, though most fully during his years outside the Cabinet.
a steady business and a strong social life at her church
kirkolleen vakaan liiketoiminnan ja vahvan sosiaalisen elämän .
After lots of requests, the company decided that it was time
an armoured car
panssariauto for the average American.
Appealing to rather different sentiments, there are strong grounds for arguing that scientists should take social responsibility for
the technology
tekniikasta .
From the Tsukuba results,
a design for a 30-metre hull
suunnitelman 30-metrisestä rungosta by a team led by Seizo Motora of Tokyo University
Seizo Motoran johtama tiimi Tokion yliopistosta .
After failing to persuade his employer to produce a similar program,
, in partnership with an American programmer called Rusty Luring.
Following the 1967 Six-day War
Vuoden 1967 kuusipäiväisen sodan jälkeen the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliitto substantial military facilities
melkoisen sotilaslaitoksen in Egypt.
to a stage where it is appropriate to subject it to observational tests
vaiheeseen, jossa se on asianmukaista altistaa havaintotestauksille, it is confirmations rather than falsifications that are of paramount importance, according to Lakatos.
High-precision and high-resolution geochemical mapping
korkeatarkkuuksisen ja suuriresoluutioisen geokemiallisen kartoituksen to a very high standard
vastaamaan hyvin korkeita standardeja .
It is probable that
from very small Kerries
hyvin pienestä Kerrystä but the two breeds are now genetically distinct, though the longer-legged type of Dexter is potentially a useful gene reservoir for the rare Kerry.
Most of the Roman towns and cities created
Suurin osa roomalaisista kaupungeista seem
from earlier forts
entisistä linnakkeista ; in origin their sites represent strategic and tactical decisions taken by Roman military commanders.
aim is
the health care infrastructure in India
terveydenhoitoinfrastruktuuria Intiassa by infusing modern management techniques, said Mohan Chellapa, a consultant surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Medical Center in Singapore.
Thus modernization implies commercialization of agricultural production, urbanization, industrialization and the
of political institutions
poliittisten instituutioiden based on secular, rational-legal authority.
He also initiated the
by a number of authorities
lukuisien asiantuntijoiden avulla of `rationalised traditional ``designs
rationalisoitua perinteistä suunnittelua koskevien , and through pilot projects, where the Agency acted as consultants, demonstrated the feasibility of this method.
If partnerships do begin to question the established pillars of the secondary school curriculum they will certainly need to face the constraint placed on
opinto-ohjelman by the National Curriculum
opetussuunnitelman mukaiseen and examination systems which dictate subject content.
He has received short shrift from the CEGB, having recently been moved to an out-of-the-way office at Barnwood, the central headquarters base for the board's
and design teams.
of the 12-tone system
12-asteisen järjestelmänsä Schoenberg illustrates the second, rationalist modernist ideal-type, in a sense that it is quite clear that the new order is a created and posited ordering.
China and Taiwan are reported to be close to agreement on
kehittämisestä of a centre for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste
matalatasoisen radioaktiivisen jätteen käsittelylaitoksen .
The suggestion made was that it was not about
, but about buying off the nationalist community.
The extent to which
can achieve
depends, of course, on their bargaining power, which in turn may be related to current (and local) economic conditions.
Thus, any demonstrated effects upon surpluses may be exacerbated or ameliorated as the industry progresses, and so welfare losses which occur over time may cancel out
or vice versa.
Thirdly, there are
and losses which arise outside the budget.
in the war did not go uncontested.
Forster was so smitten by the result that he could not trust his voice to announce the
on the radio, and is said to have spent the night at home weeping uncontrollably.
Stockholm: Strong
by engineer Alfa-Laval
Alfa Laval -insinööriltä helped the index to a 0.06 per cent rise.
An increase in underwriting and trading volume produced
in the quarterly net incomes of Salomon, Morgan Stanley and Alex Brown.
were made in 1930 when the government agreed to make information available to sick women for whom pregnancy was deemed detrimental to health.
Many economists are inclined to think that static welfare losses are outweighed by dynamic
from technological progress, and policy-makers generally seem to share this presumption.
The socialists maintained, with some justification, that the only way in which real grandeur could be achieved was through long-term
modernisointi .
From 1900 von Koerber's government set out on a programme of economic and
modernisointi .
The Schuman Plan was based on ideas which had been circulating for some time but was devised in detail by Jean Monnet, who was in charge of
modernisoinnin programme.
Operated by traditional double-deck Standard cars, and untouched by the
modernisointi of the Thirties
kolmekymmentäluvun , the Marton route survived into the post-war era as something of an anachronism.
He was responsible for introducing modern carriage and wagon designs embodying welded construction,
nykyaikaistamisesta , and, encouraged by the high cost of imported coal, diesel locomotives and railcars.
Despite some scepticism, the `thrifty genotype ``remains a convenient explanation for the extremely high incidence of non-insulin dependent diabetes that develops in many populations which have experienced
sosioekonomisen modernisation
modernisoitumisen during this century
tällä vuosisadalla .
So far as agriculture is concerned, the production group enables farmers to follow the principles of land consolidation and
nykyaikaistumisen without the otherwise inevitable forcible retirement or migration.
modernisointi and repair
of rural cottages
Maaseutumökkien were also made possible by grants.
He has asked the bank's 160,000 shareholders to stump up another 90 billion roubles to
modernisointi .
Peter's initiative in opening Russia to western influences,
nykyaikaistamisensa of the administration
hallinton and his development of industries were in sharp contrast to the Muscovite traditions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
It had approved Jean Monnet's proposal for a Commissariat Général au Plan, the institution whose economic plans were to play an important role in
modernisoinnissa .
Oil, the fount of the country's wealth and of the
uudenaikaistumiseen and militarization on which the Shah encouraged by his allies, had embarked in the 1970s, has at times stopped flowing altogether.
China would concentrate on establishing a ``socialist market economy with the aim of achieving ``
uudenaikaistuminen by 2050.
Though cast in a Scottish framework it is hoped that the project will also shed light on the general process of
nykyaikaistamiseksi in western Europe
läntisessä Euroopassa .