TransFrameNet:Corporal punishment
cane.v 🔎
- Boys whoPojat, jotkaweresaivatcanedselkäsaunanat schoolkoulussafor smokingtupakoinnistawere found to be more likely to increase their smoking than those not caned.
- After several warningshehänetwas called to the front of the class, told to hold out his hand andcanedselkäsaunanby Miss Smithneiti Smithiltäwith the flat of a foot rulerviivoittimen päällä.
- MatthewMatthew, now in his 20s,wassaicanedselkäsaunanfor bullyingkiusaamisen vuoksiby the then headmaster, William Blackshawsilloiselta rehtorilta William Blacksharilta.
- I was late for ``call-over, and every morningIminäwas dulysain odotetusticanedselkäsaunan.
- SoIminägotsaincanedkepistäon the palms of my handskämmeniini.
- `Jacqui saidhehäncanedpieksäisiall eight of youkoko kahdeksikon.
caning.n 🔎
- Thiscaningselkäsaunallahad its effect for the whole class knew that Miss Smith would stand no nonsense and it stamped her authority.
- A FORMER public school boy yesterday won £8,000 damages for acaningselkäsaunastahe, jonka hänreceivednine years ago9 vuotta sitten.
- `Thecaningselkäsauna, jonkathis boytämä poikareceived would be treated as child abuse in any other context, ``said Peter Newell of End Physical Punishment of Children.
- What of heroic exploits during armed service or thecaningselkäsaunatof school childrenkoululaisten?
- It's in rosy contrast to crises great and small that have piled up over the past 18 months, fromSingapore'sSingaporencaningselkäsaunastaof an American teenageramerikkalaisen teininto feuds with China and trade clashes with Japan.
- Thecaningselkäsaunaof American teen-ager Michael FayAmerikkalaisen teinin Michael Faynfor vandalizing carsautoihin kohdistuneesta ilkivallastabrought international attention to a form of corporal punishment that many human rights and medical organizations consider a form of torture.
- Nearly a year after thecaningselkäsaunanof an American teen-ageramerikkalaisen teininin SingaporeSingaporessa, U.S. state lawmakers are considering offering the paddle instead of prison to juvenile offenders.
- In Tennessee, two Republican legislators proposed punishing vandals and burglars bypublicjulkisellacaningselkäsaunallaon courthouse steps.
flog.v 🔎
- A mother whoÄiti, jokafloggedpieksiher eight-year old son8 vuotiaan poikansawith a beltvyöllä, gave him cold baths and forced him to stand naked for hours at night, was called `inhuman ``by a judge yesterday.
- A large man, the executioner,Suuri mies, pyöveli,floggedruoskithe womannaistaupon her backselkäänfifty blows.
- On one occasion while he was in Abyssinia, a letter from them was smuggled down but was intercepted, whereuponthe guards responsiblevastuussa olleet vartijatweresaivatfloggedruoskastafor days.
- A fire chief working in Saudi ArabiaSaudi-Arabiassa työskentelevä palopäällikköisto be publiclysaamaan julkisenfloggedruoskinnanfor breaking the country's alcohol lawsmaan alkoholilakien rikkomisen vuoksi.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>flogruoskiaLukeLukeaunmercifullyarmottomasti, bringing the lash down across back, buttocks and legs again and again.
- TheyHehang the man andflogruoskivatthe womannaista
flogging.n 🔎
- `And I don't intend taking afloggingpiestäfor a white bastardvalkoisen kusipään.
- She wondered what made him think she desired afloggingpieksennän.
- Mr Justice Elliot Belgrave had on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8 ordered thefloggingpieksennänof four convicted armed robbersneljän aseellisesta ryöstöstä tuomitun, a measure immediately condemned by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations.
lash.n 🔎
- Mr Devine could faceup to 300jopa 300lashesruoskaniskuafor the offencerikoksesta, his MP says that can not be allowed to happen.
- Gallagher brought his arm back and over and laid thelashpiiskanacross Luke's bare back.
- Mr Devine could face up to 300lashesruoskaniskuafor the offencerikoksesta, his MP says that can not be allowed to happen.
- BRITISH hospital manager David Brown, sentenced to 50lashesruoskaniskuawith a bamboo canebambukepilläin Saudi Arabia for swearing at staff, has won his appeal against the punishment.
- And anyone found guilty of drinking alcohol may be subjected to 80lashesiskuaof a canekepistä.
- At the weekend a Saudi court sentenced him to a 120lashesruoskaniskuain publicjulkisestifor supplying alcoholalkoholin toimittamisesta, a charge he's always denied.
scourge.v 🔎
- WhenJesusJeesuswasoliscourgedruoskittavanaby the Roman soldiersroomalaisten sotilaidenhe bled like a man.
- ItSeflicked behind each dimpled knee; and thenscourgedruoskiherhäntäat intervalsajoittainfrom her pretty ankles to her shoulder bladeshänen söpöistä nilkoistaan lapaluihin asti.
- HeHänthen sets outto<empty>scourgeruoskimaanthe thronging temples of moneychangers and idolatorsrahanvaihtajien ja epäjumalanpalvojien täysiä pyhättöjä.
- He'll be ridiculed, he'll be mocked,hehäntä'll be<empty>scourgedruoskitaan, you know something reserved for the people who were really being taught a lesson.
- It flicked behind each dimpled knee; and thenscourgedruoskiherhäntäat intervals from her pretty ankles to her shoulder bladesajoittain hänen söpöistä nilkoistaan lapaluihin asti.