anoint.v 🔎
- AnointingVoiteluwith chrysom oilpyhällä öljylläceased with the introduction of the Second Prayer Book of Edward VI in 1552.
- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me becausehehänhasonanointedvoidellutmeminut(Luke 4:18).
- She said Mum doesn't befit her any more, thatshehänet'd beenonanointedvoidellutby a bloke called Father PeterIsä Peteriksi kutsuttu kaveriand he'd named 'er Mother Mary.
- EdwardEdwardis<empty>anointedvoidellaanwith holy oilpyhällä öljyllä: he has the power of healing, they say; he loves his chaplains and worships daily, prostrate, where he can be seen.
baptism.n 🔎
- So it was duly arranged, and Uncle William and Aunt Sarah tooktheir little niecepienen veljentyttärensäforbaptismkastettavaksiat their recently-rebuilt Zion Chapel in Frome in 1817, just across the road from the Badcox Lane Baptistsvuonna 1817 äskettäin uudelleenrakennettuun Fromen Siionin kappeliin, joka sijaitsi Badcox Lanen baptisteja vastapäätä.
- A Roman Jew of the mid eleventh century1000-luvun puolivälin Rooman juutalaisenwas inspiredto<empty>baptismottamaan kasteenby Pope Leo IXPaavi Leo IX, and took the Christian name of Leo.
- Itwas aolidifficultvaikeabaptismkastefor new Lancashire champion Greg Helsby of Grange Park, St Helensuudelle Lancashiren mestarille, St Helensin Grange Parkin Greg Helsbylle.
- This gold-covered oak cask was given by Charles to the Saxon chieftain Wittikind as a gift whenhehänfinally surrendered and acceptedbaptismkasteenin the year 785vuonna 785.
- Their sonHeidän poikansawas brought forbaptismkastettiinin the parish churchseurakunnan kirkossaon 30 December30. joulukuuta, his godfather, a local man called Samuel Taylor, providing the child with two distinctive names.
- Hence the importance of repentance, faith,baptismkastamiseninto the messianic communitymessiaaniseen yhteisöön, and the reception of God's offer of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit.
- It has been the setting for the marriages of numerous MPs and thesubsequentmyöhemmillebaptismkastamisilleof their offspringheidän jälkeläistensäin its Welsh marble fontwalesilaiseen marmorikastemaljaan.
- Accordingly, he begins his Gospel with the story of thebaptismkasteestaof JesusJeesuksen.
- Then he invited me to agypsymustalais-baptismkasteeseenwhich was to be held that night in the suburb of Vallecas.
- While churches may differ in their understanding of the timing and mode ofwatervesi-baptismkasteen, they must emphasise the decisive spiritual reality depicted by the sacrament.
- It was sometimes described as Congregationalist and sometimes as Baptist and did not insist onadultaikuis-baptismkastetta.
- Our Roman Catholic friends already recognize ourcommonyhteisenbaptismkasteemmeinto ChristKristukseen.
- Avitus placesClovis'sColviksenbaptismkasteenin the aftermath of the liberation of a ``captive people; the only group which can easily be described in these terms are the Gallo-Romans of Aquitaine.
- Finally, after conjuring up an image of theroyalkuninkaallisestabaptismkasteesta, he exhorts the king to further the cause of catholicism, while praising his recent action of freeing an unnamed captive people.
- Secondly (and relatedly) the Gnostics tended to deny significance to the sacraments ofbaptismkasteenin watervesi-and eucharist.
- During the feed-back session, it was clear that the parishes approached the sacrament ofbaptismkasteenin many, different waysmonin eri tavoin.
- Some parishes contained chapelries or chapels-of-ease, which may or may not have had independent rights to performbaptismkastetta, marriage and burial ceremonies.
baptize.v 🔎
- The parish priestSeurakunnan pastoribaptizedkastoithe babiesvauvatinto the Christian faithkristilliseen uskoon.
- They feared that iftheyherefused to marry orbaptizekastamastatheir childrenlapsensain churchkirkossa, they would be ostracized in a particularly religiously minded part of Russia.
- WilfridWilfridinis claimedto have<empty>baptisedkastaneen250 slaves of both sexes250 miespuolista ja naispuolista orjaaat SelseySelseyssaand there is the celebrated case of `Angles ``from Deira, an area approximating to the historic county of Yorkshire, being sold in the market-place of Rome c.
- The baby was strong enough to go back to Riverstown with a monthly nurse after six weeks andhehänetwas dulyasianmukaisestibaptizedkastettiina Protestantprotestantiksiin the Church of IrelandIrlannin kirkossain NaasNaasissa.
- People whoseparentsvanhemmatbaptisedkastaneetthemheidätinto the Roman Catholic Churchroomalaiskatoliseen kirkkoonwill probably be counted as Catholics all their lives -- even if they never go to church; for people to be counted as Baptists, however, they will have to have expressed a strong commitment to their faith and to have undergone adult baptism.
- The later crimes duplicate those committed byDyerDyer,whojokahas wishedto<empty>baptisekastetaanhis churcheskirkkonsawith the blood of young victimsnuorten uhrien verellä.
- For the bishop, however, who knew his church history, it would not have made sense (as he subsequently told me)to<empty>baptizekastaaan adultaikuistawithout also confirming her, for the two ceremonies had originally been one.
- My baby was very ill, and I wantedyousinunto<empty>baptizekastavanhimhänet, but my father refused to allow it.
- On his deathbed at Pentecost 337Kuolinvuoteellaan helluntaina vuonna 337hehänetwas<empty>baptizedkastoiby a bishop whose sympathies happened to be Arianpiispa, jonka sympatiat olivat areiolaisten puolella; much later legend made Pope Silvester bestow the lifegiving baptismal water.
- Hehänetwas<empty>baptisedkastoiby John KingdonJohn Kingdonin the chapel's own `baptistry ``kappelin omassa "kastekappelissa"on Friday 5 May 1780perjantaina 5. toukokuuta 1780and officially received into the church two days later.
- This caused Rajiv a great deal of turmoil, particularly asothers of his friendshänen muut ystävänsähad beenolibaptisedkastettuby immersionupottamallain the local Baptist churchpaikallisessa baptistikirkossa.
- The crowds who flocked to listen to John's preaching of repentanceVäkijoukot, jotka tungeksivat kuulemaan Johanneksen saarnoja katumuksesta,were<empty>baptisedkastettiinby himhänen toimestaanin the JordanJordanissain penitent expectation of the age of fulfilment which he proclaimed.
- During a battle against the Alamans, however, he vowed to become Christian if he was victorious; as a result of his victoryhehänetwas<empty>baptizedkastoiby bishop Remigius of RheimsRheimsin piispa Remigius.
- John SmithJohn Smithwas<empty>baptisedkastettiinat the Willoughby parish church of St HelenaWilloughbyn seurakunnan Pyhän Helenan kirkossaon 9th January, 15809. tammikuuta 1580.
- He had gone to stay at a monastery and somehow a misunderstanding arose and he was asked ifhehänethad beenolikobaptisedkastettu.
- HeHänetwas<empty>baptizedkastettiinin the Christian religionkristilliseen uskoonin 1844vuonna 1844.
- The Carpenter family were themselves stalwarts of the said chapel, and Charles's bride is probablythe Elizabeth Carpenter whoElizabeth Carpenter, jokawasbaptisedkastettiintheresielläon 2 April 17602. huhtikuuta 1760, then aged between 11 and 12 years old.
- WalkerWalkerwas<empty>baptisedkastettiina Presbyterianpresbyteeriksibut throughout her life her religious faith grew ever broader in its outlook.
- The first babyEnsimmäinen vauva,baptisedjoka kastettiinin the new churchuudessa kirkossa,was John White's son who was to become Mr Mervyn White's father.
- Figures for the pre-census period are unreliable; but, according to an informed assessment of 1835, `half the infantspuolet vauvoista,baptisedjotka kastettiinin LondonLontoossain the period 1770-89välillä 1770–89,were dead before the age of five.
- `They hadhimHänetbaptisedkastettiinbefore he diedennen hänen kuolemaansa.
- Anna hadmeminutbaptizedkastamaanby a Catholic priestkatolisen papin.
- Presbyterian church minister Barrie Redmore, told the court that Paula had askedhimhäntäto<empty>baptisekastamaanher babyhänen vauvansathree months before she was found hangedkolme kuukautta ennen kuin hänet löydettiin hirttäytyneenä.
- The later crimes duplicate those committed byDyerDyer,whojokahas wishedto<empty>baptisekastaahis churcheskirkkonsawith the blood of young victimsnuorten uhrien verellä.
bar mitzvah.n 🔎
- ``And I did what I have to do formyomanbar mitzvahbar mitzvahini.
bless.v 🔎
- With a quantity of black looks and complaints, the Guildsmen shuffled away towards their homes, andthe Bishoppiispablessedsiunasithemheidät,as they wentkun he lähtivät.
- But the name of Powell is invoked to give legitimacy to the event; it's rather like gettingthe priestpappito<empty>blesssiunaamaanyour carautosi.
- So much undervalued this fish and yetSt Peter himselfPyhä Pietari itsehasonblessedsiunannutitsenwith his thumb-markpeukalonjäljellään.
- “BlessSiunaameminua, Father, for I have sinned. ”
- In the tradition of Wilfrid,hehänseems to have taught the men of Lewes and Bramber how to fish (they must have been very forgetful), or at leastblessedsiunannuttheir netsheidän verkkonsa.
- The Etchege presented the Emperor with the robe, sword, sceptre, ring and two spears,each of whichjoista jokaisenhad beenoliblessedsiunannutby the AbunaAbuna.
- HeHänblessedtekihimselfristinmerkinand dropped his eyes as the hearse passed.
- They later hadtheir marriageheidän avioliittonsablessedsiunattiinat Bolton Abbey in the Yorkshire DalesBoltonin apottiluostarissa Yorkshire Dalesissa.
- What hopehas your army againstsinun armeijallasi onan armysellaista armeijaa vastaan, jonkablessedon siunannutby the Popepaavi?
- He received it as if it werea precious relicarvokas reliikki, jonkaa saintpyhimyshadolijustjuuriblessedsiunannut, and folded it carefully.
blessing.n 🔎
- TheblessingSiunausat BethelBetelissäwas given against all deserving.
- On July 4thHeinäkuun 4. päivänäthere was ablessingsiunausat St. Cuthberts Church, Lytham,Lythamin Pyhän Cuthbertin kirkossaconducted by Rev. Cragg who officiated at Jeffrey's conference.
- Thisis theonseventh annual animalseitsemäs vuosittainen eläintenblessingsiunausat St Michael's Church in Bishops Cleeve near CheltenhamPyhän Mikaelin kirkossa Bishops Cleevessä lähellä Cheltenhamia.
- There are hymns (led by the united choirs of the Anglican and Free Churches in recent years) and the lesson, address andblessingsiunausby the bishoppiispan, relayed across the harbour from the east to the crowds lining the quay on the west cliff.
- A MESSAGE of congratulations andblessingsiunausfrom the Popepaavinwill be read at a mass in Birkenhead tomorrow to mark Bishop Joseph Gray's 50 years in the priesthood.
- And she can not wait forherhänenweddingvihkiäistensäblessingsiunaustain December next year -- on her fourth anniversaryensi vuoden joulukuussa – neljäntenä hääpäivänään.
- The scheme has the reluctantblessingsiunausof the Bishop of Salisbury, the Right Rev John BakerSalisburyn piispan, arvoisan pastori John Bakerin.
- At least three vans regularly tour London persuading Jews to fulfil religious obligations -- inviting them into the vans to say prayers or recite thetraditionalperinteisetblessingssiunauksetover bread and wine.
- Later, she wore an extravagant Russian-style creation for thechurchkirkollisessablessingsiunauksessa.
- At the end of Mass, Canon Mulvaney presented thePapalpaavillisenBlessingsiunauksento Mrs Pat Nicholls, chairmanrouva Pat Nichollsille, puheenjohtajalle, who received it on behalf of the section.
- Hungarian kings, withpapalpaavillisenblessingsiunauksen, attempted to conquer Bosnia and Hercegovina, in order to destroy the Bogomils, at the same time winning territory for themselves and souls for Rome.
christen.v 🔎
- Three days laterKolme päivää myöhemminAbbot Kenneth himselfitse apotti Kennethchristenedkastoithe babyvauvan.
- I told her that once, going into church, I had seena kind young priestystävällisen nuoren papin,christeningjoka kastoia very nice babyhyvin kilttiä vauvaa.
- `IMinä'm<empty>christeningkastanthe bloody babysen hiton vauvan, ``he said.
- UnlikeDiana whoDiana, jokawasolichristenedkastettuin Sandringham churchSandringhamin kirkossaand had well-to-do commoners for godparents, baby brother Charles was christened in style at Westminster Abbey with the Queen as principal godparent.
- Unlike Diana who was christened in Sandringham church and had well-to-do commoners for godparents,baby brother Charlespikkuveli Charleswasolichristenedkastettuin styletyylilläat Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbeyssawith the Queen as principal godparent.
- Patrick Greg Malkin was the centre of attention when Chris and his wife Christina hadtheir first childensimmäinen lapsiChristenedkastettiinat Holy Name Church, OxtonOxtonin Pyhän nimen kirkossa, Birkenhead.
- My daughter and son-in-law have tried to havetheir baby sonpoikavauvansachristenedkastettuain a local churchpaikallisessa kirkossa.
- I think my father must have suffered some of this, if only because he refused to haveus childrenmeidät lapsetchristenedolisi kastettu.
christening.n 🔎
- Harriet also said that she would like to arrange a privatechristeningristiäisetat the little chapel on the top of the cliffs on the other side of the baypienessä kappelissa, joka sijaitsee kallioiden päällä lahden toisella puolella.
- The chapel register records the birth, registration andchristeningristiäisetof six-year old Elizabeth Titford, “ … daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Titford of St George's in the East, Middlesex ”kuusivuotiaan Elizabeth Titfordin, "... Middlesexin St George in the Eastin seurakuntaan kuuluvien Benjamin ja Elizabeth Titfordin tyttären".
- `This is Chrissie seven years ago, atNick'sNickinchristeningristiäisissä.
- The turning point for them came when their car broke down after afamilyperheenchristeningkastetilaisuuden.
- It was a supper to celebrate thechristeningristiäisiäof their new babyheidän uuden vauvansa.
circumcise.v 🔎
- The peopleihmisetwere<empty>circumcisedympärileikattiinthereSiellä, marked with God's mark as members of his people (5.2-9), and the feast of the Passover was kept there (5.10).
- Andin the eighth daykahdeksantena päivänäthe flesh of his foreskinhänen esinahkansashall beoncircumcisedympärileikattava.
- Although she was the dominant parent, she had made no attempt to do so until then;Robin's fatherRobinin isärememberedbeing<empty>circumcisedympärileikattuafter his father's deathhänen isänsä kuoleman jälkeen, when he was seven.
- So complete was his disguise thathehänetwas<empty>circumcisedympärileikattiinbefore the journeyennen matkaa.
- Again,all the boyskaikki pojatare<empty>circumcisedympärileikataanaccording to tradition, and we do not need to flash the penis to prove us to be nice, Jewish boys.
- Circumcision (4:24-26):MosesMoosesfailedto<empty>circumciseympärileikannuthis sonpoikaansa-- and God can not overlook disobedience, even in one he has chosen.
circumcision.n 🔎
- The fashion ofmalepoikalapsetcircumcisionympärileikatathat began in the 1890s, and a wide range of related subjects.
- CircumcisionYmpärileikkaustaas a rite had been performed in Israel for many centuries, but it was only with the exile that it assumed the character of a covenantal sign between God and his chosen people.
- TheCircumcisionympärileikkausand Presentationof JesusJeesuksen(Luke 2:21-40)
- Circumcision The story ofJesus'Jeesuksencircumcisionympärileikkauksestais very brief.
- The cumulative national rate ofcircumcisionympärileikkauksenfor boyspoikienby the age of 15 is almost 7%.
communion.n 🔎
- The wine intake might be justified by themassmassa-communionsehtoollisetin St Peter'sPyhän Pietarin kirkossa, he suggested.
- William was excommunicated in 1619 and Jacob in 1634, although he had already refused to kneel atcommunionehtoollisellain 1627vuonna 1627.
- That day, he received three members of the moderate Carlist faction in Salamanca, and informed them of his intention of fusing together Falange and theTraditionalisttraditionalistisenCommunionehtoollisen.
- Ironically enough, the most important pedagogical implication is hinted at in Canon 777 itself, in its statement that children are more fruitfully and deeply instructed through catechetical formation after the reception ofFirstensimmäisenCommunionehtoollisen.
- We had hadour<empty>Christmasjoulu-Communionehtoollisemmeand the Nativity play which every Christian village made up and acted on Christmas evening.
- Children are prepared in the classroom fortheir<empty>firstensimmäistäcommunionehtoollistaan, confession, and confirmation.
- In religions, the ritual of sacrifice, andHolypyhäCommunionehtoollinenin the Christian masskristillisessä jumalanpalveluksessa, is in part an attempt to re-enact the original parricide.
- This experience, he says, was repeated on every subsequent occasion when he preached and administeredHolypyhänCommunionehtoollisen.
- Michael was blushing as he receivedCommunionehtoollisenand left quickly.
confession.n 🔎
- The World Council of Churches has published a Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, which includes more than 600 entries written by leading figures from everyChristiankristillisestäconfessionuskonsuunnastaand all parts of the world.
- In his third year (1925-6) he went toprivateyksityiseenconfessionsynnintunnustukseenfor the first time.
- `I like to go toconfessionsynnintunnustukseenstraight after I've been to the hairdresser, ``said Lili.
- If I renounced my Fenian oath he would hearmy<empty>confessionripittäytymiseniand give me communion.
- The only way to redeem yourself is to check into a rehab clinic, suffer the torments of the damned and make a finalpublicjulkinenconfessionripittäytyminenof your sinssynneistäsi.
- Having appeared before the Archdeacon's Court for having a bastard child, she was sentenced to attend church at Blisland, barefoot and bareheaded, to makeconfessiontunnustaakseenof her sinsyntinsä.
confirm.v 🔎
- The bishopsPiispatwill be preparedto<empty>confirmkonfirmoimaanchildrenlapsetat a rather younger agemelko nuorinaso that they may be admitted earlier to the communicant life.
- With father's leavehehänetwas<empty>confirmedkonfirmoitiinin the Church of EnglandEnglannin kirkkoonat schoolkoulussa.
- And that includesolder peoplevanhemmat ihmiset,whojoitaare not yetei vielä oleconfirmedkonfirmoituor made members of the church.
- In 1866hehänestäbecame a Roman Catholic convert, was received into the Church by his model, John Henry Newman [q.v.], andconfirmedkonfirmoiby Archbishop Henry Manningarkkipiispa Henry Manning[q.v.].
confirmation.n 🔎
- In telling me that, untilmy<empty>confirmationkonfirmaatiooni, my godparents were, by proxy, responsible for my sins, merely drove me to keep it that way.
- He was, in the eyes of the Church, already a Catholic, sincehehänethad been baptized into the Church, and had received the sacraments of Penance, Communion andConfirmationkonfirmaationbefore leaving the convent.
consecrate.v 🔎
- And I took it and slew them all: seven thousand warriors and old men, together with women and old women and maidens, forIminähadolinconsecratedvihkinytitsenfor Ashtar-Chemosh.
- The new church on Turnham GreenTurnham Greenin uusi kirkkowas named Christ Church andwas<empty>consecratedvihittiinin 1853vuonna 1853, with a parish separated from the old Chiswick parish of St. Nicholas.
- The Primate of New Zealand (wherea womannainenhas recently beenon äskettäinconsecratedvihittyas a diocesan bishophiippakunnan piispaksi) speaks of women priests bringing `an overwhelmingly positive contribution ``to the life of the church.
- On 17 May 1955, the Feast of Ascension, the foundation stone of the present Drumcree Parish Church was laid andthe completed buildingvalmis rakennuswas<empty>consecratedvihittiinon 28 October 185628. lokakuuta 1856.
- It is possible that Offa would have likedEcgfrithEcgfrithinto have beentulevanconsecratedvihkimäksieither by the pope or by the papal legatesjoko paavin tai paavillisten legaattien.
- On 26 September 1406hehänetwas<empty>consecratedvihittiin virkaansaat MortlakeMortlakessaafter his promotion to the see of London.
- On 17 July 1054Heinäkuun 17. päivänä 1054hehänconsecratedvihki virkaansaGodric abbot of WinchcombeGodricin, Winchcomben apotin, having held the abbey himself since the death of Abbot Godwin in 1053.
- On Sept. 10Syyskuun 10. päivänäthe Popepaaviconsecratedvihkithe basilica of Our Lady of the PeaceNeitsyt Marian basilikanin YamoussoukroYamoussoukrossa, Côte d'Ivoire [see also p. 37700].
- His return to England seems to have been accompanied by Bishop Gerbrand of Roskilde,whojonkawasto beoli määräconsecratedvihkiä virkaansaby Archbishop Æthelnoth of CanterburyCanterburyn arkkipiispa Æthelnothin, and is among the witnesses of the charter S 958.
consecration.n 🔎
- Two hundred years afterKen'sKeninconsecrationvihkimisenas a bishoppiispaksi, a monument to him was at last placed in Wells Cathedral.
- Athishänenconsecrationvirkaanasettamistilaisuudessaan,by the archbishop of Yorkjonka suoritti Yorkin arkkipiispa, a dispute broke out about his title: was he to be consecrated as Metropolitan or as Primate?
- The new communion ceremony was designed to dispel the belief that each individual mass was a re-enactment of Christ's sacrifice, or that the bread and wine were physically changed as a result oftheir<empty>consecrationpyhittänytby a priestpappi.
- ChadChadinhad receivedconsecrationasettaneet virkaanfrom Wine, bishop of the western Saxons, and two British bishopsWine, Länsi-Saksin piispa, sekä kaksi brittiläistä piispaa(HE III, 28).
- Chad was a northern Angle and undoubtedly orthodox in matters of the tonsure and the date of Easter, but his readiness to acceptconsecrationvirkaanasettaminenfrom the British bishopsbrittiläisiltä piispoiltareveals a continuing failure in Oswiu's entourage to appreciate the importance of canonical rectitude.
- Both prelates referred to theconsecrationvihkimiseenin Februaryhelmikuiseenof the Rt Rev Barbara Harrisarvoisan pastori Barbara Harrisinas the Anglican Assistant Bishop of Massachussettsanglikaanisen kirkon Massachussettsin apulaispiispaksi.
- Gregory claims that it was the king who insisted that the consecration should be held at Metz, out of affection for the candidate, but this may be a euphemism for saying thatconsecrationvirkaanasettaminenin ClermontClermontissawas too dangerous.
- The ceremonies for the ordination of priests or theconsecrationpyhittäminenof altarsalttarientook seven days.
- The measure does not cover theconsecrationvihkimistäof womennaistenas bishopspiispoiksi.
- `Like the lightning strike after theconsecrationvirkaanasettamisenof the Bishop of DurhamDurhamin piispan?
- Theconsecrationvihkiminenof his new basilicaHänen uuden basilikakirkkonsaon the anniversary of AssandunAssandunin vuosipäivänäand the erection of a church on the battlefield could also have owed something to Danish interest.
- This cultic shedding of blood was controlled by men, andconsecrationvihkiminento the priesthoodpapin tehtäviinwas effected by daubing men with the blood of slaughtered animals.
- When the work is finished, God gives Moses his instructions for setting up and arranging the tabernacle, and foritssenconsecrationpyhittämisestä.
- Also one of the new pope's first actions, taken on the day afterhishänenconsecrationvihkimistään, was to extract an oath of obedience from the prefect of Rome.
- `You must feel it yourselves, with one of your archbishops excommunicated, and the other newly appointed and barely back fromhis ownomistaconsecrationvirkaanasettajaisistaan.
- These two letters were written in 1093 when Anselm was awaitingconsecrationvihkimistäas archbishoparkkipiispaksi.
- Afterhishänetconsecrationoli vihittyas bishop of Argyll and the IslesArgyllin ja saarten piispaksiin 1847vuonna 1847he lived in Lochgilphead and struggled with the problems of his diocese, Italy, Calvinism in Scotland, and factional struggles in the Episcopal Church.
- There is a possibility, therefore, that Ealhfrith lost his life in a rebellion against his father whileWilfridWilfridwas receivingconsecrationvihittiin virkaanin GaulGaulissa.
- In 723-4, soon afterhis<empty>episcopalpiispan-consecrationvihkimyksensä, Boniface received a letter from Bishop Daniel of Winchester advising him how to argue with pagans.
- Tuda'sTudanepiscopalpiispan-consecrationvihkimysin southern IrelandEtelä-Irlannissawould not for long have been acceptable.
- Over the next two years the powers of the papacy were gradually whittled away by successive parliamentary statutes; all papal financial exactions were withheld; papal dispensations were invalidated; andpapalpaavillinenconsecrationvihkimysof bishopspiispojenand the right of appeal to Rome were both declared unnecessary.
eucharist.n 🔎
- The egalitarianism by which aristocrats and their slaves shared in one and the sameeucharistehtoollinenwas extraordinary.
initiation.n 🔎
- At boys'initiationinitiaatio-ceremonies, a Mukula log is put near the place where they are circumcised.
- In the exile it was decreed that circumcision was to be the official rite ofinitiationinitiaatio-into Judaismjuutalaisuuteenand all that that now meant.
- We shall be looking further at this vexed question ofChristiankristilliseninitiationvihkimyksenand the relation of the Holy Spirit to baptism in a later chapter.
- Until he had undergone thisreligioususkonnolliseninitiationinitiaationand probation he would not be regarded as a mature member of the Buddhist community.
mass.n 🔎
- Then there are charades, cards andmidnightkeskiyönmassmessuat Sandringham churchSandringhamin kirkossa.
- TheCentenarysatavuotisjuhlan kunniaksimassMessufor the Beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newmankardinaali John Henry Newmanin autuaaksi julistamisenis being held at the Oratory, Birmingham, (NOT Rednal as it usually is) on Saturday, 11th August, at 11.00 am.
ordain.v 🔎
- One of the new generation of non-English church leaders in Australia,hehänled the campaign for Anglican women priests, and plannedto<empty>ordainvihkivänsäthe firstensimmäisenin MelbourneMelbournessanext yearseuraavana vuonna.
- In February 1990 legislation to allowwomennais-to be<empty>ordainedvihkimykset virkaanas priestspappienwas approved and sent to all the dioceses to be discussed and voted on.
- It shall be lawful for the General Synod to make provision by Canon for enablinga womannaiselleto be<empty>ordainedtulla vihityksito the office of a Priestpapin virkaan.
- I believewomennaisiaoughtto be<empty>ordainedvihkiäto the priesthoodpapeiksi.
- Thus to those conservatives who, arguing against the ordination of women, contend thatJesusJeesusordainedei vihkinytno `priestesses ``"papittaria", it must be said that neither did he ordain any priests!
ordination.n 🔎
- Afterhis<empty>ordinationPappisvihkimyksensäin 1953vuonna 1953, he spent three years as assistant priest at the Immaculate Conception Church, Glasgow.
- Afterhis<empty>priestlyPappisordinationvihkimyksensäin 1965vuonna 1965he was given pastoral appointments in the Diocese of Westminster, including seven years with the Catholic Missionary Society which took him all over England and Wales conducting Parish Missions.
- He followed the familiar path of aristocratic younger sons toordinationpapiksiin the Church of EnglandEnglannin kirkonand in 1840 was appointed to a family living at Evercreech in Somerset.
- If so, we hope this booklet will explain why the issue of theordinationvihkimisestäof womennaistento the priesthoodpapeiksiis both important and urgent.
- On May 17, 1990, the general synod of the Church of Ireland voted in favour of theordinationvihkimistäof womennaistenas priests and bishopspapeiksi ja piispoiksi.
- Ramsey was unusual in that to him thepriest'spapin suorittamaordinationvihkimysmeant much more than the deacon's ordination.
- Long beforehis<empty>ordinationpappisvihkimystäänFrere had been persuaded that the human heart was held in common and, therefore, a word truly spoken either way could touch and move it.
- He used to say thathishänenordinationvihkimisensäto the priesthoodpapiksi-, in Farnworth parish church on 22 September 1929, with Raven preaching, mattered to him much the more.
- In September 1929, before theordinationpappisvihkimystäat FarnworthFarnworthissa, he went into retreat at Bishop Tommy Strong's Cuddesdon Palace with its fifteen spare bedrooms.
- However, soon after graduating at Oxford, Hunt had achieved a long-held aspiration uponhishänetordinationvihittiin papiksiat WinchesterWinchesterissäin 1878vuonna 1878.
- The ceremonies for theordinationvihkimys-of priestspappienor the consecration of altars took seven days.
- Theordinationvihkiminen papeiksiof womennaistenwould certainly alleviate shortages of staff.
- Thatepiscopalpiispaksiordinationvihkiminenmade one a member of the episcopal college was accepted in principle by the second session.
rite.n 🔎
- The Celtic Church, for example, had its ownordinationvihkimis-riteriittinsäfor priestspapiksi-, and this differed markedly from Rome's.
- Ariteliturgiafor the Mass of the Holy NamePyhän Nimen messun, confirmed officially in 1489 is found in a fourteenth-century missal belonging to William Beauchamp, Lord Bergavenny.
- ThetraditionalPerinteisetritesriititof homage to the emperorkeisarin kunniaksiwere performedin the Palace of Perfect ConcordTäydellisen sopusoinnun palatsissa.
- Babies were not christened, marriages were not properly celebrated, the dead were not buried with the fullritesriiteilläof the Churchkirkon.
- It is notable that in eastern England cremationis theonpreponderanthallitsevaburialhautaus-ritetapaand if cremation took place near the settlement it would be more practical to take the remains to a distant cemetery.
- The Halloween game of bobbing apples -- catching apples in a tub of water with your mouth -- probably originated as an ancientharvestsadonkorjuu-riteriittinä, possibly again in honour of the Roman goddess Pomona.
- This is celebrated in all thepubertypuberteetti-iänritesriiteissäobserved by the Hindu girl.
- People from Huaiwiri thus went to thefuneraryhautajais-ritesmenoihinof the Kufra Chief of PoliceKufran poliisipäällikönbecause he was a Hamdu, a member of a slave line attached to the Bu Matari.
- Theriteriitistäof anointing kingskuninkaiden voitelu-became important under the Carolingians.
- What we bring to theritemenoihinof Massjumalanpalvelus-can draw out from it our response to God's grace and friendship.
- Nanno Marinatos (1984) has argued persuasively that windows of appearance were used inMinoanminoalaisissaritesriiteissäat Akrotiri on TheraThrean Akrotirilla, so it is very likely indeed that they were used in Crete itself.
- Themis describes variousrain-makingsateenteko-ritesriittejä, including a Christianized one which involves entreating `S. John Baptist to baptize the Holy Child ``.
- CircumcisionYmpärileikkaustaas ariteriittinähad been performedin IsraelIsraelissafor many centuriesvuosisatojen ajan, but it was only with the exile that it assumed the character of a covenantal sign between God and his chosen people.
- RitesRiitit,intended to heal the rift in the Imajica, and reconcile the Fifth Dominion with the other fourjoiden määrä oli parantaa välirikko Imajicalla ja ratkaista viidennen hallintoalueen erimielisyydet muiden neljän kanssa, had gone disastrously awry.
- Yet, the work's direction is quite the opposite of that conventionally assigned to thefertilityhedelmällisyys-riteriittiin.
- In certainfertilityhedelmällisyys-ritesriiteissäin BurmaBurman, a woman desirous of offspring is required not only to approach the King Cobra but to plant a kiss on its mouth.
- Were the corpses' hands honourably amputated during theAmputoitiinko ruumiiden kädet kunniallisestifuneralhautajais-ritesmenojen aikana-- or later, after the flesh had decayed?
- In February 1685,Charles II, the `Merry Monarch ``Kaarle II, "Iloinen monarkki", died after receiving thelastviimeisenritesvoitelunand absolutionfrom a Roman Catholic priestroomalaiskatoliselta papilta.
- Robyn followed as a determined Melissa led Luke, whose expression resembled that of a prisoner about to be givenhis<empty>lastviimeisenritesvoitelunsa, across the field and in through the french windows.
- HeHänwitnessed the marriages, gave thelastviimeisiäritesvoitelujaand buried the dead; and, most important of all, he administered the sacrament of the mass.
- Thesereligioususkonnollisetritesriitit, performed onlyby womennaiset, are known as vratas.
- Finally,theyheperformritesriittejäto obtain childrensaadakseen lapsia, preferably male, and for the safety and health of their children.
- And ``Here also the Bridge under which on many a Sabbath day I witnessedthe Baptistsbaptistienperforming theSacredpyhääriteriittiäof dipping in the riverjokeen kastamisen.
- In the exile it was decreed that circumcision wasto be the officialvirallinenriteriittiof initiationinitiaatio-into Judaismjuutalaisuuteenand all that that now meant.
ritual.n 🔎
- I thought again of the primeval inhabitants and theirpaganpakanallisiaritualsrituaalejaanat the base of the monoliths.
- There is exploration ofritualsrituaaleista,for childbirth, for menarche or first menstruation, for monthly menstruation and for menopausejotka liittyvät synnytykseen, menarkeen eli kuukautisten alkamiseen, kuukautisiin ja vaihdevuosiin.
- During theritualsinitiaatiorituaalienfor initiation into each successive age-setKunkin peräkkäisen ikäkaudenthe `true ``meanings of certain sacred objects are revealed and it transpires that the interpretations given at the previous stage were false or partial.
- He admitted frequently tracking attractive young women to their homes and watching them from a distance, and disclosed that he had been following this dailyritualrituaaliafor two to three months.
- Religion is presented as a response `everywhere to one and the same need ``: the need forritualsrituaalienof fertilityhedelmällisyys-.
- Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense,its<empty>ritualjumalanpalvelusmenojensa, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
- They couldn't understand the practice of mainly worshipping in silence and without a minister, or without the trappings ofchurchkirkollistenritualsrituaalien.
- Similarly, there is a stronger awareness that graves are not merely places where artefacts can be obtained for study but are reservoirs of data reflecting numerous activities of a past society in addition tomortuaryhauta-ritualsrituaalien.
- Coming from the reading of Frazer, Durkheim, and others, he does this by linkingChristiankristillisetritualsrituaalitto sex and the continuance of vegetation.
- Modigliani was more interested in the rites andritualsrituaaleistaof Judaismjuutalaisuuden, always asking questions, although Max Jacob would wave his talk away with an impatient gesture.
- TheroyalKuninkaallinenritualrituaaliwas closely associated with the history of Osiris, the divine prototype on whom the pharaohs modelled themselves by re-enacting his traditional deeds.
- Not only do they reflect the significance of each part of theancientmuinaisenritualrituaalin, but also the solemn chant of the singers during the ceremonies and later the raucous shouts of the guests at the feast.
- This reveals a mutual awareness of theories of the origin of Attic comedy infertilityhedelmällisyys-ritualrituaalissa.
- This meant performing a given set ofritualsrituaalienat the appropriate times.
- In many cultures the girl is secluded from the rest of society during menarche, sometimes for a prolonged period, and is made to undergoritualsinitiaatioriittejä,of initiation into her new status as a fertile womanjotka liittyvät hänen uuteen statukseensa hedelmällisenä naisena,that range from brutal to instructive and celebratory.
sacrament.n 🔎
- The Eucharistis theonsacramentsakramenttiof salvationpelastuksenand, as such, it declares the work of Christ as he fulfils the Father's will and draws all people to God.
- The baptistery was, in early Christian times, used only for thesacramentsakramenttiof baptismkasteen.
- HeHänwent home, confessed, made his will, took thesacramentsakramentinand quietly expired!
- Two weeks later the parson, Mr Gilton, administered thesacramentsakramentin, after telling James that he was dying.
- It was of no use iftheyhereceived thesacramentsakramentinof Matrimonyavioliitonand did not live as Christians.
- The decree goes on to allow Eastern Christians, separated from the Catholic Church, to receiveCatholickatolisiasacramentssakramenttejain some circumstances.
- He was, in the eyes of the Church, already a Catholic, sincehehänethad been baptized into the Church, and had received thesacramentssakramentitof Penance, Communion and Confirmationkatumusharjoituksen, ehtoollisen ja konfirmaationbefore leaving the convent.
sacrifice.n 🔎
- Herbs are cast into the fire by the Lady of the Flowers in lieu of whatmay have beenovat saattaneet ollagoryverisiäsacrificesuhrejaby our sun-worshipping ancestorsaurinkoa palvovien esi-isiemme.
- How do we know it wouldn't be a place of savagery and high priestesses and theritualrituaalisellesacrificeuhraamiselleof beautiful twelve-year-old boyskauniiden 12-vuotiaiden poikien?
- Any suggestion of a re-enactment ofChrist'sKristuksensacrificeuhrinor of a bodily presence in the bread and wine was now removed from the communion service.
- She lay awake, excited at the prospect of thepigsiansacrificeuhraamisestaDai Huang had promised she could watch at dawn.
- Its excesses had already degenerated into thesacrificeuhraamiseksiof living beingselävien olentojenand its Chaotic nature was increasingly evident.
- A queue had formed by the table holding the teacakes and a crowd gathered to watch theanimaleläin-sacrificeuhriaslowly rotating on a giant spit.
- In general,bloodveri-sacrificeuhriwas the principal religious rite of all Siberian peoples, the animal sacrificed being that which played the most important part in daily life.
- The Hawaiians once practisedhumanihmistensacrificeuhraamista.
- There is still a widespread superstition among surfers that, in accordance with ancient Hawaiian tradition, you have to make somesacrificeuhrito placate the bloodthirsty gods of the ocean.
service.n 🔎
- The three mainservicespalvelustaat dawn, midday and duskaamulla, keskipäivällä ja iltahämärän aikaancomprised the washing, anointment, adornment with clothing and regalia, and feeding of the deity with offerings.
- He will be buried with full military honours at Frankby Cemetery, Wirral, following aservicejumalanpalvelusat Our Lady and St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Seacombe, WallaseyWallaseyn Seacomben Neitsyt Marian ja Pyhän Joosefin roomalaiskatolisessa kirkossa,on Tuesday afternoontiistaina iltapäivällä.
- In a emotional 20-minute speech during a surprise appearance at aservicejumalanpalvelukseenat King's College Chapel in CambridgeCambridgen King's Collegen kappelinhe spoke of the importance of freedom in the face of the edict.
- Atlast night'sViime yönservicejumalanpalveluksessa, which ended with a piper playing the lament Flowers on the Forest, Father Keegans said: “ Quite simply, life can not be the same again …
- `Hurry up, ``she said, as if thechurchjumalan-servicepalveluswould be over all the quicker if Maxie got a move on.
- The hearing in Belfast today was called after a loyalist remand prisoner, Samuel McCrory, 27, was refused permission to wear a poppy at aRemembrance Daykaatuneitten muistopäivänchurchjumalan-servicepalveluksessainside the jail.
- So she went to thefuneralhautaus-servicepalvelukseen, and listened to the tributes -- `everyone thought he was the sun, the moon and the stars ``.
- The old executioner was given an honourable funeral, theburialhautaus-servicepalvelukseenbeing attended by many of the city dignitaries as a mark of respect for his services to the community.
- Thefuneralhautaus-servicepalvelustodayTämän päivänat the church of St John the Baptist on the edge of the Lonsdale estatePyhän Johannes Kastajan kirkossa Lonsdalen asuma-alueen reunallais just a week before Louis was due to celebrate his first birthday.
- HisHänenfuneralhautaus-servicepalveluksensawill be held at St John's Church, Prestatyn, on Monday at 1.30pm.
- Amemorialmuisto-servicepalvelusfor BerylBerylinwas held on 27th July at St. Marks Church, Hamilton Terrace NW8.
- In September he announced that the Nationalist councillors would not be attending aBattle of Britain commemorationBritannian taistelun muistoksi järjestettyynservicemuistotilaisuuteenin St Columb's CathedralPyhän Columban katedraalissa: `We simply had no part in this, ``he said.
- The Prince and Princess of Wales have attended thefuneralhautaus-servicepalvelukseenof Earl SpencerEarl Spencerin, the Princess's father, in Northamptonshire.
- Again misunderstandings can occur, and the person leading theservicejumalanpalvelustaand trying to communicate a Christian message may be hard put to it to demonstrate their true meaning.
- They join the Queen at aservicejumalanpalvelukseenin Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbeynto celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein.
- BOYS and girls of the Royal Hospital School at Holbrook were joined by villagers yesterday at anecumenicalekumeeniseenservicejumalanpalvelukseenin the school chapelkoulun kappelissato celebrate the jubilee of the school's move to Suffolk from Greenwich.
- AninterdenominationalKirkkojenvälinenservicejumalanpalveluscelebrating the 60th anniversary of the Women's World Day of Prayer will be held at St Catherine's Church, Crook, on March 6 at 7pm.
unction.n 🔎
- I<empty>went to Godstowe, said a prayer for that poor woman's soul, gaveherhänelleChrist'sKristuksenunctionvoitelunand left.
- On Friday he went into a coma and was administered extremeunctionvoitelu.