Bunyan replied that
could find no
for the Prayer Book in the Scriptures and that its use was an impediment to man in making known his condition to God
Raamatun rukouskirjalle ja sille, että sen käyttö oli este sille, että ihminen teki olonsa tiettäväksi Jumalalle .
for the necessary invasion of privacy
välttämättömälle yksityisyyden loukkaukselle is the familiar-and thoroughly respectable -- plea that politics should and must be personalised.
evinces such contempt for the principle as to use language which ignores or denies it, and offers no
for the departure
poikkeuksille .
The presentation of educational data
Koulutustietojen esittely ,
forms the
for most policies
useimmille käytännöille , is documented in discrete and unrelated forms.
Economists have been widely criticised, with some
aiheellisesti , for their inability to forecast the depth of the current recession.
When government ministers talked during the mid-1980s about
oikeutuksestaan for nuclear power
ydinvoimalle , it nearly always included a catalogue of fearful threats which started with OPEC and ended with Scargill.
The way that this has been done in the past is the subject of the next chapter;
the way that it might be done in the future
tapa, jolla se voidaan tehdä tulevaisuudessa, for this book
tämän kirjan .
I would not be surprised if today there are a number of people who, though fully Christian, have never allowed
by faith
uskon perusteella to be an experiential reality in their life.
Firstly, the
given by the model
mallin antamaa for vesting substantial managerial power in the hands of the directors
merkittävän hallintavallan siirtämisestä johtajien käsiin will be investigated.
His utilitarianism required a practical, socially useful
for punishment
rangaistukselle ; retribution was totally inadequate.
In truth the main
for the scheme
järjestelmän is utterly dissipated.
The psychologist
Psykologi his own persuasive efforts
omat suostuttelevat pyrkimyksensä with this belief that he was actually helping the parents to come to terms with a decision `they really want to make ``
uskolla siihen, että hän itse asiassa auttoi potilaita tekemään päätöksen, jonka 'he todella halusivat tehdä' .
such behaviour
kyseisen toiminnan as legitimate self-defence
oikeutettuna itsepuolustuksena : it was they who had been first assaulted by razor gangs of alien Jews.
their refusal to publish letters by victims of attacks in their newspapers
haluttomuutensa julkaista hyökkäysten uhrien kirjeitä sanomalehdissään ,
on the grounds that they contain passages libellous of their journalists
sillä, että ne sisältävät heidän toimittajiaan loukkaavia osia .
Thomas Constable and John Gilpin
Thomas Constable ja John Gilpin their `unlawfull resystance ``to the Forest officers
metsänhoitajien 'laittoman vastustuksensa' on the ground that the right of hunting the deer in Hackness manor belonged exclusively to Sir John Constable of Burton
sillä, että oikeus metsästää peuroja Hacknessin tiluksilla kuului ainoastaan Burtonin Sir John Constablelle .
denied acting as a North Korean spy and
his visit to North Korea and his discussion with North Korean officials
vierailunsa Pohjois-Koreaan ja keskustelunsa pohjoiskorealaisten virkamiesten kanssa as motivated by his desire to see Korea reunified
halullaan nähdä Korea yhdistyneenä .
the very strict timetable
erittäin tiukan aikataulun (suspensions were possible for one year only)
on the basis of the need to place the protection of public health above considerations of technological and economic feasibility
sillä perusteella, että julkisen terveyden suojelu on asetettava teknisen ja taloudellisen toteutettavuuden edelle .
is able
dressing men and women as leftovers from Dynasty
miesten ja naisten pukemisen Dynastian jäänteiksi by seducing his rich clients with a vulgar bimbo and himbo glamour
rikkaiden asiakkaidensa viettelemisellä vulgaarilla bimbo- ja himbo-glamourilla .
the course he took
valitsemansa linja by saying, in effect, that the prosecution case was all but complete
sanomalla, itse asiassa, että syyttäjän tapaus oli kaikkea muuta kuin valmis .
This was back when
still had
to your parents
vanhemmillesi , before they started lighting up and handing you joints.
The stock market's instinctively positive reaction to job cuts surely makes it easier for
their decisions
päätöksensä .
While they are concerned for Korea, and send money back to relatives there, Korean-Americans also feel some relief: ``A poorer South Korea makes
the sacrifices of immigrants in America
siirtolaisten uhrauksista Amerikassa easier
`Geiger tube']), but
how it can be so analyzed
miten sitä voi analysoida niin , when the counter sense is inherent in the function of the device, and `Geiger' can scarcely be said to be a ``translation ``of Geiger, is a little hard
That's largely because, in contrast to the overhyped December bombardment,
U.S. officials
USA:n virkamiehet are playing down the recent assaults,
in terms of self-defense and providing scant information on the damage
itsepuolustuksella ja tarjoten vain niukasti tietoja vahingoista .
Identify the net benefits or cost savings projectedby the cost / benefit analysis used
a chosen alternative
valittu vaihtoehto , if the acquisition has progressed to this point.
The Washington Post once got widely mocked for
an editorial
pääkirjoituksesta, jossa the publication of a damaging rumor about a public official
julkista virkamiestä koskevan vahingollisen huhun julkaiseminen with the argument that while the rumor may not be true, it is true there is a rumor
sillä perusteella, että vaikka huhu itsessään ei olisi totta, huhun olemassaolo on totta .
probably thinks ``taking it for granite ``is correct,
as meaning ``as solid and stable as a slab of granite. ``
The Swiss law was used by
Nazi policies
natsien käytäntöjä .
The district attorney
Piirisyyttäjä wants
the death penalty
kuolemanrangaistuksen by adding an additional felony charge
lisäämällä toisen törkeän rikoksen , such as kidnapping.
and uh there's just no reason
killing a person
ihmisen tappamista and you know there may be an economic reason but i don't think that's sufficient to justify uh killing someone
yeah i don't know how what
uh because say i've got the same model home as some of my neighbors and they're all appraised at the same level
a current policy
Nykyisen käytännön , a well-known organization cites these conditions: ``unrelenting crowding, lack of privacy, infrequent communications with family and the outside world, no ability even to go … for fresh air and a view. ``
To even for an instant try
killing members of one group
ryhmän jäsenten tappamista simply because other members of that group did unspeakable things
vain siksi, koska muut ryhmän jäsenet tekivät sanoinkuvaamattomia asioita -- whether that group consists of Serbian civilians or imprisoned SS guards -- is lazy thinking.
no i don't i i kept wanting i kept thinking about getting it but
just don't use the things enough
well you know how do
get rid of an institution like that and and and and
i mean
were later able to readily distinguish between the correct and incorrect alignments when an all-atom scoring function was applied to the models constructed using both alignments, and
by detailed environment analysis
yksityiskohtaisella ympäristöanalyysillä .
This information was then used
annual budget requests
vuosittaisia budjettipyyntöjä, when additional virus detection software was needed
kun tarvittiin lisää viruksentunnistusohjelmistoja .
Cost / benefit analysis
the selection of the alternative selected over other alternatives
vaihtoehdon valinnan muiden vaihtoehtojen sijaan ,
in dollar terms or in terms of some other criteria, such as effectiveness
dollareiden tai muiden kriteerien, kuten tehokkuuden, perusteella .
um children who will lie and cheat and you approach their parents and
their parents
heidän vanhempansa rather than to
Henry shook his head;
had clearly abandoned all pretence of trying
`I have heard him criticising his players as not good enough and trying
their situation
heidän tilanteensa to dampen expectations back home
hillitäkseni odotuksia kotona .
Almost as soon as Mary had gone
his behaviour
käyttäytymistään .
enthalpy/entropy compensation
entalpian/entropian kompensoinnin with reference to the energy-well diagrams illustrated in Figure 4
viittaamalla energianlähdekaavioihin, jotka näkyvät kuvassa 4 .
British fascism
Brittiläinen fasismi was to come close to
as the political revolt of the romantic imagination in the twentieth century
poliittiseksi kapinoinniksi 1900-luvun romanttista kuvitelmaa vastaan .
by saying I don't want a row because I've got so much on my plate
sanomalla, että en halua riidellä, koska minulla on niin paljon pelissä , it usually bounces back at you, often in an amplified form.
It also recaptured Jerusalem, but the overheads proved unrealistic after a couple of years, and following a period of restructuring
the Crusaders
ristiretkeläiset rationalised
rationalisoivat to the Saracens
saraseeneille .
enthalpy/entropy compensations
entalpian/entropian kompensoinnin with reference to residual motions and torsional vibrations which make a larger entropic contribution to binding when -ΔH ≊ kT (thermal energy at room temperature), than when -ΔH > kT
viittaamalla jäännösliikkeisiin ja vääntötärinään, jotka vaikuttavat entropisesti sitoutumiseen, kun -ΔH ≊ kT (lämpöenergia huoneenlämpötilassa), kuin jos -ΔH > kT .
Brian lived with
a primitive terror of outer darkness which
alkukantaista kauhua ulkoista pimeyttä kohtaan, jonka as a fear of failure
epäonnistumisen peloksi : this he further refined into a disinclination to live out of London.
A form of religion which can be
Uskonnon muoto, jota voi to meet the needs of the foregoing, is not to be found anywhere in the whole vast accumulation of religions and sects that the world has yet produced.
In turn, those strategies of survival justified further discipline,
by the organization
organisaatio as a result of the assumed individual pathology of the lower ranks
alempien yhteiskuntaluokkien oletetun yksilöllisen patologian tuloksena .
by saying there will be a time to catch up with important relationships (spouses, children, friends) later
sanomalla, että myöhemmin he voivat ottaa ajan takaisin tärkeissä ihmissuhteissa (puolisot, lapset, ystävät) .
Well, that's
This is important in practice because there are
elements of traditional financial reports of governments
elementtejä hallitusten perinteisistä talousraporteista, that
are not easily
ei ole helppo in terms of explicit users and their needs
yksitulkintaisten käyttäjien ja heidän tarpeidensa perusteella .
In the hands of Althusser and Habermas, the critique of ideology becomes not just a basis for pouring scorn on
the thinkers who
ajattelijoille, jotka rationalized
järkeistäneet an exploitative economic and class system
riistävää taloudellista ja luokkajärjestelmää .
järkeistettiin …
may be able
perustelemaan, what they have done
mitä he ovat tehneet , there is usually a strong element of disappointment about the broken relationship.