TransFrameNet:Confronting problem
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- Immediately the police officer/anthropologist sets out to undertake research or record fieldnoteshehänis forcedto<empty>confrontkohtaamaana moral dilemmamoraalinen dilemma.
- But, as a multinational state with restless minorities and a multinational empire with resentful subjects,the CPSUCPSU:llahas reasonto<empty>confrontkohdatathe prospect of major warsuursodan mahdollisuuswith apprehension and a long war with dreadhuolestuneena ja pitkä sota kauhulla.
- Now,everyonekaikkiconfrontskohtaavatthe same challengesaman haasteen, and Mr Lang is looking for consensus.
- I used to view the European Community as beingan economic and political bloctaloudellisena ja poliittisena blokkina,confrontingjoka oli vastakkainthe East and COMECONidän ja COMECONin kanssa, and that is why I did not believe that it was uniting Europe.
- The sterile debate about the contemporary Japanese state has, in. my opinion, emerged from the failureto<empty>confrontkohdatathe deeper arguments of both perspectivesmolempien näkökulmien syvempiä argumentteja.
- Nevertheless there aredifficulties here whichvaikeuksia, jotkamust betäytyyconfrontedkohdata,if both multicultural and antiracist attempts at the development of alternative curricula and popular cultural forms are to avoid oversimplification and naïvety.
- In time of crisis,the United StatesYhdysvallathasonmore than onceuseammin kuin kerranconfrontedkohdannutthe `all or nothing ``choice of military intervention or abandoning its client"kaikki tai ei mitään" -tilanteen, jossa vaihtoehtoina on sotilaallinen väliintulo tai suojatin hylkääminen.