- -- Carnivorous animals -- which readily transmitted infection in a warm climate wherefleshlihadecayedpilaantuirapidlynopeasti.
- His face was white, his skin scrofulous,his teethhänen hampaansadecayingmätänemässä.
- Typically,the front top six teethkuusi ylimmäistä etuhammastawillovatdecayreikiintyneetbecause of the way the child has sucked on its bottlejohtuen lapsen tavasta imeä pulloa.
- It looks likea sagging, browny-grey jelly thatsakealta, ruskean-harmaalta hyytelöltä, jokafairly rapidlymelko nopeastidecaysmuuttuuinto an unpleasant mushepämiellyttäväksi mössöksi.
- From the script it tells you that after this nuclear warthe creaturesolentojenare supposedto haveolevandecayedmuuttuneeninto these horrible shapes, almost armless and legless, dependent on machines to give them any mobilitynäiksi kamalan muotoisiksi, lähes kädettömiksi ja jalattomiksi ja liikkumisessaan koneista riippuvaisiksi.
- The roots grow huge, sculptural wings to buttress the tree and the climber wraps itself aroundthe lapunalapuna-puun,whichjokaslowlyhitaastidecayspilaantuuinside itsen sisällä.
- Litaw fetchedhis father's corpsehänen isänsä ruumiin,whichjokawas still rolled up in its burial mat and starting todecaymädäntyä.
- Did<empty>the druglääkedecomposeHajosikoor spread through the body or accumulated in certain organs?
- By the time the latrine needs emptying again, in about 15 yearsSiihen mennessä, kun käymälä on taas tyhjennettävä eli noin 15 vuoden kuluttua,the sludgelietewill haveondecomposedkompostoitunutand can be dug out and spread on neighbouring farms.
- There should be no necessity to remove the straw, asitsenshouldpitäisigraduallyvähitellendecomposehajotaover the summerkesän aikana.
- Avoid very sweaty armpits becausesweathikiquicklynopeastidecomposeshajoaain areas where air does not circulate freelyalueilla, joissa ilma ei pääse kiertämään vapaasti.
- SaltSuoladoes not break down ordecomposehajoain the pondlammessa-- it is diluted by partial water changes.
- Before he could get to the specimenEnnen kuin hän pääsi näytteeseen asti,its entrailssen sisälmyksethadolivatdecomposedhajonneetso badly that they had to be thrown awayniin pahasti, että ne oli pakko heittää pois, so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw.
- Some minerals seem to survive more or less unaltered even after being subject to prolonged weathering, whereasotherstoisetdecomposehajoavatvery rapidlyerittäin nopeasti.
- ManyMonethad beenolivatdecomposingmädäntyneetfor several weeksuseiden viikkojen ajan.
- ItSefesteredmätänihere under his nosetäällä hänen nenänsä edessä.
- That thornTuo orapihlajahad beentheresiellä,festeringlahoamassa,for monthskuukausia.
- AllKaikkihad beenolivatfesteringlahonneetfor many yearsvuosien ajan.
- In this case, though,hostilityvihamielisyyshadolifesteredhiipunut.
- Three days later, in the clear water, we could still seeall of itsen kaiken,festeringlahoamassaslowlyhitaasti.
- I couldn't permitsomeone of your abilitiessinun kyvyilläsi varustetun ihmisento<empty>moulderhapantuaawayin a backwaterjumalan selän takana.
- The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled; soon all that would be left wasan out-of-order passport-photo-boothepäkunnossa oleva passikuvakoppi,mouldering, joka rappeutuion an empty station platformtyhjällä asemalaiturilla.
- TheyNemoulderedrappeutuivatoutside the casatalon ulkopuolella, a-thirst for the gasoline which no longer arrived in Chiguana.
- “ They're far too precious to our heritage for us to allowthemniidento simplyyksinkertaisestimoulderrappeutuaaway …
- Athelstan had returned buthis brother's bodyhänen veljensä ruumisstill laymoulderingmaatumassain some forgotten field in Francejollain unohdetulla pellolla Ranskassa.
- WE have just considered the problem of who is to bear the loss whengoodstavaratperishmenevät pilalle.
- If this were to be the position whengoodstavaratperishmenevät pilalleafter the risk has passed to the buyer, kun riski on siirtynyt ostajalle, it would be a contradiction in terms.
- Even where fragments of sculpture remain in placeVaikka veistoksen osat ovat pysyneet paikoillaan,the gay paintharmaa maalihasonperishedmennyt pilalle,except for traces in cranniespaitsi koloista; and the sculptures of Iktinos' temples, both at Athens and Bassai, are in London.
- Lifeless, decrepit, falling alert,putrefyingmädäntyvä.
- Two days dead,the bodyruumiswas beginningto<empty>putrefymädäntyäand the stench made both Benjamin and myself gag.
- CarcassesRuhotare left torotmätänemään, while deer wounded by poor marksmen suffer lingering deaths.
- Punctured skins and broken stems might admit spores and causethe fruit or vegetablehedelmien tai vihannestentorotmätänemisen, often spreading to adjacent specimens.
- DID the cotton wool on my apple tree twigs causethe fruithedelmänto<empty>rotmätänemisen?
- But many fear thatthe fruithedelmätwill be left torotmätänemäänon the treespuihinbecause of cheap imported plums undercutting the market.
- Later she would imagine she could smellthe autumn leavessyksyn lehtienrottingmaatuvanon the roadtiellä.
- UnderfootJalan alla,last year's leavesviimevuotiset lehdethadolivatrottedmädäntyneetinto a soft mould which gave off a pleasant nutty scentpehmeäksi massaksi, josta lähti miellyttävä, pähkinäinen tuoksu, and small clumps of primroses nestled amongst it.
- I noticed howher teethhänen hampaansawere still white, notrottingmädäntyneetblackmustiksilike those of the courtiers who constantly stuffed sweets and comfits into their mouth.
- The 35 million Christmas trees bought this yearTänä vuonna ostetut 35 miljoonaa joulukuustawould haveto<empty>rotmaatuvatfor 30 years30 vuottabefore decomposing in dumps that are already overflowing.
- In 1988Vuonna 1988,paintings on loan from the New York Public LibraryNew Yorkin yleisestä kirjastosta lainatut maalauksetwere found to have mildewed androttedmädäntyneetin one of the society's warehouseseräässä yhdistyksen varastossa.
- Linen and lacePellava ja pitsihadolivatrottedmädäntyneetinto cobwebsharsoiksion the bedsvuoteissa, where now there were only twisted brass bones.
- Whatever decorative covering had concealed the entranceKaikki sisääntuloa mahdollisesti peittäneet koristeethad likewiseolivat samoinrottedmaatuneetinto dusttomuksi.
- As strawberries ripen, push some straw or plastic sheeting under them sotheynecan'teivätrotala maatuaon the soilmultaa vasten.
- One of the main problems of timber-framed is the tendency ofoak poststammipylväidentorotmaatuminenat the bottomjuuresta.
- Their frayed bodiesHeidän turmeltuneet ruumiinsalierottingmädäntyneinäin drifts on the surface of the streamsvirran pinnallaand are washed up in piles on the sandbanks.
- Léonie saw adropped pearpudonneen päärynänrottingmädäntyvänin the grassheinikossa, bruised amber, its creamy flesh exposed, its grainy core.
- His bodyHänen kehonsanownytlayrottingmädäntyyunder the cold grey slabs of an abbeyluostarin kylmänharmaiden laattojen alla, his strong rule was gone and, throughout the castle, nobles gathering for the council plotted and intrigued.
- Avoid geraniums with double or semi-double flowers as, unlike the single varieties they don't drop their petals as they fade, andthe bloomskukatare proneto<empty>rotmaatumaanin wet weatherkostealla säällä.
- The structure of the wheel remains alongside the north-west elevation of the mill, althoughthe wooden paddlespuiset melathaveovatentirelytäysinrottedlahonneetaway<empty>and it can not be made to turn (Plate 43).
- If water can penetrate and collect in jointsJos vesi pääsee tunkeutumaan ja kerääntymään liitoksiin,the woodpuuwillalkaarotmaatuaquicklynopeastiunless steps are taken to prevent it.
- Our churches and cathedralsKirkkomme ja katedraalimmerotlahoavatwhile we build dams and factories to worship as objects, kun me rakennamme patoja ja tehtaita palvonnan kohteiksi.
- He was hungry and conscious of the delicious greasy bundle in his bag, but he believed fish and chips were usually heated up in the oven anyway,sojottatheynewouldn'teivätspoilmenisi pilalle.
- Modern methods of butchery militate against this; drenching freshly slaughtered carcases in water means thattheynespoilmenevät pilallemore quicklynopeammin, and weight-loss achieved as the meat hangs means less profit.
- Reeves said police were not arresting looters who took food, sinceitsewouldmenisispoilpilallein the rainsateessa, but would begin detaining thieves of other goods.
- The fruitHedelmäspoilsmenee pilallewithin a weekviikossaand few will eat durian more than three days after they fall.
- Everything is prepared very carefully;food thatruoka, jokawon'tei menespoilpilalleor collapse is made first and other dishes of a more fragile nature are left to the last moment so they are picture for the picture.
- And I've gota piece of ham thatpala kinkkua, joka'llmeneespoilpilalleif we don't eat it tonightjos emme syö sitä tänä iltana. ”