the men
vain kerran viikossa were allowed a dark suit to go out for the day
friends or relatives
ystäviä tai sukulaisia .
, they saw and fell immediately in love with Greystones.
Eline asked, suddenly excited at the prospect of
the greatest boot and shoe maker
suurimmalla saapas- ja kenkäsuutarilla .
Quaker Elders
Quaker Elders the Director of Social Work in Orkney, Paul Lee, and the Chief Inspector of Police in Inverness
Orkneyn sosiaalityön johtaja Paul Leen ja Invernessin poliisin päätarkastajan on 5 March
5. päivänä maaliskuuta .
A delegation of ten Nonconformist ministers
Kymmenen nonkonformistisen pastorin muodostama ryhmä even
on 10 June
10. päivänä kesäkuuta , saying ``they could not but adhear to them as men constant in the Protestant faith.
My grandmother in Cornwall, as a very old lady
Vanhan isoäitini luona Cornwallissa ,
by many of the village children to whom she was just `Granny
kylän lapsia, jotka kutsuivat häntä mummoksi. .
Across the road,
two little girls who
kaksi pikkutyttöä came in
, eat toffees and gossip, were teetering uncertainly on the edge of the sidewalk.
my relatives
sukulaisteni luona and took the opportunity to do some fell walking in the Lakes.
I handed it to a former flight engineer of 213 when
some years ago
muutama vuosi sitten .
A third followed after two more days, when
Sergeant Joe
kersantti Joe Mr Singleton
herra Singletonin luona in his shop in Charing Cross Road
tämän kaupassa Charing Cross Roadilla and produced two letters ostensibly written by the Duke of Wellington on the eve of Waterloo.
There is a legend that
Maximilian, later Emperor of Mexico
Maximilian, Meksikon tuleva keisari, ,
the Princess
prinsessan luona during her stay in Madeira
Madeiralla oleskelunsa aikana and fell in love with her.