Immediately the police officer/anthropologist sets out to undertake research or record fieldnotes
is forced
a moral dilemma
moraalinen dilemma .
But, as a multinational state with restless minorities and a multinational empire with resentful subjects,
has reason
the prospect of major war
suursodan mahdollisuus with apprehension and a long war with dread
huolestuneena ja pitkä sota kauhulla .
the same challenge
saman haasteen , and Mr Lang is looking for consensus.
I used to view the European Community as being
an economic and political bloc
taloudellisena ja poliittisena blokkina, confronting
joka oli vastakkain the East and COMECON
idän ja COMECONin kanssa , and that is why I did not believe that it was uniting Europe.
The sterile debate about the contemporary Japanese state has, in. my opinion, emerged from the failure
the deeper arguments of both perspectives
molempien näkökulmien syvempiä argumentteja .
Nevertheless there are
difficulties here which
vaikeuksia, jotka if both multicultural and antiracist attempts at the development of alternative curricula and popular cultural forms are to avoid oversimplification and naïvety.
In time of crisis,
the United States
Yhdysvallat more than once
useammin kuin kerran the `all or nothing ``choice of military intervention or abandoning its client
"kaikki tai ei mitään" -tilanteen, jossa vaihtoehtoina on sotilaallinen väliintulo tai suojatin hylkääminen .