- The lunch itself was held in a huge room and there was a constantbabblepulinaof noisemeteli ja.
- She talked in a babble like thebabblesirinääof birdslintujen,
- There were a lot of grimaces, and a littledrykuivabarkhaukahdussometimes, but never a laugh.
- The dogKoirahad her head thrown back ready to deliver anotherbarkhaukahdukseenbut when she saw Julia she rolled her navy-blue eye in its white socket and smiled.
- He began to cough inraspingrohisevastibarksärjähdellenthat became horribly convulsive before eventually subsiding.
- He had heard shouts like these then, and thebarkhaukuntaof dogskoirien, and the cries and screams as Jewish friends near by were found and summarily shot.
- HeHänshook his head then and did a series ofshortlyhyitäbarksärjäisyjäin his throat.
- She was woken by oneexcitedinnostunutbarkhaukuntafrom EmEmin, sternly quelled, but enough to waken her.
- Once I heard two calling to each other across a valley, a weird sound, vaguely resemblinga baboon'spaviaaninbarkärjyntää.
- `Dratted animal! ``muttered Araminta over her mother's imprecations andHector'sHectorinexcitedinnostuneenbarkshaukunnan, giving him a baleful glare.
- Thebeeppiippauksenof a pagerTahdistimencould be heard from under a blanket.
- Thedroningmatalatbeeppiippauksetof cranes removing rubbleSoraa siirtävien nostureidenceased.
- The boat's listening devices are designed to pick up water-activatedbeepspiippauksiafrom the data recorderstallentimilta.
- There was a polite `beeppiippaus``from the intercom.
- Buttheirniidenbeepspiippauksetdo not identify the fine nets that fishermen use, Sinha said.
- The boat is carrying special listening devices designed locatethe ``black box, which"musta laatikko", jokaemits abeeppiippauksenevery second for 30 days if functioning properly.
- Forgetting to switch it off after leaving the office,itssenmuffledvaimeatbeepspiippauksetfrom inside the zip-up travel casevetoketjulla suljetun matkalaukun sisältäseveral hours later warned of its almost flat battery!
- Now, do you hear alongpitkänbeeppiippauksenand a short beep, a long beep and a short beep?
- Tired of Amiga and Mac users taking the mickey out of thepitifulsäälittäviäbeeppiippauksiayour PC, joita tietokoneesimakes?
- By tea-time I was aware of walking strangely, and dared not run for thelittlepientenbeepspiippausten takiamy botty, joita tapapuolestanimade.
- The shipmaster'sLaivurinbellowmylvintäand a wallop on the head from a daring sailor finally pierced the berserk rage.
- HeHängave atriumphantvoitokkaanbellowmylväisynas Bull O'Malley shook his head.
- It's a voice that doesn't belong to one of the villagers and she seems not to understand: maybe she can't even hear, above thebellowpaukkeenof the drumsrumpujen.
- Almost as frightening was thebellowmylvintäof Buddie's voiceBuddien äänenwhen it grew huge and powerful with anger, and the shouted words that struck like blows to make Frankie flinch and tremble.
- There was abellowmylviof rageraivostafrom the Grand DukeGrand Duke, incapable of other speech as he stared transfixed at the empty desk.
- BalorBalorlet out abellowmylväisynof fearpelonand, in the same moment, the Trees closed in.
- The furnace reactionMasuunigave one lastbellowhuokaisun.
- The animals, confused and frightened,Hämmentyneet ja peloissaan olevat eläimetlet outwrenchingtuskaisiabellowsulvaisuja, and sometimes charged their drivers.
- AloudÄänekäsbellowulvahdusrang out as the bullets struck home, then they heard a heavy body plunging wildly among the restraining toils of the thorn bushes.
- Theblareulvontaof musicmusiikinfrom the social roomoleskelutiloistacame in very loud.
- She tried to call him but he could not have heard her because the air was filled with the terribleblarehuutoof a foghornsumutorven.
- Theurgentvaativablaretörähdysof his car hornautontorvendrew their attention back to the sheriff's tall figure.
- No half-way house: from silence toincessantalituiseenblaremeteliin.
- From the distance theeerieaavemainenblasttörähdysof a horntorvenstrikes sudden terror.
- Presently she heard a klaxon, twoslight shortmelko lyhyttäblaststörähdystälike a morse signal, kuin sähkötystä— the stranger: Andrée, in person.
- All their trumpets tilted up from the ground, as if togethertheyhewere sounding ablasttörähdyksento the sky.
- AngryVihaisetblaststörähdyksetfrom horns behindtakana olevista torvistagreeted the manoeuvre as other drivers were forced to swing around and squeeze through the gap between his hired Fiesta and approaching traffic.
- Around three am there was ahugesuuriblastpamausfrom the direction of the palacepalatsin suunnalta, which woke even Howard from the slumber into which he had fallen.
- Tug skippers, who had never before acknowledged the presence of the moored barges, called out, or gave the danger signal --live rapidmonta nopeaablaststörähdystäin successionperäkkäin.
- Aneerieaavemainenblasttörähdyson a horntorvensignalled the start of the ceremony and the crowd became silent.
- The hooter recommencedits<empty>stridentäänekkäimmänblaststörähdyksensä.
- As he did so, he leaned on the horn for alongpitkänblasttörähdyksen, to let the others know he was clear.
- The `ghost voice ``, which often broke into German radio news broadcasts, replaced bytrumpettrumpetinblaststörähdykset, drowning the announcer's words.
- Suddenly aloudäänekäshorntorvenblasttörähdyspieced the air, a thin strident note pregnant with urgency.
- What was the trouble today? she wondered, asimpatientkärsimättömäthorntorvenblaststörähdyksetbegan to sound.
- MuffledVaimeaableatsruikutustaand strangled gurgles leaked from my lips.
- Thebleatmäkätysof unseen sheepNäkymättömän lampaan.
- The only sounds to be heard were the sheep's teeth tearing grass andtheirniidenlow, rumblingmatala, jyriseväbleatsmäkätys.
- Then there was like abigsuuriboompamausand I was just spinning around.
- Through the open window floated the sound of traffic, and then above this theboomlyöntiof Big Ben sounding the hourBig Benin tasatunnin.
- Accompanied by growls andboomskumunof distant thunderetäisen ukkosen, which rattled the panes, it filled the night.
- But few motor cars, no big city life: instead, an almost uncanny, disconcerting stillness, the only constant sound the distantboomlyöntiof wavesaaltojenon the reefriuttaa vasten.
- There is ahollowonttoboomkumahdusof surfmaininginas if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea.
- A cheer rang out from the natives assembled above the melon beds; it could be heard even over theboomjylynof cannonstykkienand rattle of musketry.
- The narrow, hot streets dinned with the silverbraytörähdyksienof trumpetstrumpettienand the shrieks of dying men and women.
- There was a smell of burning fat in the air and, in the distance, thebraykiljuntaaof raucous singingriehakasta laulun-.
- Athelstan was sure that they all looked his way but again came theshrilläänekkäitäbraytörähdyksiäof the trumpetstrumpettien.
- They would wait silently by the roadside for a victim and could only he identified if forced to speak, for thentheyhewould emit aloudäänekkäänbraykiljahduksen.
- Yet the Discovery has a classy, Conran-designed interior, excellent seats and ride-comfort anda wonderful, rumbling V8 engine thatupea, hyrräävä V8-moottori, jokaemits just thesame blue-bloodedsamaa siniveristäburblepörinääas a Range Roverkuin Range Rover.
- They both listened to thegentlevaimeaaburblepörinääof the exhaustpakoputkenfor another minute, then Bert cut the engine.
- She went crimson, then left the room, her exit being followed by aburblepulputustaof chatterpuheenas the women expressed their surprise.
- There was ahappyiloistaburblepulputustaof voicesääntenwhich came from a few children discussing some design they were doing.
- There was aburblepuheensorinaaof reliefhelpottunuttafrom the crowdväkijoukosta.
- It was a picture I had examined with attention through many an hour ofboringtylsääburblepuheensorinaa, raucous revivalist song and whining, wheezing harmonium.
- If the female is of a different species,sheseemits abuzzsurisevan äänenand the male flies off to try his luck elsewhere.
- Under cover of thebuzzsorinanof conversation,keskustelunRosie turned to Ruth.
- In the stillness there was thebuzzsurinaaof beesmehiläisten, bird sound -- royal bluebirds darted all around the mountain -- the hum of the Urubamba twisting far below.
- There was a particular café which the others frequented, but he knew if he went in he would be greeted dutifully, thebuzzsorinaaof talkpuheen-would die down and one by one his schoolmates would leave.
- And opened them sharply at aninsistent, warningvaativalla ja varoittavallabuzzsurinallafrom her duty stationhänen työskentelypaikaltaan.
- Anamazedhämmästynytbuzzsorinaran around the ballroom.
- He zoomed to save height, heard thecacklekalkatuksenof machine-gunskonekiväärien, skidded round in a savage, 180-degree turn, and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head.
- There was acacklekalkatusfrom the old ladyvanhan naisen.
- SheHängave acacklekäkätyksen.
- As if in protest,GeorgeGeorgeuttered a blood-curdling,lunatic-soundinghullulta kuulostavancacklekäkätyksen, and fell fractionally forward.
- IrisIrisgave aderisivepilkallisencacklekäkätyksen.
- Mrs Plumptry's words came into her head, and she could hearthe old lady'svanhan naisendelightedilahtuneencacklepälpätyksen.
- Tiredväsynyttäcacklespälpätystäcame from Mehringer and Sedlmayer.
- He heard with awful clarity, above the shuffle of feet and the soft roaring of cars, the croak andcawrääkymistäof rooksmustavaristenand their tattered scuffling overhead.
- `I'm so glad to have met you, ``Anneliese was saying over thechatterpuheensorinanand hubbubof the partyjuhlien, one-year-old Christian in her arms.
- The small stout manPieni, tanakka mieshad kept up aconstantjatkuvaachatterpuheensorinaaas he accompanied the two young people into Dublin city on the train.
- Above thenervoushermostunutchatterpuheensorinathat continued once the corporal had left, Charlie could hear the last post being played on a bugle from the castle battlements.
- We ate in the London Zoo and our meals were made interesting by thechatterpulinaof monkeysapinoidenand the roar of lions in the background.
- Luke's voice was so low that she had to strain to hear it above thenoisyäänekkäänchattersirkutuksenof the birdslintujen, the rustle of the breeze in the trees.
- Not acheephiiskaustakaanfrom itsiitä.
- Theelectronicelektroninencheepsirinäfrom the alarmhälyttimenchiselled into his skull at precisely a quarter to seven.
- IMinägave not onecheepviserrystä, not a chirrup --
- We hear these complex vibrations as ahigh-pitchedkorkeanachirpsirityksenä, but to the female they sound very different.
- The third clock remained silent, but as if to compensate,a watch on the AC's wristkello AC:n ranteessagave atinypientächirpsiritystä.
- In the absence of an exhaust note, Ashton, goes in search of some `chirpsiritystä``from the tyresrenkaista.
- But, despite throwing the machine round some corners behind the Old Kent Road, there is nochirpsiritystäto be heard.
- For a long time Mait didn't answer, until alowmatalachucklehörähdysgradually worked its way from his throat.
- Dexter ignoredherhänenfriendlyystävällisenchucklehörähdyksensäand explained the reasons why he thought Jim Lancaster was the prime suspect, counting off the points on his fingers.
- HeHängave achucklehörähtiwhich sounded almost like the other
- Thebubbling, waterykuplivachucklesolinaof the riverjoen.
- Melissa strolled across, leaned against Iris's fence and closed her eyes, listening to the bleating of young lambs and thechuckletirskuntaof a solitary starling on the roofkaton yksinäisen kottaraisen.
- Chucklestirskahduksetof delightIlongreeted his suggestion that `as the Microsoft monopoly puts programmers out of business they can move to writing objectware for NeXT.
- A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought achuckletirskuntaafrom himhänestäas he told it but, at the time, the occasion must have been almost tragic.
- `No, Farquhar, ``hehänsaid with abitterkatkerastichuckletirskahtaen.
- HeHänemitted one of hispainful-sounding nasalkivuliaalta kuulostavista nasaali-chucklesäänteistään.
- Her friend's face wrinkled in one ofherhänenfamouschuckleshykerryksiinsä.
- From behind Sacks' closed door comes themuffledvaimeaclacknaputusof furious typingraivokkaan kirjoittamisen.
- Aclackkopseof shoesKenkienin the roadtietä vastenoutside.
- There was a loudclackkopinabehind himhänen takanaanas one of the players hurled the white down the table, scattering the colours.
- I followed theclackkopinaaof her high heelskorkeiden korkojendown the dark corridor to the front door.
- They gazed in awe at the hive of activity against themutedmykkääbackgroundclackkopinaaof typewriter and word processor keyboardskirjoituskoneiden ja näppäimistöjen.
- There was a minute comforting sound in thesoftpehmeässäclackkopinassaas Nannie worried the laces apart like a gentle dog.
- There was aloudäänekäsclangkalahdusand Broomhead cursed vehemently, pulling on the reins.
- As they walked along the street they heard thestridentäänekkäänclangkolinanof a fire enginepaloauton.
- He heard theclangkilahduksenof metalmetallinon metalmetallia vasten, and a ricochet whined viciously past his head.
- TheclangKilahdusof a sword blade ringing on the stones where she had just been standingmiekan terästä kiville, joilla hän oli juuri seissytmade the order unnecessary.
- There was theclangkilahdusof metalmetallinas a bar was withdrawn.
- Then there was aclangkolahdusas the driver opened the door and climbed down.
- Outside Athelstan could hear him shouting orders, the sound of running feet and theclashkalinaof armsaseiden.
- There was aclatterkolinaaas he dropped the handset.
- Vaguely she wondered why the daily woman who had been with them for years had not put in an appearance before now, and listened in vain for thecheerfuliloistaclatterkilinääof tea-cupsteekuppienin the passage outside.
- They heard an irregular bang andclatterkolinaaof metalmetallinon woodpuuta vastenand a constantly repeated shout of `Ho!
- There was a long time -- several lifetimes -- when the only soundwas theoliclatterrummutusof the rainsateenagainst the windowikkunaa vasten, then Vitor walked to the cot.
- Hearing-aids pick up theclatterkolinanof dishesastioidenand swoosh of running water, which compete with speech reception.
- There was aloudäänekäsclatterkolinaof something falling down inside, kun jotain putosi sisälle.
- The evening was warm; a gentle quiet dusk in which the only sounds were the ripping of the water and theslightvaimeaclatterhuminaof the rye stalks moving in the breezerukiintähkien liikkuessa tuulessa.
- There was aclatterkopinaof running feetjuoksuaskeltenin the street outsideulkona kadullaand a fresh uproar from downstairs.
- Our thumbs were tied together and, in aclatterkolinassaof armsaseidenand a tramp of archers, we were hustled into the dark archways of the Chatelet prison and thrown into a deep dungeon beneath the tower.
- Then she walked back into the kitchen and soon heard thehardvoimakastaclatterkopinaaof shoeskenkienon the stone stairskiviportaissaand Giovanna was upon her.
- There followed a small silence that was interrupted by adistantkaukainenclatterkolinaof metalmetallinfrom the ward where some poor nurse was probably doing a bedpan roundosastolta, jossa joku hoitajaparka oli luultavasi alusastiakierrolla.
- Aclatterkopinaof stepsaskeltenand another man swung under the alley light pistol in hand and coming to the aim.
- AloudÄänekäsclatterkalinaof armsaseidenfrom below interrupted her.
- He shook his head angrily, and heard aclatterkopinaaof feetaskeltenbehind, coming up the catwalk stairs.
- Blanche heard a crash as the back door was flung open, followed by whoops and screams and the scraping of furniture, and then theclatterkopinaaof feetaskeltenalong the halleteisessä.
- The only sounds were the rustle of Dexter's pen on the evidence forms and the echoingclatterkolinaafrom the prison outsideulkopuolella olevasta vankilasta.
- Afaintvaimeaclatterkolinafrom the kitchenKeittiöstäindicated Mrs Brissett was just finishing up.
- The doors on the landing behind Cardiff juddered open with aloudäänekkäästiclatterkolisten.
- There was a sharpmetallicmetallinenclicknaksahdusand as Dan stood up, Patrick saw him slip the heavy pistol back into his pocket.
- I asked Edwards whether putting this on for the unveiling -- maximization for the sponsor, theclicknaksahdusand clackof computer keys tappingtietokoneen näppäinten-- had been part of the deal.
- There was aclicknaksahdusand she'd gone, and I could hardly believe that I'd ever doubted her as a relay post.
- The louder it is, the more distant the object it can detect and thebatslepakotproduceclicksnaksahduksiawhich, if translated into frequencies that we can hear, would sound as loud as a pneumatic drill.
- The rest of the squad fell to one knee, and I heard thesmartripeänclicknaksahduksenof rifle boltsrihlapulttien…
- As I stepped down the steep treads I heard thetoo loudliian kovanclicknapsahduksenof shoe leathernahkakengänon metalmetalliin.
- Below the soft throb of the music, his increased sense of hearing had picked up thequiethiljaisenclicknapsahduksenof the outer door to his private suite being closedyksityiseen sviittinsä johtavan ulomman oven sulkemisesta kuuluvan.
- There was aclicknapsahdusof the doorovenas it closed behind her.
- When they were left alone, a silence descended, broken only by theclickkilahdusof silverhopeanagainst porcelainporsliinia vastenas Jake helped himself to sugar and stirred.
- He had seen it happen, like aclicknapsahdusof the fingerssormien, the start of life, when the foal opened its eyes and looked at him.
- A dolphin is able to producesonarääniluotaimenclicksnaksahduksiaby forcing air through special passages and sinuses in its head.
- Below on the street the sobbing girl let the boy comfort her, then behind us there was aclicknaksahdusfrom the balcony doorparvekkeen oven.
- At the third corpse there was afaintvaimeaaclicknaksahdus, and she looked up as the music stopped.
- The blade snapped open with asoftpehmeästiclicknaksahtaen.
- In both cases the sounds are audible to humans, not ultrasonic like the more specializedbatlepakonclicksnaksahduksiin.
- DolphinsDelfiinitemit rapid trains ofhigh-pitchedkorkeitaclicksnaksahduksia, some audible to us, some ultrasonic.
- The bat'sLepakonair-borneclicksnaksahduksetbounce off insects, whereas water-borne sounds pass through the tissues of a fish to the bone and swim bladder.
- Her mother and brother had departed to the kitchen from where Wexford could hear their muted whisperings and thefunereally carefulkolkonclinkkilinänof cupskuppien.
- Soon the great awards of knighthoods give way to the decorations reserved for the civil and military services, and the shuffle of office workers is broken only by the occasionalclinkkalskeof a cavalryman's spurratsumiehen kannustimen.
- Theclinkkilahdusof cupkupinagainst saucerlautasta vastenwoke me.
- It was still early and the bar seemed strange without voices and laughter and theclinkkilahteluaof icejäänin tall glassespitkissä laseissa.
- I enjoy theclinknapsahtelustaof our heelskorkojenon linoleumlinoleumia vasten, the perplexity of lifts and maps.
- She heard him come quietly up the stairs; she heard theclinkkolinaaof vasemaljakonand saucerja lautasen.
- She heard theclinkkilinääof the dishes being taken awaypoisvietävien astioiden, then, from the corner of her eye, glimpsed movement as Nathan leaned forward.
- There was aclinkkilinääof keysavainten, and the door swung open.
- There was aclinkkilahdus.
- Drake'sDrakencookujerrustrisyllabic with accent on last syllable.
- Hear thecookujerrusof the dovekyyhkyn, the flap of its wings.
- ItsSengruff doublekarhea kaksinkertainencookujerrus,with the second note clipped and emphaticsekä toinen selkeä ja painokas huomautus, also reveals its identity.
- Call agrunting doublemurahteleva kaksois-cookujerrus,with accent on second syllablepaino toisella tavulla.
- The incubation period of the virus is 24 to 48 hours and the infection is probably spread by droplets from thecoughsyskimisestäand sneezesof those who are already sufferingjo sairastuneiden.
- The manMiehellähad araspingrohisevacoughyskäthat exploded from his lungs in noisy barks which often left him groaning and gasping for breath.
- Mind you, ``she added with acoughripausof concernhuolta äänessään, `the breakdown has brought us closer together than ever.
- A chill with much pain in the chest, ashort, hard, racking, drylyhyt, kova, hakkaava ja kuivacoughyskäwith scanty or rusty coloured sputum, johon kuuluu niukkia tai ruosteenpunaisia ysköksiä.
- The majority signs of Oslerus infection are respiratory distress and araspingrohisevacoughyskä, especially after exercise.
- The chauffeurKuljettajagave a discreetcoughyskähti.
- HeHängave alowmatalasticoughyskähti.
- CreaksKitinätand squeaksin plumbing pipesputkistossacan be caused by hot water or central heating pipes expanding as they heat up.
- Huy listened to him descending them, then thesoftpehmeäcreaknarahdusand clickof the dooroven.
- Half a minute laterthe airframelentokonegave one finalcreakkirskahduksenand his stomach fell away as the Hercules lifted off, whining into the night sky.
- A car engine throbbed, people called greetings, there was thecreaknarinaof shutters openingavautuvien luukkujenin one flat and the sound of a radio in another.
- Flora listened as she rode to the bits jingling, thecreaknarinaof leathernahan, the brush-brush of the horses' hooves through the grass, the croak of a carrion crow in the valley.
- He turned towards Byrne's cork-blackened face and pressed his lips to his ear, where he whispered so softly that thecreaknarinaof his tonguehänen kielensäagainst teeth and palatehampaita ja kitalakea vastenwas louder than the words themselves.
- There was aloudäänekäscreaknarinalike the noise of the gates as the door opened.
- Afterwards he was haunted by the sound his footsteps had made in the brooding post-dawn silence, thecrunchnarskuntaand crackleof his shoes breaking icejäätä murskaavien kenkiensä alla.
- She could almost hear thecrunchrouskutuksensatheyheidänmade.
- The knife came again, and she chopped with both hands at Ma Katz's wrist, satisfied by thecrunchräsähdyksestäof breaking bonesmurtuvien luiden.
- There was agrindingkirskuvacrunchräsähdysof metalmetallinas the front of the car telescoped, a second crashing sound as the car behind it rammed into the wreckage -- followed by a third.
- As I walked on and theeerieaavemainencrunchräsähdys, crunch soundedbehind metakanani, I was seized with terror and took to my heels staggering blindly.
- Aterrible grindingKamala, kirskuvacrunchräsähdysstruck at us like a solid barrier.
- The only other noise was from huge bumble-bees, flying like World War II plans, with alowmatalalladronesurinallathat dropped even lower as they shot over my nose.
- From where we sat we could hear their occasional bursts of laughter and thedimvaimeandronesurinanof their voicesheidän ääntensä, but the words themselves were lost to us.
- And she finally ends by saying, `All I can look forward to nowis theontonelesssävytöndronesorinaof the master's voiceisännän äänenand the pendulum swing of his leg over the desk.
- No sound, except thelazylaiskadronesiritysof the cicadas in the treespuissa laulukaskaiden.
- Far off she heard thedronemurinaof a tractor working late or set for homekotia kohti matkaavan tai myöhään työskentelevän traktorin.
- Maxim had a torch which he used very cautiously, but at least they didn't have to whisper in the steadydroneropinaof rainsateen.
- SheHängave atiny strangledpienen, tukahtuneengasphuokauksenand shuddered, feeling the waves of shock coursing along her veins.
- Li Yuan's look of surprise as the Arab reared broughtgaspssyviä hengähdyksiäas well as laughterfrom all roundkaikkialta ympäriltään.
- SheHänsat up with agasphuoahtaenand blew her nose hard; then, since he was close, she rested her aching head against his ample stomach.
- A little boy ran up, face dirty, clothes dishevelled, his breath coming inshorthätäisestigaspshenkeään haukkoenso he could hardly speak.
- The terror bound her chest so that her breath came in theshort, dry, painfullyhyinä, kuivina ja kivuliainagaspshengähdyksinäof a dying asthmatickuin kuolevalla astmaatikolla.
- There was agasphuokausof consternationtyrmistynytfrom AnnieAnnielta pääsi.
- Instinctively Ruth's hand came up to cover her mouth, to smother thegasphengähdysof shockjärkytyksen aiheuttamabreaking from her lips.
- The young private at the wheelNuori sotamies ratin takanalet out agasphengähtiof surprisehämmästyksestä.
- There was the sound of wood splitting and tearing, followed by achokingtukahtunutgasphengähdysfrom the open graveavoimesta haudasta.
- There was agasphengähdysat this disclosureasian tullessa ilmi.
- RexRexdidbigsyväängaspshenkeä.
- HerHänengasphengähdyksensämirrored the shock of pain in her eyes.
- Her head shot round,herhänenshockedkauhistunutgasphengähdyksensämingling with the audible hiss of sharply indrawn breath.
- `Diana saw her do it andtheyheboth burst out intogiggleskikattamaanjust like little girls.
- Still he wasn't surprised at all atmyminungiggleskikatuksestaniwhen I dragged myself back to view it for a second time.
- And the videotape of Cal and me playing Bottom and Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream last year, withusmecollapsing ingiggleskikattamaanwhen she tripped over a cobweb and brought down half the lights.
- She checked agigglekikatukseenof hysteriahysteeriseen. `one does call me his tulipe noire, you know.
- They all burst out into rich, musical laughter, Sergia included -- and joined, I'm sorry to say, bygiggleskikatusfrom MalaMalan.
- There weregiggleskikatustafrom the trees behind herpuusta hänen takanaan, and she turned sharply, furious with her maids, then turned back in time to see Li Yuan summon the small boy forward.
- Failing that, andshehäneltägave alittlepienigigglekikatus, Rosalba's face was such a picture of attention, at the Assumption.
- A few mouths dropped open and then there were a fewnervoushermostunutgiggleskikatus.
- Theroaring, bellowingkarjuvat, möreätgrowlsmurinatsometimes gave rise to screams of agony.
- The calls were a cacophony of piercing screams,lowmataliengrowlsmurahdustenand a host of other noises.
- SidSidgave agrowlmurahtiand informed that as I knew nothing about modern techniques he had brought `the lot.
- He gave her a cool smile just asthe carautogave athroatysyvängrowlmurahduksenand leaped forward.
- Itwas aolisoftpehmeägrowlmurahdusof passionintohimon.
- SheHängave alowmatalastigrowlmurahtiof frustrationturhautuneena.
- Laura stood, tall and lithe, glowing with sweat, listening to thegrowlmurahteluaof the kilnuunin, hands clenched tightly at her sides.
- The Kennel Club's Bill Edmond added: `225 Rottweilers were shown at Crufts last year without a snarl or agrowlmurahteluafrom any of themkeneltäkään.
- There was agrowlmurahdus.
- Shabba Rank'sShabba Rankingruffkarheagrowlmurinahas graced over 50 reggae single hits since 1987, with more than one record a week often hitting the charts.
- TheirNiidengrowlsurinachange to a panting whine.
- When they played alowmatalangruntörähdyksennormally given in response to eagles, the majority of the monkeys looked up.
- Finallyshehänmade somegruntsörähtiand said: `Globol obol ookle ogle globol gloogle gloo. ``)
- We examined all the machinery, and then the midwife examined me in betweenmyminungruntsmurinaniand groans.
- As it clicked onshehängave asmallvähängrunturahtibut didn't move.
- Arty's voice thickened and blurred intoanimaleläimelliseksigruntsmurinaksias he tried to speak and extend his tongue at the same time.
- HeHängave alittlehiukangrunturahtiof exasperationärtyneenä.
- The French boyRanskalainen poikagave agrunturahtiof exasperationärtyneenäand fired almost casually from a standing position.
- There was a moment's pause, then a swift movement, a sudden pressure, agrunturahdusfrom MelwasMelwasin, and some kind of growled answer.
- Here, thegruntsmurina, purrs, croaks and drumsof courting fishkutevien kalojenmingle with the snapping of shrimps and the crackling of barnacles.
- But mostly he responded with anangryvihaisellagrunturahduksella.
- SheHäntook the hands of those on either side of her, lowered her head and gave aconstipatedtukahtuneestigrunturahti.
- Thoseexpiratoryuloshengityksengruntsmurinatwere slowly increasing.
- HeHängave anotherloudäänekkäänguffawnaurunhohotuksenand said condescendingly, `Shows how much you know, young Anne.
- The question was innocent but it brought a greatguffawnaurunhohotuksenfrom the youthnuorison keskuudessaand he answered, `Ben Smith, Jones, or Robinson.
- Punctuated byhishänenownguffawshohotuksestaan, he continued: `Said `No, sorry, Mr Meadows; come this Wednesday I got to be out courting strong like.
- Once, while waiting for Kerrison to arrive, Doyle had actually laughed, aheartysydämellinenguffawhohotus, filling the hollow.
- Lady MerchistonLady Merchistonlet out acacklingkikattavanguffawnaurun, and then noticed her godson's glance going from one to the other, his face a study.
- Somewhere near was thegurglesolinaaand trickleof waterveden.
- The children were watching TV peacefully, but Annie saw her asshehänbobbed her head around the door, gave apleasedtyytyväisengurglejokelluksenand started to scramble down.
- The smell of the peat,gurglesolinaof water racing over boulderslohkareiden yli juoksevan vedenand chuckle of flocks of fieldfares searching for mountain ash berries are as characteristic as the scenery itself.
- She pronounces the word `damn ``with a littlegurglekikattaenof amusementhuvittuneesti: `Dem cheek.
- By this time Irene was emitting asteadytasaisengurglekikatuksenof contentmenttyytyväisen, when she wasn't laughing her head off.
- A baby separated from its mother also uses infrasound, and when suckling it emits infrasonic versions ofa human baby'sihmislapsengurglesjokelluksesta.
- In the round before they attack, the valley is filled withtheirniidenbizarrehootsvihellyksistäand screeches, which they use in the same manner as bats to navigate and locate their prey.
- Hootshuudotof triumphVoitoncrashed through the shrinking kitchen like the trumpeting of elephants, saturating the air.
- The silence of the night brought a feeling of unease; the normal rustlings of nocturnal creatures were absent and not even thehoothuutoof an owlpöllönnor the choughing call of a pheasant disturbed the stillness.
- Tantalisingly, at night, I might hear theplaintivehaikeahoothuutoof a tawny owlkellanruskean pöllönsomewhere in the trees, beyond my little world.
- The pair became used to the waves andhootstörähdyksiinfrom passing motoristsohiajavien motoristien, trucks and even train drivers as they journeyed to the Mediterranean coast.
- The small bats known as horseshoe bats have long been known to emitlongpitkiä,fixed-pitchkiinteätahtisiahootstörähdyksiärather than staccato clicks or descending wolf-whistles.
- `Sixth place, ``hehänsaid, with atriumphantvoitokkaastihoothuutaen.
- She peered beneath her hand at Sybil, then jumped as animpatientkärsimätönhoothuutosounded behind them.
- It rises to alowmatalaksihumhyräilyksiagain when they see it's only him.
- In near-silence made even more oppressive by thecontinuousjatkuvallaenginemoottorinhumhyrinälläand the laboured breathing of the six androids, the transporter glided along the passageway.
- This modelTämä malligave off asteadytasaisenhumhuminanthat allowed it to be used indoors without disturbance to neighbours.
- The area seemed almost worse than the city he had left, and the metallic noise andtrafficliikenteenhumhuminanthat came up from it was more formidable.
- Thehumsorinaof conversationkeskustelunin the loungeaulassasounded restrained as Lee approached the door.
- As the fire lights the JPT rises and ahumhuminaof gradually increasing pitch and volumevähitellen kasvavalla korkeudella ja voimakkuudellabegins to pervade the area.
- Once in a while she heard footsteps and obscured voices, thehumsurinaaof droneskuhnureiden.
- `Birds bees trees and flowers all talk to me incessantly louder than thebusyvilkashumsorinaof menihmisten.
- There was ahumsorinaof excitementinnostuksenin the incident room that had not existed when Blanche and Dexter had left earlier that evening.
- There was aperpetualikuinenhumhuminafrom the ground belowalla olevasta maasta, and occasional harsher metallic bangs and scrapes, and judders of thick silvery snakes that sped along faster than cars and disappeared into black holes in the ground.
- There was anexcitedinnostunuthumsorinafrom the audienceyleisön keskuudessa, and a forest of hands shot up to catch his eye.
- It was then that they heard the long awaited sound, adistant grindingetäinen, pahaenteinenhumsurinalike that of an angry waspvihaista ampiaista muistuttava.
- The space station, like every space station she'd ever been on, had haditssenown almost imperceptible vibration andhumsurina.
- The fridge suddenly switched itself on, thebuzzingsurisevahumhuminasharpening the tension.
- SheHänwas making a tiny, repetitive sound, alittlepienenmewmaukunan, as if in response to a lover's touch.
- Sounds such as traffic, footsteps and noise may be heard well, but sounds like the flute, telephone bell orkitten'skissanpojanmewmaukunamay be missed altogether.
- He gave the bad leg a gentle kick, to be rewarded with anagonizedtuskallinenmoanvaikerrusand the information that it was certainly broken, probably in two or three places.
- There were furthermoansvaikertaaand groans at the old toper's repetition of an apparently well-worn story.
- ZachZachgave along ghostlypitkän, aavemaisenmoanvaikerruksenand raised his hands.
- Themoanvaikerrusof a saxSaksofonin, earnest voices, the rumble of laughter.
- LocLoclet out a littlemoanvaikerruksenof anguish.
- HeHäntook a small mouthful from his plate then gripped at his stomach and emitted alowmatalanmoanvaikerruksen.
- She moaned, along, howlingpitkän, ulvovanmoanvaikerruksen, but there was an ecstasy in the sigh that followed.
- She was about to turn around, when she heard alowmatalanmoanvaikerruksen.
- I stabled my own horse and was in the buttery when I heard screams, the crashing of hooves andVulcan'sVulcaninneighshirnahdukset.
- They heard thepattertöminänof footstepsaskeltenand a whey-faced maid answered the door.
- He heard thepattertöminänof feetjalkojenbehind him and turned, his captive slid from his hands like an eel.
- Outside Julia could hear thepattertöminänof rain dropssadepisaroidenon the back pathtakapihan polkua vasten.
- He cocked his head and seemed to listen for a moment to theendlessloputontamutter andpattertöminääof working molestyömyyrien.
- As I hurried I heard thescrabblingkuopivanpatteräänenof the wolves closing inlähestyvien susien.
- Ducking to put the van between them Maxim ran crouching his soft-soled shoes making thebarestpientäpatterrapinaaon the rough but thank God dry paving.
- She then literally jumped in her seat as a hugepealjylinäof thunderukkosencrashed directly overhead.
- Ramlal approached in fear, awed by the sounds of chanting and thepealjylyof bellskellojenthat rose above the endless mutter of devotees.
- And suddenly she laughed, agayiloinenpealremahdus, refreshed by a whole day of escape from her selected cage.
- `Got to observe strict ARP, you see, Miss, though here we are gettin' on for five months of war and not apeepvilaustakaanout of a Jerry planesakujen koneesta.
- Not apeepvilaustakaanfrom the Treasury Solicitorvaltiovarainministeriön lakimiehestä; the D-Notice Committee obviously didn't (notice, that is).
- Theplashloiskeand glugof amber liquidkullankeltaisen nesteen
- There was aplopmolskahdusas it landed in the water, then it thrashed around wildly for a few seconds before settling down.
- Three quiet days went past in the slow slap andplopmolskahdusof the riverjoessa.
- They ate and drank, sitting tucked into long grass that screened them from the river; they could hear the flow of it, and the occasionalplopmolskahdusof a fishkalan.
- There was asoftpehmeä`plopmolskahdus``and the blue light welled out of the mantle as he closed the door, deftly trapping the light inside.
- Sometime during the night, I was woken by my cold feet, a warm weight on my chest and theloudestkovaäänisinpurrkehräysI had ever heard, jonka olin ikinä kuullut.
- The sound of the whistling faded, and thepurrkehräysof the carauton moottorinreplaced it.
- ST came to me and rubbed against my side, purringhissenrattlinghurjaa,wheezingvinkuvaapurrkehräystä.
- Guido had switched on the engine, and now, with asoftpehmeästipurrkehräten,the carautoheaded out on to the road.
- Silky hat all that could makea babymisunpurrkehräämään.
- Do you know thatelephantselefantit`purrkehräävät``?
- As if on cue,the car-phoneautopuhelingave adiscreetvienonpurrsurinanto punctuate Tom's passionate sentence, and he snatched it up as he braked at traffic-lights which had just turned red.
- It was an irresistible lure, like thequackvaakuntaof a decoy duckleikkiankan.
- Five mallard shot past the tree in which he was hidden,theirniidenmutteredmumisevaquacksvaakuntain mid-air soft as the sun that crept the way they were going and began to fill the lake with light.
- Drake has whistling flight note, “ sostmieu ”, not unlike sound of some ducks' wing-beats;duckankkahas alaughingnauraenquackkaakattaa, “ak-ak-akkvak-kvak-kvak…
- In spring drake has a curious crackling note, like a single match being rattled in a match box;duckankallahas alowmatalaquackkaakatus.
- Drake has a low moorhen-like weak nasal `gseee ``and in courtship a rather musical croak, andduckankallaarather hoarsemelko käheäquackkaakatus.
- One duck usually raises the alarm (adeepmatalaquackkaakatus) and suddenly every eye on the jetty snaps open to follow the man across the bridge until out of sight.
- Therapkilinäof coins falling on the staging overheadyläpuolella olevalle lavastukselle putoavien kolikoidenstopped.
- Thus the performance lacked edges -- Williams's nagging rhythms needed therapnaputuksenof an insistent beatvaativan rytminto sustain their tension, and at times the music seemed to wash past, flabby rather than furious.
- Before the school teacher could answer, there was anotherrapnapautuson the doorovelleand Beasley scampered in like an overgrown puppy, casting inquisitive glances at Jim Lancaster and the two police officers.
- There was asoftpehmeärapnapautusat the door.
- It seemed she had only just drifted off when she was woken by asharpteräväänrapnapautukseenon the doorovelleand Nathan's impatient voice announcing, `Breakfast in five minutes!
- The night was full of therasprahinaaand scrapeof branchesoksienas the wind made the limbs of the trees beat against one another.
- She stood stock-still, panting, listening to theharshkovaarasprahinaaof her own breathingoman hengityksensä.
- Even thescreechingujeltavaraspkirskunaof a police hover forcing its slow way upstreampoliisin ilmatyynyaluksesta sen pyrkiessä hitaasti vastavirtaancan scarcely cut the din.
- Theraspratinaof the zip going downAlas vedetyn vetoketjunwas illogically loud in the utter silence of the night.
- Theraspraavintaof his beard stubbleHänen parransänkensäwas a sweet pain.
- She went behind the screen and Rachaela heard the familiarraspraavinnanof pencilkynänon paperpaperilla.
- The awning flew back with achainsawmoottorisahanrasprahinan myötä, and a cascade of rainwater came down on her head.
- The other trainToinen junaswept past with aroarjylistenand a deafening hiss of air.
- Against theroarkarjaisunof rageraivonhe waved for silence.
- HeHängave aroarkarjaisunof rageraivon, scrambled to his feet and turned round, his right arm raised.
- Although the thunder and lightning had moved further off the horses were still in a very nervous state when theroarpauhuof flamesliekkienover their heads drove them wild so that they were very difficult to handle.
- Parking the pram I gave chase to the poor beast who, alarmed bymy<empty>savagevilliäroarkarjuntaaniof maternal furyäidinraivon aiheuttamaa, had bolted.
- No one else was in the garden and dense rows of leafless poplars damped thegrindingkirskuvaaroarjyrinääof the lorries on Am Treptower ParkAm Treptower Parkin kuorma-autojen.
- Apart from the few noises I made on the path, all I could hear was the very occasional anddistantkaukainenroarjyrinäof heavy trucksrekkojenon the road through town.
- `One hundred and eighty, ``shouted the adjudicator, although his words were lost in theWembleyWembleynroarmylvintäänof the crowdyleisön.
- Beneath the hubbub there is thedistantetäinenroarpauhuof oil and gas gushing to the surfaceöljyn ja kaasun pursutessa pintaan.
- A red flash ruddied the belly of a cloud; the noise followed almost immediately, theroarjylinäof an explosionräjähdyksenbouncing in decreasing waves of sound between the clouds and the ravines.
- Silently she waited forthe lion'sleijonanroarkarjuntaa.
- With aloudäänekkäästiroarkarjuen,the engineMoottoristarted.
- The engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator so that thefiercerajuroarkarjuntaechoed her feelings of pent-up frustration.
- It was 40 °s C in the shade and so quiet that all we heard was dust settling, the rattle of bones and therustlekahinaof wingssiipien.
- He heard thefaintvaimeanrustlerapinanof paperpaperin, then Kirov grasped his wrist and pressed a bundle of folded money into his palm.
- The night was calm and warm with just aslightvaimearustlerapinaof a breezetuulenvireen aiheuttamain the treespuissa.
- But the kangaroo rat can hear thefaintvaimeanrustlesratinanof the rattlesnake's scales moving over the sandhiekan yli liikkuvan kalkkarokäärmeen, and escape.
- ``I'm sure I heard therustlerapinaaof an animaleläimen.
- Therustlerapinaof foilFloretin, a tide of pins, a wave
- The recorder stopped and I heard therustlerapinaaof paper being turnedkäännettävän paperin-- the music-stand.
- Ranulf strained his ears, trying to ignore the sounds of the forest, the chatter of the birds and therustlerapinanof the wood creaturespuuolentojenunder the thick green brackenpaksun, vihreän sananjalan alla.
- The only soundswere theolirustlerapinaof Dexter's penDexterin kynänon the evidence formstodistelomakkeillaand the echoing clatter from the prison outside.
- The creaking of the ironing board, the crackle of corn-flakes and theoccasionalsatunnainenrustlerapinaof the newspapersanomalehdenwere the only sounds.
- Blackness, the dank chill, the faintrustlerapinaof tiny creaturespikkuisten olentojenin the darkest cornerspimeimmissä nurkissa-- it was terrifyingly familiar, threatening her very sanity.
- There was ascraperaapaisuas she brought a taper forth from a tin box and leaned towards the fire to light it.
- Then thescraperaapaisuof the bladeteränagainst boneluuta vastenas he carved the letter `S ``into the dead mans' forehead.
- For a while there was nothing but the click of ammunition, thescraperahinaof bootssaappaiden, and the stink of Woolley's rancour.
- `I tell you it went down that last passage on the right, ``hissed Kring in a voice like thescraperahinaof a bladeteränover stonekiveen osuessaan.
- Then there was a noise from the rear of the house, thescrapenarahdusof a door being openedavattavan oven.
- But barn owls, famed in folklore fortheirniideneerieaavemaisistascreechkirkaisuistaand ghostly white plumage, are declining in Britain.
- The sound of the shot was drowned by thedeafeningkorviahuumaaviinscreechkirkaisuihinand roarof the thingolionas its eye blew apart in a shattering viscous whirl of fluid and tissue.
- The sounds of Danish mingled with those of knives drawn across a plate, thescreechkirkaisuihinof jaysnärhien, and the buzz and hum that rose from within her and ousted her tranquillity.
- RobynRobynlet out ascreechkirkaisunof frustrationturhautuneenand stared down at her clothes.
- With ascreechkirskuessaof metalmetallinand a shower of falling masonry, the speeder suddenly jerked backwards.
- Lighting another cigarette beneath his tree, listening to thescreechkirskunaaof a shell going over the British line about half a mile southnoin puolen mailin päästä yli brittiläisen linjan ajavan tankin, Jack Firebrace began to tremble.
- The old womanVanha nainenlet out ascreechkirkaisuntowards the door that led into the house.
- BrianBrianlet out ahoarsekäheänscreechkirkaisunat each cutjokaisella viillolla.
- There was ascreechkirkaisufrom withinsisältä tulevaand an instant cacophony of barking and scolding broke out.
- Suddenly there was aloudäänekässcreechkirkaisu, and on the roof a wild peacock appeared.
- For example, if you have sudden feedback witha microphone whichmikrofonista, jokaproduces adreadfulkaameanscreechkirkaisun, 5,000 people will just laugh.
- There was a pop as if someone had exploded a huge paper bag, a disappearingelectricsähköinensizzlesirinä, and the searchlight went out.
- Three quiet days went past in theslowhitaanslapsolinanand plopof the riverjoen.
- There are times when they almost entirely break surface and re-enter the water with aresoundingäänekkäästislapläiskiessäof their tailsniiden häntien.
- If your fancy is for sea breezes and thegentlevaimeaslapliplatusof watervedenat the bow of a yachtjahdin pohjaa vasten, there are many sailing schools ready to teach you to sail.
- When this was done briefly and gently, people laughed, shook the speaker and each other by the hand (with aslaplyömälläof palmkämmenetagainst palmtoisiaan vasten) then continued conversation on the new course.
- Then he realised that she hadn't recognised theslappamaustaof the riflekiväärin.
- I went to the door, and heard theslapläiskeenof Maria's slippers going downstairsMarian alakertaan suuntaavien tohveleiden.
- For a while now there'd been no sound save the lazy creak of the sails and thesoftpehmeänslapläiskeenof watervedenagainst their bows.keulaa vasten
- But before he could answer there was a softslapläiskeof footstepsaskeltenround the colonnadepylväikön ympärillä.
- The slap, slap,slapläiskeof the pedlar's sandalskaupustelijan sandaaliengrew louder.
- Asharpteräväslapläpsähdysof woodPuunon glasslasia vasten.
- He heard a man's gruff voice and aloudäänekkäänslapläpsähdyksen, followed by familiar lilting laughter.
- As she listened to thefaintvaimeaasmacktyrskettäof the seamerenon the rocks belowalla olevia kiviä vasten, she thought again, regretfully, of Angus.
- The Kennel Club's Bill Edmond added: `225 Rottweilers were shown at Crufts last year without asnarlmurinaaor a growlfrom any of themkeneltäkään.
- `Ka-prap! ``went Kaptan, imitating thesnarlmurinaaof the M-16M-16:nand spinning sideways to the carpet.
- Withel'sWithelinsnarlkarjahdusof triumphvoitondied in his throat.
- With asnarlulvahtaen,a small Peugeotpieni Peugeotrounded the corner and headed towards her.
- For years they were greeted with afilthyhävyttömälläsniggerhihitykselläand a knowing wink.
- We recall Sonnet 129, with its bitter puns on `expence ``and `action, or thesniggershihityksetof Lucio or PistolLucion tai Pistolin.
- As he entered the school gates, he was greeted withsniggershihityksetfrom the small boyspienten poikien.
- But the kissing and romping brought someembarrassedvaivautunuttasniggershihitystäfrom the audienceyleisöneven though it was all done in the best possible taste.
- Old PeteVanha Petestifled asniggerhihityksen.
- With alowmatalastisniggerhykerrellen,hehänbowed and left.
- Laurel'sLaurelinsniggerhykertelysounded like a rusty hinge.
- Do you wake up regularly to aHeräätkö säännöllisestideafeningkorviahuumaavaansnorekuorsaukseenand feel there is no alternative but to give your partner a hefty prod?
- Almost before she had finished speaking, the eyelids had drooped and with afaintheikostisnorekuorsatenand a little wriggle, Ann Butler was once more asleep.
- She could hear the drone of the television from the sitting-room, thesnoreskuorsauksenof her father-in-lawappensa, and her mother's deliberate silence at the other end of the line.
- Asnorekuorsausfrom the humanIhmisenshook the office.
- Athelstan whirled round as aloudäänekässnorekuorsausfrom CranstonCranstoninbroke the silence.
- While trying to get through the perimeter they were discovered by a German patrol, but in a flash of pure genius, one of the Frenchmen feigned adrunkenhumalaistasnorekuorsausta.
- TheyHehadsawtoothkuin sahatsnoreskuorsasivat, and were dreaming about eating someone.
- ThenPete'sPetengravellykarkeasnorekuorsaus.
- From the tack roomUmberto'sUmbertonsnoreskuorsausrent the air.
- Duncan turned and looked at his sleeping companion, now slumped in his seat, his mouth open ashishänensnoreskuorsauksensarumbled across the cabin.
- Elinor, now asleep in the bedroom, her square jaw up like a tombstone, her mouth as wide as a new grave,herhänenlightkevytsnorekuorsauksensaticking fitfully, like some tired machine.
- SheHängave alittlehiemansnorttuhahtiand smiled across at me almost mischievously.
- The night air amplified thesnortkorskuntaaand splashof animalseläintenand I was very grateful for the orange glow of the fire through the canvas walls of the tent.
- TomTomgave asnorttuhahtiand signed the postcard.
- Matchsticks stirred, his snore becoming asuddenyhtäkkiseksisnorttuhahdukseksithat woke him up.
- Such detailed planning would have provokedsnortstuhahduksenof derisionpilkallisenfrom Sir KeithSir Keithin.
- NuttyNuttylet out a genuinesnorttuhahduksenof rageraivon, nudged Midnight with her heels and rode Antony into a large patch of thistles, towing the Badminton mare with her.
- Asnorttuhahdusfrom MallachyMallachyn: those lousy fucking Brits, it meant.
- AzmavethAzmavethuttered anexasperatedraivostuneensnorttuhahduksen.
- Mala'sMalanvigorouspontevasnorttuhahdusstirred up a few echoes, but no one looked around.
- For some time the only sound in the room was that ofherhänenchokingtukahtunutsobsnyyhkytyksensäand his comforting murmur as he continued to tenderly stroke her hair.
- SheHängave aslighthiemansobnyyhkyttias they came towards her, her eyes wide with fear.
- Deep rackingSyvät, raastavatsobsnyyhkytyksetthat shook her whole body.
- With astifledtukahtuneestisobnyyhkyttäenPerditaPerditastumbled upstairs, slamming the door so hard that every ornament in the house shook.
- Itwas aolisobnyyhkäysof reliefhelpottunut-- she knew she was finally safe; then the cries turned to ones of anguish.
- SobsNyyhkytyksiäfrom within the unlit bedroommakuuhuoneesta, josta valot oli sammutettu.
- There was an appalled silence in the room, broken by achokedtukahtunutsobnyyhkäysfrom GeorgGeorgin, who suddenly ran out of the door.
- The only sound in the houseis the occasional laston satunnainen, viimeinenconvulsive, kouristuksenomainensobnyyhkäysfrom the top of the stairsportaiden yläpäästä.
- Kirov spoke quietly, his voice choked byirregularepäsäännöllisetsobsnyyhkytykset.
- ``Melissa began but Eleanor paid no heed as wave after wave of pent-up fear poured out betweenherhänensobsnyyhkytystensä.
- AdryKuivasobnyyhkäysbroke from the man's lips before he brought himself back under control.
- With astartledhätääntyneestisquawkrääkäistena rookvarisflew from one tree to another where it perched complaining loudly.
- BellaBellagave asquawkrääkäisiand grinned.
- She it was who opened the door and Henry heard a high-pitched giggle followed by alengthypitkäsquawkulvahdusof pleasuremielihyvän.
- The manMiesgave alittlehiemansquawknapisiof indignationvihastuneena.
- In a single, swift movement he rose to his feet, andshehängave asquawkkiljahtiof outraged protestmielenosoituksellisestias he planted both hands about her waist, pulling her hard against his body.
- It was day three when I started to haemorrhage and Lee cried for the first time sincehishänenbrieflyhyestäsquawkkiljahduksestaanat the moment of birth.
- She'd been determined not to scream, but aloudäänekäs,parrot-likepapukaijamainensquawkrääkynäwas wrenched from her lips.
- Mister Tom had told him not to be afraid of the earth, but it was still wet from the previous night's rain and occasionallyhehäneltälet out an involuntarysquealkiljahduswhen his spade contacted a worm.
- HeHäneltägave alittlepienisquealkiljahdusand dropped his torch.
- LauraLauragave adelightedilahtuneensquealkiljahduksenand flew at her sister.
- The Corniche shot across two lanes of Sunset with asquealulvoenof tyresrenkaat.
- And fear induced by very high-pitched musical notes could simply be the natural panic reaction to what the cat hears assquealsparahduksenaof paintuskan.
- With asquealulvoenof delightilosta,KirstyKirstyrushed into her arms.
- The band invited the sexy beauty into their studio for the saucy romp -- and tapedherhänensquealskiljahduksensaof passionintohimoiseton the track.
- During the night I hear theharshkovaasquealulvontaaof a foxketun, a long way off, answered by a staccato bark from one of the dogs.
- Climbing up a steep bank or trying to extricate itself from a mud hole is likely to producesquealsitkuaof distresshätä-from the infantvauvanand the adults nearby will rush over to see what is wrong.
- All of a sudden,the child in the buggykantokopassa oleva lapsigave asquealkiljahtiof delightilosta.
- Next, the machinesquealulvontaof sirenssireenienon my tail.
- There was desperation and hate intheirheidänsquealshuudoissaan.
- Luke was beside her in response toherhänensmallpieneen,involuntarytahattomaansquealvikinäänsä.
- There was a bump and anawfulkamalasquealulvahdus-- I just knew I'd run over the dog.
- The lid closed with aheavyraskaastithumptömähtäenand Fenn stood, relieved that it was done.
- There was athumptömähdysas his shopping hit the floor.
- Thethumptömähdysof the ballpallonjerked the pram, which was standing on a slight slope.
- Thethumppamahdusof each explosionjokaisen räjähdyksen aiheuttamasounded like a door being slammed far beneath our feet.
- Thethumpmäjähdysof a fistnyrkinon his shoulderhänen olkapäähänsä.
- Thethumptömähdysof the wallseinänagainst his backhänen selkäänsä vasten.
- Somewhere, distantly, he could hear the rush of sea, and thesteadytasainenthumptöminäof the living earthelävän maan, a strange, regular drum beat, that seemed to expand to fill his mind.
- The distant gunfire was now interspersed by the faint sound of police whistles and theloudäänekkäänthumppaukkeenof thunderflashessalamoiden.
- The main enemy attack was still nothing but a sound of blended menace; a crashing noise in the rye, athumppärinäof drumsrumpujenand a deep-throated cheer.
- AmuffledVaimeathumptöminäfrom belowalapuolelta, somewhere at the foot of the stairs.
- All my men were dressed as doctors, -- with their white smocks, their dangling stethoscopes, their talk and their laughter and their cigarettes, waiting for the familiar volley of shouts andthumpstöminääfrom withinsisältä tulevaa.
- My musings were interrupted by thethunderhuminaanof hooveskavioidenand wild cries; the Hulton herd was approaching.
- Outside, thethunderukkonenrolledkumisimore loudlyäänekkäämmin, and a few drops of rain began to plop against the thatch above their heads.
- When it buzzed, the lightning flashed and thethunderukkonenpealedpaukkui.
- Father Peter'sIsä Peterinthunderpauhaussubsided and his heaving chest took a turn for the better.
- ThunderUkkonenboomedjylisiin the sky.
- ThunderUkkonencrashedpaukkui… and the sound of it seemed to fill the whispered voice with dread.
- There was a pleasant hum of talk and thetinklekilinäof spoonslusikoidenagainst cupskuupeja vasten, for a number of smartly-dressed ladies of various ages were sitting about the room chatting and drinking tea.
- At the sound of the clatter of wooden sticks and thesoftpehmeässätinklekilinässäof a bellkellon, Cranston hurriedly stepped back.
- Café clutter:tinklekilinäof glasslasin, ring of china, men's voices at dominoes and darts.
- The last thing Ardamal heard as he raced down the corridorwas theolitinklekilinäof metal parts hitting the floorlattiaan osuvien metalliosien.
- Afaintheikkotinklekilinäof metalMetallintold me that Shep was lurking there in his kennel and I slowed my steps; I wasn't going to be caught again.
- It was not a loud noise, just a muffled thud, followed by afaintheikkotinklekilinä.
- Butitsewas aolititterkikatustafar from being mirthless, kaikkea muuta kuin ilotonta.
- `Most people say `what happens when I'm hit ``, he said, then looked around to acknowledge thetitterskikatuksetof nervous laughterhermostuneet naurun-.
- Richard was so exhausted with cold and emotion that his laugh came out as afoolishtyperästititterkikattaen.
- Father Wilfred Knox,a nice fellowkiva kaveribut with ahorrible mirthlesskamala, ilotontitterhihitys.
- This brought atitterhihityksen, although notfrom the `chair ``, who had herself been educated by the successors of Miss Beale and Miss Busstuolista, josta hänen edeltäjänsä Miss Beale ja Miss Buss ovat häntä opettaneet.
- Betsy giggled herself hysterical atJimmyJimmyn's `tweetviserrykselletweet ``.
- TheyHejust gotweetpiipittäen, and fly around a lot.
- In silence, Buzz listened tothe nurse'shoitajannon-stopstarlingkottaraisen-twitterviserrystä.
- TheirHeidänwailsulvontansaand screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid.
- Suddenly the stillness was broken by adistressfultuskainenwailulinathat came from the other side of the square.
- Across the hall, someone opened the door to the nursery, and thethinohuenwailvalituksenof a babyvauvancut across her thinking, and she raised her head sharply, feeling a sudden surge of anxiety.
- Dane curled her long body into the remaining space and lay with her head resting on her front paws, oblivious tothe pups'pentujenwailsulinalleof hungernälkäiselle.
- Itwas almost aoli melkeinwailulinaaof anguishvihan.
- Below him he could hear the passingwailulinanof sirenssireenien, a familiar sound after dark had fallen over the city.
- Dauntless cried, which prompted anangryvihaiseenwailulvontaanfrom CleoCleon.
- The silence was eased by a longwailhuutofrom a ship's hooterlaivan sireeninfrom downstream.
- Then there is awailhuutofrom aheadedestä, a roar and a burst of light; the face is gone for ever.
- SheHängave apiteoussurkeastiwailulvahti.
- Itwas aolithinohut,,high-pitchedkorkeawailulvonta.
- From the bathroom door,TomTomlet out awailhuudon.
- LinaLinauttered afaintheikonwailhuudahduksen.
- SheHänturned over and gave aloudäänekkäästiwailulvoi.
- A whisper went among them, and when the name of the dead man became known, amoaningvalittavawailulinawent up, for Sam Gristy was greatly loved.
- A woman'sNaisenhystericalhysteerinenwailulinarose above the crackings of the whip.
- Yorick screamed again -- thehighkorkeawailulinalasted for several seconds before it ended with a sharp report.
- Then he, too, frowned and was beginning to say something when suddenly there was onesharpteräväwhimperulahdusand, although Sophie did her best, Sandy was dead in a few minutes.
- His hand brushed aside the long, thick hair, his lips beginning to move over her tender nape, andMaggieMaggiegave asmallpienenwhimperulvahduksenof desirehalun, melting against him.
- The room was suddenly silent, save for the tiny noises of gold and thewhimpersvalituksiaof the woundedloukkaantuneiden.
- With awhimperuikuttaenof disgust and confusionInhosta ja hämmennyksestä,shehänsank into her chair and stared absently at the mound of paperwork.
- His only sounds are occasional bass guffaws that rock the chair orwhimpersvalituksetof frustrationturhautuneetwhen he is uncomfortable or can not communicate.
- For a time the boy lay where he had fallen, then he rolled over on to his side, asmallpieniwhimperulvahdusof paintuskan, perhaps, or fear -- carrying to where the old Han crouched.
- Then the tense silence was broken by afrightenedpelästynytwhimperulvahdusfrom LouiseLouisen, held helpless as she was by the paralysing steel-fingered grip on her neck.
- Awhimperulinafrom the girlTytöndistracted them.
- A crossbow quarrel thunked into the banister rail above him, andhehängave awhimperulvahti.
- In the surprise-hushed room everyone could hearCarter'sCarterinwhimpersvalitukset.
- I could hearQuigleyQuigleyngive a sort oflowmatalanwhimperulahduksen, but otherwise he said nothing.
- As he entered her he heard her cry out, and the sound inflamed him further,herhänensoftpehmeätwhimpersvalituksensaslashing at the edges of his control.
- In contrast, the Cleanazoom Upright behaved capriciously in all the tests,itssenfeveredkuumeinenwhineulinaa symptom of impotence rather than strained efficiency.
- To continue with Gregory's example,his radiohänen radiostaanmight emit awhineujellusso high-pitched that it is undetectable to the human ear and can only be picked up by special test equipment, joka on niin korkea, ettei ihmiskorva sitä erota, vaan siihen tarvitaan erikoislaitteet.
- The scullion'sPesijänwhinesulvahduksetand yelps disappeared in a series of gruelly splashes which spurted from the top of the big tub.
- The hydraulicsHydrauliikkagave outtheir<empty>whineujellustaanas he joined other crew members staring down at the scene below and half a mile back.
- Theadenoidalhonottavawhinesuhinaof their accentsheidän murteensadulled her hearing, and the smoke of their cigarettes made her eyes smart.
- The crunch of the impact between the two wings smothered the crack andwhinesuhauksenof the bulletluodin, which drilled through the windscreen before his face.
- Then only the slapping of waves against the hull, the creak andwhinenarinaof timbers strainingpuiden kireä, the screech of gulls.
- The high-pitchedwhineulvontafrom his Williamshänen Williamsinsacomes from the engine, not the cockpit.
- This over-heated threat sounded ludicrous delivered inBloxham'sBloxhaminnasalnasaalillawhinenarinalla, but Dowd played the chastened functionary.
- And the sound ofthe sirens ``sireenienwhineulvonta?
- HeHängave asmallhiemanwhinekitisi.
- The tyres roar at high speed and afaintheikkotransmissionvaihteistonwhinekitinä-- common on four-wheel drive cars -- now joins the 911 cacophony.
- From behind her the baby's howl turned to ahigh-pitchedkorkeaksiwhineulvonnaksi,like Concorde warming upkuin Concordea olisi lämmitelty.
- Their growls change to apantinghuohottavaksiwhineulvonnaksi.
- I called him as usual, and he answered withhissenusualtavallisellawhinnyhirnahduksellabut made no effort to come to me as he normally did.
- The shape of a vardo loomed in the twilight and thewhinnyhirnahdusof a horsehevosencame from the trees.
- Mr CrumwallisHerra Crumwallislet out ahighkorkeanwhinnyhirnahduksen.
- From behind a hedge asuddenyhtäkkinenwhinnyhirnahdusmade Meredith jump.
- From the stalls nearby came applause andlowmatalaawhistlesvihellystäof appreciationkunnioittavaa.
- There was thewhistlevihellysof a bombpomminwhich got nearer and nearer.
- The patronIsäntälet out thelong slowpitkän, hitaanwhistlevihellyksenof a kettle coming to the boilkuin kiehumaisillaan oleva pannu.
- HeHäntouched nothing, just went down the passage and looked through the half-open door, gave awhistlevihellyksenof amazementhämmästyneenand came back down to use the bookseller's phone.
- There were gasps andwhistlesvihellyksiäat the magnitude of the figure, ja ne kuuluivat kovaa..
- Enrique sauntered over, hands in pockets, alowmatalawhistlevihellyson his lipshuulillaan.
- Thewhistlevihellyson the kettlePannunand the front door bell went off together.
- Itwas theJuuriwhistlevihellysfrom the gloom behind himhämärästä hänen takaansathat alerted Chant to the fact that his escape had not gone unnoticed.
- HeHängave alowmatalastiwhistlevihelsi.
- There was aquiethiljainenwhistlevihellys.
- There werepiercingläpitunkeviawhistlesvihellyksiä, then a thump as they opened the boot, where the money was packed in cardboard boxes wrapped in plastic rubbish bags.
- That jarring manifestation of furious technology seemed as remote and ridiculous as a dream, as silence settled down on Kielderhead andthe hawk'shaukanwhistlevihellyscame down from the moors.
- Even from across the pool we could hear theyammerhölinänof their animated conversationheidän vilkkaan keskustelunsa.
- With ashrillkimeinyelpälähdyksinshehännipped him in the hind leg and he shot away in alarm.
- He knelt beside her and tried to take her in his arms; with ananimaleläimellisestiyelpulvahtaenshehänpushed against the side of the musty barn, scrabbling to get away from him.
- TheconcertedYhteinenyelphuutoof paintuskanas the pack fought to escape the furious cloud echoed among the trees.
- RoseRosegave ayelphuusiof rageraivosta, her arm shot out and Evelyn gave an involuntary cry as the stone caught her on the left shoulder.
- Ayelphuutoof shockjärkytyksen aiheuttamaescaped her as the door opened forcefully beneath her second assault to reveal a figure straight out of a Viking saga.
- Thenhehänstiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection, gave asmallpienenyelphuudonof terrorkauhun-and dashed into the gloom.
- She could hear Denys being polite, asharpterävänyelphuudonfrom TaraTaran, Denys giving orders to have her shut away, men's voices, then the sound of a tonga driving off.
- HeHänlet out ayelpulvahduksen.
- Far-carrying voice a loud, clear, vibrant, fluty string of double notes; also a single repeatedmusicalmusiikillinenyelpulvahdus.
- Grainne fell back as the creature lunged, and there was a furiousyelpulvahdusfollowed by a long-drawn-out howl as the iron chains held and jerked the creature back.
- From the street, theyodellauluof a sulphur blendersekoittimencould be heard, extolling the virtues of his ointments.
- Suddenly through the howling gale he heard ayodeljodlaustafrom belowalapuoleltaan.
- The squealingbecame slightly louder, and clearer -- thevoimistui ja kirkastui hiemanyowlshuudotof an animal in paineläimen tuskan-.
- GrinGrinstood at the top of the stairway and let outa piteoussurkeanyowlulvonnan.
- JourgensenJourgensenin'svocaläänenyowlulvontasounds like somebody picking their arse with a broken bottle neck.