In order to effect
at either level
kummalla tahansa tasolla , the two tanks must not travel on the same plane.
(There is often a degree of integration between these; this aims for the use of the same key-presses for the same effects and allows the
between functions
funktioiden välillä .)
It is accepted that this power of attorney was valid and effective to vest in
power on Mr. Steed's behalf to sell the property and to execute a
for that purpose
tätä tarkoitusta varten .
A tactic for distinguishing an effect on reaction time of a hemispheric processing inefficiency from an effect due to
hemisfäärinvälisestä is suggested by the application of a memory search procedure (Sternberg, 1966).
Among his many far-reaching reforms,
effected a
from Communist Party
Kommunistiselta puolueelta to executive presidency
toimeenpanevalle presidentille .
As it can take considerable time to effect the
of overseas funds
ulkomaisten varojen to the University account
yliopiston tilille ,
are strongly advised to make arrangements well in advance.
Rice grown in Sri Lanka did not in general enter the market economy, although there were
by barter and gift
barter- ja lahjoitus- .
The fear is unfounded and can be eased by remembering firstly that the existence of sums of US$ in NOSTRO accounts is only possible because there
from the US money stock
Yhdysvaltain rahavarannosta .
There were
as a result, since the exam used had already segregated them.
Mrs Rita Fan, head of the government's Security Panel, says: `When there is a
in any society
missä tahansa yhteiskunnassa , law and order suffer.
to republican control
republikaanien valvontaan .
There have been three significant cases of the
from the death of a civilian head of state
kuolleelta valtionpäämieheltä to his successor
hänen seuraajalleen .
Narudon Detpradiyut, a senior Thai Supreme Command official, that a
to civilian rule
siviilihallinnolle would only take place
after a new constitution had been drafted and fresh elections held
, kun uusi perustuslaki on luonnosteltu ja uudet vaalit pidetty .
There were, however, reports that the Ukrainian government had denied such an agreement, although the
had been resumed, and the Defence Minister, Col.-Gen.
is most
by merely handing them over
yksinkertaisesti luovuttamalla tuote , and such a transfer is equally effectual whether the transfer is for value or by way of gift.
They adopted the Kuala Lumpur Declaration, which essentially called for a massive
from the North
pohjoisesta to finance environmental and development projects
ympäristö- ja kehitysprojektien rahoittamiseksi .
The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the
I entirely agree that
to other aspirant nuclear powers
muihin mahdollisiin ydinvoimaloihin is deplorable.
Barson's powers of tackling and leadership were so highly regarded that United had paid £5,000 -- a huge fee at the time, especially for a defender -- for
from Aston Villa
Aston Villasta .
This culminated with
to the Rolls Wood Group
Rolls Wood Groupiin .
Of particular interest is the age distribution of the children and it is evident that 12 and 13 year olds are most at risk and this coincides with
from primary
ensimmäisen asteen koulutuksesta to secondary school
toisen asteen koulutukseen .
carefully managed
huolellisesti hoidettu , and both trainees were expertly mentored by John Corbett, PCE senior site supervisor at Shell's St Fergus Plant.
It may be that there is some delay after completion, which makes it impossible for
the buyer's conveyancers
ostajan kuljetusliikkeen to lodge
within the period of priority
prioriteettiaikataulussa .
Destination boxes were not fitted until just before
and there was a deck lamp on an upright stanchion near the stairheads.
The British Prime Minister, John Major, has announced a package of government measures to encourage
from UK companies
Ison-Britannian yrityksiltä to the developing world
kehittyvään maailmaan .
Technical innovations have included the idea of arranging
by issuing chequebooks
käyttämällä sekkivihkoja , the use of plastic credit and cheque cards or the automatic, electronic transfer of funds and cheque-clearing systems between banks.
The council endorsed the idea put forward by the British Government, and recently endorsed by the General Assembly, of a UN register of
perinteisistä .
He went on to say that there
from the British civil nuclear programme
Britannian siviiliydinohjelmasta under the UK -US defence agreement which governed that deal.
Schnur resigned before the election with a
jälkeensä jäänet from his party
puolueeltaan to the other two Alliance members
kahdelle uudelle Alliancen jäsenelle .
Moreover, it follows from this necessity for an absolute sovereign, that an
of allegiance
uskollisuuden is inevitable when the `sovereign ``fails to govern, and keep the civil peace.
Moreover, although Rask was concerned with the initial decision to contract out, what the Court says seems equally applicable to any
to another sub-contractor
toiselle alihankkijalle .
There is one other aspect of the women's role (not directly investigated in this survey) deserving attention, that
is the transition and
siirtymävaihe ja from her husband
hänen aviomieheltään to her family
hänen perheelleen .
The latter requirement necessitates showing that the person who first removed the property from the `common store ``was entitled to do so; it must then be demonstrated that
have been consensual.
Finally, payment can be made by mail transfer,
Technical innovations have included the idea of arranging money transfers by issuing chequebooks, the use of plastic credit and cheque cards or the automatic,
and cheque-clearing systems between banks.
Their total vote of 1,510 was 600 votes short of Conaty (Independent) with 2134, and no amount of
between them
heidän välillään could have postponed the elimination of any of them until after Conaty.
between the two resorts
kahden lomapaikan välillä are included in the price, and
are via the arrival airport
tapahtuvat saapumiskentän kautta .
A point to remember is that there is no tax payable on gifts between husband and wife, so there are opportunities of saving tax on profits by first making
between each other
keskinäiset .
Since 1960
Vuodesta 1960 lähtien , of the 41 sub-Saharan African states there
has only been one
on tapahtunut vain yksi smooth constitutional
veretön, perustuslaillinen from one elected leader
yhdeltä vaalein valitulta johtajalta , i.e. in Senegal in 1981.
Some of
the Metropolitan and other English detectives
pääkaupungista saapuneista ja muista englantilaisista etsivistä on
from the mainland
mantereelta shocked the straight-laced policemen of the RUC by their slick shortcuts.
It called for financial support and the
of environmentally-appropriate technology
ympäristön kannalta hyväksytyn tekniikan from richer nations
rikkaimmilta valtiolta , in return for agreement from rainforest states to safeguard their forests for global benefit.
from special school
erityiskoulusta to integrated provision
integroituun malliin as a pupil gains mastery of specialised skills
oppilas saa valtavasti erityistaitoja or transfer from integrated provision to special provision for specific reasons should be neither surprising nor impossible.
of ownership
Omistusoikeuden from the public sector
julkiselta sektorilta to the private sector
of DM2 billion-3 billion a year
2 - 3 miljardin DM:n vuosittaiset from the consumers' pockets
kuluttajan taskusta into the waste-management industry
jätehuoltoteollisuudelle will, by the end of this year, rise to DM3 billion-4 billion a year.
This element of
from yachting and wind generators
jahdeista tuuligeneraattoreihin was one of the strengths of the design.
Within the post-war period, the two most enduring changes appear
from rough pasture
karuilta laidunmailta to either woodland or farmland
metsä- tai maatalousmaalle , and Parry et al.
The review focused on the legal nature of the
of the lease pools
Leasing-poolien to the grantor trusts
lainanantajan säätiöille and the insulation of the trusts from a potential IBM bankruptcy, it said.
was performed by calcium phosphate co-precipitation (14,15).
`We have less then six months to answer these and other questions which comes to the biggest and potentially most rewarding challenge of all the process of
, ``says Hopwood.
He returned to Sunderland before that
to Ayresome Park
Ayresome Parkiin , and then his career went a little sour.
The division of the empire into fifteen military districts in August 1864 made possible the more efficient call-up of reservists in wartime and the
of decision-making
päätöksenteon to local commanders
paikallisille komentajille .
Part is earmarked for
to the impoverished peasant farmers living in the areas concerned
köyhtyneille maanviljelijöille, jotka asuvat kyseisillä alueilla .
Despite the NLD's overwhelming victory, the
refused to sanction a
to a civilian government
siviilihallitukselle .
There is a need to proceed cautiously regarding the possibility of making
asiayhteyteen sopimattomia to different social and economic milieus
erilaisiin sosiaalisiin ja taloudellisiin ympäristöihin .
Poindexter said he had told North repeatedly not to put anything in writing about the
to the contras
sissiryhmille .
The permanent collections of the Reina Sofía opened officially on 10 September with Picasso's masterpiece as its holy of holies after
B. Subsections. (1)
by licensing board
lisenssiviraston tekemä to new tenant or occupant
uudelle vuokralaiselle tai haltijalle .
There will be no
immediate or automatic
välittömiä tai automaattisia over and above existing levels of aid provided by the North.
At an early stage, we also recognised the potential of the new system, because of its outcome-based approach, to offer more
between centres and between courses
keskusten ja kurssien välillä .
Julius Bryant, Kenwood's curator and Head of Museums Division of English Heritage, who administer the house, is responsible for the
They represent the
, respectively transfer by the mean motion and transfer by the turbulence itself.
As the ship resumed its normal course, Lindsey made her way to her cabin, her mind still buzzing with what
well handled and straightforward
hyvin käsitelty ja suoraviivainen .
Following the
of responsibility for social rehabilitation of discharged patients
vastuun kotiutettujen potilaiden sosiaalisesta kuntoutuksesta to local authorities
paikallisviranomaisille , greater emphasis may be given to developing work schemes.
Not until the end of the Napoleonic Wars did increased specialization effect a sharp drop in the number of
to civil service
virkamiespuolelle .
Hwang Jang Yop, a senior North Korean official visiting Tokyo in early April, dismissed speculation of a
in the immediate future
välittömässä tulevaisuudessa .
Both of these depend on the capacity of organisms to integrate previously separated functions through the imposition of a superordinate system relating its subordinate parts; and this requires the
between those parts
osapuolten välillä .