- `There was plenty acutpurselompakkovarkaitaat the fair.
- The real Moll, as in the play, wore men's clothing, fought skilfully with sword and cudgel `and in later years she was notorious as a whore, bawdcutpurselompakkovarasand receiver, a female Moriarty keeping a gang of thieves in her service ``(Gomme, 1976, p. xiv).
- Any sign of weakness or fear and thecutpurseslompakkovarkaatlurking there would be on them like a pack of dogs.
- It was clear thatfundsvarojawere being<empty>embezzledkavallettiinbut who could be doing it?
- On arrival at Smolensk, our peasant soldier discovers thatall the equipment of his unitkaikki hänen yksikkönsä laitteethas beenoliembezzledanastettuor stolenfrom the luggage-vantavaravaunusta.
- London representative ofa firm of Swiss vintners, from whomsveitsiläisten viinikauppiaiden yhtiöstä, jostahehänembezzleskavalsisome moneyhieman rahaa.
- `Some months agoIminuawas convicted ofembezzlingkavaltamisestaa considerable amount of moneymerkittävän rahasummanfrom the company I share with my brotherveljeni kanssa omistamastani yrityksestä.
- It was considered as wrong then as it is nowto<empty>embezzlekavaltaathe Crown's revenuesvaltion omaisuutta.
- `IMinähaveolenembezzledkavaltanutChurch fundskirkon varoja! ``he said.
- Sofia radio announced on Jan. 29 that Todor Zhivkov was in remand prison pending investigation of charges againsthimhäntäincluding abuse of power,embezzlementkavalluksestaof state fundsvaltion varojen, and ``incitement to racial hatred.
- HeHäntäwas accused of illegal possession of firearms and ofembezzlementkavalluksestaof public fundsjulkisten varojen.
- The killer was Irene Blackburn, one of the victims ofWickens'Wickensinembezzlementkavalluksen.
- LuhtiLuhtiwas arrested in August and is now in investigative custody on suspicion ofembezzlementkavalluksestathrough his Swiss Adiuva Finanz AG investment companyhänen Swiss Adiuva Finanz AG -investointiyhtiön kautta, declared bankrupt a week ago.
- Todor Zhivkov, 81, Bulgaria's communist leader from 1954 until November 1989Todor Zhivkov, 81, Bulgarian kommunistijohtaja vuodesta 1954 marraskuuhun 1989, was convicted of misappropriation of state property andembezzlementkavalluksestaon Sept. 4 and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.
- The most significant scandal concernedGeorge KoskotasGeorge Koskotas,whojotahad been charged in November 1988 with forgery and theembezzlementkavalluksestaof US$200,000,000200 000 000 Yhdysvaltain dollarinfrom the Bank of CreteBank of Creten, but had escaped to the United States where he remained in custody awaiting extradition [see p. 36562; see also pp. 36527; 36822; 36902].
- Harrell, who had come to personify the corruption and mismanagement at the centre of the HUD scandalHarrell, johon henkilöityi HUD-skandaalin korruptio ja väärinkäytökset, had pleaded guilty in January to one count ofembezzlementkavalluksestaand one of tax evasion.
- Moi was reported on Sept. 18 to have ordered an inquiry following an announcement that Denmark was freezing aid because of allegedembezzlementkavalluksestaof fundsvarojenfrom development projectskehitysprojektin.
- Last autumn, a zealous policeman from Marseilles wrote a best-selling exposýVB ofSocialistsosialistieninvolvement in a hugeembezzlementkavallukseenof public moneyjulkisten varojenin south-east France.
- New Zealand sayshehänen's anolevanembezzlerkavaltaja.
- IMinäpadded round the room andquietlyhiljaafilchedvarastinany precious object there: a small set of silver candlesticks, two finely chased pewter goblets and a cunningly wrought steel crucifix which hung on the wallsieltä kaikki arvokkaat tavarat: pienen sarjan hopeisia kynttilänjalkoja, kaksi hienoksi kiillotettua tinapikaria sekä seinällä roikkuneen , kiinnostavasti muotoillun teräskrusifiksin.
- Love,you<empty>haveolenfilchedvarastanutmy heartsydämeniby trickery and cunninghuijaamalla ja oveluudella, you lied -- God Forfend! but sweetly and charmingly.
- This song appealed especially, aswemehadolimmefilchedvarastaneetitsenfrom the Germanssaksalaisilta.
- Furthermore they know that they can trust him becausehehänwill noteifilchvarastamoneyrahaafrom the common agricultural policytavalliselta maalaispoliisilta, as Labour would do, to use it for other purposes.
- His throat had been cut from ear to ear andhis wallethänen lompakkonsahad beenolifilchedvarastettu.
- HeHänfilchedvarastione of Herr Nordern's cigarsyhden herra Nordernin sikareista.
- He often brought herscrapstähteitä, jotkahehänhadolifilchednäpistänytfrom the instructors' tableohjaajan pöydästä.
- Like the time she'd found Will Pegg's pockets full ofiron nailsteräsnauloja,hehän'dolifilchedvarastanutfrom SamsonSamsonilta.
- That underrated favourite of Martin Scorsese, Harvey Keitel, appears in Reservoir Dogs, a tense thriller about adiamondtimantinheistryöstöstäthat goes badly wrong because someone has grassed on the top thieves.
- AN ageing French womanVanheneva ranskalainen nainenekes out a privileged life pulling offjewelkoru-heistsryöstöjäwith a decrepit sidekick.
- Police were investigating the possibility that the attack was carried out bythe same gangsters whosamat roistotcommitted a similarheistryöstönin Brussels, BelgiumBelgian Brysselissä,several days agomonta vuotta sitten.
- MANILA, Philippines (AP) --- About 15 robbers killed three guards and injured five others including a policeman Thursday during abankpankki-heistryöstönin a Manila suburbManilan esikaupunkialueella, police said.
- A series ofbankpankki-heistsryöstöjenby a gang of HIV-infected robbersHIV-positiivisten ryöstäjien jengin tekemähas forced lawmakers to reconsider a 1993 law that prohibits the jailing of a suspect suffering from the virus that causes AIDS.
- Already facing jail time forearlieraiemmistabankpankki-heistsryöstöistäin Arizona and CanadaArizonassa ja Kanadassa, Mitchell was sentenced on Oct. 13, 1994, to an additional 30 years for the Mississippi holdup.
- He said there is no indication that the Irish Republican Army or any other terrorist group was involved in theFeb. 27helmikuun 27. päivänheistryöstössäat San Francisco's Lakeshore Shopping CenterSan Franciscon järvialueen ostoskeskuksessa.
- Jumbut allegedly stole over dlrs 3 million in crimes which included at least oneheistryöstöof an armored bank vehicleaseistetun rahankuljetusautonin DenmarkTanskassaand a robbery in Toulon, France, police officials said.
- The pair and two alleged accomplices armed with switchblades made off with lire 43 million (dlrs 27,000) in theTuesdaytiistainheistryöstössä.
- VIGO, Spain (AP) --- One security guard was killed and two injured during anattemptedyrityksessäarmored-caraseistetun autonheistryöstön, a government spokesman said Sunday.
- The [Act of 1916] itself provided for an alternative form of stealing --larcenyvarkaudestaby a bailee whotallettajan tekemästä`fraudently converts ``the bailed goods.
- Take awaytheirheidänjoyfullarceniesvarkautensaand those Indians would be able to define themselves less easily.
- Again,a personhenkilöächarged with attemptedlarcenyvarkaudencan not be convicted of attempting to obtain by false pretences (Rex v. Gallagher (1929) 21 Cr.App.R. 172).
- `Except whenshehänwas doing grandlarcenyvarastamassaon someone else's husbandjonkun toisen aviomiestä.
- 'Too bloody right, ``says Perry, `te likes of yourselfsinun kaltaisesiwillhaluaaliftpölliäeverything tat ain't nailed downkaiken, mitä ei ole naulattu kiinni.
- If I'm caught, I'll sayI<empty>wasolinliftingvarastamassaherhäntäfor myself.
- Derry's quote was taken out of context --the interview from whichhaastattelu, jostathat quotetämä sitaattiwasoliliftedirrotettuwas a very light-hearted affair.
- ItSeran across three weekly issues, andwas blatantlyoli täysin peittelemättäliftedirrotettufrom the big city papers and radiosuurista kaupunkilehdistä ja radiosta, but the editorial comment was strictly home town.
- Almost concurrently came the report of Geoffrey Boycott havinghis golf clubshänen golfmailansaliftedoli nostettufrom a trainjunastaand chasing after the thief as though in pursuit of one of his own runs.
- The result is often not so much an individual guitar, but rather an amalgam of bits nicked from here andbobsropojaliftednäpistettyfrom theretäältä.
- Little can be done without permission -- the same security system which preventslight-fingerednäpisteleviäcustomersasiakkaitafrom making off with the goods, also trains an unblinking eye on the shop-worker.
- Jack was convinced that the uninvited visitor was alight-fingerednäpistelevälocalpaikallinenlooking for free coal.
- With 20 years experience in the retail business, she has come across all sorts of shoplifters, from down and outs tolight-fingerednäpisteleviinpublic schoolgirlsyksityiskoulun tyttöihin, and despises them all.
- Although I believe they are improved as a class, many of them are rough diamonds; at timestheyheare<empty>light-fingerednäpistelevät, they are not invariably sober, their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours.
- HeHänconfessed tohaving<empty>misappropriatedkavaltaneensa$2.2bn2,2 miljardia dollariafrom the Royal Familykuninkaallisen perheen's portfolio and disclosed that there were unrecorded deposits of $570m.
- Opponents spread rumours; gossips passed them on -- thatArthurArthurhadolimisappropriatedkavaltanutfundsvaroja, that he had wrecked the church car; that he had insulted a senior white church lady, and so on.
- Team Pension News, which has been written in a bright, punchy style, carries an in-depth analysis of howmoney from the Mirror pension fundrahat Mirrorin eläkesäätiöstäwasolimisappropriatedkavaltanutby MaxwellMaxwelland an explanation of how a repeat can be avoided.
- The administrators are alleging thatthe company's moneyyrityksen varojawasonmisappropriatedkavallettuand paid away for no benefit to the company.
- We have been promised a visit to another great showpiece in Peking -- the Summer Palace built by the Dowager Empress last century frommoneyrahalla, jotkashehänmisappropriatedoli kavaltanutfrom the naval fundsmerivoimilta(so they tell us).
- In 1642 Winter's grant was rescinded by a vote of the House of Commons, because ofhishänmisappropriationkäytti väärinof timber in the forestmetsän puuvaroja.
- Bernard Tapie was reappointed on Dec. 24 as Minister for Towns, a post from whichhehänetwas dismissed in May 1992 after being charged withmisappropriationväärinkäytöstäof fundsvarojenand false accounting [see p. 38928].
- Dispatches (C4) went a lot further and, on the basis of British Rail's own recent inquiries, came up with a luridly tangled tale of opportunism,misappropriationväärinkäytöksistäand downright fraud.
- Several weeks of unrest, amid calls for the resignation of Prime Minister Vere Bird Sr over allegedmisappropriationväärinkäytöstäof fundsvarojen, spilled over into violence in late February and early March.
- The decision came after a special tribunal in Peshawar had foundGilaniGilaninguilty on April 24 of themisappropriationväärinkäyttöönof public fundsjulkisten varojen, and had disqualified him for seven years from a seat in the National Assembly.
- FORMER cricket star Geoffrey Boycott collareda thief whovarkaan, jokatriedto<empty>nickviedähis £1,000 golf clubshänen 1 000 punnan golfmailansafrom the luggage rack of an InterCity trainInterCity-junan matkatavaratelineeltä.
- `E asked me to describe yer, which I did, thinkin' maybe 'e was goin' to tell yer you'd come into some money, but 'e said you'd taken in a young woman, thatthe pair of youte molemmat'adnickedpöllitte'is walletsen lompsanan' made off with it.
- He kept thinking ofLeeLeetäout in the shed fiddling with his Dad's tools,nickingnaputtelemassanailsnauloja, messing with his bike.
- Now, what's the good ofnickingvarastaaa carautoif you can't drive it and you've got to ditch it?
- Me own stuff was all ragged and I thoughtIminämight as wellvoisin yhtä hyvinnickvarastaasomething decentjotain nättiä, it 'elps a girl, knowing she's dressed decent.
- `Well, when a girl's sufferin' desperate times,shehänmight as wellvoisin yhtä hyvinnickvarastaasomething nicejotain kivaa, ``said Dolly.
- `Come on, let'snickvarastetaanthemnequicknopeasti.
- `Hey! --whokuka'sonnickedvarastanutour Syndrum soundSyndrum-soundimme?
- In SpinnadiskSpinnadiskistaIMinänickedvarastinsome record sleevesjoitain levyjä, but some of 'em were crap, like `Meat Power ``by Mungo Midge and `Tubular Bells by Mike Orbfield.
- `YouSinänickedvarastitthemnefrom my deskminun pöydältäni.
- One of the girlsYksi tytöistänickednäpistisome yeastvähän hiivaafrom the kitchenskeittiöstäand so we made our own homebrew -- potent or what.
- After the Glasgow gig, the lads got talking toJERRY from the TEENAGE FANCLUB who came back to pay his respectsJERRY TEINIEN FANCLUBISTA joka palasi moikkaamaanandnicknappasithe beeroluenfrom their riderkuskilta.
- `Just when a player thinks he is past him,PallyPallywill stick out a long leg andnickryöstääthe ballpallonoff himhäneltä.
- HeHännevernickednäpistänytan appleomenaakaanoff the cartkärrystä(he didn't go much for fruit and veg), he was probably too honest.
- Mind you, getting through defences ain't that easy:defenderspuolustajatcanvoivatnickryöstääthe ballpallonoff yousinultaby slid-tacklingsivutaklauksella-- although this has unpredictable results when it rains.
- And guests at one hotel alonePelkästään yhden hotellin vieraathaveovatnickedvarastaneet2,000 towels2 000 pyyhettäsince Aprilhuhtikuun jälkeen.
- `I can get out my binoculars to check on how many customers we've got -- and see ifanyonejoku's<empty>nickingvarastaaanythingmitäänout of the tillkassasta.
- And if they've got it,Iminä'll<empty>nickvarastanitsen.
- She has also warned me thatthe little porcelain giggling buddha I've put in the tomato plant pot outside my front doorpieni posliininen, naurava buddha, jonka olen laittanut etuovelle tomaatin juurelle,`will probably bejoutuu luultavastinickedvarastamaksiby the Arab boy who delivers the newspaperslehtiä jakavan arabipojan.
- Yeahitsewas<empty>nickedvarastettiin.
- Watch it for its parched melancholia: watch it for the fantastic innards-eaten Erich von Stroheim; watch it and spotwhich tiny, yet central, imageminkä pienen mutta keskeinen kuvanSpielbergSpielbergnickedvarastifrom itsiitäfor ET.
- He'd most likely end up eatingthe grainjyviä, jotkahehän'dolinickednäpistänytfrom Mrs Wrightrouva Wrightiltafor the pheasants.
- In stores like Harvey Nichols and Joseph they rarely use tags, which is even betterEveryone I knowkaikki, keitä tunnen,nicksvarastavatfrom shopskaupoista.
- It washot moneykuumaa rahaa--nickedryöstettyfrom a sub post office in Southendsivupostitoimistosta Southendistäthree weeks ago.
- A NEW £50,000 PorscheUusi 50 000 punnan Porsche,nickedvarastettiinat a garageautotallistawhen Kevin Brown, of Stocksfield, Northumberland, left keys in the ignition, was found almost without a scratch at Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
- `Well, I'm now telling you that ifyousinägonickingvarastatagain, you'll get seven days ``hard labour scrubbing this house out.
- `What aboutthe onese, jonkayousinänickedvarastit?
- There was opportunity for maladministration in terms of both efficiency andpeculationkavalluksen.
- Many other Forest wardensMonia muita metsän vaeltajiawere accused ofpeculationkavalluksesta, oppression or neglect.
- First, there was no public prosecutor at Athens, so like the Roman informers, the delatores, men like the demagogue Kleon took it on themselves to bring prosecutions for such offences aspeculationkavalluksestaof public moneyjulkisten varojen.
- `I used to know apickpockettaskuvarkaanwhen I was on the beat a million years ago.
- IOlen'm a professional chequebook girl andpickpockettaskuvaras.
- It had been a trying day for God's servants, but at least Father Peter had made good the money four of his followers had lost topickpocketstaskuvarkaille.
- This would cut down on the number of naps, foists andpickpocketstaskuvarkaidenwho plagued these places like the locusts of Egypt.
- He seemed as happy as Larry trailing round the greasy dustbins of Bristol till nuclear war broke out or the police nabbedhimhäntäforpilferingpihistämisestäa used Tesco bagkäytetyn Tesco-kassin.
- And so farno onekukaanhasei olepilferedpihistänytany cuttingsyhtään pistokasta, ``Hainge says.
- She had her back to the entrance of the garden and was looking across it ata small orchard whose fruitpientä hedelmätarhaa, jonka hedelmiänever found its way to the rector's table, alwaysbeing<empty>pilferedpihistivätby the small street arabs of the districtalueen pienet katuarabit.
- Bits of MeccanoMekanon osialay around waitingto be<empty>pilferedpihistämistäif I'd had the courage.
- An incriminating documentRaskauttava asiakirja, apparentlypilferedpihistettyfrom EPA's filesEPA:n arkistoista, casts the agency's attitude toward science in a new light.
- Benny had elected to carry only a revolver, though she had tucked a couple of grenades in the pockets ofa second safari jackettoisen maastotakinshehänhadolipilferedpihistänytfrom the TARDIS's wardrobeTARDISin vaatevarastosta.
- The stonesKivetwere probablyoli luultavastipilferedpihistettyfor other buildingtoiseen rakennukseen.
- SheHäncould bevoisipilferingnäpistelläon a grand scalesuurimittaisesti-- computer control is beyond the ken of most people in this establishment, I should think.
- `Well, you'd have hadolisithe lotpaljonpilferedpihistettyif I hadn't been guarding them and suffered the most ghastly discomfort in the process.
- You do have some control over the costs in the form of wage bills so you may require information about that area, and your daily cash takings and some idea of stock turnover to control forpilferagenäpistelyäof goods or cashtavaroiden ja käteisen rahan.
- Fleet managers in the US, Canada, and Australia report major cost reductions due to the elimination offuelpolttoaineenpilferagenäpistelyn, lower maintenance and longer engine life.
- Fred has been encouragingpilferagenäpistelyynover a long period.
- She applies these terms to shoplifting -- `the booster ``is a commercial shoplifter, the `snitch a merepilferernäpistys-- and links them to social class.
- But whereas the plant makes the flesh of its fruit easily available to animals, it goes to great lengths to protect its seeds frompilferersnäpistelijöiltä, usually enclosing them in armour of some sort.
- What made the case stand out was the motivation forOtto'sOtonpilferingnäpistelyyn.
- (Giscard d'Estaing had already warned the Palace aboutthe Romanians'romanialaisteninsatiableloputtomastapilferingnäpistelystäduring their recent stay in France, but Palace officials remain discreet about any misdemeanours during the Ceauşescus' visit.)
- Primal Scream'sPrimal Screaminpettypienestäpilferingpihistelystäof dance rhythmstanssirytminturned into wholesale hijacking when they gave club deejay Andy Weatherall a cast-off riff to play with and he returned with the seductive bump and grind of `Loaded ``.
- StephenStephenpinchedpihistihalf the slicepuolikkaan viipaleenfrom her platehänen lautaseltaan.
- The new wave of theft meansmore than £3,800 worth of goods, että yli 3 800 punnan arvosta tavaraaare<empty>pinchedpihistetäänevery minutejoka minuutti.
- He found thatthe plastic namebar on his mailboxhänen postilaatikkonsa muovisen nimikylttinsäkeptbeing<empty>pinchedpihistivätby fansfanit, so he bought a hand label machine to replace it daily.
- All the houses had tiny yards butmost of the gatesuseimmat portithad beenolipinchedpihistettyand the whole place was full of rubble.
- They looked liketheynecould have beenolisipinchedpihistettyfrom a golf coursegolfkentältä.
- Andthe ladspojatused to go andpinchnäpistelemässäout of the girls' bagstyttöjen laukuista.
- It wasa battery whichakku, jonkaTossTosshadolipinchedpihistänytfor himfrom a temporary traffic-lightväliaikaisesta liikennevalosta.
- Lee's hid some gunpowder he swiped from under the Arches andIminä'm gon napinchpihistääitsenoff himhäneltä.
- Sorneone saw the open garage door and sneaked in to seewhatmitähehäncouldvoisipinchpihistää.
- TheseNecertainly were not in the box when it arrived in England and I fearwereolipurloinedvarastettufrom yousinultaeither at Perth or Sydney, the tin box where in all probability you intended to put them not being opened at the Docks.
- First timers might be better off eating, as our colleagues did, from a special lunch menu that includes excellent dim sum (wemepurloinedvarastimmesomehieman) and several much appreciated noodle dishes.
- He walked over to the rickety wooden gateway, drawing from his pocketa small jarpienen ruukun, jonkahehänhadolipurloinedvarastanutfrom Mait's BagiMait's Bagiltabefore Ace had blown it up.
- Perhaps as a run-on from that initial revulsion, Strains of War largely eschews graphic snap, or the use oftechniquestekniikkaa, joka onpurloinedvarastettufrom the mediamedialta.
- He was older so I listened to him, soIminä'd<empty>shopliftvarastin kaupastaall these thingskaikki nämä tavaratand give them to him.
- HeHänendid however manageto<empty>shopliftvarastaavitamins and minerals galoreyllin kyllin vitamiineja ja mineraalejafrom his local health storepaikallisesta terveyskaupasta.
- `This boy who lived next door to me taughtmeminullehowto<empty>shopliftvarastaa kaupastafor himhänen pyynnöstään.
- Psychiatrist Dr Gerald Silverman runs kleptomania therapy groups (for people who can not control their desires to steal), and claimsmost of his patientssuurimman osan potilaistashopliftvarastavan kaupastadue to emotional worries or personal problems.
- Campbell focuses on girl shoplifters, but it should be stressed thatother females whomuut naiset, jotkashopliftvarastavat kaupasta, perhaps pensioners or single parents, might do so for more basic material needs.
- At least she only robbed bins and doorsteps,shehändidn'teishopliftnäpistänyt.
- `Younger kidsNuoremmat lapsetshopliftnäpistävätbecause they see things they can't afford, koska he näkevät tavaroita, joihin heillä ei ole varaa.
- Shehäntäwas cited by the police forshopliftingmyymälävarkaudestaa dlrs 15 ring15 sormuksen, arrested on marijuana possession charges in spring 1994 and admitted to two drug rehabiliation clinics.
- Annick Grippon, 36, of Niort, 90 kilometers (55 miles) from Poitiers,Annick Grippon, 36, kotoisin Niortista, 90 kilometriä (55 mailia) Poitiers'sta,had admittedshopliftingnäpistäneensämeat and sausageslihaa ja makkaraaon several occasionsuseaan otteeseento feed her three-year-old son and teenage daughterruokkiakseen hänen kolmevuotiaan poikansa ja teini-ikäisen tyttärensä.
- Martin SuazoMartin Suazo, suspected ofshopliftingvarastamisestajeansfarkkujenfrom a downtown boutiquekeskustan putiikista, was shot while apprehended in May.
- Olympic security director Bill Rathburn helped secure the release oftwo Armenian wrestlers whokaksi amerikkalaista painijaa, joitawere charged withshopliftingmyymälävarkaudestaat Rich's department store in Lenox Square MallRichin tavaratalossa Lenox Squaren ostoskeskuksessa.
- A woman died yesterday after being knocked down by ashopliftermyymälävarasfleeing with a £2.58 descaler.
- WasOlikoshehäna<empty>shopliftermyymälävaras?
- The highest award was £307,781 to a computer expert who injured his back helping a store detective stop a suspectedshopliftermyymälävarkaudesta.
- Campbell looks at theshopliftingmyymälävarkauksiaof young femalesnuorten naisten.
- This follows a charge ofshopliftingmyymälävarkaudestaof an amount of meatlihanfrom an Ayr superstoreAyrin supermarketista.
- LunchtimeRuokatunninshopliftingmyymälävarkaudetwasa regular activitysäännöllistä hupiaamong many of the 600 girls at the £700-per-term private school in central London that Liz, now 22, attendedmonen tytön keskuudessa yksityiskoulussa, jossa lukukausi maksoi 700 puntaa. Nyt 22-vuotias Liz kävi tätä koulua Keski-Lontoossa..
- She quotes three surveys from the USA and Ireland which recorded similar rates of observedshopliftingmyymälävarkauksistain male and female shopp ersmiesten ja naisten keskuudessa(Mayhew, 1977).
- Thus, they exclude a range of offences, such asshopliftingmyymälävarkaudetand stealingfrom worktyöpaikalta, where the non-reporting is particula rly high.
- Two men were last night helping police investigating atillkassalaatikonsnatchryöstöstäfrom a wine shop in North Shields town centreviinikaupasta North Shieldsin keskustasta.
- Police are hunting two teenagers after a failedsnatchryöstönfrom a woman carrying cashkäteistä mukanaan kantavan naisenin Loftus Market Place.
- Again, he is taken down by a very firmsnatchotteenof the leadjohdosta.
- He sees the Livesey case as a simple robbery, because our friend Parks's cab was involved in abankpankki-snatchryöstössä, some time ago.
- A police spokeswoman said they could not confirm reports of a secondbagkassinsnatchryöstöstäfrom a another woman's cartoisen naisen autostajust a few minutes later.
- A THIEFVarasat a fast food bar near Windsor Castle yesterdaysnatchedveian American tourist's handbagamerikkalaisen turistin käsilaukun— containing 10,000 dollars, jewellery worth £23,000 and a mini-TV.
- Scruffy thief: Police are huntinga scruffy thief whorähjäistä varasta, jokasnatchedvei£6060 puntaafrom a newsagent's till in Bebington Road, Tranmeresanomalehtimyyjän kassasta Bebington Roadilla Tranmeressä.
- A thiefVarassnatchedveia handbag containing £560käsilaukun, jossa oli 560 puntaafrom a womannaiseltaas she was about to get into her car in Firthmoor Crescent, while clothing was stolen from a line in Egglestone View.
- Before I could do thissomeonejokusnatchedveimy handbagkäsilaukkuniand made off with it.
- POLICE are huntingtwo youths whokahta nuorta, jotkasnatchedveiväta handbagkäsilaukunfrom a woman walking alone in broad daylightyksin kävelleeltä naiselta keskellä kirkasta päivää.
- He was struck on the back of the head by one attacker whileanothertoinenattemptedto<empty>snatchnappaamoneyrahatfrom his pocketshänen taskuistaan.
- TWO `Good Samaritans ``Kaksi laupiasta samarialaistahelped a woman in a wheelchair across a busy Nottingham street -- thensnatchedveiväther pursehänen laukkunsa.
- AN 18-year-old Belfast youth18-vuotias belfastilainen nuorihas been remanded in custody charged with attemptingto<empty>snatchvarastaaa woman's pursenaisen käsilaukunin a telephone box on Belfast's Lisburn Road on Friday night.
- HeHänsnatchedvarastithe ringsormuksen.
- `The attackerHyökkääjädragged her to the floor andsnatchedvarastithe baglaukunoff her armhänen käsivarreltaan.
- We've gotmuggersryöstäjiä, jotkasnatchingvarastavatbriefcasessalkkujaby drawing a knife across the inside of the victim's wristvetämällä veistä pitkin uhrin ranteen sisäreunaa.
- I put it into my wallet, andmy walletlompakkoniwas<empty>snatchedvarastettiin.
- On Wednesdaykeskiviikkonaa purseLaukkuwas<empty>snatchedvarastettiinfrom the counter of a shopkaupan tiskiltäin Alton High StreetAlton High Streetillä.
- Itsenwas<empty>snatchedvarastifrom herhäneltäby a womanNainenwithout heart or conscience, a woman driven by greed.
- Dealers have been alerted to look out for250 items250 esinettäsnatchedvarastettiinfrom an exclusive house in London's Belgravialuksustalosta Lontoon Belgraviasta.
- South Londoner Thomas, 27, was gunned down on his doorstep just days after the FBI were given information leading to the recovery of£290m worth of bond certificates280 miljoonan punnan edestä obligaatioita,snatchedvarastettiinfrom a messengerasiapojaltain the CityLontoon Cityssä.
- The gold coloured Cavalier SRiKullanvärinen Cavalier SRi, joka,snatchedvarastettiinfrom Puddlers Road, South BankPuddlers Roadilta South Bankilta,the previous nightedellisenä iltana, was yesterday found abandoned in Middlesbrough General Hospital car park.
- `Does that mean that every joggermust be aon välttämättähandbagkäsilaukku-snatchervaras, as well?
- Even that's good news … even if sheis theonkinmilkmaidonsnatchernäpistelijä. ”
- Thetillkassalaatikonsnatchersvarastaneetstruck at the North-Eastern Coop in Commercial Street, Coxhoe, south of Durham City, on Thursday evening.
- HEADLINE from the Reigate and Banstead Independent: `Police hunthandbagkäsilaukku-snatchervarasin stolen car.
- The scruffysnatchervaras, who wore a ring on every finger, forced her way into the house after Nicola answered the door.
- It does not bear thinking about at Old Trafford, but memories of howLeedsLeedssnitchednappasithe prizepalkinnonfrom under their nosesheidän nenänsä edestälast season have been reawakened by stonewalling Arsenal's 0-0 draw last night which left United four games without a win.
- There was supposed to be an umbrella, butMordaunt Dragon of ArmsMordauntin lohikäärmehadolisnitchednapannutitsenfor when he went fishing.
- People in this town starved, several buildings were bombed and crime soared becauseyou<empty>hadto<empty>stealvarastettavato eat.
- The girl told the magistratesshehänstolevarastito get money to pay for cigarettessaadakseen rahaa tupakkaan.
- The Darlington youthNuorukainen Darlingtonistawas given a 12-month conditional discharge after admitting attemptingto<empty>stealvarastaaa radio cassettekasettisoittimenand being in possession of cannabis resin in February.
- BOOZER Geoff JamesJuoppo Geoff Jamestriedto<empty>stealvarastaatwo huge rottweilerskaksi valtavaa rottweileriafor a prankkepposena-- and got savaged.
- A personHenkilöcan thereforevoi näin ollenstealvarastaapropertyomaisuuttaby destroying ittuhoamalla sen.
- One dayEräänä päivänähehänstolevarastia sheeplampaanfrom a stall in the markettorin eläinsuojasta.
- In need of money to finance their extravagant way of life,theyhemurdered a Jew in a tavern andstolevarastivat100,000 livres100 000 vanhaa livreäfrom himmieheltä.
- The Dark ElvesTummat tontutoftenstealvarastavatthe black horsesmustat hevosetfrom the great herdssuurista laumoistato act as their steedsratsuikseen.
- Police have issued a warning aftertrickstershuijaritstolevarastivatmoneyrahaafrom a 71-year-old woman's home in Hundens Lane, Darlington,71-vuotiaan naisen kotoa Darlingtonin Hundens Lanellaat about 11am on Tuesdaynoin klo 11 tiistaina.
- Mr Dennis Tighe, prosecuting, said Jordan acted as a `sneak thief ``whenshehänstolevarastithe baglaukunafter reaching under a partition separating two cubicles in a public toiletkurkottamalla julkisen käymälän eriöt erottavan väliseinän alta.
- An enchanting picture book by Ian Beck, The Teddy Robber, £6.95 is a wonderfully funny story of a giant who's lost his teddy bear sohehängoes aroundstealingvarasteleeother teddiesmuita nallejafrom wherever he cankeneltä tahansa.
- `YouSinästolevarastitthe jadejaden.
- `Hehäneltäwas<empty>stolenvarastivatby the gypsiesMustalaiset, ``she interrupted.
- The Chief Rabbit's lettucePääkaniinin salaatinwasolistolenvarastanutby the OwslaOwslafrom a garden half a mile away across the fieldspuutarhasta puolen mailin päästä peltojen takaa.
- Later, as she trudged behind the Kurd towards the village of Arghuri, Miss Logan envisaged an alternative explanation:the horseshevosetbeing<empty>stolenvarastivatby those hospitable nomads encountered that first morningNe vieraanvaraiset kulkurit, jotka hän oli tavannut silloin ensimmäisenä aamuna.
- Two people have appeared in court charged in connection with the break-in atthe offices from wheretoimistoon, jostapapers referring to Mr Ashdown's private lifeherra Ashdownin yksityiselämään viittaavat paperitwereolistolenvarastettu.
- A VAUXHALL Belmont SRi, valued at £4,000,VAUXHALL Belmont SRi, arvoltaan 4 000 puntaa,wasolistolenvarastettufrom a car park in Alton High StreetAlton High Streetin pysäköintialueeltaon Wednesday last weekviime viikon keskiviikkona.
- SHOPPERS have been warned not to buy rabbit meat in Latvian markets after42 animals infected with lethal bugs42 tappavan bakteeritartunnan saanutta eläintäwereolistolenvarastettufrom a research centretutkimuskeskuksesta.
- Radio cassettes, golf clubs and wheel trimsKasettisoittimia, golfmailoja ja koristevanteitawere alsooli myösstolenvarastettufrom carsautoistain DarlingtonDarlingtonissa.
- StealVarastaitseif necessary.
- BURGLARSMurtovarkaatstolevarastivata pensioner's savingseläkeläisen säästötwhile she was at her sister's funeralnaisen ollessa sisarensa hautajaisissa.
- Sheila reckons police should soon be hot on the trail ofthe burglarmurtovarkaan,whojokastolevarastia CD player and sentimental itemsCD-soittimen ja esineitä, joilla oli tunnearvoa.
- The chemical suit, drug-filled syringes and anti-nerve gas tablets were ina rucksackrepussa, jokastolenvarastettiinfrom an airman's garage near the Brize Norton airbaselentäjien hallista läheltä Brize Nortonin lentotukikohtaa.
- HeHän's even beenon jopastealingvarastanutfrom the businessfirmaltato get cash to buy his drugssaadakseen rahaa huumeisiin
- `Her dreadful friendsHänen kamalat ystävänsästarted to take advantage of her, persuading her to spend her savings on them, and finallystolevarastivatfrom one of her flatmateshänen toiselta kämppäkaveriltaan.
- Darlington police want to hear from anyone who has hadweights and barspainoja ja tankojastolenvarastettuin burglariesmurtojen yhteydessäat their homeskotoa.
- BurglarsMurtovarkaatstolevarastivatabout £100noin 100 puntaafrom a cash boxkassastaat the clinic in Zetland Street, NorthallertonZetland Streetin klinikalta Northallertonista.
- He hadn't shaved for four days, his once-glossy black hair was matted andthe suit of clothesvaatekerta, jonkahehänhadolistolenvarastanutafter dumping the motorcyclemoottoripyörän hylkäämisen jälkeenhad become grubby and unkempt.
- A drawer can stop the payment ofa chequeshekinlost orstolenvarastetunby immediately informing the bank, giving the cheque number and payee, providing it has not already been passed through a bank.
- The Aquino government accuses him ofhaving<empty>stolenvarastamisestaup to US$10bn (£6.1bn)10 miljardin dollarin (6,1 miljardin punnan)from the countrymaaltaanduring his reignhallintonsa aikana.
- Stolenvarastettuearly on in the RevolutionVallankumouksen alussa,the Regent diamondRegent-timanttiwas recovered by the French Adjutant-General and pawned first to a German banker and then to a Dutchman to secure loans.
- In The Outsiders,the gang, their friends and rivalsjengi, heidän ystävänsä ja kilpailijansaspend their time mugging and jumping people,stealingvarastellenand robbingfrom shopskaupoista.
- Opening an area such as this to the public means just that, and together with genuine walkers and climbers arrive the wild flower pickers, theeggmuna-stealersvarkaatand the litter louts.
- It was not the falcon's nesting site, John wisely keeps all such eyries a closely guarded secret; Scotland has more than its fair share ofeggmuna-stealersvarkaita.
- Casualcattlekarja-stealersvarkaatran more risk than those involved in organized thievery.
- She was condemned to death, together with some cattle thieves andsheeplammas-stealersvarkaita, but no hangman was available.
- Grimma told him about events in the quarry -- the fight with the humans, and thestealingvarastamisestaof Jekub the earth-mover to escape.
- Thisstealingvarkausof the selfhylly-is impossible to counter.
- I had wanted to ask Otto if he thought Jean-Claude's anti-Semitism, his lawlessness andhishänenstealingvarastelunsawere linked.
- Land grabbing, often supported by forged documents, andcoconutkookostenstealingvarasteluprovided alternative disreputable activities for those so inclined.
- The Crown say that section 15 merely describes a particular type of theft and that allstealingvarasteluby means of deceptionpetoksen keinoincan be prosecuted under section 1 just as well as under section 15.
- CattleKarja-stealingvarkaudetcould be stopped, but some administrators had reservations.
- The huge number of prosecutions forwoodpuu-stealingvarkauksiensupports the views of most commentators on the South and East that scarcity of fuel was a major aspect of the poor living of rural labourers.
- From this, Combsburgh men of that generation got a bad name forsheeplammas-stealingvarkauksienand cattle lifting and men from the next parish retaliated on them by nicknaming them Baa-Lambs.
- Not the first time, Parker, after a lost night, had reported astolenvarastetuncarautonsa.
- A DOPEY thief thought the hologram of William Shakespeare on astolenvarastetussachequesekissäcard was a mugshot of the OWNER.
- When the villains were unable to get the caravan up a small incline, they hitched it to astolenvarastetunvehicleajoneuvon luoand wheel-spun their way onto the road.
- The lesser charges centred on the unlicensed pistol andstolenvarastettuuncarautooncame up for trial on 11th May.
- AstolenvarastettuaXR3 carXR3-autoawas used to ram the police car.
- What is the point of only taking what you need and looking after your resources for the future, iftheyneare simply goingto be<empty>swipedpihistääby somebody elsejoku muu?
- Within seconds of house-lights-on,all five set-listskaikki viisi settilistaahave beenonswipedpihistetty.
- Whilst his companion's back was turned,TuppeTuppeswipedpihistione of his sausagesyhden hänen makkaroistaanand thrust it into his mouth.
- Lee's hidsome gunpowdervähän ruutia, jotahehänswipedpihistifrom under the Archesholvikaaren altaand I'm gon na pinch it off him.
- So we'd wait up all night, follow the delivery van around and survive onthe bread and milkleivällä ja maidolla, jotkawemecouldpystyimmeswipenäpistämään.
- SheHänappeared before Peterborough magistrates last week on 12 charges oftheftvarastamisestafrom a pensionereläkeläiseltäand was committed for trial at Crown Court.
- Despite new initiatives like Operation Gemini …theftsvarkaudetfrom carsautoista tehtävätare still rising.
- George Walker, former chief executive of Brent WalkerGeorge Walker, entinen Brent Walkerin toimitusjohtaja, was arrested and charged with thetheftvarastamisestaof £12.5m12,5 miljoonan punnanfrom the companyyhtiöltä.
- (Calle's show also includes, in the gallery's smaller room, the piece she did for the Carnegie International about thetheftvarastamisestaof Old Master paintingsvanhan mestarin maalaustenfrom Boston's Gardner MuseumBostonin Gardner Museumista.)
- Tim the boy and his monkey PistolTim-poikaa ja hänen apinaansa Pistoliawere accused of thetheftvarastamisestaof the ringsormuksen.
- Scotland Yard is investigating Buckingham Palace security after the apparenttheftvarastamisenof private lettersyksityisten kirjeidenfrom the Princess Royalkuninkaallisen prinsessan.
- He had not told her, and could not tell her, abouthis<empty>secrettheftvarkaudestaan.
- PegPegis convicted ofitssentheftvarastamisestaand transported.
- ROBBERS stole paintings worth £25 million in the French Riviera's biggestarttaide-theftvarkaudessa.
- We will also look briefly at the more trivial, but widespread, crimes ofemployeetyöntekijöidentheftvarkauksia-- `fiddling at work ``-- as an example of another aspect of work-related crime.
- Firms may be unaware oftheftvarkauksistaby their employeestyöntekijöidensä, and shops will not be aware of particular instances of shoplifting.
- The examination by Mr. Griffith-Jones's sub-sub-committee, mentioned in paragraph 3, showed also that it would be difficult to frame an indictment chargingtheftvarkaudestaby false pretencesväärin perustein.
- 92 year old, Mary Tanshill spent the day giving details of thetheftvarkaudestato the police.
- The initiative is to run for two months, and will include high profile policing in a bid to reducetheftsvarkauksiaof<empty>andfrom carsautoista tehtäviä.
- Police have recently been receiving an increasing number of calls from householders reporting thetheftvarkauksistaof `wheelie bins ``roska-astioiden.
- You must keep your Card safely and take all possible care to avoiditssenloss ortheftvarastamisen.
- Parents' anguish asboypoikaadmits 50theftsvarkautta
- Elle FolkElle-tontutare greatovat taitaviathievesvarastamaanof dough and other foodtaikinaa ja muuta ruokaa, and are strange-looking indeed.
- They go to England, where Eric Claptout, the legendarythiefvarasof the blue dilithium crystalssinisten dilitium-krystallien, says that Johnson was a top geezer.
- It's a killer they're after, not a burglar or acarauto-thiefvaras.
- Was it possible the police version (which Cobalt had heard and Maurin had repeated) was correct and the killing was a random attack by athiefvarkaanon a passer-by?
- `I would think nojewelkoru-thiefvarastaworth her salt would send a man directly to the hiding spot -- no matter how high above the ground she was floating.
- Athiefvaraswould find a ladder and tools very useful to break into your house.
- Cancel milk, papers and any other delivery which would let athiefvarasknow that your house is empty.
- A man working on a theatrical seminar called `Computers -- Whither? ``was angry becausethe ape recordingsApe Recordingshadolithievedvarastanutsome of his points about the place of computer speech in the new dramaosan hänen osuudestaan tietokonepuheen roolista uudessa draamassa.
- `And now you sayIminä'veolenthievedvarastanutfrom yousinulta?
- `I'll 'ave you know it was sinful outrage, andall our purseslompakkommethievedvarastettiinoff usmeiltäas well
- But the first time the breadhead says it, you expect the worst: he'll askyousinuato<empty>thievevarastamaan, to sell your body, to start a life of crime.
- HeHänsupplemented his income by pettythievingvarastamallafrom his pupils' parentsoppilaidensa vanhemmilta, and also by a touch of blackmail, often finding his benefactors had been slightly compromised with the serving staff.
- If he'd been moderate inhishänenthievingvarastelussaanhe would never have been caught;.
- Desperate Dan could have woken up suddenly and gone for him with a broken bottle, or he could have accusedhimhäntäofthievingvarkaudestaand stumped off to the nearest police station.
- `I don't care what anyone says,CraigCraigwouldn't stoopto<empty>thievingvarastamiseen, I just know he wouldn't.