TransFrameNet:Finish competition
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- The Nemausus project was offered to Nouvel as a consolation prize afterhehänlosthävisia competitionkilpailunto Norman FosterNorman Fosterille
- `In Cup competitionsCupin kilpailuissawemehaveolemmelosthävinneetonly oncevain kerranagainst five teams in the top six of the First Divisionviidelle joukkueelle kuudesta, jotka ovat ensimmäisen divisioonan kärjessä.
- A retired couple whose home has been blighted by a by-pass schemeEläkkeelle jäänyt pari, jonka koti on tärvelty ohikulkutiekaavoituksen vuoksi,haveonlosthävinnyttheir battle for compensationkorvaustaistelunsa.
- The club's officers and committee are well away that could happen ifMiddlesbroughMiddlesbroughlosthäviäisiits championship and Sunday matchesmestaruutensa ja sunnuntain pelinsä, for there is no other Yorkshire venue in the region.
- There was crowd trouble before and during the match at Old Trafford, whereLiverpoolLiverpoollosthävisi2-02–0to Manchester UnitedManchester Unitedilleending an unbeaten run of 18 games.
- On Nov. 22. marraskuutaPrime Minister Milan Panicpääministeri Milan Paniclosthävisia vote of confidenceluottamusäänestyksenin the Socialist Party-dominated lower house of the Federal Assemblysosialistipuolueen hallitsemassa liittokokouksen alahuoneessaby 93 votes to 2493 äänellä vastaan 24 ääntä.
- HallingHallingagainjälleenlosthävisi,140 to 87140–87.
- Oxfordshire went down to Middlesex andGloucestershireGloucestershirelosthävisiat homekotonaanto SomersetSomersetille…
- In the bowl finalLoppuottelussa,European Exiles, including Jeremy Richardson (Edinburgh Acads) and Andy Purves (Melrose)European Exiles, mukaan lukien Jeremy Richardson (Edinburgh Acads) ja Andy Purves (Melrose),losthävisito another Japanese club, Acorntoiselle japanilaiselle seuralle Acornille,22-722–7.
- The WBO upheld Saturday's controversial decision at Olympia, whenMcMillanMcMillanlosthävisihis titlemestaruutensato Colombia's Ruben PalacioKolumbian Ruben Palaciolleafter sustaining a dislocated left shoulder in the eighth roundsen jälkeen, kun hänen vasen olkapäänsä oli mennyt sijoiltaan kahdeksannessa erässä.
- `WhenIminälosthävisinthat opening gametämän avauspelinin the fourth setneljännessä erässäI said to myself `this is your match ``.
- `I would like to assure the Scottish people thatthe Danny Porter whoDanny Porter, jokalosthävisito ClintonClintonillein 1989vuonna 1989for the British titleBritannian mestaruudenwill not be the same man who fights Clinton next month.
- Luton Town is slipping down the table however;theyselosthävisiat CoventryCoventryssäin mid-weekviikon puolessavälissäand went down one nil at home to Norwich this afternoon, Sherwood on target for the Canaries.
- Aston VillaAston Villalosthävisi2-02–0at homekotonaanto SOUTHAMPTONSOUTHAMPTONILLE.
- Sheffield Eagles could be second division champions if they defeat London andLeighLeighlosehäviääat WorkingtonWorkingtonissabut victory would assure Leigh of promotion.
- I appeal to my right hon. and hon. Friends to realise thatelectionsvaalitare<empty>losthäviääby a party that is dividedjakaantunut puolue.
- The governmentHallituslosthävisiby one vote, 311 to 310yhdellä äänellä 311–310, and for the first time since October 1924 an administration had been voted out of office through a Commons vote.
- McEnroeMcEnroe,whojokalosthävisia tough matchkovan pelinwith Stefano PescosolidoStefano Pescosolidon kanssa,7-6 1-6 6-47–6 1–6 6–4, said he was losing his mental edge.
- andlosinghävitenone run gamesyhden ajopelin
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- Toronto's starting pitcher, Dave Steib, took a 3-2 lead into the sixth inning, butMark McGwireMark McGwirehit a lead-off home runto<empty>tietasatakseenthe gamepelin.
- `My fatherIsänitiedpelasi tasapelinwith another mantoisen miehen kanssaat an Old Newton furrow-drawing matchOld Newtonin kyntövaon kilpailussa: both had a quarter-inch deviation -- it must have been about sixty years ago.
- BIRKENHEAD ST MARY 'S increased their lead at the head of the Bromborough Paints Merseyside Competition table but most excitement came atAinsdale whoAinsdalesta, jokatiedpelasi tasapelinwith RainhillRainhillin kanssa.#kleAINSDALEAINSDALEtiedpelasi tasapelinwith RainhillRainhillin kanssain a thrilling Merseyside Competitionjännittävän Merseysiden kilpailunencounter.
- Sandy shot a 71, though, and that lefthimhäntiedpelasi tasapelinfor the leadjohtopaikkaa pitävänwith David GrahamDavid Grahamin kanssa, who we played with, of course, for the third round.
- He defeated fellow Scot Colin Montgomerie at the first hole of a sudden-death decider afterthe pairparihadolitiedpelannut tasapelinon three-over-par 287three-over-par 287:lla.
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- The Tories, thevictorsvoittajatin the battle of ideasideoiden taistelun, look like losing the political war.
- With novictorvoittajaain this gametässä pelissä, Tetley are putting the £2,000 allotted to the winning side back into the prize “ kitty ” for the season.
- The Fascists claimed that their name derived from the fasces, bundles of rods carried as a symbol of power byvictorsvoittajatof the Roman EmpireRooman imperiumin.
- Thevictorvoittajaof Crécy and AgincourtCrécyn ja Agincourtin.
- At then end of the day, thevictorvoittajaof the whole Tourkoko Ranskan ympäriajonshould be known.
- Although thevictorvoittajaof a battle at seameritaistelun, Edward returned home a bitterly disappointed man.
- Australia's hand would be the first to shoot up with New Zealand not far behind, both of them, of course, recentvictorsvoittaneetover EnglandEnglantia vastaan.
- HeHänis theonvictorvoittanutover Satanpaholaisen, and he tells a gem of a story to drive the point home.
- Dredge'sDredgenvictorvoittowas probablyIII/JG 27's leading pilot, ObltIII/JG 27:n johtavan kuljettajan, Obltin,.
- Suddenly Bf109s attacked and Wynne went down in Z3035 to crash at high speed to his death;hishänenvictorvoittonsawasHptHpt.
- The 1988Gold CupGold Cupinvictorvoittajaled until two out, where lack of fitness told, and he finished third, 11 lengths behind the winner.
- ViewersKatsojatareovatvictorsvoittaneetin battle of the broadcasterstelevisiokasvojen taistelun: Michael Sheridan in Rome on sport's pre-eminent place on Italian screens
- He completed his century next day but the last wicket fell at 224, leavingWest IndiesWest Indiesvictorsvoittiby 298 runs298 juoksulla.
- Fiji's team was a second strength team buttheyhewere still too good, running away22-1022–10victorsvoittoonover Australia GreenAustralia Greenistäafter trailing 10-0 in the first half.
- PausaniasPausanias, thevictorvoittajaof PlataiaPlataian, had been abroad again in a private or semi-official capacity; he held Byzantion for a time, till the Athenians expelled him.
- I trustyoutewere the<empty>victorsvoititteof whatever engagement you became embroiled inmissä tahansa jutussa, johon osallistuitte?
- SchoolKouluwas the<empty>victorvoittiby 105½ points to 68½105 ½ pisteellä vastaan 68 ½ pistettä.
- ThevictorVoittothen provides the ovum for that month.
- By-electionTäytevaali-victorvoitto: Tory Kenneth Turner won the vacant seat on Saltburn, Marske and New Markse parish council last night beating Labour's Philip Hewitt in the by-election by 206 votes.
- Even so, thatby-electiontäytevaali-victorvoitossa, Mrs Elizabeth Shield, scored an impressive 22,449.
- Results of gubernatorial elections -- Withdrawal of disputed PRIvictorvoitonin Guanajuato
- From this struggle Lugard emerged the officialvictorvoittajana.
- Through his quick witty retorts, Basil invariably emerged as thevictorvoittajana.
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- Public NME is proud to announce thatour very own DAVID QUANTICKoma poikamme DAVID QUANTICKwas<empty>victoriousvoittiover Jesus Jones JERRY DE BORGJesus Jones JERRY DE BORGINin the finalloppuottelussa.
- The House of Lords could offer none, since thevictoriousvoittoisaarmyarmeijawas determined to suppress it.
- Two years after Moscow burned, ourvictoriousvoittoisaarmyarmeijammeentered Paris.
- In leaving Ramprakash out, England retained thevictoriousvoittoisaateamjoukkuettafrom Christchurch.
- VictoriousVoittoisain warsodassa, and victorious also against the wiles of amorous Atene, Leo is taken to the ruler, who reveals herself to him as Ayesha and challenges him to view her in her hideous age.
- The females can literally smell success, and will only mate with avictoriousvoittoisienmaleurosten.
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- Surbiton, last year's runners-up to St Albans, who achieved National League status, had a3-03–0victoryvoitonagainst MaidenheadMaidenheadia vastaanwith goals from David Francis, Ian Jolly and Gareth Notton.
- Denver's sixth win in seven games takes them to top of the AFC West aftertheirsen20-1320–13victoryvoitollaagainst PittsburghPittsburghia vastaan, who now are third behind Cleveland and Huston in the AFC Central.
- ADRIAN MAGUIRE, who partnered Halkopous to a tremendously impressivevictoryvoittoonat CheltenhamCheltenhamissaon Saturday, will retain the ride on the new Champion Hurdle favourite.
- HisHänenvictoryvoittonsaat CheltenhamCheltenhamissa; the one bright spot in a night of dismal failure for his party.
- And caretaker boss Malcolm Crosby is ready to gamble on 21-year-old Warren Hawke best remembered for his part in the1990 play-offsvuoden 1990 välierienvictoryvoitossaat NewcastleNewcastlessa.
- Also, the return to the international fold was marked with an emphaticvictoryvoitollaby the Junior SpringboksJunior Springboksinover NamibiaNamibiasta.
- A women's race over one lap looks set for a localvictoryvoitollaby British champion Marie Purvisbrittiläisen mestarin Marie Purvisin, of Manx Viking Wheelers, who loves the mountain course.
- The inclusion of left-wingers on the commission was regarded as a significantvictoryvoittonafor HusseinHusseinin, as the left had originally opposed the charter on the grounds that it might be used to limit political activity.
- Further uprisings occurred until 1649 when Oliver Cromwell, fresh fromhishänenvictoryvoitostaanin the English Civil WarEnglannin sisällissodassa, brutally put down the recalcitrant Gaels.
- Mike Fibbins, who like Ruckwood was unable to produce his best at the Barcelona Olympics, also bounced back withvictoryvoitollain the 50 metres freestyle50 metrin vapaauinnin.
- A common explanation of the reversal of US reform policies relates the changed priorities to the wider context of Asian politics, and in particular thevictoryvoittoonof communismkommunisminin China.
- ENGLAND earned a seeding position in the quarter-finals of the World Team Championships here with a3-03–0victoryvoitollaover EgyptEgyptistäyesterday.
- Asimov took the idea from the tales of the feuding Greeks'victoriesvoitoistaover the united Persians who so vastly outnumbered themliittoutuneista persialaisista, joita oli niin paljon heitä enemmän.
- England started in the team tournament with a4-24–2victoryvoitollaover AustriaItävallastato open up a chance for bronze or silver medal.
- Adam, celebratinghishänensecondvictoryvoittoaanover JohnsonJohnsonistathis week, gasped: `I didn't think I could get this far.
- Gloucester are on the winning trail aftertheirheidän10-310–3victoryselätettyäänover Rosslyn ParkRosslyn Parkinlast week.
- HisHänenvictoryvoittonsahere was a tribute to his quiet persistence in an intriguing struggle in the hot afternoon sunshine.
- On 30 June the Gaullists completedtheirheidänelectionvaali-victoryvoittoaan.
- Seven wins this season … a record breaking twenty eightgrand prixgrand prix -victoriesvoittoa… the world crown has to be his …
- They are based in the City of Middenheim, where they were founded following a greatvictoryvoitonagainst Chaos outside the city wallskaupungin muurien ulkopuolella vallitsevasta kaaoksesta.
- The Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR) was proclaimed by a National Congress of People's Representatives in December 1975 followingvictoryvoitettuaby the (communist) Lao Patriotic Front(kommunistisen) Laon isänmaapuolueenin a 25-year civil war25 vuotta kestäneen sisällissodan.
- Abingdon Town stormed to an emphatictwo one2–1victoryvoitonin a sparkling matchkuumassa pelissäwith promotion rivals, Egham Town at the Culham Road this afternoon.
- As far as the game in Paris was concerned, the only lingering doubts before kick-off concerned the margin of theFrenchRanskanvictoryvoiton.
- Morvael died the very morning after his armies achievedvictoryvoiton.
- Within two weeks of unprecedented activity, even the ill organised London dockers had achieved a majorvictoryvoitonon recognition and wages and conditionspalkkojen ja ehtojen tunnustamiseksi.
- The closest match of the first round was between Essex Wanderers and Vauxhall Golds with Vauxhall finally clinching a36-3536–35victoryvoiton.
- The programmes didn't even start until Saturday morning on October 26th, around the very same time that fly-half Rob Andrew was clinchingEngland'sEnglannin9-69–6victoryvoittoaover ScotlandSkotlannistain the first semi-finalensimmäisessä semifinaalissa.
- Marching on FOOTBALL: Juventus clinched a thrilling2-12–1victoryvoitonover AtalantaAtalantastayesterday to claw back a point from Italian first division leaders AC Milan who could only manage a goalless draw at lowly Fiorentina.
- Adams was aboard whenParty PoliticsParty Politicsscoredhis<empty>firstvictoryvoittonsain a two-and-a-half mile novice chase at Warwickkahden ja puolen mailin ensikertalaisten takaa-ajokilpailussa Warwickissäin Feb 1990helmikuussa 1990.
- The 19-year-old striker scored inZimbabwe'sZimbabwen2-l2–1victoryvoitonlast weekendviime viikonloppuna, but while he was away Coventry thrashed Liverpool 5-l.
- Wheneverhis teamhänen joukkueensascored avictoryvoiton, he was prone to marathon bouts of drunkenness.
- EmersonEmersonhad begun his career with Lotus in 1970, scoringhishänenfirstgrand prixgrand prix -victoryvoittonsaat Watkins GlenWatkins Glenissäin 1971vuonna 1971.
- Ever since thevictoryvoitonof the Red Armypuna-armeijanin the Revolutionvallankumouksen, soldiers have been part of the Chinese people's sense of themselves.
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- Hamilton has been the surprise packet of the championships, buthishänen21-1721–17winvoittonsaover Ronnie GarlandRonnie Garlandista-- who is the reigning indoor pairs champion -- proves that he can not be underestimated.
- LEEDS are poised to cash in onlast season'sviime kaudenchampionshipmestaruus-winvoitostaanby signing a multi-million pound sponsorship deal with a German company.
- After a switch to real race machinery, Bradl soon became known as a daring, go-for-broke rider and by 1987 he'd takenhishänenfirstEuropean championshipEuroopan mestaruuskilpailujenwinvoittonsaand second overall in the series.
- It wasLeckey'sLeckeynfirstNI championshipNI-mestaruus-winvoittoof the season and came too late to threaten Emerson's position.
- Ireland, bidding fortheirsenfirstchampionshipmestaruus-winvoittoon, have axed stand-off Niall Malone in favour of new cap Eric Elwood of Lansdowne, and switched wingers Richard Wallace and Simon Geoghegan.
- To make matters even worse for AC, city rivals Internazionale moved level with Torino on 11 points after a4-14–1winvoitonat struggling Pescaraepätoivoisesti kamppailevasta Pescarasta.
- AslenderLieväwinvoittofor Q P RQ P R:lle, but enough to give them three important points.
- The game will become one of the masterpieces, to rank with those such asAnderssen'sAndersseninwinvoittoagainst KieseritzkyKieseritzkyä vastaanin LondonLontoossain 1851vuonna 1851, or Botvinnik's win against Capablanca at AVRO 1938.
- Veteran flanker Mike Howard, a late replacement inlast week'sviime viikon44-644–6winvoitostaagainst SeahamSeahamia vastaan, keeps his place as Andy Harle is unavailable for the rest of the season.
- Only 2,222 turned up at the Vic for the3-13–1winvoittoagainst ExeterExeteriä vastaanon Tuesdaytiistainawell below the average attendance for the season, 3,500.
- Kirkby beat Kingston 3-0 and Leamington had a three-goal star in Graham Phelan intheirheidän5-35–3winvoitostaanagainst CliftonCliftonia vastaan, Billy Heinze adding a brace.
- That recent moment of glory,the Benson and Hedges CupBenson- ja Hedges-cupinwinvoittoat Lord'sLordissain 1987vuonna 1987, can now be seen to have been illusory.
- Meanwhile former Wales hooker Kevin Phillips looks certain to quit the game after being stretchered off inNeath'sNeathin24-2024–20winvoitonat BridgendBridgendissä.
- Hartlepool finished fourth when prop Neil Winn scored their third try to earn an18-1618–16winvoitonat homekotonato SandalSandalissa.
- Kevin Walsh scored three times for Sandon (Billy Hardacre) intheirheidän4-24–2winvoitettuaanat Croxteth RBLCroxteth RBL:ssä, while in division one, Etnaward (Franny Hyland 2, Simon Connolly) defeated Flat Iron 3-1.
- Delighted with their silver medals for reaching the final against the world champions, England saw the match open with an expectedwinvoitollaby the world champion Jorgen Perssonmaailmanmestari Jorgen Perssoninover English champion Chen Xinhuaenglantilaisesta mestarista Chen Xinhuasta21-8, 21-18.
- It can't have pleased the sponsors and the whole affair overshadowed an excellentwinvoitonby St HelensSt Helensin-- who are going to push Wigan all the way this season.
- Lee Clutterbuck increased the lead with a strong volley, and clever headed goal by Jamal Griffith completed a finewinvoitonfor ManorManorillein one of their best games of the seasonyhdessä kauden parhaimmista peleistä.
- Hat-tricks from O'Pray and Smith highlighted a superb7-27–2winvoitonfor MoscowMoscow'lleagainst Home and BargainHome and Bargainia vastaanwith Lewis also on target.
- The first day's jumping began as many hoped it would -- with awinvoitollafor superhorse Henderson Miltonsuperhevosen Henderson Miltonin.
- This is the game … this is the goal the Swindon fans will treasure for ever …theirheidänfirstwinvoittonsain the PremiershipPremiership-kisassa… it's taken three months and sixteen games to get it …
- Hartlepool, unbeaten since the drubbing six weeks earlier, easily gained their revenge, a2-12–1winvoitonin the Cupcupissa.
- ButLeicester'sLeicesterinwinvoittoover SunderlandSunderlandistadid them no favours, nor did sharing the points after Allen put Millwall ahead after 11 minutes.
- Oldham'sOldhamin5-15–1winvoittoover LutonLutonistawas their best of the season although David Pleat refused to concede his team were relegation certainties.
- ANNADALE brought the smile back to coach Smyth Patterson's face after opening their Kirk Cup campaign with a comprehensive3-13–1winvoitollaover MossleyMossleystaat OlympiaOlympiassa.
- Tonight's local headlines: a last minute goal gives Oxford United a well deservedone nilyhden numeronwinvoitonover PortsmouthPortsmouthistaat the ManorManorissa.
- After this year'selectionvaali-winvoiton, they have time on their side.
- Derby County chairman Brian Fearn has refused to push the panic button afterTranmere'sTranmeren2-12–1winvoiton.
- Preferring to pound the rugby pitch rather than passively wait for Valentine's cards dropping through the letter box, the efforts of the 15 women on the Scotland side were rewarded with a10-010–0winvoitolla.
- Typical of his new found fortunewasolihishänenwinvoittonsaon BandolineBandolinesta.
- Those who were there saw an eighthPrentonPrentoninwinvoitonof the season in an unbeaten run of 11 home games.
- Other particularly successful sides were Portsmouth (8-1 winners at Banbury) and Coventry and Middlesbrough, who enjoyed6-16–1winsvoitotover South Birmingham and Darlington respectivelyvastaavasti South Birminghamista ja Darlingtonista.
- Face North seems the answer to the Castrol Handicap followinghishänenwinvoittoaanover Sylvan BreezeSylvan Breezestäat LingfieldLingfieldissäa fortnight ago.
- WIRRAL Panthers trailed 4-0 before hitting back superbly to gain a thrilling5-45–4winvoitonover GlenavonGlenavonistain the Wallasey Junior League Under 12 divisionWallaseyn junioriliigassa alle 12-vuotiaiden divisioonassa.
- However, a strong cup tradition backed up by five Monmouthshire titles in seven years and 18Ben Francis CupBen Francis -cupinwinsvoittoacounted for nothing as Blaina struggled to find the consistency necessary to mount a successful promotion campaign.
- Leicester's highly-rated young lock, Martin Johnson, whose decisive second-half try set up theMidlandsMidlandsin16-1316–13winvoitonover the Northpohjoisesta, played down his England prospects.
- In the second round of the HA Cup Southport caused the main shock with a3-03–0winvoitollaover neighbours Formbynaapureista Formbystäat BirkdaleBirkdalessa.
- Woosnam failed from eight feet or less on four of the opening six holes, and it proved crucial as Ogle rattled in four birdies in a 69 before snatching the biggestwinvoitonof his careerurallaan.
- STEVE DAVIS last night clinched a quarter-final date with world No 2 Jimmy White in the Coalite World Matchplay at Doncaster with a comfortable9-39–3winvoitollaover Alain RobidouxAlain Robidoux'sta.
- Saracens, the only obstacle between Bath and the League One championship on April 25, confirmed themselves as London's highest placed club with a convincing27-927–9winvoitollaover a lively London Irish sideeloisasta Lontoon irlantilaisesta joukkueestaat SouthgateSouthgatessa.
- Let's start preparing for a convincingwinvoittoaagainst Sheffield UtdSheffield Utd:ta vastaan.
- And he'll keep his place tonight asNewcastleNewcastlebid to establish their best start since the war with aCoca Cola CupCoca Cola -cupinwinvoitollaat MansfieldMansfieldissä.
- Two Championships in four seasons, anda Littlewoods CupLittlewoodsin cupinwinvoittoover LiverpoolLiverpoolistathe year before thattoissavuonna…
- Walters' most memorable moment in a Liverpool shirt came when he scored the winner in the3-03–0UEFA CupUEFA-cupinwinvoitollaagainst AuxerreAuxerrea vastaanlast season, reversing a similar deficit as they face tonight.
- The England manager wants an emphaticWorld Cupmaailmancupinwinvoittajanover TurkeyTurkkia vastaanat WembleyWembleylläon November 1818. marraskuutato restore national morale after the exits of Leeds, Liverpool and Sheffield Wednesday.
- In Basingstoke League division one, Ants II had an easy 45-26winvoitonover MartlesMartlesista, while in division two, Ants II drew 34-all with Brookvale in a very entertaining game.
- He struck form with a vengeance towards the backend with easywinsvoitollaat Ascot and NewburyAscotissa ja Newburyssäand can outspeed Newton Point, an impressive winner here last month.
- On to the second round and the Dane Gita Summer; an easywinvoittofor our girltytöillemme, Julie winning in two games eleven three, eleven seven.
- She had painkilling injections for the easysemi-finalvälierä-winvoitonover compatriot Anke Hubermaannaisestaan Anke Huberistaand a smaller dose for Saturday's final against Mary Joe Fernandez, which went to three sets and lasted a gruelling 2 hours.
- LABOUR 'S hysteria overtheirheidänby-electiontäytevaali-winvoitostaanin Willington East is surely a sign of desperation.
- Earlier this month in Canada Greg Norman recordedhishänenfirstwinvoittonsafor over two years.
- On the Thursday he scored twice for Italy in a4-04–0winvoitonover BulgariaBulgariasta.
- They also hold the League's record score a21-021–0winvoitollaover North Skelton RoversNorth Skelton Roversistain 1895vuonna 1895.
- After losing to Lothian 2-3, with Ratcliff and Paul Spencer at No 4 the only winners,MerseysideMerseysidescored a fine4-14–1winvoitonagainst West of ScotlandLänsi-Skotlantia vastaan.
- Ifan anti-health maintenance organization, pro-public-education Democratterveyden vastainen tukiorganisaatio, julkista koulutusta puoltavat demokraatit,winsvoittavat, Democrats will say it's because voters liked her positions on HMOs and education.
- uh no i don't think the Cowboys have got a chance i thinktheyhewill probablyluultavastiwinvoittavatone or two more games than they did this yearyksi tai kaksi peliä enemmän kuin tänä vuonnaand they'll get close to it they'll probably get everybody's hopes up and blow it toward the end
- yeah they got a big game this weekend i think iftheyhewinvoittavatitsenthey got a shot at getting into the play-offs but i don't think they're gon na win
- yeah they got a big game this weekend i think if they win it they got a shot at getting into the play-offs but i don't thinktheyhe're gon nawinvoittamaan
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- i think that's going to beone of those thatyksi niistä jutuista, jotka's uh that'sonwonvoittanutby the home teamkotijoukkueyou know whoever has home court advantage is going to win that one i think
- i think that's going to be one of those that's uh that's won by the home team you knowwhoever has home court advantagejolla on kotikenttäetuis goingto<empty>winvoittaathat oneseni think
- WinningpäihittäminenitSenwithout a coherent messageilman johdonmukaista viestiäwill be impossible.
- and it was it was just bedlam we really didn't have a quarterback it was uhdefensepuolustus-winningvoittowinning winningall the gameskaikki pelit
- where and as you say uh going halfway was probably worse than um committing um committing to a completely and umwinningvoittamaanitsenwhatever that would mean
- They have obligedthe United StatesYhdysvallat--whichjoka, afterwinningvoitettuaanthe Cold Warkylmän sodan, would have happily left the rest of the world to its own devices -- to continue with ``the tiresome business of threatening and using force, deploying troops in faraway places, and cobbling together coalitions.
- and uh to know whetherwemewere goingto<empty>winvoittaathe gamepelinor lose a game because they got one point ahead of us
- i thinktheyhewonvoittavatsix to fivekuusi vastaan viisiand i think that was on his he hit a home run at the end and broke the tie up
- In 1991Vuonna 1991,shehänbrought a similar suit against a playwright andwonvoitti.
- It'sa gamepeli, jotaliberalsliberaalitcan'teivät voiwinvoittaa.
- The Daily Telegraph of London said Bradley won; Corriere della Sera of Milan saidGoreGorewonvoitti; La Repubblica of Rome said boredom won.
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- Meanwhile,HightownHightownwere<empty>3-03–0winnersselättiagainst CliftonCliftoninon the Bristol University groundBristolin yliopiston kentällä.
- In today's final he playsMiloslav MecirMiloslav Mecirin,a6-3, 6-46–3, 6–4winnerkukistiagainst Stuttgart's Carl Uwe SteebStuttgartin Carl Uwe Steebin.
- Thewinnersvoittajiksiin the Adult SectionAikuisten kisanweremy Aunt Gertrude and her friend, Miss Alice Pearce, who were ideally suited for their chosen parts of Darby and Joantätini Gertrude ja hänen ystävänsä Alice Pearce, jotka sopivat hyvin valittuihin rooleihinsa Darbynä ja Joanina.
- NobelNobel-winnersvoittajiain plea to Burma
- It also includes a piece of `cynghanedd ``Welsh verse written by the former Mayor of Ruthin,Robin Llwyd ap Owain,Robin Llwyd ap Owain,aNational EisteddfodNational Eisteddfod -winnervoittajain 1991.
- All applications must be received by the end of May when the Committee reviews applications and selects thewinnersvoittajatin each group.
- Trevor Francis's teamTrevor Francisin joukkue, impressivewinnersvoitonat Nottingham ForestNottingham Forestissaon Saturdaylauantaina, have moved to within six points with a game in hand.
- John WatsonJohn Watson,British Grand PrixBritish Grand Prix -palkinnonwinnervoittajaat SilverstoneSilverstonessain 1981vuonna 1981, says: `I'm sure the contract we have until 1996 will be honoured.
- Meanwhile,Kirsteen McEwanKirsteen McEwan, a triplewinnervoittajaat the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Under-18 Championshipsalle 18-vuotiaiden Clydesdale Bank Scottish - mestaruuskisojenearlier this monthaiemmin tässä kuussa, spearheads Scotland's team for the European Junior Championships in Sofia from 11-17 April.
- DerbyDerbywere convincing3-03–0winnersvoitonover PisaPisasta, who also had Jose Antonio Chamot sent off for a professional foul on Ted McMinn.
- Grunfeld, 25, the eighth seed from Manchester, now takes on RomanianRuxandra DragomirRuxandra Dragomirin, a6-3, 6-06–3, 6-0winnerselättiover Russian Natalia Bykova-Egorovavenäläisen Natalia Bykova-Egorovan, for a place in the third round.
- ECC CECC Cwere comfortablesai selkeän7-37–3winnersvoitonover the struggling Baddow Village A sideepätoivoisesti kamppailevasta Baddow Villagen A-joukkueestain Division Twokakkosdivisioonassa.
- Summerbee struck right on the stroke of half-time to set up a clash withFranceRanskanimpressive3-03–0winnersvoitonover PortugalPortugalistain the final tomorrow.
- WhoKukawas the officialwinnervoittajaof the 1976 British Grand Prixvuoden 1976 British Grand Prix -kilpailunafter James Hunt was disqualifiedJames Huntin diskaamisen jälkeen?
- Thewinnervoittajaof the tossKolikonheitonusually wound his string around his hand except for the last six inches, this ensured a good sharp and hard blow on the other conker.
- Thewinnervoittiof category ALuokan AwasPhotography at the Bauhaus edited by Jeannine Fielder and published by Verlag Dirk NishenBauhausin valokuva, jonka oli muokannut Jeannine Fielder ja julkaissut Verlag Dirk Nishen.
- Thewinnersvoittajatof the Stableford competitionStablefordin kilpailunwill be invited on a hot air balloon flight which is sure to give those who do not relish the though a good excuse for their less than perfect scores.
- The photographs of this year'swinnervoittajanwill then appear in glorious colour in a future issue of Hairflair magazine.
- Corals were so impressed they cut Rambo's Hall to 7-1 joint favourite with the horse Glover rates his biggest threat -- last year'swinnervoittajanMellottieMellottien.
- Last year'swinnersvoittajatImperialImperial-were put out after extra time and penalties by five times previous holders White China.
- Augustawinner-voittajaBernhard LangerBernhard Langerjoins US PGA champion Nick Price, and American Paul Azinger.
- Team championshipJoukkuemestaruuskisojenwinnersvoittajawereBootleBootlewith 303303:lla pisteellä.
- Savouring her 1,440-vote capture of the Tory marginal, the doubleOscarOscar-winnervoittajasaid yesterday her acting career was over.
- David Cone, pitcher forWorld SeriesmaailmansarjanwinnersmestarinToronto Blue JaysToronto Blue Jaysin, on the fact that none of the team were Canadians
- A draw is now made out of all the entries received each month to select the winning hole-in-one and we will then present thewinnervoittajanwith two cases of Wolfschmidt KummelWolfschmidt Kummelin kahden kilpailun.
- The Scottish champion from Aberdeen and the formerAtlantic OpenAtlantic Open -winnervoittajafrom Paisley both had 68 at Vila Sol where the lack of wind and near-perfect greens resulted in a glut of birdies and eagles.
- The televised phase of the competition begins tomorrow with Steve Davis opening the defence of his title against thewinnervoittajaaof today's match between Dean Reynolds and Tony Meotämän päivän Dean Reynoldsin ja Tony Meon välisen pelin.
- JamesJames,winnervoittanutof almost £102,000lähes 102 000 puntaathis seasontällä kaudella, said: “ I can not remember playing golf as good as that for four rounds, ” he commented.
- The recentNewburyNewbury-winnervoittajahas been installed 6-1 favourite by Corals and Ladbrokes, but Brooks warned: `He's far from a definite runner.
- Grapes and sunflowers flourished in southern England but the realwinnersvoittajiaweresuppliers of insecticideshyönteismyrkkyjen toimittajat: sales to agriculture and horticulture rose by more than a third in 1989.
- Select yourawardpalkinnon-winnersvoittajatand you can join in our £40,000 draw
- DAVID BATTY … the Leeds and England staris theonMerit AwardMerit Award -winnervoittaja
- The Damask design is available in five colourways from the new Lafayette range,Stylesetter AwardStylesetter Award -winnervoittajalta.
- Twelve bottles were entered in the competition and thewinnervoittajawasMarilyn PullingerMarilyn Pullinger.
- From Czechoslovakia on Sunday Teesside heard the renowned Janacek String Quartet and in Richmond the PortugueseLeeds Piano CompetitionLeeds-pianokilpailunwinnervoittajaArtur PizarroArtur Pizarro.
- The 1966 World CupVuoden 1966 maailmancupinwinnervoittaja, starting his caretakership of the Potteries club, said: `I have not been a vulture on Mick's back -- and he knows that.
- AUSTRIA 'S three-timeWorld Cupmaailmancupinwinnervoittajaand Olympic skiing championPetra KronbergerPetra Kronberger, 23, yesterday shocked the sport with the announcement of her retirement.
- The fact thatthe English and Irish Derbyenglantilaiset ja irlantilaiset Derby-winnersvoittajatwill never meet on the track does not stop the followers of the dynamic duo hammering home their cases.
- Now seven years old, Bachelor's Button was to take Pretty Polly on again, and started 7-1 joint second favourite with the1905vuoden 1905DerbyDerby-winnervoittajanCiceroCiceron.
- DerbyDerby-winnervoittajaDr DeviousDr Deviousalso raced freely before weakening into 10th and jockey Chris McCarron, who replaced regular rider John Reid, reported afterwards: `I couldn't control him at all.
- Turning round 3-9 behind, Selkirk suddenly recognised that again they had the beating of the title favourites, theirmatchpelinwinnervoittajansa, Ian Ballantyne, having come into the side at short notice.
- Even if the referee was technically correct in allowing Sherrell'smatchpelinwinnervoitti(the referee claims Northerns touched the ball in the ruck), surely the spirit of the law would have disallowed it?
- But in less than three weeks the stakes will be significantly raised -- with enough big-money losers on the British side of the Channel to match thewinnersvoittajatof the beer warolutsodan.
- Hewas the<empty>matchpelinwinnervoittajaat Old TraffordOld Traffordissaand the selectors should once more be able to see the folly of their ways.
- Kitty Godfree: June 19, aged 96: Twice Wimbledon Ladies Singles' champion in the Twenties andOlympic gold medalolympiakultamitalinwinnervoittaja.
- Clint had it all: a top filmstar, successful grand-prix driver,gold medalkultamitali-winnervoittajaat the Munich OlympicsMünchenin olympialaisten.
- ANGRY, frustrated and disillusioned Arsenal fans yesterday borrowed a line frompoolspotinwinnervoittajaltaViv NicholsonViv Nicholsoniltaand urged manager George Graham to spend, spend, spend.
- IT made me angry to read that£2 million2 miljoonan punnanpoolspotinwinnervoittajaRodi WoodcockRodi Woodcockkept her laboratory job.
- JACKPOT poolsJÄTTIPOTINwinnervoittajaCharlie HillCharlie Hilltoasted his £2 million windfall yesterday and promised: “ It won't change me. ”
- This month'sTämän kuunTop Tip prizeTop Tip -palkinnonwinnervoittajawill receive £50 worth of labour-saving paint scraping and Sandplate tools from Sandvik Saws and Tools.
- Right: Reine Sammut, this year'sARC trophyARC-pokaalinwinnervoittaja
- European Area Conference The Marquis of Amodio, President of the European Area with some of thetrophypalkinnonwinnersvoittajistain Blackpool.
- Great Communicator and Pay The Butler,winnersvoittajatof the Breeders' Cup TurfBreeders' Cup Turf -palkinnonand the Japan Cup, are among his opponents.
- AjaxAjax, three-timeswinnersmestariof the European CupEuroopan cupin, reached the UEFA Cup Final for the first time when last night's 1-1 draw with Genoa gave the Dutch club a 4-3 aggregate win.
- SeizingerSeizinger,winnervoittajaof the women's downhill World Cupnaisten maailmancupin syöksylaskunlast seasonviime kautena, finished 0.16sec ahead of Austria's Sylvia Eder.
- Meanwhile the surprisewinnersvoittajaof East Germany's electionItä-Saksan vaalien, the Conservative Alliance have suffered a set-back in their plans to reunify the 2 Germanies.
- The Thinker, already awinnervoittajaof the racekilpailun, stands at 20-1, but he is difficult to train and even more difficult to catch on the right day.
- A LATE entry for the Manx International cycle race over three laps of the TT course (113 miles) on June 25 is Conor Henry, from Ireland,winnervoittajaof the 1992 Milk Racevuoden 1992 Milk Racen.
- So, if you are aged 18 and over and have healthy hair that's in fabulous condition, youcould be the luckyonnekaswinnervoittajaof this year's titletämän vuoden mestaruuden.
- In the autumn he hopes to meet thewinnervoittajanof tomorrow night's European title fighthuomisillan Euroopan mestaruuskamppailunin CopenhagenKööpenhaminassabetween Glaswegian Donnie Hood and unbeaten local favourite Johnny Bredahlglasgowlaisen Donnie Hoodin ja lyömättömän paikallisen suosikin Johnny Bredahlin välillä.