account.n 🔎
- All thepersonalhenkilökohtaisetaccountstilinteotthat I have read convey a sense of isolation, an absence of professional support, and the sheer despair generated by this experience.
- The whole legend starts from a misinterpretation by John Wessington, Prior of Durham (1416-46), ofeighth-century700-lukulaisestaaccountkuvauksestaof King Alchfrith granting Wilfrid land in `Stanford ``and a monastery in Riponsiitä, kuinka kuningas Alchfrith lahjoitti Wilfridille maata Stanfordissa ja luostarin Riponissa.
- movingaccounttilintekonsaof her mother mourning her father's death is particularly effective.
- Today's readingis anotheron toinenaccountselvitysof the effects of the bomb on Hiroshima.
- Ifautobiographicalomaelämäkerrallisetaccountstilityksetwere rare then, there have been a number since which deal explicitly with the operation of the law in relation to prostitution.
- Lurid semi-fictionalaccountstilitys, George Sim and Jack London alluded darkly to acts of debauchery not fit even for the pages of The Lancet.
- accountselontekoin The TimesThe Timesissacontinued, `Mr Heseltine's friends said last night that ad hoc meetings were a Downing Street device to kill internal Cabinet dissent.
- Luke, followingaccountselontekoin the first letter to the Corinthiansensimmäisessä kirjeessä korinttilaisille, is probably the earliest tradition available.
- accountselontekonsaof how government worked in the ninth centuryhallituksen toiminnasta 800-luvullais plausible, not least because it squares with what we can infer from Dhuoda and Nithard, despite the differences in their aims and standpoints.
- I've readaccountsselonteotof that incidenttästä tapauksestain which I was supposed to have smashed everything up in his room.
- There are very few publishedaccountsselontekojaof learning programsoppimisohjelmistawhich search in spaces parametrised by integers.
- The bookis both anon sekäaccountselontekoofettäand an intervention inthat processprosessista, veering between the descriptive and the prescriptive.
- Both shops organised evening readings with Mr Keenan talking about his experiences and reading passages fromaccountselonteostaanof captivityvankeusaikansa, An Evil Cradling (Hutchinson, £16.99).
- From thisaccountselonteostaof 1773vuodelta 1773, two things can be noted: the miners first offered a price, and the objects of their anger were merchants intending to remove corn from the locality.
- Now erm no if you so leave a say leave a page would be the easiest way to fill inmini sagaaccountselonteostanneof David Copperfield meeting his new father, kun David Copperfield tapaa uuden isänsä.
- He also publishedclassicaccountkirjoituksensaof the genus PythiumPythium-suvusta(1907).
- You published last week anaccountkirjoituksenof our ordeal at the hands of burglars who left us barricaded for 37 hours in a tiny bathroomkoettelemuksistamme murtovarkaiden armoilla heidän jätettyä meidät 37 tunniksi pieneen kylpyhuoneeseen.
- AnaccountKirjoituswritten by someone participating in some event or controversy may give a far more partial view than the carefully researched, balanced interpretation of a later historian who has sifted and weighed up all available evidence.
- During the 19th and early 20th centuries, severalaccountskirjoituksiaof Macrae's lifeMacraen elämästäwere published but most were more romanticised than factual.
article.n 🔎
- A German gerontologist, in anarticleartikkelissaanabout old peoplevanhoista ihmisistäwritten for GPs, wittily attacks stereotypes with facts, cartoons and photographs.
- In the February issue of The Art Newspaper, you published an entertainingarticleartikkelinabout expertiseskokeiluista.
- It contains and excellentarticleartikkelinabout Pat Keen and her classesPat Keenistä ja hänen luokistaan, a splendid photo of Pat herself and the observation -- accurate indeed -- that she looked years younger than her age.
- Anarticleartikkeliadvocating a national Nonconformist congress appeared in Hughes' Methodist Times on 20 February 1890 and was written at Hughes' request.
- I have also enclosed an interestingarticleartikkelin, expressing views with which we strongly concur.
- After university, he became a free-lance journalist in London, writingarticlesartikkeleitafor most of the leading literary magazines.
- Thank you for providing me with an excellent shortarticleartikkelinfor the summer edition of Rural WalesRural Walesin kesänumeroon.
- In anarticleartikkelissaanin the Church of England Newspaper"Church of England" -sanomalehdessärecommending church planting, he adds this caution:
- It reads: ``The director of medical services drew members' attention to a recentarticleartikkeliinsain the British Medical JournalBritish Medical Journalissawhich highlighted that, out of 18 clients treated, the 22.2 per cent.
- Erm well I just wrote Miriam and said, I sawarticleartikkelisiin Green Week"Green Week" -lehdessäcan you send me further details.
- The Daily Telegraph, in a leadingarticleartikkelissaanof April 3, 1979,3. huhtikuuta 1979found it `almost an interlude of light relief ``after a winter of grim industrial strife.
- Has he seen the excellentGlasgow Evening Times"Glasgow Evening Times" -lehdenarticleartikkelinof 20 November20. päivältä marraskuutawhich highlights that serious problem in Scotland?
- I enjoyed thearticlesartikkelistaon water gardeningvesipuutarhaa koskevastain the July issue.
- French balancing act tipped Beirut into war: Inconcludingarticleartikkelissaanon Lebanon's historyLibanonin historiasta, Robert Fisk examines how France's `political solution ``created a war
- articleartikkelion dads who are unable to copeisistä, jotka eivät pärjäähas attracted many readers' letters.
- About this time machine knitting was becoming more popular andarticlesartikkelitabout how to make money from itsillä ansaitsemisestawere appearing.
- THE answer toarticleartikkeliisi`Do five-year-olds need lessons in gay love? ``"Tarvitsevatko viisivuotiaat tietoa poikarakkaudesta? "is a sensible `no.
- Perhaps the most interesting point which arises fromarticleartikkeliis that it needed to be said.
- The bulletin lists new book acquisitions and a selection ofarticlesartikkeleistafrom periodicals receivedsaapuneiden aikakauslehtien.
- Another in the same mould is Golf's Lighter Side, a selection ofarticlesartikkeleistafrom Golf Illustrated"Golf Illustrated" -lehdenfrom the last 100 years.
- Reading lists including relevant research andarticlesartikkeleitafrom journalsaikakauslehdistäshould be appended.
- A recentarticleartikkelion teaching English in higher educationenglannin korkeakouluopetuksestabegins:
- excellentarticleartikkelion Goat Welfarepukkien hyvinvoinnistain the August issueelokuun numerossawisely asked the question `do we need to breed?
- Their gripping ascent of The Bat, immortalised byclassicarticleartikkelissaThe Bat and The Wicked"The Bat and The Wicked", has become one of the most celebrated first ascents of all time.
- In theNew England Journal of Medicine"New England Journal of Medicine" -lehdenarticleartikkelissawhich incensed Dr Mumby the validity of provocation of symptoms by intracutaneous tests to identify food sensitivities was evaluated under double blind conditions.
- A modestjournallehti-articleartikkelimight have produced for the author a significant learning experience.
- Similarly gloomy comments by another AMR executive in a recentWall Street JournalWall Street Journalinarticleartikkeliprompted hundreds of travellers to call American about the soundness of their tickets.
- I recently read anarticleartikkelinwhich claimed that 30% of all shots on a golf course are putts, jossa väitettiin, että 30 % kaikissa lyönneistä golf-kentällä on puttauksia.
- I was reading anarticleartikkelia(Echoes, March 3)about an old soldier's experience in Singaporevanhan sotilaan kokemuksista Singaporessaand it reminded me of a conversation with a friend in Carlisle.
- He wrotearticlesartikkeleitafor the Fortnightly Review"Fortnightly Review" -lehdelle, favoured the disestablishment of the Church of England, and was sympathetic to the `unauthorized programme ``of Joseph Chamberlain [q.v.].
- He wrote numerousarticlesartikkeleitain journalslehtiinrelating to children's health, and was editor and part author of a number of textbooks, including Nursing and Diseases of Sick Children (1930).
autobiography.n 🔎
- You've picked up a book -- you might even have bought it -- that you thought was about cancer, but all you're gettingis an incoherentvain sekavanautobiographyomaelämäkerranabout an unknownjonkin tuntemattoman henkilön.
- Equally revealing is a rareautobiographyomaelämäkerta.
- AnAutobiographyomaelämäkertawith Stephen Thorpe; foreword by
- TheAutobiographyomaelämäkertaof a Luftwaffe PilotLuftwaffen lentäjän.
- Finally, theautobiographyomaelämäkertaof Colin DeansColin Deansin, You're A Hooker Then, has been reissued in paperback.
- No Englishautobiographyomaelämäkertaof this periodtältä ajaltatells of that experience of powerlessness from the other side.
- Lowther was active as a barrister and, according toautobiographyomaelämäkertansa, the circuit judges nominated him in 1616 as a JP for Westmorland; he joined his father on a bench which welcomed his legal knowledge.
- autobiographyomaelämäkerta, Life At The Kop, leaves no-one in any doubt about his opinions of England bosses, Don Revie and Bobby Robson.
- One is his novel, The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans; the other, an incomplete work entitled Fiction which Thomas conceived as a continuation ofChildhoodlapsuutensaautobiographyomaelämäkerta.
- These include letters, diaries, andautobiographiesomaelämäkertoja.
- One lot featuring 34 books, Cardus & Arlott's The Noblest Game andautobiographyomaelämäkertaamong them, sold for only £80.
- Finally, theautobiographyomaelämäkerta, You're A Hooker Then, has been reissued in paperback.
- (Angus and Robertson, 216pp, illus, sbk, £10.75)is theonautobiographyomaelämäkerta, one of Australia's pioneering women aviators.
- Madame's room above The Bar had a large glass-fronted bookcase, and also a high bookshelf running right round the red-lacquered ceiling, and they were both stacked with biographies andautobiographiesomaelämäkertojaof financially successful womentaloudellisesti menestyneistä naisista; courtesans, couturiers, financiers, novelists, acrobats, madams, actresses, mistresses, singers and wives.
- His language, in the remarkableautobiographyomaelämäkerrassaabout his young manhoodnuoruusvuosiltawritten for his grandchildren, plays on the language of enslavement and emancipation.
- She creates her own phrases, too, not least memorably inmood-spinning1983vuodelta 1983autobiographyomaelämäkerrassaan, `One Writer's Beginnings ``.
- Humphrey Price at Hodder has bought, from St Martin's Press in the US, UK and Commonwealth rights in theautobiographyomaelämäkertaan(Rotten, as was).
- He published anautobiographyomaelämäkerranin 1975: he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion (internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail).
- SIR Maitland Mackie, father of National Farmers Union of Scotland vice-president Maitland Mackie, has publishedautobiographyomaelämäkertansa,A Lucky Chap"A Lucky Chap".
- He was reading theautobiographyomaelämäkertaain order to steady himself for the selection procedure.
- `They commissioned me to writeautobiographyomaelämäkertani-- oh, it must be eighteen months ago.
ballad.n 🔎
- AballadBalladiabout a soldier returning from war and being wooed by the king's daughtersotilaasta, joka palaa sodasta kuninkaan tyttäreen kosiskelun jälkeen.
- The butler seized the glass where upon the fairies tried to regain the cup but realising that they were no match for this mortal they finally abandoned the struggle and vanished, leaving the butler with the glass cup and according to aballadballadiwith this warning.
- Ballad"Balladiof Reading GaolReadingin vankilasta"tells of the hanging of a trooper at the prison:
- Seating ourselves on the trunk of an old ash-tree that stretched along the ground, Coleridge read aloud with a sonorous and musical voice, theballadballadiof Betty FoyBetty Foysta.
- The reformers' wish to separate the sacred from the profane also led to the repression of many of the popularballadsballadeistaof the daypäivän, which combined a godly lyric with a well-known tune.
- TheBalladballadi"of a Sad Café"Surullisen kahvilan
- His popularity as a songwriter rested mainly onballadsballadiensa, much used in drawing-rooms.
- Just before the onset of her fatal illness, Lizzie recorded a superb rendering of the North-eastwitchnoita-balladsadunAlison GrossAlison Grossin, got from her father for the Grampian Television film Journey to a Kingdom.
- On other occasions he would relate long tales of his travels or burst into gypsy songs or ancientballadsballadeja.
- Do they haveballadsballadejaabout transporting the two white men dressed as women up to the great watery anaconda to the southsiitä, kuinka kaksi valkoista naisiksi pukeutunutta miestä kuljetetaan jokilonkeroita pitkin etelään, or however they might put it?
- In the words of theIrishirlantilaisenballadballadin, the birds they were singing from tree to tree.
- It's like a ballad, a sadIrishirlantilainenballadballadi.
- I even composed aballadballadinon the subjectaiheestawhich was subsequently printed in our Cutter Magazine.
- As they walk they sing a specialballadballadiacomposed by the archdeacon's niece for the occasion.
- PETER PEARS: We were staying in Escondido on the West Coast of America with Rae Robertson and Ethel Bartlett, the pianists for whom Ben wrote theBalladballadin.
benediction.n 🔎
- “ May the Lord bless you and keep you … ” and he reeled off the wholebenedictionsiunauksen, still clinging to my hand.
biography.n 🔎
- In abiographyelämäkerrassaabout the former England captainentisen englantilaisen kapteeninabout to be published, the rift which existed between the pair for the final 15 months of Lineker's international career is at last revealed.
- The fifthwas aolibiographyelämäkertaof a famous writerkuuluisan kirjailijan, which Boy read twice with great fascination.
- Asauthoritativebiographyelämäkertaof FrancoFrancondemonstrates, there is no real evidence to support the notion, amply diffused by Francoist propaganda after 1945, that Franco skilfully kept Spain out of the conflict.
- detailedbiographyelämäkertalinks Mary Kingsley's public and private life with great authority, for all that the biographer is very hard on her subject.
- Gooch'sGoochinbiographyelämäkertahas been a long time coming but Ivo Tennant has been thorough in his survey of hitherto uncharted waters, and the wait has been worthwhile.
- Reagan had already used the phrase (he was ever good at self-deprecation) as the title ofcampaignvaali-biographyelämäkerrassaan.
- The extract is from abiographyelämäkerrasta, whose wife's maiden name was …
- Aristocratic credentials, the authorship of abiographyelämäkerranof John KebleJohn Keblen, and a year as Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of National Service did not, in their eyes, seem quite enough.
- This tone is intolerable, and augurs very ill forbiographyelämäkertaof PoundPoundista, said to be in the works.
- Music lovers will be entranced by thebiographyelämäkertaof PavarottiPavarottin(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, £17.99).
- The final volume ofmassivebiographyelämäkertahas just appeared (The Last Laugh, Chatto & Windus, £10.99), detailing what happened to Shaw's money and memory after his death.
- May Sinclair also wrote various pieces of literary criticism on both nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors, aBrontëBrontënbiographyelämäkerta(The Three Brontës, 1912), and a few unpublished dramas.
- They had met originally when Verrall was writing abiographyelämäkertaaof CromwellCromwellinfor which William had done much of the research.
book.n 🔎
- Strangely, that modesty did not extend to sparing the Royal Family's blushes over the serialization ofbookkirjaabout Princess Di and her marriageprinsessa Dianasta ja hänen avioliitostaan.
- She was convinced now that her husband had been working on abookkirjaaabout The Hell Fire ClubHellfire-klubistaand …
- Since then he has been busy working on amedicallääketieteellistäbookkirjaaabout brain tumoursaivokasvaimistain a bid to increase public awareness and raise vital funds for research.
- Recentbookskirjatreflect typical preoccupations.
- I kept abookkirjaain my side trouser pocket so that when I saluted, slapping my palm against my leg, there was a good cracking ring.
- I've called it, the talk, `Little Dorrit ``because I think the character in thebookkirjassareally shows the ideal of womanhood in the eighteen-forties.
- To win one of 25 copies of theBookkirjastaof SecretsSalaisuuksien, tell us on a postcard who wrote The Great Lover and send it to Country Living /Love at the address on page 2 by 31 March.
- For Winifred there were some hair ribbons too, and abookkirjaof talessatu-; for Young John, a halfdozen new brass buttons and a coloured alphabet book.
- Go buy yourself abookkirjaon the Holocaustholokaustista, preferably one with lots of pictures.
- Indeed, crevasse rescue is usually banished to the appendices ofinstructionohje-bookskirjojenon mountaineering skillsvuorikiipeilystä kirjoitettujen, and it is high time that an entire book be devoted to unravelling the conundrum of the permanent snows.
- What I principally object toare all our dreary, smugovat kaikki tympeät ja omahyväisetbookskirjatabout growing up and coming to terms with oneselfkasvamisesta ja itsensä löytämisestä, that … are merely another brand of conformity ….
- It's also led to a whole industry around the Morse phenomenon, including the CD of music to the series, the Inspector Morse tourist trail and now anon-fictiontositapahtumiin perustuvabookkirjaabout how the series is madesarjan teosta.
- Accounting for Growth: no accounting for the fussbookkirjacontains relatively little new information.
- I studied mygardeningpuutarha-bookskirjojani.
- The only categories not eligible for this support schemeareovatarttaide-bookskirjat, religion, military, children's, poetry, drama, literary criticism, and popular genre fiction.
- Most of them applied themselves to theirexerciseliikunta-bookskirjoihin, their faces contorted with intellectual effort.
- Itwas aolibookkirja.
- Children'sLastenbookskirjojafor spring
- In this day and age when we are bombarded withbookskirjoillaon climbingkiipeilystä, it is strange to relate that there is no modern comprehensive history of mountaineering.
- Their estrangement occurred with the publication of Not Daddy's Girl,angrybookkirjansaabout IngmarIngmarista, who left her mother Ellen when Anna was two.
- Itmay be a valuablesaattaa olla arvokasreferencereferenssi-bookkirjaon established practicevakiintuneesta käytännöstä, but what does the indefensible pedestrian accident rate in Britain have to say about the validity of that?
- He opened themedicallääketieteellisenbookkirjan, placed the photograph inside the chapter on Clostridium welchii, a rod-shaped bacterium which decays the body while it is still alive, and went into his living room.
- All the girls opened theirgrammarkielioppi-bookskirjansaat the page Mademoiselle commanded then Mary-Lou found she had her English grammar instead of her French one so she reopened her desk to get the right book.
- T. S. Eliot, who published many ofbookskirjoista, felt the same.
- After World War I, she bought a villa in the south of France and in 1925 published a highly selectivebookteoksenof memoirsmuistelma-.
- He publishedmajorbookteoksensa, The Parachor and Valency, in 1930.
- Stevens shut thebookkirjan.
- Even the revered classical architect Professor Albert Richardson wrote abookkirjanon pubspubeista, establishing their soundness and Englishness in the age of American cocktails.
bulletin.n 🔎
- Sales of prime London properties are picking up and the latest quarterlybulletintiedoteshows that for the first time in over a year, average prices have not fallen.
- Mollie would send me a regularbulletintiedotteenof her progressedistymisestäänand since May 1986 she had reduced her weight from 12 stone 9 pounds to 10 stone 3 pounds (a loss of 2 stone 6 pounds).
- `AbulletinTiedoteon the Prime Minister's conditionpääministerin terveydentilastais expected shortly.
- Takelatestviimeisinbulletintiedotteensaon whether she intends to retirehänen aikeistaan jäädä eläkkeelle, issued from Japan, where she is playing in the Federation Cup.
- bulletinuutiskirje,Christian Meditation Newsletter"Christian Meditation Newsletter", containing spiritual articles and meditation news from around the world, is published by the community four times a year.
- officebulletinstiedotteistaanbecame a fount of Fleet Street lore (`Always, always, tell the news through people, ``for example).
- On days when he was particularly active, other items of news which might have appeared in the ten-minuteEnglish languageenglanniksibulletinstiedotteissawere squeezed out of those in the Zambian languages.
- Because theseZambian languagesambiankielisetbulletinstiedotteetwere short they were very limited in content.
- The BBC extended9.00 pmkello 21bulletinuutisiaan.
- `But we are working on the idea of a monthly publication, probably starting in May, to act as a kind ofbulletinuutiskirjeenäto keep supporters in touch with what is happening, jotta tukijat olisivat selvillä siitä, mitä tapahtuu, ``he said.
- The Soviet Monitor, circulated by the Tass agency, issued a specialbulletintiedotteenon 25 July expressing the Soviet view of the failure of the talks.
- A new press and publications law was drafted to protect journalists and encourage new publications in both Yemens; on Jan. 8 both Yemeni news agencies issued a jointbulletintiedotteenon this subjecttästä aiheesta.
- Instead, she crouched over the radio, listening, like all the others, as thenewsuutis-bulletinlähetysbegan.
- A tinny voice rang out, reading theten o'clockkello kymmenennewsuutis-bulletinlähetystä.
- It was in anewsuutis-bulletinlähetyksessä, just after the war broke, and it seemed an entirely practical, positive, useful thing to do.
- The hot summer of 1940 I spent in Kidlington, listening during those suspended August days to theradioradio-bulletinsuutisiaon the Battle of BritainBritannian taistelusta.
- Indeed, at this timeradioradio-bulletinsuutisetbegan to contain less and less of any kind of Tanzanian news other than the speeches and activities of the president, ministers, commissioners and so on.
chronicle.n 🔎
- He compiled achroniclekronikanof world historymaailman historiasta, fitting together the calculations of Greek chroniclers with the indications of date found in the Bible.
- She also likes Arsakov -- and that beautifulChronicleskronikoitaof a Russian Familyvenäläisestä perheestä.
- These years are not dealt with in thechroniclekronikassaof the Phoenix KingsPhoenix Kingsien.
- `According toChroniclekronikan, ``I replied, airing my knowledge, `when Henry IV fought at Shrewsbury against Hotspur, he dressed several of his knights in royal armour.
- For all its oily sycophancy, the Shah Jehan Nama probably gives the authentic flavour of the enterprise: Shah Jehan's town, likecourttuomioistuimenchroniclekronikka, was there to glorify the ruler.
- The1797Vuoden 1797churchkirkon-chronicleskirjatlament the demise of one Edward Bunce, a gatekeeper at Coppid Beech Lane turnpike, who was found murdered in the night.
- Suger's historical writings led the monks of his abbey to develop a taste for history and hence to compile a series ofchronicleskronikoita.
- One must be prepared to contemplate biblical material as dispassionately as one might contemplatechroniclesmuistiinpanojapertaining to Caesar, jotka liittyvät Caesariin, or Alexander — or Cortés.
- Poor, pathetic old man, he thought, watching as his Uncle Walter picked up his pen again and consulted some notes, preparing to concludelongchroniclekronikkansaof the familyperhe-.
- Thus far the events are reasonably certain, and in any case Gregory's narrative is backed up by entries in thechroniclekronikkaan.
- TheNarniaNarnianchroniclestarinat, for example, were written as a mythological expression of the gospel story.
- The story does not appear in theCrowlandCrowlandinchroniclemuistiinpanoissa, which confirms the existence of ill will between Hastings and the Woodvilles, but without offering any explanation.
- If you have any value for human life -- it's been in TheJewishJewishChronicleChronicle -lehdessäfor God's sake -- have you no heart?
- He had already begun contributing tothe Gardeners'Gardeners'ChronicleChronicle -lehteä.
- Made famous byVampirevampyyri-Chroniclestarinoidensa ansiosta(Interview With The Vampire [1976], The Vampire Lestat [1985] and The Queen Of The Damned [1988])(Interview With The Vampire [1976], The Vampire Lestat [1985] ja The Queen Of The Damned [1988])she has successfully reinvented the tired myth of the vampire.
- Here were the secret histories, the stories behind the stories, the truths so terrible they could only be written as fiction, thechroniclestarinoitaof the insanehulluudesta, the lives of the damned.
comedy.n 🔎
- Gemini Productions will present J B Keane's `The Matchmaker ``at the end of September -- theIrishirlantilainencomedykomediaabout a man who helps those in search of the perfect partnermiehestä, joka auttaa täydellistä kumppania etsiviä.
- They are two of a kind, it seems to me, authors of a paranoidcomedykomedianof the dualistic imaginationdualistista mielikuvitusta käsittelevän, while also different.
- Wilde's masterpiece and one of the greatcomedieskomedioistaof the English language.
- `I've just sold acomedykomedianabout air travellentomatkustamisesta, ``she said.
- He had known both success and failure withcomedieskomedioistaanon the London stage when he published `A Discourse upon Comedy, in Reference to the English Stage ``(1702).
- One of the great moments in the literature of the world is a passage near the end of the second part ofDivineJumalainenComedynäytelmä.
- The point is not new: Samuel Johnson believed that Shakespeare's comedies reveal a profounder instinct than his tragedies: `his tragedy seems to be skill,comedykomediansato be instinct ``.
- I was writing acomedykomediaawith sinister undertonesabout the villa renters and expats of Chiantishirevillan vuokraajista ja paluumuuttajista Chiantishiressa.
- This production is set in 1951 and I am playing the mistress the way Coward intended when he wrote thecomedykomedian.
diary.n 🔎
- I ploughed throughdiarypäiväkirjaanifor the relevant weeks, and there, in the middle of it all, I found the notes of my search for Moira.
- He himself would be away for nearly a month: alreadyappointmentvaraus-diarykirjansa tapaamisillefor his time in the States was crammed.
- diarypäiväkirjaniof 8th September that year8. syyskuuta sinä vuonnanotes: Towerbell shares have flopped!
- When they got it home to Suffolk, they discovered a small black-bound notebook containing theDiarypäiväkirjanfor the years 1869-1871vuosilta 1869-1871.
- Diarypäiväkirjais one of a growing number of products available to assist the former group and encourage the latter to mend their lackadaisical ways.
- Diarypäiväkirja, that entertaining miscellany which was written for years by a succession of different pens.
- We should only hope that the minister doesn't start using the Book of Revelations asappointmentsvaraus-diarykirjanaan.
- Parents discussedsleepuni-diariespäiväkirjoistaand their aims for improvement in twos and threes as well as with the whole group.
- Parents vary in the quantity they expect their child to be able to eat so afoodruoka-diarypäiväkirjacan help the therapist determine appropriate quantities with the parents.
- diariespäiväkirjatfrom the 1850s through to the 1870s1850-luvulta 1870-luvulle, point to further examples of middle-class male desire centred on the physical coarseness of working women.
- A magazine, a sort ofdiarypäiväkirjaof what's happening locallypaikallisista tapahtumista, it makes its money by advertising.
- Entries toElectionvaali-Diaryluetteloon, Northern Echo, Priestgate, Darlington DL1 1NF.
- Now that we have in print thediarypäiväkirja, and his correspondence with Dame Margaret, Lloyd George's private morality can be viewed in historical terms.
- He kept adiarypäiväkirjaaof his sex dreamsseksiunistaanbut died a virgin.
- As homework we asked the women to keep adiarypäiväkirjaaand initially to record everything they ate or drank over one week.
- If you readdiariespäiväkirjojaanyou discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning.
- When I writediarypäiväkirjaanifor the yearvuosi-my starter course at the Fermette Marboeuf will be at the top of my list of outstanding dishes.
- AdiaryPäiväkirjawhich records her last days, joka kertoo hänen viimeisistä päivistäänwas among the collection sold today.
drama.n 🔎
- From the condition of being Agonistes, Sweeney points forward to the later ritualistic conception ofChristiankristillistädramadraamaa.
- The period'sAikakaudendramadraamawhich was not seriously considered as literature until the Jacobean period (and then only selectively) has been critically absorbed to now belong to elite literature.
- The great wall girdle wall was decorated and inscribed with thedramadraamaof ``The Triumph of Horus over His Enemies"The Triumph of Horus over His Enemies, with which Imhotep appears to have become connected.
- But elevating the status ofcontemporarynykyaikaisendramadraamanto `works ``published in a folio edition was extremely unusual in the period before 1642 when the plays were actually being performed.
- The six-partdramadraama, adapted from Georges Simenon's novels, is set in 1950s' Paris, but was shot in Budapest.
- He also wroteBiblicalraamatullisiadramasdraamojawhich display a deep love of nature.
- 2-9 William Allan of Sunderland, a poet of no mean rank, had written adramadraaman``Ian Vor"Ian Vor'"the chief incidents of which are made to occur at Dunyveg in Islay in 1807.
editorial.n 🔎
- Editor, -- There is scarcely an assertion ineditorialpääkirjoitusabout the General Medical Council (GMC)General Medical Councilista (GMC)with which I would not take issue.
- An editorial error resulted in the wrong reference being given at the end of the first sentence of the second paragraph of thiseditorialpääkirjoituksesta(28 November 1992, p 1310).
- Arecentuusineditorialpääkirjoitusin the British Medical JournalBritish Medical Journalincriticizes past `muddled thinking ``on the matter, and calls for `an end to uninformed comment on the topic.
- He was initially unimpressed byeditorialspääkirjoituksestain Ce SoirCe Soir -lehdessä.
- The engagingly eccentriceditorialspääkirjoitusgives his fly-sheet the decided edge in terms of amusement value.
- Editor, --editorialpääkirjoituson academic medicineakateemisesta lääketieteestätouched off an air of discontent within me.
- Trish Groves captures readers' attention with two anecdotes at the start ofeditorialpääkirjoituksensaon closing mental hospitalsmielisairaaloiden sulkemisesta.
- editorialpääkirjoituson screening for prostatic cancereturauhassyövän seulonnastamakes the point that the specificity and positive predictive value are too low for any of the available screening tests to be recommended.
- Finally,editorialpääkirjoituson screening for cardiomyopathykardiomyopatiaseulonnastasuggests that improved test validity and proved treatment would be sufficient to justify echocardiography on a mass scale.
- editorialpääkirjoitusseems merely to echo Kay's views; both articles include a reference to Jewett et al's report, which was discredited as flawed soon after it was published.
- Regardingeditorialpääkirjoitustasitodaytämänpäiväistä,`Holy bat-poo ``"Pyhä lepakonkakka", first, bats are not `dirty little flying mice.
- I recommend you to contact the trust for information (enclosing a donation) and rewriteeditorialpääkirjoituksesi.
- The paper'sLehdenpolling dayvaalipäiväneditorialpääkirjoituksessaacknowledged that its values were closer to a modern Conservative Party than to any other.
- In December 1859 theeditorialpääkirjoitusof a leading scientific journaljohtavan tieteellisen lehdenconcluded its survey of scientific achievements with the statement: `No significant piece of research or outstanding discovery happened this year.
- Ineditorialpääkirjoituksessasiabout the future of Scottish tourismSkotlannin matkailun tulevaisuutta koskevassa(`All-inclusive package, ``"All inclusive -paketti"9 February9. helmikuuta) your suggestion that the Scottish Office's review has been `an oddly furtive affair is somewhat ungenerous.
- The alternative is one-man rule, thievery and special privileges, ``said onenewspapersanomalehdeneditorialpääkirjoitus.
- `That is just the point, ``claimed one scathingnewspapersanomalehdeneditorialpääkirjoitus.
- Mr Clinton's campaign promises were dropping like autumn leaves, he charged in anewspapersanomalehdeneditorialpääkirjoituksessa, while `taxes have never succeeded in promoting economic growth.
- I read with interestSeptembersyyskuuneditorialpääkirjoituksesion readers adslukijailmoituksista.
- When both the Observer and the Daily Express wrote flatteringeditorialspääkirjoituksenon the new shop, sales soared to over £3,000 a week.
elegy.n 🔎
- A few months after his death I finally was able to write anelegyelegianfor my fatherisälleni, `died 21st January, 1958 ``, which is the final poem in The Prodigal Son.
- Here are the first two verses ofelegyelegioistanifor my father.isälleni.:
- She concluded her performance — and rather stole Márquez ” thunder — with a moving, powerful “Elegyelegiallafor a Nuclear Physicistydinfyysikolle”.
- elegyelegiafor GandalfGandalfilleends on the word `died ``; but Sam's coda prefers `flowers, and turns out to be truer in the end.
- This wistfulelegyelegiato the post-Bomb small-town Americapommitusten jälkeiselle amerikkalaiselle pikkukaupungille, The Last Picture Show was probably the first film that pined nostalgically for a generation's lost innocence, soundtracking Hank Williams' lonesome holler to great effect.
- On the title-page ofelegyelegianto DaviesDaviesille, the poet notes that he died 13 January 1770, `in the fifty-third year of his age ``.
epic.n 🔎
- He can move from talking about Aristophanes to talking aboutIndianintialaisiinepicseepikkoihinwithout any sense of discontinuity.
- Nevertheless he is uniquely different because he is not only a hero but also a powerful magician in the tradition of manyepicseepikoiden.
- Now it looks like a scene set from Beau Geste, or one of thosebiblicalraamatullistenepicseepikoiden.
- This is despite the fact that there are such programmes as Mastermind, a sheepdog series (with which I happen to be involved -- I declare my interest) and superbepicseepikoita.
- He was very fond of ancient histories, stories andepicseepikoistaof earlier times and heroesvarhaisimmilta ajoilta sekä sankareista.
- The Mycenaean past remained a folk-memory of the Greeks that was preserved orally, culminating in theepicseepikoihin.
- 2600 BC, who is known from the fortunate survival ofEpiceepoksestaan.
- The Assyrian poem TheEpiceeposof GilgameshGilgamesh-is regularly punctuated by dreams, both of the hero and his great friend Enkidu.
- It became subsequently a very celebrated and gallant defeat indeed, as the subject-matter of the greatAnglo-Normananglonormannisenepiceepoksenof the Chanson de Roland"Rolandin laulu", composed at least 300 years after the event.
- But 240-200 B.C. were exactly the years in whichepicseepikot, tragedy, comedy and historiography became part of the Roman way of life.
epigram.n 🔎
- Jonathan Swift, for example, produced the followingepigrampilkkarunonon Stephen Duck's advancementStephen Duckista:
- When I read Ash, I think of the younger Coleridge, reciting with gustoepigrampilkkarunoaanupon DonneDonnesta:
- His silence about the authorship of the more famousepigrampilkkarunonsathus amounts almost to a denial that Simonides wrote it.
- Gow's work onHellenistichelleenienepigramsepigrammienhas the same qualities as his Theocritus, and like that book will remain an essential instrument of scholarship.
epilogue.n 🔎
- Crime and Punishment's"Rikos ja rangaistus",Epiloguejälkisanat.
- The Countess of Winchilsea describes the problem in `AnEpilogueepilogiksiTo The Tragedy of Jane Shore"The Tragedy of Jane Shore" -teoksen``:
- So I wrote theepiloguejälkisanatin Christian's book, bringing his account up to date.
- It includes a 3 -- pageepilogueepiloginon the Beijing massacre and the subsequent repressionPekingin massamurhasta ja sen jälkeisestä masennuksesta, largely based on his own eye-witness observations.
- Nevertheless theepilogueepilogito the PactusPactuksendoes provide a terminus ante quem for the compilation of the code.
epistle.n 🔎
- He studied hard at theEpistlekirjeitäto the Hebrewsheprealaisille.
- The Gnostics could not believe that in Christ the eternal God could have polluted himself by taking flesh and enduring crucifixion; in the firstepistlekirjeessäthis denial is directly combated.
- He was the normal minister of baptism, the president of the eucharistic assembly, `blamelessly offering the gifts ``as the firstepistlekirjeessäput it (before the end of the first century).
- Malcolm Parkes has powerfully suggested that an eighth-century Fulda manuscript, containing theEpistlekirjeitä, has been glossed in the very handwriting of St Boniface.
- `Can't you hear from the tone ofEpistlekirjeidenhow little sympathy he had for her!
- In`Epistlekirjeissäänto ArtemisiaArtemisialle.
essay.n 🔎
- essayesseensäabout his experience of torturekidutuskokemuksistaanwas published in a French journal and an anthology of prison writings in 1986.
- She won her place after impressing the charity with anessayesseessäabout herselfitsestäänand how she could benefit others.
- There was anessayesseeon `Melusina, Builder of Cities: a Subversive Female Cosmogonyjulkaisussa "Melusina, Builder of Cities: a Subversive Female Cosmogony.
- The catalogue includes anessayesseenand extracts from Cornell's own diaries.
- There is also an illustrated catalogue with anessayessee.
- Take, for example, the well known1938vuodelta 1938essayessee,`Urbanism as a way of life ``"Urbanismi elämäntapana".
- With one exception (chapter 10) theessaysesseetin this volumetämän teoksenfocus on Britain and the USA.
- Thisessayesseein governmental reformhallituksen reformistahas parallels in most other European countries.
- Note thatessayesseennein this case is not centrally concerned with Coleridge; in fact you will almost certainly do less well if you write about Coleridge than if you discuss a different author.
- How deep one has to go, to distinguish not `the man ``from `the poet but `the-man-who-is-the-poet ``, appears fromsplendidessayesseeof 1949vuodelta 1949,`Granpa, Goodbye"Hyvästi, isoisä".
- I did later show Rowse anessayesseen, but this was not a personal onslaught.
- An example of an irreversible processwould beolisiessayesseeon the influence of Protestantism on the development of capitalismprotestanttisuuden vaikutuksista kapitalismin kehitykseen.
- Mention of global change is hard to discern, but there is an excellentessayesseeon the history of the Earth sciencesmaapalloa tutkivan tieteen historiasta.
- Consider these two rhetorical questions, from anessayesseeon Othello:Otellosta:Does this tell us about Shakespeare?
- More down to earth areessaysesseeton predicting the economytaloutta ennustavatand the frontiers of medicine by Ian Kennedy.
- Hands-on experience of studio machinery rendered somewhat rhetorical the question posed bysubsequentseuraavaessayessee,`Why Are Movies So Bad?"Miksi elokuvat ovat niin huonoja?"
- But afteressayesseen, Foucault abandoned his claims that certain forms of literature could effect such a critical, reflective detachment.
- essayesseefollows the introduction and provides a discussion of the interconnections between Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics.
- The other was a fat collection offeministfeministisistäessaysesseistä, mostly American, published in 1977: Herself Herself Involve, LaMotte's Strategies of Evasion.
- But you should begin ahistoryhistorianessayesseesilong before you are faced with actually writing it.
- Not so much as asociologysosiologianessayesseesi, or an urban character sketch in London's Evening Standard.
- There are various ways of finishing theessayesseen.
- In his second year he was already marking theGreekkreikkalaisiaessaysesseitäand giving them some classes, in order to raise money.
- But the most striking thing aboutessayesseessäon PeelPeelistä, in the light of the last full week of this election campaign, is that it simply does not apply to Major at all.
- Theliterarykirjallisuus-essayesseeis a species always on the edge of extinction, and (unlike most endangered species) it is threatened most by the professionals in the field.
- LiteraryKirjallisuus-essaysesseettypically follow a simple set of conventions governing the presentation of quotations.
- I take here as my exampleintriguingessayessee`His Story versus Her Story: Male Genealogy and Female Strategy in the Jacob Cycle ``"His Story versus Her Story: Male Genealogy and Female Strategy in the Jacob Cycle".
- The present exhibition differs in that it takes a thematic approach, organising the material around six key subjects which are further examined in a series ofessaysesseitäin the accompanying cataloguemukana seuranneessa luettelossa.
- A hero of this period was Giovanni Morelli, a remarkable Italian connoisseur who started publishingessaysesseitäon pictureskuvistain public collections in 1874.
- In fact it was a further 33 years, in 1954, that Dr. Pierre Schmidt of Geneva publishedessaysesseitäabout his experiences using the LM scalekokemuksitaan LM-vaa'an käytössä.
- I happily pay my yearly subscription just to readoccasionalessaysesseitäon baseballbaseballista.
- I want you to readessayesseenneabout your homekodistanne.
- Although they are important, you should not let technicalities in presenting references divert you away from the crucial tasks of organising and writingessayesseenne.
eulogy.n 🔎
- eulogyylistyspuheof HitlerHitlerille osoitettuin an article in Das Reichhänen artikkelissaan "Das Reich"on 31 December was said to have been well received by `only a few people's comrades and naturally the old loyal fighters ``.
- The treatise includes aeulogyylistyspuheenof ParisPariisille, which tells us that “ there … opening our treasuries and unfastening our purse-strings we scattered money with joyous heart and purchased inestimable books with worthless coin. ”
- I was reminded ofeulogyylistyspuheestain his book The Pembrokeshire Coastal Path (HMSO, 1974).
- In her review in the Guardian, Nancy Banks-Smith even gave equal space to Mrs Field aftereulogyylistyspuheensa jälkeenof HannahHannahille osoitetun
- `He's a businessman, ``Melissa pointed out, having heard thiseulogyylistyspuheenseveral times already.
- There followed another briefeulogyylistyspuheof his mother-tonguehänen äidinkielensä, of its pre-eminence in the civilised world and of the importance of preserving its purity, during which Melissa felt her smile glazing over.
exemplum.n 🔎
- The best-known, however, is the Contes moralisés (probably written after 1320), a collection of prose stories andexemplamallejaillustrating some moral point, which were perhaps intended to be used in sermons.
- It is also relevant here that the story of the weeping bitch was a widely known one, albeit in moralized versions, as anexemplumesimerkkinä, rather than simply as a fabliau.
fable.n 🔎
- It refers to thefablefaabeliinof the sick lion and the wary fox, who is frightened at seeing all the footprints pointing towards the den and none the other waysairaasta leijonasta ja varovaisesta ketusta, joka säikähtää nähdessään kaikkien jalanjälkien johtavan kohti sen pesää, ei minnekään muualle..
- In 1974 Mr Coase turned his own attention to lighthouses -- an example of supposed market failure with an even longer pedigree than theof the beesmehiläisistä.
- And there was a picture engraved on glass, illustrating thefableeläinsatuof the milkmaid and her pailmaitotytöstä kannuineen.
- No doubt Flaubert knewfableeläinsadunof the Bear and the Man Who Delighted in Gardenskarhusta ja miehestä, joka rakasti puutarhaa.
- So forchildren'slastenfableseläinsatujayou might have:
- gentle trans-culturalfableeläinsatu, aimed primarily at older children, has many affecting moments, and features a fine central performance from Luna Rahman.
- The book evidently proved a pleasure rather than a duty, part of the pleasure being political; and there is an added spice to his enjoyment ofantianti-fablefaabelithat needs to be pondered.
- Let me relate to you afableeläinsatuun.
- (After discussion with staff in schools it was agreed that the checklist was an inappropriate means of analysis for asatiricalsatiiristafableeläinsatuasuch as Animal Farm.)
- ChineseKiinalaisissafableseläinsaduissaspoke of the abyss that lay in the waters to the east.
- TheOedipusOidipus-fablefaabeli, for example, begins with a non-disabled person whose transgressions are dealt with by the addition of an impairment.
- For Jarvefelt, opera needed to be illustrated like a children's story-book offableseläinsaduissa.
- That seems to meto be aolevanfableeläinsatufrom Thatcher's BritainThatcherin Britanniasta.
- Modern science ignores this at its peril, and Xorandor may be read as afableeläinsatufor scientists and would-be scientistsnykyisille ja tuleville tiedemiehille, written in their own idiom, warning them of the consequences of cutting their project off from its conceptual genealogy, its own founding story.
- Alec Clegg once wrote afableeläinsadun..
fanzine.n 🔎
- MANCHESTERfanzineharrastajalehtiBop CityBop Citycomes with a free tape, plus a tiny piece of the Berlin Wall.
- Some may be surprised that Hooton writes so fluently on scally culture; they should search out old issues offanzinefanilehdestäänThe EndThe End.
- Gedge toldSlagSlag-fanzinefanilehdelleearly in 1986: `I don't really know what shambling means.
- I had never edited afanzinefanilehteäand never heard anything by SPK or Bunny Wailer.
- JAMMING:PunkPunk-fanzineharrastelehtithat grew into glossy monthly and then didn't grow any more.
- ULSTER 'Ssoccerjalkapalloilunfanzineharrastelehdenwriters were lining up to put the boot in today -- with not a typewriter in sight.
- I wanted to get his autograph on a copy ofFlashing Blade"Flashing Blade"fanzine-harrastelehteen-- the `Double Over Wednesday ``issue, and ask him a cool question.
- `We ran a fun campaign last year, but also made some deadly serious points, ``said Nigel, co-editor ofBoroBoronfanzineharrastelehdenFly Me To The Moon"Fly Me To The Moon".
festschrift.n 🔎
- On his sixtieth birthday he received aFestschriftFestschrift-kirjanedited from Helsinki with contributions from over thirty colleagues, covering a field ranging from Scandinavia and east Europe to China.
- But since she is rather ostentatiously concealing it with her arm as she talks I imagine that it is in fact not homework at all, but a contribution toFestschriftFestschrift-kirjan.
grimoire.n 🔎
- Mages inscribedgrimoirestaikakirjoihinof the most potent spellsparhaiten tehoavien taikojento be enshrined in its libraries.
hagiography.n 🔎
- historically, the powerful have encouragedhagiographypyhimyselämäkertojen kirjoittamista, not critical investigation ….
- Presenting a very sanitized view of Pitt's career, the film ends up ahagiographysiloteltu elämäkertaof ChurchillChurchillista.
- Mystical writings were much less favoured thanhagiographiespyhimyselämäkerratabout famous prelates or nuns who had done great deedskuuluisista prelaateista tai nunnista, jotka ovat tehneet suuria tekoja.
- The author of the article was Bruce Anderson (aka `il Bruce ``or `the Brute), who last year brought out aJohn MajorJohn Majorinhagiographysilotellun elämäkerran.
- The `sale ``of the King by the Scots was to be likened in thehagiographypyhimyselämäkerrassato that of Christ by Judas Iscariot.
- Thus,hagiographypyhimyselämäkertareveals that the exile of Quintianus of Rodez, which is important for the interpretation of Clovis's anti-arian policies, is placed a decade early in the Histories.
haiku.n 🔎
- Teaching should also bring out the structural characteristics of different types of verse and poetry, eg nursery rhymes, concrete poetry,haikuhaiku, limericks, ballads, sonnets etc.
- During the 14th century, Japanese poets began to develop the form of verse we now call thehaikuhaiku.
- ThehaikuHaiku-aimed to condense many meanings into each phrase, so that the poem should speak of something that has both a particular and a general significance.
- haikuhaiku-runossasican have `movement ``as its subject, `my town, `Spring ``or whatever has moved you to powerful feeling.
- Notice the verbs in thehaikuhaiku-runossabelow and the way they catch the emotion of a single moment.
handbook.n 🔎
- AhandbookKäsikirjaon Christianity in Indiakristinuskosta Intiassawill be published in early 1994.
- Twohandbookskäsikirjaaon tree growingpuun kasvatuksestawere published yesterday, one by the Forestry Authority and one by the Scottish Crofters' Union.
- The Artist'sHandbookkäsikirjaOf Materials And Techniquesmateriaaleista ja tekniikoista
- Myhandbookkäsikirjaniof psychiatryPsykiatrianblames it all on my childhood -- well it would, wouldn't it?
- Itis aonpsephologist'spsefologianhandbookkäsikirja, a guide to swings and roundabouts and a heckler's compendium.
- Handbookkäsikirjais an extremely influential text; it and similar books are on all the best shelves nowadays.
- Afterwards I was asked to write my first book, How to Identify Old Prints, intended to be a history and explanation of the various printing processes and a replacement for thePrint Collector'sPrint Collector'sHandbookHandbook -käsikirjalle.
- TheInstitute's MembersInstitute's MembersHandbookHandbook -käsikirjasays so in statement 1.306: `The auditor's client is the company.
- Although aTurkish ArmyTurkin armeijanhandbookkäsikirjaexisted, the command structure of the Turkish Army had not been studied, nor its dispositions and strength verified.
- You can find more information about appraisal arrangements in theStaff Appraisalhenkilökunnan palkitsemis-Handbookkäsikirjasta.
- YORK HOUSE 9 October: The Duchess of Kent this morning attended the launch of Tears and Smiles -- TheHospiceHospiceHandbookHandbook"at British Telecom Tower, London W1.
- Guide books andhandbookskäsikirjatfor travellersmatkailijoilleoften dismissed them as being of little interest.
- The basic text was Scouting for Boys, although the clue to its meaning was in the subtitle: AHandbookkäsikirjafor Instruction in Good Citizenshiphyvään kansalaisuuteen.
- Ahandbookkäsikirjaof historical stringing practice for keyboard instrumentsHistoriallisten kosketinsoittimien viritys-
- While Rubbing Along in Burmese was being printed, I was working on a biggerhandbookkäsikirjaafor learning the languagekielten oppimisesta, under the title of Three Months' Hard Labour.
- He was also largely responsible for rewriting Davis'sHandbookkäsikirjaaof Chemical EngineeringKemianteollisuudenin its two-volume format for a second edition.
- Now there's ahandbookopasto help couples deal with making such difficult decisions, joka auttaa pariskuntia käsittelemään näin vaikeita päätöksiä.
- Details are in theES PersonnelES-henkilökunnanHandbookkäsikirjassa.
- They describe their book as `a basicsurvivaleloonjäämis-handbookoppaaksi``.
- In June they published ahandbookkäsikirjanabout how valuable they weresiitä, kuinka arvokkaita he olivat.
- Werewolf had been reading the owner'shandbookkäsikirjaaof Patterson's BMWPattersonin BMW:nand experimenting with the passenger seat, having achieved what seemed like a dozen different positions before we got south of the river.
- Also enclosed is theHandbookopas,which explains the tape's contents, briefly describes basic uses and includes the PAT User Guidejossa selitetään nauhan sisältö ja kuvataan lyhyesti peruskäyttöä. Mukana on myös PAT-käyttöopas; and your copy of the signed Memorandum of Agreement.
hardback.n 🔎
- She had bought me ahardbackkovakantisen kirjan.
- • They are identical in content to the originalhardbackkovakantisen kirjan kanssa, but with a durable soft cover and an elegant matt finish.
- Over 350,000 copies of the trilogy have been sold and thehardbackkovakantinenis now in its fifth reprint.
history.n 🔎
- The book calls itself ahistoryhistoriaof the European peoplesEuroopan kansojen.
- I think of him as an artist who writes history, and I take it that thehistoryhistoriahe writes includes the history he has principally suffered -- that of Poland.
- hoped to write thehistoryhistorianof Puritanismpuritanismin.
- A September method was employed by Bede inecclesiasticalkirkko-historyhistoriassaanwritten in AD731, joka oli kirjoitettu vuonna 731, and he used either 1 September or 24 September as his year-start dates (the Greek and the Caesarian systems).
- Thehistoryhistoriaof the German people between 1933 and 1945Saksan kansan vuosien 1933 - 1945can sometimes read like a particularly nightmarish Gothic fairy tale.
- ``I read inHistoryhistoriastaof GreeceKreikan, which is a very interesting book, then my attention is directed to Arithmetic which generally finishes the day's employment.
- Anyone who has readHistoryhistorianof MyddleMyddlen(1701-2) is left in no doubt that the basic unit of English society in the Tudor and Stuart period was the family.
- Within the library a cadre of Loremasters began to inscribe the Book of Days, the greathistoryhistoriaof the Elf peopletonttujenon which all future histories would be based.
- In 1990Vuonna 1990published a majorhistoryhistorianof Christianity in ScotlandSkotlannin kristittyjen.
- AnIllustratedKuvitettuHistoryhistoriaof Hartburn Village Through The Passage of TimeHartburnin kylänis the third local history published by Printability Publishing of Lower Church Street, Hartlepool.
- Her bookis not a comprehensiveei ole kattavahistoryhistoriaof English garden designenglantilaisen puutarhasuunnittelun, but a much chancier, though equally delightful narrative depending for its emphasis on what happened to find its way into the collection.
- This is apparent in a striking passage of theHistorieshistoriankirjasta(6. 5 3-4).
- Polybius could not have writtenhistoryhistoriankirjaansaas he did if he had not found in Rome an aristocracy which he could instinctively understand because he shared its attitude to life.
imprecation.n 🔎
- They make the most noise -- singing, chanting and shoutingimprecationskirouksiaagainst the opposition fans -- they run the most and they can represent a rather awesome spectacle to their rivals.
- The stalls and booths along Cheapside were plying a busy trade, the shouts of their keepers and the boldimprecationshuudahduksetcreating an unbearable din.
- The floor stubbornly resistedprayers andimprecationskirouksiaan.
lay.n 🔎
- And the greatlayspanot-- you can learn them, meantime.
- And on his lips there died the cheerylayhymy.
- From the Chansons and from the provençallaysballadit, we learn a great deal about the aspirations of society of this age.
- Researches into Border ballads were to lead to the composition of Scott's immensely popularLay"Layof the Last Minstrelof the Last Minstrel".
limerick.n 🔎
- Teaching should also bring out the structural characteristics of different types of verse and poetry, eg nursery rhymes, concrete poetry, haiku,limerickslimerikkejä, ballads, sonnets etc.
- In response to a challenge to composelimerickslimerikkejäon Cornish place namescornwallilaisista paikannimistä
- I soon realized that if I made it a bit spicy, I'd get more than threepence for it, so I used to make uplimerickslimerikkejä, things like,
- The sycamore tree of the title is a reference to a version of the famouslimericklimerikinwhich encapsulates George Berkeley's immaterialism.
- `I know alimericklimerikinabout RigaRiiasta, ``I said.
list.n 🔎
- Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out alistluetteloof figures which had something to do with the production of pig-ironhahmoista, joilla oli jotain tekemistä valuraudan tuotannon kanssa.
mag.n 🔎
- And thoseWomen'snaistenMagsohjelmatwere always telling you
- Firstly I'd like to thankbrilliantmagohjelmastasi.
- maglehtesiis the only one which would print such criticism about itself, and your mag is the only one which will respond to the criticism written about it!
- Now I'm gon na go and get mycomputertietokone-maglehden!
- She's always reading thefashionmuoti-magslehtiäand spends loads of money on clothes.
- If any readers also have the Japanese games machine `INueNDO ``they will probably buy thatmaglehdenwhich is Total crap.
- Customs have now returned the Skin 2 tapes (perhaps they got bored with them), but still seem gripped by theAmericanamerikkalaistenmagslehtien, the comics and the fetish art.
- No one at that time in Glasgow had ever seen anything like it outside apornporno-maglehtien.
- Ahead of her lay years of photo calls, years of adoring profiles in thewomen'snaisten-magslehdissäabout keeping her make-up straight through a workaholic sixteen-hour day.
magazine.n 🔎
- America's computer buffs spent $110m last year buyingmagazineslehtiinabout their machines, joissa kirjoitettiin heidän koneistaan, and computer makers another $670m advertising in them.
- I once worked on amagazinelehdessäabout the law, jossa käsiteltiin lakiasioita, called, imaginatively, Law Magazine.
- That I am living in Britain in the first place has everything to do with the fact that I came here to start the magazine you are reading, amagazinelehtifor menmiehille.
- She also editedmagazinelehteämmefor several years.
- Themagazinelehti, appearing bimonthly.
- The NI … the bestmagazinelehtion developmentkehityksestä.
- `I wrote to the Daily Mail, which is affiliated with Dogs Today, andmagazinelehtennevery kindly took up the campaign on our behalf.
- The article onwomen'snaisten-magazineslehdistäwas spiked.
- Readers ofmagazinelehtennewill be well aware of the state of British tennis.
- Themagazinelehti,Which?Which?, produced a sharply critical report on the services provided in airports.
- This month'sEsquireEsquire-magazinelehtiis devoted to an account of the Ten Best-Dressed Men in Britain.
- All thanks toBBC Gardeners' WorldBBC:n "Gardeners' World"Magazine-lehdelleand Guinness Original.
- FortnightFortnightMagazine-lehtiand the Troubles in Northern Ireland 1970-91
- Itis the onlyon ainoaunion youthliiton nuoriso-magazinelehtiwhich exists in the U K and it specifically addresses young people's problems, fears and hopes.
- The tour is sponsored by New Zealand'sRugby NewsRugby Newsmagazine-lehti.
- He knew it was coming because the girl who sold her story toPlayboyPlayboymagazine-lehdellein America and the Sunday Mirror in London -- British model and actress Karen Mayo-Chandler -- warned him.
- I saw a gadget the other day in amagazinelehdessä.
- Our group publishes a quarterlymagazinelehteä, giving help, advice and the latest news on access, etc.
- I thumbed through theaeroplanelentokone-magazinelehteälooking for articles on pre-ski protuberances -- curiously there were none, and we decided to ignore it in the hope that it would go down roughly when the plane did.
manual.n 🔎
- According to amanualohjeenof etiquetteetiketti-published in the 1840s, readers were advised that, `Care should be taken not to place books by authors of different sexes next to each other ``.
- • ITT Sheraton: an inch thickmanualohjekirjaof good practicehyvistä toimintatavoista; initiatives ranging from tree planting to voluntary donations from customers matched by the hotels and given to local conservationists.
- But, before delegation of cases to local judges could take place on a wide scale, there neededto be aollamanualohjeistusof existing canon lawolemassa olevasta kanonisesta oikeudestaas recognized in the West.
- Thorn EMI also has a newDIY video-discTee-se-itse -videolla olevamanualohjekirjaon car repairsautonkorjauksesta, which will allow the viewer to skip sections he's not interested in, freeze frames etc while he takes in the details.
- MyPCTietokoneenimanualohjekirjasays that I can add more memory in 2Mb modules.
- Follow theworkshopkorjaus-manualkirjaaas the procedure is too long to explain here.
- AtrainingKoulutus-manualohjefor authority members, published by the NHS Training Authority and NAHA, had commended fewer items per meeting, focusing only on those central to business plans (Haywood & Ranade, 1988).
- Check yourmanualohjeistafor details.
- AmanualOhjeetof current patternsnykyisistä malleistaand an album of stock materials completed the transportable tailoring business, and Kirov was ready to travel again.
- He had proved that he had not, after all, thrown away hishow-to-traintreeni-manualohjeensa, despite the fact that only Rambo's Hall has won for him this season.
- Stewart and Jones have produced something extremely rare -- acomputer instructiontietokoneen ohje-manualkirjanwritten with verve, life and humour.
- He gestured at John's lawyer, an absurdly young man who sat beside his client riffling through a pile of untidy notes as if expecting to find alegaloikeudelliseninstructionkäyttö-manualoppaan.
- There is little point in reproducing theinstructionkäyttö-manualopastahere.
- I won't say any more because a lot of it in the back of thetelephonepuhelimenmanualopaskirjassa, on facilities, so it's all explained there.
- Obtain amanualopaskirjadescribing the instruction set of a medium or large computer, jossa annetaan ohjeet keskitehokkaalle tai tehokkaalle tietokoneelle.
memoir.n 🔎
- A briefmemoirmuistelmatis a catalogue of his virtues rather than an account of his life.
- Accompanied by a biographical essay by art historian Stellweg and amemoirmuistelmat, the images are strong enough to require no explanation.
- memoirsmuistelmansain jaunty verse (`A Hymn from my Nativity ``, written 1819) and prose (written late 1821, in Mythe near Tewkesbury) appeared together at Bristol as An Address to all in Difficulties.
- For the same reason I dictatememoirsmuistelmaniin the centre of a maze.
- ItwasolivatMemoirsmuistelmatof the Second World WarToisesta maailmansodasta.
- Thememoirsmuistelmatare currently being serialised in a periodical.
- This tale is challenged in the notes for the Erato album; but I take the above quotation from thememoirsmuistelmista, and it rings true enough.
- I had sent her a copy ofmemoirmuistelmani, but her noncommittal letter of thanks had given no indication of whether she had read it.
- He did not need to look at the single shelf of books to know they would have titles like AWarsota-Memoirsmuistelmator Regiments of the Burma Campaign.
- MemoirsMuistojafrom the twenties20-luvulta, for long consigned to oblivion, began to be used again.
- Thememoirsmuistelmat, an erstwhile personal security adviser to members of the Rolling Stones, a once-popular beat ensemble, are currently being serialised in a periodical.
- In 1924 she published a shortmemoirmuistelmatof her husbandaviomiehensä.
- Ursula Oxley read from thememoirsmuistelmistaof Henry HuntHenry Huntinwho was born Wiltshire, was elected to parliament, and worked for the repeal of the corn laws.
- Davis Miller is currently writing amemoirmuistelmiaabout his time with Muhammad Aliajastaan Muhammad Alin seurassa.
monograph.n 🔎
- A final caution about usingmonographsmonografioitaabout paintersmaalareistais that they can seldom be read alone.
- Lodge was recently amused by the arrival from America of the first criticalmonographmonografiaabout himhänestä.
- Last month, Sobor Press of Moscow launched a two-volumemonographmonografianon the Russian painter Ilya Glazunovvenäläisestä taidemaalarista Ilja Glazunovista(b. 1930) at Roy Miles's gallery in London.
- The work of Foerster in mapping the human brain by electrical stimulation of the exposed cortex was developed and extended by his pupil Penfield and associates, culminating in themonographmonografiassa(1959).
- Her monograph, The Metabolism of Fat, published in 1943 as the first ofmonographsmonografioistain biochemistrybiokemian alalla, summarized her views on the field, in which she was by then a recognized authority.
- A recentmonographmonografiaof Jacob Epstein's memorial sculpture to the naturalist W. H. HudsonJacob Epsteinin naturalisti W. H. Hudsonin muistoksi tekemän veistoksenat Hyde Park Corner may be used as an example.
- BEFORE THE END of his mammoth production Birds of Europe andMonographmonografiansaof Toucanstukaaneista tekemänsäever came into view, Gould began planning his next major project.
- The potential reader of amonographmonografianon a minor artistvähemmän kuuluisan taitelijanmay not find a book easily, but there are plenty of publications on Leonardo, Rembrandt or Picasso.
- Themonographmonografiaon The Barn Owltornipöllöstäwas published at the same time; it has more words, contains many photo graphs and even has a colour plate, yet is £15 cheaper.
- The appearance of this beautifully-produced book from the small New York publishing company Timken marks the firstmonographmonografiaon the Danish nineteenth-century artist Christen Købketanskalaisesta 1800-luvun taiteilijasta Christen Købkesta.
- A majormonographmonografia, the subject of a recent notorious court case over the cleaning of della Quercia's tomb of Ilaria del Carretto
- Author of Early Netherlandish Painting as well as of Studies in Iconology and amonographmonografiaon DürerDürerista, he was concerned with the question of “ national styles ”.
- Therehas been no full-scaleTäysimittaistamonographmonografiaaon PieroPierostain English since Kenneth Clark's some forty years ago.
mystery.n 🔎
- The class wants something to do with `horrorkauhu-mysterymysteerin kanssa``.
- Also in the top 10 was Scottish Television's feature-length version of thepolicepoliisi-mysterysarjaTaggartTaggart, which attracted 18.3 million viewers on New Year's Day.
- Mistress of the shorter form as well as the long haul, Ruth is famous forWexfordWexford-mysteriessarjastaanand crime-plus novels.
- The solution to the Butterfield tragedy was so simple that writers had been constructingmysteriesarvoituksiaand complications ever since it happened.
- In recent yearsmysteryarvoituksistawith historyhistorianhas become a fairly popular sub-genre of crime fiction.
- In all the time you've played with us, we've never played aMysterysalaisuuttawith Christ in itKristuksen.
- The two1930s-style comic book murder1930-luvun tyyliin kirjoitettua murha-mysteriesmysteeriäare available on CD-ROM and run on Windows machines, Sparcstations and Amiga personal computers.
- Our November/December 1991 competition required powers of detection -- novelist Lesley Grant-Adamson setmurdermurha-mysterymysteerinsäon the Caribbean island of St Lucia.
- You can try to work out whether itis autobiography orkyseessä omaelämäkerta vaimurdermurha-mysterymysteeriand how it works within these genre classifications.
- Hurworth House school is staging a production of the 1920s comicmurdermurha-mysterymysteerinThe Ghost Train later this week.
novel.n 🔎
- Just before his own death Asimov completed Forward the Foundation, a newnovelromaaniabout Seldon's last yearsSeldonin viimeisistä vuosista.
- Oscar-winner John Ford's magnificent film ofclassicnovelromaaniabout the gruelling journey of a family forced to leave their drought-stricken Oklahoma farm during the Depression and travel overland to California in search of workperheen uuvuttavasta matkasta heidän joutuessaan jättämään kuivuuden koetteleman maatilan Oklahomassa laman aikana ja matkustaessaan mantereen laidalle Kaliformiaan työn hakuun.
- BOGDANOVICH WAS advised by Orson Welles to use monochrome to make this picture, an adaptation ofnovelromaaniabout a fading Texas town in the early '50skatoavasta Teksasin kaupungista 50-luvun alussa.
- The setting of the originalnovelromaaninwas shifted from London to New York because, says Yates, “ I didn't want any of this dreadful, clichéd Swinging London business creeping in.
- This adaptation of the classicRussianvenäläisestänovelromaanistais RTE's first `home-produced ``feature, shot on location in Co Wicklow.
- novelromaaniaof ideasideoistacan be read as symbolism or old-fashioned realism, for it works neatly on both levels.
- Thenovelsromaanitoffer a clear illustration of the white man's behaviour during the penetration into Africa.
- Nevil Shute, inscarifyingnovelromaanissaanOn The Beach"Viimeisellä rannalla"(1957, filmed in 1959), foresaw the extermination of the human race in a war started by a minor power.
- But you can work out hownovelromaaniwould fit into various classificatory systems, and then discuss the novel from this point of view.
- The film suffers from a lack of the social detail that madefeministfeministisestänovelromaanistaso credible.
- She knew that Nîmes was a provincial city and would have preferred it not to be, seeing ``provincial in terms of theEnglishenglantilaisennineteenth century1800-luvunnovelromaanin, not of the Roman Provincia, Provence.
- THE propaganda machine which used to crank out the political fantasies of East European communists is being put to work turning out mushyromanceromanttistanovelskirjallisuutta.
- Although asuspensejännitys-novelromaaniconsists of that series of situations with doubtful outcomes, the final outcome is not, paradoxically, ever really in doubt.
- THE SECONDnovelromaaniis another coming-of-age work.
- ALTHOUGH the newnovelromaani,WITCHES ABROADWITCHES ABROAD(Corgi, £3.99), is set in another land, Discworld, it is still brilliant satire.
- The freer society of the 1920s was symbolized by the ``flapper, the emancipated young women ofnovelsromaaniensuch as The Great Gatsby and The Beautiful and the Damned.
- Marilyn Quayle, wife of the vice president made £6,800 for Embrace the Serpent,novelromaaninsaabout political life in WashingtonWashingtonin poliittisesta elämästä.
- Based onnovelromaaniinIn My Solitude"In My Solitude", the story cast Crawford in the clumsy `two left feet ``role for which he soon became familiar.
- I'm conscious of having talked aboutnovelromaanistain somewhat forbiddingly abstract terms, in the sense that I choose to talk about time, intellect, memory.
- When in 1831 he published his secondnovelromaaninsa, The Young Duke, the faults of the aristocracy lacked their social dimension.
- Her enemies implied that Eugénie read nothing butnovelsromaanejaor lightweight “ feminine ” books, but in fact her library revealed an interest in science and philosophy, though history predominated.
- I did not know what to make of these people until, years later, I read thenovelsromaaneja.
- As Anne Rampling she writes modernromanticrakkaus-novelsromaanejaand as A N Rouquelaure she writes highly avant-garde sado-masochistic pornography based around the sleeping beauty legend.
- Based on thecrimerikos-novelsromaaneihin, Colin Dexter, Inspector Morse would be sold worldwide and attract an audience of millions.
- But otherwise it had all the ingredients of thedetectivesalapoliisi-novelromaanin, down to a theme, the passion for justice.
- She was popular with the other girls at West Heath and enjoyed her years there, but she was never very promising academically, and her readingwas almost entirely limited torajoittui lähes pelkästäänromanticrakkaus-novelsromaaneihin.
- hero of anovelromaanincalled The Hermit"The Hermit", written in imitation of Robinson Crusoe and published in 1727; attributed to Edward Dorrington.
novelette.n 🔎
- `You must be reading too many of thoseFrenchranskalaisianoveletteskertomuksia.
- Paula was already in bed, reading apaperkioski-novelettekirjaa.
- ALAN PARKER 'S slice of gritty Dublin street life based oneponymousnovelettepienoisromaaniin.
- In another family, the surveyor noticed that the eldest girl, a compositor aged 18 ``readsnoveletteskioskikirjallisuuttaand the People's Friend.
- Mrs Baggley examined the disbelief in Theodora's eye before she went on, `I'm not sure how much Mrs Thrigg is influenced here by the theme of thenoveletteskioskikirjallisuudenshe devours.
novella.n 🔎
- It is a work which might well shed a tender light on thenovellapienoisromaanille`Goodbye, Columbus ``"Goodbye, Columbus".
- newnovellapienoisromaani, his second in six months, is a mean 100 pages.
- Some months previously, in London, a small film called John and Mary, based on anovellapienoisromaaniin, was being set up to be directed by Anthony Harvey, whose first film.
- Instead, I shall be working on anovellapienoisromaaniaand some short stories … that's my kind of thing. ”
- The kiss and branding also appear in afifteenth-century1400-luvunItalianitalialaisissanovellapienoisromaaneissa.
obituary.n 🔎
- [Obituarymuistokirjoitus, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, vol. v, 1884.]
- [Obituarymuistokirjoitusin Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. cii, 1923; Kempe family papers, West Sussex Record Office.]
- He evidently established a bindery and bookshop about 1750, and its fame was widespread enough to be noted in his prematureobituarymuistokirjoituksessaanin the Gentleman's Magazine of March 1784Gentleman's Magazine -lehdessä maaliskuussa 1784(corrected in the April issue).
- [ObituaryMuistokirjoitusin Journal of the Chemical SocietyChemical Society -lehdessä, vol. cxxiii, 1923, p. 3422; C. C. Gillispie (ed.),
- Obituarykuolinilmoitusof Wim Van LeerWim Van Leerin
- Theobituarykuolinilmoitusof Benjamin James TitfordBenjamin James Titfordin.
- Maufe'sMaufenobituarymuistokirjoituksessaread, `His work is not likely to appeal to the present generation of architects because it was essentially traditional and restrained.
- `The pulpit ``hishänenobituarymuistokirjoituksessaansaid, `was his chosen sphere in preference to the press and the platform.
- HisHänenGazetteGazettenobituarymuistokirjoituksensaconcluded in 1910: `Blackpool has lost one of its oldest and most devoted public officials ``.
- PAGE 6 of this issue contains extracts fromobituariesmuistokirjoituksistato Orton ChirwaOrton Chirwalle, the Malawian politician who died in custody in October last year, aged 73.
- SIR -- Should the unthinkable happen, an aptpoliticalpoliittisessaobituarymuistokirjoituksessafor John MajorJohn Majorillemight well read: `It was impossible to help liking such a man at first sight.
- There was also theobituarymuistokirjoitusand sent to MacDonald, which ran:
- But his shortcomings (of which he was engagingly aware) reflected those very traits of character which made him, in the words ofThe TimesThe Timesinobituarymuistokirjoituksen, a great public servant and a most lovable man.
- `Now, ``said Picon a few years ago, `when you read anobituarymuistokirjoituksenof someone with a Jewish namejostain henkilöstä, jolla on juutalainen nimiyou know you have lost another member of the audience.
- Maynard Keynes wrote anobituarymuistokirjoituksenof FrankFrankinin his Essays in Bio- graphyteoksessaan "Essays in Biography"(1933), pp.
ode.n 🔎
- JUST a little ditty penned by beer poet laureate Rex Tyler, a prolific rhymster with an entire anthology ofodesoodejafor all the 70 bottled beers sold in his extraordinary storejokaiselle 70 pullo-oluelle, joita hänen erikoisessa kaupassaan myytiin.
- The century also delivered a few gorgeous formal feminine odes: the Countess of Winchilsea's address `To Spleen ``and`Ode"Odeto the Poppyto the Poppy", with its almost Keatsian languor.
- Itis anonodeoodito the Great PlainsSuurille tasangoille, a psalm to the people who once lived there, who have tried to live there and who live there still.
- `Ode"Oodito an Expiring Frogkuolevalle sammakolle"``,
- (Keats:Ode"Oodion a Grecian Urnkreikkalaiselle uurnalle") Kate was very married.
- There were several other pieces, including the first stanza of the unfinishedOde"oodistaOn His Beloved's Urinationhänen rakkaansa virtsaamiselle", but he didn't bother to read it all.
- Their latest release is a recording of cantatas by Scarlatti (Domenico) with Kate Eckersley, and to be released early in 1991 is their most ambitious venture yet,odeoodiHail Bright Cecilia"Hail Bright Cecilia".
paperback.n 🔎
- He had bought a second-handpaperbackpokkariinabout nineteenth-century English railway navvies1800-luvun englantilaisista rautatietyömiehistä.
- Those advertisements were still there, plugging temp agencies, breath fresheners, computer dating, a luridpaperbackpokkariinabout anthropophagous slugsihmissyöjäetanoista, holiday firms …
- The packages proved to contain thepaperbackpokkariversionof Salman Rushdie's The Satanic VersesSalman Rushdien "Saatanalliset säkeet"-kirjasta, published by a unidentified consortium in order to protect those responsible from any grim repercussions.
- Twopaperbackspokkariaof 40 folk tales40 kansanrunostahave appeared and are local bestsellers.
- AFrenchRanskalainenpaperbackpokkarion astrophysicsastrofysiikasta.
- paperbackpokkaribestseller list of 1992, published last week in these pages and in the Guardian, showed Transworld as the leading publisher of the top 100 titles, with 19 titles on the list.
- Alan Sutton launches a new paperback series, IllustratedHistoryhistoriaa käsitteleviäPaperbackspokkareita, in July.
- On the floor there were threewhodunitjännäri-paperbackspokkariaand a copy of The Village Voice with face-powder spilled on it.
- Left Pan Macmillan presented author Peter Mayle with a Gold Pan to mark the sale of 1 million copies of thepaperbackpokkarinof A Year in Provence"Vuosi Provencessa".
- Very young children will also enjoy four littlepaperbackspehmeäkantisista kirjasta.
- But there is an ancientpaperbackpaperikantinen kirja.
- Scouse was seated in his armchair reading apaperbackpokkaria-- a Western -- oblivious to the flies and mosquitoes, and as I approached it was obvious he was not bothered in any way about the smell.
- Also readexcellentpaperbackpokkari,How To Write Stories For Magazines"Kuinka kirjoittaa lehtiin"(Allison & Busby, £5.99).
poem.n 🔎
- It contained apoemrunonentitled `The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name ``.
- John Sinclair's analysis of anEnglishenglanninkielisestäpoemrunostais not, however, equally enlightening.
- I felt that it was too easy for what were essentially white women's publishers culling some short stories andpoemsrunojaand then hailing the fact that they had published x-dozen Blackwomen writers.
- In a third edition of 1612 Jaggard added without authority ninepoemsrunoafrom Troia Britannica (1609)Troia Britannicasta (1609)[q.v.].
- A bitterpoemrunofrom the end of the warsodan lopustasaw the statesmen meeting at Versailles to agree to a peace treaty as those who crucified Christ anew.
- My heart always jumped with fright whenever I saw one ofpoemsrunoistaniin printpainettuna, because I was sure it would contain one of the misprints whose steady drizzle has haunted my work all my life.
- Wordsworth produced a longpoemrunonin 1787vuonna 1787entitled The Vale of Esthwaite (Poetical Works, i, 270-83).
- The pamphlet is prefaced by an elegantpoemrunonin praise of the authortekijän kunniaksi.
- An example of this can be seen in his youthful discovery of thebiblicalraamatullisissapoemsrunoissa.
- If a list of modern poets suitable for children under 16 was prepared today it would probably include the popularanimal and birdeläin- ja lintu-poemsrunoja.
- A year later, taking leave of his wife with some piercingpoemsrunojaof separationerosta, he set sail for India.
- It turned outto be theolevanpoemsrunoja, bound in green morocco.
- Noteworthy is a second dedication in this regard, of a singlepoemrunoto Marc Chagall (also a Russian Jew of hasidic extraction) whose rich symbolism entranced LeonardMarc Chagallille (myös venäjänjuutalainen hasidisti), jonka rikas symboliikka viehätti Leonardia.
- Another successful design of mine was to surround aharvestsadonkorjuu-poemrunojawith harvest-time leaves and flowers forming a decorative border.
- Delia Cope believes by listening topoemsrunojashe is doing us a favour.
- I sent himChristmasjoulu-poemrunomme,“ Adoration of the Shepherds and the Kings ”"Paimenten ja kuninkaiden palvonta"(Puerta del Perdón, Salamanca), which he printed in the 19 December issue, his 1957 Christmas number:
- `One evening in September, ``he began, `Robert found himself with nothing much to do when he had finished an afternoon lecture on the symbolism indreamuni-poemsrunoissa--
- Technically,warsota-poemsrunoissaanshow the influence of those of Wilfred Owen [q.v.], but their language is simpler, more direct, and they have nothing of his indignation.
- `I always thought of `Sonnet ``as anarttaide-poemruno, said Joe.
- James Sambrook observes that `The Thresher's Labour is `one of the earliesteighteenth century1700-luvunpoemsrunoissato belong to no recognized literary `kind ``.
- He started `Ariachne's Broken Woof which elegantly dissected one ofinsecthyönteis-poemsrunoissa, of which there were apparently many.
- The firstwas aoliloverakkaus-poemrunowritten in a rough hand in Norman French.
- How persuasive the propaganda was is clear from theLatinlatinankielisistäwarsota-poemsrunoistawhich even monks were then composing: some of these items were so popular that they found their way into school books for reading and glossing.
- That was how the words occurred in the oldLatinlatinalaisessapoemrunossa.
- From the notes, he seemed unsure whether its final form would be a novel, a film, or anepiceeppinenpoemruno.
- This article examines the function of deixis in a specific literary genre, thelyriclyyristäpoemrunoa.
- John had dreams of being a writer and had tried his hand at poetry, including anepiceeppinenpoemrunoon the Battle of LargsLargsin taistelusta.
- And inlengthypoemrunossaanon virginityneitsyydestä, the Consolatoria de castitatis laude, he revealed the commitment of himself and his family to the ascetic life.
- There is apoemruno, entitled `Letter to a Friend about Girls ``, which was never published during Larkin's lifetime but was retrieved for the Collected Poems of 1988.
- That Jennens had some talent as a poet may be judged from `Parthenissa's Answer to the Pocket-Book's Soliloquy ``, apoemrunoin Leapor's second volumeLeaporin toisessa niteessäwhich can now be attributed to her.
- Mrs. Oxley concluded her reading with three poignantpoemsrunoonabout her sonpojastaanthat she wrote herself.
- For her he composed his most important devotional works, including several hymns and apoemrunoin praise of virginityneitsyyttä ylistävä.
- One hopes that is not what Crane had in mind when he creditedpoemsrunoawith `charm ``.
- Coleridge looks at such`dramatic ``dramaattisiapoemsrunojaas `The Brothers, `Michael ``, `Ruth, and `The Mad Mother ``.
- A child was writing apoemrunoain Bengalibengaliksiand passing it on to another boy to translate for him.
- There arepoemsrunojato RosaRosallewhich he takes from the trash.
- The Waste Land"Autio maa"is aonpoemrunowhich leaves its readers in darkness.
- An Evening Walkis aontopographicaltopografinenpoemruno, that is, it describes the scenery of a limited locality.
- `A fifth-century Greek poet named Tryphiodorus composed anepiceeppisenpoemrunonon the voyages of UlyssesOdysseuksen matkoistawhich ran to 24 books.
- She composed her most importantpoemrunonsa,The Woman's Labour: an Epistle to Mr. Stephen Duck"The Woman's Labour: an Epistle to Mr. Stephen Duck", as a riposte to his comments about the idleness of rural women.
- James Thomson (1700-48) publishedpoemrunonsaWinter"Talvi"in March 1726 and the other books of The Seasons were out by 1730.
- In October 1718 he published a longmock-heroictekosankarillisenpoemrunonsa,The Chevalier de St. George"Pyhän Yrjänän kavaljeerit".
- (3) In 1922 T.S. Eliot publishedhighly influentialpoemrunonsa,``The Waste Land"Autio maa", in which he described Western civilisation in terms of decay and desperation.
- Years later Frederica read apoemrunonabout that beachtästä rannasta, a neat poem, orchestrating colour adjectives, unmodified, against indefinite objects and asking subtly how language fitted the world.
- Most poets could recite thepoemrunoaabout Zuwaya ownership of the desertZuwayan omistusoikeudesta autiomaahan.
- In a classic experiment in the 1930s, J. Stalnaker and E. Riddle asked subjects to recite apoemrunoa,The Village Smith"The Village Smith", that they had learned years before in school.
- He came back twice, and in 1861 wrotepoemrunonsa`In the Valley of Cauterets ``"In the Valley of Cauterets":
poetry.n 🔎
- There were rows and rows of cheaply printed books of weirdpoetryrunouttaabout erotic fantasies all of which had close links with LSDeroottisista fantasioista, jotka olivat läheisissä tekemisissä LSD:n kanssa…
- I am very fond ofpoetryrunoudesta.
- The Finnish language actually gained in status as a result of Elias Lönnrot's publication ofFinnishSuomenfolkkansan-poetryrunoudestain the Kalevala.
- It should be possible to construct a pragmatic frame by which the deixis oflyriclyyrisenpoetryrunoudenin its various manifestations can be viewed.
- Nevertheless, the proposed stimuli are myth and folk song and, hopefully, these are meant to lead on to thepoetryrunouteen.
- poetryrunouson domestic servicepalvelustyöstäis part of a wide range of eighteenth century writings concerned with this type of work.
- Dennis is praised for having proclaimed the superiority ofpoetryrunoudenon sacred subjectspyhiä aiheita käsittelevänto all other.
- poetryrunousconsistently affirms the value of women's friendship.
- Hopkins's attitude to the publication ofpoetryrunojensahad always been ambivalent, but his habit of sending copies to Bridges indicates that he did not want them lost.
- Benjamin Britten, a composer, was so moved withwarsota-poetryrunoistathat he created his `War Requiem ``based on his poems.
- RenaissanceRenessanssin ajanpoetryrunojen(in Sidney's sense of seriously crafted eloquent language which could include prose) is perceived to be the province of the truly serious writer, and this is equated with elitism.
- `There is nothing butpoetryrunoistaabout the existence of childhoodKoko lapsuudessa on kyse vain.
- In short, following Stephen Duck's appearance thepoetryrunotof working peopletyöväestöstäbecame saleable in a new way.
- The song is a fine example of ancientSemiticseemiläisestäpoetryrunoudesta(see ``Poetry and Wisdom Literature, introduction).
- She packed Rolling Stones and Ray Charles into a leather case, along with a tiny bottle of Chanel and a selected volume ofBeatbeat-poetryrunoutta, and she came to us.
- They found their literary expression in a series of haunting elegies generally considered to contain some of the finestloverakkaus-poetryrunoistain the English languageenglanninkielisistä.
- Theloverakkaus-poetryrunotthough seeming to be about physical love was really about transcendent love.
- There are fewer who readCzechtshekkiläistäpoetryrunoutta, or have their paintings exhibited regularly in London and Edinburgh.
- Next week I shall be talking to Peter Abbs about teaching the arts and he will be reading some very interestingchildren'slastenpoetryrunoja.
- He continued to read voraciously throughout the 1790s, and there seems no reason to doubt Coleridge' s belief that Wordsworth was eminently equipped to writephilosophicalfilosofisiapoetryrunoja.
report.n 🔎
- As I write there are a few small, unexcitednewspapersanomalehti-reportsuutistaabout the progress of peace talks taking place, under the aegis of ex-President Jimmy Carter, in Atlanta, Georgiarauhanprosessin neuvotteluista, joita käydään entisen presidentin Jimmy Carterin johdolla Georgian Atlantassa.
- The Israeli Peace Now movement condemned the decision, but defence sources said the order was based on detailedreportsuutisiinabout Mr Husseini's political activitiesHusseinin poliittisista toimista.
- Therehave beenOn julkaistureportsuutisiaabout an increasing number of people suffering from food poisoningruokamyrkytyksen saaneiden määrän kasvamisestaand accusing fingers have been pointed at food manufacturers, distributors, caterers and even consumers.
- Lewis also had to contend withtabloidsensaatiolehtienreportsuutisten kanssaabout an off-screen romance between her boyfriend and Geena Davis during the shooting of Thelma & Louisehänen poikaystävänsä ja Geena Davisin välillä kulisseissa roihahtaneen romanssin suhteen Thelma ja Louise -elokuvan kuvausten aikana..
- More dramatically, in the spring of 1990, a senior DEA intelligence analyst confirmed that most of what Aviv had said inreportraportissaanabout narcotics trafficking through Frankfurt airporthuumereiteistä Frankfurtin lentokentän kauttawas true.
- Areportraporttishows that what happened to Mr Ardzinov is not unusual in Uzbekistan.
- This offer of appointment is subject to a satisfactoryreportraporttia.
- Thereportraporttiainto the Leeds primary school experiencekokemuksista Leedsin ala-asteestashould be read carefully by anyone who is interested in primary school methods.
- According to aFeb. 18helmikuun 18. päivänä laaditunreportraportin, the MDP would be ``backed by the MDU in its struggle to establish a multiparty system in Mongolia.
- The newspaper Noticias-El Diario printed photocopies of what it claimedwas aolleen1961vuodelta 1961reportraportinto Antonio Campos Alum, the chief of political police.
- Arecentuusinreportraportti,Making it in Britain"Making it in Britain", points out that output has declined by 8% since 1990.
- NewspaperSanomalehtienreportsraportitfrom China say that, after the demonstrations and massacre of Tiananmen Square, the tragedies of enforced self-criticism, betrayal and indoctrination are being replayed now.
- Many of the world's major mining operations are having a disastrous impact on the environment, according to anewuudenreportraportin.
- Despite the garbledreportraportistain The EngineerThe Engineerin, Trippier has not tried to impose any tighter deadline than 31 December 1995 for a total ban -- which would be almost impossible for UK industry to meet.
- He said that arecentuusinreportraporttiin New ScientistNew Scientist -lehdenthat the Turin lead experiment had been censored, coupled with the conversion of several eminent scientists to the anti-lead cause had convinced him that action was urgent.
- The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs took a special interest in these issues and a series of intensively-researchedreportsraporttejain the 1970s1970-luvullaled to the creation of a Commission on Transnational Corporations and a research centre.
- The followingis aonreportraporttiof the first parachute jump in the Middle Eastensimmäisestä laskuvarjohypystä Lähi-idässä, written by Guardsman D'Arcy, Irish Guards, who later served with the Special Boat Section.
- The miracle accountsare noteivät olehistoricalhistoria-reportsraporttejaof what happenedsiitä, mitä todella tapahtui.
- A Radio Monte Carloreportraporttiof Oct. 66. lokakuutastated that Saudi Arabia had recalled its ambassador to Jordan that day.
- There werereportsraportoituof serious disturbances in Punjab and the North West Frontier Provincevakavista levottomuuksista Punjabissa ja alueen luoteisrajalla.
- William Beveridge, the author of the famousreportraportinon National Insurancekansaneläkejärjestelmää koskevan, was himself a Liberal, not a Socialist, and his ideas were widely taken up in the Tory Party.
- 1990 budget --reportselontekoon economytalouden tilasta
- In mid-March the Home Office was all set to go ahead with a White Paper based onlast year'sviimevuotiseenpolicyreportraporttiinon cablingkaapeloinnista.
- The Sun `exclusive ``seemed to rely on `friends forreportskertomuksiinsaon how the wife had been `shattered ``vaimon romahtamisesta.
- In 1987,reportraporttiestimated that some 250 jobs (including road haulage, etc.) were generated by Scandinavian trade.
- Linda Marks, inKing's FundreportraportissaanHome and Hospital Carekoti- ja sairaalahoidosta, singles out Peterborough HAH early discharge scheme for patients with hip fractures.
- This was one of the main findings of areportraportissato the Gulbenkian Foundationon research in the mid-1980s1980-luvun puolivälissä tehdystä tutkimuksesta.
- AnAmerican air intelligenceAmerikkalaista ilmailualan osaamista koskevassareportraportissain February 1950helmikuulta 1950summarised the trend in so far as this could be ascertained.
- When (after many screens of questions) you have finished, Palmistry For All will generate an in depthreportraportinon the subjectaiheesta.
- Dorothy King was carrying a plastic bag containing sleeping pills and anti-depressants, a doctor's letter and amedicallääketieteellisenreportraportinon her hyperactive sonhyperaktiivisesta pojastaan.
- Last month the Cadbury Committee publishedfinalisedreportraporttinsaon corporate governanceyrityksen toimintatavoista.
- To coincide with these worrying figures, Oxfordshire Health Authority and Oxfordshire County Council's Social Services department have published areportraportin.
- Shadows will be asked to write a shortreportraportinof what they have learnedsiitä, mitä he ovat oppineetat the end of the exercise.
saga.n 🔎
- But if you are looking for an energetic, pacysagataruaabout medical scientistslääketieteen tutkijoistaon the hunt for the cause of a mysterious and horrendously lethal infection, forget about Foreman, Peters and the hordes of novelists who continue to exploit that particular lode.
- Headline is enjoying this lovely writer, but itis<empty>Cornishcornwallilaisiasagastarujaanwe are waiting for, which I am told will make up the next book.
- It's been five years since Zoë Fairbairns last published a novel, during that time she has been writing a huge and compellingfamilyperhe-sagatarua, Daddy's Girls.
- Great new cover treatment for thisfamilyperhe-sagatarinaof struggling siblings in the aftermath of the First World Warsisarusten selviytymisestä Ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkimainingeissa.
- The name of the hero warrior craftsman Goibniu in theIrishirlantilaisessasagatarussasimply means `smith ``, a handy `cover-all word.
- TheIrishIrlantilainensagatarinawill be out in hardback in May.
- One can not but be struck by the Spanishness of Toledo Station or the Dutchness of Amsterdam or the clean, bold, heroic lines of Helsinki Central, with its guardian giants so redolent of the spirit ofsagasaagasta.
screenplay.n 🔎
- Stephen King wrote the book and thescreenplaykäsikirjoituksen, but heavy-handed direction kills what little life there is in this tale of a cursed Indian burial ground and demonic possessed pussies.
- It is Coward who is singled out for specific blame by Durgnat,screenplaykäsikirjoituksensacompared explicitly/dismissively to women's romance fiction as if that, by itself, was a confirmation of worthlessness.
- ThescreenplayKäsikirjoituksenis by John Sayles: until now Forsyth has always written his own films.
- IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT and Alistair was in his room working on ascreenplaykäsikirjoitustaabout a high IQ-IQ homeless black man who is transformed into a white lady junk-bond dealer by a South Moluccan terrorist witch-doctorälykkäästä, kodittomasta mustasta miehestä, jonka molukkiterroristien noitatohtori muuttaa arvottomia osakkeita myyväksi valkoiseksi naiseksi.
- In the new year he sent Sixsmith a series -- one might almost say a sequence -- ofscreenplayskäsikirjoituksiaon group-jeopardy themesryhmän joutumisesta vaaratilanteeseen.
- screenplaykäsikirjoitusof his novel Nice Workromaanistaan "Nice Work", which was the subject of his article in the last edition of The Birmingham Magazine, has received two awards since it was televised last autumn.
- She has just written her firstscreenplaykäsikirjoituksensa, an adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense And Sensibility.
script.n 🔎
- She liked thescriptkäsikirjoituksestaabout a young couple in the then fashionable Swinging London, joka kertoi nuoresta parista silloin niin muodikkaasti svengaavassa Lontoossa, but did not feel it was quite right for her.
- At least two lives of Jackson Pollock are also in the works, asis anotheron toinenkinscriptkäsikirjoitusabout the collector Joseph Duveenkeräilijä Joseph Duveenista.
- But through sensitive playing and a warm humorousscriptkäsikirjoituksen, the play went some way to portraying the normality of life with a daughter who is `not quite right ``.
- So maybe it's apt that he should have become entangled in Basic Instinct, a new psychosexual thriller starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone, which is based on a controversialscriptkäsikirjoitukseen.
- The outrageous design of the showis down to Jamie Reid and Michael Nichols, the equally outrageouson yhtä lailla Jamie Reidin että Michael Nicholsin syytä ja samalla tavoin julkeanscriptkäsikirjoituksen syytä.
- I posted twoscriptskäsikirjoitustafor a series to be called `The Raconteur ``sarjaan nimeltä "The Raconteur"`, which were a collection of after-dinner stories tied together by narration.
- Also in the audience was 70-year-old Yoshiko Yamaguchi Otaka, the original Rikoran, whose autobiography provided much of the material for thescriptkäsikirjoitukseenof the musicalmusikaalin.
- scriptkäsikirjoitusstated that Susan came from the forty-ninth century: too precise a reference for a series modelling itself on mystery.
- You re-write thescriptkäsikirjoituksen.
- Ascriptkäsikirjoitusin a time-warp?
- He began writing jokes andscriptskäsikirjoituksiafor TV showstv-ohjelmiinand sending them off to producers and stars.
- I showed Kubrick thescriptkäsikirjoituksenof SpartacusSpartacuksen.
- ThescriptKäsikirjoitusfor `The Chase ``elokuvaan "Armottomat", also by Terry Nation, called for Episode One to end with a Dalek rising dramatically out of the sand to menace the time-travellers.
- He doesn't mind leavingscriptkäsikirjoitustaanand reacting to whatever happens on the night.
- After he finishes Terminators, James Cameron is contracted to film Burning Chrome (scriptkäsikirjoitus).
- On the phone from Canada, he jokes that one of the reasons he got involved was to get over the abortive attempts by Hollywood to film one ofscriptskäsikirjoituksistaan.
- He lives in South Stoke in Oxfordshire and is is working flat out on afilmelokuva-scriptkäsikirjoitusta.
- Inoriginalscriptkäsikirjoituksessa, which became the pilot episode, operation of the ship was clearly the sole preserve of the Doctor.
- ACTRESS Miranda Richardson is now reading threeAmericanamerikkalaistascriptskäsikirjoitustabefore flying out next week for Hollywood.
- Now I'm writing ascriptkäsikirjoitustafor a Hollywood producerHollywoodilaiselle tuottajalle.
- He adored Coronation Street so much that he wrote mockscriptskäsikirjoituksenfor the showsarjalleand began a correspondence with the show's producer Leslie Duxberry.
- Director Paul Verhoeven has caused an upset among the Hollywood community with his treatment of Basic Instinct, the record-breaking $3 millionscriptkäsikirjoituksesta.
sermon.n 🔎
- They should have asermonsaarnaabout RomeRoomastawhen he got back.
- Our Minister had reminded me of asermonsaarnasta,about `A Garden City, ``"puutarhakaupungista"where there would be realisation of the twin idelas: service and society.
- Biblical motifs recur -- some art-experts call themsermonssaarnoiksiin stonekivessä, and their messages would certainly have been clear to the often-illiterate medieval pilgrims trudging to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
- A publishedsermonsaarnaon bull-runninghärkäsjuoksustapreached by J. F. Winks in 1829 claimed the custom `resembled more a scene amongst the savages of New Zealand than amongst the inhabitants of a respectable town in England ``.
- The heart of Forsyth's theology was that the holiness of God needed to deal drastically with the sin of humanity;sermonsaarnansaon the Holy FatherPyhästä isästä(1897)(1897)marked a focal point in his life.
- Even afuneralhautajais-sermonseremonia,The Failing and Perishing of Good Men"The Failing and Perishing of Good Men"(1663)(1663), was apologetic about the controversies which had dogged his erratic career.
- I've noticed that insermonsseremonioissaof any kindminkäänlaisissait is important not to state your hand too early, or too clearly.
- Over the past few months, we have been following a series ofsermonssaarnojaon the last few chapters of Paul's letter to the church in Romeviimeisimmistä Paavalin kirjeistä kirkolle Roomaan.
- But the arguments of Bishop Joseph Butler, inanti-HobbesianSermonssaarnoissaanon Human Natureihmisluonnosta(1726)(1726), suggest that the structure of human nature is more complex than this.
sonnet.n 🔎
- I quote there asonnetsonettiaan, where he says that with him it is the language which creates the poetry.
- Some of the changes to our critical practice which results from incorporating new models for thinking about the relation between Renaissance literary texts and their historical context can be illustrated by considering asonnetsonetti:
- Thesonnetssonetitstruck Coleridge with the force of revelation, seeming to him, in their natural use of language and heartfelt expression of personal feeling, unlike anything he had ever read.
- I have described the difference between thesonnetssonettienand those of Sidney, say, as being that between first-to-second person and first person poetry.
- In thesonnetssoneteissaon the Rival Poetkilpailevien runoilijoiden, for instance, whether the first or second person dominates, the technique of praising the other poet while denigrating oneself is clearly ironic, as J. W. Lever's discussion has shown.
- The linguistic form there appears to excuse but in fact indicts her, a rhetorical device found also in thesonnetssoneteissato the Friendystävälle.
- He had, a few weeks before, completed an excellent set of autobiographical notes and, characteristically, asonnetsonettito his wifehänen vaimolleen, Bobbie, on her birthday.
- The mighty Thames had dignity and sober beauty but, despitesonnetsonetista, I always thought of it as business-like, the powerful engine-room of the city.
- Assonnetsonettiindicates, even in the ostensibly private address of the sonnet, writing registered its uneasiness about the nature of its voice.
- To make that point in another way, in terms of tradition, it is striking, when you come to Shakespeare's after a reading of otherRenaissancerenessanssin aikaisiasonnetssonetteja, to note the absence of proper names.
- The nextsonnetsonettiin the sequence begins with Astrophil looking at his heart and finding there the conventional poetic image of love's wounding arrow.
- At a much later stage he produced threesonnetssonettiaabout Italian freedomItalian vapaudelle(At Bologna, In Remembrance of the Late Insurrections, 1837).
spellbook.n 🔎
- A Roger Rabbit-style cartoon, Evil Toons, released on video this month, promotes itself like this: `Innocently the four girls unleash a nymphomaniacal cartoon monster from the pages of aspell-bookaapisenwhich intends to scare more than the girls' pants off.
tetralogy.n 🔎
- In 1938 White published The Sword in the Stone, the first instalment of what wasto become anoli tulevaArthurianArthurin aikainentetralogytetralogiaentitled The Once and Future King.
thriller.n 🔎
- Starting as a conventionalthrillerjännärinäabout a cop (Miami Vice's Don Johnson) with marital and drinking problemspoliisista (Miami Vicen Don Johnson), jolla on avio- ja alkoholiongelmia, it escalates excitingly.
- Basic Instinct The unabridged version ofsexythrillerjännäristäabout a murderessmurhaajattarestawith Michael Douglas as the policeman in pursuit and Sharon Stone as the lethal enigmatic beauty who steals his soul.
- A well plotted and beautifully writtenthrillerjännäriabout water fraud, alcoholism and the relationship between father and sonvesihuijauksesta, alkoholismista sekä isän ja pojan välisestä suhteesta.
- Final Analysis (15)is a glossy psychologicalon upea psykologinenthrillertrilleri.
- Giles Gordon has sold twothrillerstrilleriäto Caroline Upcher at Sinclair-Stevenson, who has already published Sweet Sixteen and is about to publish his Cat's Paw.
- The series finishes with a cleverthrillertrilleriin.
- A haunted theatre is the setting for this exciting and atmosphericthrillertrillerille.
- Débutthrillertrilleriabout Japanese nuclear weaponsjapanilaisista ydinaseistathreatening America.
- The present writer, brought up in a house containing unattractivethrillerstrillereitäof the Sapper eraSapperin kaudelta, discovered among that unillustrated and unilluminating Hodder & Stoughton material a correspondence-course crammer, an outline of plane geometry.
- In any case, I believe Eliot admired thethrillerstrillereitä.
- The scenario came direct frombest-sellingthrillertrilleristäTalk Down"Talk Down".
- NEXT month Cagney and Lacey star Sharon Gless is to star with Bill Patterson, currently in BBC1's Tell Tale Hearts, in a new stage production ofpsychologicalpsykologisestathrillertrilleristäMisery"Piina".
- The clutch of recentpaperbackpokkari-thrillersjännäreidenwas no great surprise to her.
- Thrillersjännityskirjatare also eagerly sought.
- That underrated favourite of Martin Scorsese, Harvey Keitel, appears in Reservoir Dogs, a tensethrillertrilleriabout a diamond heist that goes badly wrong because someone has grassed on the top thievestimanttiryöstöstä, joka menee pahasti pieleen, kun joku on vasikoinut päätekijöistä.
- After film school he progressed, with helpful rolls of those cosmic dice, and his credits include working with Stanley Kubrick on1980vuodelta 1980 olevassathrillertrillerissäänThe Shining"Hohto".
- JAILED Mike Tyson is writing asci-fisci-fithriller-trilleriäcalled Brain Dead about a punch-drunk boxer who suddenly recovers.
- The parallel of espionage with particle physics is just one of several fascinating themes, which runs through the highly entertainingspyvakoilu-thrillertrillerin,Hapgoodnimeltään Hapgood, which runs at the Theatre Royal.
- Don't pigeon-hole him as horror, he writesthrillerstrillereitäwith paranormal undertones and is going from strength to strength.
tome.n 🔎
- tometeosZola"Zola", written for her, pours out the turmoil and blame for the five years she spent trying to run with a foot in two worlds.
- Over the years, he wrote a two-volume guide to Shakespeare, an annotated Paradise Lost, a book on Don Juan, a volume of lecherous limericks and the1971vuodelta 1971 olevatometeosThe Sensuous Dirty Old Man"The Sensuous Dirty Old Man".
- The Bibleis noei oleacademicakateeminentometeoswith an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.
- Following his massive success with Johnny Rogan -- The Severed Head, Morrissey intends to writetometeoksensacomprising a load of pictures and the great one's own captions, jossa on runsaasti kuvia ja omat kuvatekstit.
- He has written fourtomesteostaof military historysotahistoriasta, acclaimed by some historians.
- Yellow-backed books everywhere, a shelf full ofRussianvenäläisiätomesteoksia, then a desk, neater this, with school materials ranged.
- The aged, respectableleather-boundnahkaselkäisettomesteoksetof the Gould family library look down upon the nasty tale I have to tell with musty distaste.
- I picked up The New Principles of Gardening, aleather-boundnahkaselkäinentometeos(d. 1751) and wondered when she would have been b.
- When it was simmering slowly in the Aga she went into Penry, who was searching distractedly through piles ofmedicallääketieteellistentomesteosten.
tract.n 🔎
- Proast's only published workswere threeolivat kolmetractskirjoitustaagainst LockeLockea vastaan: The Argument of the Letter Concerning Toleration Briefly Considered (1690), A Third Letter Concerning Toleration (1691), and (confusingly) A Second Letter to the Author of the Three Letters Concerning Toleration (1704).
- A reading ofanti-slave trade and antislaveryorjakaupan ja orjuuden kieltämistä koskevientractskirjoitustenby Rational Dissenters in the late eighteenth century thus reveals concern about abrogations of a man's `natural right ``to liberty.
- tractkirjoitusin self-defenceitsepuolustuksesta(which contains the following words) is lengthy; the eulogy of Rey is preceded by an exceedingly detailed account of the skills required in an ideal chef d'orchestre.
- Around the Brighton Conference Centre,academicakateemisettractskirjoitukseton the party's past and future coursepuolueen menneestä ja tulevasta kurssistaseem to proliferate daily.
- The Ranter Jacob Bauthumley beginstractkirjoituksensaon The Light and Dark side of God"Jumalan valoisa ja pimeä puoli"acknowledging `the most unto whose hand it [i.e. the tract] may come can not read it ``.
- The Amen at the end implies that it was in its extant form intended to be preached, as does its survival, along with three ofhomiletictractskirjoitukset, in a gospel book.
- Many of thesetractskirjoituksistacan be said to reflect commonwealth principles, in the sense that they argued for a monarchy which would be severely limited.
- FeministFeministisettractskirjoituksetand slim novels lined the windows.
- Primarily apoliticalpoliittisenatractkirjoituksena, it can in no sense be regarded as an empirical analysis of society.
- Scum Manifesto by Valerie Solanas [afeminist separatistfeministinen ja separatistinentractkirjoitus].
- Often this takes the form of providing comforting words from the Bible and many Christian societies also publishtractskirjoituksiaand pamphletson the subjectaiheesta.
- Spent ten years writing L'Idiot de la famille when he could have been writingMaoistmaolaisiatractskirjoituksia.
- Plotinus wrote his most impassionedtractkirjoituksensato attack Gnosticism as pretentious mumbo-jumbo.
- He wrote manyreligioususkonnollistatractskirjoituksiaand books.
- His sermon on the primacy of Peter (which mirrored exactly what he had said on the subject in atractkirjoituksessawritten before he became pope, ``De primatu Romani pontificis) explored the authority by which the pope governed, the Petrine commission.
treatise.n 🔎
- But the most famous of suchtreatisestutkimuksistaabout the Jewsjuutalaisista tehdyistäwere written in the middle of the second century.
- While translating atreatisetutkimustaon the use of cinchona or Peruvian bark in the treatment of intermittent fever (malaria)kiinankuoren tai perunkuoren käytöstä sahaavan kuumeen (malarian) hoidossa, he was struck by Cullen's assertion that the therapeutic effects of cinchona were due to its tonic, bitter and astringent qualities.
- If the reader is not already familiar with thetreatisestutkimuksiinin the Hippocratic corpusCorpus Hippocraticum -kokoelman, he or she is advised to read some of them, to see medical theories in a coherent context.
- Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly atreatisetutkimustain biologybiologian-.
- Papal encyclicals came to be consulted by this route, as did the currenttreatisestutkielmaton church -- state relationskirkon ja valtion välisistä suhteista.
- AtreatiseTutkielmaof the nature … of such simples as are most frequently usedluonnosta ja useimmiten käytetyistä yksinkertaisuuksista…(1652)(1652).
- By the eighteenth century there was a considerable parting of the ways since the more eruditemathematicalmatemaattisettreatisestutkielmaton perspectiveperspektiivistä, such as those by Lambert and Monge, were of no use to the practising artist.
- Recently, Susan Keefe has listed no fewer than sixty-onetreatisestutkielmaton baptismbaptismistawhich have come down to us in manuscripts from the Carolingian age.
- The substance oftreatisetutkimuksensaon the Black DeathMustasta surmastahad been carefully checked with a microbiologist and a specialist in tropical medicine.
- In the preface to1705vuodelta 1705 peräisin olevantreatiseTutkielmanon the Art of Embalmingbalsamoinnista, he says, “ Some have spared no means to render themselves immortal …
- treatisetutkielmaon HomerHomeristalaid the foundations at the end of the eighteenth century and a celebrated edition of Lucretius by Karl Lachmann represents the completion of the edifice in 1850.
- But while the latter was hobnobbing with John Stuart Mill and publishingtreatisestutkielmiaon English grammarenglannin kieliopista, the former was modifying a system of synchronised electric clocks to make the first fax machine.
- The simple faith conveyed intreatisetutkielmassarecalls earlier utopian writing, and contrasts with the strident and acerbic tone of Situationist writing.
- The only authentic way to be good is to be good `for nothing ``: that was to become the ringing insistence offinesttreatisetutkielmansa,The Sovereignty of Good (1970)"The Sovereignty of Good (1970)".
- treatisetutkielmaThe Personall Reigne of Christ upon Earth"The Personall Reigne of Christ upon Earth"was published in London late in 1641 or early in 1642, and predicted that the millennium was close at hand.
- Whitehead, eventually emerged ingreattreatisetutkielmassaanPrincipia Mathematica"Principia Mathematica".
- Hitler, Gramsci, and Regis Debray had spent their time in prison writingpoliticalpoliittisiatreatisestutkielmia.
- As onerecentuusimmistatreatisetutkielmistaon business ethicsliiketoiminnan etiikastaput it, `If in some instance it turns out that what is ethical leads to a company's demise, so be it.
- Jones was a religious man who published atreatisetutkielmanon natural theologyluonnollisesta teologiastaand was hostile to the evolutionary work of Charles Darwin [q.v.].
- In 1631 Aylesbury encouraged Warner to edit and publishtreatisetutkielmanon algebraalgebrasta, the Artis Analyticae Praxis, and wrote on his behalf to the ninth Earl of Northumberland for a reimbursal of expenses.
- According to Pugh, Penn had seen and admired the veterinary schools in France, and had readtreatisetutkielmanwith approval.
- To dispel such idle notions he compiled ascholarlytieteellisentreatisetutkimuksenon the planetsplaneetoista, `Astrostereon ``, in which he championed the Copernican system and denied the existence of solid planetary spheres, arguing that the heavenly bodies moved freely in space.
trilogy.n 🔎
- famoustrilogytrilogiaof playsnäytelmä-Chicken Soup with Barley, Roots and I'm Talking About Jerusalem"Chicken Soup with Barley, Roots and I'm Talking About Jerusalem"was also performed at the Royal Court.
- I recommend that you readtrilogytrilogianThe History Plays"The History Plays", which include Knuckle, Licking Hitler and Plenty -- and perhaps his earlier play Teeth 'n' Smiles.
- Last week, they were responsible for A Wanted Man (BBC 2), a powerfultrilogytrilogianof playsnäytelmä-about the police interrogation, trial and attempted rehabiliation of a murderermurhaajan poliisikuulusteluista, oikeudenkäynnistä ja vapauttamisesta.
- The drama of the moment was recaptured in Perelandra, the second in thescience-fictiontieteis-trilogytrilogiasta, where Ransom remembers the strength which was given to him in a moment requiring supreme moral courage.
- Although the hero met his death within the first 30 pages of thetrilogytrilogiasta, the vast and mysterious intricacies of his `Seldon Plan ``still amazed the reader after 700.
- Liketrilogytrilogiassa, though in much lighter vein, At Swim-Two-Birds thus becomes a story about a man telling a story about storytelling.
- A nice gimmick; but read thistrilogytrilogiaimmediately after an in depth study of quantum theory and you find that it represents possibly the most scientific of all science fiction novels.
volume.n 🔎
- But this latter convention has no place in avolumeniteessäabout English local historyEnglannin paikallishistoriaa käsittelevässä, or at least none the author has ever discovered.
- The bank had organized everything concerning the various consultants, the share price, and the prospectus -- a forty-page, glossyvolumejulkaisuabout the company's structureyrityksen rakenteesta, trading situation, and future plans.
- The only cookery books at Greystones were yellowingvolumesniteetfrom the twenties and thirties1920- ja 1930-luvuilta, smelling of damp and telling you how to make spotted dick or pickle eggs in isinglass.
- His most substantial achievement in these fields is to be found in his articles and editorship of the Ancestor in twelve notablevolumesniteessäfrom 1902 to 1905vuosilta 1902 - 1905.
- Thisis a suitably slimmersopivasti ohuempivolumenideon one of his wives, Rita Hayworthyhdestä hänen vaimoistaan, Rita Hayworthista.
- Piotr Skubiszewski's forthcoming contribution to the series `Storia Universale dell'Arte ``, thevolumesniteeton Western civilisationlänsimäisen sivistyksenedited by Enrico Castelnuovo, will not be on the shelves until 1993.
- I congratulate you that there is so soonto appear anotherilmestyy toinenvolumenideof your favourite Mrs. Leapor's poetrysuosikkinne rouva Leaporin runoutta.
- A similar quest can be pursued for the first book with gilt lettering on the spine -- generally accepted asbeing the thirdpidetään kolmantenavolumeniteenäof a set of ByronByron-sarjastapublished by Murray in 1832.
- Although Wordsworth had produced more poems than Coleridge forjointvolumeniteeseensä, Lyrical Ballads, honour was satisfied by giving the long Ancient Mariner -- or Ancyent Marinere as it was originally spelt -- pride of place.
- He was veterinary surgeon to the London Zoological Society, and made a loan of his magnificent library of over 400volumesniteento the Veterinary Medical Association library at the College.
- He took downvolumesniteetfrom the shelves, undid their clasps and, chattering like a child, pointed out the beauty of the calligraphy.
- Relatives and friends of patients at the hospice can now have their loved ones honoured in aleather boundnahkaselkäiseenIn MemoriamIn Memoriamvolume-kirjaanby giving a donation to the hospice fund-raising appeal.
- Thisis a singleon ainoavolumenidewith lots of facts and inspiration for the creative knitter to design magnificent fabrics on a knitting machine.
- She is known from her singlevolumeniteestäänof Poems on Several Occasions"Poems on Several Occasions", published anonymously in Canterbury in 1740 but attributed to her in inscriptions in the Bodleian and British Library copies of the book.
- Hamlyn continues its All Colour series withvolumesniteilläon Herbs and Aromatics and Greenhouse Gardeningyrteistä ja aromaattisista kasveista sekä kasvihuoneviljelystä.
- By the time `The Ancient Mariner ``was finally complete, Coleridge and Wordsworth were already clarifying their plans for publishing a jointvolumeniteenof poetryrunoutta.
- Mountaineers are especially susceptible: Eric Shipton wrote two; Chris Bonington has already published threevolumesnidettään, as well as a pictorial reprise, and is probably this very moment rapturously engaged on volume four.
- On top of all his other commitments, Lewis was writing the secondvolumeosaaof his space trilogyavaruustrilogiastaan.
- The full sixvolumesnidettäof Boase's magnum opusBoasen magnum-opuksestacontain 30,000 entries, a stupendous achievement to come from the pen of one author.
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- A range of genres ensure that all students will find some titles to their taste, whether it be science fiction, horror stories,whodunnitsjännäreitä, stories of well-known films, or classics.
- It can be a considerable pleasure to the writer engaged in creating the now often somewhat despised simplewhodunitjännäriä.