have made no
to mitigate your crime
lieventää rikostasi , and I am therefore obliged to sentence you to filing in the Main Archive.
If there has been tricky manoeuvres I would have ignored the set course and followed my own, turning a circle if necessary: this was a schooling round, not an
to win a rosette
voittaa ruusuke .
Gazzer could not disguise the grovelling tones of this
His head dipped towards her, and she braced herself for another of his harsh, punishing kisses, knowing any
would be a complete waste of time.
TROOPS will be used to provide emergency cover in London from 2pm today in what the unions yesterday described as a `
by the Government
hallituksen to escalate the ambulance dispute
laajentaa ambulanssiväittelyä .
by the anti-gamblers
Uhkapelien vastustajien to block access to the casinos
estää pääsy kasinoihin had led to the outbreak of fighting with the Warriors.
Yugoslav prime minister Milan Panic survived an
by hardline nationalists
kovan linjan nationalistien to oust him
syrjäyttää hänet yesterday and won a round in his power struggle with Serbia's president Slobodan Milosevic.
Looking like the sort of accessories children may use in their doctors and nurses games, these rubbers with a white cross on the side
are in fact a serious
ovat itse asiassa vakava to promote safer sex
edistää turvallisempaa seksiä .
I thought that
was a brilliant
se oli loistava from a boy who
pojalta, jonka really finds it hard to keep on the line, you know.
A frenzied throng of waving people barred the
, on the shoulders of four of his largest supporters,
There has been no British work to match the
of pioneering European and American historians
uraauurtavien eurooppalaisten ja amerikkalaisten historioitsijoiden to provide an overview
antaa yleiskuva .
Married to Princess Olga Romanoff, a great niece of the last Czar, he claims to have survived three
on the peak
päästä huipulle , having been repulsed twice by storms.
Instead, we'd uncovered, one by one, the inherent flaws that tarnish
at building a Euro-style sporting saloon
rakentaa eurotyylinen urheilusali .
can now hazard an
at defining `a good reader
määritellä "hyvän lukijan ``.
The only material they receive is the syndicated material which is sent out to everyone on the mailing list, and there is
at placing original and exclusive material
antaa alkuperäistä ja yksinoikeutettua materiaalia .
His Aunt Deborah was fun, too:
and failures
were a long-running serial story, presented comically.
Whilst dieting I felt that
were always too drastic.
But she wasn't obliged to return his kiss, and she didn't, keeping her mouth firmly shut, her body rigid in
not to respond to him
olla vastaamatta hänelle .
I hoped they'd be distracted enough to ignore
were made to unseat her from the London School Board because of the alleged illegality of her name.
Guido returned from another
just after eight, looking doleful.
touchline conversion
sivurajan vapaaheitto- drifted narrowly wide.
But I know now I must save up
In other incidents, an RUC superintendent died in a bombing and a major
prison escape
vankilapako- was foiled in Belfast.
`Welcome Buffet ``
to jazz up the merchandising in the old Mk1 buffet cars
myynnin piristämiseksi vanhoissa Mk1-ravintolavaunuissa , patently unsuited to the 1980s.
makes an
in a Greenaway film (notably Brian Dennehy in Belly of an Architect) but Gambon is a model prisoner of his director.
The Ego, then, has a whole array of negative beliefs, payoffs and hidden agenda which limit or even wreck our lives, and block
to programme what we want
ohjelmoida mitä haluamme .
The second influence we shall examine
in the latter half of the nineteenth century
to reconcile a tension between the romantic-historical and the positivist approaches to society
sovitella romanttis-historiallisten ja positivististen lähestymistapojen kireitä välejä by developing theories of social evolution
kehittämällä teorioita sosiaalisesta evoluutiosta .
`I wasn't aware of the fact that I was being used to provoke your `lovely Lotta ``in an
to further your tempestuous love-life
edistää myrskyisää rakkauselämääsi !
It had been no accident, but rather a
, which had set Alexei's father down on Tarvaras.
Motoshima had become a symbol of the right of free expression after he survived an
by a right-wing nationalist
oikeistolaisen nationalistin in January 1990.
on President of Adzharia
Adzharian presidentti by Vice-President
highlights corruption in Panama
Tchoungui and FochivýN1-NP0 had lost their previous posts following the
of April 1984, aimed at bringing Ahidjo back to power [see pp. 33075-76].
Kyodo news agency, citing ``informed Vietnamese sources, reported on July 27 that a group led by Chea Sim had staged a
in Phnom Penh.
The question centred on whatever impressions the American had gained from a discouraging experience, another
to resurrect a career that
elvyttää ura, jota was seriously undermined by the beating he took from Mike Tyson two years ago.
The 30-year-old man, who has not been named, died despite the efforts of coastguards and ambulancemen, who tried to revive him after a
by surfers
lainelautailijoiden .
Edwards, who ran despite a knee ligament injury during
menestyksellisen , admits he does not like to dwell on the punishment he is inflicting on his body.
It was one of
onnistuneimmista at curbing the forces of nature
hillitä luonnonvoimia .
Another of
onnistuneimmista to rewrite history
kirjoittaa historia uusiksi .
Probably the most successful pat of the book is its account of
on the 8,000-metre peaks
8000-metrin korkuisilla huipuilla : the pioneering heroism of Wiessner, Merkl et al is described well.
Whilst the unions' attempts to regulate the use of the ``new temporary workers might prove successful,
to organise ``traditional temporary workers seem much less likely to bear fruit
järjestää "perinteisiä" tilapäistyöntekijöitä ei niin todennäköisesti tuota tulosta .
The Methodist Church in Ireland was in session during an
epäonnistuneen by the government
hallituksen to quash the running of the referendum
kumota kansanäänestyksen toteuttaminen .
On 1 February 1327
a Scottish force
skotlantilaiset joukot made an
epäonnistuneen to seize Norham Castle
vallata Norhamin linna , and a little over two months later Bruce himself landed in Ulster.
In a period when ballooning was an activity only for itinerant showmen, any interest in flying invited ridicule, but
made several
epäonnistuneita to form a society to encourage aeronautical developments
muodostaa yhteisö edistämään ilmailun kehittämistä .
The strength of the protest vote against the mainstream parties was seen as reflecting popular disillusionment with
epäonnistuneihin to resolve the country's long-running linguistic problems and to complete constitutional reforms
ratkaista maan pitkäaikaiset kielelliset ongelmat ja saada valmiiksi perustuslailliset uudistukset [see p. 38465].
He is
the first doctor in Britain
Iso-Britannian ensimmäinen lääkäri, joka the three-step microsurgery
kolmivaiheista mikrokirurgiaa .
Forecasting future fertility
Tulevaisuuden hedelmällisyyden ennustaminen is the most difficult task in demography, and seldom
In the port of D res on March 29
tuloksettomasti to disperse a crowd which
hajottaa väkijoukon, joka had gathered in the hope of emigrating.
to combine a general `literacy ``approach with a study of principles and design decisions, and to identify and describe relevant standards
yhdistää yleisen "luku- ja kirjoitustaidon" lähestysmistavan periaatteiden ja suunnittelupäätösten tutkimukseen ja kuvailla olennaisia standardeja .
The latter is, of course, unlikely to be chosen and would be extremely difficult to measure, but does emphasise the need to determine a neutral view of a procedure before
to measure its success
mitata sen onnistumista .
But the Government likes to submit to free market forces and
, rather than taking into account where new homes should be built in the best interests of the public.
in 1989, but lost in the first round of both events she played before being sidelined by a car accident which required surgery on her right knee.
Lipschitz notes that “ while
feminist therapists
feministiset terapeutit the abolition of inhibition
poistaa estoja in empowering practices
voimaannuttamisharjoituksilla , they can not abolish repression … to suggest this is to abolish the unconscious ” (1978: 29).
He reversed some of the laws on language and education which discriminated against Tamils, and took to visiting some of the Tamils' Hindu temples, even
the odd public statement in Tamil
outoa julkista lausuntoa Tamilissa .
Only after causatives have been studied from this point of view both in English and in other languages will
be in a position
valid generalizations across languages
päteviä yleistyksiä kielten välillä .
A further generalization of this solution
yleistää tätä ratkaisua lisää (1979), but this has subsequently been found to be incorrect and so will not be considered here.
an alternative projection of future trends
tulevaisuuden suuntausten vaihtoehtoista ennustamista by comparing the figures obtained from those agencies who were involved in both surveys
vertailemalla lukuja, jotka oli saatu kummassakin tutkimuksessa mukana olleilta toimistoilta .
Magical destructions
Taianomaisia tuhoamisia , but without success.
by using the same methodology that
käyttämällä samaa metodologiaa Denison used in relation to education and in relation to health for the period 1960-80.
I believe that those provisions make it abundantly clear that the penalties that will be visited upon
to corrupt youth
turmella nuorisoa will be stern and relentless.
In later childhood, these emotions may well be repressed, as parents and then
by a variety of means
monin eri keinoin ,
to socialize young people
sopeuttaa nuoria ihmisiä .
As in the past,
with varying degrees of success
vaihtelevalla menestyksellä ,
to obtain information
saada tietoja by opening and reading the correspondence of foreign diplomats
avaamalla ja lukemalla ulkomaisten diplomaattien kirjeenvaihtoa .
It was due to
that we discovered the name of Raphael.
As part of
to unite the party
yhdistää puoluetta , he made every effort to bring his rival Pawar into the Cabinet.
It is up to
government and industry, as well as those with resources in land and money,
hallituksen ja teollisuuden sekä niiden, joilla on maata ja rahaa, to make a
to secure our country's wealth and heritage for the future
maan varallisuuden ja perinnön turvaamiseksi tulevaisuudessa .
Peter Yeo, who had been watching his partners,
Peter Yeo, joka oli katsellut kumppaneitaan realized that he and Tim were not carrying the other two and decided to make another
I suppose that because she hadn't really known me from an early age,
made a
to get to know me later
oppiakseen tuntemaan minut myöhemmin .
Most obviously, despite their efforts to provide an analytical framework for the observation of this second face of power, no
fully successful
täysin onnistunutta has yet been made
to operationalise their analysis
heidän analyysinsä käyttöön ottamiseksi .
was made
to transform them into a rural police force
heidän muuttamisekseen maaseudun poliisivoimiksi .
In the late nineteenth century
1800-luvun lopulla were made
to build an organized system of policing
organisoidun politiikkajärjestelmän rakentamiseksi , but rural districts remained largely unpoliced until the twentieth century.
We did have to predict how much we could help ourselves financially and Joan is pleased to report that through the
through fund-raising
varainhankinnalla this prediction has been achieved.
abandoned the
to count up to a hundred
laskea sataan , sensing that brightly coloured biochemicals were jiggling together on the page.
The railings were removed in the 1940s to assist the
Leslie Janson, of Chelmsford, Essex, has vowed to start
One cultural organisation supported by WACC, the Folk Research Center based in St Lucia, is spearheading the
to publish a Kweol dictionary
julkaista Kweolin sanakirja .
The USSR had been one of the first governments to recognise the state of Israel in 1948, but Soviet support was thereafter thrown behind the Arab cause and behind the
in particular.
Frank Williams wouldn't reveal whether
had made
to persuade Mansell to drive on
taivuttaakseen Mansellin ajamaan edelleen .
As part of the
kansainvälistä to persuade Israel to allow the entry of the UN mission
taivuttaa Israel sallimaan YK:n edustuston saapuminen , Hurd visited Israel on Oct. 15-17.
People might conclude that you've been playing politics with the
and with the lives of tens of thousands of innocent soldiers.
It is understood Ford and Jaguar managers soundly backed the
of Lawson and Helfet
Lawsonin ja Helfetin to preserve the traditional Jaguar look in the original design
säilyttää perinteinen Jaguaarin ulkoasu alkuperäisessä suunnitelmassa .
Shortly after Glancy had reported in October 1977, the
of the Camden and Islington members
Camdenin ja Islingtonin jäsenten to decide the future of Friern
päättää Fiernin tulevaisuudesta received a further impetus.
This in itself sets the scene for the
unbelievably complicated
uskomattoman monimutkaisille of religious leaders and scholars
uskonnollisten johtajien ja tutkijoiden to define just who Jesus Christ was
määritellä täsmälleen, kuka Jeesus Kristus oli .
Diplomatic activity so far has failed, despite the
of Lord Carrington
lordi Carringtonin .
, he'd tossed his charge card down on to the counter.
He took with him a recording of the female whales at play which he made off the Azores as part of
jatko-opintojensa to analyse sperm whale sounds
analysoida valaan ääniä .
Even so, there were several passages in the ensuing joint communiqué emphasising the Cubans' appreciation of ``the
of the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliiton to attain world peace
saavuttaa maailmanrauha .
The half-speed VHS machines Hill also undermine
by the film industry
elokuvateollisuuden to put a tax on blank video tape, like that imposed in Sweden, to compensate the industry for losses due to piracy
saada tyhjille videonauhoille vastaava vero, kuin Ruotsissa on säädetty, korvaamaan teollisuuden piratismille menettämiä tuloja .
On Nov. 16 the Afghanistan government welcomed the Moscow talks as part of the continuing
by the UN, the Soviet Union and the United States
YK:n, Neuvostoliiton ja Yhdysvaltain to resolve the Afghan issue
ratkaista Afganistanin ongelma .
to improve their lot
parantaa asemaansa have mostly been sharply put down.
Yes, the
kahdenkymmenenkahdeksan vuoden by the Ffestiniog
Ffestiniogin to restore service to Blaenau Ffestiniog
yhteyden palauttamiseksi Blaenau Ffestiniogiin was finally completed, resulting in increased business on BR's branch from Llandudno junction.
Whilst supporting the Government in
towards development
kohti kehitystä , the paper remained cautiously critical of most manifestations of militancy on the part of TANU politicians and others.
As a large consumer of Middle Eastern oil, Japan had been criticized for not making a fuller contribution to the
kansainväliselle against Iraq
Irakia vastaan .
Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris has been appointed to lead a panel reviewing
against AIDS
AIDSin vastaisia .
Less happy
during the late 1890s
1890-luvun lopulla to revive the Speaker as an organ for radical ideas
palauttaa Puhemies radikaalien ajatusten äänenkannattajaksi , and his editorship of the ailing Daily News from 1901 to 1902.
The new legislation was one cause of the improved bilateral relations between the USA and the Bahamas, also helped by
during 1990
1990-luvun aikana to improve the Bahamas Defence (coastguard) Force
parantaa Bahaman puolustusvoimia (rannikkovartiosto) .
SOUTH LIVERPOOL old boy Kevin Hawkins started the late onslaught that brought down
at North Trafford
North Traffordissa last week.
A probable example of the first of these man-made events
at cooperation
yhteistyöhön to establish a right to exclusive use of an area by an individual or family.
Once their canvasses showed majority support for the proposal, they moved quickly to bring it to a vote, thereby avoiding the public debate which had accompanied
at prohibiting honoraria
kieltää palkkiot .
Yet each in its own way reflects the rejection of the abstraction and impersonality of Absolute Idealism, and the
to relate philosophy more concretely to the textured fabric of human life and experience
yhdistää filosofiaa konkreettisemmin ihmiselämän ja -kokemusten karkeaan kudokseen .
For, in
to secure their support
varmistaa heidän tukensa , William Clito began his reign by issuing charters to Bruges, Ghent, Aire, and St Omer.
In 1881 he moved to London in an
epäonnistuneena to enter journalism
päästä lehtialalle .
A last-minute
by royalists
kuningasmielisten to save the King at all costs
pelastaa kuningas hinnalla millä hyvänsä could not be ruled out.
Edward, his half-brother, succeeded, aged about 38 years, and he remained as King for twenty-four years, during which time
towards sainthood
pyhyyteen earned him the title of The Confessor.
She strongly encouraged her husband and other preachers of the Gospel in
valloittaa sieluja endeavours
pyrkimyksissään .
It is hardly surprising then, that with such formidable enemies, and in spite of his undoubted mass support, Cipriani met with such little success in
pyrkimyksissään .
The geographic distribution of Sea Life Centres makes us uniquely placed to support
marine conservation
merensuojelu- right around the UK coastline and, in particular, to encourage public involvement and interest in these endeavours.
I would not anticipate taking more than half an hour to complete the filming during which time
would make every
not to restrict access to your shop by other customers
olla estämättä muiden asiakkaiden pääsyä myymälääsi .
If the soul's fate was indeed predetermined, it followed that all
to bring about its salvation
päästä pelastukseen must necessarily be in vain.
The point where it all falls down is when
find you one
löytää sinulle sellaisen .
not to sound annoyed
olla kuulostamatta harmistuneelta .
listened carefully, and
Well, if I can't have Heathcliff as my friend, if Edgar is going to be mean and jealous,
to break both their hearts
särkeä kummankin sydämen by breaking my own
särkemällä omani .
A bold experiment to use outcome data to determine priorities for state funding of health care
rohkeaa koetta määrittää terveydenhuollon valtiollisen rahoituksen prioriteetit käyttämällä tietoja seurauksista by the state of Oregon in the United States
Oregonin osavaltiossa Yhdysvalloissa .
before, from the late fourteenth century onwards, but more effort was made to enforce the 1651 Act than had been done in the past.
have sometimes been tempted
this bidding technique
tätä huutamistekniikkaa with particularly unattractive paintings.
cycling or gentle jogging
pyöräilyä tai kevyttä hölkkää .
The court was told that
dabbled in black magic and
summoning messages from the spirit world
kutsua viestejä henkimaailmasta by using a ouija board
käyttäen spiritismilautaa .
was devastated by the news,
for a long time
to have a baby
saada lapsen .
for a rebooking
varata uudelleen for a while, ``she said, sipping her drink.
The first time
to film mink in the wild
kuvata minkkiä luonnonvaraisena was in the spring of 1990, in mid-Wales, where I was making a 15-minute programme for Channel 4.
ITN's secret weapon was much more advanced,
before: it was a computer simulation of the chamber of the House of Commons, with John Suchet walking around inside it.
my impression is that
to uh to do both
mmh tehdä molemmat, as tough as that is
if if i started using a different computer at home then i wouldn't be using the the software and the hardware and it would be that much more difficult
and market it the the product
markkinoida sitä, sitä tuotetta
but uh TV is something that
try to not um
tarkoituksella not to get hung up on it
olla jäämättä koukkuun siihen like you say
The big bad wolf ate the grandma then she, then
the big bad wolf
iso paha susi to, eat red riding hood
syödä Punahilkan .
The ad side of all newspapers
Kaikkien sanomalehtien ilmoituspuolet to get the ed side to say nice things about those advertising
saada toimituspuolet sanomaan kivoja asioita mainostajista .
and I tried and it will not go back in. ``
i haven't gotten the chance lately though to play
to get back into it
päästä uudelleen sen pariin uh
35 According to the 2001 Retirement Confidence Survey,
36 about 46 percent of American workers
36 noin 46 prosenttia amerikkalaisista työntekijöistä to calculate how much they need to save for retirement
laskea, kuinka paljon heidän täytyy säästää eläkettä varten .
The UAE embassy in turn contacted the Hamburg police and
a UAE representative
UAE:n edustaja to find him in Germany
löytää hänet Saksasta , visiting mosques and Shehhi's last address in Hamburg.
Then he was smug about it,
to lie about it
valehdella siitä , trying to act like, you know, nothing happened, you know, anyway two, what two days later, he, he fired me.
The missionaries struggled valiantly against the dictates of the desert,
to survive the harshness of their circumstances and spread the Mormon faith
selvitä karuista olosuhteistaan ja levittää mormoniuskontoa .
So we drove up to Washington, and
went to the Pentagon and
for them to take him back
saada heidät ottamaan hänet takaisin and they said that what he was doing with the post office was in the best interest of the government and the country and he could serve much better by getting the mail to the soldiers.
It is one the
, but the rapidly increasing price of materials makes the task difficult.
cook and then the next time it would be my turn and
to outdo him
voittaa hänet and then he'd try to outdo me and we we was really a lot of fun and
keep our fingers in the pot and