SIR --
Capt Courage's
Kapteeni Couragen actions in fulfilling
to make a so-called citizen's arrest
niin sanottujen kansalaispidätysten suorittamiseksi (letter, April 7) are not a good example to his fellow citizens.
BUDDY Holly fan Glen Tweedie
BUDDY Holly fan Glen Tweedie is about to realise a
In 1969,
of a daily Trotskyist newspaper, The Workers Press
trotskilaisesta The Workers Press -sanomalehdestä , and transformed his group into the Workers Revolutionary Party.
In 1988
fulfilled a
pitkäaikaisen to own a coach
omistaa vaunut , buying one jointly with his father.
For 70 year old Bob Wackett and his son, Steve
70-vuotiaalle Bob Wackettille ja hänen pojalleen Stevelle 's the fulfillment of a
was a patriotic Great Russian, and had no
to break up the Russian empire
hajottaa Venäjän keisarikunnan .
to be a marine biologist
meribiologiksi , and always claimed that lack of formal educational opportunity prevented her.
Paul on the other hand was impractical and dreamy, with his head full of notions;
of going to Oxford
mennä Oxfordiin seemed suitable, and could just be afforded by his family.
It was not until last year that
to sail there
purjehtia sinne .
to be a full-time writer
olla täyspäiväinen kirjailija .
When 26-year-old Tim Haller, from Horncastle, Lincs, bought a double-decker bus in 1988,
to travel around the world in it
matkustaa siinä ympäri maailman .
to make you as completely happy as I can
on tehdä sinusta mahdollisimman onnellinen .
But they didn't reckon with
to win a third time
voittaa kolmannen kerran .
The Prime Minister's
Pääministerin is
to close the ozone gap and save the world from the greenhouse effect
on sulkea otsonireikä ja pelastaa maailma kasvihuoneilmiöltä .
It appeared to him suddenly that there was a link between
for him
häneen kohdistuvan and the ethic of a religion more alien to his own thought than he had ever dreamed.
Breeding Goby Cichlids is not easy --
is one of
and so far I have been unsuccessful.
It was this sweetness of tone that made National Tri-Plates a favourite of Hawaiian lap-steel players, although -- bizarrely enough --
the National company
kansallisella yhtiöllä had
much higher
paljon korkeammat for their guitars
kitaroilleen .
The abolition of rates
Kurssien poistaminen fulfils an
of Mrs Thatcher's
Thatcherin dating back to 1974
vuodelta 1974 .
To stay and gain promotion within a work enterprise would have acted as a brake on
pyrkimyksilleen to be independent of employment
riippumattomuuteen työstä .
This has been encouraged by developments in the international financial markets and by
to establish Paris as mainland Europe's prime financial centre
vakiinnuuttaa Pariisi Manner-Euroopan tärkeimmäksi finanssikeskukseksi .
It marked the end of
pyrkimyksilleen as a dance teacher
tanssiopettajana .
Afroaasialaiset for more speedy decolonization than the British Government thought wise, or indeed practicable,
siirtomaiden nopeammasta purkamisesta, jota Ison-Britannian hallitus piti viisaana tai toteuttamiskelpoisena. were already causing concern in the aftermath of Suez.
Until then there had been widespread sympathy for
for greater autonomy
kohti suurempaa autonomiaa `and the government had moved cautiously in that direction.
for career development
kehittyä urallaan lie beyond the confines of Art teaching.
Although nationalists could express themselves freely in cultural terms,
for a united Ireland
yhtenäisestä Irlannista would have to wait for the ballot box to decide.
The contest for the Democratic nomination was, however, expected to provide significant indications of
in the final decade of the 20th century
1900-luvun viimeisellä vuosikymmenellä .
Soft facts are also important as they'll help you to get to know your client better, to understand
feelings, views and
in a number of areas
monilla aloilla .
You block and deny
to creativity and permanence
luovuutta ja pysyvyyttä koskevat .
We can see in this
towards a total philosophy of life
kohti totaalia elämänfilosofiaa .
Has the manager at all times respected the wishes and
The first Left-winger to call for a drive against Militant and to recognise the popularity of selling council houses, he said his party ignored the
of young married couples
nuorten vihittyjen parien on new housing estates
uusista asumalähiöistä at its peril.
There is every likelihood that they will continue to decline unless immediate constructive measures are taken to meet the
of the rural population
maaseutuväestön for equity with the more favoured areas in job opportunities and social services
tasavertaisiin työmahdollisuuksiin ja sosiaalipalveluihin epäsuotuisimmilla alueilla .
We also intend to interview both male and female employees in order to explore
and their perception of company policies and opportunities.
Under such weak economic conditions, we had to trim
And Tom Courtenay, in a rare stage appearance, doesn't miss a chance to behave disgracefully as his son and daughter strive to match
with their father's penny-pinching ways.
Indeed the
of publishers
Kustantajien are precisely to ensure additionality, not direct substitution for print in their pricing and packaging structures.
There are many other areas one could consider, especially meeting the
of special needs groups
erityistarpeita vaativien ryhmien , and the implications of National Vocational Qualifications in the environmental sector.
In the longer run, a measure which drew the line between voters and voteless was bound to increase the consciousness of the latter in ways that would encourage an upsurge of
was working in the BBC pensions department and had
of getting into TV
päästä televisioon .
had no
to be patrons of the arts and to regale themselves like proletarian Ludwig IIs with grand opera or private performances of the classics
taiteiden johtajiksi ja viihdyttää itseään proletaarien Ludvig II:n tavoin suurilla oopperoilla tai klassisten teosten yksityisesityksillä .
It is therefore
the more academically able who
akateemisesti pätevämpi will have the education and
likely to lead to out-migration.
When I was 11 or 12
Kun olin 11- tai 12-vuotta had
to be a goalkeeper
olla maalivahti too.
to achieve national league status for the town
saavuttamaan kaupungille kansallisen liiga-aseman within the next three to five years
seuraavien 3–5 vuoden kuluessa .
The charges have been trumped up to satisfy the
of the British empire.
(If he won, he would clear them off Oualie -- how
that island's green streams and slopes
saaren vihreitä puroja ja rinteitä !)
The French king is well guarded and
more than honour itself.
it makes them greedy.
Arion, son of Poseidon and master of the lyre, was sailing to Corinth when he was put overboard by
his wealth
hänen vaurauttaan .
Sicilian wealth and power
Sisilian vaurautta ja valtaa both by outside powers and by Syracuse, the greatest polis of Sicily down to Roman times
sekä ulkopuoliset vallat että Syrakusa, Sisilian merkittävin kaupunkivaltio Rooman vallan aikaan .
I'd coveted Lotta because
and I had to be the winner.
`Not knowing whether
your body or your Knudsen
vartaloasi vai Knudsenejasi !
In 1989
was tipped to succeed Mr King when Mr Brooke was appointed, and despite his disappointment then has continued
and interest himself in Irish affairs.
Jane had `missed her first ``and went down from university with only a two-one in English Language and Literature, thus deprived of
the academic career
akateemiselta uralta, jota with cowardice.
And of all the lands of the world, this is
But to some, his ease and aptitude in dealing with people and issues implied
what their stomach is averse to
sitä mitä heidän vatsansa ei kestä ; indecisive.
She was determined that her children would never be deprived of
the cuddles and kisses that
halauksilta ja suukoilta, she and her brother Charles
joita hän ja hänen veljensä Charles when they were young.
at a definite time daily? 15.
In a league dominated by a restricted number of Canadian imports
, home grown talent
kotisyntyisiä lahjakkuuksia .
the way an alcoholic longs for another drink.
And success,
want success,
, we go for success, but you can be very stressed by directly doing it.
Flora envied them because
all the things
kaikki asiat, joita in life they could buy cheaply in the NAAFI.
Close to collapse, he staggered downhill towards the river, to
since noon
keskipäivästä asti .
Not surprisingly,
stressed-out women
loppuun stressaantuneet naiset tend
are crunchy, such as biscuits and crisps, or tough and chewy, such as toffee.
that you complete your studies and take up a form of employ that may be useful for my purposes at some time in the future.
että suoritat opintosi ja saat sellaista työtä, josta voi olla hyötyä tarkoitusperilleni joskus tulevaisuudessa
We welcome
the Government's
hallituksen to gain a better quantitative understanding of the many environmental impacts of minerals activity through its research programme
pyrkiä siihen, että mineraalitoimintojen ympäristövaikutuksia ymmärretään paremmin sen tutkimusohjelman kautta .
I believe that
most men
useimmilla miehillä have an
to hunt and kill
metsästää ja tappaa and that even today this primitive urge has only been eradicated in a small minority of the human race.
had no particular
to see either the hills or the quarries
nähdä joko kukkuloita tai kivilouhoksia .
There seemed
to be the fairly uncomplicated
varsin mutkaton among the community
yhteisössä to see all the children attend the same school, as an expression of relationships existing within the community
siitä, että kaikki lapset kävivät samaa koulua ilmauksena yhteisössä vallitsevista suhteista .
You feel protected and at rest and
have a
was instantaneous and of their own volition his hands began to search and caress her body.
On sustained regional tours right through his seventies
would go on playing to smaller but no less loving audiences, having no
for retirement or inactivity
eläkkeellelähtöön tai toimettomuuteen .
to be more than bachelors
olla enemmän kuin poikamiehiä , to be husbands and fathers too.
In addition, the desire to keep up a respectable level of income or the
to have a job or career
saada työpaikka tai ura , may lead to the woman going to work.
for either of them
kumpikaan the night before: the memory of her father's death was too dominant in their minds.
No means of gratifying
was too demeaning.
In most instances, it's fine to indulge
at this point
tässä vaiheessa was not to do any more paddling.
Such schemes neglect the importance of inheritance, the
by older people
vanhempien ihmisten to leave something to their children or grandchildren
jättää lapsilleen tai lapsenlapsilleen jotakin .
for seclusion
eristäytymisen is imperilled by a succession of visitors.
As in Croatia, the Bosnian conflict is fuelled by the determination of the minority Serbs to remain linked to Serbia and the
equally strong
yhtä voimakas of Croats and Muslims
kroaattien ja muslimien to break free of Belgrade
vapauttaa Belgrad .
for spiritual reality
spirituaalista todellisuutta are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism.
She had
spirit of adventure and
for romance and excitement
romantiikan ja jännityksen fulfilled becoming less superficial and pretentious and a more mature person.
She wouldn't do it -- wouldn't allow him to railroad her into
had absolutely no
Recounting the history of Bilmarsh farm, Gough observed: `
Nathaniell Reve
Nathaniell Reve had a
to been tenant of this farme
olla tämän maatilan maanvuokraaja ,
because his grandfather and father had been tenants to it before
koska hänen isoisänsä ja isänsä olivat olleet aiemmin tämän maatilan maanvuokraajia ``.
By altering the brain's ability to absorb these chemicals, researchers believe they can reduce cravings and binges in
Auguste reported that Boris was still charging around in the kitchen and showed no
to show his head above stairs.
By the end of the nineteenth-century, the biological model of sexuality was so constructed that it had become perfectly coherent to argue that
was pathological.
It trivialises sexual relationships by treating them in mechanistic fashion, its purpose being `the stimulation of
in the reader or viewer
lukijassa tai katsojassa ``.
might have
, he might find certain people attractive.
Corbett heard her out, torn between
and excitement at what he had discovered.
Even my wife, enlightened, but energetically gregarious, upon my expressing
not to go to a certain gathering would say, `Normal people like parties, they want to go.
It was wicked not to, he knew that, but now he felt a
to leap and jump.
Tabitha felt a
to turn the extinguishers on them.
There is no objection to retaining an upper limit on size, though in practice
would either purchase old ones or wait until building costs fall.
is himself possessed,
a lot of things that the advertising industry brainwashes us to believe are indispensable
monia asioita, joiden mainosteollisuus uskottelee olevan meille välttämättömiä .
I think of
some people who
joitakin ihmisiä, jotka a rational faith
rationaalista luottamusta .
, nor do I wish to deprive the rightful heirs of what is their own.
However much
Huolimatta siitä, miten paljon a politician might
poliitikko to avoid involvement in the collectorship contests
välttää osallistumista tähän keruukilpailuun , it was virtually impossible to escape being drawn in if the friends were involved.
an unemployed individual who
työtöntä henkilöä, joka but knows nothing about job vacancies and is thus `searching ``for a suitable job in a segment of the labour market.
When James dispatches Paul and others on missionary expeditions,
to convert people to Jesus's form of Judaism
käännyttävän ihmiset juutalaisuuden Jeesusta palvovaan muotoon .
Just as
the capitalist
kapitalisti maximum output from labour for least cost
työstä mahdollisimman hyvän tuoton mahdollisimman vähin kustannuksin , so does the labourer want maximum pay for the least effort.
`My lord prince, ``he said, `
the king your father
sinun isäsi kuningas speech with you
keskustella kanssasi .
It was not
a decision that
päätös, jota was understood or
by all Germans
kaikki saksalaiset .
`The assumption is that
by many men
monien miesten .
Hohnfeldt's leadership left
Last night's overall telly certainly left
now above all else
to leave sanctuary
lähteä pyhäköstä .
, start thinking and acting as though it were already true -- in whatever small ways are possible.
Do you sometimes feel you will never become
had spoken quickly, without thinking, and looked
for her idea
hänen ideastaan .
The present UK Conservative government
Ison-Britannian nykyinen konservatiivihallitus to remove controls even in cases where many people consider them beneficial
poistamaan tarkastukset jopa tapauksissa, joita monet ihmiset pitävät hyödyllisinä ,
for equally political reasons
yhtäläisistä poliittisista syistä ; but it has done so far more quickly in some areas than others.
The old dog plodded alongside while the younger one careered wildly up and down without managing to distract
the sheep who
lampaita, jotka to get home and be relieved of their milk
pääsemään kotiin ja pääsemään irti maidostaan .
The testator
Testamentintekijä that his wife should leave nothing to her brother
ettei hänen vaimonsa jätä mitään veljelleen .
How much more
Miten paljon those warriors
nämä soturit would have been
to contact a foe face to face
kohtamaan vihollisen kasvotusten .
If pressed, she might have revealed just
knows precisely where he is going now and is fit and
for the challenge
kohtaamaan haasteen .
As the dust created by the collapse of the monarchy cleared, however, it became increasingly apparent to
how tenacious and resourceful in defending their positions the established ruling classes of Spain were.
Silent and solitary he often was, as Eckert knew from the evidence of Margaret Townsend, Thomas's aunt, but
to share his country knowledge with young people
jakamaan maata koskevan tietämyksensä nuorten kanssa .
Needless to say,
the scientific community
tiedeyhteisö from the start
alusta asti to scrutinise Heber's work
tutkimaan tarkasti Heberin työtä .
Enthusiastic as some of the clergy may have been for war and seduced as they sometimes were by their own eloquence and propaganda for it,
about the burdens which it entailed
kantamaan siihen liittyvät taakat .
Then he departs, leaving the course to the
Japanese institutions too have been
than their husbands
kuin miehensä to sign the note
allekirjoittamaan nootin .
They departed the same day,
and anxious
to be back in Edinburgh
palaamaan Edinburghiin .
haastateltavat to air their views of the contemporary state of Howdendyke
kertomaan mielipiteensä Howdendyken nykyisestä kunnosta that little time was left for another part of my interview task, the collection of oral history material
että haastattelutehtäväni toiselle osalle eli suullisen historiamateriaalin keräämiselle jäi vain vähän aikaa .
His senses told him that
for closer intimacies
lähempään tuttavuuteen , and she made no attempt to draw back when he unbuttoned her coat and felt for the soft warmth of her breasts.
rose from his chair,
not to let the opportunity of escape slip from his grasp
koska ei halunnut päästää otettaan lapusta .
There is mini-golf, and if
exploring further afield
lisää toimintaa , there are bicycles for hire.
`What, that bloke down the pub
writing a novel
kirjoittaa novellin ?
a horse-drawn carriage from Ayrshire Equitation
hevosten vetämiä Ayrshire Equitation -kärryjä — just £200 including coachman and attendants?
But first we had visited Decoy Marsh, the site of an early duck decoy built by
seventeenth century Dutch engineers who
1600-luvun hollantilaisten insinöörien roast duck
paahdettua ankkaa on their menu
ruokalistalle .
a bit of sailing
purjehtia while you're here
täällä olosi aikana you know where to come.
Blackpool forward David Eyres
Blackpoolin hyökkääjästä David Eyresista and they could also get a call from Chelsea, who may fancy Mike Stowell to end their search for a goalkeeper.
To talk about everything from the fact that
to things which are deeply personal.
GLAMOROUS grannie Barbara Flanagan never has to shop around when
a new outfit
uudesta asusta she simply reaches into her stocks of material and rustles something up.
in particular?
According to UPI, each time investigators received
did not
, they pushed the copy button.
Oh yes,
The party leadership of Mr Milos Jakes was still clinging to the
that it could separate “ the workers ” from “ the intellectuals ”
että se erottaisi ”työntekijät” ”älyköistä” , he said.
The price of gold plunged 7% in a single day immediately after the Gulf war broke out -- evidently on
that the war would be brief
että sota olisi lyhyt .
The town's Environment City title is central to the development plan, along with
to attract more visitors to Middlesbrough
houkutella enemmän vierailijoita Middlesbroughiin .
Urwick maintained that the
for a sound economy
terveestä taloudesta rested on state interference, more than on `the exaggerated hopes ``of the various skilled employment committees.
Cohen's caution echoes a warning from the CBI that
for a better Christmas on the high street
liikkeiden paremmasta joulusta may prove unfounded.
The non-aggression and nuclear accords, ratified shortly before the meeting by President Roh Tae Woo of the South and President Kim Il Sung of the North, raised
for a presidential summit
presidenttien välisestä huippukokouksesta .
Suddenly a blond boy of about three darted through the door … and the
in Kerry's heart
Kellyn sydämessä died.
There wasn't a
in the hospital
sairaalassa .
``There is
for better relations
paremmista suhteista , and I think the Soviet Union and Cuba understand their responsibilities.
The shares had just started to recover on
of a busy festive season
kiireisestä juhlakaudesta .
When we destroy this `genetic bank ``we may also kill
for feeding our planet in the future
maapallomme ruokkimisesta tulevaisuudessa .
Great Britain and the Soviet Union entertained
for influencing allied policy in Japan
vaikuttamisesta liittoutuneiden politiikkaan Japanissa in 1945 but these were quickly dashed.
She does fulfil
, in a way; and the fulfilment of them is in itself a kind of disappointment; and her name is Rose.
Joan and Ted's
Joanin ja Tedin that even now someone may know something that can solve Brian's murder
että jopa nykyisin joku saattaa tietää jotakin, mikä voi ratkaista Brianin murhan .
Instead, it had only taken away six months of his life -- at a critical point that just might have foreclosed on
A severe attack of pneumonia a few weeks before the entrance examination destroyed
, and he resigned himself to working on his father's farm.
A Wolves goal immediately afterwards was another shattering blow to
Alas for Linfield and the others harbouring
, McGaughey refuses to look past Portadown.
Her dark eyes lit with
`Then I trust you're not building any
regarding Silas
Silasia koskevia , ``Doreen warned sharply.
The talks raised
about the early signing of an Estonian-Russian free trade agreement
Viron ja Venäjän välisen vapaakauppasopimuksen varhaisesta allekirjoittamisesta .
The oubreak of violence in March and China's subsequent military crackdown in Tibet seem to have extinguished even the
of a negotiated settlement in the near future
sovitusta ratkaisusta lähitulevaisuudessa .
The Captain moved deliberately between her and the
But she saw little
in that notion
käsitteessä .
`There was no
of saving him
pelastaa häntä ?
Contrary to
, however, the fall of Britain and China apparently imminent in 1941 failed to materialize.
Revisiting it for the first time, he recalls
when an angel with marketing skills appeared
kun markkinointitaitoinen enkeli ilmestyi .
Parents have such
for their offspring
jälkikasvunsa suhteen and then they grow up to be a big disappointment.
I knew he had a
that some day he might make a book with them
että hän voisi joskus tehdä heidän kanssaan kirjan .
With the leashing Trent had lost
So we have lost
of communication with them
keskusteluista heidän kanssaan , and thus any prospect of learning from their experience and what they have to say.
The clear distinction between the old and modern lacquers also offers
of a means of identifying fakes
väärennysten tunnistamiseksi .
He will have won because his vision offered
to American voters
amerikkalaisiin äänestäjiin than four more years of George Bush in charge.
They pin little
on the new Home Secretary, Kenneth Clarke.
In many cases the local review committee at the seven year review considered it too early to set a release date, which no doubt dashed the
of the prisoners whose sentences were under review
niissä vangeissa, joiden tuomioita tarkasteltiin parhaillaan .
Such planning is crucial if
for community care
yhdyskuntahoidosta are to be realised after 1993.
Swindon Town's
Swindon Townin are fading fast, after another defeat last night.
The Walsall 26-year-old, whose
in last year's Olympics
viime vuoden olympialaisissa were ruined by a groin injury, has had little racing since Barcelona.
luonteenomaista to be not only far from the madding crowd
ei vain pysytelläkseen kaukana raivostuneesta väkijoukosta , which Pope had wanted as much as Gray,
but far from everybody
vaan kaukana kaikista ihmisistä .
Lochinver was a magnet, largely because of the strange mountains I knew to be in its vicinity, and
to see something green and to inhale fresh air
nähdä jotakin vihreää ja vetää sisäänsä raikasta ilmaa , Vincent asked the doctor how much longer he would have to wait to be discharged.
He was
a romantic at heart
sisimmässän romantikko ,
, but who was trapped inside the Capricorn convention of duty.
Sometimes, in the years that followed,
like a lost love affair
menetetyn rakkauden lailla .
, and ate the crust of a sandwich.
It was another uneasy week, and by Friday afternoon
for the end of the shift
vuoron loppumista so she could go home and wallow in misery
jotta hän voisi mennä kotiin ja piehtaroida kärsimyksessä .
I don't dislike food; all my mental energy is spent thinking about it,
Bejewelled, she sat through dinner-parties, often drowsy before the soup course was through,
to escape into sleep
pakotietä uneen .
Surely I can not be like the old murmuring Israelites, to
after the onions and garlic of Egypt
Egyptin sipuleja ja valkosipuleja when they had suffered there such heavy bondage?
Marjorie was astonished at how attached Bill became to Lizzie, as if Lizzie was
The quickening presence of
seems conspicuous by its absence, a feeling emphasised by the strong-stressed, medially-stopped half-line.
This was
Gwendolen McEwen
Gwendolen McEwen ; the chance to greet her granny.
She felt that
more than ever
enemmän kuin koskaan for it to end
sen loppumista so that she and John could spend all their time together
jotta hän ja John voisivat olla koko ajan yhdessä .
At thirteen
felt trapped by the system of growing into a woman, which seemed to be separating them, and
more than ever
enemmän kuin koskaan to be his son
hänestä tulisi hänen poikansa .
suddenly, and with a passion that had been suppressed so long that it took him by surprise,
yhtäkkiä, ja intohimolla, joka oli tukahdutettu niin pitkään että se yllätti hänet, for someone to share all this with
jotakuta joka jakaisi kaiken tämän hänen kanssaan .
The independence
itsenäisyys, jota would be hers at last.
Until she could prove without the shadow of a doubt that he wasn't in league with Harry Martin then she couldn't risk doing that, no matter
His whole being had been consumed by a
She felt almost overwhelmed by a
to leave this busy city
lähteä tästä kiireisestä kaupungista -- and the increasing tension of her life in Lady Wyndham's house.
Meanwhile, Chancellor Helmut Kohl yesterday described
as an historic fact and said those trying to ignore it were making a `serious mistake ``.
Their cries rose louder and more urgent now in
A greater distance from the events of 1680s made it easier for people to develop a
for the return of the exiled Stuarts
maanpakoon lähteneiden Stuarttien paluun as the solution to the nation's ills.
This is not out of nostalgia or for a
of times gone by
menneiden aikojen -- it is because it is a real top notch release!
Sensitive Sunday's a time when you must tune into the needs and
Damian considered her too inexperienced sexually to be able to fulfil that
to express himself fully through the body.
ilmaista itseään täysimittaisesti vartalon kautta
The dragon was the same as
, her fierce and stubborn courage, her desire to fly.
In important respects, however,
was a self-deception, a poetically fruitful means of expressing that sense of loneliness and isolation which had been as much a part of him in Ottery as in London.
One day we may be able to satisfy all
and still maintain a healthy diet.
She was able to will
into an unexamined haze but she could not stay away from the post office on Monday.
after a determinate hidden variable theory clearly remained unassuaged.
He determined beforehand that he would not mention to Fisher
to read books
lukea kirjoja .
was something she kept hidden from others; she wouldn't even discuss it with Richard.
seized me.
For a second she knew an
-- to get a million miles away from this place and everyone in it.
Glancing at his figure, Laura felt the old
twist like a knife in her stomach.
have an inexpressible
to write another opera
kirjoittaa toinen ooppera … and once I have composed for Naples I shall be in demand everywhere …
all have a
to see the Good News of Christ's love spreading throughout the world
että näemme Kristuksen rakkauden hyvien uutisten leviävän ympäri maailmaa .
Mr Hussein is driven only by paranoia and a
to survive
henkiinjäämisen .
to be different
erilaisuuden is what produces music that is both peculiar and powerful.
One reads that such scenes give the green soldier nothing but a
to kill in his turn
tappaa vuorollaan .
“ A stunning setting of endless panoramas, where sophistication and style mix with the
so typical of southern Italy. ”
is grotesque, even if it is understandable.
They seemed to have burned up all
rather rapidly in their undergraduate years.
It was he who curbed
and transformed it into a longing for spiritual embrace.
is there to be used when danger threatens but it must be controlled and used wisely.
They had dragged the body of the count from the room and continued where they had left off,
fuelled by the smell of death and the anguished screams of his sobbing daughter.
His eyes were full of
and he was ready to rush off and attack his assailants, to give them more than he had got.
As before, the attention of the naked dancing figures was concentrated on the severed head looking up at them with
I can only describe it as
Jules said, from the armchair: `You both have a touching faith in
Perhaps you think that the `
``doesn't exist nowadays; believe me, it does, and it's an odd experience.
In the old days, incidentally, when a mother discovered her daughter was the innocent young victim of the
of a rich old man
rikkaan vanhan miehen , there were several obvious remedies.
Würstchen quenched his
in the hotel's Emmental storeroom.
Sex: Try to disguise
behind a modicum of feigned restraint!
The hours that followed were full of the
for another's body
toisen vartaloon .
The prohibitions on incest, cannibalism and the
are examples of such basic renunciations that all civilizations have had since the primal horde phase.
It filled his enemies with terror and his own troops with unshakeable faith and
sammumattomalla .
Similarly -- and we declare this honestly and proudly -- we believe
have a genetic
were more articulate, had seen something of the wider world, retained a
, and were sceptical towards the Church.
For one so shy,
nursed an
ainutlaatuinen .
The 24-year-old David Stirling was no rough and ready brawling cut-throat though, in spite of
for coming to grips with the enemy
hyökätä vihollisen kimppuun .
Nigel Clough's arrival at Liverpool, Wales' World Cup prospects and
has left the Reds' striker itching for action in a season which could turn out to be a memorable.
Jean Henderson, about whom her daughter was able to give me many details, was perhaps unusual in
for knowledge with Kitty Butterwick's six-part wine appreciation course, and you could by quaffing your way to a qualification
Does this satisfy
There is
to make order out of seeming chaos
saamaan kaaokselta näyttävän tilanteen järjestykseen .
The weakness still lived in his body but
was reviving, he could feel it.
Most of us
Useimmat meistä have experienced
a strong, nearly uncontrollable
voimakasta, lähes hallitsematonta for a certain type of food
tietyn tyyppiseen ruokaan .
Having been left by her husband in
for voyages abroad
matkustaa ulkomaille , Erendis retreats to the centre of Númenor, away from the sea, where she hears only the bleating of sheep.
Sudden pity softened him towards her, and he forgot
At the broadest level it has been contended that stifling the
of the convicted or incarcerated
tuomittujen tai vangittujen would have deprived the world of much great literature.
She had sublimated
; Max breathed out powerful male sexuality in every movement.
Kicking him back to his feet, his nephew Stefan galvanises an
to survive and thrive
eloonjäämisen ja menestyksen , the progress of which the play charts over the next four decades.
His mouth took hers and she clenched her hands into tight fists, desperately fighting the
to clutch at his waist
puristaa hänen vyötäröään .
But, as to clinching things, Stavrogin is not Tikhon, which evokes another of my dicta: Dostoevsky could only satisfy
towards crisis and clarity by surrendering it to the enemy.
Such studies were inconclusive, but this in no way diminished the influence of the idea that
would be linked to the size of her clitoris.
The temporal lobes of the brain, lying at the sides beneath the temples, and those regions deep within the brain at this point, control
and, hence, stimulability and performance.
In any situation, including the professional one, the social worker functions as a sexual creature, subject to
, needs, desires, hang-ups, inhibitions, fantasies and attitudes.
Once again,
felt an
ylitsevuotavaa to knock a wedge in his complacency
musertaa hänen omahyväisyytensä .
When I get like that,
get my
got the
to come home
palata kotiin as his 60th birthday approached
60-vuotissyntymäpäivänsä lähestyessä .
had a
, but she was too tired to go outside to the latrine, so she used the emergency pot behind the screen in the bedroom.
`And when I'd parked the car
had an
to kiss you
suudella sinua .
It would also show scientists as
real people
todellisen elämän ihmisinä , with
for power and glory
valtaa ja kunniaa , desirous to be first in the race and to win the prizes that this offered.
Among the general body of workers
Työntekijöiden the
was wide and deep.
what you can't have
mitä et voi saada , don't you.
whatever he wanted
samaa mitä hänkin .
You must tell me
Let me tell you,
making excuses for me
esittävän minulle anteeksipyyntöjä , I'm proud to be a trade unionist and I'm proud to be a Socialist.
waiting by this corner
odottavan tässä nurkassa .
to go out with me … to the park, or the movies
menevän ulos kanssani... puistoon tai elokuviin .
Mostly we make our own if
a female operative
naispuolisen työntekijän to move in with his wife
siirtyvän sisään hänen vaimonsa kanssa in case he calls.
at any price and did not mind what risks Maurice had to run to bring that about.
something very specific
jotakin hyvin erityistä ,
which is why I welcome this specific day for the Bill
jonka vuoksi toivotan tämän erityisen päivän tervetulleeksi Billille .
More than anything else,
-- I'd run out of matches -- so I opened the door of the box and just asked Charlie for a light.
for one thing
yhtä asiaa varten !
, they won't get you through me.
Despite everything he had drunk already that night
-- and a large one at that.
by either one or the other parties involved
kumpikaan heistä tai muut asianomaiset osapuolet .
Polish international Janusz Gora
Puolan kansainvälisen Janusz Goran by West Bromwich Albion
West Bromwich Albion but not until the end of the season.
was a bit upset after Wednesday and
to show that I could win on my merits
näyttää, että pystyin voittamaan omilla ansioillani .
wants to love someone,
, to have relationships with other people.
At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night, until she had remembered that
`Well, you remember that
by one at the latest
viimeistään yhteen mennessä .
The wafer was in his mouth and the sweet wine, but
? ``he asked peevishly.
Now that's
, rat-arsed!
beat everyone in sight -- and still
to phone Liz
soittaa Lizille , but what could he have said?
This was not strictly true but she was not going to give Matthew Preston the satisfaction of knowing that
Why else
after a man whom I knew to be a murderer
miehen perään, jonka tiesin olevan murhaaja, while shrinking from the innocent Syl whose only crime was that I found him unattractive?
Although a perfect antidote to
for a return of those days
näiden päivien perään .
; with what willpower he could muster he forced away the waking world and urged himself into the darkness.
the moment you left, ``he told her in return.
And now
with all his heart
for all his life
koko elämänsä ajan to be a woman and who is just months away from radical surgery
olla nainen ja jolle tehdään vain parin kuukauden päästä hänen elämänsä mullistava leikkaus wants to remain a man.
almost end up
with the RAF trainees
to be back in the cockpit getting on with the business: flying
päästäksesi takaisin ohjaamoon ja töihin eli lentämään .
Watford did simple things well and in Bazeley had
the sort of finisher
sellaista maalintekijää .
The open air is
-- a pair of good walking shoes, a green thornproof, and the ability to melt into the undergrowth.
Yet how
, despairingly.
Older teenagers do not want
day and night
vuorokauden ympäri , even when several hundred miles lie between them.
When you are ready,
will enter the meadow, and approach you.
When, once, he had thought himself on the brink of
an alliance for which
liittolaisuutta , he was suddenly and shatteringly rejected.
His limited means, however, were made up for by the passion of
Always, she came back to that, with some relief: everything could be explained by
for her other child
toista lastaan kohtaan , the root of all her discontent.
Everything seemed to indicate that
(the religion of the New) was only the disguised longing of a virginal youth for the unimaginable experience of the sex act.
had inherited some of her father's wanderlust and had a
for show business
viihdealalle .
Emotionally, you still appear to be feeling somewhat torn and indecisive and the trouble is
have an
while asking for very little or even nothing in return.
had a
for those long-ago summer holiday afternoons spent on the lawns or down by the lake with the two Debrace children
noita kaukaisia kesäloman iltapäiviä, jotka vietettiin nurmikolla tai järven äärellä kahden Debracen lapsen kanssa .
She no longer provided him with a defence against
for safety
turvallisuuden- which had been so well hidden behind his off-hand behaviour.
for independence
itsenäisyys- was soon aflame throughout the cantons, and led to the famous Confederation.