is also said to have invaded England later
his brother
veljensä puolesta .
at once
the death of his son
poikansa kuoleman and once again showed that any attempt to reconquer Valencia was fruitless while he still lived.
Suddenly he walked back to me and said
my father's death
isäni kuolema and that he could help me.
`We know the conditions here and
that World Cup defeat
maailmancupin tappion , ``he said, referring to South Africa's 64-run win in New Zealand.
Emmitt Smith rushed for 163 yards and Troy Aikman threw for 214 yards and two touchdowns as
their only defeat of the season
kauden ainoan tappionsa by beating Philadelphia Eagles 20-10
voittamalla Philadelphia Eaglesit luvuin 20–10 .
America's top two golfers have been elected favourites for the 32-nation event, and
are determined
their recent defeat in the Dunhill Cup at St Andrews
äskettäisen tappionsa St Andrewsin Dunhill Cupissa .
their home defeat
kotikentän tappionsa to check an alarming slide down the Third Division
pysäyttääkseen hälyttävän putoamisensa kolmosdivisioonassa .
the ghost of my father
isäni haamun puolesta .
Family feuds last for generations, and
slurs on honour
kunnianloukkaukset .
A Herefordshire hobgoblin
Herefordshirelainen menninkäinen for any insult
minkä tahansa loukkauksen by stealing all the family's keys and refusing to return them until his favourite cake had been baked and left on the hob for him to eat
varastamalla kaikki perheen avaimet ja kieltäytymällä palauttamasta niitä, ennen kuin hänen suosikkikakkunsa leivottiin ja jätettiin keittotasolle hänen syötäväkseen .
In the film's most inventive touch,
on Peter Pan
Peter Panille by becoming a second and better father
ryhtymällä toiseksi ja paremmaksi isäksi .
are not supposed
in their writings
kirjoituksissaan , but they do, and if they were to be prevented, there would be far fewer books.
Ravana captured Hanuman and set fire to his tail, but
by growing to the size of a giant and setting fire to the city
kasvamalla jättiläisen kokoiseksi ja sytyttämällä kaupungin tuleen .
`And like any normal brother would,
, right, Marco?
`In time, perhaps,
these deaths
nämä kuolemat , but the Queen is insistent that we should meet the Scottish envoys.
Samuel Pipkin was tensing himself for the coming life and death struggle this evening, when the vital decision would be made by the Prince of Wales, and
Mr Thackeray
herra Thackerayn puolesta .
Aenarion decried the departure of the Dragon-riders as a betrayal and swore
on their prince
heidän prinssilleen .
Others say
of the insult offered by her erstwhile lover
entisen rakastajansa loukkauksen by luring fishermen and other sailors to their doom
houkuttelemalla kalastajia ja muita purjehtijoita tuhoon .
A PARAMILITARY group dedicated to exterminating cocaine king Pablo Escobar
PUOLISOTILAALLINEN ryhmä, jonka päämääränä on tuhota kokaiinikuningas Pablo Escobar has set fire to his expensive collection of limousines and motorcycles, apparently
terrorist attacks against civilians
terrori-iskut siviilejä vastaan , police said yesterday.
the defeat at Brignais
Brignaisin tappio , Charles V, who had just succeeded his father as king, could go to his coronation a satisfied man.
I want
motive for
is not made quite clear, we accept that he has suffered impairment.
Soon their grumblings became open discontent and no amount of encouragement from the foreman or shop steward could quench the open hostility of the men around us; in fact
was forced
vastaamaan samalla mitalla .
restrained herself and, instead,
vastasi samalla mitalla , abandoning for the moment her attempt to be sympathetic.
against the harassment of its diplomats
diplomaattiensa ahdistelun by expelling 36 staff from the Iraqi embassy in Washington -- including seven accredited diplomats -- on Aug. 27, and imposing restrictions on the 19 who remained
karkottamalla 36 henkilökunnan jäsentä Irakin suurlähetystöstä Washingtonissa – mukaan lukien seitsemän valtuutettua diplomaattia – elokuun 27. päivänä sekä määräsi rajoituksia niille 19 henkilölle, jotka jäivät paikalle .
It was feared that
members of Mboya's Luo tribe
Mboya Luo -heimon jäsenet against the Kikuyu, the group who dominated the country's political life and of which the assassins were assumed to be members
Kikuyulle, ryhmälle, joka hallitsi maan poliittista elämää ja joihin salamurhaajien uskottiin kuuluvan .
But Curbishley had few worries about beating Sunderland once they had had
sent off for foolishly
Reports persisted throughout May that the security forces were turning a blind eye to the activities of Zulu mobs in the townships, allegedly waiting to respond until
local citizens
paikalliset asukkaat against the Zulus' attacks
Zulujen hyökkäykset .
for an ambush at Girikola village
väijytyksen girikolalaiseen kylään shot dead six Sinhalese extremists in southern Sri Lanka during a ceasefire due to end today.
Indian fielders were pelted with stones and oranges and
with tear-gas
kyynelkaasulla .
with the gun attack on a bookmaker's office
aseellisella iskulla vedonvälittäjän toimistoon at Ormeau Road, Belfast
Ormeau Roadilla, Belfastissa .
If tempers have flared, and especially if you have been badly treated by your employer, the urge
with every means at your disposal
kaikin mahdollisin keinoin will be enormous.
The latter
Viimeksi mainitut were incensed at what they regarded as hitting below the belt and
with vicious shootings at policemen
väkivaltaisilla ampumisilla poliiseja vastaan regardless of whether they were the men responsible.
The lama noticed that as the ape rushed into the attack,
would defend by evading and then
vastaamalla samalla mitalla with its wings
siipiensä avulla .
on behalf of his fallen friend
kaatuneen ystävänsä puolesta and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.
European officials, though, have already warned
vastaavat samalla mitalla by boosting tariffs on US goods
lisäämällä Yhdysvaltalaisten tuotteiden tariffeja , escalating a row that has lasted six years and blocked agreement in the GATT international trade talks involving 108 countries.
The blow stung and
vastasi samalla mitalla , moving in with arms flailing.
`Of course I'm sure! ``
vastasi samalla mitalla and you can't do that.
The failure of diplomacy to win them a homeland has left them hoping that
against Iraq
Irakia vastaan will split Syria and Egypt from the anti-Iraq alliance and open a new Arab-Israeli conflict.
He will continue to stress caution, fearing
against British troops and aid workers
brittijoukkoja ja avustustyöntekijöitä vastaan .
Attempts to protect the American economy by raising tariff rates, as in the Hawley-Smoot tariff of 1930, led only to
by other countries
muiden maiden against American goods
yhdysvaltalaisia tuotteita vastaan .
Russian Federation troops deployed in Ingushetia were withdrawn from the border with Chechnia after a protest from Chechnia, which claimed part of the area, and a threat of
by Chechen President Dzhakhar Dudayev.
Washington meanwhile was acutely concerned to discourage
and its being thus drawn into the war.
The boy fears
, manifesting itself in the `castration syndrome ``.
Iranian F-4 Phantom jets
Iranin F-4 Phantom -suihkukoneet bombed a Mujahideen base in Iraq in apparent
for a rebel raid on two Iranian border villages near Qasr-e-Shirin
kapinallisten ylläkköhyökkäyksen kahteen Iranin rajakylään lähellä Qasr-e-Shiriniä .
Seven people were reported killed in
a series of pre-dawn air raids on two Croat villages
kahta kroaattikylää vastaan ennen aamua tehdyissä ilmaiskuissa ,
Yugoslav army commanders said were in
for attacks on an air base in the regional centre of Mostar nearby
hyökkäyksistä lähistöllä sijaitsevaan Mostarin alueellisen keskuksen lentotukikohtaan .
Third, it gave as justification for some of its outrages that
were in
for attacks on the army
armeijaa vastaan tehdyistä hyökkäyksistä .
Standing staring appalled at the devastation she had caused, she became aware that
had not instantly attacked her in
for their leader's ignominious defeat
johtajansa nöyryyttävän tappion .
On March 31 a parcel bomb blew up in the hands of a retired air force colonel in Madrid, in
was believed
for the arrests
pidätyksien johdosta .
On Sunday China refused to accept back from Hong Kong a group of 71 Chinese illegal immigrants, saying
was in
for allowing Mr Yang, a pro-democracy activist, to leave for asylum in the US
siitä, että herra Yang, demokratia-aktivisti, sai turvapaikan Yhdysvalloista .
Stark and Kellerman ran towards the house, keeping low, as anxious about Farrell's erratic covering fire as they were about
Gulf oil states discuss
energy tax
energiaveron johdosta
yesterday began suspending ambulance staff in
to the unions' work-to-rule tactics
ammattiliittojen hidastuslakkotaktiikan vuoksi .
Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, primarily Qatar
Saudi-Arabia ja muut Persianlahden valtiot, etenkin Qatar , expelled Palestinians in
for the PLO's support for Iraq
PLO:n Irakille osoittamasta tuesta .
A Roman Catholic taxi driver was shot and badly injured on Nov. 13 by loyalist paramilitaries apparently in
for the IRA murders
IRA:n murhista .
said: `Why did you come here, for that matter?
He had known of the death of Oleg Demyonov, he had been told of the
, he had been informed of the visit by the Consul to Lefortovo gaol.
The alternative
by missiles aimed at the enemy's cities, which will stay put
ohjuksilla, jotka on suunnattu vihollisen kaupunkeihin, jotka pysyvät paikoillaan .
It is doubtful that any other army could have coped without resorting to
kostoiskuihin .
Nevertheless, none of the superpowers have been willing to say that they would not actually use these weapons in a second nuclear strike, on the grounds that for the deterrent to be credible the other side has to be convinced that a first nuclear strike would result in
`Do I detect a desire for
, sweet Gina?
The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line, to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on, and to promise painful
for the wrongdoers
väärintekijöille .
Thomas's superficial injuries could be seen as “
rangaistuksena for an adulterer cheating with someone else's wife
avionrikkojalle, joka pettää jonkun toisen vaimon kanssa ”, he added.
The journalists' satisfaction at
on a man who sneered at Britain in her finest hour
miehelle, joka halveksi Britanniaa kunnian hetkellä now sounds like delusive and individual rant.
If the first were correct, surely a house full of children and servants would have heard poor William's pleas and, even if they had been too frightened of
his mother's
hänen äitinsä to release him, surely they would have passed him food.
And in the true spirit of Jacobean tragedy -- supplanted in this production by that of the Hollywood mafia gangster mode, he seeks
This action, compounded by John's previous assistance in conveying silver from Cambridge University to the King,
Tämä toimi, jota pahensi Johnin aiempi avustaminen hopean välittämisessä Cambridgen yliopistosta kuninkaalle, received
by Constantius
Constantiuksen is recorded by Ammianus.
Such acts of
, however brutal, were easily surpassed by the collective cruelty of the dictatorship's official repressive machinery.
These losses, politically damaging, and bad for morale (they were seen in Louis the Pious's entourage as
rangaistuksena on former rebels
entisille kapinallisille ), weakened Lothar's resistance to his father's pressure.
It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not
the one from whom
se, jolle had wanted to exact
for injuring Pam
Pamin vahingoittamisen -- because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy, Angel One.
`One day, ``said Jim calmly, `
shall turn like the proverbial worm and take a
hirvittävällä tavalla upon you, Omally,
sinulle, Omally, for all the blows you have administered to my dear head
kaikista iskuista, joita olet antanut pääkullalleni .
Nicephorus' fleet
Nikeforoksen laivasto harried the accessible southern coasts in
, but made no firm gains.
An estimated 50,000 Shias attended Musawi's funeral on Feb. 17 in the southern outskirts of Beirut, vowing
against Israel
Israelia vastaan .
was partly the
oli osittain of a group of investors invited to sample the Disney rides in a pre-opening visit on Tuesday
sijoittajien joukolta, joka oli kutsuttu testaamaan Disneyn huvipuistolaitteita tiistaina ennen avajaisia .
She claimed that, `in a culture whose already classical dilemma is the hypertrophy of the intellect at the expense of energy and sensual capability,
Peru fears
of Blackburn vampire
Blackburnin vampyyrin
What we didn't know for a long time was that
on his parents
vanhemmilleen .
for causing me so much trouble
siitä, että aiheutit minulle niin paljon ongelmia ! ``she cried angrily.
However, he played down speculation that the Government would seek
for alleged anti-Tory bias in BBC coverage of the election.
However, Bernard had filled the bottles with supermarket plonk, considering this
for having been told by the same neighbour that his new perfume was `rather bourgeois ``
siitä, että sama naapuri oli kutsunut hänen uutta parfyymiaan "melko porvarilliseksi" .
He permitted himself a few seconds to savour
, before delivering the coup de grace with a heti'i power-kick, which would snap Grant's neck like a dried stick.
lay on the bed, kicking the wall, sniffed a bit, swore
on Sylvester who, he was convinced, had put all this into action
Sylvesterille ollen vakuuttunut siitä, että hän oli saanut tämän kaiken aikaan , and eventually pulled the blanket over him.
To extract confessions or exact
may use beatings, electric shocks, crushing with heavy rollers, burning and sexual mutilation against their prisoners.
I was satisfied that the Luciferi had killed her and
was determined, in my own cowardly way, to exact
once I was in France.
This showed a lot of foresight, but unfortunately for Eddie Carbone,
did exact
-- arguably in self defence however.
It was a great way to get
for various slights, lost jobs, bad reviews or even undeserved success
erilaisista loukkauksista, menetetyistä töistä, huonoista arvosteluista tai jopa ansaitsemattomasta menestyksestä .
John Sandiford
John Sandiford was trying to get
by making the QC -- now a judge -- late for a case
saamalla QC:n – joka nyt oli tuomari – myöhästymään oikeuskäsittelystä .
A short while later
Hieman myöhemmin had
won't stay here to have
, to see his surprise when I drop the mask.
Two years later
Kaksi vuotta myöhemmin had
when he had the earl beheaded
mestauttamalla jaarlin .
The statement claimed that
was in
for the assassination of Musawi
Musawin salamurhasta .
Bitterly resigned to the betrothal,
took a
Many of my hon. Friends
Monet arvon ystävistäni will take
for making that remark
tämän sanomisesta , because the Whips hijack hon. Members into taking part in, and thereby lengthening, long and tedious debates.
I thought at the beginning that you were working with him, that
for Eddie's death
Eddien kuolemasta .
Mr Nibbs tempers the Nail's desire for
against the King
kuninkaalle , insisting that the King be treated justly -- taken down a peg or two without injury.
Ealdorman Torhtmund, a loyal servant of
slew Ealdred in
for his lord
herransa puolesta in 799, was warmly recommended by Alcuin to Charlemagne in 801 when he visited the Frankish court.
My God,
would have
Even so, she would have
Which is why he shot Moma Parsheen, in sheer rejection of
Her desire was never to see or speak to Ellen again but of course she could not allow herself such a
had meted out
to his chief enemy, Grant,
päävihollistaan Grantia vastaan so any further attack upon mere pawns would be unnecessary, therefore illogical.
In his heart the boy Jaq vowed
against daemons and against psykers who were conduits for daemons for stealing his parents from him and bestowing upon him the honour of being raised by missionaries.
on all who dwelt there
kaikille, jotka asuivat siellä , he summoned every ounce of his demonic power, and …
However, his furious return in Act IV, demanding
for the murder of his father Polonius
isänsä Poloniuksen murhasta , begins to tie in with Hamlet himself.
Believing their leader on the verge of death and the
about to descend upon them, his discouraged followers took up their leader's body and fled the shrine, leaving the best and the noblest of the Elf princes dead within.
His last message read: `There are many who believe
Yet, whilst the Burmese retain a grudging respect for the British,
exact a characteristic
upon the sanctified edifice of their former masters
heidän entisten isäntiensä pyhitettyä rakennusta vastaan .
The Turks took advantage of the situation to reoccupy Serbia and
exacted a
on the helpless Serbs
avuttomia serbejä vastaan .
After all,
had taken
on her behalf as well as mine
niin hänen kuin omasta puolestani .
Did you not tell me that all the surviving females of the family have fled there, to take refuge from
He found them at Neath Abbey, and the king was taken to Renilworth Castle while
Isabella and Mortimer
Isabella ja Mortimer proceeded to wreak
on his supporters
hänen kannattajiaan vastaan .
The Hawiye clan, which dominates the rebel group currently threatening Mr Barre,
Hawiye-klaanin, joka hallitsee herra Barrea tällä hetkellä uhkaavaa kapinallisryhmää is not thought
Many cemeteries have almost been destroyed, either through neglect or by attacks by
or greedy
after the war, looking for gold said to have been left behind by Jews and expelled Sudeten Germans.
The last he saw was a gloat in his sibling's eyes, and a final, spiteful,
lunge in his direction
hyökkäys hänen suuntaansa before he was taken away.
Fred understood Sukie's
, and most people could have guessed it if they had cared to, which they didn't.
Perhaps you still think
towards a dead scholar who can't answer for herself
kuollutta tutkijaa kohtaan, joka ei voi vastata omasta puolestaan .
Could she have known that you would even listen to her, that you would be King and statesman before you allowed yourself to be the
On the other hand, his wound went so deep and he was such a
that he had wanted his wounder dead.