Everybody wanted me to succeed, and
was scared I
As reported on June 6,
had succeeded in capturing the town of Biumba the previous day but
; the official death toll was 24 rebels and three government soldiers killed.
ever try to escape, and
, he'll never let me out again.
Film is a personal effort and if you fail,
for the right reasons
oikeista syistä .
Both Hathor and her potential victims became exceedingly drunk and merry, so
Lorrain Osman, Britain's longest-serving unconvicted prisoner,
Lorrain Osman, Britannian pisimpään vankilassa ilman tuomiota istunut vanki, at the High Court in London
Lontoon Korkeimmassa oikeudessa to have 30 bags of documents returned to him
saamaan 30 salkullista asiakirjoja palautetuksi itselleen .
at the house
ensin talossa and
, ``Dashwood reminded him.
, he would know better next time.
Just before Christmas
Aivan joulun alla the DPP, Mr Allan Green, QC,
DPP Allan Green, QC, in his attempt to have the cases against the seven officers reinstated
yrityksessään ottaa seitsemää virkamiestä vastaan nostetut syytteet uudelleen käsittelyyn .
in gallant glory bid
pyrkimyksessään uljaaseen kunniaan
Mr Dave Nellist, 39, and Mr Terry Fields, 55, expelled by the Labour Party for their Militant Tendency links, both
Dave Nellist, 39 sekä Terry Fields, 55, jotka Työväenpuolue oli karkottanut riveistään heidän Militant Tendency -yhteyksiensä vuoksi, in defiant stands against official candidates
uhmakkaalla asenteellaan virallisiin ehdokkaisiin nähden .
Following the introduction of the reforming legislation
Uudistuksia sisältävän lainsäädännön jälkeen ,
successive governments
seuraavat hallitukset to keep the level of benefits payable under the system of social insurance in line with rising costs
säilyttämään sosiaaliturvasta maksettavien etujen tasoa kohonneiden kustannusten mukaisina .
First, there is the point that
to get his popular backing against `union blackmail ``
saamaan kannatusta kansalta "ammattiliittojen kiristämisen" suhteen .
have tried many times in recent years to land Catholic players but
largely because the players themselves were worried about adverse reaction in their own neighbourhood
pitkälti siksi, että he itse olivat huolissaan vastareaktioista omassa naapurustossaan .
did not worry him -- yet.
She hadn't given a thought to her lack of coif;
her mind
hänen ajatuksensa was too occupied with trying to think of an excuse for remaining in her gown, and
in late January
tammikuun lopussa in an attempt to win international approval for its policy of involuntary repatriation of the Vietnamese ``boat people in Hong Kong
yrityksessään voittaa kansainvälistä hyväksyntää politiikalleen palauttaa vietnamilaisia venepakolaisia Hong Kongiin vasten heidän tahtoaan .
The reason
was Esal's failure as a business and Berg's unsuccessful commodity dealing in the year ended March 1984.
PETER Cameron-Webb, one of the men at the centre of the largest Lloyd's scandal in history,
PETER Cameron-Webb, mies erään historian suurimman Lloyd's-skandaalin keskiössä, in the Appeal Court
hovioikeudessa to overturn a judgment against him for £5million
kumoamaan 5 miljoonan punnan tuomion häntä vastaan .
After all, if
in the new location
uudessa paikassa , the employer will have made a costly mistake.
It's about
failing to answer genuine questions raised by your art and, thus, surely,
On 11 February 1987
11. helmikuuta 1987 the plaintiffs
asianomistajien in raising a sufficient sum to meet the liabilities
kerätä riittävä summa velkojen kattamiseen and the receivers were discharged.
Because of our volunteer system and our love of the job I think
in this aim
tässä tavoitteessa .
with our plan
suunnitelmassamme in just two days all this goes up, and us along with it.
As a `failure ``
may then become less capable of
in subsequent tasks
seuraavissa tehtävissä .
Another salesman
Toinen myyntimies may communicate imperfectly but
in making a sale
kaupanteossa because one of the triggers used was sufficient to motivate the purchase
, koska eräs käytetyistä houkuttimista riitti motivoimaan asiakkaan .
Gabonese troops
Gabonin joukot ,
using extended powers under the state of emergency
jotka käyttivät lisävoimia hätätilanteessa ,
in regaining control of Port Gentil
saamaan Port Gentilin takaisin hallintaansa .
And you'd better hope
The same tenacious vanity which enabled him to survive the next nine years of penury wrecked
chances of
Unless you focus closely on the problem,
in your research or writing
tutkimus- tai kirjoitustyössä .
After much effort
suuren vaivan jälkeen ,
in prising open the door with his screw-driver
vääntämään oven auki ruuvimeisselillään .
where Morgause failed
siinä, missä Morgause epäonnistui .
Another A group perspective is that
at what primary schools ask them to do
siinä, mitä peruskoulu heiltä odottaa , but that primary schools and teachers fail to prepare them adequately for more advanced mathematics.
From a Weberian point of view the professions can be seen as
occupational groups which
miehitysjoukkona, joka in controlling and manipulating the labour market in such a way that they can maximize their rewards
valvomaan ja manipuloimaan työmarkkinoita niin, että ne voivat maksimoida palkkionsa .
It is generally accepted that in order
on a plea of unreasonableness
valituksessaan kohtuuttomuudesta it is not necessary for the covenantor to show that the covenantee had acted oppressively.
without the strong commitment of the federal government's political and senior career leadership
ilman liittovaltion hallituksen poliittisen ja ylemmän johdon voimakasta sitoutumista .
In this small volume,
the Charlesworths
Charlesworthit on both fronts
molemmilla rintamilla and provide an excellent account of the core issues for a broad range of readers.
As a result,
in less than a decade
alle vuosikymmenessä ,
in making himself the ruler of Europe from the gates of Moscow to the English Channel
tekemään itsestään Euroopan hallitsijan Moskovan porteilta aina Englannin kanaalille asti .
in its mission
tehtävässään when its findings and recommendations lead to improvements wherever federal dollars are spent
, kun sen tulokset ja suositukset johtavat parannuksiin aina, kun valtion rahaa käytetään .
The health care organizations that
Terveydenhuolto-organisaatiot, jotka in the 21 stcentury
21. vuosisadalla will be those that improve quality and reduce cost.
now that's one of my favorite shows i really enjoy
've been trying to tape that one for years and
after a prolonged siege and heavy losses
pitkällisen piirityksen ja raskaiden tappioden jälkeen , he punished the local population by cutting off the noses and lips of all men — except those who played wind instruments.
taloudellisesti by fixing the best price it can get for everything
saamalla parhaan mahdollisen hinnan kaikesta , but the domestic market pays high prices because of a stiff sales tax and surprisingly convoluted and inefficient distribution systems.
Gavrilets also identifies the cost of female choosiness as a critical issue: many models of sympatric speciation depend on the assumption that
even if the male type they prefer is rare, so their choosiness has no cost.
wants to, and has,
in his profession
ammatissaan .
elusive, he says, working to enunciate like a young Alec Guinness but
in nullifying his natural Scots charm
mitätöimään luonnollisen skotlantilaisen viehätysvoimansa .
Never a true superstar,
mainly because he continued to perform and his voice miraculously seemed to improve with age
suurelta osin siksi, koska hän jatkoi esiintymistä ja koska hänen äänensä vaikutti hämmästyttävästi vain paranevan iän myötä .
After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as
a crusader against waste and bureaucracy who
taistelijana jätteitä ja byrokratiaa vastaan, joka where even Reagan failed
siinä, missä Reagan epäonnistui .
Where Clinton has deployed his own formidable brain, primarily in economic and some areas of domestic policy
Kun Clinton on käyttänyt omaa terävää älyän, pääasiassa talouden ja joillakin sisäpolitiikan alueilla ,
In Weisberg's view
Weisbergin mielestä ,
in making Gore ``look like a complete ass
saamaan Goren näyttämään täysin toopelta .
Take the now-retired Paul Simon of Illinois, who took a courageous position in support of the balanced-budget amendment and held to it consistently -- even in 1995, when
were one vote short, and
wouldn't have
eivätkä olisi in defeating the amendment
kukistamaan muutosta without the help of Republican Mark Hatfield
ilman republikaani Mark Hatfieldin apua .
There are
a few good schools
muutamia hyviä kouluja , even in Harlem,
by doing end runs around the unionized bureaucracy of the central system
voittamaan keskusjärjestelmän järjestäytyneen byrokratian .
as a political pundit
poliittisena asiantuntijana in part because of his interesting vantage point -- he hates Hillary but loves Bill -- and in part because he is the Michael Milken of the attention economy
osittain hänen kiinnostavan etulyöntiasemansa vuoksi - hän ei voi sietää Hillaryä mutta pitää Billistä -- ja osittain siksi, että hän on huomiotalouden Michael Milken .
The cynical spin:
if he stops wasting his energy on others
, jos lakkaa tuhlaamasta energiaansa muihin .
What is clear is that the surest way
in a reasonable amount of time
kohtuullisessa ajassa is to have access to a large and diverse pool of genetic variation.
needs to keep his finger on the pulse
during the short tourist season
lyhyen turistikauden aikana .
His son, Ahmad, called on
to `follow the ideas of the late Imam Khomeini.
Sisään päässeet may be eligible for assistance with travel and removal expenses.
He said: `If
, I'll leave or I'll get pushed out, and that's the way it should be.
He was about thirty-five or -six and, whatever he did,
The qualities which make
smart and
would similarly make for her success in the marriage market.
Afrikankaribialaisia are seen as both lazy and as extraordinarily
in activities requiring considerable physical exertion and mental discipline such as sport and athletics
toimissa, joissa vaaditaan merkittävää fyysistä ponnistelua ja henkistä kuria kuten erimerkiksi urheilussa .
in farming and property
maataloudessa ja kiinteistöbisneksessä that he was able to retire at the age of forty
, että hän pystyi jäämään eläkkeelle neljäkymmentä täytettyään .
Although energetic and
in all school activities
kaikissa koulun liittyvissä asioissa ,
twice ran away from home before joining the Kansas City Star as a cub reporter in 1917.
Analysis of
those groups
noista ryhmistä successful
, jotka onnistuivat in the lobbying of the American Congress in the 1950s
lobbaamisessa Amerikan Kongressissa 1950-luvulla demonstrated the strength of his arguments.
in obtaining major reviews
hankkimaan suurimmat katsaukset , this could require assembling multi-disciplinary teams at short notice to work intensively against tight deadlines.
Their Ms made 379 of their side's 524 runs, but
the New Zealand Ms
New Zealand Ms .
in solving the successful
ratkaisussaan than Mao in solving the succession problem.
Epäonnistunut could appeal to the regional committee.
Babbitt, 54, a former Governor of Arizona, was an
epäonnistunut for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination.
Chief executive Tom Hughes said the reason for the delay was to inform the
epäonnistuneita before a public announcement was made.
You will be told if
in your application
hakemuksessasi and you will have the right to have your application reviewed.
in his attempt to restart peace talks
yrityksessään käynnistää rauhanneuvottelut uudelleen when he met leaders of the three factions in Sarajevo on July 3
tavatessaan kolmen ryhmittymän johtajia Sarajevossa heinäkuun 3. päivänä .
On the other hand, if
your lecturer
luennoitsija at the job of transmitting his knowledge and enthusiasm to you
tehtävässään siirtää tietojaan ja innostustaan sinuun , it may be you, the student, who is at fault.
in his 1990 Senate and 1991 gubernatorial campaigns
vuoden 1990 senaatinvaalikampanjassaan ja vuoden 1991 kuvernöörinvaalikampanjassaan ,
had shown himself to be a skilled politician capable of mobilizing considerable support amongst the white working class.
is condemned, not for trying to be strong, but for
epäonnistuessaan in her attempt to reassert authority
yrityksessään palauttaa auktoriteetti :
with the conversion attempt
kääntöyrityksessään but kicked a 25-metre penalty goal five minutes later to put Bangor eight points ahead.
Parents strive to ensure that their children are placed in the best possible schools, follow with avid interest their educational attainments, often placing the children under great pressure if
epäonnistuneita .
epäonnistuivat ?