TransFrameNet:Cause harm
bash.v 🔎
- The two large menKaksi isoa miestächased the smaller man, caught him and then proceededto<empty>bashlyömäänhis brainshänen aivojaanoutulosin front of everyone at the tables -- or so it seemed.
- `MeMinäbashlyönCharlieCharlietaon the headpäähänwith one of them stonesyhdellä kivistä?
- After a whiletheyhekidnap and murder a young boy for kicks,bashinglyödenhimhäntäover the headpäähänwith a blunt instrumenttylpällä välineellä.
- BashinglyöminenthemHeidänover the headpäähänwould be really tricky, take it from me.
- Once a Squig has been provoked from its lairthe Night Goblinsyögoblinitthrow nets over it thenbashlyövätitsensenselesstajuttomaksiwith large clubssuurilla nuijilla,so it can be safely dragged away.
- Jane reflected that if she'd been enormous, with masses of stomach and bust up front,LajosLajosmight have thought twice aboutbashinglyömistäänherhänen.
- WhatIminäreally wanted wasto<empty>bashiskeähimhänetto smithereenspalasiksi.
- `His headHänen päätään's beenonbashedlyötyabout a bit, ``announced Mr Cross.
- I still don't understand whyshehänwas alloli niinbashedlyötyup.
- He altered that to, `Can you put the light out, dear? ``whenshehänbashedlöihimhäntäwith the bookkirjallaand asked him to repeat what he had said.
- HeHänprobably got fed up with the kid's crying,bashediskihimhänetagainst the wallseinää vastenand ran.
batter.v 🔎
- The Irish starIrlantilainen tähti,whojotaas a childwasolibatteredpahoinpidellytby her motherhänen äitinsä, revealed that she went to a psychiatrist to sort out her problems.
- A TEENAGE mother yesterday vowed to stand bythe pot-smoking body-buildermarihuanaa polttelevan kehonrakentajanwhoviciouslyrajustibatteredpahoinpidellyther tiny babyhänen pikkuruisen vauvansato deathkuoliaaksi.
- And in the US one woman continues to be raped every three minutes,one wifeyksi vaimobatteredpahoinpidelläänevery 18 seconds.
- Woman of 8080-vuotias nainenbatteredpahoinpideltiinin gang raid on housejengin ryöstäessä talon
- Det Insp Gary Lawrinson, of Chester CID, said: `This is a very old woman andshehänethas beenonbatteredpahoinpidelty.
- AN 80-year-old woman80-vuotias nainen,whowas<empty>batteredpahoinpitelivätby robbersryöstäjätin her homehänen kodissaan,was making steady recovery at a Countess of Chester Hospital yesterday.
- A LOYALIST paramilitary punishment squad is believed to be behind the vicious murder ofa womannaisenwhowas<empty>batteredpahoinpideltiinto deathkuoliaaksiin her Belfast homehänen Belfastin-kodissaan.
- It is understood some of her attackers sat on her to pin her to the floor whileotherstoisetbatteredhakkasivatherhäntäround the headpäähänwith baseball batsbaseball-mailoilla.
- OthersToisetstep over the line and physicallybatterpahoinpitelevättheir childrenlapsiaan.
- Michael Pearson, 19, of Leeds,Leedsiläinen Michael Pearson, 19,batteredhakkasi19-year-old Dean Fisher19-vuotiaan Dean Fisherinto deathkuoliaaksiafter meeting him in a pub.
- SAVAGE raidersJulmat ryöstäjätbatteredhakkasivata disabled womanvammaisen naisento deathkuoliaaksiin her sheltered homehänen palveluasuntoonsa.
- HeHänbatteredhakkasi43-year-old Jane43-vuotiaan Janento deathkuoliaaksiwith a bottlepullollaat their £275,000 weekend home at Middleton-on-Sea, Sussexheidän 275 000 punnan arvoisessa viikonloppukodissaan Middleton-on-Seassa, Sussexissa.
- The giant, who by now had reached her, was maddened with whathehänsaw andbatteredhakkasiherhänetto deathkuoliaaksiwith his clubnuijallaan.
- I'd seen it too and it hadn't told me anything except thatMoiraMoirawas<empty>batteredhakattiinto deathkuoliaaksiwith a tenor saxtenorisaksofonilla.
- It's now a week sinceseventy six year old Arthur Brumhillseitsemänkymmentäkuusivuotias Arthur Brumhillwas<empty>batteredhakattiinto deathkuoliaaksiin the pet shop where he workedlemmikkieläinkaupassa, missä hän työskenteli.
- HeHänet'd beenolibatteredhakattuto deathkuoliaaksi.
- His faceHänen kasvonsahad beenolibatteredhakattuso badlyniin pahasti, his father didn't know it was his own son until he squeezed his hand and muttered ``Dad.
- The 21-year-old21-vuotiastawas<empty>batteredhakkasiaround his headpäähänwith a walking stickkävelykepilläby the man, who was in his 60sNoin 60-vuotias mies.
- In the most serious incidenthehänbatteredhakkasia Russian studentvenäläisen opiskelijanunconscioustajuttomaksi.
- YetRuddock, the man with a similar Jamaican-Canadian upbringing to our own Lennox Lewis,Ruddock, mies jolla on vastaava jamaikalais-kanadalainen kasvatus kuin omalla Lennox Lewisillamme,proceededto<empty>battertyrmäämäänformer world champion Greg Pageentisen maailmanmestarin Greg Pagenand then knock out big-punching top ten prospect Phil Jackson.
- All the tram-cars and traffic was held up whileBasilBasilbatteredhakkasihimhäntäall over Byrom Streetjoka puolella Byrom Streetiä.
- TheyHehacked me in the ribs and then proceededto<empty>batterhakkaamaanmeminuaabout the headpäähän.
- HeHäntriedto<empty>battertakoahis riderratsastajaansaagainst the wallseinää vasten, scrape him off against a fragment of the banisters, but still Fleury held on.
- The preachermanSaarnamieshad hauled her out of the Feelgood andbatteredhakannuther facehänen kasvojaanagainst the roadtiehen.
- She was nearly home andsomeonejokujumped out at her andbatteredhakkasiherhäntäwith a piece of woodpuunpalalla.
- ThenIminäshall<empty>batterhakkaanherhäntäwith the clubnuijallafor the same amount of time.
- He then knocked a 21-year-old girl over and kicked her in the face, before half choking andbatteringhakkaamistaa 23-year-old23-vuotiaan.
- HeHänbatteredhakkasimeminut-- and when I say battered, I mean battered.
- Me dadIsällänistill usedto<empty>batterhakatausmeitä, so me and me brothers and sisters all got put back into care.
- MILKMAN Alex Wallace, 45,maitomies Alex Wallacen, 45,was blinded with ammonia andbatteredhakkasiby two thugsKaksi roistoa-- but insisted on finishing his round.
- SheHäntähad beenolibadlypahastibatteredhakattuabout the headpäähän.
- Her faceHänen kasvonsawas bruised andbatteredpahoinpidellyt, one eye swelling rapidly, and she was mouthing, `Help me, please help me, ``over and over again.
- Mr BaughanHerra Baughanwas pushed out of his chair andbatteredhakattiinwith a piece of woodpuunpalalla.
beat.v 🔎
- Like him, my children have had to stand by helpless and in absolute panic whiletheir fatherheidän isänsähasonbrutallysäälimättömästibeatenhakannutmeminuain front of them.
- Rodomonte sawhis fatherisänsäbeatinghakkaavanhis motheräitiään.
- A HUSBAND whoAVIOMIES, jokabeathakkasihis wifevaimoaanin a savage three-hour assaultjulmasti kolmen tunnin ajan,can wait until his holidays before going to jail.
- A MOTHER whoÄITI, jokabeathakkasiher baby daughtertyttövauvansato deathkuoliaaksi,was convicted of murder yesterday and jailed for life.
- He'd originally joined the service afterhis motherhänen äitinsähad been attacked andbeatenhakattualmost to deathlähes kuoliaaksiin 1950vuonna 1950.
- According to the Pentagon, in four hours of brutal interrogation,the officervirkailijaawas<empty>beatenhakattiinand repeatedly kicked in the head and the testicles while loaded pistols were aimed at him.
- Police saythe 45year-old ex-steelworker45-vuotias entinen terästeollisuuden työntekijäwas kicked andbeatenhakattiinto deathkuoliaaksi,when he tried to stop a gang of vandals near his home.
- POLICE are today investigating a claim thata manmieswas<empty>beatenhakattiinunconscioustajuttomaksiand set alight by a gang of six or seven.
- Wifevaimonbeatenhakkasito deathkuoliaaksiby mentally ill railmanHenkisesti sairas rautatieläinen
- Man held after motherwife and daughtervaimo ja tytärareonbeatenhakattuto deathkuoliaiksi.
- The blacks had just seen a film, `Mississippi Burning ``, in whichKlansmenKlansmenbeathakkasia black childmustan lapsento deathkuoliaaksi.
- He called for a change in the civil law, rather than criminal statute, to make it an offence fora parentvanhempito<empty>beathakkaaa childlapsen, as in Sweden.
- There areplenty of women whopaljon naisia, joitahave beenonbeatenhakattuor who are dead now, and their murderers are still running around.
- The other members of staff knew that his apparent simpleness was due to a sad childhood;hehänethad beenolibrutallysäälimättömästibeatenhakannutby his fatherhänen isänsäand this had resulted in his withdrawing into himself.
- Iminua,was<empty>beatenhakkasiand spankedby my fatherIsänias a child, teenager and young adult, and it was the most distressing and hurtful thing I have ever been subjected to.
- Mother-of-two Mrs Ahluwalia, of Crawley, Sussex,Crawleystä, Sussexista kotoisin olevaa kahden lapsen äitiä, rouva Ahluwaliahad beenolibeatenhakannutby her husbandAviomieswhile pregnanttämän ollessa raskaana, hit in the face with a telephone and had her finger broken.
- Thomas Campbell was yesterday awarded £4,000 damages by the Edinburgh Court of Session, following a three-day hearing into a claim thathehänetwasolivatbeatenhakanneetand stamped uponin his cellhänen sellissäänby prison officersvankilan virkailijat.
- It was while in Japan thathehänethadolibeatenhakannutthe Petty Officeraliupseerihalf to deathlähes kuoliaaksiin a drunken rage.
- It showsa street child whokatulapsi, jotawas<empty>beatenhakkasiby four Guatemalan police officersneljä guatemalalaista poliisiain 1990vuonna 1990,and later died of his injuries.
- And I am not talking aboutthe drunken louts whohumalaisista häiriköistä, jotkabeathakkaavattheir wivesvaimonsato deathkuoliaiksiin a cellarkellarissa.
- A MAN whoMIES, jokabeathakkasihis unfaithful wifeuskottoman vaimonsato deathkuoliaaksiafter she viciously grabbed his testiclessen jälkeen, kun tämä kouraisi hänen kiveksiään väkivaltaisesti,was jailed for six years yesterday.
- For instance, it's the customto<empty>beathakatathe wifevaimoa.
- HeHän'll<empty>beathakkaahimtämänblack and bluemustaksi ja siniseksi, ``she said hopefully, but without much conviction.
- A gangJengi, jokabeatinghakkaasomeonejonkunsenselesstajuttomaksiwith concretebetonilla,is committing grievous bodily harm -- a serious offence with an immediate public power of arrest.
- One tells of how he was left paralysed afterparamilitariespuolisotilaallisen järjestön jäsenetbeathakkasivathimhänetsenselesstajuttomaksiwith a baseball batbaseball-mailalla.
- When he found the manhehänthrew the acid into his face andbeathakkasihimhäntäwith the hammervasaralla, fracturing his skull and his thumb.
- Then, when you returned, school would have started andtheyhewould<empty>beathakkasivatyousinuafor being latemyöhässä olemisesta.
- Stone's sonStonen pojan`was<empty>beatenhakkasiby gangJengi
- Both fashions occurred in an era of desperate shortage and hardship for millions;zoot-suited dandieszoot-pukuisia keikareitawere<empty>beatenhakkasivatby angry mobsVihaiset ihmisjoukoton the streets of New YorkNew Yorkin kaduilla,and the style was finally banned.
- Many detaineesMonien poliittisten vankienwere reportedto have beenolleenbadlypahastibeatenhakattuja.
- For Jeremiah, the result of obeying God was that the prophet came into conflict with many people and our passage this evening told howhehänetwas<empty>beatenhakattiinand chainedovernightyön aikana.
- So long as they have neighbours within 12″ the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests whentheyheitäare<empty>beatenhakataanin hand-to-hand combatlähitaistelussa.
- Moslem opposition sources claimed on July 5 thatMuhammad Ilyas, a Moslem MP representing MaungdawMaungdaw'ta edustavan islaminuskoisen kansanedustajan Muhammad Ilyasin,had beenolivatbeatenhakanneetto deathkuoliaaksiby soldierssotilaatfor refusing to persuade Myanman Moslems in Bangladesh to return to Myanmakoska hän oli kieltäytynyt houkuttelemasta Myanmarin muslimeita Bangladeshissa palaamaan Myanmariin.
- In days gone by flogging was not simply a matter of being whipped orbeatenhakatuksiwith a variety of caneserilaisilla kepeillä-- the pizzle was also available as an instrument of punishment.
- Children suffer most whenDadisäbeatspahoinpiteleeMumäitiä
- SheHänbeattakoiat her brother's headveljensä päätä, causing him to screech with pain.
- After a while she realisedshehän'd beenolibeatinghakannutat himmiestäwith her fistsnyrkeilläänhard enough to hurtriittävän kovin satuttaakseen tätä,and yet he hadn't lifted a finger to stop her.
- IMinälay down on him andbeathakkasinat himhäntäwith my fistsnyrkeilläni.
- Their `martyrdom ``-- in student eyes -- followed the death ofa studentopiskelijanbeatenhakkaamanby policepoliisin.
- In the Moluccas we watched people piercing their cheeks and arms with swords, submitting tohaving<empty>their backs and chestselkiensä ja rintojensabeatenhakkaamiseenwith bouldersisoilla kivillä, eating glass, rolling in fire -- and suffering no ill effects.
- Disabled spinstervammainen vanhapiikabeatenhakattuto deathKuoliaaksi
belt.v 🔎
- `If he was here now he wouldn't let you talk to me like that, big as you arehehän'd<empty>beltlöisiyousinua.
- No wonderhehänbeltedlöiherhäntäone now and again.
- And he really, andhehänreally didbeltlöihimhäntäone.
- But when I inquired about this I was told: `theyhebeltlyövätthe kidlastalatermyöhemmin, in private ``.
- If the horse is thumped by the farrier, orwemebeltlyömmeitsitäwith a canekepillä, the horse is likely to become so upset that the chances are we will never be able to shoe the horse!
- MariaMariacrossed the room andbeltedlöiher older brothervanhempaa veljeäänacross the back of his headtämän pään takaosaanwith yesterday's copy of the Bolton Evening Newseilisellä Bolton Evening News -lehdellä.
- I painted all mine white with some paint I had left over from an Airfix model of Apollo 11 but all I managed to do was clog up the mechanism.yousinunhadto<empty>beltlyödäthe playerspelaajiaso hard that you ended up with small bruises all over your hand from where their heads indentedniin kovin, että sait pieniä mustelmia kaikkialle käsiisi heidän päistään.
- GazzerGazzerbeltedlöihis foreheadotsaansawith the flat of his handkämmenelläänto clear out the nightmaressaadakseen painajaiset pois mielestään.
bludgeon.v 🔎
- Some 40 of the victim's friendsNoin 40 uhrin ystäväädragged Anunciacao from his bed the night after the crime andbludgeonedhakkasihimhänetto deathkuoliaaksiwith bricks and clubstiilillä ja nuijilla.
- Shehänethad beenolibludgeonedhakannutto deathkuoliaaksiwith a champagne bottlesamppanjapullollaby her husband DavidHänen aviomiehensä Davis, 48, who then killed himself.
- The Kinzoku Bat MurdererKinzokun mailamurhaaja, for instance,bludgeonedhakkasihis mother and fatheräitinsä ja isänsäto deathkuoliaaksiwith a baseball batbaseball-mailallain the early Eightieskahdeksankymmentäluvun alussa.
- JEALOUSJason OsborneJason Osbornebludgeonedhakkasihis sleeping brothernukkuvan veljensäto deathkuoliaaksiwith a malletvasarallain a row over girls, a court heard yesterday.
- A MAN whoMIES, jokabludgeonedhakkasitwo youthskaksi nuortato deathkuoliaaksiwith a baseball batbaseball-mailallawas jailed for life at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday.
- PaulPaulbludgeonedhakkasi28-year-old graduate John Lavender28-vuotiasta korkeakoulusta valmistunutta John Lavenderiaafter drinking six pints of lager and smoking three cannabis joints.
- Since battle had been effectively joined last spring, when Major first considered going to the country,the partiespuolueethadolivatbludgeonedpakottaneetthemselvesitsensäinto mutual exhaustionyhteiseen uupumukseenbefore the final clash of arms.
- He took part in a robbery in whicha security manturvamiestäwas<empty>bludgeonedhakattiinwith a sledge hammermoukarilla.
boil.v 🔎
- ``You tell me how to get to the seneschal's office, Quiss said evenly, ``orIminäshall<empty>boilkeitänyousinutaliveelävältä, understand?
- Israel is not to resort to the Canaanite practice ofboilingkeittämiseena kidlapsenin its mother's milksen äidin maidossato increase fertility.
- The nose had been smashed, the throat was terribly bruised, and there had been attempts to both burn andboilkeittääthe remainsjäännökset.
- The sentence was thathehänetshould bepitääboiledkeittääin oilöljyssä, the current punishment for prisoners.
- A huge vat full of oil was bubbling over a monstrous bonfire and, bound hand and foot inside, stooda criminalrikollinen, jokabeing<empty>boiledkeitettiinto deathkuoliaaksi.
break.v 🔎
- He carried a stick to aidhis ailing right leg whichheikkoa oikeaa jalkaansa, jonkahad beenolibrokenmurtanutdeliberatelyby the STBSTBwhile he was in prison.
- A woman is claimingfour policemenneljän poliisinbrokemurtaneenher arm and two ribshänen käsivartensa ja kaksi kylkiluuta,while arresting her for a crime she didn't commitheidän pidättäessään häntä rikoksesta, jota hän ei ollut tehnyt.
- It's alright, Josie,Iminundidn't meanto<empty>breakmurtaayour armkättäsi, do you know what I mean?
- Lie to me, andthe gentleman behind youherrasmies takanasiwill probablytodennäköisestibreakmurtaayour fingerssormesione by oneyksitellen, and very possibly the gentlemen wit the club will take a certain delight in knocking out your teeth.
- `Don'tÄläbreakmurrahis fingershänen sormiaan, Socrates, just hold him.
- Ralph Baughan was tipped from his wheelchair and set upon bytwo men whokaksi miestä, jotkabrokemursivathis wristhänen ranteensa.
- One of my hands and ribsYksi käsistäni ja kylkiluistaniwere<empty>brokenmurrettiinas a result of torture ``.
bruise.v 🔎
- Ifhehänso much asbruisesruhjooa fingersormenwithout good reasonilman hyvää syytä, I'll come for you.
- Sometimes, he knew,shehänwould<empty>bruiseruhjoiherselfitseäänwith a rockkivelläto get morph-plus out of him.
- SheHänhad grabbed his arm, hard enoughto<empty>bruiseaiheuttaakseen mustelmanitsiihen, and she was staring wildly at him, as though she meant something quite different.
burn.v 🔎
- Up to 65 protestersJopa 65 mielenosoittajaawere reportedto have been<empty>burnedpoltettiinto deathkuoliaaksiwhen security forces set fire to a shopping centre in which they were seeking refuge.
- A BATTERED wife whoPAHOINPIDELTY vaimo, jokaburnedpolttiher brutal husbandjulman aviomiehensäto deathkuoliaaksi,was freed from jail yesterday.
- Don't you realiseyousinäcould have set the whole place on fire, andburnedpolttaayourself and all those other peopleitsesi ja kaikki muut ihmisetto deathkuoliaiksi?
- The first Arbuthnot came to Ireland in 1798 to trythe rebels whokapinallisia, jotkahadolivatburnedpolttaneetthe English garrisonenglantilaisen varuskunnanaliveelävältäin their barracks at Prosperousparakkeihinsa Prosperousissa.
- Her 16-year-old brother was arrested and tortured (they removed the skin from his face and the soles of his feet); thentheyheburntpolttivathimhänetaliveelävältäin the village squarekylän aukiolla.
- Indeed,Henry VHenri V:lläusedto<empty>burnpolttaathemniitäaliveelävältä.
- To me, sexuality is romance and love and poetry and beauty, not picking somebody up on the street and using each other then telling them to fuck off andburningpoltetaanthemheitäwith a cigarettesavukkeella.
- SuzanneSuzannen,whojotahad also beenmyös oliburnedpoltettuby cigarettessavukkeilla, is said to be critically ill.
- Whilst More was Chancellor,hereticsharhaoppisiawere sought out, andburnedpoltettiin,if they would not recant.
- The greatest holocaust took place at Lewes in June 1557 whenten Protestants, five men and five womenkymmenen protestanttia, viisi miestä ja viisi naista,were<empty>burntpoltettiintogetherin the market placetorilla.
- One, perhaps, the best known, wasthe Flemish brewer, Derryk Carver of Brighton whoflaamilainen oluenpanija Derryk Carver Brightonista, jokawas<empty>burntpoltettiinin LewesLewesissäin July 1555heinäkuussa 1555.
- Ruined churches still stand as testaments tothe women and childrennaisille ja lapsilleburntpoltetuillealiveelävältäin themniissäduring those yearsnoina vuosina.
- Mr O'DonnellHerra O'Donnelliawas then repeatedly beaten,burnedpoltettiin,with a cigarettesavukkeella, and had a car driven over his legs before the men attempted to hang him at an Argyll quarry, the court heard.
butt.v 🔎
- He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders beforehehänshould<empty>buttiskisihernaisento the groundmaahan.
- She had tried to pick him up buthehänhad clung to the banister rail like a leech andbuttediskenythernaistain the chestrintaanwith his headpäällään.
- If he made a joke and she realized it was one,shehänusedto<empty>butttöytäisihimhäntäin the chestrintaan-- she was much shorter -- and say `You're silly!
- During the construction of the nest, the male is intolerant of his mate andshehänetwill be chased away andbuttedpusketaanif she becomes too inquisitive.
- `Mummy, I want Mummy, ``hitting him andbuttingtöytäistenhimhäntäin the stomachvatsaanwith her headpäällään, like a little goat.
- Golden artificial sunlight filled a wainscotted room with a frieze ofunicornsyksisarvisiabuttingpuskemassaone anothertoisiaanwith their hornssarvillaan.
- The same consideration stoppedmeminutfrombuttingtöytäisemästäthe animaleläintä; I wasn't going to put my face near those teeth.
- But his forehead was already swelling blue-white whereJimmyJimmyhadolibuttedtöytäissythimhäntä.
- The rest of the femalesLoput naaraistawill<empty>buttiskeväthimhäntä…. until his liver is pulverised. ”
- Our Stella saysthe lad whopoika, jokabuttedtöytäisihimhäntä,comes from a well-to-do family.
cane.v 🔎
- And now you wanthimhänento<empty>caneantavan keppiäyousinulle?
- SoIminuagot<empty>canedlyötiin kepilläon the palms of my handskämmeniin.
- The prefectsValvojaoppilaillahad the powerto<empty>canelyödäyousinuaon the handkäsiinwith a rulerviivottimella.
- Boys whoPojat, joitawere<empty>canedlyötiin kepilläat schoolkoulussafor smokingtupakoimisesta,were found to be more likely to increase their smoking than those not caned.
- Doesn't the good minister understand that we are not living in an idealised middle-class world of Just William wherechapsmiehiägetcanedlyödään kepilläand girls behave like Violet Elizabeth Bott?
- Matthew, now in his 20snykyään noin 20-vuotiasta Matthew'ta,was<empty>canedlöi kepilläfor bullyingkiusaamisen vuoksiby the then headmaster, William BlackshawSilloinen rehtori, William Blackshar.
- Wasshehänellereally goingto be<empty>canedantaa keppiä?
- Boys who were caned at school for smoking were found to be more likely to increase their smoking thanthosene, joillenotcanedannettu keppiä.
chop.v 🔎
- He bred mice, and every generationhehänchoppedleikkasitheir tailsniiden hännätoffirti, and then bred from the tailless mice for dozens of generations, and of course, they were still being born with tails.
- The knife came again, andshehänchoppedhakkasiwith both handsmolemmin käsinat Ma Katz's wristMa Katzin rannetta, satisfied by the crunch of breaking bones.
- They deservedto have<empty>their fingersheidän sormensachoppedhakattiinoffirti.
- `They think only about saving the guy's life, sotheyhechopleikkaavatthe legjalanoffirtiby guillotinegiljotiinilla, even if he's only lost a few toes.
- Andtheyhechopleikkaavatsomeone's handsjonkun kädetoffirtibecause they think it's OK.
- The dispatcherLähettäjäcounted the seconds on his large watch, thenchoppedpaloittelihis armhänen käsivartensa.
- Tanner gasped: `You bastards, ``andMaximMaximchoppedlöihimhäntäunder the earkorvan alleand dropped him.
- `It is something to do with the way thatpeopleihmisetwantto<empty>chopleikatayour headpääsioffirti,once you get successfulkun alat menestyä.
- I was thinking, oh yeahIminä'll justvainchopleikkaanmy legsjalkanioffirtiat the kneepolvien kohdaltashall I?
- He did not dwell on the hyena spotted in blood that Abraham was going to throw into hell on the Day of Resurrection, or on the necessity ofchoppingpaloitellamale infidelsvääräuskoiset miehetinto small piecespieniin palasiin.
- That was the night thatJessie McPhersonJessie McPhersonwas<empty>choppedpaloiteltiininto little piecespieniin palasiinby a meat-cleaverlihaveitsellä.
claw.v 🔎
- When attacking in this style, the student would not punch; rather,hehänwould gouge andclawraapi, rip and tearat his opponentvastustajaansa.
- SheHänwas lost in her own delirium andclawedraapihimhäntäunmercifullyarmottomastias she rode the mad race.
- Her handsHänen kätensäclawedraapivathis shouldershänen hartioitaan.
- `Bush walks, ``Lucy informed him briefly, rubbingthe arm thatkäsivartta, jotahad beenoliclawedraapinutby DoreenDoreen.
- The interchange would usually end withGinaGinakicking Nigel on the shin,clawingraapihimhäntäor hitting him if she had something in her hands.
clout.v 🔎
- He'd put his elbow up slightly as he took the bag from her because sometimesshehänwould<empty>cloutlöihimhäntäwith itsillä.
- When he told Mrs Race,shehäncloutedkalauttithe boypoikaaacross the facevasten kasvojaand her remark became one of our family jokes: `I wouldn't care, I wanted it for the lamp.
- With a sort of grunt,hehänwound his hand back and againcloutedkalauttimeminua,hardkovin,on the facekasvoille.
- ``Just a minute, Mr Herriot, don't touch 'er tit get orshehän'll<empty>cloutkalauttaayesinua.
- JazzJazzcloutedkalauttithe skinheadskinheadiaover the earkorvilleso fast that the boy never saw it coming and reeled back, off balanceniin nopeasti, että poika ei ehtinyt nähdä sitä ja horjahti taaksepäin yllättyneenä.
- `Look atAngelAngeliacloutinglyömässäthat sweet little maresitä suloista pientä tammaawith his stickkepillään-- the fucker.
- `Wake up, asshole, ``saidthe barmanbaarimestaricloutingiskienBillBillinfrom his stoolalas tuoliltaan.
- But by mid-afternoon the hostilities had settled into the familiar pattern of `racial disturbances ``, whereconstableskonstaapelitclouthakkaavatcoonsmutakuonoja, and blacks stone vans.
- SoBroom'eadBroom'eadcloutskalauttaa'imhäntäan' packs 'is bags. 'E's livin' somewhere orf the Tower Bridge Road an' 'e's got 'imself anuvver 'orse-an'-cart.
- THE gentlemanly art of boxingNyrkkeilyn herrasmiesmäinen tapahasoncloutedtuonutso many expressionsniin monia ilmaisujainto common usageyleiseen kielenkäyttöön,that it might be time to `throw in the towel ``.
club.v 🔎
- The babiesVauvathave traditionally beenon perinteisesticlubbednuijittuto deathkuoliaiksi.
- TheyHeidäthad been found guilty of five murders, having entered a house of some neighbouring villagers earlier in the month andclubbednuijimiseento deathkuoliaiksifive members of one familyyhden perheen viiden perheenjäsenen.
- `The Crown's case is that on the morning of 31 October, 1991, in a storeroom at the rear of their home,hehänclubbednuijihis young wifenuoren vaimonsato deathkuoliaaksiwith a lump hammerlekalla.
- OwenOwenmeasured his distance, and as he swung, struck the sword with well-judged force out of his failing hand, andclubbednuijihimhänetsenselesstajuttomaksiwith the flat of his blademiekkansa lappeella.
- Riot police in NairobiNairobin mellakkapoliisitclubbednuijivatfour womenneljä naistaunconscioustajuttomiksion March 3maaliskuun 3. päivänä.
- McGowanMcGowanclubbednuijihimhäntäwith the butt of the gunpyssynperällä.
- The townsmen had secured support from the rural hinterland, anda young knight in the invading forcehyökkäävien joukkojen nuoren ritarinwas<empty>clubbednuijito the groundmaahanby an English rusticenglantilainen maalainen.
- A post-election attack on an opposition motorcade protesting against election fraud by paramilitaries and Panama Defence Forces (PDF) troops put Mr Endara in hospital, afterhehäntäwasoliclubbednuijittuwith an iron barrautatangolla.
- SheHänturned the rifle on its side andclubbednuijihimhäntädownbrutallysäälimättömästiwith the buttsen perällä.
- A shifta or brigandKapinallinen tai bandiittihad stepped out of the bush,clubbednuijinutone of the menyhden miehistäand made off with his rifle.
crack.v 🔎
- Worriedly judging her moment, and hoping fervently that the other two heard nothing,shehänslipped out behind the third man, andcrackedpamauttihimhäntäover the headpäähänwith the cuttersleikkureilla.
- Despite saying he had no moneytheyhecrackedmursivathis ribshänen kylkiluunsa… kicked his leg … stabbed him with a fork … and slashed at his face with a modelling knife.
crush.v 🔎
- MorganMorganhad appeared behind them, had first smashed the skull of the man carrying a machine-pistol and thencrushedmurskannutthe kneecap of the second robber armed with an automaticautomaattiaseella aseistautuneen toisen ryöstäjän polvilumpion.
- It was a piece called `Fairy Dance ``and it sounded terrible, as ifthousands of fairiestuhansia keijujawere beingolisislowlyhiljalleencrushedmurskattuto deathkuoliaiksi.
- There was even an Irish site destroyed for its own survival rather like the descendant ofthe prophet whoprofeetan, jokawas<empty>crushedmurskattiinto deathkuoliaaksi,so a shrine could be raised to his memoryjotta hänen muistokseen voitiin rakentaa pyhäkkö.
- TheyNecrushmurskaavattheir victimuhrinsain their pincerssaksillaan, but feed by injecting digestive juices and sucking the prey dry.
- It appears to have rather generalized habits, feeding on everything from worms toclamssimpukoihin,whichjotkaitsecanvoicrushmurskatawith its powerful appendagesvoimakkailla raajoillaan, using the bases of its legs like nutcrackers.
cudgel.v 🔎
- A barmaid whoBaarimestari, jokacudgelledpieksiher landlord boyfriendpubin omistavan poikaystävänsäto deathkuoliaaksiwith a beer flagonolutpullolla,has been sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment (suspended).
- He and DorothyHän ja Dorothywould lie in wait the following day andcudgelnuijisivatherhänetto deathkuoliaaksi.
- Thinking it possible that London's streets would containmartyrsmarttyyreitacudgelledpiestyjäto deathkuoliaaksi, he wondered if that might be no bad thing.
cuff.v 🔎
- HeHäncuffedläimäyttihis mate's earkaveriaan korvallewith the paperpaperilla.
- Welford said: `HeHängrabbed me by the lapels andcuffedläimäyttimeminuaacross the facevasten kasvoja, but I shielded myself from the rest of his blows.
- “ They're lies … ” began Wolfe, buthehänetwas<empty>cuffedläimäyttiinto silencehiljaiseksiby the man behind himhänen takanaan oleva mies.
- HeHäncuffedläimäyttithe womannaistaon the headpäähän, attempting to drag her back into the doorway.
- JinkwaJinkwastretched out a foot andcuffedläimäyttithe Doctortohtoriaabout the chinleukaan.
- DavidDavidiawas oncekerrancuffedläimäytettiinaround the earympäri korviafor reciting The Spam Sketch during a school geography lesson.
- CharlieCharlielaughed, andgentlyhellästicuffedläimäyttihimhäntäon the headpäähän.
- All hint of smile vanishing,the giantjättiläinencuffedläimäyttihimhäntäacross the side of the headpään sivulle-- only lightly so, yet Lexandro's teeth rattled and the iron chair rocked.
- Before he'd gone a hundred yards Joseph sawa burly French colonrotevan ranskalaisen siirtolaisencuffläimäyttävänan Annamite coolieannamilaista kuliaroughlykovakouraisestiabout the headpäähänat the curbsidekatukäytävälläafter descending from his pousse-pousse.
- CulleyCulleyyanked the man's head back by his hair andcuffedläimäyttihimhäntälightlykevyestiacross the throatkurkulle.
- SADIESADIEcuffedläimäyttithe wee boypikkuruista poikaa,who was playing with the leather strap that opened the front window and settled down to watch the world rush past and eat her batter.
cut.v 🔎
- His two attackersHänen kaksi hyökkääjäänsäthreatenedto<empty>cutleikataoffirtithe former Manchester United and Chelsea midfielder's private partsentisen Manchester Unitedin ja Chelsean keskikenttäpelaajan sukupuolielimetduring the vicious revenge attackväkivaltaisessa kostohyökkäyksessäin a country lanemaalaistiellä.
- TheyHescalped old men and women, beheaded others, slit throats,cutleikkasivatoutirtitongueskielet, sliced off ears, and hacked off limbs.
- I remember he was fascinated about the Nilson murders,the man whomiehestä, jokacutleikkasiupbodiesruumiitaand melted them down in his garden.
- Then you had aa squad of menjoukko miehiäpulling them out andcuttingleikkaamassathemheitä.
- Anda king whokuningas, jokahanged hostages for revenge orcutleikkasioffirtimen's armsmiesten käsivarretto `keep the peace ``"säilyttääkseen rauhan"did not seem `kind to her.
- In the Tutbury custom the bull hadhis horns, ears and tailsarvet, korvat ja häntäcutleikattiinoffirti, his body smeared with soap and his nose blown full of pepper.
- I knowIminätook a saw with the idea ofcuttingleikatahis headhänen päänsäoffirti,so that the body couldn't be identified.
- The Old Bailey heardhehänenthencutpaloittelevanhernaisenup before taking parts of her body on the Underground system to be dumped outside a women's refuge.
- Secondly, why did Sir Ralph just lie there and allowhis throatkurkkunsato be<empty>cutleikataso savagelyniin raa'asti,that his head was almost hacked from his body?
- One 3OOkg false killer whale, after hours of being teased and tortured,had<empty>its throatkurkkucutleikattiinand bled to death on the dock.
- Later, while living with a woman who had given birth to a child,one of themyksi heistäcutleikkasioffirtiits handsen käden, probably to use as a Hand of Glorytodennäköisesti käytettäväksi Kunnian kätenä.
- Mr Leonard, who lives in central Darlington, said: `Iminuawas<empty>cuthaavoitettiinon the headpäähänand pushed to the floor several times.
- He told Norwich Crown Court he became so de-pressed thathehänwent to the girl's Felixstowe home,cutleikkasihimselfitseäänwith a knifeveitselläand rubbed poison into the wound in a suicide bid.
- He could only hope thathis Chelonian captorskilpikonnavangitsijansaweren't engaged in fiendish torture orhadn'tolleetcutleikanneetoffirtihis legshänen jalkojaanor anything.
- IMinä'd<empty>cutkatkaisisinmy throatkurkkunirather than do it again …
- `I thought it was all straightforward, withMoslemsmuslimitcuttingleikkaavatCopts ``throatskoptilaisten kurkkuja, as they have always done, and Copts cutting Moslems' throats, as usual.
- The typical self-cutter has been described asa young, single, attractive female whonuoreksi, naimattomaksi, viehättäväksi naiseksi, jokarepeatedlytoistuvasticutsviilteleeher wrist or forearmrannettaan tai kyynärvarttaan.
- This might be useful forthe psychiatric inpatient whopsykiatriselle sairaalapotilaalle, jokacutsviilteleerepeatedlytoistuvasti, although the limits of therapist-patient contact would have to be very clear.
elbow.v 🔎
- The storyTarinaawas splashed over the front page,elbowingsivuuttaenaside<empty>the arms talks and the council scandalkeskustelut aseista ja valtuuston skandaalin.
- Part of the impetus had been the growing frustration felt by women in the voluntary work committees thatthey and the issues which concerned themheidät ja heitä koskettavat ongelmattendedto be<empty>elbowedtönivätasidesivuunby menmiehet.
- Andrew Chubb, prosecuting, claimedBlissettBlissettelbowedsysäsi kyynärpäälläänUzzellUzzelliaafter the defender beat him to the ball and headed it awaysen jälkeen, kun puolustaja ehti ennen häntä pallon luokse ja pukkasi sen pois.
- The boyPoikaelbowedsysäsi kyynärpäälläänhimhäntätrying to get him offyrittäen päästä hänestä eroon.
- A FOOTBALLER whoJALKAPALLOILIJA, jokaelbowedsysäsi kyynärpäälläänan opponentvastustajaain the facekasvoihin,shattering his cheekbonemurskaten tämän poskiluun, made an `ordinary aerial challenge, ``a top soccer official told a court yesterday.
- MandyMandyelbowedlöi kyynärpäälläänhimhäntäin the stomachvatsaan.
- By the timeshehän'dolielbowedsysännyt kyynärpäälläänthe doorovenopenaukiwith two steaming mugs of teakahden höyryävän teemukin kanssa, I had was reading the first thing which had come to hand.
- Without speaking,shehänelbowedsysäsi kyynärpäälläänhimhänetout of the waypois tieltäänand continued with her baking, thumping and banging the dough into shape, all the time her tears falling silently.
- IMinäelbowedsysäsin kyynärpäälläniKarenKareninunceremoniouslyujostelemattaasidesivuunand grabbed the paddle.
- He was muttering ashehänelbowedsysäsi kyynärpäälläänthe nursehoitajanaway from a malfunctioning VDUpois huonosti toimivan monitorin luota.
- Once things had returned to normal,hehänetwould have been quietlyolisi kaikessa hiljaisuudessaelbowedraivattuout of powerpois vallastaso that the parties could resume their disastrous ``gameniin, että puolueet voisivat jatkaa tuhoisaa "peliään".
- Of course I was not saying I seepeopleihmisiäelbowedsysittävän kyynärpäälläin the facekasvoihin200 times a week.
electrocute.v 🔎
- She'd had to buy all her guides Coca Cola from guiding funds, and send them home early in a hired bus in casetheyheelectrocutedvahingoittaisivat sähkölläthemselvesitseäänstorming the gates of Eldercombe Manor in search of Dancer.
- HeHänkept her prisoner in her own home and threatenedto<empty>electrocutevahingoittaa sähkölläherhäntäon a sunbedsolariumissaand burn her with an iron.
- And in years gone by, I understand that some of it was usedto<empty>electrocutetappamiseen sähkölläthe criminalsrikollisten.
- SheHänwould<empty>electrocutetappaisi sähkölläherselfitsensä.
- They wired a barricade of steel chairs and bedsteads to the mains after seeing a film in whichthe victimuhriis<empty>electrocutedtapetaan sähkölläthe same waysamalla tavalla.
- A plain-clothes policeman attached to the drug squadhuumeosaston palveluksessa olevan siviiliasuisen poliisin,had been accidentallytapaturmaisestielectrocutedtappoi sähkölläby a Fender StratocasterFender Stratocaster, while trying to arrest the guitar's owner.
- Householders are being warned to take special care when buying second hand electrical goods aftera housewifekotirouvanwasolielectrocutedtappanut sähkölläby a washing machinepesukone.
- A BRITISH Rail supervisor was taken to hospital with leg injuries afterhehäntäwasolielectrocutedsähkö vahingoittanuton the trackraiteella.
electrocution.n 🔎
- On the subject of safety, don't worry; most cases ofelectrocutiontappavat sähköiskutby guitarkitaran aiheuttamathave been down to abusage rather than usage.
- Frayed or cut wires, for instance, can kill byelectrocutionsähköiskuilla.
- A lawmaker of the country's main opposition group, the Bharatiya Janata Party, allegeddeliberatetarkoituksellisestielectrocutiontappamisesta sähkölläof the audienceyleisön.
flagellate.v 🔎
- But she did not strike him asa girl whotytöltä, jokawould get much pleasure out offlagellatingruoskimisestaherselfitsensäwith self-loathing and trembling hypocrisyitseinholla ja vapisevalla hurskahtelulla.
- Where Barrie tortured himself with Victorian fears about his own adult sexuality,SpielbergSpielbergflagellatesruoskiihimselfitseäänfor Sixties selfishness and Eighties careerismkuusikymmentäluvun itsekkyydestä ja kahdeksankymmentäluvun urakeskeisyydestä(Spielberg himself is one of the baby-boom generation, and divorced).
- If the modern educational system was administered bya Dickensian SqueersDickensin ihailijat, jotkaconstantlyjatkuvastiflagellatingruoskisivatdiscalced pupilspaljasjalkaisia oppilaita, theory could be neatly shelved and a pragmatic response could be given to the perceived problem.
- The heat haze rose from the ground ashehänflagellatedruoskihimselfitseäänwith a cat o' nine chainsyhdeksähaaraisella ruoskalla.
- PenitentsParannuksentekijätflagellateruoskivatthemselvesitseäänwith bamboo whipsbambupiiskoillaand are nailed to crosses to re-enact the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday.
flog.v 🔎
- `I could haveyousinutfloggedruoskituksisenselesstajuttomaksifor what you didsiitä, mitä teit, Sung.
- IMinäwould haveolisinfloggedpiiskannutmyselfitseänito the deathkuoliaaksiup to the endloppuun asti.
- IRELAND 'S Patron SaintIrlannin suojeluspyhimyksenis `being<empty>flogged"piiskaavatto deathkuoliaaksi``by councillors planning a St Patrick's Heritage Centre in DownpatrickPyhän Patrickin muistomerkkiä Downpatrickiin suunnittelevat kunnanvaltuutetut.
- EventuallyLopultafloggedpiiskaamainto submissionalistumaanby the jockeyjockeyn,BumboyBumboyset off after its vanishing playmates.
- On Sept. 4Syyskuun 4. päivänäa member of the High Council of the Republic (HCR), Madeleine AdayomaMadeleine Adayoman, tasavallan valtioneuvoston (HCR) jäsenen,was<empty>floggedpieksiby security personnelturvallisuushenkilökuntaas she left the Lomé radio studios after taking part in a programmekun hän lähti Lomén radiostudioilta ohjelmaan osallistumisen jälkeen.
- The TurksTurkkilaisetthenflogpiiskaavatthemniitäalong the tourist drag between the Brandenburg Gate and what used to be Checkpoint Charliepitkin turistikatua Brandenburgin portin ja entisen Checkpoint Charlien välillä.
- Around A.D. 44Noin vuonna 44 jKr.,Peter, then John, then all the othersPietari, sitten Johannes, sitten kaikki muutwere arrested,floggedruoskittiinand ordered not to speak the name of Jesus.
- A fire chief working in Saudi ArabiaSaudi-Arabiassa työskentelevä palopäällikköisto bemääräpubliclyjulkisestifloggedruoskiafor breaking the country's alcohol lawsmaan alkoholilakien rikkomisen vuoksi.
- IMinustafeel likefloggingpiestähimhänetbut want him treated as well.
- There is little evidence thatthe Romansroomalaisillausedto<empty>flogruoskiatheir victimsuhrejaanbefore crucifixionennen ristiinnaulitsemista.
- HeHänbeganto<empty>flogruoskiaLukeLukeaunmercifullyarmottomasti, bringing the lash down across back, buttocks and legs again and again.
- To beTullafloggedpiiskatuksilike a dogkuin koira!
- The clerics had set Friday as the day for the full-scale punishment: burying Begum up to her waist in a public place whereshehänetwould be<empty>floggedruoskittaisiinagainuudelleenand stoned.
- Violators of the dress codePukeutumiskoodin rikkojiacan bevoidaanpubliclyjulkisestifloggedruoskia, jailed, or fined.
- Women's rights activists sayfive womenviittä naistahave beenonfloggedruoskittupubliclyjulkisestithis yeartänä vuonna.
- The case once again emphasizes the city-state's uncompromising laws, which were highlighted whenFayFaytawas<empty>floggedruoskittiinlast Mayviime toukokuussafor vandalismilkivallastadespite pleas for clemency, including one by President Clintonhuolimatta siitä, että esimerkiksi presidentti Clintonin vetosi armeliaisuuteen.
- WeMeidän'reonrepeatedlytoistuvastifloggediskostettuover the headpäihimmewith the idea that Louis is a good fatherajatusta siitä, että Louis on hyvä isä.
- In 1969Vuonna 1969,Eric JamesEric Jamesiäwas<empty>floggedruoskittiinten timeskymmenen kertaawith a cat-o-nine-tailyhdeksänhaaraisella ruoskallaafter the courts rejected his appeal for clemencysen jälkeen, kun oikeusistuimet hylkäsivät hänen armeliaisuuteen vetoamisensa.
- Last monthViime kuussa,two Irish menkahta irlantilaista miestäwere<empty>floggedruoskittiinin northwestern PakistanLuoteis-Pakistanissaafter they were convicted on heroin smuggling chargessen jälkeen, kun heidät oli tuomittu heroiinin salakuljetuksesta.
- Fay, now 19Fayta, nyt 19,was<empty>floggedruoskittiinwith a rattan canerottinkikepilläfour timesneljä kertaain Maytoukokuussafor vandalizing cars in a spray-painting spree last winterautojen tuhoamisesta ruiskumaalilla viime talvena.
- The editor of an opposition newspaperVastapuolen sanomalehden päätoimittajaawas<empty>floggedkritisoitiinfor publishing an article alleging bad relations between a West African peacekeeping force and Liberia's policeLänsi-Afrikan rauhanturvajoukkojen ja Liberian poliisin huonoista suhteista syyttävän artikkelin julkaisemisesta.
fracture.v 🔎
- HeHänhit a lamp-post andfracturedmursiMike's skullMiken kallon.
- At Wallace's trial, Dr West saidthe force of the blowiskun voimahadolifracturedmurtanutLewis' skullLewisin kallon.
- Former England Under-21 player Keith BentonEnglannin alle 21-vuotiaiden entinen pelaaja Keith Bentonfracturedmursihis son Seb's skullpoikansa Sebin kallonwhen he hit the ball into the crowd during a match in Buckinghamlyödessään pallon väkijoukkoon Buckinghamissa pelatussa ottelussa.
- His skullHänen kallonsawasolifracturedmurtunut.
- A BABY 'S skullVAUVAN kallowasfracturedmurtuiyesterday after he was thrown from a stolen car as it overturned in a crash.eilen, kun hän paiskautui ulos varastetusta autosta sen kaatuessa kolarissa
- St Ives's legPyhän Ivesin jalkawasolifracturedmurtunutin two placeskahdesta kohdasta.
- The other reportedly hadhis skullkallofracturedmurtunutin 15 places15 kohdasta, broken fingers and numerous stab wounds.
gash.v 🔎
- He was jumping up and down so muchhehängashedloukkasihis shinsäärtääna bithiemanon the seat in front of himedessään olevaan istuimeen.
- HeHängashedloukkasihis headpäänsälast Saturdayviime lauantaina, but happily is smiling again.
- Few fights -- occasionally, you'd geta man whomiehen, jota'd beenongashedviillettyin the facekasvoihinwith a bottlepullolla, that had been drunk in the bar and you'd be called in and you'd take him to hospital.
- Buttheresielläthe mournerssurijatalsogashviiltävättheir faceskasvojaan,so their king will be lamented properly in human blood, and when he is in his tomb they murder (or sacrifice) the slaves who dug it.
- The jagged edgesRosoiset reunatgashedviilsivättheir fingersheidän sormiaan: the rag round Gazzer's hand was bright with fresh blood.
- Van Gelder was right, there were no signs of bruising or blood wherethe engineerinsinööriähad beenoligashedviillettyon the headpäähän.
- `I was on the ground andRobertRobertcame running over me and accidentallygashedviilsimy headpäätäniwith his bootsaappaallaan, ``said Barnes.
- One dayYhtenä päivänäFrankFrankgashedviilsihis handkätensäon a glasslasiinat worktöissäand had to go to hospital to get some stitches put in.
- His steed was lame whereone of the grypeshyksi grypesheistähadoligashedviiltänytits fore-quartersen etuneljännestä, and he called a halt.
- BronsonBronsongashedviilsihis shinsäärensäon the spikes of a rival athletekilpakumppaninsa piikkareihinand with only three athletes staying on their feet the race was re-run.
- Pacheco, 25, saidkidnapperssieppaajienbeat him andgashedviiltäneenhis feethänen jalkojaanseveral timesuseita kertojabefore letting him go in Amatitlan, 17 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of the capital.
hammer.v 🔎
- Rather dramatically, Dalton recorded thatBevinBevin`hammeredhakkasi[LansburyLansburyn]to deathkuoliaaksi.
- When she was alone on the terrace,shehänfound herself staring fixedly at a cockroach as it scuttled around in the heat, then got up andhammeredhakkasiitsento deathkuoliaaksiwith her shoekengällään.
- Jane dreamt she was clinging to the edge of a cliff, andher bank managerhänen pankinjohtajansawas<empty>hammeringhakkasiat her fingershänen sormiaan.
- If we turned up an hour late for a function in Englandwemeitäwould be<empty>hammeredarvostelisivatby everybodykaikki.
- GallagherGallagherhammeredhakkasihimhäntäagain and againuudelleen ja uudelleen.
hit.v 🔎
- After the first turn it's down to luck, the Fanatic could go anywhere, but the chances areyousinä'll either block the enemy orhitlyöthimhäntähardkovinfor at least one more turn.
- Clive's fistCliven nyrkkihitlöithe side of his headhänen päänsä sivuunbefore he could blink, and in an instant he was crushed under all four boys and someone rammed the soap into his mouth.
- Hector struck out, andhis blind fisthänen sokea nyrkkinsähitosuihis grandfather's throathänen isoisänsä kurkkuun.
- The fistNyrkkihitosuihimhäneenagain.
- Walking home from his job one payday, he was set upon bytwo young men whokaksi nuorta miestä, jotkahitlöiväthimhäntäwith a stickoksalla, pushed him to the ground and seized his meagre wages.
- The manMieshitlöihimhäntä, left hand, backhanded; he was wearing a weighted glove.
- Francois Roland, 71Francois Roland, 71, wasin hospitalsairaalassalast nightviime yönafterbeinghäntä olihitlyötyin the armkäsivarteen.
- I looked around andIminähitlöinherhäntäsuch a bloody fourpenny one that I knocked her flying.
- It was as ifhehänhad turned andhitlyönytmeminuawith his fistnyrkillään, I couldn't hide it.
- JohnnyJohnnygroaned andhitlöihis foreheadotsaansawith his clenched fisttiukaksi puristuneella nyrkillään.
- The door was wrenched open,the messengerlähettiähitlyötiinon the headpäähänwith a coshpampulla, and the money taken.
- On top of that, the day the plaster was removed,Mrs Maggsrouva Maggsreminded him about his accosting ways byhittinglyömällähimhäntäover the headpäähänwith an egg saucepanmunapannulla.
- HeHänhitlöihernaistaviolentlyrajustiseveral times,on both sides of the headkummallekin puolelle päätä, and she fell into a chair, trembling.
- The assistantAvustajaawas<empty>hitlyötiinon the headpäähänwith the shotgunhaulikollaso hardniin kovaa, that part of the stock broke off.
- IMinäwas<empty>hittinglöinthemheitäon the headpäähän,and they were all falling on the floor.
- A young baby whoPieni vauva, jotais<empty>hitlyödäänon the headpäähändeliberatelytarkoituksellamay sustain no serious injury.
- `YouSinähitiskitmeminuawith five ton of legviiden tonnin painoisella jalallain your sleepunissasi.
- He also injured Thomas's common-law wife whenhehänhitlöihernaistain the legsjalkoihinwith the stickkepillä, Teesside magistrates heard.
- IMinuawas<empty>hitlyötiinon the right legoikeaan jalkaanand nearly fell.
- HeHäntäwas<empty>hitlyötiinin the legsääreenand was last night said to be in a serious condition.
- `WeMeitäwere<empty>hitlyötiinwith rifle buttskiväärinperillä, kicked and punched.
- She heard Mrs Fribbens cry out,Don'tÄlähitlyömeminua, and then a noise which sounded like a punch.
- Some of the others protested at being separated from their belongings, but aBrazilian Corporalbrasilialainen korpraaliin the cornerhitlöitwo peoplekahta ihmistäin the stomachvatsaanand things moved fast after that.
- The other RexToinen Rexhitlöihimhäntähardkovinin the stomachvatsaan.
- Last night at our gig in Cardiff there was a bouncer at the front and he caught a youngster andhehänhitlöihimhäntäin the throatkurkkuun, and he could have killed him.
- ButIminäaccidentallyhitlöinJasonJasoniafull on the jawkoko leukaanso hardniin kovaa,that I knocked him overettä löin hänet kumoon.
- And hadhehännot been perfectly willing, of course, tohitlyömääna womannaistaevery bit as hard as he would have struck a manaivan yhtä kovin, kuin hän olisi lyönyt miestä.
- Before Mary could move,hemiespulled the book out of her hands andhitlöiherhäntäacross the foreheadotsaanwith itsillä.
- Have you heard aboutthe Tory moderate whotory-sovittelijasta, jokahitlöithe cheerful-looking palmistiloisen näköistä kädestäennustajaaon the nosenenään?
- Lewis certainly is not short of confidence and after the fight he said: `I know Razor was feeling thoseright handsoikeat kädet,Iminäwas<empty>hittinglöinDixonDixoniawithjoilla.
- The first set went toTaylorTaylorille… shewas<empty>hittinglöiharderkovempaaand was much quicker.
- HitLyöin the backselkään.
- England would have had six existing internationals in the team butKevin StampKevin Stampiawas accidentlyvahingossahitlyötiinin the mouthsuulleby a stickkepilläat the training weekend and has withdrawn.
- GreenidgeGreenidge, jota,hitlyötiinon the kneepolveen, began to limp, so making a century inevitable -- and passing 6,000 Test runs in the process -- while Richards hammered 72 from eighty balls.
- The charges arise from an incident last January during whichan off duty police officervapaalla olevaa poliisiawas allegedlysyytösten mukaanhitlyötiinwith a hammervasaralla,while he waited for a taxi in Cheltenhamkun hän odotti taksia Cheltenhamissa.
horsewhip.v 🔎
- Her limbs were graceful, her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess; as for her breasts, an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length:AssheAsshethreatenedto<empty>horsewhipruoskiahimhäntä.
- Cruel in the extreme,shehänwould<empty>horsewhipruoskithemheitämercilesslyarmottomasti, giving them little food and confining them in cold and filthy cellars.
- And he got you into the coach by putting his toe in your backside, andhehäntäwas only stopped fromhorsewhippingruoskimastayousinuaby Mama's gentle persuasion.
hurt.v 🔎
- The idea of another man having sexual intercourse with his sister drove him wild, as did the idea ofsomeonejokuhurtingsatuttaisiherhäntä.
- The young woman cried: `HasOnkohehänhurtsatuttanutyousinua?
- Experience told him that a woman's natural instinct was to defend herself rather thanto<empty>hurtsatuttaathe attackerhyökkääjää.
- It wasa studentopiskelija, they said,very badlyerittäin pahastihurtloukkaantunut, possibly dead.
- And here came a vision ofSimonSimonista,terriblyvakavastihurtsatuttamanaby Gazzer's knifeGazzerin veitsenand left to bleed to death in some stinking alley.
- DotDotdidn't wantto<empty>hurtsatuttaaits facesen naamaa,so she placed her knees carefully to one side of the lamb so that they pressed into the sewn field of flowers on the edge.
- SIXTEEN police officersKUUSITOISTA poliisiawere<empty>hurtloukkaantui, including seven sprayed with CS gas, and 51 people were arrested at an acid house party, police said yesterday.
- This family knows one way of persuasion:theyhehurtsatuttavatyousinuabadpahasti.
- A BRITISH Telecom worker has been murdered andanothertoistabadlypahastihurtovat satuttaneetby banditsbandiititin NigeriaNigeriassa.
impale.v 🔎
- SheHänimpaledlävistiitsenthrough the ribskylkiluiden läpia second timetoisen kerranand the point took and held, and this time when she jerked the Scarag to the side it came with her, clutching at the killing wood.
- Police foundMr Pennant, 32herra Pennantin, 32,impaledlävistettynäbelow the fire escape outside Tottenham's Arena club in North Londonpaloportaiden alta Tottenhamin areenan klubin ulkopuolelta Pohjois-Lontoossa.
- Harper rode up to the man and sawthe broken wheel spokeskatkenneiden pyöränpuolienimpaledlävistävänin his belly and groinhänen vatsansa ja nivusensa.
- His lordship suffered too, in his turn, because I heard the occasional stifled oath ashehänimpaledlävistia fingersormenon the needleneulalla.
- Their headsHeidän päänsäwere<empty>impaledseivästettiinon Charles BridgeKaarlensillalleas a warning to othersvaroituksena muilleand their families were sent into exile and their lands given to Ferdinand's Habsburg supporters, mainly Germans.
- Hehänet,was almostmelkeinimpaledlävistion a bayonetPistinas he slithered into the holekun hän kiemurteli kuoppaan.
- His legshänen jalkansawere<empty>impaledlävistivätwith a thousand needles of pine and hemlockTuhat männynneulasta ja myrkkykatkoa; hemlock cones and crabapple were strapped to his waist.
- TheyHeidätwould be<empty>impaledseivästettäisiinby the roadsidetienlaitaanas an exampleesimerkiksi.
- Gunner Paul Johnsontykkimies Paul Johnsonin,was<empty>impaledlävistiby a fence postAidanpylväs-- and lived to tell the tale.
- HeHän,put the skull of a bird on top of it all,thensittenimpaledlävistithe heart of his fatherisänsä sydämenon the beak of the birdlinnun nokalla.
- RevelationPaljastuswent sweetly on, thusimpalinglävistäenmeminuton the hook of my own guiltomalla syyllisyydentunteellanionce morejälleen kerran.
- `ImpaleLävistämeminut, Major.
- ``Breaking teenagers' legs andimpalingseivästäminenpeopleihmistenon railingsaitoihinis no way to end violence, Major told the business gathering in reference to recent attacks linked to the IRA.
- Otherwise,theyhecouldvoisivatimpalelävistääthemselvesitsensäwith a bayonetpistimellä--- affixed to each muzzle since the Mexican War.
- The two-week-old corpse of an 81-year-old man81-vuotiaan miehen kaksi viikkoa vanha ruumiswas exhumed andimpaledlävistettiinon an umbrellasateenvarjolla, 34 tombstones were toppled or snapped in two, and flower pots were trampled.
injure.v 🔎
- Kenya lodged a strong protest after four Kenyan policemen were killed andfourneljääinjuredvahingoittivatby Somali troopssomalialaiset sotilaatat the Hare-Hare border settlementHare-Haren rajaseudullaon Sept. 20, 198920. syyskuuta 1989.
- Widow Badly Injured and Robbed ``; or `Womannaistainjuredvahingoittiby Violent BagSnatcherVäkivaltainen laukunnappaajawhen she was `thrown to the ground and bruised ``in what was `a brutal assault upon a helpless woman.
- HeHänalsoinjuredvahingoittiThomas's common-law wifeThomasin avovaimoa,when he hit herin the legsjalkoihinwith the stick, Teesside magistrates heard.
- However, there is always the remote possibility thatyousinämight run down andinjuresatuttaasomeonejotakutain the watervedessä, which could cost you as much as £100,000!
- One nightHydeHydeinjuredvahingoittia childlastain the streetkadullaand a passer-by saw him.
- It was done to preventherhäntägiving way to a compulsive wishto<empty>injureloukataherselfitseäänby picking at her skinnyppimällä ihoaan.
- Anothertoista,was fatallykuolettavastiinjuredvahingoittiby a stagUroshirviwhen dispensing feed to his herd of deer.
- On May 17Toukokuun 17. päivänäthree civilianskolmea siviiliäwere shot andinjuredvahingoittivatby members of the Brigadeprikaatin jäsenet.
- Looking for excitement and with little thought for his family,hehänsteals a friend's car, knocks down and badlyinjuresvahingoittaaa girltyttöäand is taken to court.
- Steve Whitemay be in from the start; withsaattaa olla mukana alusta asti, silläMoncur and LingMoncuria että Lingiäbothsekäinjuredon vahingoittanutby teenagerteini-ikäinen, Austin Berkley is standing by for his debut too.
jab.v 🔎
- A fingerSormijabbedtökkäisiherhäntäbetween the shoulder bladeslapaluiden väliin.
- `Where is it? ``hehänasked,jabbingtökkäistenherhäntäagain.
- Covering the sprawled guards constantly, Mortimer hopped over the bodies and continued downwards,his menhänen miestensäjabbinglävistäessäthe bodiesruumiitawith bayonetspistimelläto make sure.
- In a mad impulsive movement, which Molly later insisted was self defence,shehänjabbedsurvaisidesperatelyepätoivoisestiat the oncoming fishlähestyvää kalaa.
- How dare you speak to your mother like that? ``shehänjabbedpistelirepeatedlytoistuvastiuntil the sight of blood seeping through Constance's blouse stopped her short.
- SheHänrelaxed slightly andjabbedsurvaisihimmiestäin his ribskylkiluihin.
- A JILTED lover whoHYLÄTTY rakastaja, jokatook revengeon womennaisillebyjabbingtökkimälläthemin the reartakamukseenwith knitting needlesneulepuikoilla,has come unstuck.
- Or ifthe horsehevostahas beenonjabbediskettyin the mouthsuulle,when it is being mounted, it goes on expecting pain in the mouth whenever it is mounted.
- Take it step by step, butdo notäläjabiskeherhäntäin the mouthsuulleand be FAIR but FIRM.
- `Get on! ``saidTengTeng, drawing the long club from his belt andjabbingiskemälläthe manmiestäviciouslyrajustiin the small of the backristiselkään.
- RykerRykersaid,jabbingiskienherhäntäin the ribskylkiluihinwith his elbow.kyynärpäällään
- He saw the horse rise in the same fraction of a second asthe recoilpotkaisujabbedosuihis cheekhänen poskeensa.
- His lanceHänen peitsensäjabbedosuimeminuun,as he passed.
- In the operating theatre,a tall and ancient nursepitkä ja ikivanha hoitajajabspistäämeminuatwicekahdestito find the vein in the back of my hand.
- Leonard Perkes, 80Leonard Perkesiä, 80, was beaten,jabbediskettiinwith a screwdriverruuvimeisselilläand had his toes cut with a knife.
kick.v 🔎
- She manages to separate the boys forcibly, whereuponVictorVictorkickspotkaiseeher shinhänen säärtään.
- Bruce Harris says: `Can you imagine what would happen ifa 13 year old boy13-vuotiaan pojanwas<empty>kickedpotkisivatto deathkuoliaaksiby policemenpoliisitin LondonLontoossa?
- Men and womenMiehiä ja naisiawere knocked down and were still assaulted andkickedpotkittiinon the flourlattialla.
- Suddenlyhehänpushed the skinny man to the ground and startedto<empty>kickpotkiahimhäntä, but, as he did so, there came a roar and a rumbling from behind us.
- The manMieskickedpotkaisioutsharplyterävästiand connected justunder the kneepolven alapuolelle.
- An hour laterTuntia myöhemmina woman standing outside Central Milton Keynes railway stationCentral Milton Keynes -rautatieaseman ulkopuolella seisovaa naistawas<empty>kickedpotkaisiin the backselkäänby a youth on a racing bikekilpapyörällä ajava nuori.
- The womanNainenwas<empty>kickedpotkittiinto the groundmaahanand suffered a broken arm and leg during the attackat her house in Lache Lane, Chesterhänen talollaan Lache Lanella, Chesterissä,on Thursday nighttorstai-iltana.
- While he spreads his malicious malpractice throughout time,yousinut've been chosento<empty>kicklyömäänhis butthänet.
- Without hesitationshehänkickedpotkaisihimhäntäunder the chinleuan alle, the full weight of the kick throwing him flat on the floor.
- Hehänetwas murdered;kickedpotkivatto deathkuoliaaksiby policemenPoliisitwith size 10 boots.
- FIVE German skinheads whoVIISI saksalaista skinheadiä, jotkakickedpotkivata black immigrantmustan maahanmuuttajanto deathkuoliaaksiwere jailed for two to four years yesterday.
- At the end, you get to be inside Richie's head ashehänrighteouslykickspotkiithe poor womannaisraukanto deathkuoliaaksiafter she's come for him with a hatchet in each hand.
- Malcolm KennedyMalcolm Kennedyhad been jailed at the Old Bailey in September 1991 for allegedlykickingpotkinutto deathkuoliaaksihis cellmate, Patrick Quinnsellitoverinsa, Patrick Quinnin,at Hammersmith police station in west LondonHammersmithin poliisiasemalla Länsi-Lontoossaearly on Christmas Eve, 1990.
- As I slid to the floorIminuawas<empty>kickedpotkaistiinhardkovaain the facekasvoihinwith a slippered foot.
- GriffithsGriffithswas sent off in disgrace forkickingpotkimisestaan opponentvastustajanin the headpäähänduring Cardiff's 15-6 Heineken League win at Aberavon.
- He went for the machine-gun, butsomeonejokukickedpotkaisihimhäntähardkovaain the back of the headpään takaosaan.
- And he gets the spade and hits her on the head with it and he goes, I never want to talk to you again andhehänkickspotkaiseeherhäntäin the headpäähän.
- SheHänkickedpotkaisimeminuaon the kneepolveen.
- Despite saying he had no moneytheyhecracked his ribs …kickedpotkaisivathis leghäntä jalkaan… stabbed him with a fork … and slashed at his face with a modelling knife.
- Mr Butler had been taking a collection-box home whenhehänetwas attacked on the Tube,kickedpotkaistiinin the facekasvoihin, kneed in the stomach, had his head banged against a door and almost strangled.
- `Excuse me, ``said Sophy, `if you call me faceache again,Iminä'll<empty>kickannanyousinullesillyselkään.
- `Kick me again, ``said Georgiades, keeping his voice at the gentle, conversational level, `andIminäwill<empty>kickpotkaisenyour ballskassejasiso hard that they will fly out of your backsideniin kovaa, että ne lentävät ulos takapuoleltasi.
- SheHänglared at her sister andkickedpotkaisiherhäntäunder the tablepöydän alla.
- Brought in early last year,MaxMaxiahad been so badlyoli niin pahasti,kickedpotkinutby a sadistic ownersadistinen omistajathat most of his bodily organs were in the wrong placesettä suurin osa hänen elimistään oli väärissä paikoissa.
- I did not seeRichard LanghornRichard Langhorniabeing<empty>kickedpotkiby Ian DaviesIan Davies.
- BlakeBlakeclosed his eyes but keptbeing<empty>kickedpotkimistaby the Doctortohtori, attempting to escape from his bonds.
- I tried to get up but my legs were pulled from under me andIminuawas<empty>kickedpotkiby my opponentvastustajani.
- MarcoMarcotook a swift aim at his ribs andkickedpotkaisihimhäntähardkovaa, but in the dark he missed, hitting him in the shoulder with a cracking thud.
- Griffiths went down in Welsh history asthe first personensimmäisenä henkilönäto be sent off forkickingpotkimisestaone of his own playersyhden oman pelaajansa.
- A 30-year-old detective30-vuotias etsiväwas recovering in hospital last night after being punched andkickedpotkittuunconscioustajuttomaksiin Chiswick High Street, west LondonChiswick High Streetillä, Länsi-Lontoossa, while helping a uniformed officer to arrest a woman.
- Claire McLaren, 16Claire McLarenin, 16, was punched andkickedpotkisenselesstajuttomaksiby a thugRoistoafter she was accused of pushing past his girlfriend.
- TheyHeidätwereolikickedpotkittusenselesstajuttomiksiand then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning.
- Iminuajust gotkickedpotkiin the ballskiveksilleby a footballer.Jalkapalloilija``'He's a famous footballer.
- I was frisked, my belt and Seiko taken from me, and, as an afterthought,kickedpotkittuin the ribskylkiluihin.
knee.v 🔎
- A POLICEMANPOLIISIAwas<empty>kneedpotkaistiin polvellain the groinnivusiinand another punched in the face as they tried to break up brawling schoolgirls at a railway station.
- HeHänhadolikneedpotkaissut polvellaGomezGomeziain the stomachvatsaanto break the gunman out of the panic of drowningsaadakseen pyssymiehen pois hukkumisen paniikista.
- `Oh, it's you, ``shehänsaid, andkneedpotkaisi polvellameminuain the groinnivusiin.
- HeHänswung around upon his kidnapper andwith deadly accuracyerehtymättömällä tarkkuudellakneedpotkaisi polvellahimhäntäin the groinnivusiin.
- IMinäkneedpotkaisin polvellahimhäntäin the ballskiveksilleas hard as I couldniin kovaa kuin pystyin.
knife.v 🔎
- When they met a few days later in Benghazi they quarrelled andthe Zliten boyzliteliläinen poikaknifedpuukottithe Zuwayizuwayilaistain the armkäsivarteen.
- The manMies, jotayousinäknifedpuukotit,wasn't dead when I reached him.
- HeHänhad then lain in wait for the man's wife and daughter andknifedpuukottanutthemheidätto deathkuoliaiksi,as they returned from a shopping trip.
- SelesSelesiäwas<empty>knifedpuukottiin the backselkäänduring a quarter-final match at the Citizen Cup in Hamburg on April 30neljännesvälierän aikana Citizen Cupissa Hampurissa 30- huhtikuutaby a German who allegedly wanted to help Steffi Graf regain her number one world rankingsaksalainen, joka syytösten mukaan halusi auttaa Steffi Grafia saavuttamaan jälleen ykkössijan.
- The one million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks in 1915Miljoonaa turkkilaisten vuonna 1915 teurastamaa armenialaistawere shot orknifedpuukotettiinto deathkuoliaiksi, the women often raped before being murdered.
- A YOUNG mumNUORI äitiwas<empty>brutallysäälimättömästiknifedpuukotettiinto deathkuoliaaksi,just moments after taking her five year-old daughter to school yesterday.
- The jury heard howa social workersosiaalityöntekijäwasolihorrificallykauhistuttavastiknifedpuukotettuto deathkuoliaaksion a late-night trainyöjunassa.
- In a separate incident,a pensionereläkeläistäwasoliknifedpuukotettuin the headpäähän,as he sat on a street benchkun hän istui puistonpenkillä.
- He ran the pub with his wife, an Irish woman who was known as Mrs Nora, and whose reputation along the docks had been assured the day she had broken up a brawl betweena huge Turk whovaltavan turkkilaisen, jokahad justoli juuriknifedpuukottanuttwo menkaksi miestä, and a dozen of the wounded men's shipmates.
- I was slightly worried, I must admit, thathehänwould<empty>knifepuukottaisimeminua.
- Lesley Harrison, 29Lesley Harrisonia, 29,was<empty>knifedpuukottiby a taxi passengertaksimatkustajaas she stepped between him and the driver during a row over the fare.
- The victimsUhrejahad beenoliknifedpuukotettumore than 70 timesyli 70 kertaa.
- PC JonesPC Jonesiawas<empty>knifedpuukotettiinin the thighreiteen,as he answered a 999 call for help.
- A HOSPITAL is tightening its security after anursehoitajaawasoliknifedpuukotettuin a lifthississä.
- Paul (20), from Balerno,Balernosta kotoisin olevaa Paulia (20)was<empty>knifedpuukotettiinthrough the heartsydämen läpiin the early hours of Saturday, February 6 after a night out with 18-year-old brother Peter and friend Tom Cole (20)aamun tunteina lauantaina 6. helmikuuta hänen oltuaan viettämässä iltaa ulkona 18-vuotiaan veljensä Peterin ja ystävänsä Tom Colen (20) kanssa.
- Security alert asnursehoitajaknifedpuukotti
knock.v 🔎
- IMinäknockediskinhis teethhänen hampaansainto the back of his throat.
- She could make up a story, say she suffered temporary amnesia, or thatshehänetwasolivatknockediskeneetunconscioustajuttomaksiby thievesvarkaatand all her money was gone, but she doubted she could make it sound believable.
- They had set upon the turnkey,knockinglyödenhimhänetunconscioustajuttomaksi, and then gathering his keys, made for the gate.
- His wifeHänen vaimonsawas thrown across a room andknockediskettiinunconscioustajuttomaksi.
- HendryHendryjust comes up andknocksyllättääyousinutflat<empty>.
- There was a curious connection now in his mind between the time thatSergeant Barry Lawrencekersantti Barry Lawrencehadoliknockedlyönythimhänetsillypyörryksiinin the pubpubissaand this new blurring of his mind.
- Trouble is, Legion's agent spotted it, thought she'd been rumbled,knockedlöithe girltytönsenselesstajuttomaksiand deleted the message.
- `And if I had told you the truth, Neil, that day whenJem HigginsJem Higginsknockedlöimeminutsenselesstajuttomaksi, what would you have done then?
- The bitchNarttuhadoliknockedlyönythimhänetcoldtajuttomaksi.
- The policemenPoliisitknockedlöiväthimhänetto the groundmaahanand kicked the life out of him.
- You caught me when I staged dived and looked after me whenIminuagot<empty>knockedlyötiinin the eyesilmään.
- From his Jamaican holiday retreat, Lewis said: `I can beat Tucker, I knowIminäcanvoinknocklyödähimhänetout.
- BRISTOL City striker Leroy Rosenior accused referee Martin Bodenham of being `a disgrace ``because the official hassled him to get up afterthe former West Ham aceentinen Wast Hamin mestariwasoliknockedlyötysenselesstajuttomaksi.
- Iminultawas absolutelykerta kaikkiaanknockedsalpasitbreathlesshengitykseniby youSinä, Rachel.
- That slapLäimäysknockediskihimhänetoff his chair.
lash.v 🔎
- Never a person to hold back criticism when he felt it was needed,hehänlashedruoskiLucienLucieniamercilesslyarmottomastiwith harsh wordskovin sanoin, and threw up his hands in despair when Lucien fouled yet another movement.
- SheHänlashedruoskithe classluokkaawith scorn and ridiculehalveksuen ja pilkatenand punished them for the nasty thoughts in her own mind.
- Trance-like he drove down the Edgware Road, responding to the multitudinous traffic lights with mechanical movements, whilethe agitated Eleanorhermostunut Eleanorcontinuedto<empty>lashpiiskaamistahis unreceptive earhänen suljettujen korviensawith a never-ending stream of abuseloputtomalla solvausten tulvalla.
- FollyFollylashedruoskithe aggressorhyökkääjääover the headpäähänwith her rosesruusuillaan-- which immediately disintegrated in a hail of scented petals.
- HeHänhad turned her over then, his hands brutal, and removing his leather belt,hadolilashedruoskinuthernaistaunmercifullyarmottomastiacross buttocks and thighspakaroihin ja reisiin.
- Five more people were reported dead in Havana, Cuba, afterthe stormmyrskylashedpiiskasithe islandsaarta.
- Sad MichaelSad Michaelia, who died of liver cancer at 27,wasolilashedpiiskattuwith leather thongsnahkaremmeilläin front of a packed audience at a West End Theatre just two days before joining the show.
- LashingPiiskatentheir horseshevosiaanand beating aside all in their way with the flats of their swords, Balliol and his immediate lieutenants drove off, through and away.
- And beforeMalaMalacouldsaattoilashpiiskataat himhäntäagain, he explained, and terrified me right down to my boots.
- How often have we heardthe Associationjärjestöälashedruoskivanby the Bankspankkienfor our alleged failure to accept Independent Third Party decisions?
- His voiceHänen äänensälashedsivalsilike a whip, forcing a cry of pain from her lips.
maim.v 🔎
- INDIA has long hadterrorists whoterroristeja, jotkakill andmaimsilpovatto secure secession for various of its 25 statesvarmistaakseen, että monet sen 25 osavaltiosta irtautuvat.
- He has valued the sexual instinct more than action, whileotherstoisetkill andmaimsilpovatto allow his debased relationship to continuemahdollistaakseen hänen heikentyneen suhteensa jatkumisen.
- DolphinsDelfiinejäwere<empty>oftenuseincruellyjulmastimaimedvammautettiinor killedduring such researchsellaisen tutkimuksen aikana, but, thankfully, today's studies tend to focus on animals in the wild, and mostly aim to be as non-intrusive as possible.
- This placeTässä paikassakills andmaimssilvotaanmore than any otherenemmän kuin missään muussa.
- Several times he witnessedstrokes whichlyöntejä, jotkawould have killed ormaimedvammauttaneet,if they had been allowed to connect with flesh and bonejos niiden olisi annettu osua lihaan ja luuhun.
- The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architectKehittäjän, suunnittelijan ja arkkitehdin hirveä kolmikkohadolimaimedturmellutitsenforeverikuisestiin the sixties and seventieskuusi- ja seitsemänkymmentäluvuilla.
- The result is thatwemekill 5,000 people andmaimvammautammea quarter of a millionneljäsosamiljoonanon our roadsteillämmein the name of personal conveniencehenkilökohtaisen mukavuuden nimissä.
- Her fatherHänen isäänsähad beenolimaimedsilvottuwhile on duty in Irelandtämän ollessa palveluksessa Irlannissa, and she herself had been sold into virtual slavery there, where she had been seduced and made pregnant.
- More than 300,000 French soldiersYli 300 000 ranskalaista sotilastawere killed,maimedsilvottuor taken prisonerin this futile exercisetässä hyödyttömässä harjoituksessa.
- MarcoMarcohad triedto<empty>maimsilpoahimhäntäbeforeennenkin, and that was before Caroline's death.
- Though I do believea cowyhtä lehmääoncekerranwas<empty>maimedsilvottiin.
- `Because, ``Benjamin answered, `hehänetwas<empty>seriouslypahastimaimedsilvottiin.
- BothKumpikinare prepared to kill ormaimsilpomaaninnocentssyyttömiäin pursuit of a causeaatteensa edistämiseksi.
- A coalition of 400 non-governmental groups blasted as inadequate U.N.-sponsored discussions to impose technical controls onminesmiinoille,whichjotkakill ormaimvammauttavatup to 2,000 peoplejopa 2 000 ihmistäper monthkuukaudessaworldwidemaailmanlaajuisesti.
- ``Land minesMaamiinatstilledelleenkill andmaimvammauttavatbetween 150 to 300 Cambodians150-300 kambodžalaistaa monthkuukaudessa, he said.
- Peruvian military officials say the anti-personnel mines are inexpensiveChinese-made devicesKiinassa tehtyjä pommeja, jotkadesignedto<empty>maimvammauttamaantroopsjoukkojaand force the withdrawal of three or four other soldiers to carry out one wounded.
- Three years laterKolme vuotta myöhemmin,a studentopiskelijanwas<empty>maimedvammauttiby a bombpommiin the same buildingsamassa rakennuksessa.
- The explosionRäjähdysmaimedsilpoitwo of Nojara's fingerskaksi Nojaran sormea, injured his left eye and scattered pieces of shrapnel all over his body, said girlfriend Levi Fernandez, who found the letter bomb.
- About 65 million mines have been laid since 1980, anda minemiinamaimsvammauttaaor killssomeonejonkunevery 20 minutes20 minuutin välein--- usually a woman, child or farmer, U.N. officials say.
- They also havethugs whoroistoja, jotkacan threaten,maimsilpoaand killthose who will not do what they are toldniitä, jotka eivät tee sitä, mitä heidän käsketään tehdä.
- McVeigh remained stone-faced even when shown photographs ofchildrenlapsistamaimedsilvotuistaand killedin the blasträjähdyksessä, several news organizations reported.
- ``Forall thosekaikillemaimedruntelemilleby the brutality and absurdity of the warsodan julmuuden ja järjettömyyden, Balasevic has offered a unique feeling of justice and compassion, said a UNHCR statement.
- In Angola, Diana will visitpeopleihmisten luonamaimedvammauttamienby land minesmaamiinojenand watch mine-clearing operations in the African bush.
- Since the start of the siege in April 1992Vuoden 1992 huhtikuussa alkaneen piirityksen alusta asti, 1,600 children have died andmore than 15,000yli 15 000have beenonmaimedvammautunut.
maul.v 🔎
- `ItSehauled me to the ground with a thump and startedmaulingraadellameminuaon the back and neckselästä ja niskasta.
- It was a wondertheyhehad not allkaikki eivät olleetmauledraadelleeteach othertoisiaanto deathkuoliaiksilong ago and left the damp, chilly coastline unpeopled except for howling birds.
- HeHänetwas<empty>mauledraadeltiinafter his leg slipped into the tiger's cage on a casino stage in Reno, Nevada.
- Public outcry followed the revelation thatBen SilcockBen Silcock,whojotawas<empty>mauledraadeltiinafter climbing into the lions' compound at London Zoo, was severely mentally ill and was not getting adequate treatment.
- If, as Kierkegaard once claimed, if the whole world can be divided into those who write and those who do not write, then we aretwo different specieskaksi eri lajia, jotkamaulingraatelevateach othertoisiaanwithout comprehension.
- `An aftermath of the wayyousinämauledahdistelitmeminua.
- `I can't believe I actually stood here and letyousinun--maularvostellameminua.
- For example, there was the Australian edition of the racy Sunday Sport which claimed thatKylieKylietahad beenolimauledraadellutby a killer sharktappajahaiwhile skin diving on the Great Barrier Reef.
- The decision was made after councillors watched a video ofa foxketusta, jotabeing<empty>mauledraateliby a terrierterrieri,that had been sent into a flooded drain to catch it.
- `One side of the faceToinen puoli kasvoistawas badlyoli pahastimauledraadeltu.
- Mr George DaszczukGeorge Daszczukwas pinned to the ground andmauledraadeltiinfor 15 minutes15 minuutin ajan,as he was set upon by the two dogs, which had chewed their way through the wooden door of a garage they were guarding.
- You leta farm boymaalaispojanmaulrökittääyousinutabout<empty>?!
- A SHARKHAImauledraateliand killeda 28-year-old surfer28-vuotiaan surffaajanon Australia's Gold CoastAustralian Gold Coastillayesterdayeilen.
pelt.v 🔎
- When Vice-President Nixon toured the area in 1958hehäntäwas<empty>peltedheittelivätwith rotten eggsmädillä kananmunillaand jostledby angry demonstratorsvihaiset mielenosoittajat.
- Early last year the Ministry of Defence announced new measures to discourage bullying after young recruits revealed thattheyheitähad been pushed into rivers,peltedheiteltywith stoneskivillä, and gassed with CS gas.
- In Dortmunda 56-year-old man56-vuotias mies, apparently an even more extreme right-winger, was in a critical condition after being kicked andpeltedolivat heitelleetwith bottlespulloillaby left-wingersvasemmistolaiset.
- PRESIDENT F. W. de KlerkPRESIDENTTI F. W. de Klerkiäwas<empty>peltedheiteltiinwith bottles and stonespulloilla ja kivilläat a major political rallysuuressa poliittisessa kokouksessayesterdayeilenin Mitchells Plain, South Africa's biggest coloured townshipMitchells Plainissa, Etelä-Afrikan suurimmalla mustien asuma-alueella.
- After two hours,the policepoliisitwere tired of being pushed andpeltedheiteltiinwith house brickstiilillä.
- It's not a pleasant experience foranyonekenellekäänto bejoutuapeltedkivittämäksiwith stones<empty>by childrenlasten.
- As they left the radio station, the soldiers apparently encountereda large crowd of demonstrators whosuuren mielenosoittajien joukon, jokapeltedheittelithemheitäwith stoneskivillä.
- Sandcastling fathers shouted indignantly andchildrenlapsetbeganpeltingheitelläthe dogkoiraawith wet sandmärällä hiekalla, which thumped against his woolly flanks.
- `WeMeilläusedto<empty>peltheitelläthe pigssikojawith rotten potatoesmädillä perunoilla.
- CHANCELLOR Helmut Kohl and German government leadersLIITTOKANSLERI Helmut Kohlia ja Saksan hallitusjohtajiawere<empty>peltedheiteltiinby eggs and paint bombskananmunilla ja maalipommeillaat a rally against Nazi-style violence and anti-semitismnatsityylisen väkivallan ja antisemitismin vastaisessa kokouksessayesterday.eilen
- HeHänwas one of three England players who complained to the umpires aboutbeing<empty>peltedhäntä heiteltiinby objectsesineillä.
- This resulted inMorrisseyMorrisseytabeing<empty>peltedheitettiinwith a pound of sausagespaunalla makkaroitaat a future gigtulevalla keikalla.
- 2.30AM Outside a gutted supermarket, I stop to talk toa group of young menryhmälle nuoria miehiä, jotkapeltingheittelivättwo carloads of policekahta autollista poliisejawith pilfered eggsnäpistetyillä kananmunilla.
- There was one occasion when the addled eggs came in handy forpeltingheitelläa kid on a motorbike who'd been riding up and down outside our house all eveningmoottoripyörällä ajavaa lasta, joka oli ajanut edestakaisin talomme ulkopuolella koko illanand making a terrible noise.
- In the streetsKaduillahijrashijrojaare jeered at, sometimes evenpeltedheitelläänwith rubbishroskilla.
poison.v 🔎
- In HullHullissaa manmieshadolipoisonedmyrkyttänythis wifevaimonsa,because she'd refused to sew buttons on to his clotheskoska tämä kieltätyi ompelemasta nappeja hänen vaatteisiinsa.
- The most common circumstance in whichhuman swimmersuivia ihmisiäare<empty>poisonedmyrkyttääby fishkalais when a well camouflaged stingray is trodden on.
- A MOTHERÄITIpoisonedmyrkyttiher nine-month-old babyyhdeksän kuukauden ikäisen vauvansawith saltsuolalla, a court heard yesterday.
- `So ifhehänetwere<empty>poisonedmyrkyttiby the entréepääruoka, he didn't display any symptoms for over an hour.
- HeHänetwould be<empty>poisonedmyrkytettäisiin,if he accepted food or sweets from themjos hän ottaisi ruokaa tai makeisia heiltä.
- Born in 1129, he inherited large territories and an equally large collection of feuds whenhis fatherhänen isänsäwas<empty>poisonedmyrkytettiinin 1139vuonna 1139.
- `What we don't like, Mr Tyler, is thatMrs Iversonrouva Iversonwas<empty>poisonedmyrkytettiinin full view of the Coroner and the Chairman of the Benchkuolemansyyntutkijan ja oikeuden puheenjohtajan silmien edessä.
- Rumour had it thatGauntGaunthadolipoisonedmyrkyttänythis sister-in-lawkälynsäin order to gain possession of the whole of the inheritancesaadakseen haltuunsa koko perinnön.
- They went for the throat or the genitals, andthe smallest scratch from their long black clawspieninkin raapaisu niiden pitkistä mustista kynsistäcouldsaattoipoisonmyrkyttääa manihmisento deathkuoliaaksi.
- `Naw,dogskoiriagetpoisonedmyrkytetäänall the timekaiken aikaa.
- `I have a dog as big as me anditsitä's beenonpoisonedmyrkytettythree timeskolme kertaa.
- According to the study,catskissojawere shot,poisonedmyrkyttivätand snaredby people who look after game birdsihmiset, jotka huolehtivat riistalinnuista.
- IMinäpoisonedmyrkytinyousinut.
- “TheyHeidätmay have beenon saatettupoisonedmyrkyttää. ”
poisoning.n 🔎
- Occupational safety officials in South Africa have set up a public inquiry to investigatemercuryelohopea-poisoningmyrkytystäof at least three employees of a British-owned toxic waste reprocessing plant at Cato Ridge in Natalainakin kolmen brittiomisteisen ongelmajätelaitoksen työntekijän Cato Ridgessä Natalissa.
- Statistically these deaths largely occur as a result of the inhalation of vomit andalcoholicalkoholi-poisoningmyrkytyksen, and it therefore seems somewhat bizarre for the police to be in charge of those suffering in such a way.
- Most other methods are similarly flawed, whether they are by garotting,gaskaasu-poisoningmyrkytyksen, electric chair or whatever.
- As far as Greenpeace is concerned -- unless the rot is stopped nowrivers like the Severnjoet kuten Severnare doomed to slow death bypoisoningmyrkytyksen.
pummel.v 🔎
- HeHäntried to hit me, keptpummellinghakkasimeminuawith his podgy fistspulleilla nyrkeillään, but he couldn't summon up the necessary enthusiasm.
- She wasn't used to his humour, butshehänquickly laughed andpummellednuijihis chesthänen rintaansawith her free handvapaalla kädellään.
- IMinäsort ofpummelledhakkasinhimhäntäon the chestrintaan, that was all.
- In her rage,shehänleapt up andpummelledhakkasiat his unresisting chesthänen vastustelematonta rintaansa, hot tears flowing down her flushed cheeks till his cold, emotionless face was a blur.
- In responseshehänkicked at his shins,pummelledhakkasihimhäntäfuriouslyraivokkaastiwith her fistsnyrkeillään, and opened her mouth to shout.
- SheHänjumped at him, half-laughing, half-serious, andpummelledhakkasihis bare chesthänen paljasta rintaansa.
- The three ruffiansKolme räyhääjääpummelledhakkasimeminua, banging my head against the wooden slats.
- As he collapsed he sawthe Doctortohtoriabeing<empty>pummelledhakkaavanby the mobväkijoukon.
punch.v 🔎
- At 11.15pm another student was mugged bya single attackeryksinäinen hyökkääjä,whopunchedlöihimhäntätwice before making off with in cash.
- One deputy, a former boxerYksi apulaisseriffi, entinen nyrkkeilijä,punchedlöione of Mr Seselj's parliamentary criticsyhden herra Seseljin parlamentin kriitikonunconscioustajuttomaksiin the corridor outside the chamberistuntosalin ulkopuolella olevassa käytävässä.
- The girl pushed past, butthe youthnuoretagain demanded money beforepunchinglöivätherhäntähardkovaain the facekasvoihin.
- Two days after Christmas at her home in Banbury two men pushed her through her front door …one of themyksi heistäpunchinglöiand kickingherhänetto the groundmaahan.
- The WomanNainenleaned forward further andpunchedlöihimhäntähardkovaa,in the mouthsuuhun.
- Mrs Officer saida womannainentried to stop it butwas<empty>punchedlöiby BrandonBrandon.
- Woman mugged:A 30year-old woman30-vuotiasta naistawas<empty>punchedlöivätin the facekasvoihinby muggerspahoinpitelijät,who snatched a gold chain and sovereign pendantin Park Street, ToxtethPark Streetillä, Toxtethissä.
- Parker, his punches did not work, andhehänpunchedlöiAnton's backAntonin selkää:resounding blowsraikuvia lyöntejä,and the back of his neckja hänen niskansa takaosaanwith all his mightkaikilla voimillaan, the attempt to push him down.
- `Constable David Owen said: `The crowd remained silent after Downey shouted but when the tribute endedtheyhebeganpunchinglyödähimhäntäround the neck, back and bodykaulaan, selkään ja vartaloonand began pushing him towards us. ``
- A jury had earlier convictedDuncanDuncaninof assaulting Andrew Clarkson bypunchinglyömällähimhäntäon the head and bodypäähän ja vartaloon,to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.mistä aiheutui vakavia vammoja ja pysyvä ulkonäköhaitta
- HeHänpunchedlöiMr Connollyherra Connollyain the earkorvalle,sending him reelingmikä sai tämän horjahtelemaan, before snatching the handbag of his `distraught and terrified ``wife.
- HeHänpunchedlöimeminuain the eyesilmään.
- On 16 March they culminated inWoolridgeWoolridgepunchinglöihis wifevaimoaanrepeatedlyin the facekasvoihin,blacking her eyes and making her nose bleedaiheuttaen mustat silmät ja nenäverenvuodon, hardly the romantic young soldier of Wilde's ballad.
- A shop assistantMyymäläapulaistawas<empty>punchedlyötiinin the facekasvoihinat Tesco in Witham, EssexWithamin Tescossa, Essexissä, when he said there were only vegetarian pies left.
- And then came the night his whole world had collapsed, the nighthehän'd got into a drunken brawlin a harbour side barsataman laidalla olevassa baarissaandpunchedlyönyta majormajuriain the mouthsuuhun.
- WITHIN THE first three minutes,IminähadolinpunchedlyönytNME photographer Kevin CumminsNME:n valokuvaaja Kevin Cumminsiasquarelysuoraanon the nosenenään.
- I was in the Feathers the nightSandy MacAllisterSandy MacAllisterpunchedlöiLaurence UdenLaurence Udeniaon the nosenenäänfor saying that Stanford Roberts had been drunk at poor old Sidney Cunningham's funeral.
- During her interrogationshehänellewas given electric shocks,punchedlyötiinin the stomachvatsaanand raped with a truncheon.
- So I hooked my leg through his and tripped him andhehängave a roar of rage andpunchedlöimeminuaright in the stomachsuoraan vatsaan.
- A few years agohehänpunchedlöimeminuaand knocked my front teeth out.
- It was allegedWingWingthenpunchedlöiPc ElsegoodPc Elsegoodia,causing a swollen lip and broken toothaiheuttaen turvonneen huulen ja katkenneen hampaan.
- AfterMr Humphriesherra Humphriespunchedlöione manyhtä miestäand his Jack Russell Katie sank her teeth into the other the men ran off.
- HeHänstartedpunchinglyödäanother young fellertoista nuorta kaveriaandwe stopped the gig, and said if it continued we just weren't going to playme lopetimme keikan ja sanoimme, että jos se jatkuisi, me emme jatkaisi soittamista.
- SheHänpunchedlöimeminualightlykevyestion the chestrintaan.
- The proctologistProktologiwhooped with laughter andpunchedlöimy armkäsivarttani.
- He claimed that Mr Maltby lunged at him sohehänpunchedlöihimhäntä,knocking him to the groundiskien hänet maahan.
- Police say thathehäntäwas kicked andpunchedlöiby four peopleneljä ihmistäand struck about the head with a wooden object.
- Her boyfriend ended up on the floor, she wasn't sure ifhehäntä'd beenolikopunchedlyötyor pushed.
- The eighteen year oldKahdeksantoistavuotiastawas<empty>punchedlyötiin,as she walked along a path in Campbell Park in Milton Keyneskun hän käveli pitkin polkua Campbell-puistossa Milton Keynesissä.
- The final straw for the Prison Officers' Association came whentwo officerskahta virkailijaawere kicked, beaten andpunchedlyötiinin a fracas earlier this weekrähinässä aiemmin tällä viikolla-- one went to hospital, the other's on sick leave.
- TheyHestood him on his feet andpunchedlöiväthimhäntämercilesslyarmottomasti,until he fell to the groundkunnes hän vajosi maahan.
- HeHänetwas convicted of repeatedlypunchinglyömisestäthe victimuhrinand striking him on the neck with a knife, then chasing him into a garden.
- But, despite getting kicked andpunchedlyötiin,hehänhandled himself very well.
- SheHänwas on him, scratching, slapping,punchinglyöden, grabbing his hair, spitting on him, screaming at him.
slap.v 🔎
- `Oh you be quiet, ``SarahSarahslappedläimäyttihimhäntäon the armkäsivarteenand he spilled some ice-cream on the table.
- The FrenchmanRanskalainenslappedläimäyttiKillionKillioniahardkovinon both cheekskummallekin poskelleand ran out into the street.
- LennonLennonslappedläimäyttiherhäntäsharplyterävästiacross the facevasten kasvoja.
- Next minuteSeuraavana hetkenäPerditaPerditahad<empty>slappedläimäyttihimhäntäacross the facevasten kasvoja.
- But Marika had a really fiery temper, and the last time that happenedshehänslappedläimäyttiEvelynEvelyniähardkovinon the facekasvoille, shouted something at her about being supposed to be her friend, and stormed off.
- When Mr Newton arrived at Clifford's home,hehänhadslappedläimäyttänythis wifevaimoaanacross the facevasten kasvojaa number of timesuseita kertoja.
- HeHäntriedto<empty>slapläimäyttääJeane RussellJeane Russelliawith his left handvasemmalla kädellään, but she backed out of the way and just laughed at him.
- I said no! ``shehänscreamed,slappingiskienat his handkättäänblindlysokeasti,as she finally managed to drag her bruised mouth from his.
- SheHänslappedläimäyttihimhäntähardkovin.
- With a snarl,FoxFoxspun around andslappedläimäyttihimhäntä,harder than necessarykovemmin kuin oli tarpeen.
- `Because you can't face the truth that we are falling in love yet again? ``he suggested so calmly thatshehänwantedto<empty>slapläimäyttäähimmiestähardkovinfor his change of moodtämän mielenmuutoksen vuoksi.
- He squawked and flapped his arms, andshenainenslappedläimäyttihis leghäntä jalkaan.
- In October 1982 she finally called the police afterhemiesslappedläimäyttiherhäntäacross the mouthsuulle,cutting her lipraapaisten hänen huultaan.
- SheHänstared up at Carrie,slappingläimäyttäenher foreheadtämän otsaawith the palm of her handkämmenellään.
- PatrickPatrickslappedläimäyttiher kneehänen polveaansharplyterävästi.
- He was walking off whenIminäreached out, grabbed him again andslappedläimäytinhimhäntäacross the headpäähän.
- I rememberone dayyhtenä päivänäshehänslappedläimäyttimeminuaacross the jawleukaan.
- The policeman who had kicked me in the groinPoliisi, joka oli potkinut minua nivusiin,beganto<empty>slapläimiäRussellRusselliaaround the headpäähän.
- SheHänslappedläimäyttihis behindmiehen takamustawith blistering whacksterävin lyönnein,until she became aware of the pain in her hand and wristkunnes tuli tietoiseksi kivusta kädessään ja ranteessaan.
- `One man! ``screechedLin FohLin Foh, andslappedläimäyttihis sideshänen kylkiäänin exasperationärsyyntyneenä.
- The handKäsipromptlypikaisestislappedläimäyttiherhäntäon the neckniskaan, and she leapt into the air with shock and surprise; but she was even more surprised when she was offered more feed.
- A POLICEMAN whoPOLIISI, jokaslappedläimäyttia prisonervankiatwicekahdestiduring a struggle at Fort William police stationFort Williamin poliiasemalla tapahtuneessa taistelussa,was jailed for 30 days at Fort William Sheriff Court yesterday.
- SheHäncouldvoinuteasilyhelpostihaveolisislappedläimäyttääherhäntäfor that remarksen huomautuksen takia, which was silly really, but nonetheless that was how she felt.
- MoustaineMoustainemade me stand up andslappedläimäyttimeminuaacross the eyessilmillewith his leather glovesnahkakäsineillään.
- `IMinunshouldpitäisislapläimäyttääyousinuafor that remarktuon huomauksen vuoksibut you're not worth soiling my hands with.
- HeHänslappedläimäyttihernaista,swiftly and casuallynopeasti ja odottamattomasti, his hand coming back to cover her mouth in case she might cry out.
- LeeLeewantedto<empty>slapläimäyttääthemheitä.
- CarmellaCarmellaslappedläimäyttihis kneehänen polveaanagainjälleen.
- SheHänslappedläimäytti, brushed, shook, mended, darned.
slice.v 🔎
- She was butchered at the wheel of the vehicle byher attacker whohänen hyökkääjänsä, jokahung through the passenger window, repeatedlyslicingviiltäenherhäntäwith the pangahuulisargilla.
- They murdered a woman, cut her throat, aftertheyhebrutallysäälimättömästislicedleikkasivather breastshänen rintansa, raped and burnt her over a fire!
- TheyHescalped old men and women, beheaded others, slit throats, cut out tongues,slicedleikkasivatoffirtiearskorvia, and hacked off limbs.
- David Steventon-Rogers, 25,David Steventon-Rogers, 25,left Royston Smith, 43, covered in blood after repeatedly slashing him andslicingleikattuaanthrough his earhänen korvansa läpi, Bury St Edmunds Crown Court heard.
- TheyHeraped and sodomised Vietnamese girls and thenslicedviilsivätopenaukitheir vaginasheidän vaginansawith bayonet or knifepistimellä tai veitsellä.
- Widower Lennie, 80, was beaten up andhad<empty>his toeshänen varpaitaanslicedviillettiinwith a knifeveitsellä,until he told the thugs where his wife's jewellery was kept.
- It's not because he's Italian, she's not a racist,shehänslicesleikkaaour legsmeidän jalkammeoff as well if we're not careful.
- Fancy flogging you just becauseyousinäslicedleikkasitthe legsjalatoff the generalkenraalilta.
- I'll try to stopthe Dalek KillerDalek Killerinslicingviiltämästäyousinuaup, don't worry.
smack.v 🔎
- FatherIsäspun round, took three steps towards me andsmackedlöimeminuaon the earkorvalle.
- He had read in Victorian novels ofmothersäideistä, jotkasmackingläimivättheir hysterical daughtershysteerisiä tyttäriäänacross the facepäin kasvoja.
- I WAS disturbed by your report ofa motheräidistä,taken to court and convicted of assault aftersmackingläimittyäher daughter's bottomtyttärensä takamustawith a slippertohvelilla.
- Lifting up her pink nightdressher motherhänen äitinsähad thenoli sittensmackedläimäyttänyther behindhänen takamustaanas hard as she couldniin kovaa kuin pystyi, afterwards putting her face next to Carla's and telling her that she had had enough.
- The father of a six-week old baby told Valerie Yule, `We knowother parents whomuita vanhempia, jotkasmackläimivättheir babiesvauvojaanto keep them quietpitääkseen heidät hiljaisina.
- HeHänlooked at me as though defying argument, wiped his nose, thensmackedläimäyttiRalph PikeRalph Pikeagentlyhellästion the backtakapuolelleas a signal to go.
- At firstDinahDinahhadolismackedläimäyttänytherhäntähardkovaaon the bare bottompaljaalle takamuksellewith her thin strong handohuella voimakkaalla kädellään.
- After this concerted effort by all adults, it was really only a few weeks beforeshehänlearnt notto<empty>smackläimimättäother childrenmuita lapsia.
- A mother in England recently won the right to permita childminderlastenhoitajalleto<empty>smackläimiäher childhänen lastaanas a form of discipline, but the Northern Ireland Childminding Association has rejected this form of physical punishment.
- Two of her brothers, boys of Martha's age but half her height, fell into an exchange of sniggers and whispers, andMada JoyceMada Joycepausedto<empty>smackläimimäänthemheitäaround the earsympäri korvia.
- His talk made me think of the housing estates near Mum's house, where the `working class ``would have laughed in Terry's face -- those, that is,whojotkawouldn't haveeivät olisismackedläimineethimhäntäround the earympäri korviafor calling them working class in the first place.
- A BLIND manSOKEA miesfought off a bull terrier that attacked his guide dog -- by jamming his fist down its throat andsmackingläimimälläitsitäbetween the eyessilmien väliin.
- `When that failedIminästuffed my right hand down its throat to stop it biting and thensmackedläimäytinitsitätwicebetween the eyessilmien väliinwith my leftvasemmalla kädelläni.
- `Playing! ``said Mum, andshehänsmackedläimäyttimeminuahardkovaaacross the facevasten kasvoja.
- Catching her wrist,HolmanHolmansmackedläimäyttiher facehänen kasvojaanviciouslyrajusti, sending her to her knees, but still holding on to her.
- Afterbeingolismackedmäjäytettyon the headpäähänwith a baseball batbaseball-mailalla(wielded by Steve) for a couple of hours,Iminäremembered how to do it.
- I have a ringing in my ears likeIminua've beenolisismackedmäjäytettyaround the headpäähän.
- `If he gives you any troubleIminä'll come through andsmackmäjäytänhimhäntäover the headpäähänwith my old hockey stickvanhalla jääkiekkomailallani.
- Because my head landed on his teeth it hurt me more than ifIminä'dolisinsmackedmäjäyttänytdownon the bridge of his nosehänen nenänvarteensa.
- Nor does she see anything wrong insmackingläimimisessäa toddler who is having a tantrumkiukunpuuskaisen taaperon.
- `YouSinunshould haveolisi pitänytsmackedmäjäyttäähimhäntäa good onekunnolla,when you had the chance!
- IMinä'm gon na fuckingsmackmäjäytänyousinutall round this housetalon ympärivery shortly!
- She wouldn't acknowledge an Eternal Verity ifonesellainencame up andsmackedläimäyttänytherhäntäin the chopskasvoille.
- And on one occasion in the gymnasium, I turned round to look at a boy behind me and the master was there andhehänsmackedläimäyttimeminuawith the flat of his handkämmenelläänas hard as he couldniin kovaa kuin pystyi.
- SomebodyJokusingled him out andsmackedpamauttihimhäntä päinwith a carautolla.
- Other punishments she had imposed had not worked soshehänsmackedläimäyttithe girltyttöäwith the slippertohvelilla`as a last resort ``.
- Shallwemeidänsmackläimäyttääher bumhänen takamustaan?
- Shouldyousinunsmackläimäyttääherhäntä?
- IMinuawas onlyvainsmackedläimäytettiinonce, a fiery look from my Mother being sufficient deterrent for most mischief.
- It wasWill whoWill, jokaleaned over andsmackedläimäyttiChalon's rumpChalonin takamusta, sending the horse after fitzAlan.
- Dr NeilTohtori Neilhad the baby upside-down andwas<empty>smackingläimihimtätäto make him crysaadakseen hänet itkemään-- having been born, he no longer seemed to want to survive in the harsh world outside his mother's warm body.
- It is this particular scene which will makeanyone over the age of 15kenet tahansa yli 15-vuotiaanwantto<empty>smackläimäyttämäänthe world's biggest superstarmaailman suurinta supertähteävery harderittäin kovaaindeed.
- What was more painful wereKate's fistsKaten nyrkit, jotkasmackingpamahtivatinto his stomachhänen vatsaansa, blow after blow.
- TheyHe've never known the delights of being shut in a cupboard andsmackedläimäyttääwith a hairbrushhiusharjallaby a Nanny whose starched apron crackled across her bosom like approaching thunderlastenhoitaja, jonka tärkätty esiliina rätisi hänen rinnallaan kuin lähestyvä ukkonen.
- CosmoCosmocontemplated Hubert's back, watched a horsefly settle, waited for it to bite, thensmackedläimäyttihardkovin: `Killed it.
- `The other point is that once you have established a good system of discipline,yousinundon't haveto<empty>smackläimäyttäävery often.
- `IMinäkeep getting put over someone's knee andsmackedläimäytetään.
- Give me a shellsuit, a pit-bull terrier anda wifevaimoto<empty>smackläimittäväksiaroundympäriinsä,after I've had a fewkun olen juonut muutaman, and I'm happy.
smash.v 🔎
- Nexthehänpicks up a large flat stone and, holding it overhead, mutters a prayer andsmashesiskeethe skullkalloa, twice.
- `Call me a fucking thief one more time andIminä'll<empty>smashiskenyour fucking facevittu naamasiinsisään!
- IMinä'll<empty>smashmurskaanhis facehänen kasvonsa!
- The first time Nathan knew for certain that something wasn't right was whenDonaldDonaldsmashedkumauttihimhäntäover the headpään päällewith a can of beanspapupurkilla.
- Mrs Chandler was left permanently brain damaged by the attack on August 29 1990 in whichshehäntäwas<empty>repeatedlytoistuvastismashedlyötiinabout the headpäähänwith a rockkivellä.
- `IMinä'd<empty>smashmurskaisinthemheidätwith my bare handspaljain käsin,if I could.
- He reckoned he had done her a service,smashinglyödessäänher doghänen koiraansa.
- She was badly injured about the head andmany other bones in her bodymonet muut luut hänen vartalossaanwereolivatsmashedpirstoutuneet.
- ``Anything which could throw light on whysomeonejokudisliked him enoughto<empty>smashiskeäkseeninsisäänhis skullhänen kallonsa.
- The young woman lay across the floor of her spotless kitchen,her skullhänen kallonsasmashedmurskattunawith such force that the brain was exposedsellaisella voimalla, että aivot olivat näkyvillä.
spear.v 🔎
- It was even more surprised that night whentwo hundred grim-faced nomeskaksisataa synkkäilmeistä maahistatracked it to its earth, lit a fire in the entrance, andspearedkeihästiitsento deathkuoliaaksiwhen it ran out, eyes streaming.
- “ And Quatermass Queen, the one with the tentacle-arms and snakes in her hair, she starts stranglingthis monster, the fiery-eyed one that'stätä tulisilmäistä hirviötä, jokajustspearedseivästithe Muscly MonkLihaksikkaan munkinwith his laser-beam fingertipssormenpäistään lähtevillä lasersäteillä… ”
- The cause of this wassomebodyjokutryingto<empty>spearkeihästäämeminutwith a javelinkeihäällä, but a javelin with a yellow pennant tied to it.
- Buttheyhespearedkeihästiväthimhänet, and she fainted, just that once.
- Eventually she drops dead andher father, Lysegus,hänen isänsä, Lyseguksenis<empty>spearedkeihästääby a supernatural visitoryliluonnollinen vierailija.
- OneYksiwas naked, andhad beenolispearedkeihästetty.
- HeHänetwas<empty>spearedkeihästito deathkuoliaaksisix years laterkuusi vuotta myöhemminby a Masai whose favourite bullock he insisted on requisitioning for a government destocking programmemasai, jonka lempihärkää hän oli vaatinut luovutettavaksi hallituksen kannanpienentämisohjelmaa varten.
- Vicious thugsIlkeät roistothadolivatspearedkeihästäneethimhänetleaving a gaping wound exposing the bone.
- This happened here at Sligo:Owen BelOwen Beldied in the River Garavogue,spearedkeihästämänäby Ulstermenulsterilaisten,in AD 500500 jKr..
- A 12-YEAR-OLD girl was killed with an axe anda womannainenspearedkeihästettiinto deathkuoliaaksiin an attack on a Cambodian village in which eight Vietnamese were killedhyökkäyksessä kambodžalaiseen kylään, jossa tapettiin kahdeksan vietnamilaista, United Nations investigators said yesterday.
squash.v 🔎
- They are confined to make suretheyhedon'teivätsquashlitistätheir pigletspikkuporsaitaan.
- Be careful notto<empty>squashpuserrathemniitäwith film wrappingkalvolla.
- If a guy owes you that sort of money,yousinädo notetsquashmurskaahimhäntäwith your carautollasi.
- Then watcha big truckiso kuorma-autotryingto<empty>squashmurskataa hapless motoristepäonnisen autoilijanin Steven Spielberg's best ever movie, DUEL.
- `It's against the lawto<empty>squashmurskatapeopleihmisiäunder steamrollerstiejyrien alle.
- Enoughto<empty>squashmurskaamiseksiChristine, and anyone else in the vicinity,Christinen ja kaikkien lähistöllä olevienagainst the walllike bugskuin ötökät.
- The systemJärjestelmäis designedto<empty>squashmurskaamiseenthemniiden.
- As soon as you spot caterpillars, their eggs or signs of caterpillar damage such as ragged holes in leaves and the tell-tale small faeces, search them out andsquashmurskaathemne.
- `If you live on the ground flooryour eyeballsilmämunasiis<empty>squashedmurskautuu.
- It's a shameful fact, but here it is: ifIminäwere<empty>squashedmurskautuisinunder a busbussin alletomorrowhuomenna, my relations would have to hold a seance to find out how I wanted to settle my affairs.
stab.v 🔎
- LESLEY Harrison's pursuit of her attacker, despitebeing<empty>stabbedpuukottamisestain the heartsydämeen, shows how humans can summon their strength for a final all-out effort.
- Where the blame lay, in the case ofthe father whoisän, jokastabbedpuukottithe teacheropettajaain a rageraivoissaanafter discovering that his daughter was spending the night at the teacher's home, was made less clear.
- On 28 Augusthehänpersuaded his father to visit Cobham Park in Kent and therestabbedpuukottihimhänetto deathkuoliaaksi, believing that he was killing the devil.
- A MURDER charge againsta man whomiestä, jokastabbedpuukottia burglarmurtovarasta,was dropped yesterday.
- I thought I was disgusted by themen whomiehet, jotkalikedto<empty>stabpuukottaawomennaisiain the breastsrintoihin, etc. ``with no thought for them as persons, but just out to use them for their own satisfaction.
- COMMUTERS watched in horror asa manmiestäwas<empty>stabbedpuukotettiinin the facekasvoihinon a train platformjunalaiturillayesterdayeilen.
- `The manMiesstabbedpuukottiwith a poisoned umbrellamyrkytetyllä sateenvarjollaon a bridge in Londonsillalla Lontoossa.
- A man believed to be a Moslem militantIslaminuskoiseksi taistelijaksi uskottu miesstabbedpuukottithree Russian touristskolmea venäläistä turistiain a marketplace at Port Saidtorilla Port Saidissaon Oct. 2525. lokakuuta.
- At first it was thought themenmiehiämay have beenon saatettustabbedpuukottaawith a broken pool cuerikkinäisellä biljardikepillä.
- A MURDER inquiry was underway in last night aftera manmiestäwas<empty>stabbedpuukotettiinoutside a pubpubin ulkopuolella.
- A SCHOOLBOY watched ashis motherhänen äitinsäwas<empty>stabbedpuukottito deathkuoliaaksiby his fatherhänen isänsä, a court was told yesterday.
- A MOTHERäidinstabbedpuukottito deathkuoliaaksiby her jealous husbandmustasukkainen aviomiesmade a secret will stating that he must never be allowed to care for their son.
- They went looking for former hotel porter Joao Gomes, 40, afterhis wife Maria, 39hänen vaimonsa Maria, 39,,wasolistabbedpuukotettuto deathkuoliaaksion Tuesdaytiistainaat her flat on the Elysee Estate in St Helierhänen asunnossaan Elysee Estatessa St Helierissä.
- `IMinua've beenonstabbedpuukotettuin the backselkään.
- In West JerusalemLänsi-Jerusalemissaan Israeli bar ownerisraelilaisen baarinomistajanwas<empty>stabbedpuukottito deathkuoliaaksiby an Arab employeearabialainen työntekijäin an apparent revenge attack.
- The animalsEläimetwere bludgeoned andstabbedpuukotettiinto deathkuoliaaksi.
- The Northern Ireland Appeal Court has added an extra four years to the prison sentence forSusan Christie whoSusan Christien, jokastabbedpuukottithe wife of a loverrakastajansa vaimonto deathkuoliaaksi.
- `Suddenlythe guykaveripulled a knife on the bouncer andstabbedpuukottihimhänetto death-rightkuoliaaksi suoraanin front of my eyes.
- Emma BrodieEmma Brodiedied in Frenchgate shopping centre in Doncaster afterbeingolistabbedpuukottanutthrough the heartsydämen läpiwith a carving knifelihaveitselläby Carol Barratt, 24, whoCarol Barratt, 24, jokahad attacked another child in the same place weeks earlier.
- TheyHestabbedpuukottivatand slashedhimhäntä45 times45 kertaawith hunting knivesmetsästysveitsillä.
- When she went upstairs he dragged her to the ground and after sitting on her stomach,hehäntwicekahdestistabbedpuukottiherhäntäin the cheekposkeenwith a knifeveitsellä.
- Mrs SimpsonRouva Simpsoniawas<empty>stabbedpuukotettiinin the chestrintaanwith her own kitchen knifehänen omalla keittiöveitselläänafter disturbing burglars in her home in Hartburn Avenue, Stockton, four years ago this week.
- Unemployed Martin Lewis of Trinity Close in the townTyötön Martin Lewis kaupungin Trinity Closesta,stabbedpuukottiTrevor LampettTrevor Lampettiain the chestrintaanwith a ten inch kitchen knifekymmenen tuuman keittiöveitsellä.
- He felt hammer blows to his arm beforeDeanDeantriedto<empty>stabiskeähimhäntäwith a screwdriverruuvimeisselillä.
- George knelt on gravel, and taking the knife more firmly in his handhehänstabbedpuukottiherhäntäin the stomachvatsaan.
- His fellow sentryToinen vartiomiesstabbedpuukottihimhäntäthrough the throatkurkun läpi.
- Taxi driver Dermot SmithTaksikuljettaja Dermot Smithstabbedpuukottihis wife Norma, 45vaimoaan Normaa, 45,four timesneljä kertaaafter she taunted him about his sexual performance compared to her lover.
- `Ifhehänhadolisistabbedpuukottanutsomeonejotakuta17 times17 kertaaless than an hour beforealle tuntia aiemmin, which I don't believe he did, he certainly showed not the slightest emotion.
- A post mortem showed80year-old Mr Goult, known as `Old Jack80-vuotiasta herra Goultia, joka tunnetaan "Old Jackina``,had beenolistabbedpuukotettumany timesuseita kertojain the chestrintaanat his home in Woolfall Heath Avenue, Huyton, Liverpoolhänen kodissaan Woolfaal Heath Avenuella, Huytonissa, Liverpoolissa.
- Torture remains an instrument of policy, death squads still operate andmany hundreds of peopleuseita satoja ihmisiäare shot orstabbedpuukotetaanevery yearjoka vuosifor refusing to accept the status quo.
- SheHäntähad beenolistabbedisketty50 times50 kertaa.
- A DEAF woman with speech difficultieskuuro nainen, jolla on puhevaikeuksia,was stunned, sexually assaulted andstabbediskirepeatedlytoistuvastiby a killer whoTappaja, jokagot into the flat where she lived alone, a court was told yesterday.
- When the bloodbath begins,EmiliaEmiliaais<empty>stabbedpuukottaaby her husbandaviomieswho is killed by Lycander who then kills Leonardo and takes a mortal wound himself.
- The professional mime artist asCaesarCaesarinawas dulyodotetustistabbedpuukotettiin, after waiting with stoic patience for Portia to finish a series of attitudes with her dagger that showed her bare arms to great advantage.
- SheHäntäwas<empty>stabbedpuukotettiinaround the genitalssukuelinten ympäristöön… and needed six stitches.
- Peter WickinsPeter Wickinsiähad beenolistabbedpuukotettuat least four timesvähintään neljä kertaain the chestrintaan.
- There was a scuffle in whichIanIaniawas<empty>stabbediskettiinthrough the neckniskan läpi.
- The victim tried to grab the knife to stophimhäntästabbingpuukottamastaherhäntäagain and received a cut finger.
- Captured afterstabbingpuukottamisenhis wife and later an innocent wayfarervaimonsa ja myöhemmin viattoman vaeltajan,hehänetwas imprisoned in K shofen Tower.
- James has said he didn't knowGardinerGardinerwas going tostabpuukottaaWhiteWhitea.
- Mr Jarrett said she sawthe four defendantsneljän vastaajango for Mr Johnson, holding knives andstabbingiskevänat himhäntäuttering threat of drawing blood.It was a fatal single stab wound to the neck that caused his death.
- Eighteen peoplekahdeksaatoista ihmistä, including eight blacks shot andstabbedpuukottiby a gangJengion a commuter traintyömatkajunassa, died in separate attacks in Durban.
- BRITAIN 'S bravest policewoman was critically ill last night aftershehäntäwasolirepeatedlytoistuvastistabbedpuukotettuin a dramatic chasedramaattisessa takaa-ajossa.
- Hospital workerSairaalan työntekijäästabbedpuukotettiinin neckniskaan
- A TEENAGE nannyTEINI-IKÄINEN lastenhoitajawas dragged screaming, from a house andstabbedpuukotettiinduring a nightmare sex ordeal, a court heard yesterday.
- A Palestinian whoPalestiinalainen, jokastabbedpuukottiand woundedthree Jewskolmea juutalaistain JerusalemJerusalemissaon May 1717. toukokuutawas quickly captured by the police.
stone.v 🔎
- In the Middle Eastmore than 800 peopleyli 800 ihmistäwere hanged, shot by firing squad orstonedkivitettiinto deathkuoliaaksiin 1991vuonna 1991.
- Put her in a hole andstonedkivitettiinherhäntäand covered her up with earth before she was dead.
- Then, one by one,theyheidätwere<empty>stonedkivitettiinto deathkuoliaiksi.
- The girl was to be guarded until she delivered, at which timeshehänetwasto bemäärästonedkivittääto deathkuoliaaksi.
- In A.D. 36, for example,Stephen, usually hailed as Christianity's first martyr,Stephen, jota yleensä kutsuttiin ensimmäiseksi kristinuskon marttyyriksi,was<empty>stonedkivitettiinto deathkuoliaaksiin JerusalemJerusalemissa, and many Nazareans fled the city.
- His father became a Protestant lecturer in England, and according to his sona Catholic mobkatolilainen ihmisjoukkostonedkivittihimhänetto deathkuoliaaksi.
- He seems to have lost the knack when he most needed it, forhehänetwas<empty>stonedkivittivätto deathkuoliaaksiby unimpressed heathensvälinpitämättömät pakanat.
- There was no one about apart froma couple of youthsmuutama nuoristoningkivittämässäthe seagullslokkejawith empty beer bottles.
- He might even try to inflamethe menfolk of BandaBandan miesväenintostoningkivittämäänJaneJanen.
- They led the dogs to a place where the river meandered and the shingle bank was broad and deserted, andtheyhebeat them with sticks orstonedkivittivätthemniitä.
- Policemenpoliisitwhowere<empty>stonedkivittämätby the crowdVäkijoukonused live ammunition to disperse it, killing at least one person.
- But, in a sinister turn of events,firemenpalomiehiä,were<empty>stonedkivittiby gangs of youthsnuorisojoukkoas they tried to deal with several out-of-control bonfires on Merseyside.
- FirefightersPalomiehiäwere<empty>stonedkivitettiinat Harris Street, Bootle, where a fire had been lighted on a railway goods lineHarris Streetillä, Bootlessa, missä oli sytytetty tulipalo tavarankuljetusraiteille.
- Next daySeuraavana päivänäWesternerslänsimaalaisetwere<empty>stonedkivitettiin.
- Eventhe firemenpalomiehiäwere<empty>stonedkivitettiin,as they tried to put out the fires.
- Only after that didPalestinianspalestiinalaisetbeginstoningkivittääthe police and Jewish worshipperspoliiseja ja juutalaisia uskovaisiaat the Wailing Wall situated at the foot of the Mountvuoren juurella sijaitsevalla Itkumuurilla.
strike.v 🔎
- Advanced weapon techniques 1:the attackerhyökkääjäattemptsto<empty>strikeiskeä.
- The defenderPuolustajanow turns attacker, stepping quickly forward andstrikingiskienwith a reverse punchvastakkaissuuntaisen iskunto his attacker's chesthyökkääjänsä rintaan.
- It was a crime in New England, punishable by death, fora child of 1616-vuotiaan lapsento curse orstrikelyödäa parentvanhempaansa.
- Howhehänsnatched up a fallen branch, when the young man came down the path, andstruckkolauttihimhäntäwith itsillä, and he fell senseless, and the hood fell back from his head.
- She felt as astonished as ifthe older womanvanhempi nainenhad got out of her chair suddenly, andstruckiskenytherhäntäacross the facevasten kasvoja.
- At the same timethe defenderpuolustajaraises his knee and pulls the attacker's extended punch aim, using that arm as a supportto<empty>strikeiskeäkseenbehind the attacker's kneecaphyökkääjän polvilumpion taaksewith his footjalallaan.
- One femaleYhtä naistais<empty>struckisketäänin the backselkään, but still attempts to swim away, accompanied by her young calf.
- Alexander McLaren, 37,Alexander McLarenin, 37,is alleged to have shot Robert with a rifle,strucklyöneenhimhäntäwith bottlespulloilla, attempted to gouge out his eyes and attempted to strangle him.
- As she passed, she said,a policemanpoliisihadolistrucklyönytherhäntäin the facekasvoihinwith a batonpampulla, `and I hadn't opened my mouth to him ``.
- Yet, rounding the bend, her novelist's imagination registeredCosmoCosmonstrikinglyövänHubertHubertiaviolentlyrajustiin the facekasvoihin.
- Without any provocation or excuse,M.M.strucklöiherhäntäviolentlyrajustiin the facekasvoihinwith a rolled up newspaperrullalla olevalla sanomalehdellä.
- HeHänstrucklöiherhäntähardkovinacross the facevasten kasvojato prevent that.
- A STEWARTSTOWN housewife whoSTEWARTSTOWNILAINEN kotirouva, jokastrucklöian Army officerarmeijan upseeriaon the facekasvoille,was conditionally discharged for a year at Cookstown Magistrates Court yesterday for assault.
- Terry HodgesTerry HodgesstrucklöiTrisha CampbellTrisha Campbelliain the facekasvoillefor no reason after drinking 12 pints of beer, York Crown Court heard.
- The House of Lords confirmed this rule in Cunningham (1981):DDstrucklöihis victimuhriaanon the headpäähäna number of timeswith a chairtuolilla, causing injuries from which the victim died a week later.
- He had shouted that he was a reporter buthehäntäwas<empty>strucklyötiinseveral blowson the headpäähänand shoved into the police tender.
- Police say thathehäntäwas kicked and punched by four people andstrucklyötiinabout the headpäähänwith a wooden objectpuisella esineellä.
- AlbuinAlbuin, little knowing he was the king's son, unsheathed his sword andstrucklöihimhäntäon the headpäähän…
- Currie, formerly of Mauchline Terrace, Kilmarnock,Currie, aiemmin Mauchline Terracesta, Kilmarnockista,had admitted assaulting Mr McMurtie, jumping on him,strikinglyöneensähimhäntärepeatedlytoistuvastion the head and bodypäähän ja vartaloon, kicking and stamping on his head.
- The defendantPuolustajastruckiskiwith the knifeveitselläinto her throat on the left-hand side just near the jugular veinhäntä kurkkuun vasemmalle puolelle aivan kaulalaskimon viereen, with such force that it severed the spinal cord, causing almost instant paralysis.
- HeHänetwas convicted of repeatedly punching the victim andstrikinglyömisestäänhimhänenon the neckniskaanwith a knifeveitsellä, then chasing him into a garden.
- At the time of birth, however,an angelenkelistrikesiskeeits upper lipsen ylähuulta, so causing it to forget everything that it has seen and learned.
- The MP vigorously denied assault and saidhehäntähad been<empty>strucklyöneenby the officervirkailijan.
- Two huntsmen have been cleared of ill-treating a horse by repeatedlystrikinglyömälläitsitäwith a whippiiskalla.
- HuttHuttstruckiskiherhäntäfrom behindtakaapäinwith some forcemelkoisella voimalla, expecting the young woman to go down.
- HeHänalsostrucklöihimhäntä,when Sweeney tried to escape on the way to the Bridewell.
- `StrikeLyömeminuaif you dare!
- 4 Extend the right leg outwards, pulling the toes back sharply so thatyousinästrikeosutwith the heelkantapäälläto the chest arearinnan alueelle.
- By curving up its abdomen it gives the false impression thatitseis aboutto<empty>strikelyödäwith its tailhännällään.
- DelaneyDelaneygot out his knife,strucklöiagain and againuudelleen ja uudelleenat the armkäsivarteen, watching the blade plunge into the surface, saw it ooze and close over again.
- JulieJuliestrucklöiagainuudelleen, this time catching him just above the right eye, tearing the flesh.
- Undeadelävä kuollutstrucklyömäand woundedby a RunefangRunefanginsuffer two wounds.
torture.v 🔎
- A TEARFUL Gwent schoolboy has been left heartbroken bythugs whoroistot, jotkatorturedkiduttivathis pet Siamese cathänen siamilaisen lemmikkikissansato deathkuoliaaksi.
- A man whoMies, jokatorturedkiduttia catkissaain the cellar of his housetalonsa kellarissa,has been jailed for six months.
- SheHänetwas raped andtorturedkidutettiinto deathkuoliaaksi.
- Not so civilians, butdiplomatsdiplomaattejahave beenontorturedkidutettuto deathkuoliaaksi.
- At this timeSinä aikana,his wife Yelvahänen vaimonsa Yelvawas<empty>torturedkidutettiinto deathkuoliaaksi.
- `Serbsserbejäare being<empty>torturedkiduttivatand murderedby the BosniansBosnialaiset, ``he claimed.
- Six of my men taken prisoner in 1945kuutta vuonna 1945 vangiksi otettua miestäniwere<empty>torturedkiduttiby this manTämä miespersonallyhenkilökohtaisesti.
- Amuni and Hurieh El DarrawishAmunia ja Hurieh El Darrawishiawere<empty>torturedkiduttivatby interrogatorsKuulustelijatat the Russian Compound in Jerusalemvenäläisten alueella Jerusalemissain January of this yeartämän vuoden tammikuussa.
- In June 1989Heinäkuussa 1989,a group of children from a Delhi slumDelhin slummista kotoisin olevaa lapsiryhmääwere<empty>torturedkidutettiinfor theftvarkauden vuoksi; a 13-year-old girl was stripped and beaten; a 12-year-old boy was given electric shocks and beaten.
- From there he was transferred to a prison in Rabat, wherehehäntäwas<empty>severelyarmottomastitorturedkidutettiinfor the next three daysseuraavat kolme päivää.
- For thattheyheitäwere detained andtorturedkidutettiinfor four monthsneljä kuukauttain 1981vuonna 1981.
- They set fire to houses andsome of the younger peopleosa nuoristaare taken to prison andtorturedkidutettiinfor information about the Shanti Bahinitietojen saamiseksi Shanti Bahinista(there are now about 2,000 tribal people in prison without trial).
- The FrenchRanskalaisetare terrified of the revolutionary movement andare<empty>torturingkiduttavatall prisonerskaikkia vankejafor informationtietojen saamiseksi,with electricitysähköllä.
- They are young and middle-aged men, many with wives and children in Turkey, who saytheyhehave suffered repeated imprisonments, police beatings andtorturekidutuksesta,because of their sympathies for communist and Kurdish independence groupskoska he ovat myötämielisiä kommunistisille ja kurdien itsenäisyysryhmille.
- NeilNeil, beaten up andtorturedkidutettuwith lighted cigarettespalavilla savukkeilla,when he refused to go shopliftingkun hän kieltäytyi tekemästä myymälävarkautta, was last night reunited with his sister Claire, nine, and six-year-old brother Daniel.
- Dr AdamsTohtori Adamstorturedkiduttieach childjokaista lastawith something he or she fearedjollain, mitä hän pelkäsi.
- The 38-year-old man, who can not be named to protect the identity of his victim38-vuotias mies, jonka nimeä ei voi kertoa hänen uhrinsa henkilöllisyyden suojelemiseksi,torturedkiduttihernaistawith an electric stun gunsähköisellä tainnutuspistoolilladuring the ordealkoettelemuksen aikanain front of their childrenheidän lastensa edessä, the court heard.
- It sounded likesomeonejokuwasolisitorturingkiduttanutthemniitä.
- AN OLD BAILEY judge was forced yesterday to revoke his sentence ona 13-year-old boy who13-vuotiaalle pojalle, jokatorturedkiduttia pupiloppilastaat his schoolkoulussaan.
- `We are obviously not there whensomeonejotakutais being<empty>torturedkidutetaanor killed.
- DETECTIVES last night were huntinga gang of youths whonuorisojoukkoa, jokatorturedkiduttia 20year-old woman20-vuotiasta naistainto revealing the number of her cash cardpaljastamaan pankkikorttinsa numeron.
- The mob guys,theyhe're<empty>torturingkiduttavatmeminua,naked as I amalastomana.
- During the European witch huntsEuroopan noitavainojen aikana,thousands of womentuhansia naisiawere<empty>torturedkidutettiinand murderedwhen woman-as-Eve was transformed into woman-as-witchkun Eevan kaltaisesta naisesta tehtiin noitamainen nainen.
- THOUSANDS of civiliansTUHANSIA siviilejäare being slaughtered, starved ortorturedkidutetaanin Serbian concentration campsSerbian keskitysleireillä, it was claimed yesterday.
- `IMinutwas arrested, imprisoned andtorturedkidutettiin.
whip.v 🔎
- GrantGrantdrags Doug up andwhipspiiskaathe line out ofhis back, chest and arms.hänen selästään, rinnastaan ja käsivarsistaan
- One night he heard a loud noise in the yard, looked out and sawa black personmustan henkilön, jotaapparentlybeing<empty>whippedhakattiin-- as he thought,to deathkuoliaaksi.
- A record is said to exist of a whipping which took place in 1624, whena manmieswas<empty>whippedhakattiinto deathkuoliaaksi.
- A branchOksawhippedpiiskasihimhäntäin the facekasvoihin.
- HeHänpistolpistoolillaanwhipshakkaaSunny JimSunny Jimiäacross the facevasten kasvoja,back and forthedestakaisin, back and forth.
- He raised his hands protectively andshehänwhippedpiiskasithe pale flesh ofhismiehenbacksidetakamuksen.
- The first scene showeda pair of childrenparin lapsiawhippingpiiskaamassaa tied girlsidottua tyttöä, perhaps their nurse.
- `At Marriage Guidance, ``went on Henry, `Iminädidn't feel able to discuss my need to tie you to the bed andwhippiiskatayousinuawith my pyjama cordpyjamani nauhalla.
- Billy and IBilly ja minäunearthed a strap andwhippedpiiskasimmeTonyTonya.
- HeHänenwould be told to take down his trousers and underpants andwould be<empty>whippedpiiskasiby his foster fatherhänen sijaisisänsä, he alleged.
- She would have to keep the child's arms covered, because Roy would go crazy if he thoughthis little angelhänen pientä enkeliäänhad beenoliwhippedpiiskattu.
- `IMinäwinwhippiiskaanyousinuanow, ``said he.
- When one woman tried to remove barbed wire from the path of a police horse she feared would get hurt, her photograph became the basis for a frenzied attack which ran the headline, `HorseHevostaWhippedpiiskattuWith Barbed Wire ``.
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manner (kuvaus)
means (kuvaus)
period_of_iterations (kuvaus)
place (kuvaus)
purpose (kuvaus)
reason (kuvaus)
result (kuvaus)
subregion_bodypart (kuvaus)
time (kuvaus)
victim (kuvaus)
agent (kuvaus)
body_part (kuvaus)
cause (kuvaus)
circumstances (kuvaus)
concessive (kuvaus)
containing_event (kuvaus)
degree (kuvaus)
depictive (kuvaus)
duration (kuvaus)
explanation (kuvaus)
frequency (kuvaus)
instrument (kuvaus)
iterations (kuvaus)
manner (kuvaus)
means (kuvaus)
period_of_iterations (kuvaus)
place (kuvaus)
purpose (kuvaus)
reason (kuvaus)
result (kuvaus)
subregion_bodypart (kuvaus)
time (kuvaus)
victim (kuvaus)