A study by Wing and Brown (1970) suggested that
people with schizophrenia
skitsofreniasta kärsivät ihmiset were likely
to understimulation
liian vähäisiin virikkeisiin by withdrawal and regression
vetäytymällä ja taantumalla .
The congress, in the town of Komrat
Komratin kaupungissa kongressi ,
to a decision by the Moldavian Supreme Soviet on July 27 to reject proposals to create within Moldavia an autonomous Gagauz republic or region
27. heinäkuuta Moldovan ylimmän neuvoston päätökseen, joka hylkäsi ehdotukset muodostaa Moldovan sisälle autonominen Gagauzin tasavalta tai alue .
If anyone had been crying for help,
The inspectors
Tarkastajat with orders for sluicing and cleansing and ventilating
määräyksillä, jotka koskevat huuhtelua, puhdistusta ja tuuletusta .
The Prime Minister
Pääministeri , however,
with the instinctive nationalist belligerence that came most naturally to her
vaistonvaraisella nationalistisella hyökkäävyydellä, joka oli hänelle kaikkein luontaisinta .
The Turkish government
Turkin hallitus with indignation
närkästyneenä to the German move
Saksan toimenpiteeseen ,
repeating previous allegations that Germany supported the PKK at a political level
toistamalla aiemmat väitteensä siitä, että Saksa tuki PKK:ta poliittisella tasolla .
British pacifists
Brittiläiset pasifistit to the Russian Revolution
Venäjän vallankumoukseen .
But Ken Threlfall, general manager of the county ambulance service, said a duty on-call system, which involves
, was in operation on December 22 when the accident took place.
An assertive person
Itsevarma henkilö evaluates a situation, decides how to act, and
without undue anxiety or guilt
ilman kohtuutonta huolta tai syyllisyyttä .
He punched a volley which almost drove Chang into the court surrounds, yet
the American
yhdysvaltalainen not only reached it but
at full stretch
kaikin voimin with a perfect lob
täydellisellä koholyönnillä ; quick-witted as well as fleet-footed play.
After the fighting had spilled over into Thailand
Kun taistelut olivat levinneet Thaimaahan, ,
with helicopter and fighter-bomber attacks against Khun Sa's soldiers
helikopteri- ja hävittäjäpommittajaiskuilla Khun Sa'n sotilaita vastaan .
The East German regime
Itä-Saksan hallitus with difficulty
hankalasti to these pressures
näihin paineisiin .
with help for Romanian flood victims, and a warm welcome when Mr Ceausescu went to Beijing in mid-1971
tarjoamalla apua Romanian tulvien uhreille, ja herra Ceausescu sai lämpimän vastaanoton, kun hän vieraili Pekingissä vuoden 1971 puolivälissä .
with a formal declaration of war
virallisella sodanjulistuksella .
Animals and plants
Eläimet ja kasvit to these changes
näihin muutoksiin through a process known as photoperiodism
prosessilla, jota kutsutaan valojaksoisuudeksi .
The celebration of this World Communications Day underlines the need for
to the many unprecedented changes brought about by the communications media and their effects on modern living
moniin viestintävälineiden aiheuttamiin ennenkuulumattomiin muutoksiin ja siihen, kuinka ne vaikuttavat nykyajan elämään .
This helps
ymmärtäväisesti to their clients' suggestions
asiakkaidensa ehdotuksiin and to furnish a diagnosis and accusation of guilt which is highly acceptable to the victim.
needs to listen to the public and
sen mukaisesti .
by stating that he will grant both applications to allow that small number of people to be retained in my constituency
toteamalla, että hän hyväksyy molempien hakemusten sallivan, että pieni joukko ihmisiä säilyy minun vaalipiirissäni ?
The intrinsic relationship between the local sector and its communities,
flexibility and ability
to encompass new needs
uusiin tarpeisiin , makes the sector even more vital in times of recession.
to my friendly greeting
ystävälliseen tervehdykseeni .
Each pupil
Kunkin oppilaan then has
to each statement
jokaiseen väitteeseen by saying whether they strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree
sanomalla, ovatko he vahvasti samaa mieltä, samaa mieltä, eivät samaa tai eri mieltä, eri mieltä tai vahvasti eri mieltä .
At the John Radcliffe Hospital, Professor Andrew McMichael's looking at how
with anti-aircraft fire and ground-to-air missiles
ilmatorjuntatulella ja maasta ilmaan -ohjuksilla .
quite vigorously
varsin voimakkaasti when medium and high spatial frequency stimuli are used
käytettäessä keskialueen tai korkeiden spatiaalisten taajuuksien ärsykkeitä , but are less responsive when low spatial frequency stimuli are employed.
The Israel government
Israelin hallitus by imposing strict curfews on restless areas
määrämällä ankarat ulkonaliikkumiskiellot rauhattomille alueille .
on Feb. 3
helmikuun 3. päivänä by banning the recruitment of Thai workers
kieltämällä thaityöläisten rekrytoinnin .
The rebel legislators
Kapinallisten lainsäätäjät made no
Although a summit appears a distant possibility,
reluctance to make a
suggests it does not want to engage in a war of words with China.
, however, gave a
to the proposed scheme
ehdotettuun suunnitelmaan , arguing that the Hong Kong-dollar bond market was not yet ready to provide the financial infrastructure needed to make Sir Donald's proposal feasible.
The United States on Wednesday announced
would provide dlrs 10 million in
Senior Western officials were gathering this weekend in Paris to discuss the rapid deployment force and formulate a
to the Bosnian crisis
Bosnian kriisiin .
The economic reports received a
on Wall Street.
They elicited an
by injecting a piece of the cancer cell into a healthy volunteer.
``That would not be a smart move, Fallon said, as it would invite
from planes with weapons designed to take out those radars
lentokoneilta, joiden aseet on suunniteltu sellaisten tutkien tuhoamiseen .
Hope for a
in the bond market
arvopaperimarkkinoiden to the expected rate action
odotettuun kurssimuutokseen inspired a dollar rally Monday.
Defense Minister Charles Million, in an interview with France Info radio, said France awaited a
from its allies
liittolaisiltaan ``in the next 48 hours.
``NATO and United Nations military commanders have judged
asianmukaisena to the demands by the United Nations
Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien vaatimuksiin , the statement said.
Differences over
to the uprising
kansannousuun almost caused Clinton to reject Yeltsin's invitation to Moscow for the 50th anniversary of the Allies' victory over Germany in World War II and summit talks.
The officer said
the four Palestinian plainclothes police in the convoy
neljä kuljetussaattueen palestiinalaista siviilipoliisia fired in the air in
to the ambush
väijytykseen and then rushed to the Israelis to administer first aid.
There was no
to Zedillo's new effort at reconciliation
Zedillon uuteen sovintoehdotukseen .
The statement said
was made in
to continued Serb aggression
jatkuneisiin serbien vihamielisyyksiin after Thursday's strike
torstain iskun jälkeen .
were alleged to be in
to actions of the pro-independence Free Papua Movement and protests against the expansion of the Freeport mine
itsenäisyyttä puolustavan Papuan vapautusliikkeen toimiin ja mielenosoituksiin, jotka vastustavat Freeportin kaivoksen laajennusta .
The agency, monitored in Nicosia, said
was in
to an appeal by Romanian President Ion Iliescu
Romanian presidentin Ion Iliescun pyyntöön .
Its president, Dr Milton Lum, said the
of the ambulance
ambulanssin would help reduce injury and prevent deaths.
Cem said ``the
to this initiative
aloitteeseen will display and prove the good will of the both countries in the eyes of the international community.
of many parents
Monien vanhempien is
to prepare their kids for the worst
varustaa lapsensa pahimman varalta : the sale of bullet-proof jackets and schoolbags has sharply increased.
of the young people
nuorten ihmisten to the scorched-earth tactics of the militants
militanttien poltetun maan taktiikkaan , he said.
An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said chief U.S. negotiator Richard Holbrooke, an assistant secretary of state, is advocating a
against the Serbs
serbejä vastaan .
It said that ``
is capable of making an
at the appropriate time
oikeaan aikaan .
Law said the decision to allow private candidates to apply was because
towards the fund
rahaston herättämä was very poor.
The caller, echoing many past IRA statements, blamed all the injuries on a
Thursday's leaflet marked the first
to the agreement
sopimukseen since it was initialed on Sunday.
Already it has scheduled a meeting to study
the government's
hallituksen to the weather crisis
sääkriisiin .
A currency trader at Credit Lyonnais said that the absence of a
to the renewed weakness of the dollar
dollarin uuteen heikentymiseen was worrying market participants.
``The provocative action of one side have produced a
from the other
toisen osapuolen and because of that the flames of war in the Balkans have been fanned even more, Lavrov said.
There was no
from Indian officials
Intian viranomaiset to Ayala-Lasso's remarks
Ayala-Lasson kommentteihin .
from federal authorities
liittovaltion viranomaiset , and negotiations to free the hostages have been conducted by Dagestani officials.
We want to get
for these new service
näihin uusiin palveluihin , before laying further business plan, he added.
At present,
for local holiday packages
paikallisiin lomapaketteihin has often met with lukewarm response, forcing tour agencies to concentrate on foreign holidaymakers.
on both days
Molempien päivien appeared to signal a new Israeli strategy to confront escalating guerrilla attacks by Hezbollah.
Looking at the
, Wilson believed that the staff would return to spend some time with the children.
From school to university level students often choose subjects to study and options within a subject on the basis of
their own (or other people's)
he itse (tai muut ihmiset) emotional
emotionaalisesti .
in a class test were compared with responses to the same items presented in an interview: many were found to differ.
In the intestine Oe. columbianum L4 migrate deep into the mucosa, provoking an
with the formation of nodules which are visible to the naked eye.
Ceramics are valuable clinical materials because they invoke
either a neutral or positive biological
joko neutraalin tai positiivisen biologisen .