TransFrameNet:Use firearm
discharge.v 🔎
- `There are indications of scorching and the presence of particles of smokeless powder suggest a firearm wound,the weaponasehaving beenolisidischargedlaukaistuat close rangelähietäisyydeltä.
- The spokesman added: `The weaponasewas beingolidischargedlaukaistu, but he must have noticed what was going on because he rang up saying who he was and apologised.
- When you shootyou<empty>canvoitdischargeampuaas many barrels as you wishkuinka monta piipullista tahansa, but you can not fire more than nine shots in the entire game.
- It was an arm's length away and raising its head to hook at him with the horn that was already dark with his father's blood whenhehändischargedampuihis second barreltoisen piipullisensa.
- We did a figure eight around two bulbous tanks marked HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE -- DO NOT SMOKE ORDISCHARGELAUKAISEFIREARMSTULIASEITA.
fire.v 🔎
- A pleasing example of this wasthe `evening gun ``iltalaukausfiredampuiby British artillery, jonka brittitykistöwith clockwork regularitykellon tarkkuudellaat a certain part of the linetietyssä kohdassa linjaa.
- Butthe gunasettahad never beenei ollut koskaanfiredlaukaistu.
- HeHänswung the gun up again,firedampuiwildlyvillistiat that thrashing formtätä repaleista hahmoaand turned back to the staircase.
- ChuckChuckraised his rifle coolly andfiredampuijust as the bull launched itself on him.
- With that same lethargy,hehänsnugged the butt of the rifle into his shoulder andfiredampuiat his motheräitiään.
- `Allyousinunhave to do is stand back andfireampuayour crossbowjousellasiat those green-skinned devilsnoita vihreänahkaisia paholaisia.
- It led to the highest floor where we foundan Iraqi soldierirakilaisen sotilaanfiringampumassaan automatic rifleautomaattikiväärilläthrough a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbagskapeasta aukosta hiekkasäkkien läpi, reloading and firing his weapon until he became exhausted.
- His lamp had gone out and while he was relighting it, our car must have passed andhehänfiredlaukaisihis riflekiväärinsävaguely in our directionsummittaisesti meidän suuntaamme.
- The robbersRyöstäjätran off down a nearby street, butfiredlaukaisivattheir gunaseensaagainuudelleenat a women who was looking at them through the window of a hairdressers shopkohti naista, joka katsoi heidän suuntaansa kampaamon ikkunasta.
- Unlessyou<empty>firelaukaisea gunasettafrom the hiplonkaltait's all Outside; you point and aim and that's it, unless the sights are out or there's a really high wind.
- Another gangToinen jengifiredampuia pistolpistoolillathrough the window of a hostel in Poettmeshostellin ikkunan läpi Poettmesissa, narrowly missing an Albanian family.
- Earlier, Private Lee Clegg (22) told the courthehänhadolifiredampunutthree timeskolme kertaain the vicinity of the car driver's headauton kuljettajan pään lähellä.
- HeHänfiredlaukaisihis pistolpistoolinsain the airilmaanand charged over the top as if he were chasing some errant fox.
- His horse had been slaughtered anda shotgunhaulikollahad beenolifiredammuttuthrough his windowhänen ikkunansa läpiat dead of nightyön pimeydessä.
- This cannonMyös tällä tykillä, too,had beenolifiredammuttua great dealpaljonand although its muzzle had shown no distortion Harry had an uneasy feeling that it might soon be about to burst.
- It had been a while sinceshehän'dolifiredampunuta pistolpistoolillaand the initial retort took even her by surprise.
- HeHänfiredlaukaisiblindlysokeastiat Whitlockkohti Whitlockiaas he turned into Second Avenue.
- ChuckChuckfiredampuifrom a standing positionseisaaltaan, and the deer sprang into the air then fell and lay still.
- Tanjug also claimed 36 children were among those killed at the weekend andpolicepoliisifiredampuiinto the bodies of the woundedhaavoittuneita.
- As horrified guests dived for cover,the gang of fiveviiden joukkofiredampuiinto the crowdväkijoukkoon, killing two white couples, before escaping.
- There is little doubt thatsome Frenchmenjotkut ranskalaisetfiredampuivaton Germanssaksalaisiaduring the raidratsian aikanaand afterwards, although on this occasion no hostages were shot.
- The governments of France and Belgium had expressed concern earlier in the month afterthe policepoliisifiredampuion protestorsmielenosoittajiaon Sept. 22. syyskuuta.
- Police saida lone gunman hiding in undergrowthpensaikossa piileskellyt yksinäinen asemiesfiredampuithrough the security fencingturva-aidan läpiand hit Mr Gallagher in the back several times as he got out of a builder's van.
- National Guard troopsKansalliskaartilaisetreportedlyfiredampuivatin the airilmaanto disperse demonstrators in south-western districts of CaracasCaracasin lounaisosien mielenosoitusten hajottamiseksi, and rioting was reported in Valencia, 80 km west of the capital.
- AdamAdamkeptfiringampuiin short burstslyhyitä sarjojaand drove straight-at the helicopter.
shoot.v 🔎
- `SureI<empty>stillshootammunmy gunsaseillani, ``he growls.
- As they sped away, Carlson could seethree or four figureskolme tai neljä hahmoaaround the car,shootingampumassaautomatic gunsautomaattiaseillainto the flaming vehicleliekehtivää ajoneuvoa.
- HeHänenjoyed a simple life in the country best, being with his grandchildren and his dogs,shootingmetsästäen, and fishing.
- HeHäntook the rifle off his shoulder, aimed it, andshotlaukaisioncekerran.