- Some government policies seem designed to achieve greater income equality by redistributing income from moreaffluentparemmin toimeentuleviltato poorergroupsryhmille.
- Northern Ireland was urged to go up market to attractaffluentparemmin toimeentuleviavisitorsmatkailijoitaaccording to a report by the Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre.
- The accusations were flat and uniform, although what is truly remarkable is thatthe youth of the nationkansakunnan nuorisowere believed not only to be free of all discipline, but also excessivelyaffluenthyvin toimeentulevaa.
- He or sheHänis urban, trendy andaffluenthyvin toimeentuleva.
- He tried to visualise the Garland household:EdwinEdwin, widower, intelligent, shrewd, inclined to be malicious, discreetlyaffluenthyvin toimeentuleva…
- But Ferdinand'sbankruptköyhäSpainEspanjacould not produce the small army that might have postponed defeat.
- `You may be sure, ``said Jared Tunstall, `that if everIminädo gobankruptvararikkoonI should certainly die of grief, or of mortification at such a turn.
- The governor referred toa system thatjärjestelmään, jostawas<empty>bankruptpuuttuiof compassion.
- When he became president of Venezuela in 1989, he inherited abankruptvararikossa olevancountrymaan.
- Then fate would catch up with them and they'd becomebankruptrutiköyhiäalcoholicsalkoholisteja.
- Even when devolved to team manager level,teamstiimitcan `gobrokevararikkoon``and a certain amount of chaos ensues.
- Often, that happened not because they were poor managers but because they were unable to collect debts owed byother businesses thatmuilta yrityksiltä, jotkawentbrokevararikkoon.
- I'd take on all comers, especially whenIminäwasbrokevararikossa.
- In fact, it is fairly clear that these workers play a vital role in safeguarding the health and well-being of large groups ofneedyköyhienpeopleihmisten.
- Batches of journals had been despatched to Nepal, Pakistan and Romania under the IC's scheme for the provision of back issues toneedyköyhieninstitutions overseasulkomaisten organisaatioiden.
- Land that was not `used ``could be expropriated for the benefit of the industrious poor; rents should be controlled, theneedyköyhäfarmermaanviljelijäaided.
- Ron asked for secrecy so that he could sign another driver without its being known thathehänwas trulyoli todellaneedyköyhä.
- (c.17) They should always be available toneedyköyhienand oppressedpersons ``from whatever part of the realm and of whatever rankhenkilöiden käytössä, olivatpa he mistä päin valtakuntaa tahansa tai mistä säädystä tahansa, to bring their cases to the king's ear.
- John-William, who knew that he would have been a Chartist himself had he remained apoorköyhämanmies, felt sorry about that death.
- I am apoorköyhämanmiesbut we can possibly come to some arrangement.
- Young Sarah stayed on in her parents' house behind the hill, only one of a number ofpoorköyhienpeopleihmistenin that humble street.
- Buthehänwasolipoorköyhäwhen compared with the parents of many of the children who attended his school, even when compared with some of the other teachers.
- I hope Josh never goes to Eton, or any otherprivilegedrikkaidenschoolkouluunwhere he's kept away from reality, ``Clare said stiffly.
- It was not so bad for aprivilegedetuoikeutetultaminorityvähemmistöltä, though even they had to do without modem medicine, and childbirth was highly risky for women.
- But in 1987 tensions surfaced between Sankara, who wanted to divert resources to the rural sector, and Captain Blaise Compaor, who represented the relativelyprivilegedetuoikeutettujagovernment employees and trade unionshallituksen virkamiehiä ja ammattiliittoja.
- As for the army, it is a proud andprivilegedetuoikeutettu, secretive and insulatedinstitutioninstituutio.
- Indolent andprivilegedetuoikeutettuna, daughter of the Establishment,shehänleaned on the sill, watching the goings-on in the street, and listened to the sounds of paper sliding on paper.
- But for all his incompetence in wartime,HooverHooverwas now settled in the Washington game --privilegedetuoikeutettuna, sanctified, unbudgeable and with more and more information to use.
- Thatthe formeredellämainittuare more likely to be relatively more powerful, wealthy, andprivilegedetuoikeutettuthan the latter could be one of nature's accidents.
- He was aprosperousvarakasfarmermaanviljelijäwho had sent his son to Balliol -- a college which owned land in the parish -- with the intention that he should eventually be ordained.
- In turn, the new monarchs tried to build up an economicallyprosperousvarakkaanbourgeoisieporvaristonto increase tax revenues and to prevent any reversion to feudal conflicts which would fragment the nation -- state.
- The Garlands, and their shop with the rooms over, were out of period, relics of a time when the business and management of the town had been in the hands of a fewprosperousvarakkaidentraderskauppiaiden.
- There was particular interest around 1970 whencompaniesyrityksetwereolivatprosperousvarakkaita, stable and innovative (IPM, 1972, Patten, 1971).
- HeHänthen traded with the Continent, importing French wines and exporting lead, becoming extremelyprosperousvarakkaaksi.
- On the contrary, it came in the course of a remarkable postwar recovery, which was transforming France into a modern,prosperousvarakkaan, and dynamicsocietyyhteiskunnan.
- HeHäncould grow immenselyrichrikas.
- If she wasn't being paid by hisrichrikkaatover indulgent parentshölläkätiset vanhempansa, she would have punished him there and then.
- Crikey, she thought, Jimmy's metrichrikkaitapeopleihmisiä.
- Direct taxes are, as a group, progressive in the UK, taking a larger proportion of the income ofricherrikkaimpienhouseholdstalouksien.
- Fiona Chambers, head of the parent/school partnership, said: `We're not arichrikasschoolkouluand can't afford the continuous cost of vandalism and theft.
- Calculating any extra resource using an index based on doctors' own perceptions of what creates work seems the more valid approach as these will presumably be factors deterring doctors from working inunderprivilegedköyhilläareasalueillaor causing them to limit access so as to avoid overwork.
- A CHARITY which provides holidays forunderprivilegedköyhillechildrenlapsillehas issued a plea for help.
- In this case, `minority ``, in American speak, really meansunderprivilegedköyhiäblacksmustia, similar to those referred to in my article on MaliVai Washington, elsewhere in this issue.
- Both, then, were politicallyunderprivilegedhuono-osaisiagroupsryhmiäin 462.)
- There areunderprivilegedhuono-osaisiaindividualshenkilöitäandgroupsryhmiäin the First World, as well as in the Third and Second Worlds.
- `TheyHewere out of work andunderprivilegedhuono-osaisiaand now they are working for cut rates.
- ANIS MUKHAMETSHINANIS MUKHAMETSHINisonmildlyvain vähänwealthyvarakasby the standards of Russia's nouveaux riches.
- This meant a redistribution of income in the rural sector from thewealthyvarakkailtato the permanentworkerstyöntekijöille, though it may be the case that there was a widening differential in incomes between permanent and temporary workers.
- But, again, the Royal College of Nursing is awealthyvarakasbodylaitos-- unlike BASW or the ADSS -- which could represent its members positively through advertising if necessary.
- This is proving not to be the case, as feelings run increasingly high over what is evolving into a conflict of classes -- between pro-hunting locals and what they feel is awealthyvarakasParisian cliquepariisilainen klikki.
- She lives in Nova Scotia, andshehän'sonwealthyvarakasand energetic.
- So we will increase the additional support, already up by over £300 million a year since 1989, available tolessheikomminwell-offtoimeentulevatpensionerseläkeläiset.
- They also saidlessheikomminwell-offtoimeentulevatconsumers without carskuluttajat, joilla ei ole autoaare losing as superstores move out of town.
- As usual it will be lesswell-offtoimeentulevatsmokerstupakoitsijatwho suffer most as a disproportionate amount of their income will be swallowed up in tax.
- In other words, even ifyou<empty>areoletreasonablykohtuullisen hyvinwell-offtoimeentulevain Los Angeles, the cost of security in your apartment block may soon become prohibitive.
- Arnold Bennett caught this splendidly in the story of Denry Machin, an ambitious andwell-offhyvin toimeentulevayoung councillor, who brought back a local footballing hero to the town at his own expensenuori asianajaja, joka toi paikallisen jalkapallosankarin takaisin kaupunkiin omalla kustannuksellaan.
- Whereas the Victorians had an aversion to the sun, and sometimes faced new houses to the north, thewell-offrikkaatEdwardiansedwardiaanisen ajan ihmisetworshipped it.
- This was also her town; not particularlywell-offhyvin toimeentulevattouriststuristit, Londoners on a free outing, cheap and cheerful communal recreation.
- He guessed that, if anything, he must look like an under-steward employed in a moderatelywell-offhyvin toimeentulevafamilyperhe.
- About Indians who live abroad, he says: `They work long hours, give large discounts, open when everyone else is closed and becomewell-offhyvin toimeentuleviashopkeeperskauppiaita.