He was making the investitures in lieu of
his mother who
hänen äitinsä puolesta, joka .
Lord Rosebery
lordi Rosebery he went to Plymouth Church and was `greatly disappointed ``.
When she was 18,
Elizabeth and school pal Claire Earnshaw
Elizabeth ja hänen koulutoverinsa Claire Earnshaw flew to America and bought a car then spent
America and Canada
Amerikkaa ja Kanadaa .
I got a bit fed up after
, it got a bit boring seeing the same places.
While I was gazing at the chamber
a schoolgirl who
koulutyttö, joka with her father came up and asked me how it worked.
Although he describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk, he has become an international figure,
and also
meeting many world leaders, dignitaries and religious figures
tapaamassa monia maailman johtajia, merkkihenkilöitä ja uskontojen edustajia .
The Labour MP Dr Jack Cunningham
Labour-puolueen kansanedustaja tri Jack Cunningham the complex
rakennuskokonaisuutta during the nuclear spillage
ydinvuodon aikana , but the nuclear company failed to notify him of the incident.
A group of senior industrialists
Ryhmä vanhempia teollisuusmiehiä the new site
uusissa tiloissa with a view to using the facility
niiden käyttötarkoitusta pohtien .
with my girlfriend
tyttöystäväni kanssa , it took me to my brother's wedding.
she and her mayoress, daughter Linda Charles
hän ja hänen kaupunginjohtajatyttärensä Linda Charles ,
in the company of Coun Fishwick
Coun Fishwickin seurassa .
He seemed to take pleasure in the simplest things, like
the delicatessens
herkkujen in search of a special cheese
erikoisjuustoja etsiessään , or taking the water bus across the lake and just mingling with the tourists.
Russia and Eastern Europe
Venäjää ja Itä-Eurooppaa in search of new material
etsiessään uutta materiaalia and had already accumulated notes on forty-one prisons and hospitals.
The Princess will meet several hundred workers when
the Lucas Diesel Systems plant at Sudbury
Lucas Diesel Systemsin tehtaalla Sudburyssä on July 27
heinäkuun 27. päivänä .
Dr Goodall, with Mrs Dilys Vass, administrator of the Jane Goodall Institute (UK)
Tri Goodall seurassaan rva Dilys Vass, Jane Goodall Instituten (UK) johtaja ,
with manager John Stronge
manageri John Strongen kanssa and then gave her undivided attention to the new chimpanzee enclosure.
Hugh Arbuthnot
Hugh Arbuthnot took time off from his duties
, and decided that apart from its inhabitants, it was one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel
Turkin pääministeri Suleyman Demirel the Moslem republics of the CIS
muslimimaita IVY-alueella at the end of April
huhtikuun lopussa .
the states of the region
alueen valtioita Vietnam's Deputy Foreign Minister reportedly said that Hanoi was not interested in joining ASEAN or subscribing to the Zone of Peace proposal `for the moment ``.