TransFrameNet:Withdraw from participation
pull out.v 🔎
- The singerLaulajapulled outvetäytyiof the tourkiertueeltawith a cold-related throat infectionvilustumiseen liittyvän kurkkutulehduksen vuoksiafter cancelling some European concerts -- including Wembleyperuutettuaan joitakin Euroopan-konsertteja Wembley mukaan lukien.
- BORIS BECKERBORIS BECKERhasonpulled outvetäytynytof a third tournament, the Tokyo Grand Prix, which begins on Monday,kolmannesta turnauksesta, Tokyo Grand Prix:sta, joka alkaa maanantaina,because of a nagging knee injurysitkeän polvivaivan vuoksi.
- When Chelsea wanted a bit more than the £2.5million United offered for Andy Townsend,the clubseurapulled outvetäytyiof the dealsopimuksesta.
- GermanySaksapulled outvetäytyiof the joint projectyhteisestä projektistain Julyheinäkuussa, but finance minister Theo Waigel has said he favours a scaled-down version of the plane costing £36 million to avoid job losses in times of recession.
- The offer caused mass protests and eventuallythe firmyrityspulled outvetäytyi, but now it has put in another bid, believed to be £5m.
- From McIntosh's point of view it was not an easy decisionto<empty>pull outvetäytyäof institutional sector researchperinteisestä tutkimussektorista,as he was involved in setting it up in the mid '70s.
- South-West were dealt a blow yesterday whentheir England flanker Andy Robinsonenglantilainen laitahyökkääjä Andy Robinsonpulled outvetäytyiafter falling victim to the `flu epidemicjouduttuaan flunssan uhriksi.
- WhenMike GattingMike Gattingpulled outvetäytyiwith stomach troublevatsavaivojen vuoksi, England brought in not their other specialist batsman -- Michael Atherton -- but deputy keeper Richard Blakey.
- Scottish champion Jim Mailer was not included in the main draw;Bruce FlockhartBruce Flockhartinhadto<empty>pull outvetäydyttäväbecause of a leg injuryjalkavamman vuoksi; and Gordon and Jillian Haldane withdrew because of a family bereavement.
- HeHänpulled outvetäytyiin mid-Maykeskellä toukokuuta.
- He had an invitation to the Volvo PGA Championship at Wentworth, buthehänpulled outvetäytyibecause he felt he was still not up to it, koska ei tuntenut vielä olevansa valmis.
- The news thatEarleEarlenhad<empty>pulled outvetäytymisestäof the racekilpailustaleft everyone aghast as it flashed round Westminster later on Tuesday morning.
- The GeordiesGeordiespulled outvetäytyiof the racekilpailustayesterday after Rangers placed the staggering price tag on their 26-year-old strikereilen sen jälkeen, kun Rangers laittoi uskomattoman kovan hintalapun 26-vuotiaalle hyökkääjälleen.
- De Lorenzo's move follows a decision byhis Liberal partyliberaalipuolueento retract earlier threatsto<empty>pull outvetäytyäof governmenthallituksestaunless Amato gave him public support.
pull-out.n 🔎
- Additionally the political atmosphere has not been conducive to encouraging oil companies to engage in active exploration and development though this still continues despite thepull-outvetäytymisestäof Exxon and MobilExxonin ja Mobilin.
- The announcement of thepull-outvetäytymisestäfrom the ERMEMR:stawas made by Mr Lamont by a drain in the Treasury forecourt.
- Barry linked the Raybestos Manhattan case with the recentpull-outvetäytymiseenby Schering PloughSchering Ploughinfrom Coyhtiöstä.
- Defence Secretary Dick Cheney was so cock-a-hoop about the first day in Somalia he started talking about thepull-outvetäytymisestä.
- TheEuroEuronpull-outvetäytyminencompleted the most dramatic day in politics since Mrs Thatcher was toppled.
withdraw.v 🔎
- The fact that she had implied thatshehänintendedto<empty>withdrawvetäytyäfrom the arrangementjärjestelystäas soon as it was convenientheti, kun se olisi sopivaa,did not matter, Jehan thought, unless Alexei's character was to provide the excuse …
- The decisionto<empty>withdrawvetäytyäfrom CODESACODESA:stawas taken at an emergency meeting of the national executive committee (NEC) of the ANC on June 23.
- Douglas referred particularly to CarlPrean'sPreaninrecent decisionsto<empty>withdrawvetäytyäfrom the national rankingskansallisista sarjoistaand forgo the English Top 12 tournament at the end of the year.
- Eight opposition candidatesKahdeksan opposition ehdokastawithdrewvetäytyishortly before pollingjuuri ennen äänestystä.
- Among the Democrats,three of the candidateskolme ehdokastawithdrewvetäytyifrom the contestkilpailustaduring the monthkuukauden aikana: Nebraska senator Bob Kerrey, Iowa senator Tom Harkin, and former Massachusetts senator Paul Tsongas.
- Of the remainder, 27 (including Bristol West, now the most marginal seat in England, which the Tories held by just 45 votes) would have been wonhadjosthe third-party candidateskolmannen tahon ehdokkaatwithdrawnolisivat vetäytyneet.
- HermesHermes,earlier in 1991aiemmin vuonna 1991, decidedto<empty>withdrawvetäytyäfrom the UK marketIson-Britannian markkinoiltaciting catastrophic trading losses in the UK as their reason.
- In contrast, the few policies aimed at older workers have been positively intended to encouragethemheitäto<empty>withdrawvetäytymäänfrom the labour markettyömarkkinoilta.
- WallaceWallacethenmyöhemminwithdrewvetäytyifrom the contestkilpailustaafter running 51 7 miles in 7 7 hoursjuostuaan 51,7 mailia 77 tunnissa.
- In any event,in mid-Aprilkeskellä huhtikuutahehänwithdrewvetäytyifrom the contestkilpailusta.
- For this and other reasonsTästä ja muista syistäEdinburgh College of ArtEdinburgh College of Artwithdrewvetäytyifrom negotiations with the CNAAneuvotteluista CNAA:n kanssaand obtained university validation.
- I<empty>am<empty>withdrawingVetäydynfrom the racekilpailusta.
- Dr David Player, then head of the Scottish Health Education Unit, counselledthe teamryhmääto<empty>withdrawvetäytymäänfrom the dealsopimuksesta.
- By consent,the Attorney-Generalvaltakunnansyyttäjäwithdrewvetäytyifrom the proceedingsoikeudenkäynnistäat the start of the hearingheti kuulemisen alussa.
- SheHänwas apparently close to marriage on two occasions, butwithdrewvetäytyiat a late stageviime hetkellä.
withdrawal.n 🔎
- A Young Communist motion calling forItaly'sItalianwithdrawalvetäytymistäfrom NATONatostawas defeated by 498 votes to 353, with 53 abstentions.
- The dispute overHungary'sUnkarinwithdrawalvetäytymisestäfrom the projectprojektista, in alleged contravention of the 1977 bilateral treaty providing for its construction, may go to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
- The volume was originally to have been illustrated by Stanfield; afterhishänenwithdrawalvetäytymisensäfrom fear of anti-Catholic bias in the bookkirjan katolisen ennakkoasenteen pelossa, Samuel Palmer was commissioned, and provided 4 vignettes engraved on wood.
- Graf'sGrafinwithdrawalvetäytyminenwould be a major blow to Wimbledon, with Monica Seles whom she deposed from the top of the world rankings in Paris still recovering from the knife attack in Hamburg on April 30.
- SubsequentSeuranneetwithdrawalsvetäytymisetfrom the eight-member collective Presidencykahdeksan puheenjohtajaehdokkaan joukostaleft it with only four members participating, and thus effectively inquorate, a development which most observers saw as being Milosevic's deliberate intention.
- Agreement on no unilateralwithdrawalvetäytymisestäfrom service commitmentspalvelusitoumuksesta.
- At the Labour party Conference in late January Henderson successfully resisted pressure for thewithdrawalvetäytymisestäof Labour Ministerstyöväenpuolueen ministereidenfrom the Coalitionkoalitiosta.
- The use of age criteria in redundancy and early retirement schemes has resulted in a massivewithdrawalpoistumiseenof older workersvanhempien työntekijöidenfrom the British workforceBritannian työvoimastaand a considerable loss of skill and talent.
- Thewithdrawalvetäytyminenon Aug. 4, 19904. elokuuta 1990,of the SMPSMP:nfrom the government of former Prime Minister Harri HolkeriHarri Holkerin hallituksestaresulted in a Cabinet as listed on p. 37662.