acquit.v 🔎
- On March 6, 1997,Maaliskuun 6. päivänä vuonna 1997a juryvalamiehistöacquittedvapauttiOtegiOteginin the deaths of Inaki Mendiluze and Jose Luis Gonzalezsyytteistä Inaki Mendiluzen ja Jose Luis Gonzalezin murhiin..
- DEDHAM, Massachusetts (AP) ---Boston Red Sox first baseman Mo VaughnBoston Red Soxin ykkösvahti Mo Vaughnwas<empty>acquittedvapautettiinon a charge of drunken drivingrattijuopumussyytteestäafter a two-day trial.
- Consequently,YewYewacquittedvapauttiand dischargedthe accusedsyytetynon all chargeskaikista syytteistä.
- KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.-The Sessions CourtAluetuomioistuintodaytänäänacquittedvapauttithe managing director of Intrakota Consolidated BerhadIntrakota Consolidatedin toimitusjohtajan Berhadinof a charge of allowing the company's bus to emit excessive smokesyytteestä, jonka hän oli saanut antaessaan yhtiön linja-auton päästää ilmoille liikaa savua.
- HeHänetwas<empty>acquittedvapautettiinof charges he forced a Muslim boy to eat porksyytteestä, jonka hän sai pakotettuaan muslimipojan syömään sianlihaa..
- ROME (AP) ---A courttuomioistuinhereTäkäläinenSaturdaylauantaitaacquittedvapauttiformer Italian Premier Bettino Craxisyytteistä Italian entisen pääministerin Bettino Craxinof corruption charges in connection with alleged kickbacks for work on the Rome subway system, jota syytettiin lahjusten vastaanottamisesta Rooman metrojärjestelmän rakentamiseen liittyen.
- On 13 December 1985Joulukuun 13. päivänä 1985JarrettJarrettwas<empty>acquittedvapautettiinof this chargetästä syytteestä, and was awarded £350 costs against the police.
- The New York juryNew Yorkin valamiehistödeliberated for four days beforeacquittingvapauttamistaNoseirNoseirinof Kahane's assassinationKahanen salamurhasyytteestä.
- TheyHeacquittedvapauttivathimhänetof three further charges of indecency and one of buggerykolmesta muusta epäsiveellisyyssyytteestä ja yhdestä rosvouksesta.
- A MOTHER accused of trying to turn herself into a human fireball because she had been rejected by the boss she loved, wept yesterday asa juryvalamiehistöacquittedvapauttiherhänetof attempted arsonsyytteestä tuhopolton yritykseen.
- Another point relates to the fact that, in the first case,the juryvalamiehistöacquittedvapauttithe defendantsvastaajanof one chargeyhdestä syytteestäand convicted them of Both charges arose out of the same facts.
- FORMER Liverpool City Council deputy leader Derek Hatton and two other peopleENTINEN Liverpoolin kaupunginhallituksen varapuheenjohtaja Derek Hatton ja kaksi muuta henkilöäwere<empty>yesterdayeilenformallyvirallisestiacquittedvapautettiinof one charge of conspiring to defraud the city councilsyytteestä, jonka mukaan he suunnittelivat kaupunginvaltuustoon kohdistuvaa petosta.
- Leese claimed that his `martyrdom ``had been achieved against the wishes ofthe Jury whovalamiehistönhad, joka oliacquittedvapauttanuthimhäneton the serious chargevakavasta syytteestä.
- General GaltieriKenraali Galtieriwas<empty>acquittedjulistettiin syyttömäksion human rights chargesihmisoikeusloukkauksiinbut sentenced first by a military court, then, on appeal, by a civilian court on his conduct of the 1982 Falklands War.
- Since 1986GottiGottihad faced three previous trials andhad beenoliacquittedjulistettu syyttömäksion all chargeskaikkiin syytteisiin.
- In June 1991Kesäkuussa 1991theyhewere<empty>acquittedjulistettiin syyttömiksion all chargeskaikkiin syytteisiinand proceedings under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 were discontinued.
- A GROUP of criminal lawyers is to complain to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Mackay, about the huge legal bill forsix paratrooperskuuden laskuvarjohyppääjänacquittedvapauttamisestalast weekviime viikollaon charges arising out of a fracas in Coalislandmetelin aiheuttamisesta Coalislandissa saamastaan syytteestä.
- HeHänetwas<empty>acquittedvapautettiin syytteestäon May 25, 1990,toukokuun 25. päivänä vuonna 1990largely because of contradictory statements by witnessespaljolti todistajien ristiriitaisten lausuntojen vuoksi.
- Althoughthe juryvalamiehistöacquittedvapauttihimhäneton one murder chargeyhdestä murhasyytteestä, it was deadlocked over a second and a riot charge, and a retrial was arranged for Sept. 17.
- In 1984Vuonna 1984an all-white juryvain valkoihoisista koostuva valamiehistöhadoliunanimouslyyksimielisestiacquittedvapauttanut syytteistäfive Western Australian police officersviisi Länsi-Australiasta kotoisin olevaa poliisiaon charges arising from Pat's deathosuudesta Patin kuolemaan.
acquittal.n 🔎
- Mr Justice Stable told a jury that the words `to deprave and corrupt ``must not be construed as `to shock and disgust, which is not a criminal offence, the argument Lord Gardiner had deployed in gaining anacquittalvapauttavan tuomionin the Lady Chatterley caseLady Chatterleyn jutussa.
- All four of the white Los Angeles police officersKaikki neljä valkoihoista Los Angelesin poliisia,whose, joidenacquittalvapauttava tuomioin the Rodney King beating caseRodney Kingin pahoinpitelyjutussasparked several days of rioting in the city in late April and early May [see p. 38894], were indicted by a grand jury on Aug. 4 on federal charges of violating King's civil rights.
- There are fears that theacquittalvapauttava tuomioof William LozanoWilliam Lozanonwill set off renewed riots in a city fraught with racial tension between Hispanic and black communities.
- That day brought theacquittalvapauttavan tuomionof a white police officer, William Lozanovalkoihoiselle poliisille William Lozanolle,of the killing of two black men in January 1989, jota syytettiin kahden mustan miehen tappamisesta tammikuussa 1989..
- The outcome of many of the contested cases with regard to both rape and sexual assault allegations goes beyond anacquittalvapauttavan tuomionof the accusedsyytetyille.
- The Netherlands Court of Appeals on July 5 overturned the murder conviction of Gerald Harte and upheld theacquittalvapauttavan tuomionof three other Irish people, Sean Hick, Paul Hughes and Donna Maguirekolmelle muulle irlantilaiselle eli Sean Hickille, Paul Hughesille ja Donna Maguirelle.
- Theacquittalvapauttavan tuomioof four white officersneljän valkoihoisen poliisinin April last yearviime vuoden huhtikuussaled to rioting in LA
- HisHänenarrest and ultimateacquittalvapauttava tuomionsaon cocaine smuggling chargeskokaiinin salakuljetusjutussamade headlines in the mid-1980s.
- Although Mondello was convicted of lesser charges, including riot,hishänenacquittalvapauttamisensaon the murder countsmurhasyytteestäwas unanticipated because the evidence against him was generally considered to be stronger than that which had led to Fama's conviction.
- Mr Fitzwilliam'sHra Fitzwilliaminacquittalvapauttaminen syytteestäcame two weeks after Mr John Briggs, deputy chairman of engineering group Wheway, was cleared of allegations of illegal share trading.
- The defendant'sVastaajanacquittalvapauttaminen syytteestäis not affected.
- For Austin Donnellan,yesterday'seilinenacquittalvapauttaminen syytteestäshould end the matter.
- As Ammianus ironically remarks, there are few who can remember anyacquittalsvapauttavia tuomioitaunder ConstantiusKonstantinuksen ajalta.
- … For the conviction of the guilty is a public interest, asis thesamoin kuinacquittalvapauttaminen syytteestäof the innocentsyyttömien.
- After theacquittalsyytteet purettiinof ``Inside Linda Lovelaceteosta "Inside Linda Lovelace" kohtaan esitetytin 1976vuonna 1976, the authorities largely abandoned the attempt to prosecute books for which any claim of literary merit could be made.
- A conviction -- or, for that matter, anacquittalvapauttava tuomio--by a juryvalamiehistön antamais no more than an expression of opinion by at least ten out of twelve people about the defendant's guilt.
- ``Freedom of the Press was the chant which greetedjuryvalamiehistön antamiaacquittalsvapauttavia tuomioitaof courageous publishersrohkeiden kustantajien.
- Those items would not in the event have been proceeded against, because prosecuting authorities would fear ajuryvalamiehistön antamaaacquittalvapauttavaa tuomiota.
- However, the tumult in Cornwall caused by his imprisonment may well have been sufficient to secure theacquittalvapauttava tuomioand release of Trelawney and the other six bishops.
- The verdict ofacquittalVapauttava tuomiowas easily predictable but was, nevertheless, a great relief.
clear.v 🔎
- Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, another presidential candidate at the forum, saida Senate inquirysenaatin välikysymyshasonclearedpuhdistanutRamosRamosinof involvement in the land scandalnimen maankäyttöskandaaliin liittyen.
- Palestinian Authority officialsPalestiinalaishallinnon virkamiehet ovatunequivocallyyksiselitteisesticlearedvapauttaneetIsraelIsraelin syytöksistä.
- Back in November,the 27-year-old left-back27-vuotias vasen laitapuolustajawas<empty>clearedvapautettiinof misconductväärinkäytössyytteistäwhen he tested positive for the amphetamine ``speed but convinced an FA disciplinary panel that a friend has spiked his drink.
- The two Koreans firmsKaksi korealaista elokuvaahave been cited for alleged dumping each year since 1993 but each timehave beenonclearedvapautettuof the chargesyytteestä.
- After the closed-door session, several legislators said the Palestinian Authority acted hastily whenitseclearedvapauttiIsraelIsraelinof blamesyytöksistäwhile the investigation was still going on.
- Also Tuesday, Hamas leaders stepped up their criticism ofthe Palestinian Authoritypalestiinalaishallintoa kohti,which, jokaclearedoli vapauttanutIsraelIsraelin syytöksistäin the March 29 killing of the group's chief bombmaker, jotka se oli saanut 29. maaliskuuta ryhmän pommimiehen murhasta.
- Prosecutors are asking the state's highest court to reinstate Ms. Woodward's second-degree murder conviction; the defense wantsherhänetclearedvapauttaaof all chargeskaikista syytteistä.
- AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) ---Controversial Northern Bulls prop Johan le RouxKiistelty Northern Bulls -joukkueen Johan le Rouxwas<empty>clearedvapauttiby the Super 12 judiciarySuper 12 -tuomioistuinSaturdaylauantainaon a charge of stomping on Auckland captain Michael Jonessyytteistä, joiden mukaan hän olisi hyökännyt Aucklandin kapteenin Michael Jonesin kimppuun.
- The courtOikeusclearedvapauttiNovodvorskayaNovodvorskayanof a separate charge of ``insulting the honour and dignity of the USSR President"SNTL:n presidentin kunnian ja arvon loukkaamisesta" saamastaan erillissyytteestä..
- Ray Diamond, foreman ofjury in Miami whichMiamin valamiehistön puheenjohtaja, jokaclearedvapauttiamanmiehenof raperaiskaussyytteestä.
- Women's groups have responded angrily to thejuryvalamiehistön's decisionto<empty>clearvapauttaaAustin DonnellanAustin Donnellanof raperaiskaussyytteestä.
convict.v 🔎
- Or would it be fairerto<empty>convicttuomitathe harm-doertekijäof a lesser offencepienemmän rikoksen, thus ignoring the chance result?
- In 1988Vuonna 1988an Alabama juryAlabaman valamiehistöconvictedtuomitsi15-year-old Clayton Flowers15-vuotiaan Clayton Flowersinof capital murdermurhastaand recommended a sentence of life in prison without parole.
- Mrs Mandela and FalatiRouva Mandela ja Falatiwere<empty>convictedtuomittiinlast yearviime vuonnaof kidnapping and assaulting four township activists, including `Stompie ``Moeketsi, whose body was later found in the bush near Sowetoneljän aktivistin kidnappauksesta ja päällekarkauksista. Heidän joukossaan oli Stompie Moeketsi, jonka ruumis löytyi myöhemmin pensaikosta läheltä Sowetoa..
- TWO ULSTER menKaksi ulsterilaista miestäwere<empty>convictedtuomittiinlast weekviime viikollafor possession and trying to smuggle drugs into the Republichuumeiden hallussapidosta ja salakuljetusyrityksestä tasavaltaan.
- The juryValamiehistödeliberated for only 10 hours beforeconvictingtotesiMr BakkerMr Bakkerinon all chargessyylliseksi kaikkiin syytteisiin.
- The juryValamiehistöconvictedtuomitsihimhäneton the counts of theftvarkaudesta, but by directions of the recorder returned no verdict on the section 15(1) count.
- The juryValamiehistö, however,convictedtuomitsihimhäneton this counttämän syytteen perusteella, and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment on each count to run concurrently.
- A juryValamiehistöhadoliearlieraiemminconvictedtuominnutDuncanDuncaninof assaulting Andrew Clarkson by punching him on the head and body to his severe injury and permanent disfigurementAndrew Clarksoniin kohdistuneesta päällekarkauksesta sekä kehoon ja päähän kohdistuneista iskuista ja pysyvästä kosmeettisesta haitasta.
- Despite his apology,a religious courtuskonnollinen tuomioistuinconvictedantoihimhänelleof using insulting languagerangaistuksen loukkaavasta kielenkäytöstä.
- But Carter has always protested his innocence and in letters from prison, constantly questions the evidence usedto<empty>convicttuomitsemiseensahimhänen.
- Spencer denied having been at the scene when the attack took place butthe juryvalamiehistötook just less than twenty minutesto<empty>convicttuomitsemiseensahimhänen.
- That would put a lighter burden on the prosecution, and improve the chances ofconvictingtuomitsemisessaan offenderrikoksentekijän.
- In JulykesäkuussaMr PetterssonHerra Petterssonwas<empty>convictedtuomittiinby a the crown courtrikostuomioistuimessain a split decision where the majority, consisting of lay assessors, unanimously voted in favour of a life sentenceäänestyksen jälkeen päätöksellä, jossa maallikkojäsenistä koostuva enemmistö äänesti yksimielisesti kuolemanrangaistuksen puolesta.
- Anderson, who had pleaded not guilty and claimed the woman had handed him `sex on a plate ``Anderson, joka ei tunnustanut syyllisyyttään ja joka väitti naisen "tarjonneen itseään tarjottimella",,was<empty>convictedtuomittiinby a 10-2 majorityenemmistön äänin 10 - 2of raping the woman on 4 April, last yearnaisen raiskauksesta 4. huhtikuuta viime vuonna.
- Several menuseita miehiäwere<empty>convictedtuomitsiby a juryValamiehistöeven though the evidence which was laid before the court to support the charge was inconsistent.
- Ennis, 33, of Roehampton, south LondonEnnis, 33, eteläisen Lontoon Roehamptonista,was<empty>convictedtuomittiinby Kingston Crown CourtKingstonin rikostuomioistuimessayesterdayeilenof indecently assaulting a 25-year-old student last Novembertörkeästä 25-vuotiaaseen opiskelijaan kohdistuneesta päällekarkauksesta viime marraskuussa.
- On 7 August 19897. elokuuta 1989Kenneth Stephen PeggKenneth Stephen Peggwas<empty>convictedtuomittiinby a jury at St. Albans Crown CourtSt. Albansin tuomioistuimessaof murdermurhasta.
- ZhivkovZhivkovwas<empty>convictedtuomittiinby a panel of judgestuomarien äänestyksen jälkeenon a 4-to-3 voteäänin 4 - 3.
- Mrs Frak, a state enrolled nurseRva Frak, valtion palveluksessa oleva sairaanhoitajahad beenoliconvictedtuomittuby magistratestuomareiden päätökselläof common assault on Mrs Sarah Fribbinsrouva Sarah Fribbinsiin kohdistuneesta hyökkäyksestä.
- It was later revealed that Mr Argles had employeda boy whopojanhad been, joka oliconvictedtuomittuof offences against young childrenpieniin lapsiin kohdistuneista rikoksista.
- Did you knowhe, että hänet'd beenoliconvictedtuomittuof drunken drivingrattijuopumuksesta?
- Fifty-six years ago56 vuotta sittenin TennesseeTennesseessäa teacher named Charles Scopesopettaja nimeltä Charles Scopeswas<empty>convictedtuomittiinin a court caseoikeudessaof teaching evolution to his pupilsevoluution opettamisesta oppilailleen.
- BaragiolaBaragiolahad previously beenoli aikaisemminconvictedtuomittuof murdermurhastain ItalyItaliassa, but had escaped in 1980 and obtained Swiss citizenship.
- This represents the literal approach to the construction of the section, which stipulates simply thatthe courtoikeus, `after hearing the evidence and the partiesosapuolten esittämien todistusten jälkeen,shalltuleeconvicttuomitsemaanthe accusedsyytetynor dismiss the information.
- TheyHecould have accepted the arguments of the prosecution and the apparent evidence of the video footage andconvictedtuomitathe four Los Angeles police officersneljä poliisia Los Angelesista.
- I knew that ifthe juryvalamiehistöconvictedolisi tuominnutMenziesMenziesinthe file would be closed and no eyes would ever be turned in my direction.
- The president and councillors were supposed to encourage an amicable settlement, but if they failedthe presidentpresidentticouldvoisiconvicttuomitawrongdoersväärintekijätand fine them up to twenty rupees.
- The Law Society will have powers to suspenda solicitorasianajajaconvicted, joka on tuomittuof a serious crimevakavasta rikoksestafrom practice before taking disciplinary proceedings, and to intervene in the practices of solicitors who are incapacitated or have abandoned their practices.
- A CROWN court judge is considering recommending the deportation ofa manmiehenconvicted, joka on tuomittuof deceptionpetoksesta.
- Now, you might feel that there is a significant difference between a murderer or bank robber andsomeone whojonkun sellaisen välillähas been wrongfully, joka on virheellisesticonvictedtuomittuof murder or bank robberymurhasta tai pankkiryöstöstä.
- Most of those released arenon-political prisonersepäpoliittisia vankejaconvicted, jotka on tuomittuof criminal offencesrikoksista, but a number of prisoners of conscience will also be released.
- The burglarMurtovarasnot only lost his civil action against the owner butwas also presumablyluultavasti myösconvictedtuomittiinat the local criminal courtspaikallisessa rikostuomioistuimessa-- it just wasn't his lucky day.
- The forestersMetsän asukkaatwere frequentlyuseinconvictedtuomittiinat the Forest EyresForest Eyre -tuomioistuimessaof trespasses against vert and venison, and of oppressive conduct towards the forest inhabitantsriistaan ja metsään kohdistuneista rikkeistä sekä metsänväkeen kohdistuneesta ahdistelusta.
- The Yugoslav federal criminal law was changed in 1990 andmany peoplemonetconvictedtuomitutfor similar non-violent political activitysamanlaisesta, väkivallattomasta poliittisesta toiminnastawere released.
- In these cases,magistratestuomaritare much more likelyto<empty>convicttuomitsevatfor technical breaches of highly technical ruleserittäin teknisten sääntöjen teknisistä rikkomuksista.
- NobodyKetäänwas ever officiallyei virallisesticonvictedtuomittufor the murder of Alfred OliverAlfred Oliverin murhasta.
- Thirdly, the image of rape portrayed is misleading and may encourage mistaken beliefs by judges and juries, so thattheyhedo noteivätconvictanna tuomiotain cases which fall outside this narrow stereotypetapauksissa, jotka ovat tämän kapean stereotypian ulkopuolella.
- The Iraqi authorities on Nov. 24 releasedthe South African-born British businessman, Ian RichterEtelä-Afrikassa syntyneen brittiliikemiehen Ian Richterin, imprisoned in Iraq since July 1986 andconvictedjoka on tuomittuin February 1987helmikuussa 1987of bribery and forgery chargeslahjonta- ja väärennösrikoksista.
- A UN arbitration panel ruled on May 8 that France had committed ``substantial violations of a 1986 UN accord by repatriatingtwo French agentskaksi ranskalaista agenttiaconvicted, jotka on tuomittuin New ZealandUudessa-Seelannissaof sabotage and manslaughtersabotaasista ja taposta.
- AndColin FrenchColin French,convicted, jotka on tuomittuon 65 counts of cruelty to his farm animals65 tuotantoeläimen rääkkäyksestä, was this week sentenced to 3 months in jail, subject to appeal.
- Sir Leon extended early parole to many more short-sentence prisoners and virtually abolished it forlong-term offenderstaparikollisiaconvicted, jotka ovat saaneeton drugs, sex, arson, and violence chargeshuume-, seksuaalirikos- ja väkivaltatuomioita.
- A number of peopleMonia ihmisiäconvictedon tuomittuunder Article 100Artiklan 100 perusteellawere subsequently released from prison, including Huang Hwa, Taiwan's most prominent dissident, on May 18.
- A MOTHERÄITIwas<empty>yesterdayeilenconvictedtuomittiinof assaulting her daughter by smacking her bottom with a slippertyttären pahoinpitelystä tohvelilla takapuoleen.
- The womanNainenconvicted, joka tuomittiinof killing one manyhden miehen tapostaalways denied killing or even knowing the other.
- These powers were employed with telling effect on a series of `H-block ``marches, whenhundreds of peoplesatoja ihmisiäwere arrested andconvictedtuomittiinfor taking part in prohibited marches or not observing the 5-day ruleosanotosta kielletyille marsseille tai 5 päivän säännön laiminlyönnistä.
- The driverKuljettajarefused and was in due courseconvictedtuomittiinby justicesoikeudessaof failing to provide a specimen without reasonable excusenäytteestä kieltäytymisestä ilman pätevää syytä.
- The Supreme Court on May 4 took a further step in the ongoing process of restricting the rights ofprisonersvankienconvicted, jotka on tuomittuby state judicial systemsvaltion oikeusistuimissato have their cases reviewed in federal courts.
- Whichever account is true, one thing is sure, and that is thathehäntäwas neverei koskaanconvictedtuomittu.
- Sonone of the executivesketään johtohenkilöistäwas everei koskaanconvictedtuomittu.
- Another point relates to the fact that, in the first case,the juryvalamiehistöacquitted the defendants of one charge andconvictedtuomitsithemheidätof Both chargesmolempien syytteiden perusteellaarose out of the same facts.
conviction.n 🔎
- Charged with disorderly conduct and with discharging stones from a catapult to the common danger, he was found to have four previousconvictionssyytettäagainst him<empty>for gambling, disorderly behaviour and stone-throwinguhkapelistä, rähinöinnistä ja kivien heittelystä.
- A federal Appeals Court of the Second Circuit on July 29 overturned theconvictionssyytteetagainst Robert Garcia, a former member of the House of Representatives, and his wife Jane Lee Garciaaiempaa edustajainhuoneen jäsentä Robert Garciaa ja hänen vaimoaan Jane Lee Garciaa vastaan.
- He already had anotherrobberyryöstö-convictiontuomioagainst him<empty>, the court was told.
- If, in any case following trial andconvictiontuomionby the juryvalamiehistön antaman, the judge were to die before passing sentence, there would be no court seised of the case by which sentence could be passed.
- Act 1974 is liable to unlimited fines and/or up to two years imprisonment afterconvictiontuomion jälkeenby a Crown Courtrikostuomioistuimen.
- Once an associate of criminals such as the Krays and Richardsons, he has a number ofconvictionssyytteitäfor violent crimeväkivaltarikoksista.
- The man hasconvictionssyytteitäfor violenceväkivaltarikoksistaand failed to return from home leave three weeks ago.
- The investigation was given fresh life with theconvictiontuomion myötäin January 1991tammikuussa 1991of 10 soyabean brokers and traders10 soijapapujen myyjälle ja välittäjälle annetun[see p. 37954].
- The first related to conviction under s.10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act 1934, while the second concernedconvictiontuomionunder the mail and wire fraud statutespuhelin- ja kirjepetoksista.
- In 1989 -- the latest date for which figures are available -- there were more than 1,500convictionssyytettäunder section 139 of the 1988 ActVuoden 1988 lain kohdan 139 mukaan.
- At the Court of Appeal in Edinburgh yesterday Andrew Wolfenden, 22, of Revoch Drive, Knightswood, had his Glasgow policecourtantamanconvictiontuomionfor assaulting a police officerpoliisin kimppuun käymisestäquashed.
- But today, even afterher<empty>convictiontuomionsa jälkeenand serving her prison sentence, the Baroness insists she did nothing wrong.
- Hopkins, during the later months of 1967 was being visited, rather than visiting, afterhishänenmarijuanamarihuana-convictiontuomionsa jälkeen.
- Ifsexual assaultseksuaalisesta väkivallasta saadunconvictionssyytteenare rendered easier to acquire, because, for example, of restrictions on sexual history evidence, guilty pleas become more likely.
- The poll is being held to replace Sinn Fein's Hugh Brady who resigned his seat last month after adrugshuume-convictiontuomionsa jälkeen.
- The judges substituted amanslaughtertappo-convictiontuomionand a seven-year sentence, which Richens, now 23, has served.
- But McGlinchey, who was convicted of IRA membership and possessing weapons in 1976, insisted the company was fully aware of his republican background andhishänenterroristterrorismista saamastaanconvictiontuomiosta.
- In that case theconvictiontuomiotof three youthskolmen nuorukaisenin 1972vuonna 1972was later overturned by the Court of Appeal in a judgment which by implication raised disturbing questions about police interrogations, especially of juveniles and the mentally handicapped.
- Although the investigation had resulted in theconvictiontuomioihinof 34 individuals and four corporations34 yksityishenkilön ja 4 yrityksen saamiinand secured damages of nearly $32,000,000, it was increasingly criticized for its slow pace.
- Convictionstuomiotfor drink/ driving offencesrattijuopumus-among womenNaisten saamatare three times the 1974 level.
- The NRA initiated 297 prosecutions during 1992, obtainingconvictionstuomionin all but seven casesseitsemää tapausta lukuun ottamatta kaikissa muissa.
- A racehorse trainer who appealed against acrueltyeläinrääkkäys-convictiontuomiostaan,has had his fines and costs more than doubled.
- But yesterday the Appeal Court quashedherhänenmurdermurha-convictiontuomionsaas `unsafe and unsatisfactory ``.
- An MP is calling for a review of themurdermurha-convictionstuomiotof two menkahden miehen.
- Fisherman Anthony Anderson had already hadhishänenconvictiontuomionsaquashed.
- Poindexter'sPoindexterinconvictiontuomiowas quashed in a split two-to-one judgement on the grounds that the recollection of trial witnesses had been tainted by testimony which he had given before Congress under immunity in 1987.
- Colin's friends David Higgins, of Alder Road, Stockton, and Stephen Lea, of Diamond Road, Thornaby, also hadtheir<empty>convictionstuomiotfor killing widow Mrs Simpsonleskirouva Simpsonin tapostaquashed by the three appeal judges.
find.v 🔎
- The judgeTuomarifoundpitimost damninglylangettavinaagainst Union Discountammattiyhdistysliikkeen alennuksia.
- The men who were acquitted, Danial Winter, who's 19, and Wisdom Smith, who's also 19, had nothing to say after the judge directedtheyheilleshould betulisifoundantaanot guiltyvapautus tuomiosta.
- The juryValamiehistöreturned within minutes,findingtotesiboth menmolemmat miehetguiltysyyllisiksi.
- On Thursdaytorstainaa juryValamiehistöfoundtotesithe youthnuorukaisenguilty of wounding Mr Lay, 19, of Anderson Walk, Bury, with intent to cause him grievous bodily harmsyylliseksi herra Layn, 19, pahoinpitelyyn, jonka tarkoituksena oli aiheuttaa uhrille vakavaa ruumiillista kärsimystä.
- Earlieraiemmin,the Winchester Crown Court juryWinchesterin rikostuomioistuinfoundtotesiTaylor, of Boscombe Overcliff Drive, BournemouthTaylorin Bournemouthin Boscombe Overcliff Drivelta,guilty of soliciting a convicted burglar, Louis Matthews, to murder Monica Taylor in a contract killingsyylliseksi tuomitun murtovarkaan Louis Matthewsin palkkaamisesta Monica Taylorin palkkamurhaan.
- The man, from Harlesden, north LondonPohjois-Lontoon Harlesdenista oleva mies,was<empty>foundtodettiinguiltysyylliseksiat the Old BaileyOld Baileyn tuomioistuimessaof eight specimen charges of rapekahdeksaan eri raiskaussyytteeseen.
- `Doyou<empty>find<empty>the defendant, Paul Menziesvastaaja Paul Menzies,guilty or not guiltysyyllinen vai syytön?
- Last Marchviime maaliskuussamagistrates at AmershamAmershamin tuomaritfoundtotesivatboth menmolemmat miehetguilty of crueltysyyllisiksi julmuuksiin.
- A jury at Liverpool Crown CourtLiverpoolin rikostuomioistuimen valamiehistöltätook nearly four hoursto<empty>findtoteamiseksiWarren Green, 27Warren Greenin, 27,guiltysyylliseksiby a unanimous verdictyksimielisellä päätöksellä.
- Mr PerlHra Perldenied making the remarks butthe tribunaltuomioistuinfoundtotesiagainst himsyylliseksi.
- He disputed the design of the trick box produced by Stolley and Evans, and the case went tothe House of LordsYlähuoneeseen,whojokafoundtotesiagainst himhänet syylliseksi.
- The Board of Review allowed the taxpayer's appeal, butthe High CourtKorkein oikeusfoundtuomitsifor the Commissionerasiamiehen eduksi.
verdict.n 🔎
- THE MAN sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the Swedish prime minister, Olof Palme, was acquitted yesterday after the appeal court overturned theverdicttuomionagainst himhänelle annetun.
- Following theverdicttuomionat Manhattan Federal CourtLiittovaltion Manhattanin tuomioistuimen antaman, the pair face another hearing to decide how much money they are owed.
- An article which appeared in the paper contained comments by three jurors on what occurred when they retired to considertheir<empty>verdictpäätöstäänin one of the most complex trials in British legal historyeräässä Britannian oikeushistorian monimutkaisimmista jutuista..
- In the same week as theverdictspäätöksen kanssain the Guinness trialGuinnessin oikeudenkäynninthe Department of Trade and Industry published a report into the Lloyds' insurance market which suggested that big frauds were almost impossible to prevent:
- In our report on theverdictspäätöksessäof the Giacometti fake trialGiacomettin petosoikeudenkäynnissä annetussain The Art Newspaper No. 15, February 1991, p.3 we incorrectly stated that Mr David Bernstein was given a two-year jail sentence and fined.
- `You must abide by theverdictpäätöstäof the courtoikeuden, for you perforce come within human jurisdiction.
- Never before had Dustin been so exposed or felt such trepidation while awaitingtheir<empty>verdicttuomiotaon himhänelle annettavaa.
- `What I don't see is what it has to do with theverdicttuomion kanssaon DandyDandyn.
- The inspector in charge of both investigations hopes thattoday'stämänpäiväinenverdictpäätöswill encourage other victims to come forward.
- The jury in the trial of a man accused of murdering his girlfriend's cousin will be sent out to considerits<empty>verdictpäätöstääntomorrow.
- Intheir<empty>majorityenemmistö-verdictpäätöksessäänthey also expressed the view that the crime was committed under provocation.
- For Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh, the head of the three-year investigation into the scandal, thePoindexterPoindexterinverdicttuomiowas the eighth conviction of an Iran-contra participant.
- Left: San José State students sing the black national anthem and protest theKing trialKingin oikeudenkäynninverdicttuomiosta
- Perhaps there should be a review of possible alternativeverdictstuomioihinunder the Theft ActsTheft Act -lainsäädännön mukaisiin.
- Will she insist on aguiltylangettavaaverdicttuomiotaand mandatory death sentence?
- Two or three days later I read in the Scotsman that the jury of fifteen had found Meehan guilty by amajorityenemmistö-verdictpäätöksellä.
- On the following day the jury signed averdictpäätöksenthat the 1277 perambulation still set forth the true bounds, jonka mukaan vuoden 1277 mukaiset rajat olivat edelleen voimassa.
- The original 33-month trial ended in January 1990 whenthe juryvalamiehistöreturnedverdictstuomiotof not guiltysyyttömiksi tuomittujenon 52 counts of sexual molestation52 seksuaalisessa häirintätapauksessa, but was unable to reach a conclusion on a further 13 counts.
- The judge has told the jury he will consider amanlaughtertappo-verdicttuomiotaagainst one of the meneräälle miehistä.
- Thousands of protesters were expected to take to the streets again today, angered bythe jury'stuomioistuimenverdictpäätöksestäin the killing of physician and former guerrilla leader Hugo Spadaforalääkärin ja entisen sissijohtajan Hugo Spadaforan tapossa.
- TheunanimousYksimielinenverdicttuomiowas`guilty ``langettava.
- At his trial six months later Mr Ponting was acquitted by theunanimousyksimielinenverdictpäätösof a juryValamiehistön.
- A juryValamiehistöconvicted Christopher How on two fraud charges yesterday, and delivered five moreguiltylangettavaaverdictstuomiotaafter spending the night in a hotel.
- Todaythe juryvalamiehistöwere ordered to enter a formalnot guiltyvapauttavanverdicttuomion.
- A Chelmsford Crown Court juryChelmsfordin rikostuomioistuimen valamiehistölast nighteilenfailed to reach averdicttuomiotaon a charge against Gerard Wing of causing actual bodily harm to Pc Colin ElsegoodGerard Wingiä vastaan nostetussa poliisi Colin Elsegoodiin kohdistuneessa väkivaltasyytteessä.
- The jury -- composed of 10 blacks and two whites -- announceditselfitsensäunable to reach averdictpäätöstäon 12 other counts, including a further nine misdemeanour drug charges and three felony counts of perjury12 muussa syytteessä, mukaan lukien yhdeksän syytettä huumerikoksista ja kolme syytettä törkeästä väärästä valasta.
- The jury withdrew for two hours and returned with amajorityenemmistö-verdictpäätöksenof `not guilty ``vapauttavan.
- That is what the jury thought too, and after an absence of two and a half hours returnedguiltylangettavaaverdictstuomiotaagainst all threekaikkia kolmea vastaan.
- This was rejected by the judge, howeverthe juryvalamiehistöreturned averdicttuomionof not guiltyvapauttavanon this counttässä syytteessä.
- AjuryValamiehistöreturnednot guiltyvapauttavanverdictstuomionon two charges against the former deputy council leader over car park deals in Liverpoolkahdessa entistä kaupunginvaltuuston varajohtajaa vastaan nostetussa, Liverpoolissa tapahtunutta pysäköintiliiketoimintaa koskevassa syytteessä.
- He also formally directed thejuryvalamiehistönto return anot guiltyvapauttavanverdicttuomionon an arson charge against carpenter David Harper, 21, of Uckington, who is not related to the twinstuhopolttosyytteestä, joka oli nostettu Uckingtoninsta kotoisin olevaa David Harperia, 21, vastaan ja jolla ei liittynyt mitenkään kaksosiin.
- Confronted with a murder charge, defence lawyers resolved to try for averdicttuomiotaof manslaughtertapostaon grounds of diminished responsibilityalentuneen syyntakeisuuden perusteella.
- One deals with `lack of care ``in that a failure to fence a pond resulted in a verdict of such negligence as to justify averdicttuomiotaof manslaughtertaposta.
- Penny McAllister's parents welcomed the decision but insisted theverdicttuomioshould have beenmurdermurhastaand the sentence life.