Twelve years later
Kaksitoista vuotta myöhemmin ,
the supreme court
korkein oikeus that anyone who had been hypnotised could not testify in court
, jonka mukaan kukaan, joka oli hypnotisoitu, ei voinut todistaa oikeudessa .
A LOW-FLYING seagull was partly responsible for the death of a jockey and his horse
Matalalla lentävä lokki oli osittain vastuussa jockeyn ja hänen hevosensa kuolemasta ,
an Australian coroner's court
australialainen tuomioistuin .
a select committee
valittu komitea that broadcasts are not privileged
, että lähetykset eivät saa etuoikeuksia .
This appeal raises
a point of law that
laista, josta in this court
tämä tuomioistuin .
In a separate case
Erillisessä oikeusjutussa last Friday
viime perjantaina ,
Mr Justice Popplewell
Justice Popplewell in the High Court
Korkeimmalle oikeudelle that the courts were not an appropriate place to decide a child's educational needs
, että oikeuden istunto ei ollut oikea paikka päättää lapsen koulutustarpeista .
Now, however, the Coal Board took the view that as
the Secretary of State
ulkoministeri on the consent to demolish following the inquiry
suostumuksestaan purkamiseen kyselyn jälkeen , they were not obliged to honour their undertaking.
Hopes of golf making an Olympic comeback in 1992 failed yesterday when
against its inclusion as an exhibition sport in Barcelona
olla ottamatta sitä näytelajiksi Barceloonaan .
The District judge for Guam
Guamin alueen tuomari on March 26
26. maaliskuuta that the law was ``obviously unconstitutional
, että laki oli "ilmeisesti perustuslain vastainen" and suspended its enforcement pending a full hearing on its constitutionality.
The Habsburgs were the traditional enemy and
`unredeemed ``Italians
"lunastamattomia" italialaisia .
In the High Court
Korkeimman oikeuden Judge John Prosser
tuomari John Prosser that Repetitive Strain Injury is is a ``meaningless term, and has ``no place in the medical books.
, että toistuva rasitusvamma on "merkityksetön", eikä sillä ole "sijaa lääketieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa".
THE Government's coalfield massacre plan was in total disarray yesterday after
the High Court
Korkein oikeus it was illegal
sen olevan laitonta .
Serbia tried to stop the Slovene referendum by asking
the federal constitutional court in Belgrade
Belgradin valtiollista perustuslakituomioistuinta it illegal
sen laittomaksi .
It was not clear how this infringement is supposed to have taken place since
the constitutional court
perustuslakituomioistuin (as it should).
But the proposed new right of way descended a fairly steep slope by means of steps and
it virtually unusable by people with prams
sen käytännössä käyttökelvottomaksi vaunuja käyttäville .
TRANSACTIONS on the money market worth £6bn undertaken by Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Hammersmithin ja Fulhamin kaupunginvaltuuston 6 miljardin punnan rahansiirtoja may have to be honoured, even if
, it was suggested in the High Court yesterday.
Florida's Supreme Court
Floridan Korkein oikeus the men had no right to privacy
, ettei miehillä ollut oikeutta yksityisyyteen because they willingly took part in criminal activities
, koska he olivat halukkaasti mukana rikollisessa toiminnassa .
The testimony of Pedro Castro Tojín
Pedro Castro Tojínin todistusta to be inadmissible evidence
ottaa huomioon because of his relationship with the victim
, koska hänen suhteensa uhriin esti sen .