`The car was coming past me when
, ``he continued.
During the Gulf war
Persianlahden sodan aikana ,
summittaisesti hundreds of missiles
satoja ohjuksia .
With the Triplane boring in from behind
a long burst
pitkän sarjan at the dead centre of the bag
säkin kuolleeseen pisteeseen , and saw the fabric split and flare.
They have not said
they believe actually
the single fatal bullet
yhden kuolettavan laukauksen at Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrand (33), of Adendorf, Germany
kohti Uwe-Wilhelm Rakebrandia (33), joka oli kotoisin Saksan Adendorfista .
ought to have waited
one really effective salvo
yhden todella tehokkaan yhteislaukauksen at close range
lähietäisyydeltä .
The unprecedented closure, following a day of violence on Wednesday between students throwing stones and
riot police
mellakkapoliisin tear-gas grenades
kyynelkaasupatruunoita , drew expressions of shock from church officials and union leaders.
grenades and depth charges
kranaatteja ja syvyyspommeja at a suspected foreign submarine near Oxelösund off the southern coast
kohti epäiltyä vieraan vallan sukellusvenettä Oxelösundissa lähellä etelärannikkoa .
“ Fortunately,
no shots
yhtään laukausta ei and no-one was hurt, ” a bank spokesman said.
The North Korean vessel stopped after
the warning shots
varoituslaukausten in the Red Sea near Yemen
Punaisella merellä lähellä Jemeniä , but nothing intended for Iraq was found.
, cracking the front window.
The fatal shot
kuolettavan laukauksen by a French lieutenant
Ranskalainen luutnantti .
Fresh unrest erupted in the Gaza Strip after troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian boy on March 27, and
later that day
myöhemmin samana päivänä at an Israeli military vehicle
kohti Israelin sotilasajoneuvoa near Hebron
lähellä Hebronia .
into a crowd of 2,000-3,000 unarmed civilians
2 000-3 000 aseistamattoman siviilin joukkoon as they marched to a local barracks to protest against the illegal detention of a neighbour, acts of intimidation, and the abuse of Army authority
heidän marssiessaan kohti paikallisia parakkeja protestina naapurin laittomista pidätyksistä, uhkailusta ja armeijan väärinkäytöksistä .
on a crowd of 4,000 demonstrators who were marching from the suburb of Kirtipur to the city centre
4 000 mielenosoittajan joukkoa, joka marssi Kirtipurin lähiöstä kohti kaupungin keskustaa , killing at least five.
Once you have worked out how many hits your first shot has caused
may, if you wish,
voit halutessasi a second shot
toisen laukauksen at the same target
samaan kohteeseen , then a third, and so on.
Private Roger Morrison's body was washed up on a Morroccan beach 10 days ago after
his speedboat
hänen pikavenettään on
by local police
paikallinen poliisi .
If your second shot hits
again, and so on, up to a maximum of six shots.
Earlier Clegg denied that
a bullet recovered from Miss Reilly's body
luodin, joka löytyi neiti Reillyn ruumiista .
LOYALIST terrorists
Lojalistiterroristit at the top security Crumlin Road jail in Belfast
kohti huipputurvallisesta Crumlin Roadin vankilaa Belfastissa .
The rich began to build along the sides of Windermere, and fitted out boats with cannon;
in order to `enjoy the echoes ``
"äänestä nauttimisen" vuoksi .
Later, the hero's temper flared up, and
after the messenger
viestintuojan perään , which killed the poor man from afar.
a couple of rounds
muutaman laukauksen to clear his guns
tyhjentääkseen aseensa .
Swearing vengeance on the villagers, he called them together to discover
the fatal arrow
kuolettavan nuolen .
some 80 rounds
noin 80 laukausta from his legally owned 7.62 mm SKS Chinese semi-automatic rifle
laillisella 7,62 mm:n kiinalaisella SKS-puoliautomaattikiväärillään ,
shot himself dead.
through the window of one house
erään talon ikkunan läpi and set light to another in an attempt to silence them.
The Operations Officer has briefed us on
from one of the Turkish observation towers
eräästä turkkilaisten vartiotorneista .
A mobile coastguard and the Cullercoats inshore lifeboat were called out but it was found
before youths were seen fleeing
ennen kuin nuorten nähtiin pakenevan .
was shot in the knee by the Secret Service after allegedly
outside the White House
Valkoisen talon ulkopuolella , used crutches to walk into the court.
Later this year
Myöhemmin tänä vuonna ,
the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite
Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer -satelliitin , and Welsh believes that many stars in the tunnel will be detected.
On the 27th August, 1989,
Elokuun 27. päivänä vuonna 1989 British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB)
British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) their satellite
satelliittinsa from Cape Canaveral
Cape Canaveralista to join the Astra Satellite some 23,000 miles out in space
Astra-satelliittiin yhdistämistä varten noin 23 000 mailia ulkoavaruuteen .
Two new satellites
Kaksi uutta satelliittia , and plans are now firm for the rest of the decade and into the early 1990s.
What he didn't know was that
the secret military satellite
salainen sotilassatelliitti launched
, joka laukaistiin on the Columbia space shuttle
Columbia-avaruusalukselta in the summer of 1989
kesällä 1989 also had the capability of following the Citation.
new satellite
uusi satelliitti is expected to provide additional information on the country's natural resources.
The shot we require is of
an American Trident missile
amerikkalaisen Trident-ohjuksen from a submarine
sukellusveneestä and eventually going out of control.
Her individualist skipper -- Sub-Lieutenant R.C.M.V. Wynn RNVR -- had devised
an engineless torpedo with 2,200 lb (over 450 kg) of explosive
moottorittoman torpedon, jossa oli 2 200 paunaa (yli 450 kg) räjähdysainetta at close range
lähietäisyydeltä .
also retaliated by
Scud missiles
Scud-ohjuksia against Saudi Arabia and Israel
Saudi-Arabiaa ja Israelia vastaan suunnattuja .
were used to great affect by the Allies during the gulf war.
Iraq said yesterday
a 48-tonne three-stage rocket
48 tonnin kolmivaiheraketin and announced the local manufacture of new long-range missiles.
would be able
at a considerable distance from well-defended targets
pitkänkin matkan päästä hyvin puolustetuista kohteista .
towards America's nuclear submarine and bomber aircraft bases
Amerikan ydinsukellusvene- ja pommikonetukikohtaan .
MOSCOW (AP) --- Russian air defense forces on Wednesday shot down
they said
from Northern Europe
Pohjois-Euroopasta , the Interfax news agency reported.
The missile, a longer-range version of the short-range Prithva missile,
Ohjus, joka oli pidemmän kantaman versio lyhyen kantaman Prithva-ohjuksesta, at a testing site in eastern Orissa state
testiasemalta itäisen Orissan alueelta , United News of India reported.
U.N. officials said Travnik was hit by
a cluster bomb
rypälepommi launched
, joka oli laukaistu from a rocket-launcher, which U.N. military spokesman Lt. Col Chris Vernon called a ``very lethal weapon
raketinheittimellä ja jota YK:n sotilasasiamies ltn. Col Chris Vernon kutsui "erittäin tappavaksi aseeksi .
The ``missile turned out to be
a NASA-funded rocket
NASA:n rahoittama raketti launched
, joka oli laukaistu to study the Northern Lights
tutkimaan revontulia .
In January, Russia's military mistook
a harmless weather rocket
harmitonta säärakettia launched
, joka oli laukaistu from Andoya, an arctic island off north Norway
Pohjois-Norjan yläpuolella olevalta arktiselta Andoyan saarelta , for a hostile military missile.
Quoting a high-ranking defense official, the daily Yedioth Ahronoth said that Syria, Iran, Libya and other unnamed Arab countries had
long- and mid-range missiles
pitkän ja keskimatkan kantaman ohjukset ready
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ---
pounded the Afghan capital early Thursday and opposition gunmen battled government troops on the perimeter of the beleaguered city.
``We have experienced the terrorism of
, jotka on räjäytetty without remorse
ilman sääliä , Peres said.
Gasoline bombs
Bensiini-pommit at adjacent buildings
kohti viereisiä rakennuksia , while bricks were hurled into police cars, he said.