The alliance would sustain the
autoritääristä political regime
poliittista hallintoa .
Within the core enterprises and countries
will become less
tulee vähemmän authoritarian
autoritääristä in the workplace
työpaikalla as new forms of market discipline substitute for the external surveillance of supervision, changes fostered by extensive deregulation.
But can less
autoritääriset muodot forms of moral discipline
moraalisen kurin be effective and if so, how are they to be achieved?
While these devices might win one election by dramatically increasing electoral turnout, the new voters mobilized by such appeals could only be the least politically informed citizens, and the most susceptible to
autoritääristen .
Being unwritten, the constitution also encourages a piecemeal approach to politics; an approach that gives little protection against a determined,
autoritääristä .
These forces introduced unresolvable contradictions into the political model of hierarchical,
autoritäärisen of civil society
siviiliyhteiskunnan .
If you want your son or daughter to grow up able to talk to you, perhaps
could consider
being a little less
olla vähemmän authoritarian
autoritäärinen .
With the inspiration of the literacy crusade, one of the goals was to make
classroom relations
luokkahuoneen suhteista less
autoritäärisiä .
will also tend
autoritäärisiä , conservative and controlled
in their thinking
ajattelussaan .
Their response
Heidän vastauksensa authoritarian
autoritäärinen .
autoritäärisiä and patriarchal
models of the family
perhemalleja will reinforce, rather than challenge, sexual abuse.
This use
autoritääristä and overpowering
for subordinates
alaisille .
Serve warm with Greek yogurt or, if
're feeling
, double cream.
are more prepared
about their employees' working hours
työntekijöidensä työtunneista as long as the necessary tasks are carried out efficiently.
He wrote that it was “ not cruel to animals but, rather,
… since it absolves them of the suspicion of crime when they eat or kill animals ”.
, in short, are especially kind and
was not weak, was not a compromiser,
towards erroneous opinions or towards the so-called inevitability of history etc
harhaoppisuudelle tai niin kutsutuille historian välttämättömyyksille .
will be feeling
, because we are not so evidently, so rowdily in love; yet we should be discreetly indulgent towards them.
They will be feeling indulgent towards us, because we are not so evidently, so rowdily in love; yet
should be discreetly
pitäisi olla hienovaraisen towards them
heitä kohtaan .
Towards the end of the play's run,
got more
with Pearson
Pearsonia kohtaan .
The Examiner's Report for 1890 stated: ``The work and discipline in the School seem to improve term by term -- yet there Is room for greater improvement if
some parents
osa vanhemmista would be a little less
olisi vähemmän in giving excuses for their boys for not having prepared their work
antaessaan pojilleen anteeksi töiden laiminlyönnin .
LEOPOLD AND WOLFGANG had arrived home after their second Italian trip to a death -- that of Leopold's kindly and
employer, Count Schrattenbach, Archbishop of Salzburg
työnantaja kreivi Schrattenbach, Salzburgin arkkipiispa .
Instead, as we walked down to the bar this evening, he had been all smiles and
, complimenting us on our appearance, an arm lightly circling each of our waists.
Even the most
hölläkätisimmänkin would find it hard to forgive this foolish wife.
He roared with laughter, shaking his head for all the world as if Caterina were some naughty imp and he an
I don't believe
You're right to be sceptical:
only to a certain point
with lovers
rakastajiamme kohtaan , whose vanities rival those of politicians.
Hanging would seem quite a
considering the enormity of his crime in those harsh old days.
CROWN prosecutors are to appeal against a
imposed on a rapist whose victim died after the attack.
Chairman of the Northamptonshire Police Federation says he's appalled at how
A previously blameless disciplinary record should have entitled
to more
, they argue.
This could expose willing states to charges of being unduly harsh or
in their treatment of prisoners
vankien käsittelyssään and open to acts of reprisal or terrorism from sympathisers of those imprisoned.
The announcement attracted criticism that
when compared with the amount of fees accountancy firms pull in from insolvency work.
Mr Newham said the PPL would have `no qualms ``about seeking redress from those who consistently ignored them, but added: `If you were to apply for a licence today
She has written to the Attorney General protesting that
have been too
olivat olleen liian on Dr Courtney
tri Courtneylle and she has tabled a Parliamentary Question to Sir Nicholas designed to force a judicial review of the sentence.
to people like Tommaso.
Tommason kaltaisia ihmisiä kohtaan.
The landlady repeated that
was being very
oli erittäin but generosity on her part was not without limits, my girl.
People say
the UK framework
Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan rakenteet with regard to non-price than price restraints
muita rajoituksia kuin hintarajoituksia kohtaan .
will often be more
on usein paljon in applying the rules of contact
soveltaessaan sopimussääntöjä .
He blames your
Swede or Finn
ruotsalaista tai suomalaista
This time they were overburdened with luggage which was far too heavy for even the
to overlook.
During 1989 5,000-6,000 ethnic Greeks took advantage of
the Soviet Union's
Neuvostoliiton travel laws
matkustussääntöjä and emigrated to Greece.
In the light of this we should monitor news reports of
for driving offences -- such as the one in the Scotsman (5th?
The euthanasia law was a broadly backed compromise worked out after 20 years of exhaustive public debate and has given the Netherlands the world's most
on mercy killing. -- Reuter
Yet the
interpretation of divorce laws
avioerolakien tulkinta appears to have led to the alarming trends already observed.
simply mirrors these external systems of domination.
society and state
yhteiskunta ja valtio .
In the
, the historical process is altogether too rich and complex to be reduced to class struggle.
about that sort of thing
tällaisten asioiden suhteen in the old days apparently.
Many of these schools
Monet näistä kouluista in tone and educational curriculum
sävyissään ja opetussisällöissään , and have higher academic standards and a better environment than township schools.
The Church of England
Englannin kirkosta on the matter
tässä asiassa .
Although not particularly
on moral issues
moraalisissa kysymyksissä ,
recognises that a climate of opinion in which people can discuss sexual and emotional matters will be one in which the birth control campaign is more likely to succeed.
Run by artists,
of the three.
Yet the prospects of this constituency making a major political impact and extracting
from the regime appear poor.
the translations
käännökset so incredibly
niin uskomattoman , there may as well be no original text at all.
`Peel's response was to construct a service with a severe code of discipline and a structure of supervisory ranks designed to ensure
of policing and police officers
poliisin ja poliisimiesten .
In the face of recession, not only in the UK,
large companies
suuryritykset are clearly trying to keep
standards of pollution control
ympäristönvalvontastandardeja are relaxed for those ``offenders who are committed to spending money on improving methods of sewage treatment.
Although primarily a protein food, cheese has a high fat content and care should be taken when eating if you are following a
for health or cosmetic reasons.
The National Trust here bent its
in honour of the importance of the exhibition.
Although respect for the bear did not preclude killing it, due apology had to be made, and
governed the disposal of its carcass.
laid down
to keep the vital traffic moving.
Many governments
Monet hallitukset about imposing restrictions on the importation of foodstuffs which contain excessive concentrations of heavy metals
laatiessaan rajoituksia liian suuria raskasmetallipitoisuuksia sisältävien ruokatarvikkeiden tuonnille .
The Town Council
Kaupunginvaltuusto was then, as now,
oli silloin, kuten nytkin in the matter of public morality
julkista moraalia koskevien seikkojen suhteen .
Inheriting his mother's religious principles,
in his observances
juhlamenoissaan .
So, you know,
in those days.
on such matters
tällaisten asioiden suhteen .
with my sisters
sisareni suhteen ,
about what time they had to be in and clothes and make-up and that sort of thing
kotiintuloajoista, vaatteista, meikeistä ja sen sellaisesta. .
shouldn't be
ei pitäisi olla .
Tiller was a stickler for cleanliness, so
was told
in supervising their washing
pesemistä valvoessaan (for some this was as novel an experience as appearing on stage).
Many, although appreciative of the education they received, felt that
their schools
heidän koulunsa in imposing petty regulations
mitättömien sääntöjen määräämisessä -- a comment rarely made by students from mixed or comprehensive schools.
Oh yes, she
very very
todella erittäin .
attitude to religions
asenne eri uskontoja kohtaan , which will be dealt with in the following chapter, is an indication that he does not consider any religion to have a monopoly of Truth and that includes Hinduism.
A third feature underlying the courts'
attitude to managerial failure
suhtautuminen johdon epäonnistumiseen is their belief, at least historically, that mismanagement can, and should, be controlled by means of shareholder supervision.
were in general
in their attitude to the Protestant Dissenters
suhteessa protestanttisiin toisinajattelijoihin .
about fellow-tipplers
muita ryyppyveikkoja kohtaan , and indeed occasionally rather enjoyed the company of slightly tipsy sirens; but the sight of this fellow pathetically fighting to extricate a wallet from an inner pocket, and then forking out and handing over three £10 notes — such a sight filled even Morse with mild disgust.
felt quite comfortable about this and also
about the trusts' sometimes misplaced attempts to establish their autonomy
säätiön joskus epäonnistuneisiin yrityksiin saada aikaan autonomia : ``After escaping from the nest they go around flapping their wings and hissing at people.
in these matters
näissä asioissa in my experience.
Being Irish herself, and the sister of a man who had gone mad with syphilis,
was rather more
oli melko paljon of Warnie's foibles
Warnien heikkouksia kohtaan than he was of hers.
If only
were less ambitious, and more
suvaitsevaisempia of one another
toisiamme kohtaan , then there wouldn't be a need for arms at all, and every mother's child would be safe.
I have always found
honest, trustworthy, intensely loyal and hard-working, generally
of all extremes of consumer behaviour
kaikkia asiakaskäytöksen ääripäitä kohtaan , and therefore the best asset and advertisement any business can have.
It is true, certainly, that
towards Christianity
kristinuskoa kohtaan .
Records show
the local constabulary
paikalliset poliisivoimat towards prostitutes
prostituoituja kohtaan and apparently sensitive to the sexual practices of the poor.
I think it's even made
suvaitsevaisempia towards other people
muita ihmisiä kohtaan .
Off-field Hateley's expression consists of a
mood and smile
mielestä ja hymystä ; on it he has the generosity of spirit of an assassin with a victim in his eyes.