This sleep can be quite prolonged;
when he was three
3-vuotiaana ,
in the early hours one night
aamuyöstä with a very high fever and typical picture of Belladonna
korkeassa kuumeessa ja täysin sekavana .
The next morning
Seuraavana aamuna and tidied myself for school.
some hours later
muutamaa tuntia myöhemmin and, feeling refreshed, went out to explore Galway.
and came downstairs to find a plate of bacon and eggs kept warm in the oven, and a flurry of domestic activity already in progress.
the following morning
seuraavana aamuna still wrapped in Dane's arms, and contentment washed over her in a warm wave.
completely refreshed after ten hours of uninterrupted sleep.
; arms waving about, eyes wild and bright, making no sound other than a faint gurgling noise.
certain that I should go home.
to noise and violent movement
meteliin ja rajuun liikkeeseen .
from a dream of Daleks and childhood memories
unesta, jossa oli nähnyt Daleksin ja muistoja lapsuudesta to find herself rocking gently with the motion of a boat
ja huomasi keinuvansa kevyesti veneen liikkeen mukaan .
from a shallow, fitful sleep
pinnallisesta, katkonaisesta unesta and lay listening to the wind moaning forlornly through the shutters of his room.
in the soundproofed luxury of the Princess Grace Hospital
Princess Gracen sairaalan äänieristetyssä ylellisyydessä , none the worse for the two-hour operation.
in hazy sunshine
usvaiseen aamunkoittoon , his head clear, the room freezing in the light of a fresh morning.
On Sunday morning
Sunnuntaiaamuna to bright autumn sunshine and clear blue skies
syksyiseen auringonpaisteeseen kirkkaalta taivaalta .
to the sound of running water in the bathroom
kylpyhuoneesta kuuluvaan juoksevan veden ääneen .
slept late and
with a splitting headache
kamalaan päänsärkyyn .
in the back seat of Bill's cab
Billin taksin takapenkiltä .
Lancaster Gate
Lancaster Gate to find itself accused of doing nothing almost before it had had time to consider doing anything.
as easily as she slept.
The next morning
seuraavana aamuna anxious over what had happened
kiihtyneenä siitä, mitä oli tapahtunut .
and think about Nelly Woodhouse.
But then again,
at two in the morning
kahdelta yöllä covered in sweat
hien peitossa ,
with the absolute conviction that your time on the planet is about to run out
aivan varmana siitä, että aikasi tällä pallolla alkaa olla loppumassa ?
at a quarter past four that morning
vartin yli neljä aamulla to find Lavinia awake beside him, as often she was now in the middle of the night
ja huomannut, että Lavinia hänen vieressään oli hereillä kuten niin usein nykyään yösydännä .
I thought
She had been crying again and her mascara had been washed away and she looked like
an eleven-year-old
yksitoistavuotiaalta after an operation
leikkauksen jälkeen .
I mean,
'm still pleased, even at my old age,
to find himself in handcuffs
ja huomasi olevansa käsiraudoissa , and was taken to Headquarters, while Douglas hastily called a press conference.
on the morning of her twenty-fourth birthday
24-vuotissyntymäpäivänsä aamuna and decided it was time she put her life in order.
She now does yoga, and says that for the first time in her life
and generally finds that thinking positively works.
and he would disappear under a pile of wrapping paper.
I felt like death.
the next morning
seuraavana aamuna with a strange feeling that something was wrong
ja minulla oli outo tunne, että jotain oli vinossa …
only to find himself with forty minutes to kill
vain huomatakseen, että oli herännyt 40 minuuttia liian aikaisin .
about midnight
suunnilleen keskiyöllä .
Work habits (such as
to an alarm clock
herätyskellon soittoon ) that often flow over into responsible social attitudes (such as being a good father) are not being learnt.
early the next day
aikaisin seuraavana päivänä and lay in bed, considering what form my apology should take.
feeling sadder and wiser
surullisempana ja viisaampana ; such was her sense of escape, of relief, that she felt free to grieve.
feeling empty and lethargic as if everything had been drained out of her
tyhjään tunteeseen ja horteessa, kuin kaikki voima olisi valunut pois hänestä ; other mornings, she could hardly wait to get out of bed and begin the day.
limp and exhausted
velttona ja uupuneena ,
shivering with cold
kylmästä täristen .
sleep-logged and weary
uneliaana ja väsyneenä , and every new day was dull.
next morning
seuraavana aamuna ,
determined to make the best of it
päättäväisenä ottaa siitä kaikki irti .
aware of the others breathing and the wind banging the tent fabric
tietoisena toisten hengityksestä ja tuulesta, joka paukuttaa telttakangasta .
out of a nightmare of falling, of rushing water and ground that slipped away beneath his feet
painajaisesta, jossa putosi, jossa hyökyaalto vyöryi häneen ylleen ja maa katosi jalkojen alta .
In the bucket in the cupboard
Kaapissa olevassa sangossa Barry the Time Sprout
Barry-taikaitu to find he was in the wrong chapter
ja huomasi, että oli väärässä luvussa .
, and he had made tea and toast for both of them.
It might help you to doze off but you will probably find that
during the night
yön aikana and can not get back to sleep again.
Next morning
Seuraavana aamuna from an intense dream
syvästä unesta , and did not dare wonder about its meaning.
He clutched me like
a terrified child
kauhistunut lapsi from a nightmare
painajaisesta .
The Gods are never so dangerous as when
in the small hours
pikkutunneilla ,
feeling cold
ja tunsi olonsa hyväksi , and moved over to be closer to Carolyn's warm body.
feeling weak and shaky
heikkona ja täristen , but quite normal.
with a churning mind
mielen myllertäessä and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety.
The next morning
Seuraavana aamuna to the incessant clatter of the mowing arm circling the big meadow
suuren niityn päällä pyörivän leikkuuvarren jatkuvaan kolinaan .
After what seemed like only a doze
Pelkiltä torkuilta tuntuneen ajan jälkeen to daylight, the wind driving hail against the window with a force which threatened to break it
päivänvaloon tuulen heittäessä rakeita ikkunaan niin kovaa, että lasi uhkasi mennä rikki .
to blue skies and glorious sunshine
upeaan auringonpaisteeseen sinitaivaalta .
During the night
yön aikana to the sound of wind in branches
tuulen ulvontaan oksissa .
with a heavy head
pää raskaana .
the next morning
seuraavana aamuna ,
confused and disorientated
hämillään ja sekaisin .
For a fleeting second he wondered if he might be dreaming, but this time
into a nightmare
painajaiseen .
Maybe this is a nightmare and
. …
had slept badly and
and was fighting against the sort of headache that usually came on after a big case was finished.
When we opened the door, Fritz was asleep, but
More than once
to see Ben standing silently there in the half dark, staring at them
ja näki Benin seisovan puoliksi pimeässä heitä tuijottaen .
as we were arriving in Paris
kun saavuimme Pariisiin .
until seven the following morning
ennen kuin seitsemältä seuraavana aamuna .