniggertirskuvat; the girls, on the other hand, show conventional signs of mild disapproval, tut-tutting with a quick flick of their heads.
- IMinäbeganto<empty>sniggerhihittää.
snore.v 🔎
- Gina lay beside him;shehänhad nodded off and wassnoringkuorsasiloudlyäänekkäästi.
- Sometimesitsewent to sleep on the rag rug before the electric fire andsnoredkuorsasiquietlyhiljaa, or its paws would twitch as it chased rabbits in its sleep.
- Three minutes latershehänwas<empty>snoringkuorsasigentlyhiljaa.
- Norman had returned to his kitchenette, leavinghis camelkamelinsasnoringkuorsaamaanpeacefullyrauhassain the eaves of his lock-up garage, its head in a Fair Isle snood.
- It was a flicker of movement and nothing more, for again the room appeared empty, but for anelderly gentlemanvanhemmalle herrasmiehelle, nowsnoringjoka kuorsasinoisily in a fireside chairäänekkäästi takan ääressä olevassa tuolissa.
- IN MY OFFICE,CarradineCarradinecat-napped,snoringkuorsatenvigorouslyrajusti, hammocked between two chairs.
- The fat lorry-driver on the banquetteLihava rekkakuski juhlissais<empty>snoringkuorsaalike a pashakuin pasha.
- God, thought Bykov, howcanvoishehänsnorekuorsatalike thunderkuin ukkonenyet sleep so lightly?
snort.v 🔎
- SheHänsnortedtuhahtisoftlypehmeästiand he could imagine her smiling in the darkness.
- ItSestamped a foot andsnortedtuhahtibrisklyytimekkäästi.
- She controlled the horse with a length of twine and she had authority overthe animaleläimeen,whichjokasnortedpuhisithen stepped proudly round to the gate.
- The animalEläinplunged to a halt,snortingpuhistenand tossing its head nervously as water sprayed into the air around them.
- He took a step backwards;the horsehevonensnortedkorskuiand shifted restlessly behind him.
- Across the gardenPuutarhassa,the big yellow dogsuuri keltainen koirasnortedpuhisiand made digging motions with his paws.
- HaymanHaymansnortedpuhisiin disgustinhosta.
- The manMiessnortedpuhisilike a ploughhorse getting its breath after turning a long furrowkuin kyntöhevonen haukkoessaan henkeään pitkän vaon vetämisen jälkeen.
- SnortingPuhistenat the friar's apparent stupiditymunkin ilmeiselle tyhmyydelle, Cranston turned his horse and led them out of the main alleyways of Southwark.
- RossRosssnortedpuhisiwith exasperationärsyyntyneenä.
- When badgers are alarmed,theynesnortpuhisevat.
- HeHängave me a sidelong glance and smiled andsnortedtuhahti, which meant I must be out of my tiny mind.
sob.v 🔎
- Louise ButlerLouise Butlerwas<empty>sobbingnyyhkyttihardrajusti.
- TommyTommyllä's got his head in his hands,sobbingnyyhkyttääuncontrollablyrajusti.
- SheHänsobbednyyhkyttiloudlyäänekkäästi, and Robert put his hand on her shoulder.
- Her friend's well-known bluntness had been to the fore a few days ago, when she'd discoveredLauraLauransobbingnyyhkyttämässäquietlyhiljaain her bedroom.
- Mr Pollards father david also gave evidence, saying in a statement howGary BurnGary Burnhad beenolisobbingnyyhkyttänythystericalyhysteerisestiwhen tring to explain to him what had happened.
- Even if the Devil himself was ridingthe wind whichtuulta, jokahowled andsobbednyyhkyttioutsideulkona, they would take the road back to Godstowe.
- They were subdued:several womenmonet naisetwere<empty>sobbingnyyhkyttivätquietlyhiljaa, and the voices of two men could be heard, one asking questions and the other answering.
- EvansEvanssobbednyyhkyttidrilykuivasti, gulping in great mouthfuls of air, and rocked back and forward against the mantelpiece which was lined with Christmas cards.
- The fiddleViulusobbednyyhkyttiand wailed.
- Asthe youngsternuori miessobbednyyhkyttiin terrorkauhuissaan, the sadist bundled her into the machine.
- SheHänwent downstairs, yelling,sobbingnyyhkyttäenwith mirthilosta.
- SheHänbegan to cry out, thensobnyyhkyttäälike a childkuin lapsi.
- GilbertGilbertsobbednyyhkyttiwith a horrifying and muffled terrorkauhistuttavasta ja hiljennetystä pelosta.
- At Nice when he heard the devastating news that his Portuguese friend, the artist Amedeo de Sousa Cardoso, had died of Spanish fluhehänbroke down andsobbednyyhkyttilike a childkuin lapsi.
- Hýloýse went to him, put her hands on his shoulders, and he covered them with his own hands, gasping ashehäntried notto<empty>sobnyyhkyttämättä.
- The childLapsiscreamed andsobbednyyhkytti, and Jack's face, usually so impassive, twisted with pain.
sough.v 🔎
- The car's hydraulicsAuton hydrauliikkasoughedsuhisias they tried to compensate for the sudden shift of the bubble but against that gale they were all but useless, and the bubble-canopy clanged on the car's shell.
- The seaMerisoughedsuhision the shorerannalla.
- And during that miserable weekthe windtuulisoughinghumisiin the treespuissaand flinging rain against the cottage windows had added to the conspiracy of misery.
- Like the sea it is a music primeval and here is no storm, onlythe silken wavessilkkisten aaltojensoughinghumina.
- The parcelPakettisplashed heavily,soughedsuhisi, and sank in a trail of thick, slow, glutinous bubbles.
squawk.v 🔎
- Making small noises of distress,shehänstarted to do a three-point turn, reversed -- hard -- into the side of the bench, andsquawkedrääkäisiloudlyäänekkäästi.
- SquawkingValittaenmadlyhullustiin what appeared to be a family squabble over the direction they should take,theyhesuddenly closed ranks, as if by order, and formed a perfect vee behind their leader.
- The day thehenskanatcame,squawkingrääkäistenfaintlyvaimeastiin a crate from Grove Farm, Aunt Emily received a note from Mrs Langley.
- Animals can usually only `talk ``about things happening here and now --a birdlintuwill<empty>squawkrääkäisee,when danger is imminent.
- HeHänsquawkedrääkäisiand flapped his wings, and the tension dissolved in their shared laughter.
- She rushed in and gathered her beloved hen to her, burying her face in its feathers, asthe henkanabeganto<empty>squawkrääkyäwith surprise and excitementyllätyksestä ja innostuksesta.
squeak.v 🔎
- ItSewas on the floorsqueakingvikistengentlyhiljaa.
- A medicine trolleyLääkekärrytsqueakedvinkuivatrodentlyinhottavastiin the hall outsideulkopuolisessa hallissa, where other out-patients sat in clumps of tubular steel chairs neatly arranged according to their various diseases.
- In the heat of the moment, the grey-coated wolf will wrestle with its quarry and Fido will violently shake rags until they lie motionless or chew squeaky toys untiltheynesqueakvinguno more.
- Isolated young miceEristetyt nuoret hiiretsqueakvinkuvatrepeatedly at frequencies of 45 000 hertz to 88 000 hertztoistuvasti taajuuksilla 45 000 hertsiä - 88 000 hertsiä, until their mother comes and returns them to the nest.
- A batLepakkosqueakedvikisiover our headspäidemme yllä.
- Then, as Moore stood with a third book in his hand, ready to throw,the ratrottasqueakedvikisiand seemed to be afraid.
- The squirrelOravasqueakedvikisias Nick put his face close, a needle sharp nail caught the side of his mouth.
- His shoesHänen kenkänsäsqueakednatisivaton the hard floorkovalla lattiallaand Julia heard him walk towards the door.
- My room was over the back door anditsesqueakedvikisilike a murdered ratkuin tapettu rotta.
- MabelMabelsqueakedvikisiin dismaykauhusta.
- Luney screwed up her face andher laughterhänen naurunsasqueakedvinkuilike a party whistlekuin juhlapilli.
- SqueakingVikistenwith excitementjännityksestä,the two childrenkaksi lastajumped up and down.
- ``The leather of the sofaSohvan nahkasqueakednatisias the commander uncrossed his legs and leant forwardkomentajan suoristaessa jalkansa ja nojatessa eteenpäin.
- Suddenly her line tightened, so suddenlyshehänsqueakedvikisiwith surpriseyllättyneenä.
- At his touchthe ratsrotatran away,squeakingvikistenwith fearpelosta.
- Her shoesHänen kenkänsäsqueakednatisivaton the polished linoleumkiillotetulla linoleumilla.
- Laura adjusted her spectacles andthe leather of her chairhänen tuolinsa nahkasqueakednatisi.
- She grunted;the windowikkunasqueakednatisi.
- Pooley was so excitedhehänwas almostmelkeinsqueakingvikisi.
squeal.v 🔎
- EricEricwas<empty>squealingkirkuilouder than everäänekkäämmin kuin koskaanand pedalling the air with his legs.
- The five Kenny childrenViisi Kennyn lastacame crowding round like little goblins, dirty and ragged, butsquealingkiljuenhappilyiloisesti.
- They talked untilthe horseshevoset,squealingkiljuenand nipping at each other, turned away to hurry purposefully across the field and stand afar, clouds of their breath plumed against the winter air.
- After a secondBertBertsquealedkirkaisiand Ernie released him.
- BrakesJarrutsquealedkirskuivatand car horns blasted indignantly.
- ItSesquealedkiljuiand struggled from her grip.
- Across the water,the loud hailersäänekkäät megafonitwere blaring andsquealingkiljuivatas they had in the winter, when Tzani-bey had caught and herded the Order.
- MollieMolliesquealedkiljaisiin delightilosta.
- Astheyhescatter,squealingkiljuenwith alarmhälytyksiä, the whale seizes a struggling pup in its jaws.
- A black female cat sat on the floor whileher three kittenssen kolme poikastasquealedkiljuivatin the bathkylpyhuoneessa, said Mr Owens.
- The friendsYstävätlaughed andsquealedkiljahtelivatwith delightilostaas they took a short boat trip to see the crocodiles and hippos that live on the lake.
- SheHänsquealedkiljuilike a tabby cat beneath the lecherous neighbourhood tom.kuin juovikas kissa naapuruston rietastelevan kollin alla
- `They tell mehehänwas<empty>squealingkiljuilike a pigkuin sika, ``the man said, `when they put the stitches in.
- HeHänsquealedkiljuiat the intrusionhäiriöstä, and she felt a shudder run through his body.
- At the time, Davide found the two women funny;theyheshrieked at one another andsquealedkiljuivatlike animals at the slaughter themselveskuin teurastettavat eläimet.
- Athelstan jumped as a fierce tom cat slunk out of the shadows, grasped the rat by its leg and pulleditsensquealingkirkueninto the centre of the room.
- Beeby laughed at that until Lloyd lifted one of her legs and sank his teeth into her inner thigh untilshehänsquealedkirkui.
- The corpse's braceletRuumiin rannekoruwas beginningto<empty>squealkiljua; Fox dragged it off and flung it down the stairwell; she didn't hear it land.
thump.v 🔎
- Almost an hour passed withmy heartsydämenithumpingjyskyttäessäevery time the door of number four opened.
- Her headHänen päässäänthumpedjyskytti, her eyes were half-closed and her voice rasped irritation.
- They sat in silence,their pulsessykkeensäthumpingjyskyttäessä, breathing on the windows to encourage the steaming-up process, desperately anxious to get out.
thunder.v 🔎
- The voice of ChaosKaaoksen äänithunderedjylisiin the valleyslaaksoissa.
- Heavy musicRaskas musiikkithunderedpauhasifrom leather-curtained basementsnahkaverhoilla peitetystä kellarikerroksesta.
- Polly took a deep breath, proud of the way her voice emerged, calm and steady, even thoughher heartbeathänen sydämenlyöntinsäthunderedpauhasivatin her earshänen korvissaan.
- The silence stretched, broken only by the slap of the water against the hull andPolly's heartPollyn sydämenthunderinglyödessäin her ears.
- Against her yielding flesh she could feelhis hearthänen sydämensäthunderinghakkaavanlike a man who had run a marathonkuin miehellä, joka oli juossut maratonin.
- Rory couldn't help but wonder if he could hear her heart beating, sinceitsewas<empty>thunderingjylisiin her own earslike jungle drumskuin viidakkorummut.
- Deliberately, she teased him, thoughher hearthänen sydämensäwas<empty>thunderinghakkasiwith happinessonnestainside her.
- Liz ran, dragging Anna,their footstepsheidän askeltensathunderingtömistessä; stealth would take too long.
- She had known he would say that, but stillher hearthänen sydämensäwas<empty>thunderingpauhasi.
- He felt his lungs collapsing,his pulseshänen sykkeensäthunderingpauhaavan, his heart failing.
- He advanced up the centre aisle, asthe musicmusiikkithunderedpauhasi.
- The skyTaivasthunderedjylisi, followed quickly by a crack of lightning that lit up the whole sky.
tinkle.v 🔎
- Does he rememberthe Bahamian cowbellbahamalaisen lehmänkellontinklingkilinänthe end of his final, pathetic fight, a derisive goodbye sound, stark with omenviimeisen, säälittävän taistelunsa lopuksi, pilkallisen hyvästelyäänen, ennusmerkkinä?
- Down each arm, from shoulder to sleeve, gleamedthose bloody little bells whichne hiton pikku kellot, jotkatinkledkilisivätevery time he moved.
- There was a typewriter involved too and as the lift went up and downthe typewriter's bellkirjoituskoneen kellotinkledkilisimetallicallymetallisesti.
- The bellKellotinkledkilisiagain.
- A radio played inside the flat,the bellkellotinkledkilisiunder his fingerhänen sormensa alla.
- He reappeared carryingtwo glasses thatkahta lasia, joissatinkledkilisivätwith icejäätand passed one over the fence to the woman.
- The mastheads of beached yachtsRantautuneiden veneiden mastonhuiputtinkledkilisivätin a stiff breezenavakassa tuulessa.
titter.v 🔎
- HeHäntitteredhihittinervouslyhermostuneestias he tried to see through the glare of the flames.
- `Yes, but can `E make custard? ``asked the heckler, andthe crowdjoukkotitteredtirskui.
- The first wench said, `Not yet, ``andthe second wenchtoinen neitotitteredkikatti.
- LambertLamberttitteredkikatti, then laughed aloud.
- PeopleIhmisetriotously reel around here, fighting, fondling,titteringtirskuen, clowning.
- The audienceYleisö, predicting that the volunteer would make a fool of himself, beganto<empty>titterkikattaa.
toll.v 🔎
- Even the soldiers, when they are drunk, keep clear of the area in case they stumble and startthe bellkellontollingsoittamisen.
- The church bellKirkonkellowas<empty>tollingsoimournfullysurullisestias the carriage entered the cemetery gatevaunujen tullessa sisään hautausmaan portista.
- There werewarning bellsVaroituskellottollingsoivatin his headhänen päässään.
- It was as if a harvest festival were enacted daily, forthroughout the hours of marketkoko markkinatuntien ajanthe church bellkirkonkellottolledsoivatquietlyhiljaa.
- Patrick awoke again asthe church bellskirkonkellotall across Londonkaikki Lontoonwere<empty>tollingsoivatnoonkeskipäivällä.
- Thenext morningSeuraavana aamuna,whenthe bells of the abbeyluostarin kellottolledsoivatfor Prime, the first prayer of the monastic dayprimaa, luostaripäivän ensimmäistä rukousta, Corbett was up, dressed and gently kicked a sleepy, grunting Ranulf awake.
- On summer evenings rowers on the lake have claimed that they have heardfar below them through the still waterskaukana heidän alapuolellaan tyynten vetten läpithe sound ofchurch bellskirkonkellojentollingsoivan.
- A bellKellotolledsoiabove his headhänen päänsä päällä.
- Outside, standing on a beer barrel, a member of the ward watch ranga hand bell whichkäsikello, jokatolledsoilike a death knellkuin kuolinkellotthrough the noisy clamour of the placepaikan äänekkään hälinän läpi.
- Like many lakes, Semer Water has its legendary sunken village or town, complete withunderwater church bellsvedenalaisine kirkonkelloineen, jotkatollingsoivatas storm winds move the surface of the lakemyrskytuulten liikuttaessa vedenpintaa.
- For hours he would sit by the window, and look out on the empty, Sunday street, asthe church bellskirkonkellottolledsoivatdismallysynkeästifrom different points in the townkaupungin eri osista.
- A bellKellotolledsoi, the sign for Compline, and Lady Amelia led him down through the darkened cloister out across the grass to the church.
- Whichever bellMikä tahansa kellowas<empty>tollingsoikin, the question-and-answer on the specific issue of the FBR revealed that the committee was dealing with a legendary creature indifferent to the usual processes of judgement, time and fate.
- Mowbray's hand fell to his sword hilt as he realisedthat great brass tonguesen suuren messinkikielenonlytolledsoivanwhen the Tower was under attackkun kaupunki oli hyökkäyksen kohteena.
- Everything's changed, she thought, andthe wordsanatolledsoiin her mindhänen mielessään--changed, changed, changedmuuttunut, muuttunut, muuttunut.
trumpet.v 🔎
- Sometimeshehänpulled out a hanky, as tar stained as his teeth, andtrumpetedtöräyttiloudlyäänekkäästiinto it.
- Butthe elephantselefantitwent gaily dancing andtrumpetingtöräyttelivätaway over the mountains, through Roumania and Georgia, through Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan, until they came to their native land.
- Then someone asked me where the station was, and she was deaf, andIminunhadto<empty>trumpettöräyteltävälike an elephantkuin elefanttifor about ten minutes ….
- ``He glanced over his shoulder to whereCalatinCalatinwas<empty>trumpetingniistiinto a red spotted handkerchief.
tweet.v 🔎
- Although it was barely daylight,theyhewere already twittering andtweetingpiipittivätawayat full pelttäydellä vauhdilla.
twitter.v 🔎
- A birdLintutwitteredvisersisomewherejossakin.
- A flock of Siberian titsParvi lapintiaisiatwittersviserteleeawayabove usmeidän yläpuolellamme.
- Gnats swarmed above the marsh andthe sand martinstörmäpääskyt,twitteringsirkuttaenconstantly, flew back and forth.
- SparrowsVarpusettwitteredvisersivätand quarrelled, and paused to pick up crumbs right by Shelley's feet.
- Near-by, across the river,a larkkiuruhad begunto<empty>twittervisertääand climb.
- The Star Wars machine, eagerly watched by all her childrenStar Wars -kone, jota kaikki hänen lapsensa innokkaasti katsoivat, hummed andtwitteredsirkutti.
ululate.v 🔎
- Baring black-stained teeth,hehänululatedvaikersi, `Zooyaaaa-yaa-yaa!
- Beyond the gatesa womannainenbeganto<empty>ululatevaikertaa.
- In Manger SquareManger Squarella,womennaisetululatedvaikersivatin celebrationjuhlallisestias the exhilarant crowd tore down the 10-meter-high chainlink fence around the square's police station, a longtime symbol of Israeli control in the town of 50,000.
- As the verdict was read,scores of Banda supporters in the court and about 400 waiting outsideBanda-tukijoiden joukot oikeussalissa ja noin 400 ulkona odottavaa henkilöächeered andululatedulvoivat, waving flags of his Malawi Congress Party.
- However, by Tuesday evening, 231 security prisoners had signed a non-violence pledge and walked out of prisons asrelativessukulaisetululatedulvoivatand waved Palestinian flags.
- The jubilant crowd set off firecrackers andwomennaisetululatedulvoivatto mark an end to 28 years of Israeli occupationilmaistakseen 28 vuoden Israelin miehityksen loppua.
wail.v 🔎
- The man pulled himself in after the stretcher, the doors were closed and the ambulance began to move off,its sirensen sireeniwailingulvoimournfullysurullisesti.
- An uncanny silence covered the village; the voices of women hushed the children;dogskoiratwailedulisivatbut were muzzled.
- WithsirensSireenienwailingulvoessaand blue lights flashing the red fire engine sped through the city.
- TogetherYhdessäthe band of womennaisjoukkowailedvalittiand sang out, beating cymbals and drums.
- ExtrasAvustajatwaileditkivätand rhubarbed in a lukewarm pagan frenzy.
- Some onboard klaxonJoku laivatorviwailedulvoias though in pain at the effortkuin tuskaisena ponnistuksesta.
- A string orchestraJousiorkesteriwailedvalittias if in tormentkuin piinattuna.
- YouSinäwept andwailedvalititall the way through.
- She recalled the docks, and the waythe seameriscreamed andwailedvalittilike a soul in tormentkuin kärsivä sielu, throwing itself against the piers with a wild vengeance that struck terror into her young heart.
- Now and then they passeda babyvauvan, jokawailingulisioutside a peeling front door in a battered pramrähjäisissä lastenvaunuissa lohkeilevan etuoven ulkopuolella.
- You could hearthemheidänwailingulisevanabove the noise of the aircraft.
- VictoriaVictoriabeganto<empty>wailitkeä.
whimper.v 🔎
- HeHänwhimperedkitissytno more and lay on the concrete, silent.
- The wind lashed at the frontage, rattling those panes … andGilbertGilbertwas<empty>whimperingkitisiagain.
- HeHänwas<empty>whimperinginahteliquietlyhiljaa.
- As I gave the injectionthe dogkoirawhimperedinahtia littlehiukanand the boy stretched out a hand and patted him.
- Expertly held,the monkeyapinabeganwhimperingkitistäagain, his sad eyes looking at them imploringly, and Sophie's heart was wrung with pity.
- Then, hearing a sound, she raised her head from her hands to seeRobRobincreeping over the snow towards her,whimperinginahdellenslightlykevyesti.
- He couldn't sleep, or he thought he couldn't, for Hazel said that all night longhehänwhimperedinahteliand gnashed.
- HeHänbegan towhimperkitistäwith fearpelosta.
- The boyPoikawas<empty>whimperinginahteliwith paintuskastaand his left leg was twisted awkwardly.
- The sight of it madehimhänetwhimperinahtamaanlike a childkuin lapsiand fall to his knees again.
- TheyHestaggered together from the tunnel,whimperinginahdellenwith agonytuskissaan…
- IMinäwhimperedinahtelinlike a wounded puppy dogkuin haavoittunut koiranpentu.
- She heardElaineElainenwhimperkitisevän.
- The boys gave her dark looks, andHoomeyHoomeyactuallywhimperedinahteli.
whine.v 🔎
- ItSewhinedulisievery second it was here.
- It was night when I became aware ofthe dogskoirienwhiningulinastasomewherejossakinand called them.
- HeSewhinedulisianxiouslylevottomasti, and came into the part of the room where they all were, and lay down under the table.
- An hour later, Lalage came tip-toeing into her room where she hearda dogkoiranwhiningulisevangentlyhiljaa.
- A radioRadiowhinedvinkuisomewherejossakin.
- Andthat part of my mindse mieleni osaseemedto<empty>whinekitisevänfaintlyvaimeastiand go very cold and still.
- It vanished completely as Alec opened the door for her and she stood on the threshold, looking into the dark, listening tothe windtuulenwhiningulinaaaway outside the house.
- In the corner by the stoveHellan kulmallaRosieRosiewhinedvinkuiand pulled against her chain.
- MachineryKoneetabovewhinedvinkuivatand the elevator jolted to a halt, causing him to shift footing.
- OutsideUlkona,the lifthissibeganto<empty>whinekitistäas someone summoned it.
- Withits motorSen moottorinwhiningulistessain protest, the transporter started to crawl along the corridor.
- It was so high up,itsewhinedinisilike a flykuin kärpänen.
- It reversed fast,the gearboxvaihteistonwhiningvinkuessalike a violinkuin viulu, and parked in front of the Mercedes.
- The insectsHyönteisetbuzzed,whinedinisivät, hummed, stridulated and droned as the air grew warmer in the sunset.
- The cop shrugged,his shoulder servoshänen olkapäätukensawhiningvinkuivat.
- In the kitchenKeittiössä, Douglas spoke in a low voice to Domino, andthe dogkoirawhinedvinkui.
- It is usual foryoung puppiesnuorille pennuilleto<empty>whinevinkuato attract their mother's attention.
whinny.v 🔎
- A horseHevonenskidded on ice,whinnyinghirnahtaenloudlyäänekkäästias it fell to its side.
- The horseHevonenwhinniedhirnahtisoftlypehmeästi.
- SheHänwhinniedhirnahtiand trotted placidly back.
- Roget's steedRogetin ratsureared andwhinniedhirnahtiin terrorkauhuissaan.
- Seeing her master,HermiaHermiaground to a halt andwhinniedhirnahtiwith pleasuremielihyvästä.
- He concluded thatthe horseshevosetwere<empty>whinnyinghirnuivatto him through affection.
- He heard the tell-tale sound ofa horsehevosestawhinnyinghirnuvastain the largest barn, and ran to unfasten the door.
whisper.v 🔎
- The wind and the mistTuuli ja sumuwhisperedkuiskailivatin the grassruohikossaat the foot of the pole from which I hung.
- Above him,the topmost twigs of the treespuiden ylimmät oksatwhisperedkuiskailivatinterminably.
- She looked out to sea, as far as she could through the mist, and thought ofgreat treessuurten puidenwhisperingkuiskivanunder the wavesaaltojen alla.
- He went forward,treespuidenwhisperingkuiskaillessabehind himhänen takanaan, the face with its knotted eyes lurching in his arms.
whistle.v 🔎
- ItSekeptwhistlingviheltämistäevery now and then.
- CranstonCranstonknelt down next to them andwhistledvihelsisoftly through his teethpehmeästi hampaidensa välistä.
- HeHänwas glad she was happy andwhistledviheltelisoftlypehmeästito himself as he tied his tie.
- LucieLuciewhistledvihelsisharplyterävästito catch her attention, then beckoned her over to stand beside him.
- He knew thathehänstillwhistledvihelsisometimes, but the bogeyman could not scare him any more.
- His microphoneHänen mikrofoninsawhistledvinkuia littlehiukanand Sally winced in embarrassment.
- HeHänwhistledvihelsimechanicallymekaanisestiat the back view of a girl waiting to cross the intersectiontakaapäin otetulle kuvalle tytöstä, joka odotti risteyksessä, though of late girls seemed to have lacked their usual charm for him.
- They faced each other, their breath coming in gasps, while, oblivious to the humans on the patio,two hummingbirdskaksi kolibriawhistledvihelsias they nestled together in the branches of a scarlet hibiscus.
- ManvilleManvillewhistledvihelsithrough his teethhampaidensa raosta.
- Presently, he heardthe breathhengityksenwhistleviheltävänin her throatkurkussaan, a gasp, a tiny groan.
- HeHänwalked along the road, hands in pockets,whistlingvihellellenlike a blackbirdkuin mustarastas.
- IfIminäwhistledviheltäisin, it would come back to me and rest on my shoulder again.
- HeHänwhistledvihelsi,tunelesslysoinnuttomasti.
- A lot of peopleMonet ihmisetclapped andwhistledvihelsivät.
- EmberEmberwhistledvihelsi, thin and high.
- The kettleKattilawhistledvihelsi, and she made herself some recaff.
yap.v 🔎
- Lorton opened the door, andthe dachshundmäyräkoirarushed in,yappingräksyttäenfuriouslyraivokkaasti.
- A dogKoirayappedräksyttifranticallyraivokkaastisomewhere inside and was subdued.
- The dogsKoiratyappedräksyttivätand growled about his heels.
- `I decidedIminä'd just walk on andyapjäkätänfor a bit.
- He put his spurs to his horse,the dachshundsmäyräkoirienyappingräksyttäessäat his heels, and galloped into the trees.
- She threw up her hands in mock horror asthe little pomeranianpieni pomeranianranyappingräksyttäenamong the guests.
- Small dogsPienet koiratyappedräksyttivät, big dogs kept their own counsel.
yelp.v 🔎
- SheHänflung herself on Wexford,yelpingulvahtaenfreneticallyraivokkaasti, and when he pushed her away, ran round him in circles, wildly gyrating her tail and flapping her knitted ears.
- It was Magnus who discovered the girl first;hehänyelpedulvahtiunsteadilyepävakaasti, his voice rising with excitement, and Gina went to see what he had found.
- HeHänyelpedulvahtishrillykimakastiand dropped his guard just sufficiently for a sword, swung by a surprised opponent, to skewer him.
- Her heart flew to her mouth assheseyelpedulvahtiand turned tail.
- Then, all of a sudden, there was a sort of bang andthe dogkoirastartedyelpingulvoaand I thought he must have fallen or something and that he might be hurt.
- It could be threatening to the group or at least bad manners fora lion or a wolf or a hyenaleijonalle tai sudelle tai hyeenalletoyelpulvoaand limp on twisting an ankle during a communal stalk.
- SheHänyelpedulvahtiand squealed, working her voice to a crescendo as she bawled at the top of her voice.
- SteveSteveyelpedälähtiand Newman grabbed the gun he was holding.
- At the far end of the tableNadirpurNadirpuralmostyelpedulvahtiin anguishtuskasta.
- Cranston turned and quietly cursed asthe madmansekopääscampered across the snow to greet them,yelpingulvoenlike an affectionate dogkuin rakastava koira.
- Her foot connected hard with Benton's right shin andhehänyelpedulvahtiin paintuskissaan, reaching down to massage the throbbing limb.
- Despite herself,PiperPiperyelpedälähtiwith surpriseyllättyneenä.
- The boyPoikawithdrew,yelpingulvoenwith frustrationturhautuneena, then turned and threw himself again, like a dog, going for Tuan's throat.
- SomeJotkutwhooped andyelpedulvoivatlike savageskuin pedot, others lounged in corners staring wistfully at toys they could never afford.
- SheHänburnt her ear, andyelpedulvahti.
yodel.v 🔎
- Think of how you could be spending your time instead;yousinäcould go swimming, make model aeroplanes or learnto<empty>yodeljodlaamaan-- it doesn't matter what you do as long as it is fun!
- The beautiful onesKauniimmatwear ornate regional head-dresses, chime bells andyodeljodlaavatto welcome the New Year, while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones, moss and snail shells.
yowl.v 🔎
- ItSeyowledulvahtipiteouslysurkeastiagain, and Virginia stood uncertain, gazing.
- The cat sat up in the branches, anditseyowledulvoiplaintivelyhaikeasti.
- Her fingers running through the ruff of fur around the cat's neck tightened as Jehan spoke, andthe catkissayowledulvoiand it bit playfully at her hand.
- ItSecircled me now,yowlingulvoenand screamingin a noxious wayinhottavalla tavalla.
- HeHänyowledulvahtias he touched one of the plates, which took away a layer of his skin.
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