Young male geladas acquire the
for obtaining a harem
haaremin hankkimisen kannalta within the context of life in an `all-male ``group
pelkästään miehistä koostuvassa ryhmässä elämisen kontekstissa .
She maintains
to get the books back into libraries
että kirjat voitiin saada takaisin kirjastoihin .
But for those searching for the stuff of rock'n'roll greatness, as yet they lack the scope and dynamics which is an
Clearly any method which can encourage greater participation and continued involvement of local people is not only a desirable educational tool, but an
perusedellytys of healthy community development.
Breaking the link
Yhteyden katkaiseminen for success
menestyksen kannalta
In fact,
They are also of fundamental importance for the local historian as they provide
demographic data
väestötieteellistä aineistoa to a proper understanding of his chosen community
hänen valitsemansa yhteisön kunnollisen ymmärtämisen kannalta .
to organizational survival
organisaation selviytymisen kannalta .
But if
to the modern bomb-builder
modernille pomminrakentajalle , why not abandon it anyway -- as a gesture of goodwill to the have-nots?
That's why
välttämättömämpiä than the other way round
kuin toisin päin .
Reasonable inner quietness
Kohtalainen sisäinen hiljaisuus for awareness of the subtle
hienovaraisen tiedostamisen kannalta .
Having created your presentation it
to practise it thoroughly
harjoitella se perusteellisesti .
When facing an opponent
Kun kohtaamme vastustajan , it
to concentrate only on that man or woman and not on our fear
keskittyä ainoastaan kyseiseen mieheen tai naiseen eikä omaan pelkoomme .
, says Professor Loyal Rue -- not only do we lie to others, we tell ourselves fibs to make us feel better.
The drawing of inferences is an essential part of discourse interpretation because very often
is implied rather than being made explicit.
to ensure that your desktop publishing package has a route through to high quality output devices such as typesetting systems
varmistaa, että julkaisupaketin reitti kulkee korkealaatuisten tulostuslaitteiden, kuten ladontajärjestelmien, kautta .
If you are following a written design
Jos seuraat kirjallista mallia , it
that you change colours on the rows given with the design and that you start at row one of the card (unless otherwise stated)
että vaihdat värejä mallissa ilmoitetuilla riveillä ja että aloitat kortin ensimmäiseltä riviltä (jos ei ole toisin mainittu) .
Careful management
Huolellinen johtaminen if agricultural enterprises are to survive
maatalousyritysten selviytymisen kannalta .
With winch or car launches
Vinssin tai autoalustojen kanssa , it
to consider whether a cable break could result in a part of the cable falling on or near to a glider or anything else in mid-field
miettiä, voisiko kaapelin katkeaminen saada aikaan sen, että osa kaapelista putoaisi liukujan päälle tai lähelle tai lähelle jotain muuta keskikentällä olevaa .
Nevertheless, local services play an
in the screening programme and in the day to day care of affected subjects (box 3).
for all life
kaiken elämän kannalta .
Proteins (the
building blocks of the body's cells
kehon solujen rakennuspalikat ): in meat, liver, fish, dairy products, bread and flour, peas, beans, lentils and nuts.
It is
when screwing a mirror to a wall
kun peiliä kiinnitetään ruuvilla seinään that the wall is flat
että seinä on tasainen, , and there should be a gap of around 3 mm behind the mirror to allow it to `breathe ``.
The last four
Viimeiset neljä .
that all attend
että kaikki osallistuvat .
More substantial modifications
Suuremmat muutokset to the system
järjestelmälle for a particular task
tiettyä tehtävää varten .
What modifications
Mitkä muutokset to ensure fuller curriculum access
että voidaan varmistaa parempi pääsy kursseille ?
for patients like Christine Tweddle.
, is it?
, it generates new linking text, and tries to rearrange the whole assembly of statements into their neatest logical tree.
to find a unified and consistent explanation of all these phenomena
löytää yhtenäinen ja johdonmukainen selitys kaikille näille ilmiöille and by doing so to find ways of doing better in the future on all three points.
In commercial organisations, the prime aim is usually to maximise the return on capital invested to benefit the owners of the business or to secure further
Prostituoiduista as a result of monogamy since, as we noted, monogamy both forbids sexual freedom in wives and encourages it in husbands
yksiavioisuuden tuloksena, sillä, kuten olemme huomanneet, yksiavioisuus kieltää vaimojen seksuaalisen vapauden ja kannustaa sitä aviomiehillä .
välttämättömältä to stake some claim openly
varata jotain avoimesti itselleen .
to cycle three hundred yards down the canal towpath
pyöräillä kolmesataa jaardia kanavan hinauspolkua pitkin to get home
päästäkseen kotiin , but three times to Yanto's knowledge he had ridden his bike into the canal.
when, for instance, the DC has been activated through the wrong package
esimerkiksi silloin, kun DC on aktivoitu väärällä paketilla .
Public provision
Julkinen hankinta to live `an autonomous and purposive life ``
"autonomisen ja tarkoituksellisen elämän" elämiseksi .
Beetle attack which has ceased requires little attention except for any
to the damaged timbers.
In such cases
Sellaisissa tapauksissa it
to work in opposition to the constraints of the context, so that the work can not be read as an affirmation of questionable ideologies and political power
työskennellä kontekstin rajoitteita vastaan siten, että teosta ei voi lukea vahvistuksena kyseenalaisille ideologioille ja poliittiselle vallalle .
I'm organising a whip-round to buy the services of a reputable assassin, and don't envisage any problem in raising the
Was it
to his male pride
hänen miehiselle ylpeydelleen to wring that admission from her
puristaa tunnustus hänestä ?
At least a dozen visits
vierailla vähintään tusina kertaa to the Public Record Office, the British Library, the National Monuments Record and the Institute of Historical Research in London
valtionarkistossa, Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan kansalliskirjastossa, kansallisperinnön arkistossa ja Lontoon historiallisen tutkimuksen instituutissa .
to retain independence on both sides
säilyttää itsenäisyys kummallakin puolella .
as Christ himself has offered the final sacrifice, once for all
koska Kristus itse tarjosi lopullisesti suurimman uhrilahjan .
Therefore the restrictions went beyond
For all errors, the
must be made before any installations or deinstallations will be accepted.
Now that it had disaffiliated it recognized the
välttämättömyyden of strengthening this co-operation
tämän yhteistyön vahvistamisen .
The future demands for knowledge on this subject means more research
Evelyn asked the cab driver to stop at the small supermarket near her house, bought the
välttämättömyydet for a drink of tea and something simple to eat
teetä ja jotain yksinkertaista syötävää varten .
Certainly marriage
was very much a
oli hyvin pitkälti for working class girls
työväenluokan tytöille , and the chief hope was for a good bargain.
Where there are treaty procedures these should be attempted first, unless the
for forcible action
pakkotoimien is
for China and India, which between them account for a third of the global population, and other developing nations
Kiinassa ja Intiassa, joissa on kolmasosa maapallon väestöstä, sekä muissa kehittyvissä maissa .
for using very high doses of reagents, however, to detect in vitro phosphorylation of membranes
käyttää erittäin suuria annoksia reagensseja kalvojen ulkopuolella tapahtuvan fosforylaation havaitsemiseen , is
well recognised
tunnetaan hyvin .
for almost all goat-keepers to have a copy of the MAFF Code of Welfare of Goats.
There is no
to use these words
käyttää näitä sanoja , however.
Thus relieving them of the
of having to intervene directly
puuttua suoraan .
It also represented license, an unusual small expense on a treat beyond the
välttämättömyyksien of Sara's food budget
Saran ruokabudjetin .
Records of clothing and the other
välttämättömyyksistä and niceties of life are scanty.
Koe-esiintymiset and not a fair judgement on your career but you have to go through them.
Thus it acts as an exact metaphor for the
välttämättömyydelle of a broad perspective
laajan näkökulman in addressing any ecological question
tarttuessa mihin tahansa ympäristökysymykseen .
Neuvotteleminen in American politics
Amerikan politiikassa, and negotiating skill is a central component of presidential power.
and, if one is bought, it is usually a person's most expensive purchase.
If there's one
kynsien hoidossa , it has to be a buffing pad.
välttämättömyydet are cleverly hidden behind panels which were made to look like original military equipment.
to qualify for a later call to the Bar
vaatimusten täyttämiseksi baariin soitettua myöhempää puhelua varten .
arose from the catastrophic collapse in mining employment.
Päivällisen syöminen and our menu delicious.
it would seem was another reason why she tended to use just the one camera.
One of them had an intestinal perforation and
of literacy and dexterity kept the supply of compositors, on the other hand, in better balance with the demands of the printing trade.
In cases where
frequent access to cultures
säännöllistä pääsyä kulttuureiden pariin (e.g.
for serial observations
sarjatarkkailua varten ) separate long-term and short-term incubators are advisable.
These, then, were the books that became
for those who came to Cumberland Lodge to debate such issues.
A series of simple push-buttons on the solid state device enables the
range to be set precisely.
Language is also a
in all course files (the mathematics file, the nursery file etc.).
Then, carefully, with nice pointed scissors, cut through both thicknesses (I do not use a ribber), the
of buttonhole.
a pre-processing level
esikäsittelyn taso, which determines the probable sequence
joka määrittää todennäköisen sarjan (Wright, 1989).
therefore is a method of compressing these definitions so that this combinatorial explosion is reduced.
`All they need to see is a squiggle on the
Courtney practised in Harley Street as a gynaecologist even though he has never passed the