should wither kill them instantly or
for release elsewhere
vapautettavaksi muualla .
340 mutineers
340 kapinallista in Burford Church
Burfordin kirkkoon for the next three days
seuraavien kolmen päivän ajaksi under general sentence of death
kuolemaantuomittuina .
The Byzantines
Bysanttilaiset ,
to an area of the Black Sea coast in what is now Bulgaria
Mustanmeren rannikon alueeksi, jota kutsutaan nyt Bulgariaksi .
My senses took me through
But even if
magnetic fields
magneettikentät , the hot gas pressure would be expected to build until it was episodically released as in a pressure cooker.
At first sight, the location of protest sub stantially among Romania's alien ated Hungarian minority suggests that
may be more easily
voi olla helpompi by the leadership in Bucharest
Bukarestin johdon .
tarkoituksella most of the detailed consideration in this study
suurimman osan tämän tutkimuksen yksityiskohtaisesta pohdinnasta to the north bank of the Tyne
Tynen pohjoispenkalle .
The Royal Commission on Police
Poliisin kuninkaallisen komission Powers
to ``grave offences
hautarikkomuksiin .
`Especially as once we start,
can never
emme koskaan voi to just kissing
vain suuteluun , ``Luke quipped with harsh humour, and paused.
His skin had an olive hue, signifying foreign blood, and
his indecently long hair
hänen säädyttömän pitkät hiuksensa was very black, worn in a multitude of thin braids and
at the back of his neck
niskan taakse .
escaped to France, but was captured after attempting another murder and
in an asylum
mielisairaalaan .
are essentially tropical and virtually
within 30 degrees of the equator
30 asteen päähän päiväntasaajasta .
my people, the men and maidservants who came running,
minun ihmiseni, miehet ja palvelijattaret, jotka saapuivat juosten, as you see, each
in a glass bottle
lasipulloon , and finally closed me into the glass coffin in which you found me.
As a breeding bird
is widely distributed throughout the county and not always
to wet habitats
märkiin alueisiin ; breeding has been established in several downland localities, for example Rewell Wood.
(A letter of reply to David French, a British Amnesty member, from
Fernand Tala-Ngai, President of the Zairean opposition party, Rally for Progress, who
Fernand Tala-Ngailta, Zairen oppositiopuolueen Rally for Progressin johtajalta, joka on 2 March 1992
2. maaliskuuta 1992 )
supported the establishment of Presbyterianism and the continuance of negotiations with the king, and
at Pride's Purge
Pride's Purge -tapahtuman yhteydessä (
Sadly, one thing has not changed in 30 years:
certain governments of the world
tietyt hallitukset maailmassa , torture and execute
their citizens
kansalaisiaan , regardless of internationally agreed standards that expressly forbid such abuses.
has admitted kidnapping Birmingham estate agent Stephanie Slater,
in January 1992
tammikuussa 1992 and demanding £175,000 with menaces from her then employer.
Very similar to BOGIES used to chastise children, hobyahs
Hyvin samalla tavalla kuin BOGIET rankaisivat lasia, hobyahit kidnapped people and
in caves, where they had to mine for fairy gold before they were eaten for their pains
luoliin, joissa heidän oli louhittava keijujen kultaa ennen kuin heidät syötiin kipujensa vuoksi .
SUSAN Christie, the soldier
SUSAN Christie, sotilas, joka for killing the wife of her army officer lover
upseerirakastajansa vaimon tappamisesta , will be bridesmaid at a prison wedding next Thursday for a convicted terrorist who killed 17 people -- 11 of them soldiers.
In the middle of May
Toukokuun puolivälissä Sir Roger Clarendon, who was, so the common people said, natural son to the great Edward, the Black Prince, and half-brother to Richard the king
Sir Roger Clarendonin, joka oli tavallisten ihmisten mukaan suuren Edwardin, mustan prinssin, poika ja Richard-kuninkaan velipuoli .
The idea is to rescue
six scientists
kuusi tiedemiestä .
When he turned to attack landscape he would either include a figure smudged on the periphery, dwindling in the distance, or portray
anonymous couples or figures
nimettömistä pariskunnista tai hahmoista, jotka olivat and obstructed by walls and trees.
Large numbers of officials
Suuri joukko virkamiehiä were dismissed and fined or
as the result of a major anti-corruption campaign
suuren korruption vastaisen kampanjan tuloksena .
The women claim that the existence of commoners' rights invalidates
the defence bylaws under which
laillisia puolustuksia, joiden mukaan have been fined or
for trespassing inside the base
tunkeutumisesta päämajaan .
The project ended in financial disaster, and
väliaikaisesti for not paying his debts
velkojensa maksamatta jättämisestä .
Admitting that
is something whose electoral consequences, if any, are difficult to calculate.
Two life sentences for
the man who
miehelle, joka and sexually assaulted