TransFrameNet:Text creation
- Finally,has not only seen itself as an avid `consumer ``of Soviet military doctrine, but a contributor as well, whichhasoliauthoredsallinutits own innovationsomat innovaationsawith Soviet endorsement.
- Whenever the students thought they were evaluating the work of a man, they assessed it as far more impressive than when they thoughtitsenwasoliauthoredsallinut.
- Nearly half of the first papers derived from Ph D research in the present studyLähes puolet ensimmäisistä, nykyisen tutkimuksen tutkielmistaareonjointlyyhteistyönauthoredtulosta, and in nearly half of these cases, the thesis author is not the first author.
- There is an authentic parallel inthis case of the two sisterskahden sisaruksen tapauksessachronicledmuistiin merkitsemässä:
- Happily,his workhänen työtäänis lavishlyon runsaastichronicledmerkitty muistiinin illustrated bookskuvakirjoihin.
- Emile Verhaeren,had vividlyoli elävästichronicledmerkinnyt muistiinthe impact of the railways on the countrysiderautateiden vaikutuksen maaseudulle, was killed in an accident at Rouen Station in 1916.
- Then there is the pain, like another form of death, of seeingyour worldmaailmasichronicledmuistiin merkitsemänä, with the inevitable distortions this must entail.
- He observes a set of violations set in a microcosm and the photographs resonate with an irony reminiscent of the manner in whichthe behaviour of Lilliputianslilliputtien käyttäytymisenwasolichronicledmerkinnyt muistiin.
- As a hugely successful show-biz journalist who pioneered `kiss and tell ``journalism,chronicledmerkitsi muistiinthe lives of the rich and famousrikkaiden ja kuuluisien elämää.
- is now thought to have rejoined the Labour Party, andto have<empty>composedlaatineenan `open letter ``avoimen kirjeento Neil KinnockNeil Kinnockillehinting that he should be helped to find a suitable constituency.
- ThereSielläcomposedlaatihis wifevaimolleena letter (later found among Laura's belongings by PC Myers)kirjeen (jonka PC Myers myöhemmin löysi Lauran jäämistöstä).
- startedmentallymielessääncomposinglaatiaa letterkirjettäto her brotherveljelleen.
- beganto<empty>composelaatiaa letterkirjettäin her headpäässään, then rejected the idea.
- Get out your double-aided sticky tape and coloured pencils andcomposekirjoitameminulleone wild and crazy lettervilli ja hullu kirjePlease include a photo, preferably of yourself!
- `Andbefore I go tomorrowennen kuin huomenna lähden,'ll<empty>composekirjoitammea joint letteryhteisen kirjeento the two of themheille molemmille, pointing out how well we get on without them and urging them not to hurry back.
- composedsävelsithe first truly modern scoreensimmäisen aidosti modernin partituurinfor ballet with The Firebirdbalettiin "Tulilintu"(see page 61).
- composedLaadina notemuistionfor themheilleand left it in the hall beside the phone.
- composeLaadina faxfaksinto LettermanLettermanille.
- had startedcomposingsäveltääLes Nocesbalettiaan "Häät"before 1913ennen vuotta 1913and often played it toDiaghilev, gradually simplifying his ideas until it became the present cantata for voices, four pianos and percussion.
- `composeSepitäna few thingsmuutamia juttujaduring slack times on journeysluppoaikoina matkoillani, ``Googol admitted.
- composeLaadia long essay in Englishpitkä essee englanniksifrom a choice of subjectsby 1 December1.12. mennessäfollowing the first summer course;
- composesäveltävätthe songslauluton the spotsaman tien.
- Alternatively pick up a pen and a piece of paper andcomposelaadiyour own speechoma puheesiimmediately after reading all these for inspirationvälittömästi tämän kaiken lukemisen jälkeen inspiraation saamiseksi.
- This listTämä luettelois not ours -- itwas<empty>composedlaati.
- The lute's heyday was during the Renaissance andthe last solo music for luteviimeisen soolon luutullewas<empty>composedsävelsiaround 1720vuoden 1720 aikoihin.
- In all offices (excluding newspapers) whereclose-set texttiivistä tekstiwas<empty>composedladottiin-- bookwork, government publications, legal and official documents, directories, encyclopaedias and so on -- both men and women piece-workers were normally employed.
- Said, `Help me pleasecomposesävelläsome barsjoitakin tahteja
- And it was presumably owing to their encouragement thatin the 1540s1540-luvullabeganto<empty>composesäveltäächansonslaulelmiaand Clemens and Gombert increased their production from a trickle to a flood.
- Sometimes he seemed to act almost as his ``representative on earth; whenwas asked by The Timesto<empty>composelaatimaanEliot's obituaryEliotin kuolinilmoituksen, he suggested to Hayward that they collaborate upon it.
- Jackie stole pen, ink and paper from Biff's office andcomposedkirjoittia simple request thatyksinkertaisen pyynnön, ettäthe mill be visited because conditions were very bad and she thought that Biff needed help.
- I'd go to the SS Great Britain and sit by the breezy river, and'd compose my stupid self andcomposekirjoittaisinmy storytarinaniso that I could tell lies confidently instead of giving myself away.
- So, whohas beenolicomposinglaatinutmagic words and tunestaikasanoja ja -sävelmiäfor more than 50 yearsyli 50 vuoden ajan, paid her new generation of fans a visit.
- In factwas commenting upon and sometimes parodying a form of love lyric which was already familiar andwas<empty>composingsävelsifor an audience which was sufficiently sophisticated to appreciate this approachyleisölle, joka oli riittävän hienostunutta arvostamaan tätä lähestymistapaa.
- A text bookoppikirja,composedlaadittuspecifically for this examinationErityisesti tätä koetta varten, has been published -- Written English for Business (First Level), by Alan Stanton, publisher OUP.
- She had to be for St Cecilia as I hoped she would share my love of music and would knowthe lullabykehtolaulun, jonkahadolicomposedsäveltänytfor herhänelle.
- In what yearMinä vuonnawas<empty>Madam ButterflyMadam Butterflycomposedsävellettiin?
- The book includes53 etchings53 etsaustaof various sizes, each animpeccablymoitteettomasticomposedmaalattu, finely executed, intricate drawing, bitten and rebitten into a copper plate and then printed by the artist herself.
- Then I go to Wendling's, whereagaincomposesäveltäisina littlevähänuntil half past onepuoli yhteen asti, when we have lunch.
- composedsävelsialoud while walkingääneen kävellessään, `his jaws working the whoal time ``, to quote a peasant's recollections.
- In contrast, it would now be a consideration of primary and pervasive significance thatthe two epicskaksi eepikkoawere produced in quite different epochs and were, perhaps correspondingly,composedsävelsivätin quite different waystäysin eri tavoilla.
- to, jokadraftluonnosteleea new constitutionuuden perustuslainwas also set up.
- Kings sometimes instructed or allowedto<empty>draftluonnostellaand writethese documentsnämä asiakirjat, and Cnut apparently often did so.
- On July 15 it had been reported thathadolidraftedluonnostellut35 pieces of legislation35 lakiafor immediate consideration by the new Congressuuden kongressin välitöntä käsittelyä varten.
- unrolled the parchment, scrubbed it with the pumice-stone and gently blew the fragments away, dipped his quill into the unclasped inkhorn and beganto<empty>draftluonnostellaa letterkirjettäto BurnellBurnellillle.
- That was an excess of suspicion, forthe letterkirjeenwasolidraftedluonnostellut, vice Bevir who was ill, and Hunt made it conform to precedents.
- ThisSewasolidraftedluonnosteltufollowing a discussion I had with John PophamJohn Pophamin kanssa käymäni keskustelun jälkeen.
- The note, headed `Costing Labour's Programme ``and dated 17 July 1989, says: `The Labour review documenttyöväenpuolueen lukema asiakirjahas beenondraftedluonnosteltumuch more carefully than on some earlier occasionspaljon huolellisemmin kuin monesti aiemmin.
- Ina memorandummuistiossadraftedluonnostelemassadetailed demands were advanced: in effect that Burma's political advance would be in step with that in India.
- Ina prefaceesipuheessadraftedluonnostelemassaanshortly before his deathJuuri ennen kuolemaansafor a prospective collection of his verse, the man who has come to epitomize the soldier-poet wrote: `Above all I am not concerned with Poetry.
- There werepetitionsadresseja, jotkadraftedoli laadittufor his releasehänen vapauttamisekseen.
- I attacha proposalehdotuksen, joka ondraftedlaadittusomewhat off the top of my headsuunnilleen päästäni, which you may like to use to open discussions with the Navarra Ministry.
- If you think it worthwhile for your business use a good solicitorto have<empty>your clausesehtojesidraftedlaatimiseksi, advise your customers of your intentions and try it.
- On a day-to-day basis, I encourageto sketch,to<empty>draftluonnostelemaan, to alter and revise, depending on the purpose and audience for their writing.
- draftedlaatianother memotoisen muistion.
jot down.v
- Release of the hostages,jotted downmerkitsi muistiinin his notebooksmuistikirjoihinsa, was `the greatest Christian task ``.
- jottedkirjoittisomethingjotakindownmuistiinin a narrow, cramped handlaihalla, kouristuneella kädellään.
- Jot downKirjoitaon paperpaperilleanswers which you think adequately cover all the pointsne vastaukset, joiden katsot kattavan riittävän hyvin kaikki kohdat.
- Justjot downmerkitseCale's home baseCalen kotipesäon a postcardpostikortille.
- To be a philosopher allgot to doisonjot downmerkitä muistiinany old garbage that comes into your headkaikki vanha roska, joka mieleesi tuleeand next thing you know they're handing you out a Nobel Prize or a Companion of Honour.
- 1 Think about the subject andjot downmerkitse muistiinideas and factsideat ja faktatas they occur to yousitä mukaa, kun ne tulevat mieleesi.
- 'll<empty>jotkirjoitanthe addressosoitteendownmuistiinfor yousinua varten.
- Jack was standing beside her at the time filling in notes, andquicklynopeastijotted downmerkitsi muistiinthe address and the scant details they were offeredosoitteen ja vähäiset yksityiskohdat, joita heille tarjottiin, and turned to him.
- It is therefore important that the patients' lines of communication are kept open by relaying these enquiries to them --theyneare easilyon helppojottedkirjoittaaon a memo padmuistilehtiöönand delivered at a convenient moment.
- She gave him a few things, all invented, and watched asjottedtekisome notesmuistiinpanojain the ledgertilikirjaan.
- He pushed across Wickham's desk a scrap of paper on whichhadolijottedmerkinnytthe number of the building the man went intosen rakennuksen numeron, johon mies meni.
- Wainfleet did not want it back, the only reason he was carrying it around was thathadolijottedmerkinnyta telephone numberpuhelinnumeronon the backtakakanteen.
- If you need statistics,jotkirjoitathemneon a little piece of paperpienelle paperinpalalle.
- alsopennedkirjoittithe versessäkeetwhich have come to sum up the general fate of such investigations:
- SO WROTE Stephen Vincent Benet,alsopennedkirjoittithe immortal line `Bury my heart at Wounded Kneekuolemattoman lauseen: "Haudatkaa sydämeni Wounded Kneehen"..
- Or what aboutthis constructive commenttämä rakentava kommentti, jonkapennedkirjoitti.
- But we couldn't resist quoting captain Martyn Moxon at length ina piecenäytelmässä, jonkahasolipennedkirjoittanutfor the club.
- Charlotte, Ruth thought aspennedkirjoittithe notekirjettä, would be delighted.
- On the reverse of each plate isCicely Mary Barker's original poem thatCicely Mary Barkerin alkuperäinen runo, jonkapennedkirjoittifor each fairyjokaiselle keijulle.
- Indeed, so popular were the Pathfinders characters that several of them were hived off to appear in another children's sf serial, City Beneath the Sea,a well written technological thrillerhyvin kirjoitettu teknologinen trilleripenned, jonka kirjoitti.
- One passageYhden katkelmanwas<empty>pennedkirjoitti.
- haveOlenpennedkirjoittanutmany profound words upon the subject of `inanimate objectsuseita syvällisiä sanoja aiheesta "elottomat esineet"``.
- As machines were introduced to record activity,these support datatämä tukidatawere<empty>printed outtulostettiinonto paperpaperille, were signed, dated and cross referenced by the scientist and became attached to the book's pages.
- When the office lifers came the next day and tried to make the computer come up with some figures they wanted, whatprinted outtulostikinwasthis poet's poetry insteadtämän runoilijan runoutta.
- If your answeris juston vainprint outtulostaanicely justified text with the spellinghyvin perusteltua tekstiä oikeinkirjoituschecked then you may be in for a surprise.
- Once all amendments have been made, the amended document can be saved (e.g. by choosing option 1 in WORDWISE +) andthe final versionlopullinen versioprinted outtulostaa.
- The knitting instructionsNeulontaohjeetcan bevoidaanprinted outtulostaaon paperpaperillein a variety of different chart formats or in diagram formmonenlaisina taulukoina tai kaavion muodossawith Japanese notation as described in my article in the June issue.
- After the form has been completeditsecan bevoidaanprinted outtulostaafor filingarkistointia varten.
- The program then allows the user to preview what has been created beforethe pagesivuis finallylopullisestiprinted outtulostetaan.
- You can't edit this representation by calling it into Lotus and changing the parameters, butcanvoitprint outtulostaathe graphkaavion.
- If you want something to keep you busy,canvoitprinttulostaameminulleout<empty>all the towns in Europe with a population of over ten thousandkaikki Euroopan kaupungit, joissa on yli 10 000 asukasta.
- All things being equal we could probably turn one of these things around, which is basically preparing all the literature, briefing the systems people and gettingitsenallprinted uptulostetuksiand everything in about six weeks.
- I'm even more disappointed in the conservatives, for not opposing it, I don't object to their list of members being published, I don't see that that would do any harm, as far as I'm concerned, every employee could havetheir wagespalkkansaprinted uptulostetuksion the wallseinälle.
- Instead of wasting time hawking his book around the publishing houses,simplyprinted uptulostithe first three chapterskolme ensimmäistä kappaletta, complete with his own photos and illustrations, and took them out on the streets.
- NAGANO, Japan (AP) ---printed upilmestyian extra editionlisäpainosSundaysunnuntainato announce the first gold medal of the games going to a Russian cross-country skierensimmäisen käynnissä olevien kilpailujen kultamitalin menemisestä venäläiselle murtomaahiihtäjälle.
- Though it was initially named the Rapid Reaction Force, an internal U.N. memo went out andpostersjulisteitawere<empty>printed uppainettiinlast weekviime viikollacalling it simply the reaction force.
- still can not go to a service, norsaylausuathe Creeduskontunnustusta.
- can not do anything else except forsayinglausuamy paternoster and my creed to ChristIsä meidän -rukoukseni ja uskontunnustukseni Kristukselle, for my sins … ``)
- After we had settled down, brother Jack stood up and banged the table and called for order fortosaisisaylukeagraceruokarukouksen.
- `Then the lion looked up and said `I don't know about you, mate, but'm<empty>sayingluengraceruokarukouksenbefore mealsennen ateriaa.
- SayLuegraceruokarukous, serve and be thankful!
- He asksto<empty>sayvannomaanthe oathvalanwith him.
- ThereSielläsaidlukia final set of prayerslopulliset rukouksensabefore departing to the heavensennen lähtöään taivaaseen.
- At CanterburyCanterburyssasaidlukiprayersrukouksenbefore the tomb of Thomas à BecketThomas Becketin haudalla.
- saysmainitseethe word `head ``sanan "päällikkö"without self-consciousnessilman itsetietoisuutta.
- stopped abruptly, suddenly afraidto<empty>saylausumistathe wordssanojenaloudääneenin case they were words he wouldn't want to hear.
- He came to the conclusion, as he puts it, `that the eternal world is trivial, and that mathematics is only the art ofsayingsanoathe same thingsama asiain different wordseri sanoin.
- turned slightly andsaidsanoisomethingjotakinto hernaiselle.
- Shortly afterwardsPian sen jälkeensaidsanoigood nighthyvää yötäto his masterisännälleenand made his way home.
- `Don'tÄläsaysanothese thingsnäitä asioitato meminulle.
- On the other hand, the great twentieth-century philosophersaidsanoisomething similar in his majestic Philosophical Investigationsjotain samansuuntaista majesteetillisessa teoksessaan "Philosophical Investigations".
- Several ofsaidsanoivatthat the agencies should move to a more standardized approachettä edustajien pitäisi siirtyä vakioidumpaan lähestymistapaan, and said that standardization could make the current system of participation more accessible to the public.
- It has taken four more years to understand more of whatstillvieläcan onlyvoin vainpartiallyosittainsaysanoain these investigationsnäissä tutkimuksissa.
type in.v
- The details of the constructionRakentamisen yksityiskohdatshould bepitäisityped inkirjoittaa ylös.
- That was the problem facing the author of this utility, which is why he wrote this little program that letstype inkirjoittaathe error codevirhekoodin, the description is then printed to screen.
- Click on OK or press Return, andthe namenimi, jonkatyped inkirjoititwill appear in the Main Menu list.
- This key deletesthe last characterviimeisen merkin, jokatyped inon kirjoitettu.
- A: It's difficult to pin down precisely where you've gone wrong without knowingwhatmitätyped inolet kirjoittanutat the command linekomentorivilleto begin restoringpalautuksen aloittamiseksi.
- The example below is a ``bare bones' calculator program which evaluatesthe expressionilmauksentyped inkirjoittaman.
type out.v
- A messageViestiäwas beingparhaillaantyped outkirjoitettiin puhtaaksi.
- Dorothy could perhaps fax it up, cos Ihaditsentyped outkirjoitutin puhtaaksiyesterdayeilenso we could, do it.
- Such a listSellaisen luettelonmay quite simply bevoi melko helpostityped outkirjoittaaon sheets of paperpaperilleand duplicated so that additions and changes may be made until the list has to be retyped for clarity's sake.
- Astyped outkirjoitinmy noticeeroilmoitustaniand handed my keys in
- 'll<empty>type outkirjoitan puhtaaksimy notesmuistiinpanonifor yousinua vartenin some kind of orderjonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä, giving correct dates and names, but I can give you a brief run-down now.
- TypingkirjoittaminenitSenoutpuhtaaksishows quickly that the work is better than it appears: indeed, once the courtroom scene is reached, the writer's touch becomes sure, and his competence in handling reported speech is impressive.
type up.v
- Whatever she took in the way of rough spontaneous notes during a discussionKaikki, mitä hän merkitsi spontaanisti muistiin keskustelujen aikana,wouldtulisilatermyöhemminbe<empty>typed upkirjoitetuksiin immaculate form.
- While he discerns a bank of computers by the wall (is<empty>typing upkirjoittamassa koneelleminutes of the monthly group meeting now in progresspöytäkirjaa parhaillaan käynnissä olevasta ryhmän kuukausikokouksesta), Michael begins to feel a little more at home in this rather ramshackle world.
- It took quite a while to get the boys admitted to everyone's satisfaction, and I was beginning to think I wasn't going to getmy testtestiänityped uppuhtaaksikirjoitetuksifor Form Four Englishneljännen luokan englannin tuntia varten.
- When Rush called,wasolityping upkirjoittamassa puhtaaksia grant proposalapurahaehdotustafor a similar ideasamanlaiselle idealle.
- `Astypedkirjoitinmy manuscriptkäsikirjoitustain the atticullakolla, I thought that perhaps jet had once been strewn along its broad oak floorboards.
- Apparently,typedkirjoittia messageviestininto the Belial Base neural netBelial Basen neutraaliin verkkoon, right where the viruses that Legion's agent planted there would find it and transmit it back here.
- mustontypekirjoitettavathe sentencelausewith the words in the correct orderniin, että sanat ovat oikeassa järjestyksessä, and is rewarded for the right answer by the picture coming to life -- John jumps on his bike and cycles to school.
- Thensat down andtypedkirjoittia letterkirjeento every agony aunt he had ever heard ofjokaiseen Leelian lepotuoliin, josta oli ikinä kuullut.
- Special thanks are due to Ms Gin Flach for her efficient technical and organizational skills, to Dr Martin Johnson and Dr Tom Fleming for helpful criticisms and tofortypingpuhtaaksikirjoittamisestathe manuscriptkäsikirjoituksen.
- A storyjutunwould be<empty>typedkirjoittaisiand then cast into metal, usually lead, by compositors.
- Smith had lent me his very able stenographer and we worked until dawn, whenthe memorandummuistiowas<empty>typedkirjoitettiin puhtaaksiand ready for me to take to Smith first thing in the morning.
- The final listLopullista luetteloawas amended andtypedsen kirjoitti puhtaaksion lavender-coloured notepapervaaleansiniselle muistipaperille, who had become Lady Falkender in 1974.
- Aswasolintypingkirjoittamassathistätäon the computertietokoneelle(my VDU is a television set), the screen went odd with flashing lines and all the words missing.
- typedKirjoitinitsenoutfor Diana MorrisonDiana Morrisonile.
- Phil was so anxious to get to sea thatwas finishingtypingkirjoittamisenmy reportraportinas we entered the lock, and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened.
- typedkirjoitti koneellathroughout the morningkoko aamun, driving the carriage of the department's battered portable along with his two hammering fingers just about as fast as it would go.
- Doreen's lip curled sneeringly asutteredvirkkoithe wordsanan.
- had notei ollututteredsanonuta wordsanaakaanduring the relation of the newsuutisten aikana, nor shown any emotion.
- utteredlausahtithe wordsananwhile she was playing with Bryanollessaan pelaamassa Bryanin kanssa.
- utteredantoiordersmääräyksetin Urduurduksiand disapproving Club servants brought buckets of water to douse the dogs.
- And then she found herself wondering what had promptedtoutterlausumaanremarks concerning his private affairshuomautuksia hänen omista asioistaan.
- utteredsanoia curseruman sananunder his breathhengästyksissäänand swung around, dropping Robyn's hand, which he still held, like a stone.
- Similar protestationssamanlaisia vastalauseitawere no doubtepäilemättäutteredlausuiwhenever he was discovered astride a corpse holding a smoking gunaina, kun hänet löydettiin ruumiin vierestä savuava ase kädessään.
- PhonemesFoneemitwhich areutteredovatby the articulatory action of the same vocal organsaman vokaalisen elimen artikulaatiomuoto.
- He meant to give her an emphatic no, butthe wordsitä sanaawas neverei koskaanutteredlausuttu.
- It is unlikely thatmost of these sentencesuseimmat näistä lauseistawould beolisiutteredlausuttuin a conversationkeskustelussaor used in a meaningful text.
- It was music to a Scotsman's ears when he said he owed everyone in Scotland a drink, but many were sure it was onlyan empty promisetyhjä lupausutteredlausuttuin the heat of the momenthetken hurmassa.
write down.v
- She transferred the Beretta from her shoulder holster to her anorak pocket then moved down the row of freight cars, checking for the serial number which corresponded withthe onesitä, jonkahadoliwritten downkirjoittanut muistiinfor herhänelle.
- So long asan accounttili'sonwritten downkirjoitettu muistiinsomewherejonnekin, no one's going to fuss about the details.
- This was what they told one another, andwhatmitäwrote downkirjoittivat muistiinin The Book of NomeNoomien kirjaan.
- ItNewas latermyöhemminwritten downkirjoitettiin muistiinin two books called the Mishnah and the Talmudkahteen kirjaan, jotka ovat Mishnah ja Talmud.
- The resultsTuloksetwere<empty>written downkirjoitti muistiin.
- Another version of this Trojan origin legendtoisen version tästä troijalaisesta tarustawas<empty>written downmerkitsi muistiinin 727vuonna 727.
- At some police stations, when a suspect is in custody,his namehänen nimensämay bevoidaanwritten downmerkitä muistiinon different pieces of papererilaisille papereilleon sixteen separate occasionskuuteentoista eri kohtaan.
- She had not even thought about persuadingto<empty>write downkirjoittivat muistiinwhat he had told hersen, mitä oli hänelle sanonut.
- I knew as soon aswrotekirjoitinitsendownmuistiinI'd go off the boil.
- Maybe'll<empty>writekirjoitanthemnedownmuistiinsome dayjonain päivänä, if I get the chance.
- Betterwritekirjoittaathose timesne ajatdownmuistiinI suppose.
write in.v
- Occasionallywrite inkirjoittavat jato demand that offside be abolished altogethervaativat paitsion poistamista kokonaan.
- Tuff-Link will send a free nursery minder towrite inkirjoittavat.
- canvoivatwrite inkirjoittaato ask for budwood from these clones, some of which are wild in origin while others have been selected from plantations in various countriesja kysyä pistokkaita näistä klooneista, joista jotkut ovat alkuperältään villejä, kun taas toiset on valittu viljelmistä eri maista.
- Many thanks towrote inkirjoittivat jato tell me how many heads the Tandon TM262 hadkertoivat minulle, kuinka monta päätä Tandon TM262:lla oli.
write out.v
- wrote outkirjoittihis poemsrunonsain proseproosan muotoonfirst: it is a discipline which works.
- wrote outkirjoittieach wordjokaisen sananin block capitalsisoilla kirjaimilla, and when he wasn't certain of the spelling he put down the possible alternative letters below; he wanted to be sure of any translation the first time.
- wrote outkirjoittichequessekkejäfrom the account to pay his credit card debts, rent arrears and he also used it to clear phone bills and part of £500 taxi bill.
- `Pounds, ``I replied aswrote outkirjoitinmy name and addressnimeni ja osoitteenion the back of the particularshenkilötietojen taakseand left it on the counter.
- One is to havethe listluettelowritten outkirjoittaaon a large piece of papersuurelle paperille, which can be hung in a prominent position.
- The document had become the classic of dissent for these young men,each copysillä jokainen kappalepainstakinglyhuolellisestiwritten outkirjoitettiinin longhandkäsin.
write up.v
- All of this was already mapped out in a very decent andproper piece of research thatkunnollisessa tutkimuksessa, jonkahad justolin juuriwritten upkirjoittanut puhtaaksi.
- Perhaps, with this sense of purpose still fresh upon you, you decide thatthe notes taken during lecturesluentojen aikaiset muistiinpanotwill be ``tullaanwritten upkirjoittamaan puhtaaksiin your roomsinun huoneessasi-- when?
- 've gotnotesmuistiinpanojato<empty>write upodottamassa puhtaaksikirjoitustaand Madame Gebrec's book to read.
- Versions of it in prose and rhymeVersiot proosana ja runoinahad beenoliwritten upkirjoitettu puhtaaksiwhile he was still at Gastons.
- ItSegot a lot of airplay from John Peel, andwassiitä oliwritten upkirjoitettuextensivelylaajalti.
- There is a good programme of daily activities in the Home, andall thesene kaikkiareonwritten upkirjoitettuon a large board in Peter's officePeterin toimiston suurelle taululle.
- All this dataKaikki nämä tiedotis thensittenwritten upkirjoitetaan puhtaaksias a technical reportteknisen raportin muotoon, and forms part of the information stored as an archive for future reference.
- It is often a good ideato<empty>write upkirjoittaa puhtaaksiyour own notes of a disciplinary interviewomat muistiinpanot kuulustelustaimmediately afterwardsvälittömästi niiden jälkeen.
- Newspaper reporters do this all the time and what is often these days called `investigative journalism ``may usetogetherwrite upkirjoittavat puhtaaksifull-page reports on chosen topicskokosivun raportit valituista aiheista.
- wrote upkirjoittithe names of all traineeskaikkien harjoittelijoiden nimeton the white boardvalkoiselle taululle, and at the end of the day, he wrote up the sales scores of each one.
- 'm goingto<empty>write upkirjoittaa puhtaaksia suggested arrangementesityksen järjestelyistäon the boardjohtokunnassanownyt.
- If you are given this task it is bestto<empty>writekirjoittaathe minutespöytäkirjauppuhtaaksithe same daysamana päivänäor as soon as possible after the meeting while the discussion is still fresh in your mind.
- Sowrotekirjoitinthe epilogueepiloginin Christian's bookChristianin kirjaan, bringing his account up to date.
- I'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that've beenolenwritingkirjoittanutcomedykomediaaprofessionallyammatiksenisince `63vuodesta -63, so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years.
- Whenwritekirjoitanmy diarypäiväkirjaanifor the year my starter course at the Fermette Marboeuf will be at the top of my list of outstanding dishes.
- have been askedto<empty>writekirjoittamaanan account of the social welfare programme of the Gulbenkian Foundationselvitys Gulbenkian-säätiön sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin ohjelmastafrom 1964 to 1990.
- has justoli juuriwrittenkirjoittanuther first screenplayensimmäisen käsikirjoituksensa, an adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense And Sensibility.
- Now'm<empty>writingkirjoitana scriptkäsikirjoitustafor a Hollywood producerHollywood-tuottajalle.
- wroteKirjoitina couple of articles about itsiitä muutaman artikkelineventuallylopulta.
- wrotekirjoittiherhänellean apologyanteeksipyynnön.
- This passionate articleTämä intohimoinen artikkeliwas<empty>writtenkirjoitettiinin 1985vuonna 1985, and the rapidity of social change and changes in attitude since then, already make some qualification necessary.
- Not only wasthe libretto itselfitse librettobeingoliwrittenkirjoitettuin SalzburgSalzburgissa, but a translation into German was also undertaken there.
- 'dtulisiwritekirjoittamaanlengthy letterspitkiä kirjeitäto his accountant, stockbroker, bank etc,kirjanpitäjälleen, pörssimeklarilleen, pankille jne.,most of which I tried to convince him were quite unnecessary to do at that moment -- if indeed at all.
- haveolemmethereforesiiswrittenkirjoittaneetour responsevastauksemmeto inform and stimulate debate, as well as to influence the Government's thinkingtiedottaaksemme ja aiheuttaaksemme keskustelua sekä vaikuttaaksemme hallituksen ajatteluun.
- hurriedlynopeastiwrotekirjoittia long letterpitkän kirjeento The TimesThe Timesille, which it published on 14th February, the Monday after the debate.
- We asked you fora letterkirjettä, jonkawrittenolisi kirjoittanutto his sonpojalleenadmitting that he has some embarrassing or socially undesirable condition.