- More important,the rangealuealmost exactlylähes tarkastibisectsjakaa kahtiathe Atlantic OceanAtlantin valtamerenfrom north to southpohjoisesta eteläänfollowing closely the profile of the African and South American coasts, so it's always called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- The bare roadPaljas tiebisectedjakoi kahtiaitsenlike a partingjakauksen lailla.
- You can also imaginea horizontal linehorisontaalisen viivanbisecting, joka jakaa kahtiathe designrakenteen, so that in effect the picture can be divided into four quarters, all exactly the same.
- The tracks it left behind itSen taakseen jättämät jäljetbisectedjakoivat kahtiaa faded trail of bootprintssaappaiden muodostaman haalenneen polun.
- The courseReittiisonbisectedjaettu kahtiaby the border between England and WalesEnglannin ja Walesin välisellä rajallaand though, technically, Woosnam was born in Shropshire, he is a Welshman down to the tips of the spikes on his golf shoes.
- Steel arms, called tendons,Teräsvarret eli jänteethorizontallyvaakatasossabisectjakavat kahtiaa building's corerakennuksen ytimen, stretching like ribs between beams in the walls.
- When the River Erne reaches Fermanagh, it broadens out into immenseLough Erne, a fragmented inland sea of a thousand islands thatLough Erne -järveen, joka on fragmentoitunut sisämaajärvi tuhansine saarineen, jokabisectsjakaa kahtiathe whole countykoko maanand reaches clear to Cavan in the south.
- Blancmange, asthe wordsanabisectedkahtia jaettunawill show, is French for white food.
- There are frequent occasions in a drama session whenchildrenlapsetareondividedjaettuinto groupsryhmiinand asked to work on a task.
- Pancreatic and venom PLA2sPankreaattiset ja venom-PLA2thave beenondividedjaettuinto two groupskahteen ryhmäänon the basis of the amino acid sequences of the enzyme proteinsentsyymiproteiinien aminohapposekvenssin perusteella.
- The initial reports claimed that local fisherman had killed the dolphins in order to protect their fishing grounds and fordolphin meatdelfiinin lihaa,whichjokawas<empty>dividedjaettiinupamongst Fukue islandersFukuen saaren asukkaiden keskenin the East China Sea off NagasakiItä-Kiinan merellä Nagasakin edustalla.
- IMinähaveolendividedjakanutthesenämäupinto two groupskahteen ryhmään-- for younger and older children.
- `WeMecanvoimmedividejakaathe chorestehtävätbetween uskeskenämme, ``said Dr Maingay with enthusiasm.
- DivideJaathe mixtureseosbetween the tinspurkkeihinand bake in a preheated oven at 350F/175C/gas 4 for 20-25 minutes.
- A man asks Jesus to tellhis brotherveljelleento<empty>dividejakaathe property, että omaisuus pitääbetween themheidän kesken.
- The agreement provided fora pool of $1,300 million1 300 miljoonan dollarin summanto be<empty>dividedjaettavaksibetween Drexel's numerous creditorsDrexelin lukuisten velkojien kesken.
- `Thus the groups counteredthe social alienation thatsosiaalista vieraantumista, jokaoftendividesjakaacancer patientssyöpäpotilaatfrom their well-meaning but anxious family and friendsheidän hyvää tarkoittavista mutta innokkaista perheistään ja ystävistään, ``they write.
- Memories obviously lingered of the War Communism strategy of tryingto<empty>dividejakaaricherrikkaammatfrom poorer peasantsköyhemmistä maalaisista.
- The constant upheaval of her lifeJatkuvat mullistukset hänen elämässäänhadolivatpartederottaneetherhänetfrom any close friendsläheisistä ystävistäand her own quiet, withdrawn manner kept most people at arm's length.
- Delicately and discreetlyhienovaraisesti ja huomaamattomastisheHänpartederottelifleshlihatfrom boneluista.
- Ashley was glaring at me over the candle flame the way a hawk must glare at a field mouse the instant beforeitsepartsnappaamousehiirenfrom fieldpelloltaforever.
- Parterilleenyour handsLaita kädet, bring the arms out to your sides, and lower.
- Yet, as Choate's account also shows,even wise men and their moneyjopa viisaat miehet ja heidän rahansacanvoieasilyhelpostibe<empty>partederottaa toisistaanby sharp consultants, who can pass through the green baize door knowing that their clients can not peep through the keyholeterävien konsulttien avulla, sillä he pääsevät vihreiden boijikankaisten ovien läpi, joiden avaimenreiästä heidän asiakkaansa eivät pääse kurkistelemaan.
- SheHänhad refusedto be<empty>partederoamastafrom itsiitä, and leniency had been shown during her first few days in new surroundings.
- SheHänpartedavasiher lipshuulensato tell him about Dana, then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room.
- WeMeshall heretässäpartitionjaammeitseninto four square submatrices, each of order 2neljään neliöalimatriisiin, joista jokaisen luokka on 2.
- A Muslim officer who recently quit the Yugoslav army claimed yesterday it had massively armed Serbian militiamen in Bosnia and co-ordinated plansto<empty>partitionjakaathe republictasavaltaalong ethnic linesetnisten rajojen mukaan.
- Serb and Croat leaders of Bosnia-Hercegovina's ethnic communities met in Graz (Austria) on May 6 to discusspartitioningjakamisestaBosnia-HercegovinaBosnia-Hertsegovinanbetween Croatia and SerbiaKroatian ja Serbian kesken.
- The accord was the third EC attempt to end fighting between those loyal to Bosnia andSerbian-led forcesserbijohtoiset joukottryingto<empty>partitionjakaathe recently independent republicjuuri itsenäistyneen tasavallan.
- “ Although Lebanon and Syria are two countries they are one people ofthe nationkansasta…whichjonkawas<empty>partitionedjakoiby colonialismkolonialismi. ”
- The dictionarySanakirjawasolipartitionedjaoteltuby word lengthsanojen pituuden mukaan.
- European interference in the Levant had been evident since the 1840s when representatives of the European powers proposed to the Turks thatLebanonLibanonshould beolisi pitänytpartitionedjakaabetween Christians and Druzekristittyjen ja druusien kesken.
- Under the Government of Ireland Act of December 1921,IrelandIrlantiwas<empty>partitionedjaettiin.
- Ifthe explained varianceesitetty vaihteluis<empty>partitionedjaetaaninto greenhouse and solar componentsviherhuone- ja aurinkovoimakomponentteihin, greenhouse forcing has the strongest influence in all cases although the solar contribution is not negligible (Table 1).
- These sub-structures give efficient and fast information recall bypartitioningjaottelemallathe data basetietokannaninto a defined structuremääriteltyyn rakenteeseen.
- Their aim wasto<empty>partitionjakaathe set of pictureskuvajoukkoby the shapes of the engines and wagonskoneiden ja vaunujen muodon mukaan.
- It has a modest kitchen in the back, anda sitting-roomolohuonepartitioned, joka on jaettuon either sideby wood-panelled doorspuupaneloiduin ovin, frosted windows at the top of each.
- One corner of this shopYksi nurkkaus tästä myymälästäisonpartitionederotettuoff for brake work, brake testing, metalling of axle-box and other bearings and for dealing with passenger communication apparatus, etc.
- You<empty>couldvoidaanpartitionerottaaoffpart of the tankOsa säiliöstäfor the other fish but this would detract from the overall appearance and may not necessarily work.
- The white foreignersValkoiset muukalaisetmay haveovat voineetpartitionedjakaaand ruledtheir landheidän maataanfor seventy years, but that didn't make him and his countrymen ``yellows, ``Annamites or ``Annamese.
- TissuesKudoksetwere<empty>sectionedleikattiin osiinat a thickness of 4 µm.
- Each biopsyspecimennäytewas<empty>sectionedleikattiininto four piecesneljään osaanand immediately frozen in a drop of methylbutane in liquid nitrogen and kept at -80°C for subsequent studies.
- A symbiotically mute pairYhtä lailla puhumaton parithensectionedleikkasieach of theseniistä jokaiseninto eight translucent oblongskahdeksaan läpikuultavaan, pitkulaiseen osaan, flouring them and stacking them delicately to sell on to the baklava and bougatsa makers round the corner.
- (b) Describe the likely ways in which:(i) a manufacturer of diesel engines and (ii) a manufacturer of breakfast cereals(i) dieselmoottoreiden valmistaja ja (ii) aamiaismurojen valmistajamightvoisivatsegmentsegmentoidatheir marketsmarkkinansa.
- The input stringsSyötemerkkijonotwere<empty>segmentedsegmentoitiinin the following way.
- For example,the same messagesama viestimay besaatetaansegmentedsegmentoidadifferentlyeri tavoinin response to different questions:
- Neighbourhoods of terraced streets, shops, and warehousesNaapurusto kivettyine katuineen, kauppoineen ja varastoineenwere<empty>segmentedsegmentoitiininto one-hour slotsyhden tunnin jaksoiksi.
- * Consumption Rate --consumerskuluttajatmay bevoidaansegmentedjaotellaon the basis of the volume and frequency of purchaseostovolyymin ja -taajuuden perusteella.
- Consumer marketsKuluttajamarkkinatare usuallyon yleensäsegmentedsegmentoituon the basis of geography, demography and buyer-behaviourmaantieteellisten seikkojen, väestötietojen ja ostokäyttäytymisen perusteella.
- One early study of connected handwriting (Mermelstein and Eden, 1964)Eräs käsialaan liittyvä tutkimus (Mermelstein ja Eden, 1964)segmentedsegmentoithe input scriptkirjoitetun tekstininto upstrokes and downstrokesnousuihin ja laskuihinby segmenting at points of minimum velocityerottelemalla minimivelositeettipisteet.
- Tryingto<empty>segmentsegmentoidathe speech signalpuhesignaalitinto phonemesfoneemeihinis in fact likely to be a very errorful process for the following reasons.
- The big six record companiesKuusi suurta levy-yhtiötäare multinational, and thuscanvoivatsegmentsegmentoidathe world marketmaailmanmarkkinatinto national oneskansallisiin.
- Taking usage rate as a variable essentially meanssegmentingsegmentoimistaon the basis of volume purchasedostovolyymin perusteella.
- Clearly, further comparisons were needed withsamplesnäytteistä,segmentedjotka segmentoitiinby country and company-typemaakohtaisesti ja yritystyypin mukaan.
- Not onlyisovatthe external labour marketulkoiset työmarkkinatsegmentedsegmentoituneetby sexsukupuolen mukaan, but the skills remain marketable in spite of a recession that has reduced local opportunities for the semi-skilled.
- The coelenterate communicative process is well known bythe large marine invertebrate importers and dealers whosuuret, selkärangattomien merenelävien maahantuojat ja jälleenmyyjät, jotkausuallysegregateerottelevatcoelenteratesonteloeläimetby specieslajin mukaandevoting a tank to a single species where they will be happy placed close together.
- However,segregatingerottaminenincometulojenfrom capitalpääomastais not only concerned with producing an income figure which might be used as a measure of performance.
- KossoffKossoffprefersto<empty>segregateerotteleehis drawingspiirustuksensafrom his paintingsmaalauksistaanin his exhibitions.
- Governments and local authorities must helphouseholders and industrykotitalouksia ja teollisuuttato<empty>segregatelajittelemaantheir wastejätteensäaccording to the composition of the materialsmateriaalien maatumisen perusteella.
- Furthermore,most schoolsuseimmat koulutareonsegregatedjaettuby sexsukupuolen mukaan, and the building of boys' schools has historically taken precedence over building girls' schools.
- For the second and fifth of these situations,the subjectskohteetwere<empty>segregatedjaettiinby gendersukupuolen mukaan,the male group being left with a male fieldworker, and the female with a female fieldworkermiesten ryhmä vasemmalle miespuolisten peltotyöntekijöiden kanssa ja naiset naispuolisten peltotyöntekijöiden kanssa.
- Theyheidättoowere<empty>segregatedjaettiininto wagons for families and those for single menperhevankkureihin ja yksinäisille miehille tarkoitettuihin vaunuihin.
- Thus, pressure is increasing to identify sources and modes of transmission, andto<empty>segregateerottamaancolonisedsisällä olevatfrom non-colonised patientspotilaat avohoitopotilaista.
- IndividualsYksilöitäshould be restricted andsegregatederistettäväfrom the general communityyhteisöstäas little as possible.
- By necessity and by choice the Jews were a race apart,the only groupainoa ryhmäentirely, joka oli kokonaansegregatederistettyfrom the rest of the communitymuusta yhteisöstä.
- They might still, for their own sakes, be taught ingroupsryhmissäsegregated, jotka on jaettuaccording to abilitykykyjen mukaan, and that did not matter.
- Its energy fieldsSen energiakentätseparateerottavatmeminutfrom PoolPoolistaas soon as I enter itheti, kun astun sisään.
- When listening to Ghorbanifar, as a CIA man reported in December 1985, it was `extremely difficultto<empty>separateerottaathe goodhyväfrom the bad informationtieto huonosta.
- Some conclusions are apparent, however, that help to show why buy-outs take place andwhatkuinkaseparateserotellaanthe wheatjyvätfrom the chaffakanoista:
- WhoKukawould<empty>separateerottelisithe cleanpuhtaatfrom the uncleanlikaisista?
- SeparateJaathe garlicvalkosipuliinto cloveskynsiinbut leave each intact and unpeeled.
- If you use continuous stationery, please remove sprocket margins andseparateerottelethe sheetsarkitclearlyselvästiinto individual documents for each employeeyksittäisiksi asiakirjoiksi kullekin työntekijälle.
- Of ifyousinäwantto<empty>separateerotellathe picturekuvaninto twokahteen osaan, you could draw a picture representing the land in the south and the land in the north.
- Over hundreds of millions of years, as species evolved, they developedbetter designed hearts with extra chambers whichparemmin suunniteltuja sydämiä lisäkammioilla, jotkasucceeded inseparatingerottelemaanblood-borne oxygen on its way to the muscles or fins, and back againveren hapen sen matkalla lihaksiin ja eviin ja takaisin.
- If there are several lectures or seminars that day, carry the appropriate note sheets for each course,separatingerottelemaanthe different noteseri muistiinpanotwith the card dividersvälilehdin.
- To test the boy's power of observation and memory, two or three herds from different homesteads are mixed, andthe boypoikaais askedto<empty>separateerottelemaanthemneby picking out all that belong to his herdpoimimalla kaikki omaan karjaansa kuuluvat.
- HarrisHarrisstruggledto<empty>separateerottelussathe wordssanojen, but all he could hear was Piper's anguished keening.
- Mix all the ingredients together andseparateerotteleinto 8 balls8 palloksi.
- The pre- and postsynaptic membranesPre- ja postsynapsiset kalvotcan bevoidaanseparatederottaaout<empty>from IMHVIMHV:staand studied in isolation by centrifugation, rather like the method I described in Chapter 3.
- Charman feltitneshould bepitäisisplitjakaafour waysneljään osaanbetween each band memberjokaisen bändin jäsenen kanssa, but Gedge thought he should have most of it because he had actually written the songs.
- HeHänis<empty>splittingjakaahis huge donationvaltavan lahjoituksensabetween four charities, including UK-based Oxfam and the United Nations High Commission for Refugeesneljän hyväntekeväisyyskohteen välillä, mukaan lukien Isossa-Britanniassa sijaitseva Oxfam ja YK:n pakolaiskomitea.
- Behind themthe windtuulisplitirrottia boughoksanfrom a treepuustawith a sharp crack.
- It was only three years ago thatwemesplitirrotimmeour businessliiketoimintammefrom HealthcareHealthcare-yksiköstäand we really are a stand-alone Division now, particularly with the advent of M.S.I.L. [Medical Services Incineration Limited].
- SplitJaathe cakekakkuin halfkahtiahorizontallyvaakasuoraanand sandwich together again with some of the buttercream.
- Sotheyhedecidedto<empty>splitjakaathe housetalonin twokahteen osaan.
- Men fighting in the field depended on the votes ofmenmiehiltäsplitting, jotka halkovatstrawshiuksiain Washington.
- This is then usedto<empty>splithajottamaanwatervesiinto hydrogen and oxygenvetyyn ja happeen, creating a fuel which is portable, cheap and very clean.
- HarveyHarveysplitjakoithe wordssanatinto syllablestavuihinand made each syllable a step in his dance, then he changed the accents round and danced the same remark again.
- And so comes the baleful conclusion: that Vietnam,a war thatsota, jokasplitjakoiAmericaAmerikanaparterilleenon class linesluokkarajojen mukaan, continues to be a national sore, causing a steady throb of pain.
- The cut of the assassin's swordSalamurhaajan miekan leikkaaminenhadolisplithalkaissutitsenfrom below the shoulder to the hemolkapään alta helmaan asti.
- The whole place is a shambles of falling rock, soft shaly rock, slaty rock;everythingkaikkihas beenonsplitjakautunutaparterilleenby erosioneroosion voimasta.
- Not quickly enough, however, and once againthe nightyöwas<empty>splitkatkesiby flame and thundersalamoihin ja ukkoseenas fire-sticks had roared terrifyingly close to them.
- A detachment representsa body of troops thatosaa joukkueesta, jokahas beenonspliterotettuofffrom the rest of their regimentmuusta rykmentistäand armed as small, independent units whose role is to operate within sight of their regiment.
- The old Soviet armed forcesVanhat neuvostojoukotshould bepitäisisplitjakaaupbetween the new statesuusien valtioiden kesken, not consolidated under the flag of St Andrew.
- In Russiathe childrenlapsetwill be<empty>spliterotetaanup and sent to different orphanges.
- Ifyou<empty>splitjaetaanthe firmyritysup you will have a lot of small firms each producing at higher average cost, a waste of society's resources.
- Later that centurythe Empirevaltakuntawas finallylopullisestisplitjaettiinupinto an eastern and a western partitä- ja länsiosiin.