- Much credit for this transformation is given toteam manager Barry Perkins, a genial and bespectacled Cockney whotiimipäällikkö Barry Perkins, joka on nerokas ja ihailtu Cockney, jokacommuteskulkeeeach weekjoka viikkobetween Richmond and the smokeRichmondin ja pääkaupungin väliä.
- SheHäncommuteskulkee30 miles30 mailiafrom the outskirts of KidderminsterKidderminsterin laitamilta,crossing slow, steep byways over the Malvern Hillsyli hitaiden, jyrkkien sivuteiden, yli Malvernin kukkuloidento Bishop's Frome on the Hereford-Worcester borderBishop's Fromelle Hereford-Worcesterin rajalle.
- Other regulations do their bit;Tokyo residentsTokion asukkaidenhaveto<empty>commutekuljettavahuge distancesvaltavia matkojabecause building restrictions limit the living space available in the capital, koska rakennusrajoitukset rajoittavat heidän elintilaansa pääkaupungissa.
- I own a 1979 Series III SWB 2¼ diesel, whichIMinäuseto<empty>commutekuljen75–80 miles70 - 80 mailiadailypäivittäinto work and backtöihin ja takaisin.
- Some workersJotkut työntekijätcommutekulkevatdailypäivittäinfrom the mining valleyskaivoslaaksoista.
- Alsoworkerstyöläisetare ableto<empty>commutekulkemaandailypäivittäinacross the riverjoen poikki.
- Many othersMonet muutnoware<empty>commutingkulkevatdailypäivittäinfrom the valleyslaaksoistato new industries nearer the coastuusiin työpaikkoihin lähempänä rannikkoa.
- For the next 16 monthsSeuraavien 16 vuoden ajanBlakeBlakecommutedkulkidailypäivittäinbetween his house in Bickley, Kent and MI6's headquarters in Londonkotoaan Kentin Bickleysta MI6:n päämajaan Lontooseen.
- Employees qualified for travel expenses whiletheyhewere<empty>commutingkulkivatbetween the old and new locationsvanhojen ja uusien paikkojen välillä, before moving into accommodation in the new area.
- `I realised then there was nowhere in Ireland offering this sort of treatment and decided to do something about it, ``saidthe businessman wholiikemies, jokacommuteskulkeebetween Northern Ireland and Hong KongPohjois-Irlannin ja Hong Kongin väliä.
- At the timeSiihen aikaanIminäwas<empty>commutingkuljinregularlysäännöllisestibetween Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in EnglandUSA:n Oak Ridgen kansalliskirjaston ja Englannin Rutherford Appleton -laboratorion väliä.
- Ceres was the home world toa most advanced race of beings whoedistyneimpien olentojen, jotkacommutedkulkivatbetween the planetsplaneettojen väliämuch in the way that you or I might take a sixty-five up to Ealing Broadwaypaljolti niin, kuin sinä tai minä ajaisimme kuusvitosella Ealing Broadwaylle.
- CharlesCharlescontinued to live with her in Cambridge,commutingkulkiby carautollato IpswichIpswichiinto teach his classesopettamaan luokkaansa, and staying there for a night or two each week.
- Defending a minuscule majority of 147,hehäncommuteskulkeeassiduouslyuutterastiby trainjunallabetween Westminster and the railway-rooted constituencyWestminsterin ja rautatien päässä olevan vaalipiirinsä välillä.
- Not only that, buthehänrefused to leave Sweden andwould<empty>commutekulkisiby Volvo, North Sea Ferry and British RailVolvolla, pohjanmeren lautalla ja Britannian rautateillä.
- IMinäcommutekuljenfrom DunfermlineDunfermlinestato EdinburghEdinburghiinto work for an enlightened firm of architects which designed into its office a shower facility, which allows me to cycle in all weatherstöihin arkkitehtitoimistoon, jonka tiloissa on suihkut, joten voin pyöräillä sinne säällä kuin säällä.
- Mr David Wickert, a charity's aid organiser whoDavid Wickert, hyväntekeväisyystoimija, jokacommuteskulkeefrom KentKentistäfour times a weekneljä kertaa viikossa, said: `Hurtling along at 60 mph with the train crammed full is terribly dangerous.
- Tory backbencher Richard Body sees farming rather differently ashehäncommuteskulkeefrom his Lincolnshire constituencyLincolnshiren vaalipiiristään.
- BobBobcommutedkulkifrom Rochester and the Isle of WightRochesterista ja Isle of Wightilta,to check on progress with the wing rebuildtarkistamaan kehitystä korjatulla lentokoneellaan.
- They may also have cricket's champion talker infast bowler Brent `Bomber ``Smith whonopeassa keilaajassa Brent "Bomber" Smithissä, jokacommuteskulkeefrom StocktonStocktonistaand looks like a 39-year-old Clark Gable.
- With the TunnelTunnelin kautta,you<empty>canvoidaancommutekulkeato the CityLontooseenfrom FranceRanskastafaster than from, say, Wiltshire or Dorset -- which are the in places to live at the moment.
- In particular, many people have moved to the Wirral peninsula andtheyhecommutekulkevatto LiverpoolLiverpooliinthrough the Mersey tunnelMersey-joen tullelin kauttaorby ferrylautalla.
- Basically,much of Cramlington's populationsuuri osa Cramlingtonin väestöstäcommutedkulkito NewcastleNewcastleento worktöihinand continued to shop there.
- The ability to communicate cheaply over long distances will reduce the need forworkerstyöntekijöidentocommutekulkeato officestoimistoihin.
- In their second year,Robyn and CharlesRobyn ja Charlesmoved off campus and set up house in a small flat in Brighton,commutingjosta kulkivatto the Universityyliopistolleby local trainpaikallisjunalla.
- As a result,an increasing proportion of the rural populationyhä suurempi osa maalaisväestöstäno longer work in their home parish or village but insteadcommutekulkevatfor their livingmuualle töihin.
- And of course,after New YearUuden vuoden jälkeenIminäshall betulencommutingkulkemaanup to LondonLontooseen astievery dayjoka päivä.
- IMinähad not moved my family from Felixstowe and used tocommutekuljinhomekotiinon my old battered motor cyclevanhalla kolhiintuneella moottoripyörälläas often as possibleniin usein kuin mahdollistawhich relieved the monotony of existence.
- They had been thinking ofa job in Parma to whichtyötä Parmassa, jonneIminäwould<empty>commutekulkisindailypäivittäin; but this one sounded very interesting, something after my own heart.
- Already, on the dock below, taxis were lining up, waiting for passengers who might want to tour the island independently, rather than join the organisedexcursionsekskursioitaby coachbussilla.
- In the year that Thomas Cook organizedhis<empty>firstexcursiontutkimusmatkansafrom LeicesterLeicesteristäto LoughboroughLoughboroughiin, David Livingstone first set foot in Africa.
- HisHänenfirstexcursiontutkimusmatkansafrom the housetalostatook him no farther than the garden.
- This form of transport was available in Funchal until the early 1980s fortouristturisti-excursionsretkillein the centre of FunchalFunchalin keskustassaandnear the Savoy and Sheraton Hotelslähellä Savoy- ja Sheraton-hotelleja.
- For example, Suzuki and Kawamura advocate a number of formalised initiatives to `support a healthy mental state ``, includingexcursionsretketin a wheelchairpyörätuolissa, assessment of communication and encouraging visiting by family.
- Following many requests for the return of steam, I'm particularly pleased that the programme will include specialexcursionsretkiäin West WalesLänsi-Walesiin.
- ExcursionsTutkimusmatkatinto inner spacemaan sisäänare proving far more dangerous than man's ventures into outer space.
- On the programme, she commented thatherhänenexcursionstutkimusmatkansainto the world of nightyöelämäängive her some very special insights and material which she is then able to use in her novels.
- If you are not going to be carrying heavy weights over rough ground, a range of very lightweight boots becomes available for thoseshortlyhyelläexcursionstutkimusmatkoillainto the countrymaalle.
- `Forget taking the train for an evening at the theatre or theweekendviikonlopunfamilyperhe-excursionretkelleinto the countrymaalle.
- Nigel approved of theseoccasionalsatunnaisetexcursionstutkimusmatkaniof mineminun.
- Since themurderoustappavatexcursionsretketof Jack the RipperViiltäjä-Jackinin London's East EndLontoon East Endissäsome years agomuutama vuosi sitten, the patrolling of streets on both sides of the river had been strictly enforced, particularly on foggy nights.
- And it was then she had decided that war work or not,her daughter'shänen tyttärensäexcursionsretkienwith convalescent woundedtoipilaana olevan haavoittuneen kanssamust stop at once.
- We went for anexcursiontutkimusretkelleto the Peloponnesian mainland oppositevastapäiselle Peloponnesoksen niemimaalle.
- Thirty-two delegates joined apost-conferencekonferenssin jälkeiselleexcursiontutkimusretkelleto the Lake District and the Southern Uplands of Scotlandjärviseudulle ja Skotlannin eteläiselle ylängölle.
- To Frankie, thebrieflyhytexcursionretkito the fairmessuilleis an escape, a passing interlude, a reminder of his young sister in Chicago, whom he misses.
- The near vicinity offersexcursionsretkiäto the legendary Bran Castlelegendaariseen Branin linnaanfor a haunting encounter with Count Dracula's pastkreivi Draculan kammottavan menneisyyden merkeissä, or dining and dancing in the nearby mediaeval town of Brasov.
- Say goodbye by joining in an optionalevening'silta-excursionretkelleand enjoying traditional folk dancing and singing.
- Grimm gibbered in Squattish, obviously regrettinghis<empty>impetuousharkitsematontaexcursionretkeäänto visit the war frontsotatantereelle.
- But the best -- and this added real glamour toourmeidänyearlyjokavuotiseenexcursionsretkeemme-- was the endless hospitality of Mrs Farquhar herself.
- When he brought the coffee in, he also brought a rolled bandage, purchased duringhishänenmorningaamu-excursionretkellään.
- The Enterprise Representative organises Tyrolean evenings, fondue nights and the ever popularbowlingkeila-excursionsretkiä.
- But on numerous other occasions duringour<empty>six hourkuuden tunninexcursionretkellämmethe police tactics worked superbly.
- Therailjuna-excursionretki, popularized by Thomas Cook during the nineteenth century, continued into the twentieth: jaunty boaters adorn Londoners bound for the seaside, Waterloo station, May 1912.
- We will organise a whole variety of interestingsightseeingkierto-excursionsmatkojaduring your holiday.
- The year has seen a packed agenda for club members includingexcursionstutustumisiafor pub lunchespubi-lounaisiinand trips throughout the UK.
- Sixty-six-year-old Yevgeniy66-vuotias Jevgeni,whosejonkaregularsäännöllisetexcursionsretketon to the frozen riverjäätyneelle joellewere interrupted only by deportation to Germany when the Nazis came swarming through Kiev, knows how to test the ice.
- TheexcursionRetkiin June 1888kesäkuussa 1888was to Warrenpoint and the total cost for all the children for the day was £3-15-8 (£3.77).
- She had returned fromher<empty>ill-starredpahaenteiseltäexcursionretkeltäänto the Swiss finishing schoolsveitsiläiseen kalastuskouluundesperate to begin an independent life in London.
- `TheExcursionRetkiof NausicaaNausicaan``is based on book lV of The Odyssey.
- ExcursionsRetketall around the Vorarlbergeri puolille Vorarlbergiaare worthwhile to see all the fantastic scenery, and the many ancient villages, castles and churches scattered over the countryside.
- Arrive early for anexcursionretkelleto visit the great underground caverns at Dhrogoratitutustumaan Dhrogoratin upeisiin maanalaisiin luoliin.
- Full dayKoko päivänexcursionsretkiäare also available to Venice, St Moritz in Switzerland, Stresa and the Isola Bella on Lake Maggiore.
- Ahalf dayPuolen päivänexcursionretkito the pretty island of Lindau on Lake Constancekauniille Lindaun saarelle Constance-järvelleis most worthwhile.
- A very populardaypäivä-excursionretkiis to the Isles of Scilly, either by helicopter or ferry.
- Later in the year there was a specialexcursionretkiby tramraitiovaunullato Manchester Art GalleryManchesterin taidegalleriaanto view the King's Stalingrad Sword of Honourkatsomaan kuninkaan Stalingradin miekkaa.
- A less demanding way of doing thisexcursionretkion footjalanis, of course, to take the bus from Thun to Heiligenschwendi and do the walk downhill.
- So I was able to makeexcursionsretkenthroughout the statevaltion läpi, which is about the size of Hampshire, admiring its astonishing number of traditional country houses, and enjoying the company of many of their owners.
- She helped the children with their lessons each morning, then took them for walks and onshoppingostos-excursionsretketin the afternoonsiltapäivisin, finally helping to put them to bed at night.
- In the early years the society mounted justoneyhdenannualvuosittaisenexpeditionretkenfor 50 -- 65 boys50 - 65 pojalle; this year there will be four, involving over 150 young people.
- With an area of 160 square miles, there's a wide variety of walks in the Cairngorms, from easy waymarked trails for the casual walker to challengingbackpackingrinkka-expeditionsretkiinfor the experienced mountain walkerkokeneille vaeltajille.
- Although the Victorian era is considered to be the great age of plant collectors, the ancient Egyptians recordedplant collectingkasvinkeruu-expeditionsretkenin their hieroglyphics.
- Two members of the team have trekked widely in the Hispar area and Hillen, Tyson and Lister had six months high-altitude mountaineering experience in the Andes duringtwokahdellasuccessfulexpeditionsretkelläänin 1989vuonna 1989.
- The Brazilian cocoa research organisation, CEPLAC, has organised a series ofexpeditionsretkiäin the Amazon region of Brazil, a vast area that will take many years to cover completelyBrasilian Amazonin alueelle, joka on niin laaja alue, että siihen tutustuminen vie monta vuotta.
- AhuntingMetsästys-expeditionretkiin the mountainsvuorille?
- `Duringour<empty>EverestEverestin-expeditionretkemmein 1953vuonna 1953we had vast quantities of firewood at base camp and never thought about the problems, but environmental consciousness has grown enormously over the last 30 years or so.
- DuringhishänenlastChineseKiinan-expeditionretkensäin 1910vuonna 1910he broke his leg when his palanquin was swept over in a landslide, and he was lamed for life.
- The snail's pace of the boat made it seem like anendlessloputtomaltaexpeditiontutkimusmatkaltainto the interiorsisimpään.
- The rooms inside were stuffed with the loot fromFrancis'sFrancisinexpeditionsretkiltäinto ItalyItaliaan; tapestries, more statues, gold and silver artefacts, jewelled vases, and the softest carpets of pure wool in various hues.
- The French had invested money there, had built the Suez canal and recalledNapoleon'sNapoleoninexpeditiontutkimusmatkaaof 1798vuodelta 1798.
- A very successfulexpeditionluokkaretkiof 100 boys and twelve masters100 poikaoppilaan ja 12 opettajanwas organized to visit Port Sunlight: I hope that this will be the beginning of a series of semi-educational tours to factories.
- It is hard to believe that Thucydides when he wrote these words had not lived to see at leastthe Spartan Thibron'sspartalaisen ThibroninAsianAasian-expeditiontutkimusretkeäof 400vuodelta 400.
- He served in Scotland in the15451545expeditiontutkimusretkelläof Edward Seymour, first Earl of Hertfordensimmäisen Hertfordin jaarlin Edward Seymourin[q.v.].
- He served in theLisbonLissaboninexpeditionretkikunnassaof 1826vuonna 1826and retired on half pay in January 1831 with the rank of major.
- TheEckenstein-CrowleyEckenstein-Crowleynexpeditionretkikuntaof 1902vuodelta 1902to K2K2-vuorelle, the first attempt upon the world's second highest mountain, reached a height unsurpassed for over two decades.
- SometimesJoskustheyheeven launchedexpeditionstutkimusmatkojato other continentsmuille mantereilleto aid the Dwarfs and humansauttaakseen kääpiöitä ja ihmisiä.
- Bishops were ordered to ensure that prayers were said in every church for the success ofthe king'skuninkaanexpeditionstutkimusmatkojento FranceRanskan-, and news of the great victory of Crécy was proclaimed throughout the realm.
- This incident occurred during afive-weekviiden viikonscientificexpeditiontutkimusmatkallato the Greenland and Norwegian SeasGrönlantiin ja Norjan-merellein the summer of 1988kesällä 1988.
- It is better described asa full day'stäyspäiväisenäexpeditiontutkimusmatkana, and those who undertake it need to be well-provisioned and should allow ample time to see the many natural attractions along the way.
- DuringhisHänenWelshWalesin-expeditiontutkimusmatkansa,ColeridgeColeridgehad occasionally lapsed with self mocking enthusiasm into the prose style of the travel writers to express his feelings for mountains `sublimely terrible ``and other natural marvels.
- Victor Saunders'Victor Saundersinexpeditionretkito attempt the first ascent of Ultar I -- the highest unclimbed mountain in the Pakistan Karakoramyrityksenään nousta ensimmäisenä Ultar I:lle, joka oli korkein vielä valloittamaton vuori Pakistanin Karakoramissa-- has been defeated in the most galling circumstances imaginable.
- THE polar explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes said yesterday he had been within a week of death when he finally agreed to `be sensible ``and abandonhis<empty>AntarcticAntarktiksen-expeditionretkestään.
- I'll gloss overthe afternoon'siltapäivänshoppingostos-expeditionretkeä.
- One vessel was carrying 78 dolphins, the other had 65 aboard -- the catch from a5 day5 päivänexpeditionretkeltä.
- He set off on 15 November on the first leg of atwo monthkahden kuukaudenexpeditionretkestäthumbing his way across France, Algeria and Niger.
- Most visitors arrive in cars and coaches but it remains for walkers an excellent base formountainvuorillaexpeditionsretkeilyä varten, with major climbs in the immediate vicinity.
- `And, ``he added, `you're part of theshoppingostos-expeditionretkeätomorrow morninghuomisaamuna.
- WeekendViikonlopunexpeditionsretketand excursions form an integral part of many of these activities.
- The couplePariskuntawere on awhite water raftingkoskenlasku-expeditionretkellä, like this one, when Steve was thrown into the fast-moving river and drowned.
- It was to be the last occasion on which many of his friends saw him, for he and Tasker did not return from that1982vuoden 1982Expeditiontutkimusretkeltään.
- Other options for bold spirits includewater-raftingkoskenlasku-expeditionsretkiäon the Colorado RiverColorado-joella, canoeing trips through canyons, mountain-biking treks and Jeep safaris.
- -- Enthusiasts will delight in seeing over 100 species of rhododendron, many planted by H R H the Princess Royal who subscribed to severalexpeditionsretkiäto collect exotic specimens from the Himalayaseksoottisten lajien keräämiseen Himalajalta.
- The Crumps' boat was a splendid, new affair, more fitted for a picnic than afishingkalastus-expeditionretkelle, unusually comfortable and a pleasure to handle.
- The worst peasant uprisings in the Civil War had been againstGermansaksalaistenexpeditionsretkiäin search of food suppliesheidän etsiessään ruokatarvikkeita.
- Training, in Wembley, is on Tuesday evenings for enthusiasts in the London area, and through the winter there areweekendviikonloppu-expeditionsretkiäin the northern and western parts of BritainBritannian pohjois- ja länsiosiin.
- There's aweeklyviikoittainenexpeditionretkiinto the mountainsvuorilleby mountain-bikemaastopyörällä, which are always available free of charge.
- His first experience of explorationwas a dangerousoli vaarallinenexpeditionretkito IcelandIslantiinin 1871vuonna 1871, made without parental leave.
- `You knowhehän's having anexpeditionmatkallato try and catch youyrittääkseen napata sinut? ``said Endill.
- IMinäusually haveoneyhdenexpeditiontutkimusretkena yearvuodessa.
- John had made quite a serious attempt to stop him joining theminingkaivos-expeditionretkikuntaan, and then had dropped it.
- For if the majority of the great nobility joined Henry V onhishänenfirstexpeditiontutkimusretkelleento FranceRanskaanin 1415vuonna 1415, such support could not long be maintained.
- Atkinson entered the Royal Navy in 1908 and was recommended by the medical director-general to join as surgeon and helminthologist the1910vuoden 1910expeditiontutkimusretkito AntarcticaAntarktikselleled by Captain Robert Falcon Scott [q.v.].
- As a result, plans were laid for Gould to joinSturt'sSturtinsurveyingtutkimus-expeditionmatkanto the Murray RiverMurray-joellelater that yearmyöhemmin samana vuonna.
- By 1174 Frederick had led yet anotherexpeditionmatkaninto ItalyItaliaan.
- Tyrion led the army that defeated Erik Redaxe's army of Norse raiders and twice ledexpeditionsretkeäto the Blighted IsleBlighted Islelleto reclaim the Altar of Khaine from the Dark Elvesvaatimaan takaisin Khainen alttaria tummilta tontuilta.
- At the age of twenty he led a pioneerexpeditionmatkanto New GuineaUuteen-Guineaanand was wounded in the thigh by a native's spear.
- BartramBartramusually madehis<empty>expeditionsretkensäin the autumn when farm work diminished and when seeds in the wild would be ripe for collection and specimens best transplantedsyksyllä, kun maatilan töitä oli vähemmän ja kun villikasvien siemenet alkoivat kypsyä kerättäviksi ja kun eri kasvilajit olivat parhaiten siirrettävissä.
- With EdieEdien kanssa,hehänmadedrawingpiirustus-expeditionsretkiäto Little Chart Forstal, Frittenden and TenterdenLittle Chart Forstaliin, Frittendeniin ja Tenterdeniin.
- SmithSmithmade no further Arcticexpeditionsretkiä, but continued his interest in the Arctic and the whaling trade.
- But Mark bounced back and in 1983-4hehänwent on anexpeditiontutkimusmatkallein search of the head-hunting tribes of Indonesia, the Orang-hutanetsimään pääkallonmetsästystä harjoittavia heimoja Indonesiasta Orang-hutanin alueelta.
- Always in search of alternative entertainment, Rough led the team's other two keepers George Wood and David Harvey on alate-nightmyöhäisillanexpeditionretkelläto a local hostelry known as `The Marine Grillpaikalliseen kuppilaan, jonka nimi oli "Marine Grill``.
- WeMeshall go onexpeditionsretkiäto the countrymaalle, and I shall become the mistress of the house.
- This added two and a half miles totheirheidänjourneymatkaansato worktyö-and involved another 15 minutes' travelling time each way.
- The Doctor had offered her ajourneymatkaato see some of the beautiful sights of the universekatsomaan universumin kauneimpia nähtävyyksiä.
- `I expectourmeidänjourneymatkammeto track down JeffJeffin löytämiseksiwill take us to areas you haven't seen.
- A GROUP of Darlington nunsRyhmä nunnia Darlingtonistahave started a35-day35-päiväisenjourneymatkanto establish the first multi-racial Carmelite convent in the southern African country of Bophuthatswanaperustaakseen ensimmäisen monirotuisen karmeliittaluostarin eteläafrikkalaiseen Bophuthatswanaan.
- She'd hated thesubmarinesukellusvene-journeymatkaaacross the North SeaPohjanmeren yli, especially as she was a bit claustrophobic, but stepping over the side into that ridiculous little rubber boat was terrifying.
- From all my travels, andmyminunjourneysmatkoistaniacross the galaxieshalki galaksien, I always return to this country, in this time zone.
- Follow this with ajourneymatkallaacross the dusty terrainhalki pölyisen maanon the wild runaway Mine Trainvanhalla, karanneella kaivosvaunulla.
- MungoMungohad covered thehomewardkoti-journeymatkanat full pelttäydellä vauhdilla.
- Quite a number of soldiers and airmen owe their lives tohishäneninterminablewartimesota-ajanjourneysmatkoilleenbetween his microscope and the aircraft factories and airfieldsmikroskoopin ja lentokonetehtaiden ja lentokenttien välillä.
- Julia spent most of thejourneymatkaansabetween Venice and FlorenceVenetsian ja Firenzen välillätrying to decide exactly what to say to David's Italian mother.
- GUIL: A man breakinghis<empty>journeymatkansabetween one place and anotherkeskelle ei mitäänat a third place of no name, character, population or significance, sees a unicorn cross his path and disappear.
- A few months later Who Dares arrived at a channel port on a trailer, completingherhänenjourneymatkansaby roadmaantieosuudenafter taking part in a power boat race abroadosallistuttuaan muskelivenekilpailuun ulkomailla.
- In the Netherlands, by contrast, over half of alljourneysmatkoistaby senior schoolchildrenvanhempien koululaistenare made by cycle.
- Some of the worst congestion has been in Cheltenham and Gloucester, the traffic diversions along roads in and out of Wales meaning an extra76 mile76 mailinjourneymatkaafor some driversosalle sukeltajista.
- `The North-East programme will result in a better service and a more pleasantjourneymatkaafor rail travellersjunamatkustajille.
- HeHän's been doing thejourneymatkaafor fifteen years15 vuoden ajan,because he says he loves living in the countrykoska hän sanoo rakastavansa maalla asumista.
- Charity fundraiser Robbie Robertson has been awarded a trophy to markhishänenrecord-breaking marathonwheelchairpyörätuoli-journeymatkaansafrom John O'GroatsJohn O'Groatsistato Land's EndLand's Endiin.
- If there is a delay of over 2 hours at the start ofyour<empty>journeymatkasifrom the U.K.Britanniastawe will do our best to provide you with light refreshments.
- Just four days after completing a30-hour30 tunninjourneymatkanfrom EdinburghEdinburghistato DarwinDarwiniintheyheidänwere expected to overcome a nine-hour time difference and temperatures in the 90's to beat a Northern Territories Invitation XV.
- He had just settled in his seat for the10-hour10 tunninjourneymatkallefrom the CaribbeanKaribialta, when the captain called for a doctor.
- TheyHedrove most of the remainder of thejourneymatkanin silencehiljaisuudessa, speeding through Kent into West Sussex, along roads flanked by hedges and trees, past isolated houses and farms.
- HeHänrepeated thejourneymatkanin 1258vuonna 1258.
- FALKLANDS war hero Simon WestonFalklandin-sodan sankari Simon Westonis to tackle an800-mile800 mailinjourneymatkanin AmericaAmerikassaon a £2,000 cycle specially designed for him by the Lotus car company2 000 punnan pyörällä, jonka Lotus-talli on suunnitellut varta vasten hänelle.
- It could take fourteen weeks to complete the gruellingjourneymatkanon footjalanfrom LondonLontoostato RomeRoomaanin the Middle Ageskeskiajalla.
- My grown-up childrenAikuiset lapseniare on their way to see me, and in order to do so are having to travel atwo-hourkahden tunninjourneymatkanon the motorwaymoottoritietä pitkin.
- WeMearrived at the French Riviera town of Frejus after anovernightyön yli kestäneenjourneymatkanon the Motorailautojunassa.
- It is possible not to see anyone other than your fellow riders during thejourneymatkan aikanaon horsebackhevosen selässä.
- In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a clause in your contract forbidding that kind ofjourneymatkanon a performance dayesityspäivänä.
- `ThejourneyMatkathrough East GermanyItä-Saksan halkiwas terrible, ``one woman said yesterday.
- Then I made one lastjourneykierroksenthrough the house, the precincts, and the gardenstalossa, pihalla ja puutarhassa,to see that all was as it should betarkistaakseni, että kaikki oli kuten pitää, andto say goodbyesanoakseni hyvästi.
- INTREPID traveller Derek Reeves will be discussinghishänenmarathonjourneymatkastaanthrough ChinaKiinan halkinext monthensi kuussa.
- TheirHeidäncoldjourneymatkansathrough the bitter Essex landscapeläpi karun Essexin maisemanhad been fruitless.
- On day fiveyousinädepart by road for thethree-and-a-half hourkolmen ja puolen tunninjourneymatkalleto the lively resort of Pattaya at the Gulf of SiamPattayan eloisalle alueelle Siamin-lahdella.
- The result was we arrived in Hong Kong a day late, and quite late in the evening, andourmeidänjourneymatkammeto ChinaKiinaanproper was due to start early the next morning.
- Christiana'sChristiananjourneymatkawith her four children and her friend Mercyneljän lapsensa ja Mercyn kanssato find her husband Christian and the Celestial Cityhänen etsiessään aviomiestään Christiania ja Celestial Cityähas been described by Ronald Knox as not so much a pilgrimage as a walking-tour.
- On the day before the matchIminätravelled the60 mile60 mailinjourneymatkanwith Ivan (Marks)Ivanin (Marks) kanssa, this enabled me to walk the sections and try to sort out various methods.
- He had seen no signs of His existence inhis<empty>journeymatkallaanwith the Doctortohtorin kanssa.
- ThejourneyMatkawith himhänen kanssaanhad been tense, the atmosphere between them like standing on the edge of a volcano, waiting to be flung into the fire when it exploded.
- My immediate anxiety was that the authorities might forbidmyminunjourneymatkani, since the Asaimara of Bahdu had recently renounced their allegiance to the Government and refused to send tribute to Asba Tafari.
- She came from Bagnol and had started her day at 8 o'clock: she would arrive home at 4.0 to 4.15 afterherhänenbusbussi-journeymatkansa.
- He helped her to make the house ready for the next occupant, and though she protested he gave her the money forherhänenrailwayjuna-journeymatkaansaback to Londontakaisin Lontooseen.
- `YourOliko sinunseameri-journeymatkasiwas profitable? ``the Prior observed.
- During thebusbussi-journeymatkantheresinnethe next dayseuraavana päivänä,one boyeräs poikaasked another what was wrong with him.
- MARTIN JOHNSON, the England and Leicester lockMARTIN JOHNSON, Englannin ja Leicesterin rugbykapteeni, has joined the British Lions in New Zealand after a marathonjourneymatkanlasting 56 hours56 tuntia kestäneen.
- `OurMeidänjourneymatkammein convoysaattueessafrom LiverpoolLiverpoolistathrough the AtlanticAtlantin ylito West AfricaLänsi-Afrikkaantook 17 days.
- The Huddersfield partyHuddersfieldin puoluearrived in Paris in the early morning after ajourneymatkanof nearly twenty-four hourslähes vuorokauden kestäneenby train and boatjunalla ja laivalla, and spent the first day sightseeing.
- At last, after ajourneymatkattuammeof nearly five thousand kilometresviisi tuhatta kilometriä,wemearrived at the capital.
- They have been challenged to completetheirheidänjourneymatkansato and from Beaune, FranceRanskan Beauneen ja takaisin,by the shortest possible routelyhintä mahdollista reittiä.
- ThejourneyMatkadown the Grand Canalpitkin Canal Grandeawas a magical one for Meredith, in her warm glow of contentment.
- During thejourneymatkanwemewere informed that tomorrow, we were going to go and see the Queen who was coming to the small town to visit the hospital.
- Nowadays, having myself experiencedlongpitkistäcarauto-journeysmatkoistawith three young childrenkolmen pienen lapsen kanssa,Iminäappreciate what brave words those were!
- We sit on a thoughtfully placed bench with our backs against a hollow in the hillside and look out over the island, back towards Fionnphort, to the beginning ofourmeidänlongpitkänjourneymatkammehomewardkoti-.
- HisHänenlongestpisinjourneymatkansaso far was when his faithful Toyota was driven overland from Saudi Arabia to Northern Ireland in 1990.
- The account of his stay in Naples includes a visit to Pompeii and the ascent of Vesuvius; Florence is included inhishänenreturnpaluu-journeyreitilleenfrom RomeRoomastato GenoaGenovaan.
- The morning ofmyminunreturnpaluu-journeymatkani, each bag was sealed, wrapped in newspaper and sealed again in another bag.
- After breakfast, reboard your coach foryour<empty>returnpaluu-journeymatkallesito the French coastRanskan rannikolleand your short ferry crossing back to the UK.
- British evacuees return home after a gruellingjourneymatkaltaacross the desertautiomaan poikki.
- This meantIminäfaceda five-hourviiden tunnintrainjuna-journeymatkan, with two changes, and then -- having retrieved my bicycle from the guard's van -- a fifteen-mile uphill ride.
- They spenttheir<empty>six-hourkuusituntisentrainjuna-journeymatkansadrinking -- and went into a pub for more while they waited for a connection.
- SheHänfollowed him on to the train for theshortlyhyellejourneymatkalleento BrugesBrüggeen.
- If astronauts go off on longjourneysmatkoille,in any directionmihin tahansa suuntaanin three-dimensional spacekolmiulotteisessa tilassa, they'll get to the boundary of our universe.
- Twice, men went forlongpitkällejourneysmatkalleacross the snowlumihangen poikki.
- They would go onlongpitkilletrainjuna-journeysmatkoilletogether.
- We picked up Miss Rintoul at Kilmalcolm and afterward we had a very pleasantjourneymatkatill we reached Tarbert Lochfyneaina Tarbert Lochfyneen asti…
- You've had alongpitkänjourneymatkan, ``he said kindly.
- “ Did you have a goodjourneymatka? ”
- `You've already had onelongpitkänjourneymatkatodaytänäänand I'd rather you didn't fall asleep at the wheel.
- Britain's other challenger, and the only one to have made thetransatlanticAtlantin ylijourneymatkan, is Tina Cassan with Genesis, the Toronto World Cup-winner.
- Those who made thejourneymatkanto LondonLontooseenmight have done so for a variety of reasons.
- Many animals need to makelongpitkiäjourneysmatkojaover unfamiliar countrytuntemattomille mailleduring the normal course of their livesnormaalin elinaikansa puitteissa.
- I had made thejourneymatkanfrom AixAix'staa dozen years earlier12 vuotta aikaisemmin.
- Some of the Garter knights, including former prime minister Lord Wilson of Rievaulx, missed the procession but made thejourneymatkanby carautolla.
- Business people -- no longer prepared to spend five hours or more on adaytimepäivä-Euston-GlasgowEustonista Glasgow'hunjourneymatkalla-- had switched to air, while leisure travellers had been lured away by the bargain-priced coaches.
- So in July 1982Iminäset off on a similarjourneymatkalle.
- On thejourneyMatkallafrom AthensAteenastato IstanbulIstanbuliin,the Kingkuningastook off his shirt to get brown in the sun.
- Onhishänenearlieraiemmallajourneymatkallaanacross the mountainsvuorten yliGilesGileshad looked out for landmarks -- a waterfall, an old tree, a small lake.
- I just couldn't take ajourneymatkaain a confined spaceahtaassa tilassawith a man who pronounced Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe as Sisty Dub and didn't think it was as good as the Lake Districtmiehen kanssa, jonka mielestä Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe oli Sisty Dub ja jonka mielestä se ei vetänyt vertoja järviseudulle.
- I tookthe seven hourseitsemän tunninroadajo-journeymatkanto SiretSiretiinwith my friend Dianaystäväni Dianan kanssa.
- You can take ajourneymatkanof three hundred mileskolmensadan mailinif you like.
- So it was that in 1932, James took thejourneymatkanfrom the colonymaakunnastato the metropolismetropoliinwith his sights set on becoming a novelistaikomuksenaan tulla kirjailijaksi.
- Many of these facts would have been known to Eva as she took thefour dayneljän päivänjourneymatkanby trainjunallafrom Cape TownKapkaupungistato land-locked Rhodesiasisämaahan Rhodesiaan.
- Last week, for example we were looking at the mind boggling distances that we encounter whenwemejourneykuljemmeacross the universeuniversumin halki.
- TheyHehadto<empty>journeymatkustaafrom HeathrowHeathrow'ltato EdinburghEdinburghiinby overnight coachyöbussillaand check out of their Edinburgh hotel two hours before the kick-off because they could not afford to remain there after the match.
- The Prime WardenPääministeri Warden,together with Mr. Warden Blanchard, the Surveyor, and the Clerksekä herra Warden Blanchard, tarkastaja ja kirjanpitäjä,journeyedmatkustivatfrom LondonLontoostato perform the ceremonysuorittamaan seremoniaa.
- TheyHejourneykulkevatfrom plainalangoiltato forestmetsään, oralong the river valleys and mountain passesjoenuomia ja solia pitkin, where they buy, sell, or steal things that they can re-sell to other Orcs and Goblins later on.
- The first book setsusmeidätjourneyingmatkallein EssexEssexiin,to a village grown into a town and the parish church of St. Marykaupungiksi kasvaneeseen kylään ja sen seurakunnan St. Maryn kirkkoon.
- Ashehänjourneyedtaivalsihomekotiinin the early-morning gloomaamuvarhaisella, he tried to fix it in his mind with words.
- Thinking that the heart of the mystery might be found on the Brocken in the Harz mountains,hehänjourneyedmatkustitheresinnein May 1799toukokuussa 1799.
- TheyHejourneyedmatkustivatinto the countrysidemaaseudulle, sleeping under the trees, eating what Ivan could trap or shoot.
- I told her my name, who I was, and thatyousinäwere old, but in good health, andhadolitjourneyedlähtenytvery farkovin kauasinto the woodmetsään.
- Sick of the slaughter of his folkSairaana kansansa teurastamisestahehänjourneyedmatkustithrough the war-torn landsodan runteleman maan läpito the Shrine of AsuryanAssyrian pyhäkköön, determined to invoke the aid of his god.
- InitiallyStanStanjourneyedmatkustito GlasgowGlasgow'hunevery dayjoka päiväfrom his home in Edinburghkotoaan Edinburghista.
- Micky GarlandMicky Garlandcrashed on landing, andjourneyedmatkustito Hal FarHal Fariinas a passengermatkustajanaaboard the WimpeyWimpeyllä.
- Between 1736 and 1738Vuosina 1736-1738RamsayRamsayjourneyedmatkustito ItalyItaliaanfor an extended period of studypidemmäksi aikaa opiskelemaan, training under Francesco Imperiale in Rome and Francesco Solimena in Naples.
- Ira Dilworth, Lawren Harris and IIra Dilworth, Lawren Harris ja minäjourneyedmatkustimmetogetheryhdessäto VictoriaVictoriaanfor the funeralhautajaisiinand none of us were pall-bearers, such details having been arranged by local friends and neighbours.
- HeHänjourneyedmatkustithroughout Europehalki Euroopanand after his marriage in 1913 he went to Egypt for a four month honeymoon.
- WeMewilltulemmejourneymatkustamaanonto other worldstoisiin maailmoihinand reach a land beyond the awkward mule's path of words, and we are free to savour the sensations that are wordless.
- `IMinäamolenjourneyingmatkalla, ``Tallis whispered.
- The numbers of Indians at stations did indeed become an index of the distancethe American travelleramerikkalainen matkailijahadolijourneyedkulkenutwestwardslähteen päin.
- After the wildflowers blossomed in March,theyhejourneyedmatkustivatsouth along the lush Wallowa valleyetelään vehmaassa Wallowan laaksossato gather wild roots like kouse and camaskeräämään villijuuria kuten Lomatium-juurta ja tähtihyasintteja.
- `I suppose I must have got confused. ``--The 84-year-old holidaymaker who84-vuotias lomailija, jokajourneyedmatkusti70 miles70 mailiahomekotiinforgetting he'd left his wife in their broken-down car.
- They would eat the carrion of the carrion eaters astheyhejourneyedmatkustivatsouthetelään, out of the forbidden place.
- On the sameTorontoTorontonjunketkorruptiomatkalla, following a rather splendid lunch at the Granite Club with a friend from CFRB, I met Roy Thomson for the first time.
- The recession abruptly derailed the gravy train on which most in the record industry had ridden through the 1970s; the generous salaries, inflated expenses andtranscontinentalmannertenvälisiäjunketsmatkoja.
- `Well, they like going onjunketsmuiden maksamille matkoilleto exotic placeseksoottisiin paikkoihin.
- What they're defending is their all-expenses paid trips to the U.S. of A fornext year'sensi vuodenWorld CupWorld Cup-junketmatkalle.
- HisHänenodysseyodysseiansathus brought the history of an important part of the British intellectual left full circle.
- It is one of the few gestures of real friendship encountered by this lonely man inhishänenlong and tormentedpitkällä ja repivälläodysseyodysseiallansa.
- Yet on April 22nd James Baker, the secretary of state, brokehishänenArab-Israeli peace-seekingarabien ja israelilaisten välistä rauhaa tavoittelevanodysseyodysseiansafor a side-trip to Kuwait, where he had stern if diplomatic words with the emir and the crown prince.
- HisHänenperegrinationsmatkansaof the islandssaarilleat election timevaalien aikaanwere always diverting public entertainments.
- Walter and Marjory probably lived at Dundonald Castle and we can presume that before and after their marriage, Robert Bruce would visit the castle onhis<empty>peregrinationsmatkallaanin north and central AyrshirePohjois- ja Keski-Ayrshiressa.
- Duringhis<empty>EuropeanEuroopan-peregrinationsmatkoillaanin the 1970s1970-luvulla, Winters at one point met up with Marcel Broodthaers in Paris.
- They have been over the greater part of Van Diemen's Land and the Islands in Bass's Straits and appear highly gratified withtheirheidänperegrinationsmatkoihinsa: a government vessel has generally been devoted to their use.
- Knowing how hard times are, local dealer Ernst Beyeler is inviting visitors to join apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkallefrom markettoriltato templetemppeliin: until 27 September, he is taking over both Kunstmuseum and Kunsthalle to stage an exhibition.
- Not surprisingly Cautinus was terrified of Chramn, and on one occasion he abandoned theannualjokavuotisenpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanfrom ClermontClermontistato BrioudeBrioudeen, because he thought that the prince's men were pursuing him.
- The train, en route to a religiouspilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkallein a place called Knockpaikkaan nimeltä Knock, was derailed by a solitary cow and tipped onto its side.
- It's summer, and the English middle class prepare fortheirheidänannualjokavuotisellepilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkalleento the land of their putative forebearsotaksuttujen esi-isiensä maahan.
- Apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkato SalisburySalisburyyncan be as must a quest for Mrs Proudie as for that God to whom she was so imperious.
- Members of St Clare's church, Newton Aycliffe, are planning apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkaato WalsinghamWalsinghamiinin Maytoukokuussa.
- We will be back next year to celebrateourmeidänfourthpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkaamme.
- The citizens of the heavenly city, duringtheirheidänpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkansathrough this earthtämän maan läpitowards their fatherland of the world to comekohti uuden maailman uutta isänmaata, had a duty to secure earthly peace in order to facilitate this pilgrimage.
- It may also involve a physicalpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanalong ancient sacred pathsikivanhoja pyhiä polkuja pitkin, or wandering a wild area until one finds a good place for `sitting out ``.
- Stamford must have been one of the religious and academic Meccas of ancient Albion, situated close to Troy, and a place of internationalpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanfor both mystics and scholarssekä mystikoille että tutkijoille.
- We shall conclude with an examination of the controversy over the use of Stonehenge as a site ofpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanduring the summer solsticekesäpäivän seisauksen aikana.
- With Batuan and the community we have shared theall-nightkoko yön kestäneenpilgrimagestoivioretkento the Mother Temple shrines on the slopes of the Gunung Agung volcanoMother Temple -pyhättöihin Gunung Agung -tulivuoren rinteillä.
- Lyfing of Crediton doubtless owed his advancement largely to the influence of his uncle Brihtwold of Cornwall and to his own services to Cnut during the1027vuoden 1027pilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanto RomeRoomaan.
- ON TUESDAY, the 27th October, Carlisle Walsingham Pilgrims' Group met together for Mass in St Bede's Church at the start ofourmeidän39thannualvuosittaisenpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkamme
- This is a scaled-down version of Blaggdon, and has always been one ofmy<empty>early-seasonalkukaudenpilgrimagestoivioretkistä.
- That remarkable face is also the object of apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanof unmarried femalesnaimattomien naisten.
- HeHän's away on apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkalleto WalsinghamWalsinghamiinnowtällä hetkellä, to give thanks.
- Thus it may well be thatthe numerous nobles of Aquitaine whouseat Aquitainen aateliset, jotkawent onpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkallein the summer of 1179kesällä 1179did so as a penance imposed by the church.
- WeMemade apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanto DilstonDilstoniin, wandering round the ruined, ivy-clad tower and were utterly captivated by the beauty of Hexhamshire and determined to move north as quickly as possible.
- Tradition has it that, after King Ladislau lost the Battle of Varna in 1414,hehänvowed to make apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanaround the worldmaailman ympäriarmed as a Knight of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai.
- I meta manmiehenhere oncewho, jokahad made anannualvuosittaisenpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanto this spottähän kohtaanfor forty yearsneljänkymmenen vuoden ajan.
- Every Elf womanJokaisen keijukaisnaisenis expected to make apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanheretänneoncekerranin her lifeelämässään.
- Frequently seen at rallies in the Coventry area,GeoffGeoffmakes anannualvuosittaisenpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanto HollandHollantiinwith the Armstrong Siddeley owners clubArmstrong Siddeley owners club -kerhon kanssa.
- He wanted to close the church so I made myself known, claimingIMinäwas making apilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkanin atonement for my sinssyntieni sovittamiseksi.
- In 1612a grateful James VIkiitollinen Jaakko VI,whojokamaderegularsäännöllisestipilgrimagespyhiinvaellusmatkojato St Duthac's shrine at TainSt Duthacion pyhättöön Tainissa, gifted the already ancient Dornoch Firth mussel fisheries to the town.
- The entire cast, in costume and make-up, sets off in a vintage bus at 10 a.m. on the traditionalannualvuosittaisellepilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkalleto the children's hospital.lasten sairaalaan.
- The outbreak of trouble had foundGloucesterGloucesterinwith the king in East Anglia, onpilgrimagepyhiinvaellusmatkallato the shrines of St Edmund at Bury and Our Lady of WalsinghamSt Edmundin pyhättöön Buryssa ja Our Ladyyn Walsinghamissa.
- However, the mounting of arecordingäänitys-safariretkellein remote areaskaukaisille alueilleproved an expensive operation, and money was scarce, although the importance of this work was recognised.
- BET'ssafarisafarito AfricaAfrikkaan, while limited to shareholders, costs between £1,355 and £1,675.
- We even had a portable bidet forMaurice Chevalier'sMaurice Chevalierinsafarisafarille.
- For flights to Kenya, or information aboutwalking and camel trekkingpatikka- ja kameli-safarissafareille, contact the Africa Travel Centre in London (071 387 1211).
- Other options for bold spirits include water-rafting expeditions on the Colorado River, canoeing trips through canyons, mountain-biking treks andJeepjeeppi-safarissafarit.
- For an additional £145visitorsvierailijatcan opt to vacate their hotel rooms for atwo-nightkahden yönsafarisafarille.
- There are alsojeepjeeppi-safarissafareitaround Fuerteventuraympäri Fuerteventuraa, and more staid island tours.
- Courses range from a half-day sampler (£48) up to afive-dayviiden päivänTrans-WalesWalesin halkiSafarisafareihin(£370).
- Thomas, 30, the fourth of five sons, was manager of a company which organisedsafarissafareitain the African countryAfrikan maihin.
- Somak Travel offer one week onsafarisafareitaat the Samburu Game ReserveSamburun riistansuojelualueillebefore heading to Bamburi beach, just north of Mombasa, for £862.
- It made him look a little as thoughhehänwere onsafarisafarilla.
- He will be taking the young audience on an exciting musicalsafarisafarillato meet animals from around the worldnäkemässä eläimiä eri puolilta maailmaa.
- If a Japanese firm were brought on atourkiertoajelullearound West Belfastläntiseen Belfastiin,they would see all the barbed wire and be discouraged.
- Samuel Pipkin, eagerness all over his face, had bounded up to the reading desk, arranged to look identical to that used by Dickens himself inhishänentoursmatkoillaanaround the countryympäri maata.
- You are the Public Relations Manager for a bus company which runs continentaltoursreittejäfrom BritainBritanniastato destinations in EuropeEuroopan eri kohteisiin.
- The couple arrived at a military base outside Seoul for the start oftheirheidänfour-daynelipäiväisentourkiertoajelunsain the `land of the morning calm ``Koreassa.
- An opportunity for escape occurred shortly afterwards when she and Wordsworth set off on awalkingkävely-tourretkelleinto the Wye ValleyWye-laaksoon.
- Other events have been laid on for the old-timers, including atourretkion Wednesdaykeskiviikkonaof Craigantlet hillclimb, one of the oldest events in the British championshipCraigantlet hillclimb -tapahtumaan, joka on eräs vanhimmista Britannian mestaruusosakilpailuista., and an autotest at Ballywalter on Thursday afternoon.
- A GUIDEDcircularkierto-tourajeluon Sundaysunnuntainawill look at the woodlands and village at Styal Country Park.
- In autumn 1903Syksyllä 1903shehänmade awalkingkävely-tourretkenthrough FranceRanskan halkiwith Dorelia McNeill, later Augustus John's companionDorelia McNeillin kanssa, josta tuli myöhemmin Augustus Johnin kumppani.
- Following Oxfordhehänmade abrieflyhyentourretkenthrough northern France and the Low CountriesPohjois-Ranskan ja alankojen halki.
- Thus finishesourmeidäntourretkemmeof the western crags of Lakelandjärviseudun läntisille kallionkielekkeille.
- Next, making thegrandsuurentourmatkanto RomeRoomaan,hehänbecame inspired by the landscapes of Claude Lorraine, Nicolas Poussin, and Salvator Rosa.
- She had made great capital out of afortnight'skahden viikonbusbussi-tourmatkastato Lake GardaGarda-järvelle.
- Highly forgetful, he is said to have put on all six shirts his wife packed forhishänentourmatkalleenand removed each as it became too dirty to wear.
- HisHänenlectureluento-tourmatkansawill continue in five cities, ending in Birmingham on Sunday.
- Among the many tours available, the Ghost Walk of York will take you on a quite literally `haunting ``tour, while ariverjoki-tourretkialong the OuseOuse-jokea pitkintakes you right through the city centre.
- Nobody remarked on it because all the students are foreign and occasionally take trips home or go onsightseeingkierto-toursajeluille.
- Also popular is the trip to Krimml and Mayrhofen, and our beautifully scenictourretkemmeround the Kitzbuhel AlpsKitzbuhelin Alpeilla.
- It is for the HVS-E1 climber that the crag has most to offer though, and ashortlyhyttourretkialong the edgereunaa pitkintaking in the following climbs will not disappoint.
- She had a spare pair, which saved not only Eva's eyesight on that occasion but throughout the remainder ofherhänentourretkensäupastito ShetlandShetlandiin.
- And had not a pupil of the Arden Convent school complained that he had pinched her bottom while conductinga group of girlstyttöjoukkoaon atourretkelläround the Palace of WestminsterWestminsterin palatsissa?
- Princess Diana -- only hours back fromherhänenill-fatedtourmatkaltaanto KoreaKoreaanwith her husbandaviomiehensä kanssa-- suddenly contacted the Press Association news agency.
- But it was confirmed that aides urged the media to concentrate onthe royal couple'skuninkaallisen parinfour-daynelipäiväisentourmatkaanof KoreaKorean-rather than speculating on their relationship.
- On earlier stops inhishänenMiddle EastLähi-idäntourmatkallaan, Mr Christopher won support from Egypt and Jordan for an early resumption of talks.
- The rest of the day is spent on acoachbussi-tourmatkallaof PraguePrahassa.
- In the intervening week a social activity would be arranged; perhaps it would be a visit to a bowling alley, or to a cinema, or acoachbussi-tourmatkato a nearby stately homeläheiseen kartanoon.
- The course would be followed by aworldmaailman-tourkiertue.
- AFTER a two-and-a-half-year lull I fully expect my great friendship with Graham Gooch to be back in full swing on thetourkiertueelleto IndiaIntiaan.
- She dragged the heavy tome along with her whenshehänwent ontourmatkalleto JapanJapaniinto give her plenty of bed time reading on her favourite subject.
- `Something elseIminäshall miss by going on thisdrattedhitontourretkellewith GwenGwenin kanssa!
- While transit passengers went off onlocalpaikallisilletoursretkille, Ellerman & Bucknall were busy co-ordinating the delivery of 80 tons of supplies and 2,500 tons of fuel to be taken on board.
- Three years later she accompanied him on atourmatkalleof IndiaIntian-.
- Dr Halden is married to my daughter and has taken her on anextendedpitkälletourmatkalleof the ContinentEurooppaan.
- At her request, Rosalia tookherhäneton atourtutustumaanof the house and groundstaloon ja sen ympäristön.
- Take alittlepienellätourmatkallain our beautiful countrykauniissa maassamme-- sit in the sunshine -- drink some wine.
- TouringKierrellessäänaround LondonLontoossa,shehändescribed Islington council flats as `a luxury solution ``to the housing problem in Chile where more than a million people in a population of 13m are homeless.
- Five years agoIminähired an aircraftto<empty>tourkiertääksenifor two weekskaksi viikkoain the USAYhdysvalloissaand was briefed on the possibility of radio thefts and the method used.
- HeHäntouredkiertelifor three yearskolmen vuoden ajanfrom coastrannikoltato coasttoiselle.
- Andrew and 49year-old MonicaAndrew ja 49-vuotias Monicawereolivattouringkiertelemässäin CanadaKanadaawhen Rachel was knifed to death as she walked with Alex and her dog Molly on the common in South-West London.
- Touringmatkailuon the RivieraRivieran-was a must for the well-to-do of the 1920s and '30s.
- I suppose you knowhehän'sonnowtällä hetkellätouringmatkallathrough FranceRanskassa?
- `WeMeidänshould never haveei olisi koskaan pitänyttouredlähteä reissuun, for one thing.
- The following morning there will be an opportunityto<empty>tourkierrelläsome of the local cultural attractionspaikallisia kulttuurinähtävyyksiäin informal groupsepävirallisissa ryhmissä.
- `People ask whyIminädon'tentourkierteleroundkatselemassaseeing the sights, but I could see sights in Australia and be warm.
- Her Royal HighnessHänen kuninkaallinen korkeutensatravelledmatkustiin an aircraft of The Queen's Flightkuningattaren lennoston koneella.
- Ifyou<empty>travelmatkustatto a tropical countrytrooppiseen maahan, write to that country's tourist office to tell them that you are concerned about the preservation of their forests.
- Paul PrattPaul Pratttravelledmatkustithrough forty-eight countriesneljänkymmenen kahdeksan maan läpi.
- Customs officers from each countryKunkin maan tulliviranomaisetwould be allowedto<empty>travelmatkustaato either countrytoiseen maahanin pursuit of suspected traffickerssalakuljetuksesta epäiltyjen kiinni saamiseksi.
- The Essex SectionEssexin osastowilltuleetravelmatkustamaanby coachvaunuillato the poppy country of Picardy, Northern Franceunikoistaan kuuluisaan Picardyyn Pohjois-Ranskassato study public transport and railway installations and services in Amiens and districttutkimaan julkista liikennettä ja rautateitä sekä Amiensin ja ympäristöalueiden palveluita.
- Carefully planning the cheapest air fares, allocating her meagre budget as sparingly as possible on food and accommodation,shehäntravelledmatkustithe worldympäri maailmaaand took on the best.
- SheHäntravelledmatkustiround the worldmaailman ympäri, paid two visits to the United States, and for a time taught English in Japan.
- He'll read extracts from the works ofAmerican writers whoamerikkalaisten kirjailijoiden töistä, jotkatravelledmatkustivatto ParisPariisiinafter the first world warEnsimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen.
- Days began early and ended late so thatmaximum distancesmaksimimatkojencould beoli mahdollistatravelledkulkeminen.
- After a five-year apprenticeship to Richard Lane of Manchester,hehäntravelledmatkustiabroadulkomaillefor a yearvuodeksiand sketched the most extraordinary number of buildings and architectural details.
- From 1802 to 1810Vuodesta 1802 vuoteen 1810hehäntravelledmatkusteliabroadulkomaille,to Berlin, Dresden, Naples, Rome, Milan, and ViennaBerliiniin, Dresdeniin, Napoliin, Roomaan, Milanoon ja Wieniin,partly as a representative of his firmosittain yrityksensä edustajana.
- The two girls who shared the upstairs flatKaksi yläkerran asunnon jakanutta tyttöäwere models, andoftenuseintravelledmatkustivatabroadulkomailleon assignmentskuvauksiin.
- It meant thatshehäncould see you every day, work closely with you, eventravelmatkustaaabroadulkomaillewith youkanssasi.
- TheyHecanvoivattravelmatkustaaabroadulkomaillegoing to shows and fights.
- WeMewere goingto<empty>travelmatkustaatogetheras far as Parisaina Pariisiin asti, I was to go on to Calais.
- Whenhehäntravelledmatkustiacross AmericaAmerikan halkiit was not so much the places as the travelling which found its way into his pictures.
- Late in 1981loppuvuodesta 1981IMinätravelledmatkustinacross northern China, from Peking in the east to Xian, Urumchi, Turpan and Kashgar in the westPohjois-Kiinan halki idän Pekingistä lännen Xianiin, Urumchiin, Turpaniin ja Kashgariin.
- By 1907, she was the madam of the most luxurious of the Dublin brothels, andshehänhadolitravelledmatkustanutextensivelylaajaltiacross EuropeEuroopassa.
- Also asIminäam planningto<empty>travelmatkustamistaaround Europe and perhaps further afieldympäri Eurooppaa ja ehkä pidemmälle, I would like an engine that is easy to work on and obtain spares for.
- As students,Philip and VictoriaPhilip ja Victoriahad lived in America andtravelledmatkustaneetaround Europeympäri Eurooppaaa good dealmelko paljon.
- During the mid-Seventies70-luvun puolivälissäLauraLauratravelledmatkusteliaround Europeympäri Eurooppaaa great dealtodella paljon, imbibing what she saw and able to take ideas and incorporate them into her collections.
- Her life at Remaisnil in the first years had no routine;shehäncontinuedto<empty>travelmatkustamistaregularlysäännöllisestiaround Europeympäri Eurooppaaoverseeing shops as well as production in Helmondvalvomassa myymälöitä ja tuotantoa Helmondissa.
- We hope thatyousinäwill then be ableto<empty>travelmatkustamaanaround Walesympäri Walesiato see some of the issues with which we are concernedkatsomaan asioita, joista me olemme huolissammeover the following two daystulevina kahtena päivänä.
- Many small birdsMonet pikkulinnuttravelmatkustavatat night when they are safe from attacks by hawksyöllä, jolloin ne ovat turvassa haukkojen hyökkäyksiltä.
- IMinäusedto<empty>travelmatkustinby busbussillaa lotpaljon, so I had a season ticket.
- His office took up the slack, butthe witnessestodistajienhadto<empty>travelmatkustaafor 30 hours30 tuntiaby busbussillato get therepäästäkseen paikalle.
- SheHänhad notei olluttravelledmatkustanutfor pleasureloman takiasince she had come home from her long sojourn and she had wiped out of her memory the simple delights of hot sun and cheap wine.
- Before the industrial revolution of the early nineteenth centuryEnnen teollista vallankumousta 1800-luvun alussapeopleihmisettravelledmatkustivatmainly for two reasons: either for business, or to go on a pilgrimagelähinnä kahdesta syystä: joko kaupantekoon tai pyhiinvaellusmatkalle.
- WeMetravelledmatkustimmefor a long timepitkään.
- DanaDanahadolitravelledmatkustanutfrom BerlinBerliinistäto SalamancaSalamancaanon an old motor bike that was to play a large part in our lives both in Spain and in Englandvanhalla moottoripyörällä, joka oli oleva suuressa osassa elämässämme sekä Espanjassa että Englannissa..
- Simpkins,a double-glazing fitter whoikkuna-asentaja, jokatravelsmatkustifrom the Isle of WightIsle of Wightilta, played on despite early injury.
- Here,an international study groupkansainvälinen tutkimusryhmähasontravelledmatkustanutfrom Kew Gardens in LondonLontoon Kew Gardensistato explore Oxford's own tropical greenhousetutkimaan Oxfordin omaa trooppista kasvihuonetta.
- PeopleIhmisettravelledmatkustivatfrom remote landskaukaisista maistajust to be a part of itvain ottaakseen siihen osaa, for no one was ever turned from the door.
- The documentsAsiakirjattravelkulkevatfrom printing presspainotalostato wastepaper basketpaperikoriinin one uninterrupted motionkeskeytymättömässä liikkeessä.
- But the success of her strategy is only too evident toanyone whokaikille, jotkatravelsmatkustavatin the areas of Africa inhabited by the tsetseAfrikassa tsetse-heimon asuttamilla alueilla.
- TheyHetravelledmatkustivatin cars proudly called `Suburban ``autoilla, joita kutsuttiin ylpeinä nimellä "Suburban".
- HeHäntravelledmatkustiwidelyin those daystuolloin,often accompanied by his wifeusein vaimo seurassaan, and they lived for two years in the United States where he was responsible for ICI's affairs in North and South America.
- SheHäntravelskulkeeinsisäänevery Saturday morningjoka lauantai-aamu.
- The third-class passengersKolmannen luokan matkustajaton the Beira and Mashonaland railwayBeiran ja Mashonalandin rautatiellätravelledmatkustivatin this waytällä tavallain 1900 and for many years afterwardsvuonna 1900 ja vielä vuosia sen jälkeen.
- The new clause would provide a golden opportunity for the consultative committee to ensure that bus companies carry out recommendations that would ensure thatthe elderly and the disabledvanhukset ja vammaisetcanvoivattravelkulkeaon busesbussillain ScotlandSkotlannissain comparative safetysuhteellisen turvassa.
- But ifyou<empty>areolettravellingliikkeelläon footjalan, and particularly if you are without a light, this can be a time of real alarm.
- HeHänwas getting nearer to himself,travellingkulkienon a long loop of bumpy path through the treespitkän lenkin kuoppaisella polulla puiden lomitse.
- French sculptors were supreme andtheyhetravelledmatkustivatall over Europekaikkialla Euroopassa, showing other nations how to enrich their cathedral façades.
- After the death of Shelley,shehänset out to earn her living, andtravelledmatkusteliover Russia, Italy, Germany and FranceVenäjällä, Italiassa, Saksassa ja Ranskassaas a governess.
- Should we not includepeople whoihmisiä, jotkaregularlysäännöllisestitravelkulkevatthrough the areaalueen läpiby carautolla, who must have an opinion about the difference it has made to their journey?
- For two yearsKahden vuoden ajanhehäntravelledmatkustelithrough BritainBritanniassaconvalescing.
- At the age of 1616-vuotiaanahehäntravelledmatkustelithrough the Far EastLähi-idän halkiand went to Australia to work on a sheep station.
- SheHänspent two yearstravellingmatkustellenthrough her native landkotimaassaanto film her current BBC2 seriesfilmaamassa uusinta BBC2-sarjaansa.
- TheyHeleft in July,travellingmatkustivatthrough Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, and PalestineSveitsin, Italian, Kreikan, Turkin, Syyrian ja Palestiinan halkito EgyptEgyptiin.
- On July 22Heinäkuun 22. päivänäTariq AzizTariq Aziztravelledmatkustito CairoKairoonfor talks with the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarakkeskustelemaan Egyptin presidentin Hosni Mubarakin kanssa, and the following day the two held a further round of talks in Alexandria with King Hussein of Jordan.
- A century laterVuosisataa myöhemmin,the Queenkuningatartravelledmatkustito the Middle EastLähi-itään.
- TOP industrialists from the United StatesYhdysvaltain teollisuuden terävin kärkitravelledmatkustito SnowdoniaSnowdoniaanto hold a board meetingpitämään kokoustaat the site of their latest acquisition Austin Taylor Communications Ltd at Bethesda.
- `We won't know until the doctor sees him ifhehänwill be fitto<empty>travelmatkustamaanto SpainEspanjaanwith Englandenglantilaisten mukana, ``said manager George Graham.
- About 70 friendsNoin 70 ystäväätravelledmatkustiwith the coupleparin kanssafrom their home in Pimlico, just north of the Thamesheidän kotoaan Pimlicosta Thames-joen pohjoispuolelle,to help the happy couple celebratejuhlimaan onnellisen parin kanssain Jersey.
- HeHängave up his job with Exeter social services department in Mayto<empty>travelmatkustaakseenwith girlfriend Claire Sopertyttöystävänsä Claire Soperin kanssabefore their planned wedding next Septemberennen heidän ensi syyskuulle suunniteltuja häitään.
- A Lakes and Mountains holiday is great fun whenyou<empty>travelmatkustatwith a group of friends or familyystävien tai perheen kanssa.
- `WeMeneveremme koskaantravelmatkustaaloneyksinwith menmiesten kanssa.
- The next daySeuraavana päivänäOliverOlivertravelledmatkustiwith Mr Brownlow, Dr Losberne, Mrs Maylie and RoseMr Brownlow, Dr Losberne, Mrs Maylie ja Rose mukanaanback to his birthplacesynnyinpaikalleen.
- Asshehäntalked to key people andtravelledmatkustiround Britainympäri Britanniaaon her preliminary fact-finding touretukäteen tekemällään tietojenkeruumatkallaanshe discovered she had a big area of ignorance.
- AstronomersTähtitieteilijätmaysaattavattravelmatkustaainto the depths of space and timeavaruuden ja ajan syvyyksiin, but on their return they must still convince their colleagues of the truth of what they saw.
- Buthehänwas not a recluse andtravelledmatkustiwidelylaajaltiwithin EuropeEuroopassa.
- The pains of living in an overcrowded island are apparent enough forthose whoheille, joidenhaveto<empty>travelmatkustaainside itsen sisällä.
- In JulyKesäkuussathe EliotsEliotin perhetravelledmatkustiup to LeedsLeedsiin, and although he had a mild infection in August he said that he felt in much better health.
- On the saturday there are seven-a-side football competitions for youngsters involving30 or more teams whovähintään 30 tiimiä, jotkatravelmatkustavatfrom as far as Newcastle in the North and Wetherby in the Southniinkin kaukaa kuin pohjoisen Newcastlesta ja etelän Wetherbystato take partosallistuakseen tapahtumaan.
- CompetitorsKilpailijattravelledmatkustivatfrom as far afield as Middlesex, Berks and Kentniinkin kaukaa kuin Middlesexistä, Berksistä ja Kentistäfor the end of season unaffiliated dressage championshipskauden päättäviin pukujuhliinheld at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Normandy last week.
- We all have a tendency towards over-optimism when assessinghow farkuinka kauasandfastnopeastiweme'lltulemmetravelmatkustamaan.
- As the number of tickets available at the museum is limited it is recommended that you purchase your tickets beforeyou<empty>travelmatkustamista.
- He'sthe sort whosellainen, jokatravelsmatkustaaaloneyksin.
- For some timeshehänhas been head dancer of a troupe andhasontravelledmatkustanutextensivelypaljonabroadulkomailla, taking part in cabaret on land and aboard cruise ships.
- BeduBedutravelledmatkustifastnopeastiandlightvähin matkatavaroin.
- They're spread all over the country, which is whyIminunhaveto<empty>travelmatkustaaso muchniin paljonand why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me.
- Aswemetravelmatkustammesouth-west along the main roadlounaaseen päätietä pitkinto PoltavaPoltavaan, the feeling of being under secure Bolshevik rule recedes.
- MerchantsKauppiaatwould<empty>travelmatkustivataroundympäriinsäon a regular basissäännöllisestigiving out raw materials and collecting the spun, or woven, productkaupaten raaka-aineita ja keräten kehrättyä tai kudottua materiaalia.
- NowMr Laurentiusherra Laurentiustravelsmatkustaaaboutympäriinsäwith an antiquated set of hospital X-ray equipment with which he is able to take a detailed picture within secondsantiikkisen sairaalaröntgenin kanssa, jolla hän saa yksityiskohtaisen kuvan muutamassa sekunnissa..
- Economy is just one of the reasons whyshehäntravelsmatkustaalightvähin matkatavaroin, choosing to use as little equipment as possible.
- Martin Graham- Scott joineda commuter whotyömatkalaisen, jokatravelskulkeeeach dayjoka päiväto LondonLontooseenfrom his home in Long Crendon in Buckinghamshirehänen kotoaan Buckinghamshiren Long Crendonista.
- And arecentedellinentripmatkaby the mayor of Las VegasLas Vegasin pormestarinhas raised hopes for the sale of the train as a gamblers' special to link the city with Los Angeles.
- Atripretkiby cable car or monorailkaapelivaunussa tai kohoradallagives the best view of the 180-acre site, four miles from Exmoor.
- OurMeidäntwo-nightkahden yöntripmatkammeby airlento-leaves Gatwick on the afternoon of Friday October 2.
- WeMeillähad one moreoli vielä yksidaypäiväntripmatkaby boatvene-before we left Praslin, and that was to the island of La Digue to try and see the black paradise flycatcher.
- But aleisurelyloma-tripmatkaby boatveneelläis recommended.
- AhuntingMetsästys-tripmatkaby Saudi Arabia's Prince BandarSaudi-Arabian prinssi Bandarinwas stopped by environmental police in Niger after 55 bustard falcon carcasses were found.
- Rhonda Hubbers scooped the prize of aseven-dayseitsemän päiväntripmatkanfor twokahdelleto LondonLontooseenwhich included a VIP visit to Barlaston.
- I understand they runsightseeingkierto-tripsajelujafor Allied servicemen in uniformliittoutuneiden sotamiehille univormuissasome days.
- A quiz organised at the launch by Delta Holidays, with a prize of atripmatkanfor two adultskahdelle aikuiselleto Euro DisneyEuro Disney -huvipuistoon, was won by Kevin Chambers, of Birkhall Road, Thorntree, Middlesbrough.
- AboatVene-tripmatkafrom PensarnPensarnistagave only small thornback and dogfish.
- Billy enjoyed the shorttripmatkastafrom the `Barge ``Bargestato the `Windy RidgeWindy Ridgelle.
- Pleasure craft also operatedseameri-tripsmatkojafrom Clacton and WaltonClactonista ja Waltonistato give a close-up view.
- Russan has good possibilities for swimming and festering, and the22 kilometres22 kilometrincanoemelonta-tripmatkafrom RussanRussanistato ColliasColliasiinis highly recommended.
- TheKlausen PassKlausen Passintripmatkafrom UriUristato GlarusGlarusiincan be made by a postbus service which operates July to September from Fluelen via Altdorf, the sector flurglen to Linthal being classed as a mountain postroad.
- It was also agreed that theannualvuosittainenCentral Wales LineCentral Wales Linentripmatkafrom Craven ArmsCraven Armsistato Llandrindod WellsLlandrindod Wellsiintake place on the evening of Friday 19th June 1992.
- Moidart'sMoidartintripmatkafrom her Newmarket basehänen Newmarketin tukikohdastaanto EdinburghEdinburghiinlast time was rewarded with victory and she should score closer to home in the Charter Handicap.
- Darlington was only the second date on the tour and got off to a bad start with atripmatkallafrom ManchesterManchesteristathrough freezing fogjäätävän sumun läpiarriving late and cold.
- The first suchtripsmatkoistain the spring of 1980keväällä 1980represented a victory over the KGB.
- Catherine Moore heads down under and discovers a whole new world on acavingluola-tripretkelläin South WalesSouth Walesissa
- Meeting Seychelles tourist reps at a Travel Trade Fair clinched it and arrangements were made for us to join a small group of people on anexploratorytutkimus-tripmatkallain October 1989lokakuussa 1989.
- The ill-fatedMannheim-ParisMannheimista Pariisiintripretkiof 1778vuonna 1778, which Mozart undertook with his mother, not with Leopold, marked the end of the close, trusting relationship that father and son had formerly enjoyed.
- This is the second of a set of two articles, written after atripmatkanof some five monthsnoin viiden kuukaudento Northern India, Pakistan and BangladeshPohjois-Intiaan, Pakistaniin ja Bangladeshiin suuntautuneen.
- `When will we get the chance of atripretkelleon the bikepolkupyörä-?
- Meanwhile, the Sex Pistols' re-enactment of their legendary1977vuoden 1977boatvene-tripretkenon the ThamesThames-joella tehdyn, coinciding with the state opening of Parliament on October 17, will go ahead with or without Steve Jones.
- There was the time we were getting off a crowded coach on adaypäivä-tripretkelläto BrightonBrightoniinand he pushed me back into my seat.
- The 41-year-old mother realised she was being followed by two men as she returned to a multi-storey car park after alunchtimeruokatunti-tripretkento a supermarket in Fareham, Hantssupermarketiin Farehamiin, Hantsiin.
- On atripretkelläto the DolomitesDolomiiteillea few years agomuutama vuosi siten,four of usneljä meistäbrought three different stoves between us rashly thinking we had all angles covered.
- So instead of thermal underwear and thick socks, I was packing sandals, shorts and summer shirts for thetripmatkaa vartento the tropicstropiikin-.
- Theoccasionalsatunnainentripmatkato Barbados, Hong Kong, even SheffieldBarbadokselle, Hong Kongiin, jopa Sheffieldiin.
- ThetripMatkato the Soviet UnionNeuvostoliittoonin 1934vuonna 1934had deepened Nizan's grasp of reality.
- Actually I was calling to confirmmy<empty>littletripmatkaniwith ErikaErikan kanssatomorrowhuomenna.
- In May 1991 the prince visited Prague, a city which survived the Second World War unscathed, during anEast EuropeanItä-Euroopantripmatkaniwith the Princess of WalesWalesin prinsessan kanssa.
- `MyMinuntripmatkaniwith the Herr Direktorherra johtajan kanssahas been postponed, ``he said.
- ASaturdaySunnuntai-tripmatkaniwith Barbara's mother who's visitng from ManchesterBarbara'n äidin kanssa, joka oli käymässä Manchesteristato the superstore on the edge of the townsupermarketiin kaupungin laidalletakes minutes by car.
- Robbie, the National Federation of Anglers' disabled co-ordinator, raised around £22,000 for charity fromlast June'sviime kesäkuuntripmatkalta.
- In the first few minutes of their greetings, the real purpose ofNora'sNoorantripmatkanwas forgotten by them both.
- The original purpose ofthe Foreign Secretary'sUlkoministerinEuropeanEuroopan-tripmatkanwas to take in Warsaw and Prague, in order to see how glasnost and perestroika were working in those countries.
- Afterwards I was pleased to get a free plaster and a cup of tea with a rich tea biscuit beforemy<empty>tripmatkaanihomekoti-.
- JOURNALISTS from The Northern Echo were unable to accompany John Major onhishänenbusbussi-tripmatkallaanyesterday because the paper has refused to apply for Conservative Party media passes.
- The letter would reach him onhishänenbusinessliike-tripmatkallaan.
- The students, supported by Midland Corporate Banking (Scotland), will train at Cramond on Sunday and Thursday beforetheirheidäncoachbussi-tripmatkaansasouthetelään.
- In order to get some value for the $30 Rumanian border visa fee,wemedid a frantic but excitingcarauto-tripmatkannorthpohjoiseento the Rumanian/Russian borderRomanian ja Venäjän väliselle rajalle.
- Hence the cars, theholidayloma-tripsmatkat, the barbecues, the pets -- I remember in 1959 being amazed to discover how many people in the suburbs of Washington were keeping pet chimpanzees!
- Early the next morning, two coaches set-off from the County Hall on asix hourkuuden tunnintripmatkalleto visit a number of the sites that were connected with the Tirpitz raidsTirpitzin rynnäkön historiaan liittyville paikoille.
- Volunteers usually act as `sitters ``caring for a client while the rest of the family is away, perhaps for a few hours for aweeklyviikoittaisellashoppingostos-tripmatkalla.
- Whole day cruises explore the islands once a week from Cannigione, andyachtjahdillatripsretkiäare available too.
- Have you ever forgotten to take a torch onbackpackingreppu-tripsmatkalle?
- A CHARITY which takes deprived children oncampingleirintä-tripsmatkoillehas been helped by a Middlesbrough hotel.
- The function was hosted by the agency for the US businessmen, who fly home today after afive dayviiden päivängolfinggolf-tripmatkanorganised by the Northern Ireland Partnership.
- HONG KONG Governor Chris Patten has offered an £80 reward for Soda, the family dog, who disappeared on ahikingpatikka-tripmatkalla.
- League spokesman David Howes said: `Our planning of a streamlined, higher profile tour certainly paid off and has set the pattern forfuturetulevilletripsmatkoille.
- But what Derry are worried about is any stipulation from the cricket authorities which would rule Smyth out of rugby for the month prior to theAfricanAfrikan-tripmatkaa.
- OurMeidäntripretkemmearound this part of the citytällä puolella kaupunkiadefines a crude triangle, formed by Corso Venezia and Corso di Porta Romana, with Piazza del Duomo as its point.
- Nothing better than a smoothed way through Customs and Immigration, and ready transportation for thetripmatkalleinto a new cityuuteen kaupunkiin.
- The little Cornish fishing village of Polperro is one of the many picturesque sights encountered on atripmatkallaalong the southern coastline of the countrymaan etelärannikolla.
- On thetripmatkallaacross the baylahden poikki,Ray Kendall-HumeRay Kendall-Humeexpounded his theories about `having to get away from it all ``.
- Andherhänenoneyksitripmatkoistaanacross the baylahden poikkion a six-berth Swedish cruiser-racer owned by a visiting friend of her father'sisän vieraan omistamalla ruotsalaisella pikaveneellä, jossa oli makuutilat kuudelle,was a treasured memory.
- They had plannedhishänenSt LouisSt Louisin-tripmatkaansaas a one-day event.
- There was also Mr Maddern, seated comfortably in the lounge-car as though in the drawing-room of his home-and after4545tripsmatkan jälkeenacross the NullarborNullarborin halkito sell shoes in Kalgoorliemyymään kenkiä Kalgoorliessa, I suppose that is how it felt.
- The nappy changes, the meal times, theendlessloputtomattripsreissutround supermarketsympäri supermarketteja, school times, getting dressed and so on?
- For Andrew, thetripmatkaup<empty>to London to the awards ceremony attended by the Princess of WalesLontooseen palkintojenjakoon, johon osallistui Walesin prinssi, was almost overshadowed by his excitement over his first journey on a train up to the capital.
- Next year'sEnsi vuodentripmatkato KenyaKeniaancosts even more -- ý2,200.
- Meanwhile, the ferry's full summer timetable begins on May 31 when the MV Brightlingsea will runfiveviisitripsmatkaabetween Harwich and FelixstoweHarwichin ja Felixstowev välillä.
- It wasn't just the flight to New York, the tedium of the long-drawn-out customs and transport formalities, and thehelicopterhelikopteri-tripmatkabetween JFK airport and ManhattanJFK:n lentokentän ja Manhattanin välilläthat had been so tiring.
- 33 year old Stephen Murray died after falling from his raft during awhite-water raftingkoskenlasku-tripmatkallaanon holidaylomallaanin CaliforniaKaliforniassa.
- The British official said the Prime Minister, John Major, had spoken by telephone to Mr Kohl beforethe chancellor'skanslerintripmatkaato IndiaIntiaanand relations between them were good.
- Meanwhile, McDermott has said England should not hesitate to fulfiltheirheidäntwo-weekkahden viikontripmatkaansato civil-war torn Sri Lankasisällissodan repimään Sri Lankanin Marchmaaliskuussa.
- Taking the supplied fuel bottle filled to the recommended level gives sufficient burning time for atripmatkalleof up to several daysjopa useamman päivän kestävälle.
- John'sJohnintripmatkaon `Defiant ``Defiantillewas his first ever on a Castle and Collin Jacks reports he was very impressed not only with the locomotive but also with the surrounding Cotswold countryside.
- She normally emerged every five or six hours for ahuntingmetsästys-tripmatkalleof about half an hournoin puolen tunnin, returning to the den with eels.
- ``Zurich and Vicinity includes anaerial cablewaykaapelivaunu-tripmatkanto FelseneggFelseneggiin.
- For visitors interested in making the journey to Bauen by private transport the route could be combined with atripmatkaanfrom BrunnenBrunnenistaalong the Axenstrassepitkin Axenstrasseato Fluelen and AltdorfFlueleniin ja Altdorfin.
- Also in residence was General Vernon Walters, who, sincehishänentripmatkansawith HarimanHarimanin kanssato see Mossadeqtapaamaan Mossadeqia, had been one of the more redoubtable and mysterious figures in the American, military-intelligence complex.
- I stayed with Venturous throughout the seventies with theoccasionalsatunnaisillatripmatkoillaon ValiantValiantillaand a very short period on Vigilant.
- ENGLAND's players endured a nine-hour delay on theirovernightöisellätripmatkallaanbacktakaisinfrom PakistanPakistanistaon Saturdaylauantaina, but it proved no handicap to the 10 who played in the Nationwide Anglia English Cup, yesterday.
- Graham had been working on his yacht, the Sea Eagle, during a break on alongpitkälläsailingpurjehdus-tripmatkalla, when he suffered an electric shock.
- In the afternoonIltapäivällä, there is an optionaltripretkiinto GermanySaksan puolelleto see Hitler's `Eagle's Nest ``and the magnificent scenery around Berchtesgadenkatsomaan Hitlerin Kotkanperää ja Berchtesgadenin upeita maisemia.
- The highlight of this eventwill be a one waytulee olemaan yhdensuuntainentripmatkaover the famous Settle to Carlisle routekuuluisaa Settle - Carlisle -reittiä pitkin.
- Observers see the Royal couple no longer enjoy each other's company and reports revealDianaDianadid not want to go on thetripmatkalle.
- The familyPerhewere going on anearly morningaikaisin aamullashoppingostos-tripretkelleto buy a surprise for their father Dennis's 54th birthdayostaakseen isälleen Dennikselle yllätyslahjan tämän 54-vuotissyntymäpäivän kunniaksi.
- Blonde Angel sneaked out afterher dadhänen isänsäwent on anearlyvarhaisellefishingkalastus-tripretkelleand left the door unlocked at their home in Sheffield.
- There's still no sign of the Rampton Special Hospital patient who went missing while on ashoppingostos-tripretkelläin SheffieldSheffieldissäyesterdayeilen.
- Only when he went into the Victoria Nursing Home didshehänmake thetripmatkanto BrightonBrightoniin-- just a fortnight before he died.
- ChurchKirkkowas makingregularsäännöllisestitripsmatkojato the cellarkellariin.
- The result was thata scratch teamkokoon hutaistumade thetripmatkannorthpohjoiseenand in the end were powerless to stop Blaydon running in 15 tries.
- And for the hot-air balloon flight of a lifetime, take anhour-longtunnin mittaisentripmatkanfrom Chateau d'OexChateau d'Oex'sta.
- From Lombokyou<empty>can take aboatvene-tripretkento the Gilies, three small coral-fringed islands that are a paradise for snorklers and diversGiliesiin, joka koostuu kolmesta korallien koristamasta, snorklaajien ja sukeltajien paratiisiksi kutsutusta saaresta..
- His father had retired long since but Mark was still unable to persuadeeither parentkumpaakaan vanhemmistato take thetripmatkalleto ParisPariisiinand sample his culinary efforts.
- As a teen-ager,hehäntookdailypäivittäinsubwaymetrollatripsmatkojato the Metropolitan MuseumMetropolitan Museumiinto study the painted portraits that so greatly influenced his photographic styletutkimaan maalattuja muotokuvia, jotka vaikuttivat suuresti hänen tyyliinsä valokuvaajana..
- Theseameri-voyagematkafrom BritainBritanniastanecessitated daily rehearsals to keep the Girls limbered.
- In the nineteenth century,sailing ships or steamships direct from the United Kingdompurje- tai höyrylaivat suoraan Isosta-Britanniastatook between eight and twelve days on thevoyagematkaanfrom SouthamptonSouthamptonistato MadeiraMadeiralle.
- WeMeagreed ontwokahdestavoyagesmatkastafrom the ThamesThames-joeltato NantesNantesiinand then we would review the situation.
- OnCaptain Cook'skapteeni Cookinfirstvoyagemerimatkallain the EndeavourEndeavour-aluksella, he anchored at Madeira between 14 and 19 September 1768, after seventeen days sail from England.
- Thus it is that we know as much as we do about the Orynthia andherhänenvoyagesmatkoistaanin the late 1830s1830-luvun lopussa.
- ForbesForbesmanaged to get a place on avoyagematkallein the eastern Mediterraneaneteläisellä Välimerellä, where HMS Beacon was engaged in a survey.
- After avoyagematkanof investigationtutkimus-in 1584vuonna 1584a colony that was intended to be permanent was launched in 1585.
- The ice-covered ocean surrounding Antarctica was first penetrated by Captain James Cook, RN, inhishänenexploratorytutkimus-voyagesmatkoillaanof 1773 and 1774vuosina 1773 ja 1774(Cook, 1961).
- During the nextvoyagematkanof the BeagleBeaglen, Bynoe contributed a number of new finds for the ornithologist's work on the Birds of Australia.
- Very shortly before Maxwell embarked onhishänenlastvoyagematkalleenon the Lady GhislaineLady Ghislainellahe was discussing legal matters with the Legal Director of Mirror Group Newspapers, Arthur Davidson.
- A week'sViikonvoyagemerimatkaon an STA schoonerSTA:n kuunarillacosts from £250, including waterproofs.
- The seven nunsSeitsemän nunnaastepped from the safe enclosure of the Carmel Convent in Nunnery Lane to face avoyagematkalleon a cargo shiprahtilaivallafollowed by a 1,000 kilometre drive through the Kalahari desert.
- Many years and many visits later I was invited by Tim Littler to become the official wheel tapper forhishänenexoticOrient ExpressOrient Expressinvoyagesmatkalleento ChampagneChampagneenbeing launched in August this year.
- The waterfall may be visited by hiringa boat and boatmanveneen ja kuljettajan(enquire at Kylesku Hotel) for athree-milekolmen mailinvoyagemerimatkalleto the far end of this lochjärven kaukaisimpaan kolkkaan, whence a short walk brings it into view.
- During the 1640s1640-luvullahehäncommanded ships ontradingkauppa-voyagesmatkoillato MassachusettsMassachusettsiin, in association with his brother, who had returned home in 1643.
- Lord NelsonLordi Nelsonsails out from Liverpool next Friday for aneight-daykahdeksan päivänvoyagematkalleto the Inner HebridesSisä-Hebrideille.
- The only part of the globe not mentioned is the Antipodes, for Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander had not yet returned fromtheirheidänvoyagemerimatkaltaanwith Captain Cookkapteeni Cookin kanssain the EndeavourEndeavour-aluksellaand plants from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands had yet to be described.
- The British yacht SunbeamBrittijahti Sunbeamarrived in 1876 on around-the-worldmaailmanympärys-voyagematkaltaanwith its owner Thomas Brassey MP, his wife, children, guests and thirty-two crew membersmukanaan omistajansa Thomas Brassey MP, hänen vaimonsa, lapsensa, vieraansa ja 32 miehistön jäsentä.
- He was frequently deceitful, as in his deliberate misrepresentations to his crew of the speed oftheirheidändailypäivittäisestävoyagematkastaan.
- It was a cruise ship, and most ofthe 937 passengers937 matkustajastabooked onitssentransatlanticAtlantin ylittävällevoyagematkallecarried visas confirming that they were `tourists, travelling for pleasure ``.
- On theBeagleBeaglenvoyagematkalla, Darwin had discovered evidence for the `law of succession of types ``by unearthing South American fossils related to the unique modern inhabitants of that continent.
- During thelongPitkänseameri-voyagematkan, Thomas Burns was seen as a leader in more than religious matters.
- Captain Lawton and his men seem to have had a fairly trouble-free time of it, because all 15 of them were duly discharged back in London after theseven-monthseitsemän kuukaudenvoyagematkan.
- Once he decamps, he will have to forget thewesternlänsimaisetvoyagematkansa.
- The four-month voyage back to England via the South pacific and Cape Horn was spent much in the same way as theoutwardpoispäin suuntautuvatvoyagematkat.
- The journey along the spiritual path -- thevoyagematkatowards awarenesskohti tietoisuutta-- is different for everyone.
- TheyHesteal a schooner and embark on avoyagematkallethrough the Caribbeanläpi Karibianandalong the Central American coastKeski-Amerikan rannikkoa pitkin, terrified of retribution but indulging in the comfort of increasingly fantastic plans for a luxurious future.
- Now, I don't liketreasureaarteenhaku-voyagesmatkoistaat the best of times, and I certainly don't like them when they are secret.
- For the nationalist, thevoyagematkaof discoverytutkimus-is a profound spiritual experience.
- Tom, 49, from Liverpool, flew to the Portuguese capital Lisbon where he aims to followColumbus'sKolumbuksenvoyagematkaato the West IndiesLänsi-Intian saaristoonin the smallest craft ever -- just 5ft 5in.
- We agreed ontwokahdestavoyagesmatkastafrom the ThamesThames-joeltato NantesNantesiinand then we would review the situation.
- Only a year after the invention of balloons, a book was written describing avoyagematkasta,by balloonkuumailmapallolla,to the newly discovered planet Uranusuudelleen löydetylle Uranus-planeetalle.
- Even if his history is half-baked, there is nothing amateurish aboutMr Severin'sherra Severininvoyagematkassa.
- This is the story of a uniqueten-yearkymmenen vuodenvoyagematkastaof explorationtutkimus-amongst the steamy islands of the volcanic Indonesian archipelagoIndonesian vulkaanisen saariston höyryävien saarten keskellä.
- Last nightViime yöhad been a gloriousoli ollut upeavoyagematkaof discoverytutkimus-to a new landuuteen maahan, revealing wonders never dreamt of.
- WhenCookCookmadehishänenfirstexploratorytutkimus-voyagesmatkansato the South SeasTyynelle valtamerellebetween 1768 and 1771vuosina 1768 - 1771, that figure had more than doubled to 450,000 tons.
- ColumbusKolumbusmadethreekolmemorevoyagesmatkaato the `New World ``he had found"uuteen maahan" , jonka hän oli löytänyt.
- The following yearSeuraavana vuonna,with two companionskahden kaverinsa kanssa,hehänmade a record1,171-mile1171 mailinvoyagematkanto RussiaVenäjälle.
- `I never saw such good use made of knives and forks before … ``recorded a P & O passenger in his diary of avoyagematkastaeastidänin the 1860s1860-luvulla.
- Theirs would be a union of questing souls;theyhewould<empty>voyagematkustaisivattogetherinto fairy realmskeijujen valtakuntaan.
- Whenastronautsastronautitvoyagematkustivatto distant planetskaukaisiin paikkoihinand look for life, they can expect to find creatures too strange and unearthly for us to imagine.
- DaddaDadda,voyagingteki matkaansaday by daypäivästä toiseenfarther out on his black sea of depressionyhä kauemmas masennuksen mustalle merelle, made his one contribution to the talk.
- His dancing dark eyesHänen säihkyvät tummat silmänsävoyagedkulkivatup and down her seated formylös alas hänen istuvaa hahmoaanas if reminding himself.
- St. Denis said police learned some of the group's beliefs --- including the notions of an Antichrist andvoyagingmatkaansato a planet in another solar systemplaneetoille toiseen aurinkokuntaan--- by interviewing some of the sect's ex-members.
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