The government implied that
the privatised electricity industry
yksityistetyn sähköteollisuuden to meet the reductions in the Directive
saavuttaa direktiivin vähennykset by importing low-sulphur coal and by building gas-fired power stations to replace coal capacity
tuomalla vähän rikkiä sisältävää hiiltä ja rakentamalla kaasuvoimalaitoksia hiilikapasiteetin korvaamiseksi .
Mexico is
one of the few countries that
yksi harvoista maista, joka to encircle and snare dolphins to catch the tuna that swim with them
saartaa ja napata delfiinejä niiden kanssa uivien tonnikalojen pyydystämiseksi .
I'm a neutral student and
without too much explanation
ilman suurempia selityksiä .
Most countries
Useimmat maat their citizens
kansalaistensa to bring home articles without an import licence
tuoda kotitaloustavaroita ilman tuontilisenssiä ,
providing they cost less than a certain amount
jos niiden hinta alittaa tietyn summan ,
without paying excess duty
maksamatta tullia määrän ylityksestä .
dual citizenship
kaksoiskansalaisuus in cases where a foreigner who wanted to become a German citizen would suffer disadvantages if he gave up his old citizenship
tapauksissa, joissa Saksan kansalaisuutta haluavalle ulkomaalaiselle koituisi haittoja hänen luopuessaan entisestä kansalaisuudestaan .
Despite her talents,
because she's a woman
koska hän on nainen, to join the prestigious Marylebone Cricket Club in London
liittyä arvostettuun Marylebone Cricket Clubiin Lontoossa .
since the fire
tulipalon jälkeen , you ought to know that.
to see it for one hour
nähdä se tunnin verran , before it was taken back, and none of them has been able to get hold of it since.
to stay with the resident throughout this time
olla sisäoppilaitoksen oppilaan kanssa koko tämän ajan, so that they are not left alone
jotta heitä ei jätetä yksin .
to phone for a cab from your apartment
soittaa taksin asunnostasi ?
, but afterwards had started crying and screaming.
; the mother was a danger to her child as well as to herself.
to know what it is
tietää, mikä se on ?
to nor could afford
to join such clubs
liittyä tällaisiin klubeihin .
, it's trapped and very dangerous.
Bishops, priests, and deacons were held in scorn by them; but
positions of leadership and liturgical presidency
toimia johtajana ja harjoittaa liturgisia menoja , as orthodox communities did not.
Another literally hidden factor is that basement in Trinity where
Miss Edmonstone
neiti Edmonstone so kindly
niin ystävällisesti to store books from year to year
säilyttää kirjoja vuosi toisensa jälkeen .
Many companies
Monet yritykset to try equipment
kokeilla laitetta and will demonstrate equipment to you in your own home.
There was one last bit of excitement for ten-year-old Prince William on the flight home yesterday when
into the cockpit of the British Airways Airbus
mennä British Airways Airbusin ohjaamoon as it took off from Zurich
koneen noustessa ilmaan Zürichistä .
I very much welcome the fact that
the Security Council
turvallisuusneuvosto the dispatch of a preliminary team
alkutoimista vastaavan ryhmän lähettämisen .
So long as he was successful in that action too, a further thirty days later
to proceed to execution
suorittaa ulosotto .
Reluctantly, however,
to make a settlement which did not exceed a payment of £25 million a year
suorittaa maksun, joka ei ylittänyt 25 miljoonaa puntaa vuodessa .
The European Community
Euroopan yhteisön is expected
a £50 million grant to help regenerate parts of Manchester, Salford and Trafford
50 miljoonan punnan lainan Manchesterin, Salfordin ja Traffordin kulmakuntien uudistamiseksi .
These are stray survivals, but it is likely that
other forfeitures
muita menettämisseuraamuksia in the same way
samalla tavoin .
Suppose that
to sue for the balance of the debt--or
nostaa kanteen lainan saldosta tai required him to do so as trustee (see Vaughan Williams L.J.)?
But while Whitehall changed from organizing public expenditure on an annual basis to a five-year rolling programme,
the House of Commons
alahuone expenditure on the old twelve-month pattern
kulut vanhan 12 kuukauden mallin mukaisesti .
by the Bank of England
Englannin pankki to carry on a deposit-taking business in this country
harjoittaa tililtäottoja koskevaa liiketoimintaa tässä maassa, are required to make contributions to the Deposit Protection Fund as levied from time to time by the Deposit Protection Board.
Trevelyan at the Treasury insisted that
every scheme
jokaista järjestelmää should be properly surveyed and costed, and
henkilökohtaisesti , before work began.
Certain status changes
jotkin aseman muutokset by senior lexicographers
Seniorileksikografit .
Our biggest problem
for what might be considered unacceptable reasons.
Grant Thornton
Grant Thorntonille by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Englannissa ja Walesissa to carry on investment business
harjoittaa sijoitusliiketoimintaa .
An indictment, issued by a Californian grand jury on Feb. 23 and kept secret until after the arrests, stated that
payment for the krytrons
krytornien maksun by the Iraqi embassy
Irakin suurlähetystö .
If the client is happy to pay any contribution required
Jos asiakas suostuu suorittamaan kaikki vaadittavat maksut ,
the solicitor
asianajajalle to provide up to two hours of work
korkeintaan kahden tunnin työhön .
by his superiors in Hamburg
Hänen Hambourgissa olevat esimiehensä to sail for any port which would accept his passengers
purjehtia mihin tahansa satamaan, joka hyväksyisi hänen matkustajansa .
for women, children under 18 and men over 60 to leave Sarajevo next week
naisten, alle 18-vuotiaiden lasten ja yli 60-vuotiaiden miesten lähteä Sarajevosta seuraavalla viikolla .
The Treasury
Valtiovarainministeriö gave
for work to commence
aloittaa työt and the building operation started in the autumn.
Later on,
was given
to have its own squadron badge
oman laivuetunnuksen käyttöön and each member was presented by the Commanding Officer with a personal copy of it.
should not export them without first getting
from the importer
maahantuojalta and making sure that the receiving country can dispose of them properly.
Then she remembered that
was supposed to get
before taking the child out of the country
ennen lapsen viemistä pois maasta , and said, `If you agree, that is.
Sam Wanamaker enthuses that
now have
to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage
laittaa oljet gallerian kattoon ja avoimelle näyttämölle .
He also wrote the still-secret legal opinion which authorized
Federal Bureau of Investigation agents
FBI:n agenttien to kidnap fugitives overseas without getting
from foreign governments
ulkomaisilta hallituksilta .
the county council
maakuntaneuvostolle were given
to station the mobile library on the car park
pysäköidä liikkuva kirjasto parkkipaikalle , they met the cost of re-surfacing.
the first school in Scotland
ensimmäinen koulu Skotlannissa to receive
from the government
hallitukselta to become self-governing
itsehallintoon and has raised deep concerns in the local community.
has given
for the plant to go ahead
tehtaalle jatkaa in the face of sustained opposition from environmentalists, church groups, and the local Lumad tribal people, to whom the mountain is sacred.
got special
from the police
poliisilta to save the cake
tilanteen pelastamiseksi .
to tell him so
kertoa hänelle tämän , for reasons she had bitterly and eloquently specified.
We would have been acting wrongly had
not given
to visit her mother
vierailla hänen äitinsä luona .
The manager of a public house
kapakanhoitajalle by the owners, E. Lacon & Co.
Omistajat E. Lacon & Co ,
to take paying guests into the `private ``rooms of the manager's living accommodation for his private profit
viedä maksavat asiakkaat kapakanhoitajan asunnon ”yksityishuoneisiin” hänen yksityistä hyötyään varten .
China's Gansu Institute for Natural Energy,
the only institute
ainoa laitos, jonka by Chinese authorities
Kiinan viranomaiset to design solar energy equipment
aurinkonenergialaitteita suunnitteleva , is establishing itself as a training centre for solar energy technicians from African countries.
The same difficulty may discourage
to ask too many questions themselves
esittää itse liian monia kysymyksiä .
was not going
any of the children
yhdenkään lapsen to steal a part of her identity
varastaa osaa hänen identiteetistään .
`Well, I don't know, ``said my mother, extremely dubiously, but
to be led to a table and sat down
tulla johdatetuksi pöytään ja istui alas .
There may be a freedom to protest -- but it exists only to the extent that
by their superiors
Heidän ylempiarvoiset upseerinsa to take personal booty back with them
ottaa henkilökohtaiset ryöstösaaliit mukaansa .
to take his family with him
ottaa perheensä mukanaan , but the only intellectual companionship he found was among the Catholic missionaries: the local inhabitants remained strangers to him.
Look, Preston, if I understand my client correctly, you are
to visit with a Miss Fraser
vierailla neiti Fraserin luona ?
When elected councillors were given the chance to judge the film, 127 councils voted to approve its exhibition to adult audiences, whilst
went so far as
to 14-year-olds
14-vuotiaille .
a rueful grin
apean irvistyksen just as the office door itself opened and the CO strode in.
I will try either Lady Jones or Lord Darnford, if
to take refuge with them
hakea turvapaikkaa kanssaan , for I never saw sweetness and innocence like yours.
making it comfortable
asian helpottamisen , I can not imagine, because all you ever do in it is idle.
This expedition
Tämä reissu on the understanding that there was good money to be won at wrestling
siinä uskossa, että vapaapaini tuotti paljon rahaa .
a fundamentalist Palestinian Moslem group, Islamic Jihad Beit al-Makdess, based in Amman
Ammanissa sijaitseva fundamentalistinen palestiinalainen muslimiryhmä Islamic Jihad Beit al-Makdess ,
the killing of Kuwaiti officials who mistreated Palestinians
palestiinalaisia pahoinpidelleen kahden kuwaitilaisen virkamiehen surmaamisen .
Generals and admirals may believe, and society may agree, that offences against these regulations should receive
unusual penalties which
epätavallisia rangaistuksia, joita would not be generally
ei yleensä in private firms
yksityisyrityksissä .
However, the demonstrators, numbering up to 40,000, were confronted by a smaller,
demonstration by NSF supporters
NSF:n tukijoiden mielenosoitus already in Victory Square.
Meanwhile, while not
the use of force against Iraq
Irakin vastaista voimankäyttöä , China's curry-favouring bolstered its future bid for `Third World ``leadership.
The pervasive nature of torture, disappearance and killings and the fact that they went unpunished suggests that
these violations
nämä loukkaukset .
They maintain that
the power of the House
ylähuoneen vallan ``.
the use of cash limits
kassalimiittien käytön as a means of control
valvontakeinona .
Any changes which are not disclosed may cause the
if it decides that they would have influenced shareholders on how to vote
jos se päättää, että he ovat mahdollisesti vaikuttaneet osuudenomistajien äänestyskäyttäytymiseen .
The Independent of Aug. 14 reported allegations by the Bonded Labour Liberation Front, that the
child labour
lapsityövoiman through the operation of more than 100 centres employing and training children
lapsia työllistävän ja kouluttavan yli 100 keskuksen toiminnan kautta .
`But after a long deliberation of all the circumstances, the
on the conditions laid down
määrättyjen ehtojen mukaisesti .
Before the Gulf war
ennen Persianlahden sotaa ,
two fare increases, which have yet to be reversed despite the subsequent fall in fuel prices
kaksi hinnannousua, jotka on vielä peruttava polttoaineen hintojen myöhemmästä putoamisesta huolimatta .
He is labelled a criminal because of his extra-marital affair, although
the legal system
oikeusjärjestelmä his wife
että hänen vaimonsa taking a lover
otti rakastajan .
Drug testing also may disproportionally victimise members of
racial minority groups whose subcultures
rodullisissa vähemmistöryhmissä, joiden alakulttuurit casual marijuana smoking
satunnaisen marihuanan polttamisen , reversing much of the progress that has been made in eliminating employment discrimination.
UNIONS (MARITAL) -- Union is
a non-formal marriage that
epämuodollinen avioliitto, jota is not established (and
by law, religion or custom but by reason of cohabitation
lain, uskonnon tai vakiintuneen tavan vaan yhteisasumisen perusteella .
For this reason
was given
the green light
vihreä valoa to prepare more detailed proposals for further consideration
yksityiskohtaisempien ehdotusten valmistelemiseksi lisäpohdintoja varten .
Wintercure, a fast-drying coating that cures in virtually any weather conditions
nopeasti kuivuvalle Wintercure-pinnoitteelle, joka kestää lähes kaikkia sääoloja , has been given
the green light
vihreää valoa by the Ponts et Chaussees Laboratories
Ponts et Chaussees Laboratories , one of the foremost approval agencies in France.
ALL THE indications are that
the Monopolies & Mergers Commission report
Monopolies & Mergers -komission raportti , published next week, will give
the green light
vihreää valoa to Coats Viyella's £395m bid for Tootal Group
Coats Viyellan 395 miljoonan punnan tarjoukselle Tootal-konsernille .
THE European Commission
Euroopan komissio gave
the green light
vihreää valoa for British Airways' takeover of Dan-Air
sille, että British Airways ostaa Dan-Airin , dismissing objections by rival carriers and the Belgian government.
were given
the green light
vihreää valoa -- unfortunately, poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times.
, the European Commission announced a £2.5m grant giving
to the restoration of the grade II-listed building
luokan II rakennuksen kunnostuksen .
in turn had
from their respective governments
vastaavilta hallituksiltaan .
was given
the green light
vihreää valoa yesterday when President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine decided not to refer the deal to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission
eilen, kun kauppajohtokunnan puheenjohtaja Michael Heseltine päätti olla jättämättä kauppaa monopoleista ja fuusioista vastaavan toimikunnan käsiteltäväksi .
was given
the green light
vihreää valoa in a post-Tiananmen panic
Tiananmenin jälkeisessä paniikissa by people who will probably be living in Hampshire when, and if, the airport is built
Ihmiset, jotka luultavasti asuvat Hampshiressä kun ja jos lentokenttä rakennetaan, .
FATHER and son racing team of Roger and Mark Hoad
Roger ja Mark Hoadin tiimin isälle ja pojalle got
the green light
vihreää valoa from the Jockey Club
Jockey Club at an all day inquiry
koko päivän kestäneessä tutkinnassa , writes Charles Fawcus.
House of Fraser shares were highly sensitive to any rumours of a bid, and we waited with caution and anxiety for
the green light
vihreää valoa from the ministry
ministeriöltä .
USER FRIENDLY should make today another classic payday for local hero George Duffield so long as
to tackle the Coalite St Leger at Doncaster
taklata Coalite St Legerin Doncasterissa .
A PAINT that fights bugs
Luteita torjuvalle maalille has been given
the green light
vihreää valoa for use in `sick ``buildings
sen käyttämiseksi ”sairaissa” rakennuksissa .
A £150,000 hi-tech car wash could open next to Scarborough's ambulance station later this year if
are given
the green light
vihreää valoa .
`That depends on whether or not
for a full series
koko sarjaan , and that won't be known for a couple of months.
, then get together with any friends who are ready to help and any teachers who have offered support to discuss what should happen at your first meeting.