- `Having delivered my mea culpa, ``Burney said, `Iminämay nevertheless be ableto<empty>atonehyvittämäänfor my lapseerehdystäni.
- JonesJones, in his 49th Test,atonedhyvittifor an otherwise disappointing seriesmuuten pettymyksen tuottavaa sarjaansawith his 10th century10.:llä sadan juoksun sarjallaan(his first in 28 innings): he ended with 150 not out in 6½ hours.
- `Well,hehäncanvoiatonesovittaafor his sinssyntejäänby waiting on you for a few days,odottamalla sinua muutaman päivän``Jack said laughingly.
- One should not attribute human qualities to natural phenomena, but in a strange waythe gentleness with which Mt Pelee buried its victimslempeys, jolla Mont Pelee hautasi uhrinsa,seemed like a sort ofatonementhyvitykseltäfor their deathsheidän kuolemistaan.
- On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered asatonementhyvityksenäfor the sins of the Hebrewsjuutalaisten syntien.
- The legionnaire sees himself caught in a never-ending cycle of darkness and despair, until the day when he will be liberated throughatonementhyvittämälläof his past crimesaiemmat syntinsä.
- On the tenth day of the seventh month there was a special annual ceremony of confession andatonementhyvityksenfor sinsyntien.
- Cutting off the first joint of the little finger is a means ofatonementhyvityksenby yakuza members who fail their bossesyakuzan jäsenille, jotka ovat pettäneet pomonsa.
- For Neimann-StirnemannNeimann-Stirnemannille, theatonementhyvityswas personal.
- The `wicked step-motherIlkeä äitipuoli, who was very beautiful ``apparentlyexpiatedsovittiher crimerikoksensaby eventually becoming a nun at Wherwellryhtymällä nunnaksi Wherwellissä.
- But it helpsto<empty>expiatesovittaaour imagined sinskuvitellut syntimme,if we have a bogeyman to hand, a Drug Baron.
- So Aaron and his sons must be cleansed, robed andtheir sinsheidän syntinsäexpiatedsovittaaby sacrificeuhraamallabefore they may take office.
- Now, swept by red wave upon wave,shehänenhadto<empty>expiatehyvittääher failureepäonnistumisensa.
- As he walked he pondered dully on the crimehehänwas trying toexpiatehyvittää,the murder of Clare's happinessClaren onnellisuuden murhaaminen.
- The modern world is juxtaposed against and involved with a world very definitely presented in terms of primitive rite -- nowhere more clearly than in the ritualexpiationsovittamisenof the cursekirouksen.
- It greatly strengthened the position of the churches as Germans soughtexpiationsovitustaand explanation.