- and uh pittosporum that used to be the kind of things we could plant all the time youyousinäreallytodellatake achanceriskinwith them freezing
- so you really not making a sizeable profit so it's not really lucrative to takechancesriskiälike that you know even though it it does exist
- uh-huh well the best thing about it is that you can uh try something if you don't like it shoot move on to something else that's the way i've uh looked at the whole thing hereimä'll take achanceriskinif i don't like it i'll go someplace else do something different
- `I think so -- that's whyI<empty>chancedsatuin tekemääna small firepienen tulen.
- Howdarekehtaavattheyhesay that of her Michaelsanoa noin hänen Michaelistaan!
- YouSinädarerohkenetsay thussanoa niin, Fiend, and yet you threaten the life of my fiancée? ”
- YousinädareRohkenetkoto ask whykysymään miksi?
- People whoIhmiset, jotkacan nevereivät voidareuskaltaato move closesiirtyä lähemmäsbecause of the inevitable withdrawal afterwardsjälkikäteen tapahtuvan väistämättömän vetäytymisen vuoksi,may experience little sexual desire.
- HeHänalso made some modest remark about his achievement, such as it was, andhazardeduskaltautui sanomaanthe opinion that he might best be remembered by his devotion to cheesemielipiteen, että hänet saatettaisiin muistaa parhaiten omistautuneisuudestaan juustoon.
- What on earth the referee had done to incur such mindless, moronic abuse,one<empty>can onlyvoidaan vainhazarduskaltautuaa guessarvaamaan.
- They were on the choppy, wavelike hills before Milford, a narrow road with too much Friday evening traffic heading south, against them, forMaximMaximtoriskuskaltautuisitrying to overtake an elderly truck in frontyrittää ohittaa edessä olevan vanhahkon rekan.
- After the pilot's personal safety, the safety of the aircraft must be the next most important consideration; it is always safer to land out than toriskottaa riskiätrying to get backyrittämällä päästä takaisinwith marginal height.
- `IMinäwondered whetherto<empty>riskuskaltautuakocoming intulla sisäänor not.
- The next time Anna had to scramble after the ball,shehänriskeduskaltautuia glance at mummyvilkaisemaan äitiä.
- By the time they had splashed up the far bankNathaniel ShermanNathaniel Shermanwas fifty yards away, moving erratically, breasting the grass, preparingto<empty>riskottamaan riskina standing shot at two hundred yardsampua seisaaltaan kahden sadan jaardin päästä.
- In an instant,shehänwas beside him, standing close but still notventuringrohjetento touch himkoskettamaan häntä.
- Ana seemed to be almost hungry for company and she took to coming along to Maggie's room to chat, although she never spoke of her blindness andMaggieMaggieventuredei rohjennutno questionskysymään.