laws against selling tobacco to minors
Tupakan myynnin alaikäisille kieltävän lain (6l, m)
According to the argument, it was the passing of the law that was important to the reformers, not how
Thus, our definition of crime is based on
criminal laws which
rikoslakeihin, jotka are made by particular governments and
by established criminal procedure
vakiintuneiden rikosprosessien .
as if it were a judgment of the court
kuin se olisi oikeuden päätös , and there is a limited right of appeal from his award to the High Court on a point of law.
The anxiety of the papal reformers to put all clergy under a rule shows that experience suggested to them that
could only be
voitaisiin vain on monks or folk living a quasi-monastic life
munkeille tai ihmisille, jotka elävät lähes luostarielämää .
perusteellisesti .
And there's some doubt as to whether the council can make
its tenant farmers
sen vuokraviljelijät .
They or their heirs
He tai heidän perillisensä this contract
tämän sopimuksen against one another
toinen toistaan vastaan for the whole period
koko ajanjakson ajaksi .
This was
the trade embargo which
kauppasaarto, jonka by the United States
Yhdysvallat .
Branding and voucher regulations
Brändäys- ja etusetelimääräykset much more consistently than in earlier years
paljon johdonmukaisemmin kuin aikaisempina vuosina .
Mr Yates was told
the legislation
lainsäädäntöä because of `an oversight.
"tarkkaamattomuuden" vuoksi
on the ground that another has relied upon it
sen perusteella, että toinen on luottanut siihen , a transfer of wealth occurs.
Whether a mortgage is legal or equitable,
the mortgagee
kiinnityksen haltija by applying to the court for an order for foreclosure
anomalla oikeudelta ulosmittausmääräystä .
According to Engels the State only develops with the full elaboration of classes, and it is the tool of
the ruling class
hallitsevalle luokalle on those whom it oppresses
sortamiensa ihmisten keskuudessa .
a corporatist incomes policy is
a negotiated policy which
neuvoteltu menettely, joka by means of moral suasion and private coercion, rather than state coercion
moraalisen suostuttelun ja yksityisen pakottamisen keinoin valtion pakottamisen sijasta .
Roman-Dutch law
roomalais-hollantilaisen lain ,
gradually came
in the Low Country
alamaassa , all children were allowed a share in the inheritance.
Certain norms are formalized by translation into
by official sanctions
virallisilla hyväksynnöillä .
There are laws against hunting, but