TransFrameNet:Taking sides
opponent.n 🔎
- Having been aKoska hän oli ollutdiehardsitkeäopponentvastustajaof freeing the serfsmaaorjien vapauttamisen, he was very interested indeed in continuing the fight for noble rights through the medium of the courts.
- This anomaly became known as the West Lothian question as it was continuously raised by Tam Dalyell, the Labour Member for West Lothian and afirmtiukkaopponentvastustajaof devolutionhajauttamisen.
- Drug testingHuumetestejäopponentsvastustavatmay also take comfort from the surprising dissent by arch-conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.
- The organisation has frequently been accused of torturing and killingopponentsvastustavienof the regimehallintoa.
- As theleadingjohtavanaopponentvastustajanaof orthodoxyortodoksisuudenwithin the RCM, Elaine Blond enjoyed nothing better than proving that her critics were less than perfect.
- Coke, abitterkatkeraopponentvastustajaof prerogative powervaltaoikeuksien, attacked vigorously the jurisdiction of all the courts exercising this jurisdiction.
- De Gaulle'sDe Gaullenopponentsvastustajatin the Third ForceANC:ssafeared as much.
- Like many men of the muirlands and remote districts of Ayrshire in the 17th century,JohnJohnwas aoliferventkiihkeäopponentvastustajaof the imposition of Episcopacy on to the Scottish Kirkskottilaisen kirkon piispanvallan.
- TheopponentsVastustajiinincluded Mr John Gummer, a synod member, who said: `For many of us this is a matter of life and death.
- ItsSenopponentsvastustajatincluded liberals who were opposed to the death penalty and conservatives who objected to the gun control provisions.
- He commented that the Pentagon was split between the advocates andopponentsvastustajatof a treatysopimuksen.
- Jarbas Passarinho, the federal justice minister and an outspokenopponentvastustajaof the parkpuiston, must now agree a budget for the next stage of Operation Free Jungle.
- Eventually, theWelshwalesilaisetopponentsvastustajatof waste dumpingjätteiden hävittämisenachieved almost legendary status, local action groups even calling themselves Madryn, which means a cunning fox.
- Maronite collaboration with the French -- and the support for a Maronite state which later came from Israel -- contaminated the community in the eyes ofitssenopponentsvastustajien.
oppose.v 🔎
- The purchase orderostotilaustais<empty>vigorouslytarmokkaastiopposedvastustaaby the Wolverhampton branch of CAMRACAMRA:n Wolverhamptonin osasto.
- The ideaajatustawas<empty>stronglyvoimakkaastiopposedvastustiby BritainBritannia, and quickly vetoed by the Council of Ministers.
- Thatsitähas beenonopposedvastustanutby Mr Oscar AriasHerra Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica, who will chair the summit meeting.
- The companyYhtiöisonfirmlyvoimakkaastiopposedvastaanto discountingalennustaon the grounds that it undermines standards.
- The conferencekonferenssiawas<empty>vehementlykiivaastiopposedvastustiby Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the Hezb-e Islami, the principal fundamentalist factionGulbuddin Hekmatyar, tärkeimmän fundamentalistisen ryhmittymän Hezb-e Islamin johtaja.
- People whoihmiset, jotkaopposevastustavatreligionuskontoaon the grounds of its intolerance and bigotrysen suvaitsemattomuuden ja kiihkoilun vuoksithink that the risks are very high.
- Ostentatiously non-sectarian, Larkinmahtailevaa , ei ahdasmielistä Larkiniawas<empty>invariablyvoimakkaastiopposedvastustiby the Catholic hierarchyKatolinen hierarkiaon social issuessosiaalisissa kysymyksissä.
- It also suggests thatteachersopettajienshouldpitäisiopposevastustaatheir criticsheidän kritiikkiäänon educational groundsopetuksellisista syistärather than being forced continually onto the sterile terrain of vocationalism.
- WeMehave alsoolemme myöstotallytäysinopposedvastaansome practices such as the use of live baitjoitakin käytäntöjä kuten elävien syöttien käyttöä.
- The HungariansUnkarilaisetwereolivatonceaikoinaanbitterlykatkerastiopposedvastaanto the HabsburgsHabsburgeja.
- In September 1915Syyskuussa 1915the TUCTUCunanimouslyyksimielisestiopposedvastusticonscriptionasevelvollisuutta,despite its overwhelming support for the warhuolimatta sen ylitsevuotavasta tuesta sotatoimille.
- IMinäopposedvastustinitsitäfrom the very beginningalusta asti.
- Neitherkumpaakaanis beingeivätopposedvastustaby the Liberal DemocratsLiberaalidemokraatit.
- IndiansIntiaanitopposevastustavatArctic drillingarktisten alueiden poraamista
- The SDPSDPopposesvastustaafurther nationalizationlisää kansallistamista,believing it to be inefficientuskoen sen olevan tehotonta.
- Others whoMuut, jotkaopposedvastustivatthe war in VietnamVietnamin sotaaare all for it.
- HeHänwas `oliverykovastiopposedvastaan``to petrol rationingbensiinin säännöstelyäand maintained that rota cuts, organised systematically, would be the only effective method -- and they were out of the question.
opposition_((act)).n 🔎
- Despiteoppositionvastustuksestato their planssuunnitelmienfrom many independent expertsMonien riippumattomien asiantuntijoiden, the commission says the angle is likely to be reduced by as much as half a degree within the two years.
- This was in strictoppositionvastaanto our beliefsuskomuksiamme.
- He has a record of consistent andfiercerajustaoppositionvastustuksestato racialismrasismin, the death penalty and, in 1981, the Government's `economically divisive ``policy.
- There was growingoppositionvastustustaduring 1989-90vuosina 1989-90from non-Moslem groupsei-muslimiryhmiento Islamizationislamisaationin some statesjoissain valtioissa.
- To make matters worse, the government was faced byincreasingly stridentkasvavaa, voimakastaoppositionvastustustafrom the Bolsheviksbolševikkien taholta.
- Therehad beenkohtasistrongvoimakastaoppositionvastustustato the schemesuunnitelmafrom the national park authority, Cumbria County Council, English Nature and the Council for National Parkskansallispuiston viranomaisten, Cumbrian valtuuston, English Nature -valtuuston ja Council for National Parks -valtuuston taholta.
- `Brothers, let us stand here resolute and show Order that we are united inoppositionoppositiossa!
- Leopold put its relative failure down to conspiracy, saying darkly that `powerful cabals ``had united inoppositionvastustamaanto WolfgangWolfgangiabecause of jealousy of his exceptional talent, koska olivat kateellisia tämän poikkeuksellisesta lahjakkuudesta.
- Standing inoppositionvastustamaanto the predatory spiritssaalistavia henkiäare the spirits of the earth, who are closely associated with the spirit familiars discussed above under Buid personhood.
- Ulster'sUlsterinoppositionvastustusto Home Ruleitsehallintoa kohtaanlong pre-dated Law's leadership and he had rarely even spoken on Irish affairs in parliament before becoming leader.
- PLANS for a second airport at Hong Kong will be put forward despiteChina'sKiinanoppositionvastustuksesta.
- At the time, Mr Bush was making an issue ofMr Clinton'sClintonincharacter andoppositionvastustuksestato the Vietnam WarVietnamin sodan.
- However,itsearousedoppositionvastustusta.
- Finance ministers declaredtheirheidänoppositionvastustuksestaanto devaluationdevalvaatiota koskevasta.
- Neighbours arrive to talk to officialdom;theyhevoicestrongvoimakastaoppositionvastustuksestabut are careful not to provoke trouble.
- The consultation on the plans to devolve 80 per cent of school budgets to head teachers closes today asitsefaces growingoppositionvastustustafrom education authoritiesopetusviranomaisilta.
- This it duly did, accepting, though not without somestrongvoimakastaoppositionvastustusta, the draft of a working party on 10 March 1953.
- For a police force still largely unarmed it highlightsfiercerajuaoppositionvastustustato the Sheahy proposals on police reformSheahyn esityksille poliisiuudistuksestanow before the Home Secretary.
- He said outrightoppositionvastustaminento teststestienwas an `ancient attitude ``and appealed to the other main teaching union, the NUT, not to join the boycott.
- But, since the openoppositionvastustaminenof the clergypapiston, many of those attracted by the original idea were clearly dissuaded and the majority opposition dwindled away.
opposition_((entity)).n 🔎
- Bill Bradley, a Democratic senator from New Jersey who probably knows as much about the Soviet economy as anybody on Capitol Hill, led theoppositionvastustukseento the credits.
- I recall leading for theOppositionoppositiotain the early 1970s on the Fair Trading Act 1973.
- Lansana Conte, relinquished the presidency of the CTRN, in answer tooppositionoppositiondemands for a separation of the executive and legislature.
- He added that theIraqiIrakinoppositionoppositioand the Iraqi Kurds had agreed to maintain the territorial integrity of Iraq.
- All this alarms thenon-Kurdish Iraqiei-kurdien Irakinoppositionoppositio(although the Kurdish package is said to include promises on a free multi-party system).
- Later that same day theoppositionoppositiorejected these concessions, insisting on the legalization of political parties as a precondition to negotiation.
- Theleft-wingvasemmisto-oppositionoppositioNational Liberation Coalition (Colina), which had supported Noriega in 1989, won five of these seats and Endara's Democratic Civic Opposition Alliance (ADOC) the remaining four.
- Were the plan to come into effect, it would make theoppositionoppositiostathe strongest group in the government.
- The supporters of Barbarossa became known as Ghibellines from the name of the Hohenstaufen castle, Waiblingen; and theoppositionoppositiowere known as Guelphs, from the Welfs, traditional enemies of the house of Hohenstaufen.
side.n 🔎
- `On thesidepuolellaof the bloody Germanspirun saksalaistenduring the warsodan aikana, weren't they?
- Police said Mr Lavelle collapsed and stopped breathing after an altercation with a player from theopposingvasta-sidepuoleltaduring a match on Saturday at Hendon, north London.
- Bothsidespuoletunderlined their well-established positions on BBC radio yesterday.
- SheHäneven tooksidespuolensaagainst Nan-Nan who had been her own nurseNan-Nania vastaan, joka oli ollut hänen oma hoitajansa.
- At Ipswich the fact that bothsidespuoletwere engaged in the practice of manufacturing freemen meant that the number of voters rose from 271 in 1698 to nearly 600 by 1715.
- But Howard insisted: “ Anyone who believes he can cruise along and think he will automatically be in thesidepuolellaagainst Halifax will be in for a shock.
- It showed, he said, that, um, Arnold Bros (est. 1905) was ontheirheidänsidepuolellaan.
side.v 🔎
- The football authorities in EnglandEnglannin jalkapalloviranomaisetaccepted the explanation andsidedmenivätwith Gallacher and the Newcastle teamGallacherin ja Newcastlen tiimin puolelle,probably as a gesture of national protocol rather than with the conviction that the Scot was telling the truthluultavasti ennemminkin kansallisena eleenä kuin varmana siitä, että skotti puhui totta.
- TheyHenownytbeganto<empty>sidepuoltaawith the extreme wing of the pied noir integrationist movement, which openly called for his overthrowmustajalkojen kansallisliikkeen äärisiipeä, joka vaati avoimesti hänen syrjäyttämistään.
- SheHän'dolisidedmennytwith my parentsvanhempieni puolellea couple of years before when I'd been thinking of a career as an artistmuutama vuosi sitten, kun harkitsin uraa artistina, and they were opposed to that …
- For the first timeEnsimmäisen kerranMichaelMichaelsidedoliwith himhänen puolellaan.
- The implication is thatPope Johnpaavi Johannessidedpuolsiwith the minorityvähemmistöäat the first sessionensimmäisessä istunnossaand was `upset ``(as the minority often asserted) at the rejection of such excellent drafts.
- BrendaBrendasidedoliwith BelindaBelindan puolella, Liese with Apricot.
- OffwoodOffwoodsidedpuolsiwith the Ainsworthiansainsworthialaisiauntil 1617vuoteen 1617 asti,when he was excommunicated for quarrelling with Thomas Stafford, another church member who was seeking to marry Offwood's daughter, Susannakun hänet julistettiin pannaan riitelystä Thomas Staffordin, toisen kirkon jäsenen kanssa, joka halusi naimisiin Offwoodin tyttären Susannan kanssa.
- ButCohn-CassonCohn-Cassonalso found it impossibleto<empty>sidepuoltaauncriticallykritiikittömästiwith Jewsjuutalaisia,because to do so would deny modern thinking, by placing tribal loyalties above the mandates of sciencekoska se estäisi nykyaikaisen ajattelun asettamalla heimon lojaalisuuden tieteen yläpuolelle.
- Essentially the disputes which ledlocal menpaikallistento<empty>sidepuoltamiseenpredominantlypääasiallisestiwith Parliamentparlamentin esitystenin the 1640s1640-luvullagrew from their ideas of social control.
supporter.n 🔎
- All his life hewas aolistaunchvankkasupportertukijaof the Bible as the ultimate truthlopullista totuutta tarjoavan raamatunand proclaimed this at the famous Oxford debate on evolution.
- Severalleadingjohtavatsupporterstukijatof the PPUPPU:nresigned, and, even among the Quakers, `a silent majority ``seemed ready to condone the war.
- Success, she said, would be saving her £500 deposit, raised amongherhänensupporterstukijoidensa.
- FootballJalkapallo-supportersfanitaren't the only ones who go around en masse.
- Whereas most of the Heralds readerswereolivatLabourLabour-puolueensupporterskannattajia, only two-thirds of the Mirror's were.
- Disquiet amongsupporterskannattajienof the regimehallinnonwas to be found not only in the St Petersburg ministries but also at the imperial court and in the provinces.
- The strongest opposition is likely to come fromsupporterskannattajienof nuclear powerydinvoiman, which was cut sharply in the Clinton budget.
- The Vietnamese government,the Phnom Penh regime'sPhnom Penhin hallinnonstrongestvahvinsupportertukija, also responded favourably.
- If so, he miscalculated badly: the Yugoslavs arrestedSovietNeuvostoliitonsupporterskannattajiawithin the communist party and weathered the storm with a largely united people behind them.
- The Japanese were increasingly suspicious of theirBurmeseburmalaistensupporterstukijoidensa; they even organised the assassination of Ba Maw which however, misfired.
supportive.a 🔎
- Hierarchical controls have been weakened by `family circles ``of interdependent and mutuallysupportivetukeviendistrict officialspaikallisviranomaisten.
- `No matter what the Tories may do,the Labour groupLabour-ryhmäare<empty>fullytäysinsupportivetukeeof the Festivalfestivaalia.
- BushBushwas affable and evensupportivetukiof Gorbachev's reformsGorbatshovin uudistuksia, keen to make the meeting a success.
- Jim Wilkie, the council's director of planning and economic development, saidEnglish EstatesEnglish Estateswas<empty>verykovastisupportivetukiof the strategic sites study recommendationsstrategisesti tärkeiden kohteiden opiskelusuosituksia.
- The two companies saidthe Ministry of Defenceettä puolustusministeriöhad beenolisupportivetukenutof their approachheidän lähestymistapaansaand they did not anticipate any regulatory problems.