TransFrameNet:Relative time
- Pickett,who was shot in the knee by the Secret Servicejota salainen palvelu ampui polveenaftersen jälkeen,allegedly firing two shots outside the White Housekun hän oli väitetysti ampunut kaksi laukausta Valkoisen talon ulkopuolella, used crutches to walk into the court.
- He tends to mentionantecedentedeltäväteventstapahtumatafter subsequent ones, and causes after effects.
- The secondantecedentedeltäväeventtapahtuma, quarrelling with another person, often follows closely on a feeling of disappointment and personal failure.
- In its most basic sense, determinism is only committed to the view that behaviour is the outcome ofantecedentaiempiencausessyiden.
- The whole doctrine is based on the recognition of the regularity and uniformity pervading the created universe, and on the assumption that man hasan innate sense of beautysisäsyntyinen kauneuden taju, jokaantecedentedeltääto custom or educationtottumuksia ja koulutusta.
- I edged around the puddles in the garden, wherebelatedmyöhäinenrainsadefell from the yew trees, and returned to my Bed and Breakfast house for a soothing sleep.
- The reduction in the ARC's subsidy is abelatedmyöhäinenacknowledgement that agricultural research is overfundedtunnustus siitä, että maataloustutkimus on ylirahoitettua(see Nature 362, 386; 1993).
- The marquis made onebelatedmyöhäisenattempt to warn heryrityksen varoittaa häntä.
- The couple have spent the past six months buying furniture for their rooms within the Godfrey Ermen Home and are considering abelatedmyöhäistähoneymoonkuherruskuukautta.
- Etosha has long been well regarded by her trainer and herbelatedmyöhäistädebut in the John Holdrish Maiden Fillies Stakesdebyyttiään John Holdrish Maiden Fillies Stakesissawas explained by a long-held aversion to starting stalls.
- Dates and September and October had proved to be difficult and beyond that, it would be a verybelatedmyöhäinenwelcometervetulotoivotus.
- After such stumbles, Grumman is understandably thrilled by abelatedmyöhäinenand unambiguoustriumphriemuvoitto: the success of JSTARS.
- Perhaps, in retrospect, I was over-kind in interpreting the offensive `Bengali In Platforms ``as abelatedmyöhästyneenä käsittelynäworking through of petty teenage bigotrypikkumaisen teinikiihkoilun.
- I<empty>wasOlintwo hourskaksi tuntiatooliianearlyaikaisinfor dinnerpäivälliselläand so spent the interval in a cloud of steam with my wet clothes draped around the fire.
- I<empty>wasOlinearlyetuajassafor supperpäivälliselläthat night and on edge until I heard, `Nurse Dungarvan to Marcus Ward as special nurse for tonight.
- MüllerMüllerwasolia littlehiemanearlyetuajassafor the rendezvoustapaamisesta.
- Eighteen months ago I tookearlyvarhais-retirementeläkkeelle.
- The deep recession thatsyvä lamafollowedTätä seuraavashows how painful true perestroika can be.
- He urged them to back the Brady plan, pointing tothe socio-political unrest thatyhteiskunnallisiin ja poliittisiin levottomuuksiin, joitamightvoisifollowseuratathe failure to provide economic support for strategically important developing countriessiitä, että taloudellisen tuen tarjoaminen strategisesti tärkeille kehittyville maille epäonnistuisi.
- The appealVetoomusfollowedseurasia meeting to discuss the case of 11-year-old Gemma left alone in a flat in Hammersmith, west Londonkokousta, jossa keskusteltiin 11-vuotiaan Gemman tapauksesta. Hänet oli jätetty yksin kerrostaloasuntoon Länsi-Lontoon Hammersmithiin..
- The Pact would provide forthe withdrawal of Soviet forcesneuvostojoukkojen vetäytymisenfollowingjälkeenthe formation of a coalition government in KabulKablun koalitiohallituksen muodostamisen.
- This controversyTätä kiistaawas<empty>immediatelyvälittömästifollowedseurasiby anothertoinen.
- The hissSihinääwas<empty>followedseurasiby a roarpauhuas a sudden burst of wind hit them, hurling Seawitch forward like a blow from a giant fist.
- The relative stability in the north thatPohjoisen suhteellinen vakaus, jokafollowedseurasiBarbarossa's defeatBarbarossan tappiota,set the stage for the next step in the rise of the city states.
- They started with a Blessing thenTeateellä,followedjota seurasivatby the chairman's remarkspuheenjohtajan huomautukset.
- TI's Sparc marketing manager Phil Campbell said the first few lots of the reconstructed chip will be coming off the line in December withvolumessuuremmat volyymitfollowingtämän jälkeensometime during the first quarter.
- The Treasury now expectsa fall of 1% in non-oil GDP in 19921 % laskua muussa kuin öljyyn liittyvässä bruttokansantuotteessa vuonna 1992,followedmitä seuraaby growth of 1% in 19931 % kasvu vuonna 1993: the average GDP growth in 1993 forecast by independents is 1 1 / 2 %.
- Not all of the recipients of honours were backbenchers, and over thefollowingseuraavienyearsvuosienjournalists, industrialists and bankers sympathetic to the cause were handed decorations of one kind or another.
- I asked the couple, during thefollowingseuraavanweekviikon, to write down separately what each would expect of marriage.
- In 1923, Labour won all four seats in West Ham, but lost Upton thefollowingseuraavanayearvuonnaas Labour members in outer London fell from fifteen to seven.
- On thefollowingseuraavanadaypäivänädoctors and medical personnel announced an indefinite strike, which was promptly declared illegal.
- One worker recalls thefollowingtätä seuraavanepisodeepisodin.
- Our afternoon lessons began at a quarter-to-two, and if the express did not run on time,Iminullaran the risk ofbeing<empty>latemyöhästyäfor roll callnimenhuudosta.
- I suppose it'sontooliianlatemyöhäistäto alter that nowmuuttaa sitä tässä vaiheessa.
- So, I made a promise to myself thatI<empty>'d never beetten koskaanlatemyöhästyisiwith any deadlinesmistään takarajoista.
- AndMr Gorbachevherra Gorbatšovwasolifar tooaivan liianlatemyöhässäin proposing a new deal to the various republicsehdottaessaan uutta sopimusta eri tasavalloille.
- Sowe<empty>wereolimmelatemyöhäänin returningpalaamassa, and night fell when we were only half-way home.
- Butthe resultstuloksetare<empty>soniinlatemyöhässä,in arrivingsaapuvatthat they will have only a limited influence on national policies for coronary preventionettä niillä on vain rajallisesti vaikutusta kansalliseen sepelvaltimotaudin ehkäisypolitiikkaan.
- I<empty>'mOlenlatemyöhässäwith getting back homepalamassa kotiinas it is.
- We<empty>'re goingto be<empty>lateMyöhästymme.
- Either wayIminunwasoli pitänytlongjooverduepitkäänto call on themkäydä tapaamassa heitä.
- SheHänis alreadyon josix dayskuusi päivääoverdueylibeyond the expected date of birthlasketun ajan, which was 6 October 1992, and she has now refused, on religious grounds, to submit herself to a Caesarean section operation.
- I supposeI<empty>wasolinoverduemyöhässäfor a movemuutosta.
- HeHänwasei ollutlongpitkäänoverdueaikaanfor a shaveajanut partaansa, and the combination of the dark stubble, the tousled hair from the theatre cap and the warm smell of leather was a potent combination.
- The microcomputer will print out reminders forall items whichkaikista nimikkeistä, jotkaareovatoverduemyöhässäon a particular date and the reminders can be sent to pupils via the form or year tutor.
- Earliertwo climberskaksi kiipeilijää, reportedoverdueolevan myöhässäon Ben Nevis, were found safe after losing their way and having to spend the night on a ledge at 4,000 ft.
- `A shipLaiva'sonoverduemyöhässäwith one of my men on board.
- Fulham were ordered to pay theoverduemyöhästymis-summaksu, amounting to £20 4s 5d, plus three guineas expenses, and Leeds were reprimanded for not taking money at the gates.
- Vet prize money is alongreilustioverduemyöhässä olevadevelopmentkehitysaskel, likely to add a new measure of excitement to the sharp end of the field.
- ThelongReilustioverduemyöhässä olevatgovernment guidelines on restraint in children's homeshallituksen suositukset kurinpidosta lastenkodeissamay have to be re-drafted.
- `Nothing butoverduemyöhässä oleviabookskirjojaand kids fooling around.
- There's no doubt the timber framed house is making alongreilustioverduemyöhässä olevancomebackpaluun.
- A truceAselepoisonlongreilustioverduemyöhässä.
- A smileHymyäwasoli odotettuoverduekauan, but showed no sign of coming.
- Linighan was through on his own to shoot past Flowers for a somewhatoverduemyöhäisenfirst goal of the seasonensimmäisen maalin tällä kaudella.
- Before setting off again yesterday, he said: `We<empty>areOlemmenine daysyhdeksän päivääoverduemyöhässäbut it's not a big problem.
- There is a feeling, especially among parliamentary critics of the Socialist government, thatthe PradoPradoais being neglected, andisolioverduemyöhässäa favourpalvelus.
- HeHänwashoursuseita tuntejaoverduemyöhässäand completely exhausted.
- We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities, but it seems reasonable to assume thatspeechpuheprecedededelsiwritingkirjoitustaitoaand dialogue preceded monologue.
- Wimlas Limited was formed in October, and now awaitsan audit from the NACCB whichNACCB:n auditointia, jokawill<empty>precedeedeltääa letter of authorisation to act as an assessor for European Technical Approvalsvaltuutuskirjettä, joka antaa luvan toimia Eurooppalaisen teknisen arvioinnin asiantuntijana.
- A member who made less than 10 per cent of the average number of dealings inthe yearvuonnaimmediatelyvälittömästiprecedingedeltävänäthe general meetingyleiskokoustamay not exercise his voting right.
- The government's 1990 White Paper whichHallituksen vuoden 1990 kannanotto, jokaprecedededelsithe Criminal Justice Act 1991vuoden 1991 rikosoikeuslakia,was equally all-embracing.
- Simeon's revolt, likethe one whichmyös se, jokaprecedededelsiitsitäsixty-six years before66 vuotta aiemmin, was ruthlessly suppressed, but not before the Holy Land had once again been ravaged.
- George HolmesGeorge Holmesprecededoli edeltäjäFrancis DanbyFrancis Danbyllein the extraordinary sensitivity with which he and his more famous countrymen recorded the Bristolian landscape.
- This rally, on March 18, drew a predominantly Russian and Polish crowd of at least 30,000, anda similar exercisevastaava harjoitusprecedededelsifurther anti-independence demonstrations on March 27 and April 4uusia itsenäisyyden vastaisia mielenosoituksia 27. maaliskuuta ja 4. huhtikuuta.
- Her deathHän kuoli, however,precededennenthe publicationjulkaisuaby almost eighteen monthslähes 18 kuukautta.
- The French invasion plan of 1762 was very different fromall those thatkaikki ne, jotkahadolivatprecedededeltäneetitsitä.
- The 6.45 screeningKello 18.45 näytöstäwill be<empty>precedededeltääby a short film `Writing in the Sands ``by Amber Film ProductionsAmber Film Productionsin lyhytelokuva "Kirjoitus hiekassa".
- The firingIrtisanomistais bothprecedededeltääand followedby blatant cronyismräikeä tuttavien suosiminen.
- The declaration of intent whichAiesopimus, jokaprecedesedeltääthese vowsnäitä lupauksia,implies a similar level of commitment and flexibility.
- It involvesan arduous ten kilometre runuuvuttava kymmenen kilometrin juoksu, jokaprecedededeltääby a long assault coursepitkä taistelurata, against the clock, finishing with a shoot on the firing range.
- However, problems stemming from its lack of use in theprecedingedellisenäyearvuonnabecame apparent later.
- The longer theprecedingedeltäväREM sleep periodREM-unijaksobefore the awakening, the larger the number of words the subjects tended to use.
- When participant M speaks again near the end, she does not return to her `holiday ``or `Old Aberdeen, but makes her contribution relate closely to L's immediatelyprecedingtätä edeltäviinremarkshuomautuksiin.
- This explanation is consistent with the finding that monitoring latencies were considerably slower in the two conditions whereprecedingedeltävätwordssanatwere of considerably less help in predicting target words.
- Inthe dayspäivinäprecedingedeltävinäthe ceremonyseremoniaaShinto and military targets had been bombed or attacked with homemade rockets, resulting in the death of a policeman on Nov. 2.
- Valentinian's immediate successor, Petronius Maximus, was killed inthe commotionlevottomuuksissa, jotkaprecedingedelsivätthe Vandal sack of Rome in 455Rooman hävitystä vandaalien toimesta vuonna 455.
- The pre-head is composed of all the unstressed syllables ina tone-unitäänneyksikössä,precedingjoka edelttääthe first stressed syllableensimmäistä painollista tavua.
- In the first placethe setting up of machinery for examination and selectiontentti- ja valintakoneiston valmistelupredatesedeltääthe creation of means to plan and develop curriculumniitä keinoja, joilla suunnitellaan ja kehitetään opinto-ohjelmaa.
- Only the older donsVain vanhemmat lehtoritpredatedolivatBorisBorista edeltävältä ajalta.
- Many of the differences identifiedMonet tunnistetuista eroistapredateovat varhaisempiathe emergence of any specific schizophrenic symptomskuin minkään erityisten skitsofreenisten oireiden puhkeaminen.
- A single browser, the limpet Patinigera polaris, lived mainly below low-tide mark but emerged to scour the whole zone;those close to sea levelniitä, jotka olivat lähellä merenpintaawere<empty>predatededelsiby dominican gulls Larus dominicanusetelänselkälokki Larus dominicanus.
- The asylumsMielisairaaloitahad of courseoli tietystilongjo paljon ennen aikaa,predatedollutthe bifurcation of health and welfare in the centralized systemjolloin terveydenhuolto ja sosiaalityö eriytyivät keskitetyssä järjestelmässä.
- Becausethese cyclesnämä syklitpredateovatby centuriesvuosisatoja vanhempiathe era of realismkuin realismin aikakausi, Barth has managed to side-step the issue of narrative truth and retain some notion of the marvellous.
- Mr Baker said it would be `exceedingly difficult ``for Mr Gorbachev to revitalise the Soviet economy but itwasoliprematureliian aikaistato predict failureennustaa epäonnistumista.
- `I think itisona littlehiemanprematureennenaikaistaat this stageto be dreaming of a green Christmasuneksia mustasta joulusta, ``Mr Gould added.
- He said there was a great deal of consultation and investigation to be undertaken andthe bus managerslinja-autopäällikötwere being<empty>prematureennenaikaisestiin their reactionreagoivat.
- But even Med-type, non-sensitive skins need sun-protection againstprematureennenaikaistaageingvanhentumista.
- But the gain hardly offset theprematureennenaikaisestirevelation to the Germans of this promising new weapontämän lupaavan uuden aseen paljastumista saksalaisille.
- While the outbreak directed media attention to pollution in the North Sea,ascribing the guilt to pollutionsaasteiden syyttäminenwasoliprematureennenaikaista.
- The demandKysyntäwasoliprematureennenaikaista, because it was made and served before the expiration of a month from the 31 July bill.
- I considerthe hon. Gentleman's remarkskunnioitetun herrasmiehen huomautuksiaa littlehiemanprematureennenaikaisina.
- And just exactlyhow many weekskuinka monta viikkoaprematureennen laskettua aikaaisthis babytämä vauva syntyi?
- `I had been to see him thepreviousedellisenädaypäivänä, and arranged that he come and teach me Dutch.
- Those withpreviousaiempaapiping or drumming experiencepillin- tai rumpujensoittokokemustacan join the OTC Pipes and Drums.
- According to the organisers nopreviousaiempaadancing experiencetanssikokemustais needed for the classes, which they say will also provide plenty of exercise and the opportunity to meet new friends.
- Compared with thepreviousEdelliseenweekviikkoon, there was a trebling in the rate of flu and a doubling of the rate of flu-like illness.
- PreviousEnnento my arrival in Sydneysaapumistani Sydneyyn,I was at a stage of uncertainty as to what I did and did not believeolin epävarmuudessa siitä, mitä uskoin ja mitä en.
- Fortwo yearskahden vuoden ajanpreviousedeltäneidento the warSotaaI had been painting; before that I was a school master teaching drawing and painting.
- Justpreviousennento our visit to this latter small harbourvierailuamme tähän viimeksi mainittuun pieneen satamaana well known German smuggling vessel had been coopering off the coast and local boats had been landing cases of spiritstunnettu saksalainen salakuljetusalus oli purkanut tynnyreitä avomerellä ja paikalliset veneet olivat tuoneet maihin spriilaatikoita.
- The girls came into school discussing the merits of a programme they had seen thepreviousedellisenäeveningiltana, a `religious ``programme, Meeting Point, which had been about pre-marital sex.
- PreviousAiemmatstudiestutkimuksethave tended to concentrate almost exclusively on scientists' choices between different theories or explanations since such choices were regarded as the characteristic feature of science.
- ThepreviousAiemmissathree landings attempted using the integral landing skidkolmessa laskeutumisessa yritettiin käyttää kiinteää laskeutumisjalastaresulted in three sets of broken rotors!
- Embalming would not have allowed for this and,had the person not been deadjos henkilö ei olisi ollut kuollutpriorennento the beginning of the operationtoimenpiteen alkua, he certainly would be once it was all over.
- Care must be taken to ensure thatthe animals are deadeläimet ovat kuolleitapriorennento disposalhävittämistäand it should be noted that mice 1 -- 8 days old take longer to die than adults.
- Such may be the consequence of subletting council property withoutprioraiempaaapprovalsuostumustaof the local authority, in order to live closer to college.
- `It was as much hers as it was Terry's, I suppose, but the Bank he heisted it from might think it had aprioraiempiclaimvaade.
- BeOlepunctualtäsmällisesti paikallafor meetingskokouksissa.
- In which caseshehänmight just as well bevoisi yhtä hyvin ollapunctualtäsmällisesti paikallafor their mutually unwelcome assignationheidän molemminpuolisesti epämieluisassa tapaamisessaan, rather than give him cause for further sarcasm at her expense!
- The cities with their canals andpunctualtäsmällisinetramsraitiovaunuineenare among the most pleasant and orderly in the world.
- His passion for, and expertise with oddballs has made his features very popular, and he is known as a thorough andpunctualtäsmällisinäanswerer of readers ``queriesvastaajana lukijoiden kysymyksiin.
- This will at least partially ensure apunctualtäsmällisenattendancepalvelunnext time.
- The secretary of the college Georgina went to said she was a mature,punctualtäsmällinenyoung girlnuori tyttö.
- DrewDrewistäbecametulilessepä-punctualtäsmällisempi, he muffed his lines, and was often replaced by an understudy.
- `Thanks forbeingoletsoniinpunctualtäsmällinen.
- `Of all the people who have ever worked in the centre,shehänis moston kaikkeinpunctualtäsmällisinand very reliable.
- He ensures thatdeliveriestoimituksetareovatpunctualtäsmällisiäand accounts paid on time.
- Ancient and well-established episcopal churches tended to stabilizesubsequentmyöhempääurban developmentkaupunkirakentamista.
- SubsequentMyöhempieconomic development in these newly independent nationstaloudellinen kehitys näissä vasta itsenäistyneissä maissawas assisted by the overall growth of world trade and investment.
- SubsequentMyöhemmäteventstapahtumatbore out my impression.
- Kidder, Peabody recorded 125 acquisitions of small private garbage firms in America in 1985, twice as many insubsequentseuraavinayearsvuosina.
- The cDNAs which encoded octamer DNA binding proteins were identified by in vitro transcription of the cDNA inserts andsubsequenttätä seuraavanain vitro translation followed by EMSA as described in [17]in vitro -käännöksenä, jota seurasi EMSA, kuten kuvataan kohdassa [17].
- The Scottish Law Commission, for instance, criticised the previous test as being ``a judicial dispensing power exercised possibly in the light ofunforeseeable eventsennalta arvaamattomien tapahtumien jotkasubsequentseuraavatin dateto the contractsopimusta.
- `The Character of Completeness, and yoursubsequentsitä seuraavabookkirjasiwith us, have both been bought by a firm in the States which sells textbooks to Harvard University.
- Quaker creditors showed great tolerance tothose whoniille, jotkawere<empty>tardymyöhässäin paying their billsmaksoivat laskunsa.
- YorkshireYorkshiremay have beenon voinut toimiaslightlyhiemantardyhitaastiin not monitoring his schoolboy progressjättäessään valvomatta hänen edistyksensä koulupoikana.
- Peter Brock and Andy Rouse fought back to fourth place, following an incorrect tyre choice andtardyhidastavienpit stopsvarikkokäyntienearly on in the race.
- Its policies, domestic and foreign -- not least itstardymyöhäinenentry into the European Community in January 1973liittyminen Euroopan yhteisöön tammikuussa 1973-- have been largely a belated reaction to the original achievements of others.
- The ECSC and EDC, it was believed, would finally consign the shibboleths of nationalism to atardymyöhäiseengravehautaan.
- Do please forgive thisveryhyvintardymyöhäinenreplyvastaus.
- It was some moments before it occurred to any of them that it might well be Chris or thetardymyöhässä olevaboy from the bistropoika bistrosta, harmlessly appealing for admission to his promised evening of jollity and sustenance.
- It's an excrescence, a monstrosity, sometardymyöhäinenaddition to the agendalisäys agendaan.
- The moves to help smaller firms were a `somewhattardymyöhäinenrecognition of the contribution small business makestunnustus pienyritysten panokselle``, Richard Brown, director of policy, claimed.
- So much has been written in recent years about Ralph Sarich's Orbital two-stroke engine thatour award for technical innovationpalkintomme teknisestä innovaatiostamight appearvoi vaikuttaasomewhathiemantardymyöhäiseltä.
- `You<empty>areTulettetardymyöhässä, madam.